
Tournament of Women part 1

Orion walked into the mansion to see Chichi and Lazuli (Android 18) talking in the couch. They saw him and smiled as he approached them.

Orion: "Hello ladies, what's up?"

Chichi: "Hi, Orion. Me and Lazuli were just talking

Lazuli: "Hey Orion, just talking about Goki's idea."

Orion: "Goki's idea?.....what idea?"

Lazuli: "Basically she wants to have a Tournament and then a feast afterwards. She says that she doesn't really like crowds that much and that she would prefer staying and seeing who is the best fighter instead of taking us somewhere."

Chichi: "Surprisingly Vegeta and Brolia agreed with her almost instantly. Martha said that she would go out sometimes but the idea of another Tournament seemed kinda fun. Gine just agreed that she wanted another Tournament since she didn't win the last time."

Orion: "Oh?....What do you guys think?"

Chichi: "Well honestly it sounds fun but I know that I'm not gonna win against Super Saiyans. I might be strong by earth standards and even by universal standards, but I would still lose against them."

She wasn't wrong, but Orion did turn her into a supreme human which made her power skyrocket to the millions range.

Orion: "Yea I would definitely watch, I wanna see how far you guys have managed to go. Even though you may not be stronger than the others, you still show a lot of potential."

Chichi "Well, I have been training a lot recently but we gotta make a key rule in the tournament."

Orion: "What key rule?"

Chichi: "Super saiyan isn't allowed unless it's between two saiyans."

Orion: "Ok ,we can do it now.... just let me call the others."

After using instant transmission to teleport everyone to the same spot he told them about the tournament. They actually found the idea interesting since they never had a tournament for themselves before. Orion wrote down all their names on pieces of paper and put them in a box, he then shook it around for a couple seconds before taking them out one by one. He put them in groups of two and opened them to see who would fight. The matches were:

1. Martha vs Goki

2. Lazuli vs Gine

3. Vegeta vs Brolia

4. Chichi vs Bulma

Orion: "Well it looks like Martha and Goki are up first. We are gonna use the training grounds for this since it's not only big but it also repairs itself overtime so we don't have to worry about damage."

Everyone nodded as they flew off to the training grounds. It took about 20 seconds of flying to arrive at the training grounds where everyone besides Goki and Martha landed on a platform to watch the battle. As Martha and Goki arrived on the field, they both got into their fighting stance as they looked on each other with a smirk.

Martha: "Let's see how far you've come Kakarotta."

Goki: "Well I don't plan on losing so bring it on Martha."

They smirked as they flew towards each other. As their fists clashed, a large crater formed beneath their feet. They both had no intention of slowing down as their fists clashed over and over causing the ground to shake. Goki flew backwards as she sent a Kamehameha wave towards Martha bit she dodged it as she flew towards Goki powering her own ki blast. Goki used instant transmission to teleport behind of Martha as she grabbed Martha's hand and flung her over her shoulder.

Martha quickly got her balance mid-air as she turned super saiyan as she quickly kicked Goki in her side, sending her flying backwards. Goki smirked as she too became super saiyan as they both began to have an all out battle. They were slightly matched but Martha had more experience and techniques since she was training with Orion since he was a boy. Goki was taught martial arts and was a excellent martial artist but Martha simply had the upper hand in combat. The fight ended with Martha managing to catch Goki in a tight grip. Goki tried escaping it but she couldn't break the grip, she even transformed into super saiyan 3 to break the grip but Martha simply transformed into super saiyan 3 as well and forced her to surrender.

Both women were slightly wounded but it wasn't serious as even though they were damaged, they still had a smile on their faces. They gave each other a hug then they flew back to where everyone else was watching the fight.

Vegeta: "Kakarotta! What the hell was that?"

Goki/Everyone: "Huh?"

Goki: "What did I do?"

Vegeta: "You didn't go all out and ended up losing, it's pitiful."

Martha: "Wait, you didn't go all out?"

Goki: "Well.... I did, but I didn't. Long story short, I was training with Vegeta when I was learning to control my super saiyan 4, but I haven't been able to fully transform back into it."

Orion: "How did the form look?

Goki: "It had red fur around my body and a red tail too, it had some cool red eyeliner too."

Vegeta: "It had longer hair than usual too but not as long as super saiyan 3 tho, and we kept our normal black hair."

Orion: "Oh that one, don't call it super saiyan 4, call it true super saiyan instead."

Goki: "Huh?, why?"

Orion: "Well it's a evolution of the great ape's power that comes from the tail that every saiyan has, while our normal super saiyan forms comes from the amount of S-cells that you individually possess. What you call super saiyan 4 is really a humanoid form of the great ape form that went super saiyan."

Vegeta: "Explain a bit more Orion, so why do you call it true super saiyan?"

A massive green aura then burst from around Orion pushing everybody back slightly, his muscles bulked up slightly while his eyes turned a bright green almost looking yellow, he transformed into his Ikari state. A terrifying pressure descended on everybody present as they could feel the primal energy coursing throughout the entire area. Orion then deactivated Ikari, turning back to his base form.

Orion: "This is when you compress the Ozaru form into your human forms, it has the same power of your Ozaru form but there is a massive difference in power."

Goki: "If they are the same power up then why is one more powerful?"

Orion: "Let me use a supermassive star as an example, if that supermassive star explodes then it creates a black-hole, however the black-hole is millions of times smaller, The sun that exploded and the black-hole created have the same mass but the black-hole is millions of times more compact. They have the same mass but the black-hole is so heavy that it tears through space and time because its condensed and compact and that's a similar situation to the Ozaru form and the Ikari form. The power of the Great ape becomes so condensed that even though it's the same power multiplier Ikari is far stronger, faster and more dangerous. But this can be used by a saiyan even without their tail so Ikari is technically a half saiyan form"

Martha: "Half saiyan form? Isn't that the form that brolia uses? If that's the case, then why can't we use it because I have been trying to use it ever since I saw brolia use it but I haven't been able to."

Orion: "It's much harder to get Ikari than it is to get true super saiyan aka super saiyan 4. It is easier to compress your power the bigger it is, meaning that the it takes an abnormal amount of power to compress the Great ape into your human form. True saiyan, which is the complete form of Ikari looks exactly like Ikari but it has brown fur unlike red fur from true super saiyan but it's even harder than Ikari to achieve. I can explain these forms at a different time but did ya'll forget that we have a tournament going on?"

Goki: "Oh right, I completely forgot about that, I think it was mom vs 18."

Gine: "Well let's go Lazuli."

Lazuli just nodded as they both teleported down to the ring. Gine had a broad grin while Lazuli just had a small smirk. Soon they shot towards each other with tremendous speeds and as they clashed the ground began to rip apart from the force. Lazuli began to take the offense as she began to overpower gine as gine was sent flying back by a kick from Lazuli. She crashed into the ground creating a dust cloud but she immediately jumped up and turned super saiyan.

Gine: "Not bad, that kick actually stung, I might have to take this a bit more seriously."

Gine rushed towards Lazuli and started to attack her so fast that she could barely keep up at first. Gine grabbed her by the foot and tossed her in the air as she powered up an energy ball. Lazuli caught herself as she was sailed through the air and saw the massive beam that gine was preparing. She too powered up and created a large energy attack and they both shot their attacks. The two beams clashed as at first it looked like gine had the upper hand but lazuli began to go full power which began pushing back gine's attack. As the beam was about to engulf gine, a bright burst of golden aura surged around gine as the beams exploded on impact with her. Soon al the smoke cleared to see gine in her ascended super saiyan form/ super saiyan grade 2.

Everyone watching on was very confused as to why she was using that form. They all knew that she could go ssj2, ssj3 and even true ssj so she was far above this level but they could only look on at the fight.

Gine: "I think this form should work good enough, ssj2 would be too strong for you Lazuli and I want a fair fight, with this form I'm barely faster and stronger than before."

Lazuli: "Not using your real power in order to have a fair fight, you're Goki's mother alright."

The two rushed at each other trading blows until gine punched lazuli which caused her to be thrown back, before they could continue Orion stopped them.

Orion: "You're out lazuli, gine's punch pushed outside the border."

Lazuli: "What!, that's bullshit!"

Orion: "Well sorry, hehe."

Both females smiled at each other as they flew to where everyone was waiting for them. As they were they landed they began to talk to each other.

Lazuli: "I want a rematch soon, that win was a fluke. I didn't even remember about the border."

Gine: "Me too, I honestly forgot about it too. I want a real fight next time, only rules are no killing and no planet nukes."

Lazuli: "Sounds like a plan."

Vegeta: "I believe it's me vs brolia next."

Orion: "Yup, have fun you two."

Brolia only had a soft smile while vegeta had a wide grin. They looked at each other with a challenging look as they teleported away to the ring.

Vegeta: "Brolia, let's cut out the games, all out from the beginning because ever since Orion explained your bloodline to me I've been wanting to face a true legendary super saiyan. I've been training for this for years and I think I can handle you now."

Brolia: "Oh? is that so? Well let's both go all out then."

Brolia was then suddenly engulfed by a blinding green aura as the landscape began to tremble with an influx of power. Soon the light died down as Brolia was seen with green hair and her muscles extremely bulked up Brolia immediately entered her Legendary Ssj or Beserker Ssj or Ssj type b..... whatever you wanna call it. Vegeta looked on as she trembled, not with fear but with excitement.

A large golden sphere of energy soon engulfed Vegeta as she powered up. Her black hair became a little longer and red fur began to sprout around her arms and abs. Her tail turned red and her eyes turned blue with a black pupil. Vegeta has gone Mastered True Ssj (basically the same as mastered ssj that goku and gohan spent a year in the time chamber to achieve).

Without a second to spare, they both disappeared as they began to clash fists against each other moving faster than most of the audience could track. Soon their fight had gone airborne as neither vegeta nor brolia were easing up. Brolia was gaining more strength as the fight went on due to her Legendary Ssj bloodline but due to the raw primal power of True Ssj, vegeta was able to adapt and overcome the change in power.

They had a long fight but Brolia won due to outlasting vegeta and dealing out much more damage. Vegeta's True Ssj was more durable and tough than Lssj, but brolia was stronger overall. The fight ended with Brolia blasting vegeta into the ground where she surrendered.

Vegeta: "Damn brolia, I can't believe that you can fight a full powered Ssj4 and win. Orion was right when he said that you were a big step up in power when compared to the most elite saiyan. That bloodline that you have is extraordinary."

Brolia: "Honestly I didn't think that form would be so difficult to fight, it's tough."

They both went to where everybody was watching as Bulma and Chichi immediately went on to the battlefield. They were actually hyped up for this fight, especially bulma who designed a suit like Iron man's nano-tech suit.

The fight wasn't as long as the other fights but it was really interesting due to chichi's martial arts background and the nano-tech suit designed by bulma. Bulma ended up winning due to her suit which was built to tank a supernova.

After they returned, Orion made some shadow clones to make some food for everyone and since his cooking skill was max he could basically cast a perfect genjutsu just by tasting his cooking. After they all finished eating, Oiron decided to ask.

Orion: "So who's gonna fight next?"

Gine: "I was thinking we get some more time to train, I have to fight Brolia and I'm just barely stronger than vegeta so I need more time to train more."

Bulma: "Me too, I'm fighting Martha and even without her Ssj form she is still stronger than me so I need some time too."

Orion: "Oh? so what do you have to say about that Mom and Brolia?"

Brolia: "I don't have a problem, I have to master my Ki control since I still waste a lot of energy transforming."

Martha: "Me either, I'm looking forward to seeing what bulma can create this time."

Orion: "Ok then, so we will have the final fight in a month, that's a good enough amount of training time to me."

Martha, Brolia, Gine and Bulma all nodded as they went their separate ways while the others went to train a bit more after losing. Orion shook his head as he said.

Orion: "Ok mia transport me now."

[DING!!! Transporting Host to Naruto-verse]

A portal then appeared out of nowhere and suddenly sucked Orion into it before disappearing without a trace.


Well I've been gone for far too long, sucks but I had some shit to get through. About a million people probably wanna murder me and that's fine but I have something and might make you reconsider........ probably .

Next chapter