
Enslaving My Hot Roommate Ch. 01 - Amber


I could feel my heart racing as I slipped the pill into Amber's mug. No surprises there, considering what I was about to do. The drug was mostly tasteless so she wouldn't even notice and she wasn't paying attention my way anyway. Amber was in her favorite PJs laid back lazily on the couch, a pillow hugged tightly on her breast, completely engrossed at the tv screen and at her phone, her blond hair was covering much of her pretty face. Amber was watching some kind of Korean drama whilst happily typing away on her phone. The majority of her time here was spent like this - if she wasn't at work, with her friends or grinding away in the gym.

I heard the faint sizzle as the pill started dissolving into the liquid. I quickly u-turned back into my room, comprehending what I was about to do, my emotions in a war with each other.

Am I really going to do this?

I probably had asked myself that a couple hundred times already.

I have never been this nervous in my life. Never. Not even my first kiss, or the time I had to perform a song in front of my entire school. Both doesn't even compare to what I am feeling now.

Everything was set. I had been planning this for months. So many sleepless nights, brainstorming on my bed in complete darkness then waking up the next morning, writing all plans and ideas that I have thought about the night prior in an encrypted folder on my laptop, then organising them.

I walked towards my desk and grabbed the syringe; the strange green ooze almost seemed to be bubbling inside.

This could actually kill her. I would be a murderer.

I shook the thoughts off.

No. the payoff is too huge for that risk - any risk. If it works, it will completely change my life forever. Besides, the documents stated that no one that was subjected to the super drug has ever died prematurely. Severe side effects and hallucinations, yeah, but not death.

I mourned over it for a couple more seconds before reconfirming it

Yeah. Definitely. Payoff too big

Dear readers, I am sure you are a bit confused. You see, I have always been obsessed with mind control. I have been fantasizing controlling a woman for so long, specifically Amber. And I am not talking about normal control; I am talking about absolute domination of the will. Making her my own subservient sex slave. The end result would be her, completely devoted to me emotionally and physically, pleasuring me whenever I needed her to and obeying my every single command. If I commanded her to jump off a cliff, she should follow through with it enthusiastically; not that I was going to do that though - you get the point.

Because of this obsession, I have spent almost all my free time researching on the web for a way to achieve this; years and years of finding a way for something - anything at all.

You probably would think it is a complete waste of time, just a fantasy that can never be achieved - and you are right on that. Mind control is not possible... right? Or so I thought for years.

I finally decided that maybe I have to look deeper; I really wanted to find a real nugget of information. So I started scouring the dark web. Nothing. Hell, I even went to those shady run down stores that proclaimed to sell dark magic and charms - all a bunch of hocus pocus.

Eventually I came across hypnosis. I learnt how to do it and started practising, eventually mastering it, using my friends and random strangers as test subjects. I told them it was an awesome magic trick and that I could make them forget their names, or even how to speak!

Obviously no one believed me; some bold ones even volunteered upfront to make me hypnotise them. And, oh man, was it satisfying to see their smug, sceptic look on their faces disappear when I actually delivered what was promised.

I then pleaded with Amber for me to use it on her. She was suspicious and probably a bit weirded out at first (who wouldn't?), but she had a smoking addiction and I convinced her that I could help her out with it. I finally achieved just that but it took a lot of time and effort for her to loosen up and trust me. Hypnosis is largely based on trust, and without it, you couldn't achieve much - at least nothing long term. Sure you can make someone quack like a chicken or forget the alphabets, but all those are just temporary rewiring of the mind. Those effects will disappear as soon as they snap out of the trance.

After my successful breakthrough with her and to my delight, she then started asking me for more, mainly to help her relax after a long stressful day.

With my plan working out, I then started experimenting more risky things with her while she was under, trying to manipulate her thoughts and emotions; mainly giving out the suggestion of being happy to do task and chores for "David" - that's my name by the way. That was the first step towards the end goal of making her being my obedient slave. Sadly, the closest I got Amber to obeying me was to raise her right hand whenever I said "up", and that was only when she was under a trance too. After more weeks of hypnotising her and enforcing my suggestions, I tried testing them out by asking her to do simple task for me, like making me coffee or cleaning the dishes, but my efforts were proved futile as I just received the same old reaction from her: A snort and then a retort for me to do it myself or her favourite comeback, "suck my dick" followed by a laugh. She thought that was hilarious.

She doesn't have a dick by the way; in case you were wondering.

A complete fluke.

At least she didn't remember anything about her hypnosis session so she wasn't aware of what I was actually trying to accomplish. So, I could still continue experimenting, under the disguise of the hypnosis sessions being able to make her relax and clear all the stresses of the day.

I finally made the huge breakthrough when I did a last ditch effort of learning hacking. I did small projects at first, hacking into websites with poor security, then gradually, as I grew better and better, was able to hack into the government's most secretive records.

This was where I learnt that they actually performed mind control experiments on death sentenced criminals. The end game was to create world peace, mind controlling dangerous criminals and leaders, so that they would become docile and good contributing members of society.

They were successful. They created a formula, "XI11", and when injected, will render the victim completely susceptible to suggestion, similar to hypnosis, but much, much stronger - and when combined with hypnosis, will amplify this effect tenfold, actually manipulating the person's will itself.

It was really fucked up reading what happened to the criminals who were forced to undergo the procedure. They were aware of what's being done to them and begged to be released from the hell they were subjected in, some even tried suicide, that probably being the only option of escaping. Others even started hearing voices in their heads, of which they can't ignore.

Over the months of being influenced by the super drug, they became sheeps, completely sapped of their wills and emotions, unable to perform even the basics necessities, like eating or even chewing for that matter, without being commanded to do so. They finally closed down the operation and it was never brought back up again.

After finding about all of this, I managed to gather all the materials needed to create the XI11 formula and now I finally have enough for 5 syringes - more than enough for Amber.

I was going to make Amber my sex slave.

It was fucked up, what I was going to do, but I convinced myself that I had already done a lot of research and theorize that I could use the drug on her without causing any serious psychological damage; Amber won't have to suffer - and besides, she would maybe enjoy being my slave; I would be kind to her. The thought of being able to finally fuck her was too much to ignore anyways.

Ah... Amber. I knew I wouldn't be fantasizing any other girl ever since setting my eyes on her when we first met after I answered an online ad about her wanting to find a roommate.

She was gorgeous. GORGEROUS. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen, before or since. I am not just saying that too, I have seen countless guys doing double takes or giving cat calls, all just by her walking down the street. Or the moments when we walk into bars, she would always turn several guys' heads -sometimes even girls- the bolder ones coming over to where we were and offering to buy her a drink. I was jealous, but Amber never had taken any interest in any of those advances and mostly just waved them away.

Amber was five feet, five inches tall with the most beautiful blonde hair; she had always liked shortening it to shoulder width, didn't fancy anything longer than that. "Always gets everywhere" was her reasoning. She had the features of a model, with perfectly symmetrical facial appearance that held piercing blue eyes and the smoothest skin complemented with a body to die for too, being a regular at the gym and all. Hell, she even had perfect white teeth. At the ripe age of 23, I always wondered why she didn't tried to pursue a modelling career - she would have made so much money.

I have known Amber for almost 2 years since and I have only seen her naked once. I will never forget that day, when I turned back home after forgetting my wallet, I was in a rush too and had quickly unlocked the door and barged in to the living room only to see Amber completely butt naked lying on the couch , where I could see everything, but only just for a split second. She had let out a gasp and tried to cover all she can with a pillow but that second was more than enough for me to take it all in and I can't count the number of times I had masturbated to that mental image. She didn't have large breast; Amber's was always in the medium range - I didn't prefer large breast anyways. Her ass, however, was definitely her best and defining feature.

Her hard work at the gym, doing squats and other glute work for years have really paid off. They really looked exhilarating in yoga pants - though you could argue they looked great in any pants, really - but seeing them just wearing the skin she was born in was just... something else entirely.

Both cheeks were firm, large, round and they protrude from her backside making her body's sexy curve possible. They looked incredibly smooth and I have wondered how nice it would be to just squeeze those perfect cheeks.

She never paid much romantic attention to me though, despite my best efforts and both of us being single, and roommates. I mean, I wasn't the best looking guy, but I wasn't THAT bad either. I bought a gym membership just to improve the way I looked, got a new hairstyle and even changed my whole wardrobe - all just for her, but, she never even commented once on my improvements. She treated me like a friend - not the super close gay best friend that the hot girls all seemed to always have - just a normal friend. We talked, but it was just normal conversations that never were particularly interesting.

I wanted more.

Now everything was going to change. I had planned everything to the very last detail. Even prepared a script on what to say and what to say when she was under, on almost every single scenario - at least every scenario I could think of.

I finally had done the first step of drugging her to knock her out. Now, all I had to do was to wait and then inject the super drug in her system.

I started pacing through my room; occasionally take a few peeps outside to the living room to see if she had taken a sip of her mug.

She finally did. Amber leaned over and reached out to her mug that had been sitting on the table next to the couch and took a small sip. Then another. She then gulped it all down and set the mug aside, stretched and lazily laid back to her comfortable position.

She did it. She finally did it.

I started my pacing again, back and forth the room, my heart feeling like a jackhammer. I was actually getting worried.

Would I get a heart attack? I mused to myself. That would be hilarious. All this planning and work only for it to be ruined just because I couldn't control my anxiety and excitement.

Minutes past and I heard Amber finally let out her first yawn. I could see her frowning, probably wondering why she was suddenly so tired - especially at just 7 at night.

She finally gave in, shutting off the television and laid back, pushing pillows around, trying her best to make the sofa into her bed of the night. Moments later, she was snoring softly. God, even her snores are so cute.

No time to waste. I had to act quickly.

I grabbed the syringe and the crystal pendulum that I usually performed hypnosis with and headed to the living room.

One of Amber's arms had fallen limp on the side of the sofa. Gently, I leaned down and nudged her slightly.


No reply.

I waited a second or two more then slowly aimed the needle over her right shoulder, my arm shaking; I was so nervous. Carefully, I pressed the needle into her, the green liquid slowly escaping the syringe and out into her bloodstream.

There was no going back now.

I withdrew the needle and let out a gasp. I hadn't even realised that I was holding my breath the whole time.

I studied Amber; she hadn't reacted yet. To be honest, I don't even know how she should even be reacting.

My heart dropped. Was she dead?

I quickly checked her pulse but then fell back in surprise when she let out a soft moan, her eyelids fluttering open.

"Amber ... Amber are you ok?" I asked, my voice hardly more than a whisper.

She was staring hazily at the ceiling. Her eyes blank, mouth slightly open and she was breathing slowly and heavily through it. I watched her breast slowly rise and fall.

The super drug seemed to be working.

I reached my hand under her back and pulled her up to a sitting position. Amber's whole body was limp and both her arms fell to her side. Carefully, I leaned her head back into the pillow, making sure her view was directly in front of her. Her pretty blue eyes were only half opened and unblinking. Tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Dear readers, I couldn't imagine to tell you how tempted I was to just take her there and then. I would have gotten away with it too - she wasn't going to remember anything and she certainly was not going to break out of this trance anytime soon, not with the super drug still in her system. But I cannot let temptation take me.

Not yet anyways.

And as weird as it sounds, I would just essentially be raping her and the thought of that disgusted me. I know, I know. What I was doing was already fucked up. My moral compass could be a bit little junky at times.

I wanted a more permanent solution anyways; I wanted Amber to beg me to fuck her. She would be on her knees, wearing a black lingerie and pleading with me, listing out various reasons why I should have sex with her and how much she wanted it all - and only with me. She wouldn't be interested in other men ever again. I would be the centre of her universe.

I got the pendulum from my pocket and started swinging it back and forth in front of her. She started instinctively swaying her head to match the movements. We had done this numerous times already in our hypnosis sessions, but this time it was going to be different.

"Amber," I began, trying my best to keep my voice as steady as possible. "I want you to pay attention to my voice and only to the sound of my voice. You will feel and pay no attention to anything else other than my voice."

This was crucial. I didn't want any other factors breaking her concentration - like an object falling or maybe even police sirens in the distance. I want her as deep as possible. No distractions.

"You will find yourself in a dark tunnel with only a dim light ahead of you." I continued, holding the script in front of me. "Count towards ten. When you are done, walk towards the light."

I watched and waited. After I mentally counted to ten, I continued speaking, "Now, slowly, one step at a time. As you are walking towards the light, you will find yourself going into a decline. Deeper and deeper you go towards the tunnel, the light slowly getting dimmer."

Like she was actually walking, Amber legs started moving up and down on the sides of the couch. It was actually pretty funny.

"Soon, you will reach the deepest part of the tunnel," I told her. "It's dark everywhere and cold. You stop walking"

Amber's legs stopped their movement.

"Amber." I continued, "You feel lost and scared. But the sound of my voice gives you comfort."

The tips of Amber's mouth twitched and she let out a small smile.

I smiled too. "Yes, that's right. The only thing keeping you safe and warm is this voice. Listen to it. Obey it at all times and you will be safe"

"Now, Amber, listen to me," I said, my voice getting higher as I got more excited. "Whenever I say the words 'Amber sleepyhead' you will immediately fall back into a deep trance and come back to this very same place, deep in this dark tunnel, where you see and hear nothing but only hear to the sound of my voice. Do you understand?"

At first, Amber didn't react. Her half closed hazy eyes were still following the pendulum, her head still moving in sync with it. The cute smile was still plastered on her face.

Slowly, she opened her mouth.



Chapter 2: The Second Syringe -- Trust

Her voice was slurred, husked in a dry, low monotone. I leaned backed slightly and closed my eyes, taking a couple of deep breaths to compose myself.

This is happening. This is really happening.

My gaze slowly lingered back to my entranced roommate. Amber was paying no attention to me; she was still matching the rhythmic movement of the pendulum.

Left, right. Left, right.

Compared to our previous hypnosis sessions, this was the quickest Amber had verbally replied to a suggestion. Usually, I had to repeat myself several times before I had gotten even a simple "yes"- and on most occasions even receiving no reply. It was actually quite infuriating.

Amber was responding well to the super drug - this was the definitely the deepest she had even been in. Fuck. Just thinking of that made me horny.

I didn't want to push things any further. It was too risky. I don't fully know the limits of what I can or can't do yet. If her mind starts resisting too much, who knows what would happen. She might even start experiencing side effects.

The second dose would come in a few days. I needed to make sure the super drug had completely left her system before I injected more into her - overdosing her was the last thing I wanted.

I was going to wake her up right there and then but part of me was screaming for me not to. Even though I already achieved was I had planned with the first dose -- giving her a trigger word - letting her go like that would just leave me completely unsatisfied.

I could fuck her right there and then; Amber was completely in my power. Half of me just wanted to me to cave in; to let go. Let the animal part of me do its own thing. But, I just... cant. It just feels so wrong.

Ugh. Fuck you, brain.

But at the same time, I didn't want to waste this opportunity either. So, I can't fuck her, but what about --

My eyes lit up.

Like under a trance myself, I leaned in closer to her, my heart speeding up as I envisioned what I was about to do.

I brought up my free hand to one her cheeks - it felt soft. Wet. Amber momentarily stopped her swaying as I lowered down my pendulum hand, completely transfixed at her beauty. Those blue eyes, soft cheeks, perfect features... My thumb swept her face, wiping away some of the tears that had been staining her cheeks.

I dropped the pendulum to the ground and it went with a soft 'thud' as it hit the carpet. I brought my now unoccupied hand to the back of her head, feeling up her soft, smooth hair and enjoying the full body shiver that had produced in me, working all the way from my fingers tips down to the soles of my feet. Slowly, I drew my hand down, running my fingers down the smooth curves of her back and then finally down to her ass. I started fondling those cheeks for a brief moment before cupping them firmly. I was delighted to hear my roommate responding, a soft moan escaping her lips. I tighten my grip, squeezing those beautiful, round cheeks and Amber gasped in surprise. Even under a trance, I could see hints of pleasure running through her eyes.

I brought her closer to me, a moan slipping out of me as I felt her breast pushing up against me and her smooth blonde hair tumbling down onto me. Amber smelt divine -- a mix of mint and nature. This was like a dream come true. I had never been this close to her; this intimate. I looked at her and her unblinking blue gaze burnt into mine, transfixed and unfocused. And for a brief moment, lust overcame me. I kissed her.

It was everything I had dreamt of -- and more. Her lips felt soft, smooth. Heavenly. I leaned forward, desperate for more, taking more of her into me, my mind in complete ecstasy. My tongue skimmed the seam of lips, seeking entry but Amber wasn't having any of it.

My kissed soften and I pulled back, confused. Amber hasn't reacted in the slightest, I had realised. Why hadn't she? I looked at her angrily but her expression hasn't changed; her eyes just stared back at me, stiff, unfocused, emotionless.

I sighed and released her, my lips still wet from hers. Her gaze immediately dropped back down to the ground to where the pendulum was. I picked it up, raising it over her head and she immediately resumed her swaying.

Left, right. Left, right.

Time to wake her up.

"Amber," I finally said. I was hurt and disappointed. I wanted to give the command for her to just fuck me -- screw the consequences. But I knew I had to be patient. I will get eventually get what I want, sooner or later. "I am going to count to 10, and with each number that passes, you can see the tunnel slowly illuminating, getting brighter and brighter. I want you to feel yourself waking up, and once you do, you will feel very refreshed. Do you understand?"


I slowly counted to 10, glumly watching her as I did.

Amber finally blinked and rubbed away the sleep from her eyes. She blinked several more times; more tears rolling down her soft cheeks and onto her lap as she does so.

She squinted at me, frowning.

Whoops. I had completely forgotten about making my exit. I turned around, quickly pocketing all the items as I did so.

"Dave, what are you doing?


Her frown deepened. "Why were you watching me sleeping?"

"Uhh, no, I wasn't. I was just...you know." I found myself saying.

God. I am such an idiot. I was so caught up in everything that I had completely forgotten to leave.

Amber suddenly broke out laughing, giving me a playful nudge. I recoiled back in surprise. "You were going to do something to me weren't you?"

I looked at her blankly.

"Come on Dave, stop playing innocent. You creep! Tell me what were you going to do? Draw penises on my forehead again?" She paused and started furiously rubbing her forehead then bringing her hands down to examine them.

I finally managed a nervous chuckle, trying my best not to show panic. "Yeah, something like that. You got me. I surrender."

I brought both my palms up and slowly retreated backward. My heels made contact with the coffee table.


Amber broke out laughing again. "God, David. You are such a klutz. Get out of here." She waved me away. "Shoo!"

I turned back around and made a beeline back towards my room, quickly locking the door behind me, my heart throbbing like a jackhammer.

Holy shit that was close.

I ran my tongue along the edges of my lips; I could still taste her. Fuck, it just made me want her more.

Sighing, I discarded the now empty syringe. One down

I walked over, unlocking my desk drawer and peered down at the rest.

Four more to go


"You seemed awfully quite today, "Amber remarked, absentmindedly toying with her ponytail. "What's wrong?"

I shrugged. "I am fine. Just a little sick, I think."

"Want me to drive you to the clinic or the pharmacy?"

"Nah, I will be fine. Really."

"You sure? The pharmacy is just a couple of blocks away. It won't take long"

I smiled. Amber was a good person. I really feel bad.

"Yeah, I am sure. Thanks Amber."

My roommate gave me one more worried look then walked away, her hips swaying as they always did. My gaze trailed her until she was out of sight. I can't help it. That damn sexy hip walk always drives me nuts.

It's been three days since putting her under that trance. Three days of repeatedly beating my dick over and over and over in my room while vividly recalling the session. Of course, after the abuse my dick had to endure, all those thoughts and emotions went away, seeping out of me, like a deflating balloon - only to be replaced with guilt. Guilt, disappointment and just hollow emptiness.

I needn't do this to her. I had told myself. I could just use the drug to make her fall madly in love with me. Marry. Have kids. Live a normal life with each other. No need to put my own sick thoughts into her head and rob her off her will.

But, no. I couldn't.

I couldn't guarantee that she would forever be sexually active. I couldn't guarantee that she would be happy to fulfil all of my sick fantasies. I was a selfish man; I would demand sex multiple times every day, and I couldn't care less about Amber's own fantasies --if she had any. I only had care about my own pleasure, and using her as a tool to fulfil it. I would imagine myself feeling all powerful seeing her obey my every command and catering to my every single whim; every desire. Every day, waking up to breakfast in bed then followed by a blowjob for desert would be a dream come true.

I finally let out a sigh, leaning back towards the wall. I was a terrible person. I had never imagined myself being capable of such things. But alas, power corrupts men -- and I was not trying to be the exception. I would imagine people doing much, much worse things if they had gotten hands on the super drug. They could have imaginary wealth, be kings or queens, enslaving nations. All I wanted was to get laid by the hottest woman in the world. That wasn't so bad, was it?

Anyways, I couldn't imagine myself turning back now, especially when I had been making good progress. The second dose was going to be done tonight.


Amber was sprawled in her usual spot that night, happily tapping away on her phone. I was sitting down on a different couch, nervously twiddling with my thumbs, pretending to be interested in the Korean drama that was playing in front of us, and every so often shooting her a glance.

"So let me get this straight," I said, trying to make conversation. "This woman, Yi yoyo, has the ability to foresee bad things happening to anyone she touches. Now, she is trying to break up with her boyfriend because she foresaw him getting into a car accident?"

Amber glanced up from her small screen and laughed. "It's Ji-yeon, and yes, she thinks staying with him would cause the future accident, but plot twist! Breaking up with him will actually be the catalyst. Thank god he didn't die though and they lived happily ever after"

"Did you just spoil the whole thing for me?"

Amber stuck her tongue out at me. "Oh please. It's not like you are going to continue watching with me. You are always in your room, doing god knows what."

I shrugged. "A man needs to have his alone time."

Amber turned her attention back to her phone.

"You know, relationships are complicated." I said quickly, changing the subject.

That got her attention. Amber finally tossed her phone away and turned towards me, arms crossed, curiosity drawn on her face. "What? Why? You finally got a girlfriend?"

I laughed, but it was forced. "Nah. Ever since breaking up with Kim? There's no hope for me now."

Amber's face distorts into one of disgust at the mention of my ex. "Don't say that. You will find someone. Besides, that little bitch Kim never deserved you anyways."

"How about you? Found THE one yet?" I asked, teasing her. "There must be hundreds of guys lining up for you by now. Surely you fancy one of them."

"All of them are just so boring," my roommate laughed. "Besides, I am not really looking for someone right now anyways."

"And why is that?"

"I am going to use my time being single to improve myself and try to be more productive."

I grinned. "Oh how very mature of you."

Amber reached over and playfully punched me on my shoulder. "Shut up, Dave. I am being serious."

I faked an injury, rolling around the couch in agony.

Amber rolled her eyes." Real funny. Ever considered a career in comedy?"

There was a buzz from her coach. She scooped her phone up and continued her typing, a grin slowly playing on her face.

Amber finally stood up, dropping her phone in her pocket and scooped up her purse that was sitting on the coffee table. "Well, funny man, I got to go. John and Quinn are in a bar just a couple of minutes away from here." She paused, exploring her purse before taking out a lipstick. "Enjoy the drama."

Shit! There's no telling when she would back. This wasn't part of the plan.

"Hey, wait." I desperately called out as she was heading for the door.

"Yeah?" She turned around. "What is it?"

I strode towards her. I really didn't know what I was doing. "Amber sleepyhead."

Amber's reaction was instantaneous. Her eyes rolled back and her knees started buckling, threatening to collapse inwards. I caught her just as soon as she started falling to her side.

The trigger word actually worked. I have had my doubts whether it would.

Gently, I carried Amber back towards the couch and sat her like I did the first time, carefully resting her head against the pillow. I rummaged through her pockets for her phone.

Damn it, there was a passcode.

I headed towards my room, grabbed everything I needed and started the process. A long moan escaped her lips after I gave her the shot. She half opened her eyelids and her blank blue eyes greeted mine.

Left, right. Left, right. I started swinging the pendulum in front of me. She immediately reacted, following the motion.

"Amber, can you hear me." I started.

"Yes." my roommate whispered, her eyes blank and her voice a dull monotone.

"What is the passcode on your phone?"


I entered the numbers and sure enough, her home screen popped out. I was greeted by a selfie of her as the wallpaper. Amber was wearing a tight blue bikini with a matching blue hat and was posing on a beach. She had probably used a selfie stick since the picture was taken from above, giving me almost a full unrestricted view of her cleavage. Good lord. I wanted to start searching the source image in her photo gallery and transfer it to my phone. Despite the annoying duck face, it would still be a great addition to my fap collection.

Now was not the time though. I would much rather see the real thing anyways.

I opened her text messages only to see a whole screen of unread messages from various names. I only recognised some of them.

No wonder Amber takes an eternity to reply to my texts. I thought, a bit relieved. At least I wasn't the only one.

I scrolled up and clicked on a chat group that was on the very top. Sure enough, John and Quinn were in the group.

Sorry guys. I began typing. Change of plans. I am staying home. Enjoy yourself though! I considered what appropriate emoji to use before shaking my head and putting the phone away.

Time for business.

Amber was still matching the motion of the swaying pendulum. Again, both her arms had fallen limp to her sides and her eyelids were twitching every few seconds, begging to be released, but couldn't. Tears were free falling down her eyes and off her cheeks. I honestly don't know why that was - in our regular hypnosis session, she could always blink freely. I wasn't complaining though. It was hot seeing her like that.

"Amber." I started, drawing myself to up a sitting position. "What do you think of me?"

"It's dark here and You keep me safe and warm. I love it."

Oh, right. "What do you think of David?" I corrected myself. "David Book. Your roommate."

"I think he's a nice guy. No real problems living with him, unlike the others I have had. I like him."

I smiled at the complement. "Do you have any feelings towards him?" I tensed up, ready for disappointment.

"I feel friendly and love towards him. David's a great friend."

That's not what I meant. "Do you feel any sexual attraction towards David?"

"No. He's not my type."

"What is your type?"

"Attractive women."

Wait, what? "You don't fancy men?"

"No. I experimented with a lot of men but I never actually really liked it."

"Then why are you only dating men?" I asked her, completely flabbergasted.

"I was scared of dating a woman. I really wanted to like men. So, I kept trying, hoping my feelings would eventually change."

"Did it?"


Well, this wasn't all bad; the drug could alter her thoughts and thus, her mind. I would force feelings of sexual attractions towards me. And fucking a lesbian, for some odd reasoning, seemed much, much hotter.

"Have you tried with a woman then?"

Amber smiled dreamily. "Yeah, recently, it was great." Her hand started towards her crotch. I stopped her.

"Have you told anybody that you were gay?"

Her smile disappeared at the mention of 'gay'. "No. I am too scared to tell anyone." She replied softly.

Okay. Now was the time to do it.

"David's a great friend, isn't he?" I said, eager at the idea of influencing her perspective on myself.

"Yeah, he is."

"You trust him completely."

She just stared at me silently.

"David is generally a trustable guy, right?" I repeated.

"Yes." She finally answered.

"Do you trust him?"

"I guess."

"You trust David, so that means you can trust him with anything."

She paused and pursed her lips, the gears of her hypnotised brain turning. I prayed that they would see sense in the flawed logic. She still wasn't replying and I thought it was a no go. Glumly, I started thinking of another way in, but she finally spoke.


"You trust David completely." I spewed out, almost asking it instead. I was shocked that it had actually worked.

"Yes." She responded, barely pausing this time

"David would never tell anyone your secrets, no matter how dark you think they were." That was not true. I was generally a big mouth. Amber didn't need to know that, though.


"You can trust David with your secrets." I said again, making sure.


"You completely trust David."


"Only David. You trust no one else."

"Only David." she echoed.

Perfect. This was almost too easy. Establishing trust, I knew, would greatly benefit me on the end goal of turning her into my slave. Trust always comes first. With her trust in me established, she would find it much easier accepting of inevitably being my slave. I had to not rush things however, as tempted as it was to.

Okay, now to wrap things up, but first -

"Amber, have you ever written in a diary before?"

"Diary?" she murmured.

"Yes. A diary. Something you can write your thoughts and stuff in it."

I grimaced at myself saying 'stuff'. That was a poor choice of word. Hopefully she gets it.

Thankfully, she did. "Yes... dairy. When I was little."

I didn't know that. Could things get much easier for me? "Good. Imagine yourself little again, writing in your diary. It makes you happy, writing your thoughts down, doesn't it?

Her face displayed an innocent smile. "Mhmmm." I really wished she would stop moaning. I don't know how many more of those I could take.

"You will start writing in a diary again." I told her, trying my best to make my voice sound more authoritative. "Every day, you will write your thoughts and, uh, whatever is relevant to your day in that diary. Do you understand?"

"Yes. Write in the diary every day."

"Good." I continued. "And every day, after finishing writing in your diary, you will hand it to David because you trust him. You will think nothing strange of it"


"Think nothing of it," I repeated. "Don't write with the thought of handing it to David later in mind. Just write normally as if no one will read it. Do you understand?"

"As if no one will read it." Amber mouthed.

The idea had came to me just yesterday. Having inside knowledge of her thoughts throughout her programming would help tremendously. I would read the diary daily, analysing her thoughts and emotions and change my programming strategy accordingly.

My shoulder was starting to hurt and my hand lowered slightly. It was tough having to hold the pendulum for long periods of time.

"Amber, start counting to ten." I informed her, repeating what I had memorised on the script. "Now. Slowly. You see the tunnel slowly getting brighter and brighter. I want you to feel yourself waking up.

I quickly added. "You will feel very refreshed when you do and the last thing you will remember is talking with David and rejecting John and Quinn invitation just so you can spend more time with him." I stood quickly, pocketing the pendulum and syringe. I was not going to make the same mistake twice.

Amber started blinking and used one of her arms to wipe away the tears from her face.

She looked up at me and squinted. "Dave?" she said, new tears still forming in her eyes. "What were we talking about again?"

I gave her a gentle smile. "Women. You were talking about the lady that you hooked up with recently."

Amber frowned, still rubbing her eyes, they were starting to turn a shade of red. "I did? Oh yeah, I told you. Right. It was a one night thing."

You see, the conscious part of her brain couldn't remember anything in between her programming and thus, her subconscious part will start filling out the time gap with whatever information she could process, feeding the conscious part with it. Kind of like the memory wiping device in the movie, 'Man In Black'.

She completely trusted me now. Why wouldn't she tell me about her sexuality?

"Don't worry Amber," I assured her, leaning over and giving her hand a gentle squeeze "I won't tell anyone. It's normal. I completely understand."

"I know." she said softly, peeling her gaze off mine and looking down.

I grabbed the tv remote and turned up the volume. "Let's continue watching some of the drama. It looks like things are getting interesting." I added, pointing to the big screen where a bunch of the characters were arguing with each other.

Amber looked up at the screen then at me; her face blanketed with several emotions. I couldn't tell what she was thinking.

She suddenly threw her hands around me and gave me a hug, her breast pushing up against me. Amber was sobbing on my shoulder. She had never done that before. I could feel the bulge in my pants growing and hope Amber wouldn't notice.

"Thanks Dave," Amber said in between sobs. "You are the best friend I ever had."

"No problem," I replied, stroking her head gently.

Finally, she released me and managed a small smile. Her makeup was running down her face, but Amber still looked beautiful. She gave me one last hug and sat down. I sat down with her.

She leaned against me, her head resting on my left shoulder and I wrapped an arm around her.

We watched the drama for a while, but I couldn't concentrate. I should feel guilty. Terrible. I was a monster. The worst one in existence. Amber had no idea what I was doing to her and she didn't deserve any of this. She was a good, innocent person.

Her snores interrupted my thoughts. I could feel her head slowly slipping off my shoulder. Gently, I laid her on my lap. She gave a soft moan and sighed.

I had expected to feel remorse, or maybe even unpleasantness. Anything negative, really. But in that moment, as I sat there with her, I felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. I had already gone too far for any chance of redemption - my soul was tainted forever. I briefly wondered if there was a God, or a heaven and a hell. If there was one, He would definitely be preparing a very special room down in the fiery depths below. Just for me. I would imagine He would be waiting for me. Waiting for my time. And I knew that I deserved it. I wouldn't go in kicking and screaming, begging for forgiveness. No. I would stride in with purpose; my head held low, my shoulders resigned. And whatever was held in that room. I knew. I knew I deserved it.

Chapter 3: The Third Syringe - Submission

I circled my finger around Amber's labia and gasped at how wet she was. Amber moaned and I had to remind myself that I was not going to take her right then - no matter how badly I wanted her.

Stick to the plan. Make her your personal servant by the end of this session.

Someone needed to cook around the household anyway. Watching Amber in the kitchen, naked, hair tied into a sexy french braid and cooking for me... Christ.

Hell, touching me was not even needed - she could bring me to climax just by using that sexy voice of hers.

My roommate was responding well to my finger fucking. She was moaning - just barely, but it was audible enough to get me hard. Her eyes were still glued to the moving pendulum, glazed and unblinking. Combined with the super drug, she was in an extremely suggestible state.

I slid my finger in her cunt, then another, pushing them in and out. Slowly. She stiffened, her moans getting louder and hotter. Her hands were limp by her sides, fingers twitching. I had commanded her not to move them while I was fingering her, and she couldn't disobey.

Fuck her now, a voice inside me said. But I can't. Well, I could have. But I wasn't sure if there would be consequences. As hard as it is to accept, Amber would never willingly have sex with me, and the research I did on the government showed that severe side effects surfaced after test subjects were forced to do stuff they would otherwise never do, if not for them being under the effects of the super drug.

Slow and steady. Making her willing to obey simple commands from me was the goal of this session - and I had the perfect plan for it.

"It feels good, doesn't it," I said, moving the pad of my thumb to her clit and rubbing tentatively.


I needed her to say it. "Amber, does it feel good?"


I smiled. I rather doubted it. This was my first time fingering a woman, but in her drugged state, combined with the deep trance, she would probably think that anything felt amazing if I said so.

I needed to emphasize what she was feeling now. Capture it.

"How good does it feel?" I circled her labia while still paying special need to her clit.

"Mhmmm... very good."

My roommate shifted her weight, sliding down and arching her lower back, giving me better access to her swollen sex.

I let out a long exhale. Here goes.

"When your roommate, David Book (I needed to specify myself in case she knew another David) orders you to do something, what would you do?"

Amber paused, then frowned and furrowed her brow, probably wondering what kind of question that was. "I-I don't know."

"Would you obey his orders?"

She frowned. "Not orders. He isn't my boss. It's more like I'd do favours for him."

No surprises there. My roommate was an outspoken feminist. All the better for me - it was so much hotter converting one to be my personal fuck toy.

"What type of favours?"

She was still frowning. "Depends."

"If he asked you to get groceries for him, would you?"

"Yeah, sure. But only if I am in the supermarket. If not, he can just drive there himself."

"Anything else?"

"Well... if he asked me to massage his back when he is sore or something..."

"If he told you to get coffee for him, would you?"

The answer was immediate.



"I am not his secretary."

I had been so caught up in the questioning that I had completely forgotten about fingering her. I started rubbing her clit again, and my roommate's expression changed instantly. A dreamy smile and low moans replaced the frown.

"You like this feeling, right?"




"You will now feel this whenever you obey David."

I held my breath. This was it. This was the motivation to get my roommate to obey me. The first step towards her being my personal slave.

Amber didn't respond. Hell, I think she didn't even hear me; she still had that dreamy look and was still moaning, and it was getting me so damn hard.



"What you are feeling now. You will feel this whenever you obey any of David's commands."

I changed my tone on the last word. I needed to make sure she knew it was for a command, not a favour. A friend asks for a favour; A superior commands his subordinate. Her conscious mind may not take notice, but her subconscious would.


I was taken aback. She responded almost right away.

Her voice was now high pitched, desperate. "Please, please..."

Whoops. I stopped fingering her again. I resumed the finger fucking.


As much as I hated to repeat myself again, in fear of somehow annoying my roommate (can people under a trance get annoyed?), I had to. I needed to make sure that her mind fully accepted and understood the suggestion.

"You will feel this good, this horny, whenever you obey any of David's commands."


Okay, that was easier than expected. I didn't want to push anymore - her mind already accepted the suggestion. But I needed one more incentive. Something to make sure obeying me was her number one priority in life.

"Whenever someone else touches your, uh, cunt, you won't feel anything at all. None of this" - I rubbed her tender spot, causing her to twitch and grunt - "Even for yourself. Whenever you masturbate, you will feel nothing. Nothing at all... just nothing."

"Nothing," my roommate echoed.

"Yes," I said, grinning broadly, drunk on the power I had over her. I knew my life was about to change soon. "Except for David Book, your roommate. You will feel this good, only under three scenarios. Nothing else."

I paused to look at her. Amber was still following the motion of the pendulum, piercing blue eyes now a puffy red with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Left, right. Left, right.

I cleared my throat and continued. "Number one: When David touches your... cunt. Number two: Whenever you obey any of David's commands. Number three: Whenever you think about David sexually. Do you understand?"


"Repeat it."

She did, and I had to use every ounce of my will not to come there and then.

"Will you get horny when you see an attractive female now?"

An immediate response.


"What gets you horny?"

"When David touches my cunt. Whenever I obey any of David's commands..."

I let her drone on, telling her to repeat it until I was satisfied.

This was easy. Too easy.

I withdrew my finger from her sex and Amber pouted. Time to wake her.

"Amber," I began, my own voice a drone from the number of times I had to repeat the line to wake her up. "I am going to count to 10, and with each number that passes, you can see the tunnel slowly illuminating, getting brighter and brighter. I want you to feel yourself waking up..."


Since the session last night, I had only given her a single order: Get me coffee.

I wasn't particularly surprised - but still a bit disappointed - when I was told to fuck off and go do it myself. She hadn't realised the hidden command in her yet, but she will, once she tries to masturbate.


Day three. My roommate was now clearly upset about something.

I plopped myself down on the sofa and cuddled up next to her. Amber didn't mind - she thought of it as nothing more than a friendly cuddle. My roommate was sitting in her usual spot, but the tv wasn't on; she was just staring into nothingness.

"Hey," I said, adjusting myself for a good view of her boobs. They, like always, looked ravishing even underneath her pyjamas.

"Hey," Amber replied, not bothering to hide the glumness in her tone. She completely trusted me now. I was the first person she confided in whenever she was troubled.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." A long pause. Then she looked away from the blank screen and met my waiting gaze. "Okay, don't laugh at me, but... I am just... I can't feel horny anymore. I don't know what's wrong."

She told me everything I already knew, eventually breaking down and sobbing on my chest. I felt a pang of guilt but quickly dismissed it. She will be happy soon. This was, just a necessary suffering.

I calmed her using soothing words. It took awhile, but she finally relaxed. I promised to take her to the doctor first thing tomorrow, though I knew it wouldn't accomplish anything.

Amber hugged me tightly, and I hoped that she couldn't feel my boner pressing into her stomach. She told me how lucky she was to have me, how good of a brother I was to her. My heart bled at the first part but hardened at the second. Brother?

I steeled my resolve. Time to get her addicted to obeying me. "Amber."

"Hmm?" She was still buried in my chest.

I gently nudged her. "Go get me some coffee."

I half expected a snarky comeback or a 'Fuck off, Dave' like she always did whenever I asked her for a drink. But my roommate just sniffed, nodded and pushed herself up onto weary feet, walking to the kitchen. Amber handed me the steaming mug, a confused expression on her face.

"Oh my god," my roommate said.

I faked curiosity. "What is it?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. It's... oh god..." Amber slipped her hand under her pyjama shorts.

I watched as my roommate ran towards her room, slamming the door shut behind her. She came back five minutes later, with tears on her face again. "Dave... I can't. I can't get off."


"I don't know. When I gave you your coffee... I felt... I don't know. Then I went to my room..." She didn't finish her sentence, instead bursting into tears.

"Hey," I said, trying to make it sound soothing. I patted the spot beside me - where she had just left. "Sit down."

She did, and her eyes went wide. "Oh, fuck..."

"What is it?"

She turned to me. "You...oh my god.." She started to get up, but I stopped her.

"Amber Sleepyhead."

My roommate fell back into the sofa, her head lolling forward and her breathing slowing down to a heavy rhythm.

I was already panting at the sight of my entranced roommate; Amber was completely defenceless and under my control. I wasn't planning to give her the fourth syringe just yet. The second dose had been fruitful; she completely trusted me now and hypnosis is all based on trust. I didn't need a super drug to work wonders with her mind anymore. My little thrall's mind was always open to me, and only me.

Time to start tinkering with it.



Christ. Even in a monotone, she still sounded so hot.

I steadied myself and continued, "How do you feel when obeying David's commands?"

A pause.

"Good. Horny."

"What do you think about that?"

Tears started to stream down from her unblinking blue eyes. "I... I don't know."

"Are you submissive in nature, Amber?"

I already knew the answer even before her immediate response.


"Then explain why you feel so good obeying David?"

Silence. No answer.

"Could it be you're discovering yourself? Starting to become submissive?"

That got her thinking. Her fingers twitched by her sides and a disgruntled frown played across her pretty features. "It... it can't be."

"How do you feel when you obey David's commands?"

Another pause. Even in her entranced state, she knew what I was getting at. "Good..."

"Maybe you are a late bloomer. Maybe you always have been submissive in nature," - she bristled at that, and I added quickly - "but only to some special person. Most submissives only have one dominant. It can take years to find the right one. But when you do, it just clicks, and sometimes it clicks late - even when you've known that special someone for years."

Amber didn't answer me, the gears in her hypnotised brain turning. I waited a minute for it to sink in before continuing, "Have any of your past relationships worked out?"


"Maybe this is why," I pushed. "Deep inside, you are unsatisfied and now it's finally starting to show. A way of your body telling you what you've secretly wanted all along; to be a submissive to someone. A special someone. And your special someone is-"

"-Dave," she breathed.

I nodded excitedly. I had no idea if my flawed logic would work or not, but it had before. A person in a trance as deep as this could accept even the most specious of arguments.



I held my breath. "David is your Dominant."

I waited for her answer. One minute. Two. I started tapping my foot. Three.

I frowned. "Am-"


I was visibly shaking. Did she just agree? I took a brief moment to compose myself. I was sweating and trembling, and my heart felt like it was going to explode. "David is your Dominant?"

"I suppose. It makes sense; he makes me happy, and it felt so good when I got him coffee, and when he ordered me to sit."

What if I woke her up right now? Would she let me fuck her if I gave the command to?

"... But god, I am scared."

I jumped. For a moment I thought she had woken up. Amber had never spoken out of turn before while in trance.


"Yeah. Dave doesn't seem like the dominant type." She suddenly broke out of the monotone, her voice becoming shrill. "What if he refuses me? How can I live feeling like this? I would-"

"How well do you know David?"

"A lot. Pretty much everything."

I almost laughed. How wrong she was. "Do you know his sexual preferences?"

That got her thinking.


"Maybe he is into this kind of stuff. Maybe he's single now because he was looking for a submissive all along."

I caught a hopeful look in my entranced roommates' eyes, but it quickly disappeared. "No, it can't be. The chances are too slim."

"Why don't you ask him then?"

"I am scared."

I tapped my finger impatiently. "If you don't ask him, you will never know. Can you live like this for your whole life? Sexually unsatisfied?"

"No." My roommate shivered. "I guess I have to ask him then." A pause, then in a low tone, "I hope he will accept me."

Fuck yeah, I was going to. Who in their right mind who refuse her?

My job was done, so I woke her up. I tensed myself as she blinked the sleepiness out of her eyes, then looked at me. What was she going to say?

"Dave, I-" I watched her struggle to find words. "It's getting late. See you tomorrow."

I watched her delicious ass sway as she hurried back towards her room. That wasn't what I'd expected. What was going through her mind?

I sighed. Guess I'll have to read her diary.


Wednesday, March 5th

Dear Diary,

I felt like complete shit for the whole day. I don't know what's happening. I don't even know how to explain it. It's like, all the life had been sucked out of me. Hell, I can't even orgasm anymore! It's freaking me out.

I read that one already so I flipped to the current entry.

Saturday, March 8th

Dear Diary,

I am such a loser. Just a few hours ago, I broke down in front of Dave. Like always, he was very understanding. That's when it happened. After he consoled me, he told me to fetch coffee. I did. After all, he'd already suffered through my bitching - it was the least I could do for him. And when I did, it felt... god... it felt amazing!

It's like... I had been living in black and white for the past few days, and in that moment, colors started forming back around me. I got so horny, I tried masturbating. Like, I really needed the release. I broke down, when I realised I couldn't orgasm again. Then it happened the second time. Dave told me to sit. His voice... so firm and commanding. I felt so damn good again after I did what I was told.

Could it be? There is only one explanation. Was I a submissive all along? Is that why my past relationships never worked out? I was always so in control. Maybe, I needed someone to do it instead. I've got to be honest - losing control, not thinking about all the shit life has thrown at me... letting all my problems go away...let someone do the thinking for me... it kinds of feels... hot.

Maybe I should try it with Dave? My first D/s (is that what they call it?) relationship. He would definitely laugh at me. Hell, I am not even his type! I am a lesbian for god's sake! Dave knows it too!

But... I don't know... I don't get turned on by women anymore. I am shameful to admit it... but after I told Dave goodnight, I masturbated to... oh god... I have been replaying Dave's command in my head over and over.. getting so turned on by it... It just makes me feel so good.


Two days after putting her into that trance, Amber finally confronted me.

We were doing our usual thing at night - watching K-drama and cuddling when she nudged me on the shoulder with her own.

"Dave?" She sounded very nervous. Little did she know, I was too.

My heart started thundering in my chest. Was she finally going to ask me?

"Do you, uh," my roommate exhaled sharply. "This is kind of weird, but.. umm, do, do you think I am pretty?"

Fuck, yeah. You're the hottest girl I had ever laid my eyes on.

I played it cool. "Yeah, I do."

She balled her hand into a fist and coughed. "I am serious, Dave. Do you find me attractive?"

I looked her dead in the eyes and tried to sound as sincere as possible - which wasn't hard. "I think you're very attractive."

She raised an eyebrow, her lips turning into a grim line. "Really? I am asking you seriously. This isn't a joke."

I sighed. "What else do you want me to say, Amber? I am telling the truth. I really think you are hot."

"Okay..." She coughed again. "Would you like, you know, date me?"

"Hell yeah, I would."

"Really? You would. Like, you really would date me?"


"Um, okay. Wait here." She got up and hurried to her room. She came back holding a piece of paper. I frowned at it.

What was all this about?

"Here." My roommate handed me the paper and my eyes widened as I scanned through the words.

"I haven't told you this, Dave. Actually, I just found this out about myself recently, but uhh.." Amber shuffled her feet around, shifting her weight from side to side, "I am kind of a submissive. I know, I know, it sounds weird. Maybe that's why I never had any success with my previous relationships. I haven't found a, you know, a dominant. And I thought, maybe you know... could you... would you, like, be mine?"

My heart was beating so loud in my ears I had to strain to hear her. My fingers were shaking, and I unsuccessfully tried to steady them. I returned my focus to the paper to distract myself.

The words were printed out in neat, bold letters and the paper smelled light and flowery - just like her.

"It's nothing fancy," my roommate explained nervously. "Just an agreement with a list of specific rules I came up with last night. You can change your rules as you see fit, until we both agree on them, but my rules stand firm."


For the Dominant (David Book) :

- No cheating. That means no flirting, kissing, having sex, or any kind of sexual activity with others (regardless of gender).

- Not having other submissives or partners other than Amber Rose.

- Respecting the submissive's safe word. That means halting whatever and whenever the safeword is used.

- Respecting your submissive in public and in private.

- Doing whatever You (the dominant) can to always ensure the submissive's safety and well being.

- No choking, hitting, or any kind of physical/mental abuse or punishment that would otherwise cause physical/mental damage to the submissive. Slapping (as punishment) is okay.

- No lying to Your submissive. Always be honest.

- No unnecessary punishing of the submissive if the submissive has not done anything wrong.

- The Dominant is required to give His submissive a symbol of ownership (choker, ring, collar, anklet).

For the submissive (Amber Rose):

- No cheating. That means no flirting, kissing, having sex, or any kind of sexual activity with others (regardless of gender).

- Not having other Dominants or partners other than David Book.

- Calling your Dominant 'Sir', 'Daddy', 'Master', 'My Lord', or whatever appropriate title that the Dominant finds fitting.

- Respecting your Dominant in public and in private.

- Required to always wear your symbol of ownership twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week in public and in private, unless otherwise specified by your Dominant.

- Obeying any and every one of your Dominant's commands.

- No lying to your Dominant. Always be honest.

- If the Dominant asks something of the submissive they are not comfortable doing, the submissive is required to speak up, and the Dominant will find a compromise.

- The submissive is required to take care of herself and her health for her Dominant.

- Any wrongdoing, or rule the submissive breaks, the submissive is to immediately inform the Dominant for appropriate punishment.

- The submissive must not come until the Dominant does first, unless given explicit permission by the Dominant.

- The submissive is not allowed to touch herself sexually without permission from the Dominant.

I finally looked back up at Amber. Her face was bright red and she raised a hopeful eyebrow. "Well?"

"Yeah, we can do this."

She frowned. "Just like that? No 'what the fuck is wrong with you' or 'is this a joke', which, by the way, it isn't. Just like... that?"

If I ever had need of my best poker face, now was the time. "Yeah. I kind of like it. I mean, I am not going to lie, having a hot girl to do whatever I want? Fuck yeah."

Amber's frown deepened. "It's not just that, Dave. It's a serious commitment, and I need you to be serious about this. Please. I trust you and I am giving all of my control away. Being a dominant is not just ordering his submissive around - you need to take care of me."

I mirrored her frown. This wasn't what I was expecting. I didn't want a relationship. Especially one with multiple rules. But if it meant having sex with her for the time... I could play along for a while - until the next injection. Besides, the rules were vastly in my favour, and I agreed with most of them - except the ones where I could only have one slave. I wanted more.

I exhaled, steadying my thundering heartbeat. My cock was still throbbing madly and I felt a drop of precum oozing down my legs. "Sorry. Yeah, I will take this seriously."

Amber nodded seriously. "Thank you, Dave. You have no idea how much this means to me. So, a one week trial. And if you like it, we can do a proper contract."

I nodded. "Okay."


An awkward pause. Amber looked at me, then at the paper, then back at me, all the while shuffling her feet, her cheeks becoming more flushed.

"So... is there anything I can do for you?" A pause. "What should I call you now? Sir?"

I tried to maintain eye contact but it was hard. "Uh, 'Master' will do just fine."

Amber smiled, a wicked grin with hints of naughtiness. "So is there anything I can do for you, Master?"

I almost came. The way she said it... Amber basically purred out the word, layering it with a soft, seductive tone that made the back of my neck prickle up with goosebumps and my cock throb even more with hot desire.

"Uh, yeah. I want, uh..." I tried to think of several things I wanted her to do. A blowjob, sex, a french kiss, "...coffee?"

Amber laughed, the sound of her voice carrying through the room and releasing the tension in the air. "Of course, of course. At once," -she winked at me- "Master."

Like always - it was a ritual for me now - I ogled her ass as she went. And for the first time, she caught me. As if she sensed it, she looked back over her shoulder, an unreadable expression on her face. I almost apologised out of instinct but remembered my position with her now. Amber gave me a flirty smile - the first one I had ever received from her. Then another wink. Then she was gone, off to fetch my coffee.

This week was going to be fun.

Next chapter