
Love You, Sis


I've always loved my brother, James. My name's Felicia, and he's just four years older than me but I've always treated him like some hero. I had never had a lot of friends, and when I was twelve he talked to a some of my classmates who were bullying me and got them to stop immediately. Then when I was sixteen I complained to him that some guy was hitting on me and refused to leave me alone when I told him off. In response my brother broke his nose and the guy never bothered me again.

I was really scared that my brother would get convicted for it and regretted ever telling him. Luckily he wasn't, as the guy didn't snitch and it was never brought up again, aside from when I thanked him. When I did he just hugged me tightly and told me that no-treats his little sister that way.

My parents were rarely there for us, since my mother left my dad and he sunk into alcoholism after that. My dad was always nice even after that and tried his hardest to take care of us economically but just never had the energy to spend time with us. I'd always get a sting of guilt and pain in my stomach when I saw him coming home after a long work day completely exhausted and immediately start drinking. Once when I was thirteen I asked him to stop.

"I wish I could sweetie, but I need this."

That night I cried into my brothers shoulder while he stroked my hair. I always loved hugging and snuggling with him, it made me feel safe. He had active for a long time and started working out at fifteen. He had always been a big guy, at seventeen he was over six feet tall and massive. But then he went away to college and I almost never got to see him again. Only on the summers. Then life would get less lonely and I would start feeling more safe.

But then that changed when he came back after finishing college and I was about to start it. Everything had started as normal. We had met by the bus station as per usual, and I had run up to hug him with a loud greeting while dad looked on with a tired smile. I nuzzled my face into his chest and told him how much I'd missed him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and told me the same. Then it was dads turn to hug, and although it was shorter it was still sweet.

Things returned to normal for a while as James stayed with us for quite some time until he could get a good job. He would go out with his old friends all the time, then spend the weekends with us, although most of the time dad couldn't make it. It was only two weeks into our semester when dad told us that he would be going away for a month at breakfast.

"I'm really sorry that I have to go, but now you have each other at least."

"It's fine dad, I know you do it for us."

He gave James a tired smile.

"I know I'm not perfect but I do try."

When he said that I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"I love you dad, you have nothing to be ashamed off."

That wasn't completely true but for the most part if was. He had started getting better with the drinking recently and he had done so much for me and James. And hearing that made him so happy the truth didn't matter.

Dad went away and the rest of the week went on as usual. It was on the Friday that week that it begun.

Friday morning I was up brewing coffee when my brother came walking down the stairs.

"Good morning."


That made surprised me.

"Is something wrong?"

He never sounded so... bitter. He was quiet, sure, but not angry-quiet. Calm, laid back. That voice almost made me nervous.


I glanced back at him and saw that he had rings under his eyes. Normally he was quite the morning person, just like me, but now he looked like... shit.

"If there is anything wrong, I'll listen..."

"I said there's nothing, okay?!"

His voice was full of poison and made my body jerk at his loud voice. He seemed to have noticed that.

"I-I'm sorry. I just had a bad night's sleep, that's all."

I just nodded. After a few minutes silence, with him sitting at the table with his head in his hands and me looking at him worriedly, even thought I didn't say anything. After the coffee was done I gave it to him with a 'here you go', said as sweetly as I could. Me acting cute around him seemed to always cheer him up, but this time he just gave me a faint, obviously faked smile and quick thanks before basically chugging the whole drink.

"I'm going out. I don't know when I'm getting back."

His words almost felt like a slap. Why was he like this? I was genuinely getting worried about him, because this was so unlike him. As he put on his jacket and went out I was still standing in the kitchen. After A while I decided that I was probably just overreacting. I was just to used to him being the perfect super man, and that just made me worry too much.

Sometime later that day, around 4 pm I think, I head the front door slam when James came home while I was up in my room. We didn't talk to each other any more until I was done with the dinner for the day. I had made salmon steak, his favorite, to cheer him up. I hated seeing him like that.

However, when I knocked on his door and said in a sweet voice that dinner was ready I was just met with an angry grunt.

"James, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Felicia. Just leave me alone."

"But dinners ready. Salmon, your favorite."

"I'll eat later."

"James, you're worrying m-"

I was interrupted by him swinging up the door and staring at me. When I saw him my breath was caught in my throat. His cheeks were red from crying, his hair was completely undone and he looked extremely tired.

"Felicia, it's nothing. I'll eat later."

As he said that he waved a bit in his stance, his head hanging low and hanging a bit from side to side.

"James... Are you drunk?"

He never drank. Ever. He thought it would undo all his hard work to get a good body. But here he was definitely drunk. For a moment he just opened his mouth, as if thinking about what to say, before saying:

"A little. But I'm fine Felicia, stop worrying. I don't like it when you worry."

As if to affirm that statement he rose his hand and cupped my cheek in it. He action made me draw my breath. He used to do that when I was in distress but he hadn't done it for a long time, although I guess he hadn't had a need to for a while. For a few seconds we stood like that, him leaning against the door frame, his eyes a bit groggy while he stroked my cheek with his thumb. I didn't say anything. When he finally realized what he was doing he removed his hand, both of us blushing. Then he breathed out heavily.

"Fine, come in. I'll tell you."

My heart jumped a bit, as I followed him into the room. I was nervous but if James needed me I would of course talk to him, it was the least I could do after so long. Inside his room it almost felt uncomfortable. The lights were off and the windows had their curtains pulled down leaving the room completely dark. A few bottles and cans of alcohol I couldn't identify laid on his desk and his bed.

He sat down on the bed and I sat down besides him, and waited.

"I had a girl back in college. For two years."

My eyes widened in surprise at that. I had never heard of any girlfriend and he had never shown any signs of having one.

"But she broke up with me. Told me she just didn't like me anymore."

I put a hand on his shoulder as I could see him getting more and more upset. He sighed deeply before continuing.

"Now that was fine, you know? People stop loving each other when they change, they find someone better, that's fine. What wasn't fucking fine was me finding out she had been fucking some other guy for year several months."

He turned his face to me and he looked wild and completely destroyed. It made me almost recoil.

"She's been fucking some guy behind my back Felicia! For fucking months! She's probably riding his fucking crotch right now, while I'm all a-fucking-lone."

His words had hit me like a truck and I had no idea what to say. James almost never swore and he was always so composed. This was completely alien to me. But still, I loved him and I wanted to help him. So I laid my arm around his shoulders the best I could - as I could barely reach around him - and said:

"You don't need her James. Look at me. You deserve so much more than a girl that doesn't appreciate you, okay?"

He looked me in the eyes that were now red from anger and tears but nodded along.

"And besides, you're not alone. You have me, and... I love you James."

For a moment we were silent before he mumbled to himself:

"Yeah... I have you."

What happened next is a blur. Everything leading up to that is clear as day but that itself is blurry. I remember James wrapping his arms around me as he pushed me into the bed. My shoulder hit a can lying on the bed and I winced in pain, which he didn't seem to notice as he pressed me down, one hand on my shoulder, the other sliding up and down my waist.

"Wha- AAAAH."

My words turned into a sudden shriek as he bit down into my neck, gently but firmly nibbling it. Involuntarily I pulled my legs up to my chest, rubbing them together and gripping tightly onto the sheets as I writhed under him. The sudden pain disappeared as he started kissing the nape of my neck instead and I couldn't help but let out a silent moan, before coming to my senses. I pushed my hand against his chest and recoiled away from his mouth.

"Wait, no, you can't..."

For a moment he just stared at me, with those slightly drunken eyes, before I saw his face twisting in what seemed to be anger.


After those words had hit me he wrapped his fingers around my throat and pressed and feared grabbed me. He wasn't choking me, just grabbing me, but I was still afraid of him. Afraid he would hurt me.

"Am I not good enough for you either..."

His voice had turned weak, into a sob as his fingers eased a bit. Instead he let it trace down my chest, over my perky tits that were just big enough to be a handful for him. I couldn't protest though, not after that outbreak. All I could do was hold my breath and clutch the sheets tightly as I trembled under him.

"Don't worry, you'll like it sis. I'm sure you will."

All I was wearing on my chest was a loose sitting blouse and as he took a hold of it he ripped it open like it was nothing, revealing my body to him. I gasped and he dove down, grabbing onto one of my breasts and immediately biting the nipple. Once again I writhed at the pain, pulling my body together, but he didn't stop. He kept stoking all over my body, giving every inch of me attention while rolling my nipple between his teeth. I let out a mix between a moan and a scream as he pulled at my breast with his mouth, then let it go, making it bounce around a little. Then he leaned over my throat again, while spinning his finger around my nipple.

"I love you sis."

His whisper felt so hot on my skin, then he started kissing my neck again while playing with my nipples. The attention they were receiving was so faint but definite. It was enough to make my body twitch and move on it's own but not enough to become overwhelming. Just when the sensations were about to become unbearable he stopped, and raised his head to look me in the eyes. They were still tired and drunken but he was still there. His eyes looked like the times when he had comforted her; strong, reassuring, kind. For a moment it almost made me forget about the situation, as he closed in on my lips with his own. As his mouth came closer and closer I could feel the heat of his heavy breaths on my face. I involuntarily licked her lips, as if I wanted to kiss him.

But I came to my senses just in time, turning my head to the side to avoid his attempt and again trying to push him away with her hand, although she had no chance to move his massive body.

"You're my brother... I love you, but not like this..."

For a moment he looked stunned, as if he couldn't believe I had pulled away, before his face contorted in anger and his hands grabbed on tightly to my shoulders, making me wince in pain. Then, he let go went down on my again.

"Fine. I don't need you to love me, I just need you to let me do it."

That's when I got scared for real, because that was when I realized he wasn't going to stop. He promptly started working on unbuttoning my jeans, now more angrily and hasty than before. That's also when I started struggling, kicking at him with my legs, trying to push him away while begging him to stop.

"Please... just let me go. This isn't you..."

After a few moments of fighting he grew tired and grabbed my arms before pushing them down on the bed on either side of my head. Him putting almost all of his upper-body weight on my wrists hurt but I didn't dare protest anymore. He stroked my cheek again with his thumb, and for a second he made me forget about my situation again.

"Sis, just lay back. I promise it will feel good, okay?"

He slowly let go of my other arm as he once again started unbuttoning my jeans. This time I didn't stop him, for whatever reason. I don't know why but his way of talking with that deep voice, his way of looking at me with those reassuring eyes, his way of touching me with those sensitive hands. They muted me. Soon my pants were off, leaving me completely open to him, except for the thin layer of cloth that were my panties, and soon enough he was pulling that down my slender legs as well.

"Hmmm, a bush. I guess you weren't expecting to have sex with anyone."

I was so ashamed as I lied there, completely open and vulnerable to him. He, however, felt no shame when he leaned down at took a whiff at my womanhood.

"Smells good."

I shivered and gasped when I felt his tongue run between my lips.

"Tastes good too."

As he said that he put one thumb on either side of my organ and pulled my vagina apart, then inserting his tongue into it. In response I bit down on my thumb and clenched my legs. As much as I hated to admit it, his licking felt good. As he ran his tongue up and down my quivering pussy-lips he stroked his hands up and down my thighs. He kept muttering things like how he loves me, how I'm much better than his ex, how he wants me to feel as good as he does.

That didn't last long, however. It ended with him sitting up again and leaning over me, his face just inches away from mine. I could feel the smell of my own sex on his breath, it was intoxicating. Then I felt something hard come into me. At first I thought it was his cock, before I realized it was too small. I realized it was just his finger. But that alone made me feel so full. His finger wiggled around inside me, widening me for the real entrance to come. He leaned into my ear again and whispered. Things like 'I know you like it', 'Just enjoy it' and 'I love you'. I couldn't help it when my hand rose from the bed sheets it had been clutching and held onto his hair, pushing his head into my neck. He obliged and started kissing. This felt good, his finger moving around carefully inside me, his mouth exploring my body. I was just afraid of what was to come.

That came when he pulled out his finger. He brought it to his face, then licked all my juices off of it.

"Mmmm, you taste so good."

His voice was deep and sultry, but also guttural. It sent shivers down my spine. He then pulled of his already loose-sitting t-shirt, revealing his toned body. When I saw it my breath got caught in my throat, and I couldn't help but look at it. It was then that I realized that my brother... was hot. I let go of the bed sheets with my other hand and rose it to his stomach, letting it trail along his muscles. When I looked up I saw his eyes. Blue and calm, reassuring and safe. But with a hidden and burning desire somewhere deep within, like a raging storm.

As we stared into each others eyes, not saying a word, he started unbuttoning his own pants and before long they were pulled down. I didn't look down as he grabbed his manhood and guided it. I did, however, wince a bit when I felt the big head pushing at my lips. It felt big, terrifyingly big. I nuzzled into his shoulder and wrapped both arms around his body to hold onto. He placed one hand on the bend behind us and used to other to guide himself in fully. As he entered he inch by inch I started letting out a shriek, drawn-out cry. Even after making me wet he was still big, and he was my first.

"I'm sorry, it'll get better, I promise."

He put his hand on my waist and held me steady as he pushed it in a bit more, stopped and then slowly took it out, almost the whole way, before pushing it in again slowly. Every thrust made me give out a pained yelp but he didn't seem to let that stop him as his pace slowly increased. He was pushing more and more into me as his nails dug into my waist, and I wrapped my arms around him tighter and tighter. Then he started grunting.

They were deep, almost primal, each one a sound of pure pleasure that sent shivers up my spine. As my stretched pussy started to get a bit more accommodated to him my cries lessened, until they were merely light grunts every time he finished a stroke. Then he started going a bit faster. As he started picking up speed it became harder and harder to keep my voice in as every thrust shook my body and hit me deep. That hurt. But I knew saying that wouldn't stop him or even make him slow down his pace, so I resigned to trying to be quiet.

Suddenly he sat back, making me sit on his manhood. He put both his hands on my ass, grabbed onto it hard and then let me drop down his full length. That time I couldn't stop myself from letting out a mix between a scream and a loud moan. When I was fully impaled on his cock I only reached up to his chest, so I rested my head onto that. His hard muscles were surprisingly nice to lay on as he allowed me to catch my breath for just a moment before continuing again.

Now he didn't ease me into it at all, rather raising me, then dropping me down his shaft repeatedly and along his full length. I tried to help him by lifting myself up but I couldn't gather myself as I moaned loudly into his chest. It still hurt but it had started to go away, if just a bit. I was sure his violent fucking would leave me sore.

Soon his grunting got louder and louder, until I could hear him repeatedly saying 'oh god, oh god' . It took me a while to figure it out in my haze, but I soon realized that he was about to come and he was still inside me with no protection.

"N-no. No-not inside. No-not in-siiiah"

I couldn't finish the sentence as he struck home a final time. His entire body seemed to tense as he dug his nails into my butt and let out a satisfied roar. Meanwhile my mouth was open in a silent moan as I felt something explode inside me; his cock. I felt the mushy liquid seep into me, several hot ropes of cum filling me up inside.

For a while we sat that, both of us breathing heavily, completely exhausted. How long, I don't know. Long enough for his dick to go limp and his cum to start seeping out of me. His hot body just felt so good to lie on, and when he raised his hand to my head and started scratching my head it felt amazing. After a while he put his hand under my cheek and pulled it up to look into my eyes.

He leaned down and opened his lips, and so did I. But right before we met in a kiss he whispered:

"Do you love me, sis?"

Then we kissed, as I moaned 'mmm' into his mouth. However, it didn't take long for our kiss to devolve into his tongue invading my mouth, as it spun around my tongue. And again, I couldn't help but moan.

After a while we both pulled away, a string of saliva hanging between us. His eyes that had looked so pained before now looked serene and happy. That made butterflies dance in my belly, the fact that I had made him so happy.

Maybe this could go fine.

I felt the hot water hit me like small, almost burning bullets. My brother and I had very different tastes in showers. I liked the water to be gentle and calming. He liked his showers to be hot and rough, where the droplets hit him like pellets.

I felt his hands trailing up and down my body. For a guy who liked to work out, and thrived with physical labour, his hands were not callous at all. And, for a guy who was so large and and strong, his touch was so very delicate. Not at all like our last time - the time when he had taken her virginity - , where he took me at his own pace, and not like any of the times after that when he would touch me. When we were alone he would wrap an arm around my neck, not so hard I choked, but hard enough to make his dominace unmistakeable, and then he would feel me. Slip a hand under my shirt to massage my small but firm breasts, or pinch the nipples. Each and every time I froze, and became to paralyzed to protest.

He had whispered that my breast fit perfectly in his hand, as if it had been meant to be. After the first time he felt me up, he told me to not wear a bra anymore. For some reason, I did as he told me. And, for some reason I was now in the shower with him, not wearing anything at all, feeling his soft touch in contrast with the hard wall he had pressed me against, and the hardness he was pressing against my belly.

"James, stop... We can't."

My words trailed off, my voice meek.

"You're the one who's making all the noise."

He whispered in my ear, before he bent down and pressed his teeth against the nape of my neck. I had learned to repress the noise from the few other times he had done that to me, but even so a small yelp escaped. After that, I bit my lip and my hands traveled to hold onto his shoulder for support, my nails digging into his skin. His touch always hurt. But I could never make him stop.

He wrapped his arm around the small of my back, pressing me into him, while the other grabbed onto my butt. He caressed it, spanked it, dug his nails into it, then caressed it again. All the while, his nibbling turned into his tongue tentatively trailing up and down my neck.

I felt myself give out an unwilling moan. Though I knew it was wrong, and I didn't like how rough he was at times, his more sensitive touches felt good. His tongue sent tingles all the way through my spine, down to my legs.

"Those are the sounds I love to hear."

He whispered into my ear, before punctuating his sentence by nibbling on my earlobe. Hearing his heavy breathing consumed all of my focus, and I almost didn't notice how hand on my butt let go, and how his finger traced along my hip, until it reached my front.

"Let me hear more."

He said, as his finger traveled slowly across my lower lips. His touch was faint, but I was sensitive after his constant attention the last few days, and my lower lip shook as I tried to hold back the sounds he craved.

"You want me to work for it?"

With that, his middle finger straightened, and penetrated my lips. I couldn't hold back, and a mix between a yelp and a moan escaped. It must've encourged him, because he didn't pause to let me adjust. Rather, his finger kept on invading me, penetrating me further and further. His cock had been a lot bigger than his finger, but he hadn't touched my nether region since the time we had sex, and so I was still unused to feeling something penetrate me like that.

"See, I don't understand why you protest all the time when you clearly like it."

I couldn't mount a protest, because it was so hard to think. I felt the pleasure spreading through my body, making my chest heave uncontrollably. My nails dug in deeper and deeper in an attempt to control my hands, while my legs shook. The feelings my brother was causing me to experience intensified until I felt as if I would explode, before everything culminated in my body freezing. Then a wave of relief came over me, and I slumped, holding onto my brother for support.

"I forgot how quickly girls cum when they're new to this."

He pulled out his middlefinger, inspected the juices that covered it for a moment, before tasting it.


His hand came to take a hold of my hair.

"...Like you."

He said, before he forced my mouth to his. My hands flew to his chest, trying to press away as I felt his tongue invade my mouth. He forced my own tongue to dance along with his. When I tried to push him away he pressed me harder into the wall.

I suddenly became painfully aware of his cock pressing into my belly. The large hardness that had filled me up twice before. Once when he took me, then when he filled me with his seed.


He said, distancing himself from me, though his hand stayed at the back of my head.

"It's your turn."

HE pulled down at my hair, and I followed his movement, until I was down on my knees, with his cock standing straight and rock hard before my eyes.

"You know what to do."

I did indeed understand what he wanted me to do. How to do that however, I was unsure of.

I wrapped my fingers around his length, just under the tip and peeled back. I revealed the head, and saw a few drops of precum. I heard him let out a deep breath when I did that, and I hoped for a second that perhaps this would do.

I swallowed, licked my lips to wet them and opened my mouth. His hands lingered on the back of my head, but he wasn't forcing my movement when I felt the head of his cock come between my lips. I closed my lips around the head, and swirled my tongue around it. I sucked in my cheeks and trailed my tongue along the underside of his head. I had no idea what worked and didn't work, I just did what I thought would make him finish quickly. The sounds he was making told me that I was doing something right.

I felt his fingers tighting around my hair, and his hand trying to push my mouth further along his cock. I obeyed, taking in a little bit more of him. I got a little bit scared, because he was big. I had nothing to compare him to, but a few times when he pushed his cock into my mouth I felt him poke at my throat, and he still had a lot of length for me to swallow.

This went on for god knows how long. I felt him throb a few times, and I thought he would cum, but all that seeped out was some precum. Though, the pace at which he guided my head up and down his long shaft got faster, and his moans became louder. He laid another hand on my head, and then forced my head down.

My eyes bulged as the head of his cock suddenly intruded into my throat, and past that. Strangely enough, though, the need to cough or throw up didn't come. Rather, I remained still, my nose in his pubic hair.

"Oh, you don't have a gag reflex?"

He groaned out through ragged breaths as he pulled out.

"Fucking perfect."

He said, mostly to himself, as he held my head still like a vice, and then started fucking my mouth like it was his whole.

The blowjob hadn't been so bad. The smell had been intense, and the flavor odd, but it hadn't hurt or felt physically uncomfortable. But, as my airflow kept getting interupted, and his size almost started to hurt my throat, I felt a few beads of tears forming in my eyes.

Then, he once again shoved it down as far as he could into my throat, and let out a long, drawn-out sigh as I felt his seed erupting from his cock. I didn't actually taste it, because he had let it out as deep in my throat as he could get it. Though, he did hold his cock there for a long time, until I could feel my lungs getting empty. I smacked his hip once or twice, and he let go.

His now somewhat limp cock slid out of my mouth, and I drew in several sharp breaths.

"Damn, you felt so fucking good. Have you done that to anybody else?"

I didn't answer, because I was still catching my breath. Then, he grabbed my throat and forced me to look at him, cutting of my breath once more.

"Have you had any other guys cock in your filthy mouth or not?"

I shook my head quickly and desperately. His stone-like, completely serious face turned into a smile.

"Good. Now then, let's wash ourselves off."

He said, as if nothing odd had happened. He pulled me to my feet and turned away to get the soap. We washed ourselves in complete silence, all the while I gave him nervous looks. He met them a few times and smiled. I swallowed when I saw that his manhood was slowly becoming hard again. Soon enough, his hands were all over me again. He rubbed my butt from behind and ran a hand up and down my waist. I just bit my lip and let him have his way with me.

He then put his hands on my hips and pulled me close, squeezing his cock between my butt-cheeks.

"Come on, you're already cum. Let's just finish."

"But you just feel so good, I could never be satisfied with just your mouth."

His hands traveled across my belly, towards my breasts as his cock ground against my ass. I tried to pull away while muttering protests, and in response, he took a hard grip on my hair and pressed my face against the wet wall, while still pulling out my ass. I gasped when I felt his length glide along my lower lips, then yelped when I felt his hand deliver a quick slap to my ass.

"Don't disobey me!"

He said strangely calm for how harsh his punishment had been, before he spanked me one, two and three more times, making me yelp and my ass jiggle with each one. He then leaned in, next to my ear and whispered in a sultry tone.

"Who do you belong to?"

I swallowed, then spoke with a voice that almost broke:



He said, and then I felt the head of his cock prodding at my opening. He straightened up, took a hold of both of my hips and started to shove it in.

"...That's a good girl."

He finished while I gritted my teeth. He was big, and this was only my second time.

"Relax, and it'll feel good."

He said while he slowly continued to insert his manhood. I gritted my teeth as I felt his girth invading me. I was a little bit wet, but not enough, it did hurt when he forced himself into me. I heard him sigh with pleasure, and felt his fingers digging into my hips. He then stopped and started to slide out. I repressed a yelp, and pressed my fingers against the wall until they turned white. He pressed himself in again, still slowly. He did this a few times as his hands left my hips and started to caress my smooth back.

"Oh god, sis, you feel fucking amazing."

He changed his footing, put one hand on my shoulder, and thrust so hard my whole body jumped forward.

"Oh god I fucking love you so much."

Then, he started fucking me. Hard, fast thrusts that shook my body and reached as deep as they could. His thick cock invading me ruthlessly. For a time he kept up the pace, his hands remaining firm and holding me in place. But, after a while, his hand on my shoulder left me, and he straightened his back. I winced when I felt a sharp spank hit my ass that sent a bolt through my spine and, to my surprise, I moaned.

He grunted approvingly and spanked me again. My body was still shaking, but the pain subsided. I started to breathe heavily in rhythm with his hardness hitting my depth.

"I Knew... That you were a slut..."

He said between grunts, before gripping onto my arm and pulling my body up. He wrapped an arm around my neck and kept the other on my hip. I was forced to stand on my toes and him to bend his knee to reach. He then whispered in my ear.

"But you're... You're my little slut."

His heavy breathing, together with the endearing but twisted words filled me with a sensation I found so odd. His arm left my neck, and isntead he started fondeling my breast and twisting my nipples. He was rough, as always, but it felt better than it usually did.

Pleasure started mixing with the pain, a combination that excited my body and made my fingers and hands move uncontrollably. I took a hold of his arms that held onto me, but not to pry them away, but to anchor myself to him as he started fucking me faster. I started moaning, quick, light yelps to punctuate each hard, deep thrust he gave me. Some nugget of my mind still knew that this was wrong and that we were brother and sister, but I think I realized that it didn't matter. He was going to take me anyways. I might as well learn to enjoy it.

This continued for a while, and the pleasure just started building. I soon felt it start to build up to what I now knew was an orgasm, my shaking got worse. He just fucked me faster and dug his nails in harder into my skin. His moans got louder too.

"Oh god, fuck yeah."

"You... You can't cum - Ah - Inside... It's... It's not safe."

He didn't respond, and I got scared again

"No... I - Ah - I'm seri- Ah."

I had tried to shake him off, but he took a hold of my arms and pressed them against the wall so I couldn't stop him. I was locked between the wall and him, and I couldn't stop moaning. The pain was gone, and the pleasure was building.

"Plea- Please stop... I - Ah - I'll suck... I'll suck it, just... Don't cum. Please - Ah."

And then, I felt him explode inside me, filling me up to the brim with his thick, virile seed as my own orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. He remained for a while, while moving in and out slowly to make sure that he got out every last drop. I didn't have the energy to scold him.

He then pulled out, and I sunk to the floor, while he stood there, panting.

"If you like the taste of my seed that much, I'll give you plenty next time."

He said with a cocky smile. He then bent down and took a hold of my hair. He brought our faces close. I hesitated for a moment, then kissed him.

"I love you sis. I love you more than anything else, and more than I ever have before."

I swallowed, as I felt his cum seeping out of me.

"I love you too."

Next chapter