
Switching Places with Mom


The Police Department

Detective Rachel Taylor was thrilled that her son was officially joining the police department as a new officer.

But when she heard a bit of shocking news from the Vice Division's secretary, that excitement dimmed. What was supposed to be a casual lunch in the office soon became a source of distress.

"It's a guy thing," Penny stated. "The male cops always do this with the new male officers. I usually keep quiet about their perverted tradition, but since James is your son, I thought you should know."

"Are you referring to the initiation?"


Most women in the department were smart enough to stay away from the male rites of passage. Thanks to advice from her father long ago, Rachel had long steered clear of that business.

"What exactly are they planning?" Rachel inquired further.

"Promise you won't go ballistic?"

"I promise I'll try to contain myself."

Penny shrugged. "You know the male cops take the male rookies to a bar and get them shit faced on beer and whiskey, right?"

"Everyone knows that. Is there anything worse?"

"Did you know they hire a working girl for the rookies?"

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "A prostitute?"

"It could be a prostitute or a stripper. The point is, James is going to be tied and blindfolded in the backroom, while given an epic blowjob."

Lewd and lascivious thoughts ran through Rachel's mind. Picturing her son in the backroom of a sports bar, tied up and blindfolded, made her heart race.

James was a fine young man and Rachel only wanted the best for him. Good looking, intelligent and funny, his future was bright. The idea of some random hooker sucking him off drove Rachel crazy. What if someone took a picture of him while he was being serviced? What if he got a disease? This dumb stunt could ruin his future!

Breaking up prostitution rings was the cornerstone of her career as a Vice detective. Now she had to worry about her son being involved with this sort of thing?

"Fucking assholes," Rachel fumed with clenched fists.

"You've got to admit," Penny shrugged, "It's quite a welcome."

"It's also illegal. And it's especially outrageous since the purpose of our department is to stop these sorts of activities. You realize that, right?"

Penny smiled faintly. "Can I give you some advice?"

"I'm listening."

"You have to let James be one of the guys. These men need to bond because they watch each other's backs on the streets. I only gave you this notice as a courtesy, since I know how protective you are for your son. But it's not a good idea to make waves. I suggest you look the other way."

"I really appreciate it," Rachel said. "But I can't just let it slide."

"It's only a blowjob."

"From a hooker," Rachel pointed out. "I can't condone this. Frankly, it's disgusting. I mean... a prostitute? Do they at least use condoms?"

"You think the guys go to all this trouble to use rubber? Last year, 'the special lady' blew three rookie officers in a row. No one complained. Men love having their dicks sucked more than they love cleanliness. Fact."

Rachel sighed. "Okay, that's absolutely vile. It makes me nauseous to think of my son's private area between the lips of a hooker. He's a good boy."

"He's not a boy anymore. He's a man."

Rachel sighed even deeper. "I know."

"Remember, the last thing James needs are enemies on the police force. He's a rookie. He needs to join the club like every other guy."

Rachel thought for a long moment. "Thank you for telling me. It's better that I find out this way than hearing about it afterward. I guess I have to let men be men. I certainly don't want James to be an outcast because of me."

"That's a wise decision. Hey, at the very least, you're welcome to come to the bar and join the party."

"It's open to everyone in the department?" Rachel asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah, sure. The Sergeant and the bar owner are good friends. All the bj action happens in the backroom, later at night. You can swing by and make sure everything is safe if that makes you feel better."

"By any chance, do you happen to know who the woman is? Or how I can contact her?"

Penny's mood shifted and her eyes drifted down to the detective's gun, holstered around her hip.

"You're not going to do anything drastic, are you?" Penny asked, slightly concerned.

Rachel managed to giggle. "Penny, I won't threaten to shoot anyone. Tempting as it may be, it's not worth the legal problems."

"So you're just going to talk, right?"

"A woman to woman chat, that's all. I'd like to make sure she's clean. That might make me feel a little better."

Penny slowly nodded. "That makes sense. If this were happening to my son, I'd probably wash the hooker's mouth before the blowjob."

"Oh Jesus."

"Only a joke," Penny smiled. "I don't know the woman's information, but I can probably get it for you."

Rachel's eyes narrowed. "How are you able to get that information? Are you part of this group, or sleeping with someone?"

Penny blushed. "The Sergeant."

"Figures. No offense."

"No offense taken. Do you want me to set up a meeting with the woman before the big night? Or do you just want her contact info?"

Rachel grinned. "You know how I like to work. Just give me her contact info, as soon as possible."

Despite her busy workload, she would always find time to look out for her son's best interests.

The Strip Club

It was the night before the big event and Rachel paid a visit to one of the city's premier strip clubs.

After flashing her badge, Rachel was shown to a private room. She spent several minutes questioning a gorgeous Latina woman who looked like the walking embodiment of sex appeal.

"I usually do a couple of guys," Maritza confessed right away. "Tomorrow, there's only one guy I need to blow."

"What else can you tell me? Do you happen to know the rookie by any chance?"

The stripper seemed to wilt under Rachel's sharp gaze.

"You promise I won't be arrested?" Maritza inquired for the third time, on the verge of tears. "I'm only trying to pay my bills like everyone else."

It pained Rachel to say this: "No, I'm not arresting you. You're fine."

In a flash, Maritza's fake tears disappeared. "Thank God. Honestly, I don't know anything about the guy, except that he's a 25 year old white dude. I'm supposed to make him cum, hard."

Rachel cringed. "Condom?"

"Not a chance," Maritza giggled.

"Are you clean? Do you get tested regularly?"

"Yeah, I get tested and I'm clean, at least I was a month ago. I only do this sort of thing with cops. They're generally disease free."

Rachel sighed. "Well, you can never be too careful."

"Holy shit," Maritza said softly, as a wry grin formed on her face. "You're the mom, aren't you? I've met plenty of angry moms before."

Rachel huffed. "Look, I'll owe you a favor if you help me out. All you need to do is give a half-assed blowjob. That way, he won't be tempted to use your services ever again."

"Are you nuts? If I don't live up to my reputation, these cops won't hire me again. I have bills to pay. It's that simple."

"I get it, but it's not right doing this with rookie cops."

Maritza rolled her eyes, "If you think I'm such a dirty slut, why don't YOU blow him? He's blindfolded. Just make him cum and then leave."

Clenching her fists, Rachel struggled to control herself while being made fun of by a stripper.

"You've got a smart mouth," Rachel managed to reply in a calm voice. "It could get you into a lot of trouble."

Maritza quipped, "Actually, my mouth is pretty popular with cops."

Looking at the woman who would sexually service her son, Rachel focused on the stripper's plump lips. She pictured Maritza on her knees with her face in James's crotch. The image of her head bobbing up and down on his young cock was surreal.

It wasn't just the idea of James potentially getting exposed to sexually transmitted diseases that bothered Rachel. What if James became addicted to getting blowjobs from strippers? All of his previous girlfriends had been good girls. Surely, their blowjobs wouldn't come close to one from Maritza. Those lips are dangerous!

There was a real possibility that James would find Maritza's blowjob so amazing he would continue to seek out 'working girls.' Rachel had heard stories like this from hundreds of men over the course of her career. What starts as a one-time event snares men into a never ending cycle of sex-for-money.

This could ruin James's future!

Maritza continued, "I'm serious. Tomorrow night, you can take my place. No one will ever know. As long as I get paid, I'll keep this a secret. There's a back entrance you could sneak through and I'll let you in the room."

Rachel was immediately suspicious. "Why are you offering this?"

Maritza smiled. "I think it's super fucking hot. Call it a fantasy."

"That's disgusting," Rachel grimaced.

"What? You've never read Literotica Taboo in your free time?"

"I read crime reports and documents all day," Rachel scoffed.

"You should try reading HeyAll and SueDanym sometime. Their stories always make me horny. Think about laying in bed, reading a sexy story and sticking your fingers in that tight pussy of yours. I bet down deep, you're a freak in bed."

"I'm not here to talk about my sex life."

Laughing, Maritza ran a finger down the detective's cheek. "Or lack thereof..."

"This is getting off-topic. Will you help me, or not? Give a mediocre blowjob, and I'll owe you a favor. Last chance. Do we have a deal?"

"You sound like a classic overprotective mother," Maritza said. "It's obvious that the thought of your son's perfect cock is fucking you up, royally. Seriously, I'm trying to help. I already offered to let YOU suck him off and you refused. So, do you want to sit in the corner and watch me instead?"

Rachel was horrified. "Watch? As you give my son a blowjob? Are you out of your mind?"

"It's another option. Come on, I know you're horny for it. If you decide you want a taste, I'll let you lick a little. It can be our dirty secret."

"I'll think about it--- watching, that is. It might be a good idea to, you know, keep a watchful eye on the things."

Rachel maintained her poker face, but felt her body betraying her. The idea of watching her son receive oral satisfaction was something she had never, ever considered. Why, she wondered, was her pussy getting wet? How could such a deviant act affect her so strongly?

Reaching inside of her purse, Maritza took out a six-inch dildo, shaped like a man's penis.

"I use this little guy for my shows," Maritza said, twirling it around. "Would you like me to demonstrate a few of my tricks, so you can get an idea of what to expect?"

Rachel mockingly threw her hands up and huffed. "Why not? I might as well see what all the fuss is about."

In her element, Maritza began the tutorial. "My secret to a good blowie is that I can suck a golf ball through a hose. Beyond that, look at my lips. They're perfect cushions. When guys see these lips drag up and down their shafts, the sight alone makes them want to cum. And I've trained my throat to take customers deeply. My gag reflex is legendary. I'm also generous with my tongue swirls on the sensitive underside of the head. Hand motion is critical. I like to rotate my hands at the base while sucking and swirling at the same time. It's sensory overload for guys."

"Is there a reason you're telling me all this?" Rachel asked, hiding the fact that she was getting progressively wetter as she pictured the stripper with a mouth full of cock.

Maritza grinned. "Because, explaining this to an attractive police detective, whose son I'm about to blow, is pretty fucking kinky."

While looking in each other's eyes, Rachel was mesmerized when the stripper put the entire length of the dildo down her throat. It was like a perverted magic trick.

Moving the dildo in and out of her mouth, the stripper added suction and seemed to undulate her lips along the silicone rod. Rachel knew her son would absolutely be at the mercy of this seasoned sexual professional.

Neither of them broke eye contact as Maritza showed off her pornstar quality blowjob. Rachel knew this was a taunt. She was now being challenged, both as a police detective and as a mother.

Rachel wondered why it was making her pussy so wet.

Bedroom Closet

It was 7 pm on the big night and Rachel spent a few minutes reviewing her statement for a court appearance next week. The party was set to begin at about 9:30, so she had some spare time on her hands. Try as she might, it was impossible to forget Maritza's words.

In between work, she had flipped through Literotica's Taboo section and skimmed its content. It was enticing, even though the content was inappropriate. It also made her deeply aroused.

Maybe the stripper was right. Maybe the best answer would be to take matters into her own hands. Her son would still be 'initiated' with the men of the police department and James would never know the difference.

Or maybe she could provide herself as a viable alternative somehow?

As the clock ticked, Rachel had to act fast. Sitting around wouldn't solve a thing, so she called her son from down the hall in an attempt at exploring potential counter-offers.

"Yes?" he asked.

James was in a plain tshirt and he wore his dress pants, as he was preparing for the big occasion with his new colleagues.

The moment of truth came when they both stood in front of her open closet.

"I need a small favor," Rachel asked. "I haven't been to the bar in forever. I don't know what to wear. Can you help me pick something out?"

James almost laughed. "Sure, no problem."

"Most of my clothes are for work. Any suggestions?"

James spoke up immediately, "Hmmm... Well, remember when you went to Aunt Kathleen's bachelorette party last year and bought that slinky black dress? It would be perfect for tonight."

The fact that her son remembered a dress she wore a year ago was certainly promising. Rachel decided to collect more evidence.

"That dress is a kind of revealing, don't you think? My colleagues might think I'm having a mid-life crisis."

He laughed, "Or they'll think you're a hot detective."

A hot detective? Rachel was definitely headed on the right track with this potentially new plan.

"Very funny, mister."

"You're in great shape," he replied. "There's nothing wrong with a woman wearing a tight dress on a night out. It's a sports bar."

Rachel still felt a bit uncomfortable about wearing the dress in question. It was low cut on top and short on the bottom. She only wore it last year because her sister insisted. Wearing such seductive clothes around other detectives and police officers would be totally embarrassing.

But if it helped give James a viable alternative when the time came, then it would be worth it.

"Okay, honey," Rachel agreed. "I'll wear it. But I need your approval first before any final decisions are made. Will you turn around really quick?"


Rachel rummaged to the back of her closet and found the dress as her son faced the other direction. She quickly stripped off her clothes and tossed them on the bed. Then she wore the dress over her bra and panties. After a quick adjustment, she was done.

"Okay, I'm ready," she said, standing nervous before her son.

James turned and looked at her, this time with hungry eyes. Yes, Rachel still had the ability to attract younger men. And yes, her son definitely looked like he appreciated fit, older women.

"Stellar," he replied, eyes looking up and down.

"As good as any woman at the bar?" she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, of course, why?"

"I want you to be happy and safe. You'll be a cop soon, and cops have to do the right thing."

He looked confused. "Of course. That's the job."


"Mom, trust me, if someone's passing around cocaine at the bar, I'll have them arrested immediately."

There was a playful smile at the end of his words, and Rachel wondered if she could ever bring herself to make the counter-offer. As her handsome son left to his room, she was almost certain that she had given him a semi-erection.

The Sports Bar

The sports bar was loud and rowdy on Saturday nights. Rachel felt practically naked as she made her way through the crowd of her peers. Most of the men did a double-take as she walked by, having never seen her dressed this way before.

As expected, her son was the center of attention and the male cops had a great time supplying him with drinks. Rachel sat in a booth with Penny and a few other women who worked in the department.

Everyone around her seemed to enjoy the celebratory atmosphere. They all relished having time to unwind together, given their stressful line of work. But all Rachel could think about was her son's cock.

She had spent the past 24 hours wondering if she could (or should) be the one to satisfy her son. It was certainly cleaner and safer than letting Maritza do it.

When a few of the senior cops went to get more drinks, Rachel saw her opening. She excused herself from the group and made her way towards her son, who was now sitting alone at the end of a large table.

She sat next to James with her drink in hand. It dawned on her that this was the first time they had ever been out drinking together and she couldn't help but feel like an awful mother. But she had to accept that James was an adult.

"Having a good time?" she asked, trying to keep cool.

"The best. These guys are great. I was nervous about being the rookie, but they're making me feel right at home."

Rachel took a big drink from her mug. "I just want to say that I'm very, very proud of you. You're a fine young man and you'll make an amazing police officer. I have no doubt that you'll climb the ranks of this department. Remember, I've raised you to uphold certain standards. Don't give into peer pressure. It's not worth it. Please, promise me that you'll always be your own man."

"Mom, are you drunk?" James questioned, amused by her dramatic speech.

"A little bit. Isn't that the point of this party? Look, if you want to go home... I'll take you home... and..."

The words were nearly spilling out of Rachel's mouth, but she wasn't quite able to articulate her shockingly dirty thoughts.

Just the night before, she had been in bed masturbating while thinking about this strange scenario. If she offered her son sexual favors, maybe he would decline the initiation.

Yes, it was extreme, but she was certain it could work. Putting her hand on her son's thigh, she felt him stiffen. As James looked at her with a shocked expression, she wondered if he had an erection.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Let's go home. I mean it. Whatever you want, I'll give it to you... my treat. I'm giving you a reward for being a good boy. But we have to go right now or else the deal's off."

Just as her son was about to answer, the Sergeant returned with a round of shots.

"Detective Taylor," the Sergeant said with a broad smile and his booming deep voice. "We're getting acquainted with your son. He's a hell of a guy. Now if you'll excuse us, he's urgently needed in the backroom. Official police duties."

Two other guys flanked the Sergeant and they all carried shots. One was handed to James and they all downed their drinks.

"I'll be right back," James blushed, as the group of men cheered and pulled him away.

Rachel forced a smile. "See you soon."

The guys were all headed to the backroom and Rachel felt like she might explode. This was her son! He was supposed to be a good cop, not someone who did stupid things as part of an initiation.

Rachel made a snap decision. Standing up, she finished off her drink and made a silent escape.

Sneaking into the backroom from the rear entrance gave her a rush. It felt like all the undercover operations she worked in her younger days. However, the sexual rush Rachel experienced was definitely a new sensation.

She secretly listened to the men as they laughed, while bringing her blindfolded son to the backroom. They were mostly drunk and cheering James on.

"Have fun in there!"

"Ready to join the team?"

The small group of men hooted and hollered like immature frat boys. Hiding in a corner, Rachel listened to them tying her son to a chair. Then she heard the stripper enter the room and chat flirtingly with the men. All the guys talked about what a memorable experience this would be for young James. Rachel seethed at the way they were trying to morally corrupt her son.

When the men closed the door and headed back to the bar, it was time to put the plan in full motion. She made sure the hallway was clear and went over to knock on the door.

The door opened and Maritza was surprised to see her.

"You're here," Maritza whispered, with her eyes lighting up in excitement.

Rachel peeked inside the room and saw her son, tied to a chair in the middle of the room. His blindfold was in place and he looked like he was actually enjoying himself. Thankfully, the music from the bar was loud enough so that they could whisper without being heard by James.

"Let me in," she replied, pushing the door.

Rachel swiftly closed the door behind her and the three of them were alone, with the loud music covering up their hushed conversation.

"What's the plan?" Maritza whispered. "Do you want me to suck? Or will you do the honors?"

While gazing at the stripper's full, ruby red lips, Rachel went into full mom-mode. She had no idea where those lips had been, or how many cocks they had sucked... or how much cum had coated them over the years.

With complete certainty, Rachel knew Maritza's lips were worse than any drug. There was no way she would allow her son to become addicted to this sort of activity.

Rachel whispered, "He's my son... I'll handle his cock."

It was the comment Maritza was dying to hear.

"Can I watch?" Maritza whispered. "Please, please, I'll help with anything. Just let me watch."

"Go stand in the corner. If someone sees you out in the hallway, this operation is over and we're both busted."

"Makes sense."

Rachel paused for a moment and whispered. "What exactly is supposed to happen? Just a blowjob?"

"To quote the Sergeant, he's supposed to be 'cum-dazed' and walking around like he's in a fog."

"Not a word of this to anyone," Rachel firmly whispered. "Ever."

Their time was limited and she had to ignore the stripper in the room as she approached her son. Her heart was pounding out of her chest.

It was the moment of truth. Protecting her son was the most important job she had in life and nothing would deter this. Being in mom-mode was a completely different feeling than making an arrest or a large bust. This type of mom-mode required total devotion. The kind of devotion that made her an unstoppable force of nature. Rachel put aside her reservations and focused on the job at hand... or mouth, as the case may be.

Dropping to her knees in front of her bound & blindfolded son, she went to work. Gingerly, she unfastened his dress pants, which she had purchased for him several months prior. Never in a million years did she imagine she would be touching them in this setting.

Maritza, wanting a better view of the incestual action, got on her knees right beside the detective.

"I'm nervous," James said in a soft tone. "I've never done anything like this before."

It was satisfying for Rachel to hear that her intuition was correct. Her son was a righteous young man who needed protection from the orally gifted stripper.

Maritza calmed the son. "Relax sweety. You're in loving hands now. Some say I have a mother's touch."

The detective glared at Maritza for the double entendre, and received a sly grin in return.

Taking a deep breath, Rachel went to work unzipping her son's pants. She felt him tremble as her fingers brushed against his hard-on, which was still nestled in his clothes. After fishing around in his trousers, trying to find the opening in his boxers, she finally breached his underwear. With bare fingers, she made contact with her son's hard cock, feeling it swell and pulsate with arousal.

Tentatively, she leaned forward and stuck out her tongue. Time seemed to stand still while she looked up to study the facial features of her handsome son. Looking back down at his cock, Rachel sorted through a complicated sea of emotions.

Though she had given many blowjobs in her younger days, Rachel had never felt such love for any other man's erection. This magnificent cock was special to her because of its origin. It was flesh of her flesh and that made it intimate on an entirely new level. She also felt honored to hold his throbbing manhood in her hands.

Most importantly, she assured herself that this blowjob would keep him safe. Not only would he escape the clutches of Maritza's plump lips, he would also save face with his new colleagues on the police force. No one would ever know about this ruse, of that Rachel was sure.

Feeling secure with the deviant decision, Rachel's lips made contact with the head of her son's cock. Ever so gently, she kissed the tip of the beloved erection, then swept her tongue around it. She licked it slowly, getting a sense of his flavor and found it to be delicious. Venturing a bit further, she wrapped her lips around the head and sucked lightly.

For good measure, she mimicked the stripper's technique. She took him a little deeper every time. Eventually, the hard cock ended up at the back of her throat, not deep enough to make her gag, but on the verge. She was no pornstar, but she did the best she could.

While her lips didn't come close to Maritza's in terms of volume, she used what she had to their full potential. Every single inch of James's engorged shaft received the attention it deserved. And as she cradled her son's cock in her perfectly O-shaped mouth, she felt pride combined with lust.

During every forward thrust, Rachel moved her hands in tandem with her head so that her son's entire pole had contact with her body. When pulling back, she made sure to massage the underside of his cock with her tongue, like the stripper had taught.

This highly illicit act made Rachel's hair plaster to her face from all the bobbing. Thankfully, she felt Maritza's hands pulling her hair back. This was teamwork!

"The Sergeant was right about you," James moaned in absolute delight, while his mother sucked dutifully. "You're the most talented cocksucker on the planet. I can see myself coming back every month for these services."

With a mouthful of cock, Rachel felt internal conflict.

She was immensely proud because her blowjob was giving her son such obvious pleasure. Back in the day, her partners always seemed to enjoy what she had to offer, and clearly her skills had not diminished with time.

However, she was mortified that her plan had officially backfired. In her attempt to interfere with her son's initiation, she had inadvertently sucked him off too well. Now he was hooked on her mouth! Would James continue to seek out this sort of illicit sexual encounter from highly skilled sex workers?

She wondered which would be the lesser evil, James seeking out sex in exchange for money... or finding out that it was his mom that sucked him off.

In a moment of clarity, Rachel stood up and yanked the blindfold from James's face. Like a deer in the headlights, James looked shocked while staring up at her frustrated expression.

James's eyes remained wide. "Mom! What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to save you from committing illegal transactions," Rachel said in a tone that was scolding. "But it seems as though I've failed, and you want more of this type of thing."

"But... but..."

Maritza appeared to be fascinated by the interaction and chimed in, "James still needs to cum massively. If this is too awkward for either of you, I can take over from here."

"Hands off!" Rachel fired back. "He's my son. I don't want you anywhere near his penis."

Glaring down at her son who was tied & exposed, she recognized his look of confusion at the turn of events.

"What's going on?" James asked, flabbergasted. "Will someone please untie me?"

"No!" Rachel replied firmly. "If you don't complete the initiation, your chances for career advancement will be limited. And because I have your best interest at heart, I'm going to make you cum. So sit back and relax because you WILL cum in spades. I intend to finish what I started."

Maintaining her no-nonsense attitude, Rachel slipped her hands underneath her clingy dress and tugged her panties down. After removing them completely, she stuffed the black lace thong inside her son's pocket.

Rachel said, "Show that to your Sergeant and say the stripper gave that to you."

"Mom? What are you doing?"

"Shhhh...." she hissed, with a finger on her son's lips. "You need to cum."

When Rachel stood over her tightly restrained son, all bets were off. Fully committed, she lifted her dress and revealed her bare pussy to him. Looking down, she saw James's saliva-covered cock madly throb with anticipation. It seemed as though they were both eager to fuck.

She stepped forward and straddled his body before lowering herself onto his lap. Vaguely, she noticed Maritza was spellbound by this unholy mother/son union The stripper used both hands to help facilitate the completely unthinkable insertion; one held James's cock upright and the other spread Rachel's labia to ease the passage.

"Todos vamos al infierno," Maritza said to herself in Spanish, with a lecherous expression on her face. "Oh God, you two are making my pussy feel like a river."

Knowing a decent amount of Spanish, Rachel brushed off the comment and carried on with the deviant deed. She didn't have time to savor the feeling of penetration because this was purely about her son.

Their contact increased as his cock inched its way into her pussy. Left sitting on his lap, Rachel's face was close enough to her son's that the tips of their noses touched. Rachel gazed deeply into her son's eyes, while her pussy was stretched by his manhood. Throwing her arms around James's shoulders, she attempted to have a heart-to-heart connection with him.

"I'm disappointed you agreed to the initiation," Rachel said in a motherly tone, while caressing the back of her son's hair. "You know what I do for a living and how I feel about this sort of behavior. Just this once, I'll chalk it up to peer pressure. You're young and impressionable."

"Mom... I..."

Rachel silenced him. "No excuses. I'm not mad at you. I just want you to know that there are always alternatives. If the Sergeant ever, and I mean ever, offers you a chance to get blown by a sex worker, just come to me. I'll make up the difference."

Taking stock of her surroundings like the trained professional she was, Rachel noticed James and Maritza were both getting caught up in the moment. Her son's pulse was racing, and the stripper seemed to be panting, as she sat close enough to touch Rachel's thigh.

Clearly Rachel was doing something right. Hopefully she had steered James clear of any illicit behavior which, ironically, could only be achieved with her own pussy.

She added, "Now I'm going to make you cum because you deserve an intense orgasm. When we're done, the Sergeant will welcome you into the fraternity of police officers with open arms. Only the three of us will know the truth."

After laying it all on the line, Rachel clenched her pussy with all her might, which made her strong and athletic son gasp. She released the powerful hold, then she did it again.

Using her feet as leverage, Rachel began to rotate her pelvis around her son's cock. When she first began to move, James's eyes were closed. But as she worked her pussy around his erection, his expression quickly shifted from shock to profound desire. Studying his face intently, Rachel tried to find the rhythm that would please him most.

She was thoroughly amused that her son had struggled against his restraints to thrust himself up, to go further into her pussy. She caressed his face with her right hand to soothe his desire.

"Let mom take care of you," she whispered.

Eventually, she began to lift and lower herself faster on his manhood. To achieve the best angle and pressure, she leaned into his chest and arched her back. Moving only her hips, she worked his cock like a pro.

"Somos tales putas," Maritza groaned, while rubbing her own pussy underneath her panties. "Fuck yes, twerk on your son's cock, detective. Show him who's boss."

Rachel did her best to ignore the stripper's commentary as she rode her son's dick. She also tried to put aside her own state of arousal. It wouldn't be proper for her to climax. And yet, she couldn't help the fact that she was on the verge of an orgasm.

"Mom, I'm gonna cum!" James cried out, on the edge.

Hearing the excitement in her son's voice pushed Rachel just past the top of the hill, but she managed to put his mind at ease even as she shattered around him.

"It's okay," Rachel murmured in a low voice. "Let yourself go. Once we finish, we'll rejoin the party and no one will suspect a thing. That's right... oh yes... fill me up with your hot cum."

Her pelvis contracted around the cock of her offspring as he shot his load into her pussy. It had been such a long time since she had been filled with cum, but Rachel recognized the sensation. She had missed it terribly.

Together, mother and son trembled against each other, finding their blessed release.

When done, they both gasped for air. Rachel instinctively clasped her son's head tightly against her chest while they recovered. Still shaking from the powerful fuck session, she eventually let James go and slumped against her son's body.

Maritza rubbed the detective's bare butt. "That was fucking amazing. My pussy is drenched watching that, but there's just one small problem. Actually, it's a big problem."

Rachel's head swung to look at the stripper in confusion. "What is it?"

"I'll be meeting with the Sergeant after this to collect my fee. He'll definitely want proof that your son came and that I did all the work."

"What are you suggesting?" Rachel asked.

"I'm just pointing out the obvious," Maritza said, matter-of-factly. "The Sergeant is a smart police officer. He'll notice if I don't have cum on my breath or smeared lipstick. Unless..."

There was suggestion and innuendo in Maritza's voice and eyes. They both knew what this sex-crazed stripper wanted.

Rachel gave up and playfully sighed. "Fine, go ahead, but make it quick."

She shifted so that her son's softening cock slipped from her overflowing pussy. Rachel stood up, letting her son's softening cock slip out of her overflowing pussy, and she stood before the aroused stripper. All eyes in the room were focused on Rachel's spread legs, as she held her skirt up. Cum dripped from her pussy.

"Time for me to work," Maritza said, licking her lips in preparation, then eagerly getting down on her knees.

Rachel had never been with a woman before, and she clenched hard the moment the stripper's lips met her pussy. She flinched the second those world-class lips latched onto her labia and sucked out all of the fillings.

"Oh goodness," Rachel moaned, as her well-fucked pussy was now being cleaned by vacuum level suction and a hot swirling tongue.

While being eaten, she looked at her son, who was still tied up, and saw him smiling widely. Now only did James get his dick sucked and fucked by his own mom, he also got to watch some lesbian action involving his cum.

"This is perfectly reasonable," she explained to her son with a smile, while still in the process of being eaten. "Maritza is cleaning me and gathering proof, so enjoy the sight of this while you can."

He smiled back, "I didn't say a word."


Returning to the bar, Rachel ordered another drink and rejoined her group of friends who asked where she had gone. Smiling innocently, she told them that she was having a private word with James to congratulate him.

Penny had a smirk on her face, knowing what that likely meant. Rachel ignored it and took a big gulp of her drink, realizing she still had the flavor of her son's cock and pre-cum in her mouth.

While the group conversation continued, she savored the wet feeling between her legs. She still had traces of her son's orgasm in her recently stretched pussy and her labia still tingled from Maritza's full lips and talented tongue.

She watched the Sergeant and other guys congratulate her son. They were all cheering for him. James was officially a man. He was one of them. They were patting his back and laughing with him, as they brought him back to the table for more drinks.

But as Rachel secretly knew, James was more than just a regular man. James was a man who had fucked his own mother, and that has to count for something.

She smiled with pride and continued chatting with her friends, enjoying the buzzing sensations in her pussy.

The End

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