
Woman's Atonement, Mom's Body


Editor's note: this submission contains scenes of incest or incest content.


It was almost 3 a.m. when a mafia assassin named Lucia came home after performing a contract. She had just shot a man at point-blank range without leaving a single shred of evidence behind. Part of the reason she was so good at her job was because with her beauty and femininity, no one could ever suspect that she was a stone cold killer.

Her usual routine afterwards was to put her clothes in a trash bag, tape it shut, and lay naked in a hot bath. The bag was on the floor as she laid in the tub. Her raven black hair was slicked back with water. A religious woman, she knew she was going to hell over the sins she had committed in her life. This was her father's lifestyle and eventually hers.

And that's where the trail needed to end.

With the amount of money she saved up, both legal and illegal, she could start a new life somewhere else. She had always dreamed of opening a small restaurant which represented her Sicilian heritage. In many ways, that's how her life should have been, mingling with customers and sharing friendly banter.

Despite her mobster lifestyle, she had always considered herself a simple girl at heart. But that's what this life does to a person. It corrupts your soul until you get murdered or end up in prison.

A woman like herself deserves better, she thought.

So does her son.

The thought of her college son suffering had always crossed her mind, especially during nights like this. How would Gabriel feel if she ever got arrested and sent to prison for life? Or worse, being killed.

Lucia never wanted anyone to feel sorry for her. She was addicted to this line of work. The money. The power. The adrenaline rush.

As with all things, it had to come to an end.


The boss was typically annoyed with 8 a.m. impromptu meetings, but Lucia knew that her good looks always put him in a decent enough mood. At that hour, the boss, Angelo, was still in his silk robe while she made her pitch.

"I'm leaving the family," she said bluntly.

She was known for being a serious person when it came to business and it took a moment for the boss to register what this was all about.

Angelo laughed. "Is that right?"

"That's right. This is something I've been thinking about for a while and it's time."

"You took a blood-oath. Remember? Of course you do. No one ever forgets."

The boss's response was rigid, which is exactly what Lucia had expected before this moment. It was one thing to hold a gun to a man's face, which she was used to doing. It was something else to be on the receiving end of one of Angelo's icy glares. She had grown up fearing this man.

"I remember my oath," she answered. "I think about it everyday."

The boss sweetened his tone. "Lucia, why are we having this conversation? You've always been like a daughter to me. Take a week off. A month. Go on a vacation. When you return, never talk like this again."

"I���m going on a permanent vacation from this life. I've made up my mind. You know I would never bring this up unless I was convinced to my core."

"Can I ask why?" Angelo inquired.

"My soul. My son."

"Ah, that," he smiled. "I think we did a pretty good job keeping Gabriel away from this. Did he see something? Did he hear anything?"

"He's not going to the cops or feds, if that's what you're worried about. My son doesn't know anything incriminating. I swear."

"Good girl."

Lucia kept a straight face. "I mean it. I'm leaving."

"And that's, that?"

"It is."

"Then you must understand how it works. I don't even know why we're having this talk. You want out? Too fucking bad."

"I understand if you want me gone," she said. "But leave my son out of it."

The man smiled and pinched her chin. "You're too beautiful to disappear. And I never go after family. Don't ever insult me like that, my dear."

"What is it then?" she asked. "Are you going to fuck me in the ass for a parting gift? Are you going to have your bodyguards rape me?"

There was a certainty in her voice. Where men are killed and sometimes tortured, women are often served with a much different fate.

"Neither of those things are necessary," Angelo said, speaking in a regular tone. "But as we both know, I can't just let you walk away cleanly. Not with everything in that pretty little head of yours. You know too much and I can't trust you anymore."

"I swear on my life, to God, to my family, that those secrets will stay with me until the end."

"I have heard that too many times in my life. Being cautious has kept me in this business for a long time."

She nodded her agreement. "I know you're a smart man, Angelo. What do you want?"

"An insurance policy."

A slow grin formed on the boss's face. This was a man who had ordered countless executions of rivals. In secure locations, Angelo never had a problem laughing and speaking brazenly about his deeds.

In this home, Angelo usually spoke in vague generalities about things that were illegal. This time, he was blunt and firm about what he wanted and expected. The guidelines for her exit were clear.

Lucia, receiving the orders like a good soldier, accepted her fate.


On the night of the event, she wore a thin black dress along with heels on her feet. The nerves she felt were a lot different than performing a job. In fact, the feeling in the pit of her stomach was something new to her.

No one else was in the dining area of the mafia-owned restaurant as she stood around with her son Gabriel, who was wearing a formal suit. It was almost 10 pm and the employees had gone home a long time ago.

"I hope you don't hate me," she said at random. "But I understand if you do."

In the last week, she had given Gabriel the shock of his life when she forced him to drop his college courses so they could move to another state. She knew that her son had a lot of friends.

He shook his head. "I'll never hate you. It's just…"

"You'll make new friends. You have a good personality."

"I can stay in touch with friends on social media. I also… sort of… have a girlfriend. Well, had a girlfriend. That's why I'm a little bothered."

"You never told me that," she replied.

"Because I don't think you would have approved of her."

It gave her a stinging feeling that her son would be so interested in someone and keep that a secret from her. Yet it wasn't a complete surprise either. She had sometimes been strict with him. She wondered if it was a racial issue, as she was a product of a different era.

"You're a handsome guy," she noted, having to be callous about the situation. "I know you'll find someone new."

"Sure," he said with a shrug.

"Look, about tonight," she said, changing the subject to more pressing matters. "I'm very sorry. If there was any other way…"

"It's okay. I understand the situation we're in."

Her son looked so handsome in her eyes, standing in that suit. As a mother, it hurt that she was putting her son in this situation. But she knew it was for the best. She knew that this one night of sacrifice would set them free of this life forever… assuming they wouldn't be betrayed…

"Do you actually understand?" she asked with an eyebrow raised. "I was vague about things because I don't know all the details. But I have a general sense of what's going to happen tonight."

When Gabriel blushed and gave a subtle purse of the lips, Lucia knew that her son understood. That she had explained things enough where nothing would be a total shock.

"Yeah, I get it. To be honest, I'd be surprised if we even make it past tonight."

"Is that what you think?"

"Just admit it," he said. "It's possible we won't make it, right?"

Of course it was. Lucia knew her boss was a dangerous man. But she also knew that the boss had never gone after family. It was part of their code, even as ruthless as this business was. The possibility was open that they'd be the exception to that rule, given all she knew.

In her years of experience, she saw the tell-tale signs of when a man is about to break. She sensed the tension in her son's voice and the nervousness in his body language. In Lucia's experience, it often led to crying and pleading.

That was the last thing that needed to happen tonight, because it would make the boss nervous about letting them go. And if the boss was nervous, then the boss was within his rights to close any loose ends, because nervous people tend to talk to the police.

"We're not going to die," Lucia reassured her son, even though she wasn't absolutely sure about that.

"You don't believe that, mom. I know what this is. I know what you are."

"And what am I?" she asked, as if to challenge her son.

"Come on, I'm not stupid. These guys are on the news sometimes. Police follow them around and they treat you as an equal. You're in this thing. You're in the mob, just like dad was. Just like grandpa and my uncles."

Sometimes the truth is the best option. And her son deserved the truth in a moment like this. She needed to provide a dose of honesty if their future together was going to work.

Lucia kept a straight face. "My daytime job as a consultant is a front. I collect monthly checks for doing nothing. Most of my income is from being a cleaner for the mafia. I make a lot of money getting rid of rivals and people who give us problems. There, so now you know what I do."

"That's a lot to hear," he replied, sucking in a deep breath of air.

She wondered if her son was going to faint, but being strong was in their family genes, and her son kept composure. Maybe this was a family thing after all? Gabriel looked so much like his father and had many of the same mannerisms as well.

"Are you disappointed?" Lucia asked.

"I don't know. It's a lot to digest."

"From now on, I'll tell you everything you want to know. But you need to remain calm tonight."

"Do you really think they'll let us live?"

She sensed panic again, and looking deeply into Gabriel's eyes, she knew he was close to breaking. Admitting she was a mafia assassin was the last thing her son had expected and it was evident that she possessed way too much incriminating information about the crime family.

If her son were to beg and plead before the boss, then it would all be over for them.

"Listen to me," she said firmly. "Forget your life here, forget your friends, and forget that girl you're fucking. All we have is each other. When it starts tonight, shut the fuck up and do whatever I say, got it?"

Gabriel nodded. "Got it."

"Honey, I know you're scared. When this is done, you'll have me. All of me. Do you understand?"

"There are some things I'd rather not know."

"I'm not just talking about secrets," she replied. "I mean, you can have everything. It's the least I can do."

Lucia stepped towards her son, grabbed his hand, and pulled it below her dress. She used her strong arm to force her son's hand beneath her panties to feel her pussy.

"Mom…" he gasped, with his hand still there.

She made sure Gabriel's hand was still on her pussy. "This is what's going to happen tonight, okay? You'll see a few things that you shouldn't. But that's what it'll take for me to be released from my oath."

When she released her son, Gabriel pulled away, unsure of what to make of all this.

"I get it," he said. "I can go along with it."

She pursed her lips. "Thank you."

Just then, a side door opened and a middle-aged man with slicked back hair and a sharp suit appeared.

"Lucia, Gabriel, the boss will see you now," he said without any emotion, as if this were the most casual thing in the world.

She looked at her son, nodded, and they both walked.


The banquet hall was arranged so that the dining tables were folded and placed by the walls, along with all the chairs. Over a dozen men, mafia captains and soldiers, were standing in the middle of the room, all wearing black suits.

Her eyes did a quick scan, looking for any sign of danger. She had done this long enough to know when a killing was about to happen, and tonight there'd be none. On the contrary, these men looked ready to see something worthwhile because they had always wanted to fuck her.

She stood next to Gabriel in the center of the room. Across from them were the men. In between was a table that had a small video recorder and an empty wine glass.

"Sad that our last meeting is in such circumstance," Angelo said. "I've always thought your loyalty was deep."

"I'll always be loyal to you," she replied. "But not here anymore. Things change."

Lucia could have pleaded her case more, but why bother? Whatever was planned was planned. Her fate was already sealed, whatever the details were.

"Are you sure you want to do this? If you have a change of heart, I'll welcome you back like nothing ever happened. You're a woman, it's okay to… you know… have mood issues. I've got a wife and two daughters, I know how it is sometimes."

She ignored the slight. "I'm fine, Angelo."

This time, it was Lucia taking the deep breaths, and not her son. She did her best to control herself. It felt a lot different being in a situation where she was powerful and without a gun. She had already been searched and the place had been swept. That her son was in the room only made things unbearable, but she held firm.

"You sure?" he asked. "Last chance."

"Whatever you're going to, just do it. I won't give you anything extra."

He gave a sigh of mercy. "Alright. But you asked for this. This is your fault. You brought this on yourself."

"Get on with it."

The boss snapped his fingers and two men approached Lucia on both sides. From the corner of her eye, she saw her son flinch, wondering if they were going to kill her. She looked straight ahead at the boss, not giving any expression. Not showing weakness to anyone in the crime family.

Her thin, expensive dress was ripped to shreds by the men. She remained motionless as they pulled the torn fabric away, leaving her in her bra and panties. But that was removed too, causing the clip of her bra to break and her panties to be torn. They even bent down and took her heels away from her, tossing them aside, not caring about how much the heels were worth.

Lucia had previously given orders to these men for various jobs. She had been their boss. Now they left her stark naked in front of everyone. In front of her shocked son.

She was left exposed before them. Her middle-age had never been so apparent. Lucia was a woman who prided herself on a professional appearance. She always made a strong effort to look good. To be at her best.

Now they could all see her signs of aging. Her sagging, plump breasts. The curves of her midsection. Her strong Italian thighs.

The men feasted their eyes. So did her son.

"Beautiful woman," Angelo grinned. "What a gem. I wish I could have seen this side of you a long, long time ago."

"Don't be a bastard. I'm already naked. Finish this."

"If that's how you want it, then you got it."

Angelo snapped his fingers again to signal a man to pick up the video recorder. The man turned on the recorder and now Lucia was on video, naked.

She brushed away the shame the best she could. The fact was, this was unprecedented humiliation. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before in her life. All her power, dignity, and respect had been stripped away. And she knew it was about to get a lot worse.

"You know how this works," the boss said. "My voice will be edited out. Only your face and naked body will be recorded. I'll spare your son's face, since the young man has always been good to me, and the poor guy did nothing wrong."

She breathed a short sigh of relief. "Thank you for sparing my son's dignity."

"Don't thank me yet. I'll still need Gabriel's cock in the recording."

Lucia gasped. She heard her son gasping too.

"You fucking asshole..." she said through gritted teeth.

Angelo shot back, "Don't give me that shit! I fucking warned you And don't forget, I'm doing you a big time favor. No one ever leaves a blood oath. Now, do you want to renege on the deal we've made? I'd hate to see that happen. I've always had a soft spot for you."

A mafia soldier looked antsy in the background, slowly inching his hand beneath his blazer, reaching for something in case it was needed.

From the corner of her eye, Lucia saw her panicked son. She couldn't blame him for feeling that way since Gabriel had never been in a situation like this before. She saw the men tense, ready for whatever the boss ordered, whether it be restraining them or outright killing them.

So she did the reasonable thing and remained cool.

"I want the deal," she surrendered.

Angelo also calmed down. "Good. Now you're thinking straight. I'll also need updates from you. Send me brand new videos of you and Gabriel every few months. It'll keep me at ease that neither of you has gone to the cops."

"That's more than what we agreed. We've always been straight with each other, and now you're fucking me over like this?"

"I know, I know. This is a big risk I'm taking. I swear, no one will see the videos… well… except for the men in this room. We need to make sure there's quality control. We can't have you slacking, can we, darling?"

The boss grinned and so did the men behind him.

Naked and emotionally wounded, Lucia had never been so hurt. She had killed for these men. She was going to hell for this boss. And now she was being treated like a worthless whore.

But deep down, she was thankful for this. She knew the rules of this lifestyle. This was a special exception that was made for her because no one is ever allowed to leave. The video recordings were smart and it made sense, regardless of how sinister it felt.

"This doesn't scare me," she said to maintain whatever dignity she had left. "I'm already naked. Do whatever you need."

Angelo slowly stepped forward. "If you break a blood-oath to this family, then you'll have to break the blood-oath to your son. That's a fair trade, don't you think?"

Grins were proudly flashing in the room. She did agree that it was a fair trade and it beat the alternatives by a long shot. This way, they'd live and be able to move on. To be free of this life.

"It's fair," she answered.

"Then get on your fucking knees and take your son's dick out. Get him nice and hard, the way a good mother knows how."

She heard her son panting. It was a heartbreaking sound. In many ways, this wasn't as tough as performing a hit, but it wasn't much easier either. It was something different. Something that got her blood flowing with adrenaline.

Lucia turned to her son and whispered, "Don't whimper. Don't complain. Don't fight. It'll only give them more satisfaction."

"Okay," her son whispered back, nodding curtly. "I sort of expected that something like this would happen. I'm ready for it."

"I love you."

She dropped to her knees and did her task. The sooner this was over, the better. There was only one way this was ending.

It felt surreal unzipping her son's pants. She tried to keep the same mindset as performing a contract. Cold blooded. Cerebral. Without remorse. Only those feelings were impossible in this situation. This was her son. Her blood.

To her surprise, the penis was halfway erect when she fished it out of Gabriel's underwear. It only turned harder from exposure. Had her nudity done this to her son? Men are never erect during life and death situations. The only logical conclusion was that her son liked what he saw. At least it would make this ordeal easier to finish, she thought.

She gave it a few strokes for good measure. The cock turned rock-hard between her fingers and the camera man moved around to capture a good, close-up angle of this incestuous handjob.

"Get on your hands and knees," Angelo ordered. "I'm sure it'll feel natural to you. Isn't that right, beautiful? Face us while you're on your knees."

Lucia quietly seethed, fuming inside from the sexual degradation. She got on her hands and knees and faced the mafia family. In that pose, her breasts hung down, with her large brown nipples pointing towards the carpet. The camera man moved around and recorded her face and dangling breasts. She maintained stern eye-contact with the boss, showing no fear, and refusing to look at any of the perverted men who were enjoying this show.

"Gabriel, sweet young Gabriel," the boss said with an endearing tone. "I've known you since the beginning. You've always been good to me. Sadly, we'll never see each other again. As a parting gift, I'm giving you Lucia's pussy. Or should I call it mother's pussy? There's nothing more endearing in Italian culture than the mother. Now do what's expected of you."

Nearly every fiber in Lucia's body had the same reaction. She wanted a gun in her hand to end this debauchery. To stop these people from destroying the only relationship that mattered in her life.

Instead, Gabriel bent down and whispered, "Sorry, mom. I'll try to be fast."

Defeated, she shook her head and whispered in return, "I love you. This is my fault."

She was certain their private chatter had been recorded by the camera. She could only imagine these men watching the replay of this, then jerking off in the bathroom later. She could imagine the boss watching this privately at home while a sexy young goomah was sucking his dick.

Those humiliating thoughts were pushed away when she felt Gabriel's gentle hands rubbing her butt, testing the waters for the next move. Oh yes, they'd soon fuck. She knew her son was man enough to do it. They had the same blood. But at Gabriel's age, there was still apprehension for something as lewd as this, which was more than understandable.

When she felt Gabriel's hands forcefully pry her cheeks apart in a swift move, Lucia knew that these were the family genes she had passed down to her son. That coldness under pressure. In a twisted way, she was proud of her son. Even with the camera on her face, she reveled in the fact that her son was becoming a man. Not many young men can maintain an erection under this circumstance.

The tip of her son's hard dick pressed against her surprisingly wet pussy and she gasped. As much as she tried to hide her emotions, her eyes widened. Nothing could ever prepare a mother for this, not even a woman as callous as herself.

"You're enjoying this," the boss said with a slight grin. "It's okay if you are. You could use a good orgasm before your exile."

With a dick sliding into her stretched pussy, she wanted to respond with a simple and straight-to-the-point, 'fuck you' to the man she used to work for. But speaking that way to the boss was never a good idea. Especially with armed men in the room and the boss needing to save face.

Instead, she kept her mouth shut, her jaw clenching as she accepted her son's erection sliding all the way inside, until there was full penetration. It felt like a perfect fit and it was a struggle not to moan her pleasure out loud.

The boss added, "Squeeze those firm hips, Gabriel. Don't be afraid to give that bottom a nice slap. Give your mother's pussy a good, hard pounding. Your mother is a traitor to the family, and this is what traitors get."

When the thrusting into her pussy became more ferocious, Lucia felt more determined than ever to be defiant in the face of this debasement. She refused to give the boss the shame that he so desperately wanted out of her. When her son gave a reluctant, half-hearted slap on her ass which echoed in the room, she refused to wince. She just took it.

Lucia's body was rocking back and forth from each rhythmic push. With both hands on the carpet, the camera man fixated on her heavy breasts that were wobbling and swaying. She knew that men loved seeing dangling breasts of a busty woman bent over. She could only assume that it was why she was ordered to be fucked in this position.

Holding firm, she maintained eye contact with the boss while this was going on. She still refused to look at the grinning men in the room. This was her final act of defiance and she was determined to go out with her pride intact, despite all that was happening to her.

"Faster, Gabriel, faster!" the boss exclaimed for his own amusement. "Your mother is in love with you!"

The men laughed. Her son thrusted faster.

She could tell by the way her son was breathing that this was a life changing event. She knew that her son had dated pretty girls and that he was already having sex. But this was different. She wasn't one to claim that her pussy had any sort of special powers. A pussy is a pussy.

Hers was the pussy of a mature woman. Something she knew that a lot of young men loved and fantasized about. There was a reason terms like 'mature' and 'milf' are so popular on porn sites.

As her pussy was being ravished, she had to wonder if there was something more. Was her son turned-on by fucking mom? Was this every young man's secret fantasy with their beautiful mothers? A moan escaped Lucia's mouth from the intense sexual pleasure, which she quickly suppressed by forcing her lips together.

"Fuck, fuck," her son whispered, thrusting relentlessly.

Everyone heard it even though it was supposed to be an off-hand comment. Lucia knew her son was loving this way too much. She could only imagine what her son's face looked like at the moment. She imagined her son looking conflicted and torn about fucking mom. Or maybe she was wrong? Maybe her son was enthralled by each shove into her pussy.

Her raven black hair flailed in the air from the extreme fucking. It covered her breast on the right side. To prove a point, she tossed her hair back over her shoulder so that both dangling breasts could be fully seen again. She was a woman with nothing to hide anymore. This was atonement.

"God, I'm going to cum," her son said with a voice that was filled with shame.

She was about to tell her son that it was okay. To pull out and jerk off across her back and ass. It was crude, but anything else seemed unnecessary.

Instead, the boss had other ideas.

"Bring her the wine glass," Angelo said with near glee. "Ceremonies need a special drink at the end, isn't that right?'

A mafia captain did the honors and took the empty wine glass from the table and put it on the floor, just inches away from her, without showing his face on camera. The wine glass hadn't been previously discussed, but Lucia knew what it was for.

Knowing this ordeal was almost over, she reached back and gave Gabriel's thigh a few slaps to end this.

"Stop, stop," she said. "Take it out."

When her son took his dick out of her pussy, Lucia got on her knees and turned around. She saw her son's overwhelmed face and heavy breathing. She looked down and saw an erection that was soaked in her pussy juice.

She stroked her son again, this time it made her hand feel slimy. She held a tight grip and jerked furiously to get him to cum. The camera man moved around to get a close-up shot of the action.

Her son cried out loud from the orgasm. Lucia stroked fast, pointing the tip of the throbbing cock inside the glass. With each spurt, the bottom of the glass filled with the hot, thick white cum. It was a massive load given how aroused she had made her son.

After several spurts, she had drained her son's balls and felt the once powerful cock turn into something soft and flaccid. She wiped the excess cum from the tip of the penis inside the wine glass to capture every precious drop.

Lucia turned around and faced the mafia family, giving them what they wanted. She could only imagine how she appeared to these men. They had always known her as a sharply dressed woman with a strong personality. A woman who got things done. A killer when needed.

Now she was naked alongside her exposed son. Sweaty with messed up hair. Freshly fucked. And she was holding a wine glass filled with her son's thick cum.

"I've always admired you," Angelo said with appreciation. "This is your way out. I expect a new video once a month of you and a wine glass. However you chose to make your son cum is your business."

"You've always been a fucking prick."

The boss smiled. "Salute."

"Atonement," she said, holding up the glass, looking straight into the camera.

Lucia pressed her lips to the glass and tilted her head back, pouring the white, gooey content into her mouth and down her throat. It took a few gulps to get most of it down. When she had gotten the big chunks, she held the glass upside down, letting the remaining liquid fall into her mouth. She didn't want to be accused of cheating.

Putting the glass down, she kept her mouth open and looked at the men whom she once called family. A pool of white cum rested on her tongue, which sat in stark contrast to her red lipstick.

She looked at her former boss. Then she made eye contact with each of the captains and soldiers who she was sure had masturbated thinking of her throughout the years they had conspired together. They were in shock that she could stoop so low. Yet they were aroused like never before. Finally, she looked directly into the camera again

Lucia pressed her lips together and swallowed.

The End

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