

Ian Shergold©

It began when my sister Inci and her son Peter came to stay with my wife and me for a week. Although older than me at 49, Inci was still an attractive woman who looked 10 years younger thanks in part to her slim figure (despite having three children). She was married to an English guy, Sir John, which hadn't gone well with the rest of the family, in particular my father. But he was very successful in the banking trade. Of course, she would use to moan to my wife about the hours Sir John worked. However, she did enjoy the dividends that his job brought (money, car, designer clothes, etc...). She also organised herself a good social life (separate from her husband); though she never dallied (all my sisters were brought up to believe in Turkish values as to regarding marriage even though John was English).

They had three children - two girls (Angela 29) & (Ayla 27) and one boy (Peter 20). The two girls had already left home and were living lives of their own with Peter being the only child left living at home though now attending a local college. It was no secret that he was Inci's favourite. Possibly because he had come so late in her life.

As I said, Inci came and visited me for a week. She and Peter had just returned from a holiday in Cyprus (visiting relatives) and both were sporting healthy tans. Peter had nothing better to do before going back to college (all his friends were away or busy) so he tagged along.

Unfortunately, my wife had to work up north all that week and my son (who was two years younger than Peter) was away on a school field trip. Although I was able to take most of the week off, there was one day I had to go into London to attend an important business meeting. On that day, Inci gave me a lift to the station and promised to pick me up when I called.

Although the day started out okay, by mid-morning I was starting to feel a bit unwell. Before lunch I was forced to leave my meeting and catch an early train home. I tried phoning my house but all I got was my answer machine (presumably Inci and Peter were out) so I took a taxi. Once home, I found the house empty and I collapsed on a settee in a small room just off the living room and fell into a light sleep, a warm rug wrapped round me

I awoke a while later feeling almost my old self and saw Inci slumped in a chair in the main room wearing a dressing gown (obviously she had just had a shower) sipping a whisky. She looked upset and later it came out that my brother-in-law had phoned saying that he had to work all the following weekend and they wouldn't be able to celebrate her birthday (though he did promise to make it up to her). I was looking directly at Inci but she hadn't spotted me.

I was just about to call out to her when a voice shouted: "Mum! Are you home?"

I kept quiet as Inci answered him. "In here, dear." and in walked in Peter.

If you listened to my wife, Peter had become a very good looking guy over the past few years and looking at him now, I had to agree. He towered above both his parents (Inci was just over 5 foot and John was not that much taller). Judging from the muscle tone of his arms (he was wearing a t-shirt), it looked like he had started working out. He obviously saw that Inci was upset and when he enquired what was the matter, she told him about the weekend.

Sympathetically, Peter pulled Inci to her feet and gave her a hug. Smiling, he suggested that they went out since I was not due home for at least a few hours. She agreed. They seemed to pause in their embrace and then Inci pulled away, perhaps aware that she was only wearing a dressing gown (and a thin one at that)?

"I had better get changed," she said.

"Can't we have a quick drink first?" asked her son.

Inci paused for a moment and then said, "Okay, what would you like?"

"A whisky?" I heard him asked.

Inci looked at him; "You know that you are too young to drink whisky, young man" she scolded.

"Aw come on Mum, one won't hurt - please?"

After a pause, she said "Alright, but don't tell your father!"

Inci bent over the drinks cabinet and poured both of them a whisky. With her back to him, she didn't see Peter look at her covered rump.

"My God, was he actually eyeing up own his mother?" I wondered, "Surely not?"

Then I happened to glance at the front of his pants and saw what looked like a bulge. I was speechless; he actually had an erection. I couldn't believe it! I knew that guys his age were constantly horny (I used to be like that myself) but to be aroused by his own mother? And I am sure my wife had told me that Inci had complained in the past on how many girlfriends he had.

Peter was already sitting on the settee by the time Inci had finished and came over to join him.

"Cheers" she said and both of them took a swig from their glasses. They idly chatted for a few minutes and then Peter saw that Inci's glass was empty.

"Come on Mum, I'll get you another one" he smiled.

"I shouldn't really. I have already had two." she replied.

"Oh come on."

She relented and Peter went over to the drinks cabinet. I noticed that his glass wasn't empty but he quickly remedied that by gulping down its contents and then refilling both glasses with liberal amounts of whisky and a very small amount of soda.

Peter returned to the settee and handed Inci her glass. She took a mouthful and said "My God! How much whisky did you put in this?".

"Sorry, Mum!" was all Peter said before bolting the entire contents of his drink down his throat, causing him to splutter.

"Silly! You shouldn't drink it like that!" Inci said.

They continued talking and the conversation came round to my brother-in-law. At length, Peter started going on about how badly his father treated her and that it wasn't right. Inci only half-heartedly tried to defend him.

Peter leaned forward and embraced Inci, kissing her on the cheek.

"I do love you, Mum".

"I love you too dear" replied Inci, hugging him back.

Peter then pulled back a bit and then kissed her hard on the mouth. Immediately, my cock soared into an instant erection.

"Peter! How many times have I told you not to kiss me like that!" Inci scolded after she broke the kiss. "I don't know what has gotten into you since we've been away."

I couldn't help but stare. I knew that Peter had always been affectionate towards her, more so than his two sisters. I just didn't know how affectionate. When Peter clasped her to him and began babbling, she still thought she could handle the situation.

As far as I could make out he was groaning, "I'm sorry! I do love you, Mum" while palming her breast through her thin dressing gown.

I was stunned, but Inci seemed to take it in her stride. It didn't look like this was the first time she had to fight off her son's amorous advances. Regaining control, she pushed him gently away.

"Peter, I am worried about this unhealthy attitude you have about me." she said firmly.

"I'm sorry, Mum - I couldn't help it" Peter replied.

Looking at him as she put down her glass, she said, "No it's my fault. I know that all you boys think of is sex. But you should be interested in girls of your age, not your mother."

"But you are so beautiful!" Peter protested.

"Peter, STOP IT!" said Inci sternly, "I am your mother! You have to stop this, it's not healthy." She paused, looking at herself in her dressing gown; "Now, I think I'd better get changed before you get any more ideas."

Peter didn't say a word except just sit there.

My sister took one sip of her drink and then leant forward to put her glass down, on to the coffee table. That was where she made her mistake, as she leant forward, the top of her dressing gown came apart slightly. The gap was too little and too far away for me to see but obviously Peter could see right into it and I saw him stiffen. I still remembered her gasping as he shot his hand inside her robe, scooping out one breast which he literally covered with great, groaning kisses.

"No, no Peter, stop it! I am your mother!" I could hear the gasp in her voice as she pushed him away.

To my astonishment I was now on Peter's side, and willed him to carry on. I felt my erection getting stiffer (so much so that I had to unzip my flies) as watched and almost collapsed with frustration when Peter slipped to his knees, blurting apologies amidst a stream of tears with Inci trying to comfort him. But it was only momentary, and I watched anxiously as he raised the bottom of Inci's robe almost to her waist.

Groaning, Peter bent to kiss her legs, but sensed that his fingers would have the most effect at this point, and his urgent probing at the very top of her legs made Inci gasp. She made one tremendous effort to still the hand that was caressing her flesh, but Peter wasn't about to give in. I could hear her shouting "Peter, stop it! I mean it!"

"But I want you so much, Mum!" groaned Peter and if to prove it, he leant back and quickly undid his belt and flies, freeing his erect penis.

Inci's eyes bulged as she took in the dimensions of her son's huge erection.

"Oh my God! Put that thing away!!! " she exclaimed bring her hand to her mouth but I noticed that she never stopped looking at it.

I must admit, I always I thought I was nicely blessed but next to this big brute (which looked more at home on a donkey), mine looked like a tiddler. I was instantly envious.

However, what shocked me more was seeing my sister despite what she had told Peter reaching out and taking it her hands and finding it too thick for her fingers to encompass it.

For a while Inci stroked as if she wanted to make it as big as possible. Then she swung her legs along the settee, lifting her arse so that Peter could open her robe further.

Simultaneously, Peter and I gasped at the sight of her cunt. I have never saw a cunt looking so vulgar and flushed, ruddy with lust as I did hers that day. I sensed, rather than saw, that a sheen of Inci's love juices had flooded on to her thighs which she had spread wide, still arching her bottom off the settee towards Peter's tool. He had slipped down his trousers and poised his muscley thighs between Inci's totally abandoned legs. There was to be no finesse. Both mother and son were lost to the lewdest of sensual lust, and I raised my head slightly, panting almost in time with the mating before my widening gaze.

Suddenly the phone rang which nearly gave all three of us a heart-attack. Pulling her robe together, Inci quickly got up, pushing Peter aside in her mad scramble to the phone.

"Oh hi!", she said to the person on the other end of the line, "No, I am alright..... No he hasn't phoned but I am due to pick him up from the station". It was my wife. "I get him to give you a call when he comes in."

Inci hang up the phone. She turned back to Peter who was by now sitting on the settee, his large organ still jutting out in front of him.

"I must get dressed", she said coldly and went upstairs. The moment was gone. I groaned in frustration, cursing my wife for phoning.

Peter just sat there on the settee. Then slowly, he started to stroke his cock. Within moments, his hands were a blur and suddenly, while groaning for his mother, he shot his thick white spunk into the air. I was astounded, I never saw so much cum as he shot wad after wad. Finally he collapsed on the settee, panting.

My heart was beating like a hammer, thinking what could have happened. I realised that I had desperately wanted to see them fuck.

A few minutes later, Inci returned dressed in a knee length skirt and blouse. Peter had by this time had cleaned himself up and put on his jeans.

"Peter, what happened was wrong," she started as she sat next to him, "wrong and unnatural. You do realise that you could have got me pregnant and God knows what would happen if your father ever found out"

"Pregnant?", Peter looked up, looking horrified. "B-but I thought you were on the pill."

"No, " Inci replied, "your father and I don't, ahem..... Anyway! You must promise that you will never try to do this again."

"I am so sorry, Mum. I don't know what came over me. You must think I am really sick!" he whined.

"No! No, I don't think you are sick, honey. You just need to remember that I am your mother and not one of your girlfriends. Maybe you should have stayed at home so that you can seeing one of them."

"I didn't want to be with them, Mum. I want to be with you. ", he said, his voice shaking. "I love you so much".

I couldn't believe it and nor could Inci by the look on her face.

"Oh God! Don't say things like that! You sound like that you are actually in love with me, your own mother."

"I am." Peter said quietly. "It's not as if Dad loves you anymore."

"Oh my poor baby," Inci said with tears in her eyes, taking him into her arms. "What am I going to do with you?"

Within seconds, they were both crying.

Inci slowly stopped sobbing and then cleared her eyes and looked directly into his.

"But it wasn't right." Inci said finally, "Now I want you to promise me that you will never try to touch me that way again."

"I promise." Peter said, wiping his eyes.

Looking at the clock, Inci got up. "I'd better get going, your uncle is due to phone any time for me to pick him up from the station. You had better put some clothes on.", pointing to Peter's naked chest.

Both mother and son left the room.

I was left shaking, hardly believing what has just happened. But I didn't want this end like this. I wanted to see how far this scenario could play out. Would Peter try again and would Inci succumb? I had to find out.

By this time, my erection had shrunk enough for me to easily zip myself up. I then slowly crawled off the settee and went through the kitchen to get into the back garden. Fishing out my cell phone, I called the house. Peter answered.

"Hi, Peter, it's your uncle. Is your mother around" I asked.

Peter sounded distant. "I'll just get her for you".

A few seconds later, I heard Inci's voice.


"Hi, Inci. Bad news! I won't be able to come home tonight, the meeting is taking longer than I thought. But I should be back sometime tomorrow." I said.

"Um, okay, "she replied, "problems at work?"

"Oh no! Nothing I can't sort out. Look, I am feeling tired, I'll phone you tomorrow." Inci told me that I had to phone my wife before hanging up.

I quickly crept back into the house (thank God I keep the door's hinges well oiled) and was soon back in my hiding place in time to see the both of them come back into the living room.

"What's happened?" asked Peter.

"Oh, he's been held up and won't be back until tomorrow." Inci replied.

"Oh" was all Peter said.

Inci looked at her son for a few seconds and then said "Look, nothing really serious happened. I am sure that we can put all this behind us."

"I suppose. " Peter's reply was so quiet that I could hardly hear him.

"Look, " Inci said cheerfully, "come here and give your old mother a hug."

"You are not old." Peter said but nevertheless he walked into her arms.

"I do love you, you know that?" she said.

"Yeah," he said, "and I love you too."

Inci gently kissed Peter on the cheek.

"There, that's not so ba.....mmpphhh!" Inci started to say as Peter's mouth found hers, his body pushing hers again the wall.

His hands were all over her, rubbing her breasts. He then started to nibble her neck.

"Peter! STOP IT! You promised me that you wouldn't do this. I am your mother, this is incest!", she gasped, fighting against him.

Peter made no reply as they struggled, my sister desperately trying to get out of her son's clutches. The struggling got more fierce. So much so, I started to worry that he try to rape her. I had originally found this all arousing because my sister had succumbed despite her protests. This was different. Inci was really struggling now and the way my nephew was acting, I didn't know what he would do.

I started to get up when Peter pulled his hand off Inci's breast and stuck it up her skirt. A moment later, Inci froze and just gave a deep-throated "Ooooohhhhhh".

I just watched open-mouthed at the change that come over her. One minute was she had been struggling in protest, now she was grabbing Peter's face and locking her lips with his in the deepest French kiss I ever witness.

Groaning and with their hands all over each other, their mouths still clued together, they slid to the floor. Removing his mouth from hers, I saw Peter start a new struggle now, this time with Inci's knickers. Pulling her knickers down and off her legs, he then struggled with his jeans, only having time to pull both his jeans and pants down to his knees in his desperation to sheath himself inside his mother.

Peter got between Inci's legs and slowly slid into her, both of them groaning with the effort.

Once comfortably seated, Peter bent his head down to his mother's as his mouth joined hers. He then slowly moved his mouth down to her neck as one of his hands started pawing her breasts through her blouse, his arse slowly moving up and down between her legs. All during this, Inci just lay there sobbing slightly but not resisting in any way.

Slowly, not to disturb them, I pulled my rug back, allowing me to unzip my trousers and take my fresh erection in hand.

Peter's mouth had by this time rejoined Inci's and their kissing was getting really passionate as his arse moved faster.

Gasping, Peter raised himself onto his arms as he started to throw his hips forward in rapid strokes, causing his mother to gasp and moan. In turn, she raised her legs and hooked them behind the small of his back and she sought to pull him even deeper into her cunt. Gone were any protests. Both of them were now intent on reaching their orgasms.

I started to wank myself harder as Peter's thrusts got deeper and harder. All I could hear was them moaning and the slap, slap, slap of their bodies hitting each other.

The noise got louder and louder as they picked up speed. Now I started to hear a wet slurping noise of a large hard cock being repeatedly thrusted into a very wet cunt.

I was impressed by Peter's stamina, they had been screwing for the last 20 minutes but I could see from his wild thrusts that he was almost there. Gasping he pulled his face from hers.

"I'm...(unnngh)..almost there, Mum....(unnngh)...I gotta pull out..".

At the back of my mind, I remembered that Inci said that she was unprotected. To his credit, Peter had obviously remembered.

"No! (uuugggghh),,,,not now! I'm...(uuunnggh)...about...(unnnnghhh)...to..to.. oooooohh!!!!!!!!!!!!" Inci shouted as I saw her bury her head into her son's shoulder, clutching him wildly as she started by the looks of it her biggest come yet.

"Mum!... No, Mum!...(arrrh)...I gotta pull out.... ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!!". It was too late, Inci was holding on to him too tightly for him to withdraw. Instead, I saw him bury himself as deeply as possible into her. Grabbing her hard, I could see his bum flex as he shot wad after wad of rich potent young cum into Inci's belly.

I heard Inci cry out "No, Peter. Noooooo....ooohhh!" as she shook in orgasm.

My cock trembled as I remembered what she had said earlier and that now Peter was ejaculating directly into his own mother's unprotected and fertile womb. Judging from the amount of spunk he had shot off earlier and knowing how fertile young men can be, I was certain that he could get her pregnant easily despite her age. In my mind's eye, I could imagine his sperm swimming deep inside her belly searching out an egg to attach to. The thought of her going round with a fat tummy full with her son's baby was too much. With a suppressed moan, I came in my hand.

I watched as they trembled, locked together. Peter repeatedly shooting more of his spunk into Inci's heaving stomach. Finally, after what seemed an age, Peter relaxed on Inci and they both lay there recovering.

I had expected that they had finished, but to my surprise (and I fancy to my sister's), Peter started moving inside Inci again.

"Oh no Peter, not again!" moaned Inci but she didn't stop him as she lay there gasping while he slowly seesawed into her. After a few thrusts, he stopped and I saw him pull out. He just knelt there with his huge boner sticking up, glistening with their juices.

"Peter, wha? Inci gasped.

"Mum, please undress. I want to see you naked" Peter groaned.

Inci just lay on the floor for a moment. Then, still panting, she got up and started stripping. Within minutes, she was standing in front of her son, totally naked. Both our eyes bulged as we took in her body (though he had the better view). From the side view, I could see her legs (perhaps a little too skinny) going up to a small peachy arse. Her left boob drooped a little against her ribcage. For any age, she looked good but for a woman of 49, she looked great. I felt a tinge in my cock but it was too tired to raise again. Besides, however arousing I found it, I had no desire to fuck my own sister. However, my poor wife will have a hard time tomorrow night when she gets home.

Peter had no such qualms as he stood up and completely stripped. For seconds (though it seemed longer), the two of them just stood there eyeing each other up. Then Peter said: "Get on your hands and knees so I can fuck you from behind."

"Oh Peter!" was all Inci said as she quickly complied.

Rubbing his, I imagine aching, hard-on (looking at the size of it), Peter got down on his knees and shuffled up behind her. From my angle, I could not see the actual penetration, but from the looks on their faces and the moans that came out of the mouths, he was slowly but surely feeding himself back into her. By the time his stomach flattened against her arse, I could see a smile of satisfaction on Peter's face while Inci looked like she was in agony with her teary eyes wide and her mouth hanging open as she continually moaned. I then realised that from this position, Peter must have been in her deeper than ever.

This time, he started fucking her in earnest. Grabbing hold of Inci's thighs, Peter started move his hips back and forth. Slowly at first but soon he was speeding up. From my vantage point, I could see his stomach smashing into Inci's backside, making the cheeks of her arse quiver.

The slapping sound got harder and harder as he pounded into her. At first Inci was moving her backside to meet his thrusts but I saw that she soon gave that up as he started fucking her even more forcefully. In the end, all she could do was grip the carpet hard, her mouth open as she emitted loud "ugggh"s.

As she started to approach orgasm, she started getting quite verbal.

"Oh yes. Oh my baby."

followed by

"Ohhhhh God, it feels so good. I love it up me. You are so big! Take me, honey. I love you being i-inside me!"

followed by loud cries as she very obviously came to orgasm.

By this time, they had been fucking for at least another twenty minutes (where does he get the energy from? I couldn't do that even at his age). Peter had by now moved his hands up to Inci's naked breasts, gripping them firmly as he brutally shoved his large erection so far up her, I was surprised that it didn't come out of her mouth.

On and on they fucked. As before, the room was filled with sounds of bodies (this time naked) slapping together HARD, slurping sounds as a large stiff cock repeatedly reamed a soft wet cunt and the groans of two people in ecstasy.

I lost track of time but finally I sensed that that end was near. Both of their faces, especially Peter's were showing signs of strain as his thrusts became more and more rapid.

"I-I'm going to come, Mum. I-I need to pull out." he groaned.

"O-oh no, Peter. Stay in me. Fill me, honey, fill me! Make me pregnant, put a baby inside me!" Inci moaned.

I couldn't believe what my sister had just said. Nor could Peter as he slammed into her one last time and gripped hard as he so obviously (by his face) started shooting off inside her.

"HERE IT COMES, MUM! Here comes your baby!! ARRRGHHH!"

It must have been a strong ejaculation since I saw Inci's eyes bulged and her mouth emitted a long "Oooooohhh!" as he came inside her. I see his arse as he spurted more of his hot potent seed into Inci's receptive belly, adding to the sperm he had already deposited earlier. Inci then closed her eyes and bit her lip, crying out as she came again, making her son cry out as I imagined her cunt collapsed around his spasming cock.

For long seconds, I watch the two of them just kneeling there, their bodies locked together as they came. But finally they pulled apart, Peter's cock sliding out of Inci's cunt with a wet slap. Even limp, his cock was formidable.

They lay on the floor, arms around each other.

"I'm sorry, Mum" began Peter, obviously feeling remorse again.

"Shush! " hushed Inci, kissing him lightly on the lips. "I should be angry with you but I'm not. No one has ever made love to me like that before. I didn't know sex could be that good. I just got carried away."

"Really?" smiled her son.

"Really!" confirmed Inci.

"Better than with Dad?" pushed her son.

"Shhhh! Let's not talk about your father. But let's just say that he has never been as enthusiastic as you. Not even when he was younger."

"Then Dad's a fool. You are the sexiest lady in the world and if you were my wife, I would be fucking you..."

"Peter!" Inci gasped.

"...fucking you every morning, noon and night! And you would have to be on the pill or you would forever be pregnant." Peter continued, slowly bending forward to kiss her and then moving his mouth onto her neck.

"Peter, " Inci giggled, "is that all you think about?"

Then I saw her look down between his legs and gasped.

"I see that you do ..ummph." She was cut off as Peter kissed her again, this time more ardently.

Within seconds, they were kissing passionately; I could see their tongues rolling within their open mouths.

Not again, I thought. How could Peter keep going? I was knackered and I was just watching.

Inci then moved away from Peter.

"Mum?" quizzed Peter.

"Honey, I got to go to the Chemists. Despite what I said a few minutes ago, I can't risk getting pregnant." Inci said getting up and making for her clothes.

But I could see that my nephew was interested in other things (Peter was insatiable) as he got up and with a fresh hard-on sticking up in front of him and started towards his naked mother, herding her towards the stairs. Somehow, I don't think my lusty nephew was going to let his mother out of the house, let alone near a Chemists for a long time yet.

"Oh Mum! Just one more time, please? I'll be quick!"

"Oh Peter, you can't want it again. Not so soon!" exclaimed Inci, her eyes were glued on Peter's erection as she was slowly pushed up the stairs.

"I can't help it!" replied Peter, "you are so beautiful!" as I saw him lecherously look at his mother.

Despite Inci's protests (which looked pretty half-hearted), Peter guided her up the stairs and into the spare bedroom where Inci slept, closing the door behind them.

Oh to be young again. I was worn out. So much so that I fell asleep.

When I woke up again, I looked at my watch and found it was around 4 in the morning. I quickly nipped out in the garden for a pee (I couldn't use the toilet). Once back in, I went into the main living room and sat on the settee.

The house was stone quiet. I could hear nothing or could I? I slowly got up and crept to the bottom of the stairs and listened. Yes, I could definitely hear something. As quietly as I could, I stepped up the stairs. There, I could hear something coming from the spare bedroom.

As quiet as a mouse, I crept up and listened at the bedroom door, and to an orgy of groans and the bed protesting at the humping that Peter was giving Inci. I stood for ages until frozen, but they still carried on kissing, whispering, screwing and sucking. When I left them to it, desperate to get my own end away for the third time that day (I haven't done that for a long time), they were in the middle of another good strenuous fuck. At times I heard Inci giggle loudly, and once give an 'ouch' and reprimanded Peter for biting her nipples too hard.

After my third come, I decided it was better to get a room in the hotel down the road for the rest of the night.

The next morning, I arrived at my house around noon. Inci was there waiting for me (I had called her in advance). She did look tired, her hair was dishevelled as if she had just got up. I told her that my meeting had finished early but I had to go back to the office for the rest of the day and had only come back to wash and change.

"We are not seeing much of you this visit." said Inci.

"I'm sorry," I said, "you know what work is like. Besides you got Peter for company."

I saw Inci blush and behind me I got the distinct impression that Peter was smiling.

After I has washed and changed, I left them at the front door, got into my car and headed off to the country for the day (well it was my day off).

I wondered how long before they would get started again? Not too long, judging by the look on Peter's face.

I started to wonder about my own son. Did he lust after his mother like Peter did with Inci? With sons like that, why would wives need husbands?

Next chapter