
Pussy Presentation by Mom


For several moments, she watched the young employee study the hot wax with an air of indecisiveness. When ready, the employee pulled the wax from her pubic hairs.

"Oww!!" Rachel howled, as her entire body jerked.

This was her first time getting a Brazilian wax and the pain was almost blinding. With the family vacation to a tropical island coming up, she told herself that this would all be worth it, and that she'd look great in a bikini.

The young employee jumped in surprise. "That's... um... normal."

"It stings a lot! Are you sure that's normal?"

"Well, uh... your skin isn't used to this. So I think, umm, your skin just needs to adjust and you'll be fine."

Rachel tried to suppress her skepticism. "Okay, whatever you say."

Another painful layer of wax was applied to Rachel's pelvic area. It was such a large amount that some dripped down alongside her precious labia. She nevertheless put her trust in the employee and gritted her teeth.

After several more excruciating minutes, all the hair was finally removed from the upper portion of her intimate area. In addition to being too hot, there was a strange itching sensation that spread throughout her vulva.

Rachel thought this would make an amusing story to share with her friends, knowing they could all relate to this Pussy Wax Torture. But when the wax accidentally landed on her clit, she was forced to bite down to keep from screaming. The young employee seemed unconcerned and simply waited for it to cool before removing the glob from her most precious body part.

By the time every single hair had been removed from her crotch, along with the surrounding area of her anus, Rachel was miserable.

"It's beautiful," the employee smiled, while holding a small mirror between Rachel's legs.

Rachel noticed the gleam in the employee's eyes. This young employee was definitely attracted to her pussy. When Rachel looked at the reflection of her pussy in the mirror, she could see why.

Although slightly red around the sides, her pussy looked like a porn star's! Without the cover of pubic hair, her clitoris and labia had a chance to shine.

"Thank you," Rachel said to the smiling employee. "I look like a completely new woman."

She knew her husband would be thrilled seeing this later tonight. More than that, she thought about how this would look to certain others. It would surely be seen as a nice treat to those 'in the circle.'

Just thinking of these deep dark secrets made her pussy wet, right in front of the young employee, who was getting a real eye-full at the gushing.


Later that afternoon, Rachel stepped out of the shower and couldn't believe how fresh she looked in her downstairs area. Wiping the steam from the mirror, she enjoyed a better look at her reflection. Yes indeed, she was a very sexy MILF.

Rubbing her crotch, she felt the smooth, hairless skin. It still stung slightly, but she figured it was normal. In the mirror, she studied the reflection of her labia. They were shaped like a beautiful butterfly.

She spread her legs and tilted her pelvis for a better look. The large red patches on each thigh that traveled up to her labia were still there and stung when her fingers made contact with the irritated skin.

Panic was starting to set in. She thought the shower and some lotion would help soothe her skin, but it didn't.

Since the sloppy wax technician also inadvertently applied the apparently toxic wax to her clit, it was affected just as intensely, if not more. Alarm coursed through Rachel's brain. Was this a burn or an allergic reaction?

While still naked, she went to the bedroom to check her smartphone. Surely she could find information about waxing complications online! Several minutes later, she was somewhat relieved to read that mild skin irritation was to be expected. But her physical reaction seemed much more severe and widespread.

Thankfully, she had an in-house medical professional at her disposal. Well, one in training, more specifically. Her son was about to graduate from medical school and start his residency. Considering the amount of tuition she and her husband paid for his education, it seemed fair to ask him to look at her rash.

As a middle-aged woman, she was meticulous with her health. Taking good care of her body was critical at this point in her life. She and her husband enjoyed an active sex life and preserving all functions are vitally important.

And as a mother, she was genuinely curious about her son's ability to deal with female patients (especially towards female patients her own age, where more care was needed). While raising Leo, she worked hard to ensure that he grew into a gentleman who treated women with great respect. Hopefully those efforts were successful.

She put on something presentable for the occasion -- a lingerie and panty combo, along with a silk robe -- and headed over to her son's room.

Rachel went down the hall and saw that Leo's door was open. He appeared to be taking a break from studying for board exams. Medical books were strewn across his bed, while he was doing stretches and breathing to relax.

Rachel leaned against the wall, like a supermodel posing for a photoshoot, sporting a playful smile. Having definitely caught his attention, her son gawked the moment he noticed the lingerie and seductive stance.

"Surprised to see me like this?" she asked, jokingly.

"Actually, yeah."

"I need your help with something. It will only take a minute or two."

He stood upright and took a breath. "Something medical?"

"How did you know?"

"The way you're dressed," he smiled. "What's up?"

"Do you know anything about skin?"

"I'm no dermatologist, but I did a derm rotation this year."

Rachel nodded. "Great! This is a little embarrassing, but since you'll be seeing female patients regularly, think of this as an early start."

"I already know how to deal with women," Leo winked. "Besides, your skin already looks great. Did you want recommendations for sunblock for the trip?"

"Actually it's related to the trip, but it's about something that happened today."

"What is it?"

"I got a Brazilian wax," she admitted.

"TMI!" he said, while waving his hands. "Too much information! I mean, seriously?"

"Hey, you want to be a doctor, right? There's no such thing as TMI in medicine!"

Switching gears, he settled down. "Okay, okay. Tell me what happened."

"My skin is irritated."

"That sounds normal. Your pubic hair was just yanked out with hot wax."

"You're right. According to Dr. Google, a mild redness is normal."

Leo looked confused. "Then what's the issue?"

"The person who waxed me is a complete idiot."

"How so?"

"It hurt a lot," she explained. "The way it was applied and pulled seemed very rough. I think it was either too hot or maybe I'm allergic to the wax itself. The place has 2-stars on Yelp. I don't even know why I went there."

"Well then, you're having a reaction to the wax. It doesn't sound so bad."

Her eyes rolled around as she stalled. "Actually... Some of the wax dripped on my lips."

"The wax dripped on your mouth?" Leo asked, confused by how that could happen.

She pointed downstairs. "My other lips. My labia. And my clitoris. Some got inside, too."

"Yikes! And the employee pulled off that wax?"

"I'd still be crying if that had happened. No, she recognized her error and she wiped it off with a towel. A woman's lips are very sensitive, like a man's penis, I'd imagine."

Leo shuddered and shut his legs. "Sounds painful. Have you tried lotion? Ice patches? Skin cream? I could run to the store if you loan me a few bucks to cover the cost, plus service fees."

"How nice," she said sarcastically. "I'm hoping you're mature enough to actually look at it, since you're a medical professional now."

"You want me to look at your crotch?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

Rachel wavered. "Well, can you at least look at the sides? Come on, you know I'd never ask unless I thought it was an emergency."

"Can't you just run up to the Urgent Care?"

"Look, all I'm asking for is a quick peek. Really, I need two minutes of your time, at most."

In many ways, this was the moment of truth for Rachel. Would her son rise to the occasion and perform like a noble practitioner of medicine? Did Leo have the fortitude to be professional and courteous towards women, even in the face of unexpected circumstances? Had her efforts to produce a mature, compassionate young man come to fruition?

"Don't worry," he said, reassuring her. "It should be simple to diagnose."

Success! As a mother, she had accomplished something. Inside, she was jumping for joy at his reaction. Outwardly, she played it cool in order to avoid embarrassing him.

She smiled nicely. "Thanks, sweetheart. I owe you big time. How about you sit on the edge of the bed, and I'll show you?"

"Whatever you say."

Leo got into position, trying to be respectful despite the awkward circumstance. In an attempt to keep the mood light, Rachel approached, like a woman walking the catwalk. It worked and her son laughed in response. Then she gracefully lifted one leg and placed her foot on the bed. Opening her robe, she lifted her lingerie and revealed her small panties.

Sure, her son had seen her in lingerie before, mostly when she wandered the house on hot nights. But her panties? This was completely new territory for them. After all, mothers should maintain modesty in front of their children. That had always been her philosophy as a parent.

She heard her son gulp while looking closely at her panty-covered crotch. She briefly wondered if he liked the sight, but quickly banished the improper thought. This was her son!

"Now I'll tug these a bit," she said. "So you can see the sides more clearly."

Rachel pulled the sides of her panties, lifting them up and to the center so that her labia were exposed. She pulled a little too hard and felt her outer lips nearly escape their fabric covering. Unintentionally, she gave her son a panty camel-toe to study.

"Jeez," he said, closely examining her private parts.

"What is it?" A note of hysteria sounded in Rachel's voice. "Is it serious?"

"The skin is super inflamed. And it definitely involves the labia majora. But I'm more concerned about your labia minora, the inner lips, because that skin is more delicate. Mind if I touch? Err... just outer skin. I want to evaluate the texture of this rash."

She watched her son staring intensely between her legs. "Go ahead. Be my doctor."

Leo's eyes were only inches away while he brushed a finger gently across the affected skin.

"Ouch!" she hollered.


She relished the fact that her son was deep in thought, just like a real doctor. Clearly he was trying to help. She had raised a great man!

"How's it looking, Doc?" she asked, nervously.

"It looks like a burn. I think your skin should be fine with some ice and zinc oxide. But..."

She looked at him with concern. "But, what? Tell me, I'm worried."

"It's just... the skin will be fine in a few hours. What I'm worried about is your other area. That part of the body is much more sensitive."

"You mean my inner lips?"

He nodded. "Yes, there."

"Wax dripped there, too. So what should I do about my lips?"

"It's hard to give recommendations without seeing it."

Leo was right. Some things have to be seen, which is why having a medical expert examine the area is necessary.

"I guess I'd be okay with that," she said diplomatically.

"What did you have in mind?"

"A pussy presentation," she smiled.

He hesitantly nodded. "Oh... well... I can take a quick look at the labia. I did a Gyn rotation last year."

"That's what I wanted to hear," she winked. "My son is a real renaissance doctor. I love that. You've made me a very happy mother. It sounds cheesy, but it really means the world to me."

"If you're happy, I'm happy too. Now let's get this over with. The sooner we're done, the better."

Rachel noticed her son's eyes staring intently at her panties, as if curious to see the rest of her goods. She wondered if he liked it. Was he getting turned on by this highly unusual examination?

Frankly, if her son wanted a good show, she was more than happy to provide one. The way Leo was handling this absolutely delighted her and she wanted to give him a treat. Of course, it would be Leo's first (and only!) time seeing her pussy, so she figured she might as well make the presentation special.

Removing her leg from the bed, her lingerie fully covered her crotch. Then she closed her robe.

"Let's do this part in my room," she said.


"A pussy presentation should be a big event. Give me a minute to prepare and it'll be worth your time."

She was amused when Leo's was left speechless as she turned and left his room.


Before her son arrived, Rachel casually tossed her panties to the floor. Leo should get an unencumbered view. Removing her robe, she placed it on a chair.

Her toes tapped on the carpet as she contemplated a way to make this moment something special, within the context of an appropriate mother/son relationship. Although, she did wonder if that was even possible at this point.

She saw her new expensive perfume on the dresser and was drawn to the bottle. Although she had just showered and used lavender body wash, a more feminine scent would be a nice touch. She sprayed some perfume on her finger, lifted the front of her lingerie and rubbed fragrance around her crotch. She would smell divine when her son's nose was near her sex.

Like many women, Rachel was particularly sensitive about her vaginal area and how it was perceived. She was confident that her pussy was beautiful, since her husband told her so frequently. But her son was a young man and was used to seeing younger pussies. What if he found it unappealing?

Suddenly feeling insecure, she wanted something more.

On her nightstand was a vase full of roses, which was sent by a client of hers. It came with a note which read:

Dear Rachel,

You're a lifesaver. Thank you so much for the amazing service. Please enjoy the roses and bottle of wine. I look forward to working with you again in the future.



Well, those roses may serve a much different function than originally intended. She picked up a few stems and pulled the tender red petals, leaving them scattered on the floor. Feeling somewhat romantic, she also placed a few on the bed. She saved a few with which to decorate around her vagina, reminiscent of the erotic novels she loved so much.

Before laying on the bed for her 'presentation,' she lifted her lingerie and looked at her bare pussy. In a matter of moments, her son would see it. 27 years ago, he had emerged from between her legs and now, he would be in that same location, under completely different circumstances. It was a bizarre thought and she felt pangs of regret.

Rachel laid on the bed when she heard Leo coming down the hall. Resting her head on a large pillow, she positioned herself in the middle.

Once comfortable, she placed the extra rose petals underneath her lingerie, surrounding her crotch. Even though this was supposed to be a clinical exam, it would make the moment more memorable for both mother and son. Then she used her hands to smooth the lingerie over her crotch.

With her head leaning back against the pillow, she smiled at her nervous son. Of course, she could understand his apprehension. It's not every day that a son inspects his mother's beautiful pussy.

At least Rachel had a reason for this unorthodox interaction.

"You're ready," Leo managed to say, clearing his throat several times.

She parted her legs a little. "Let's finish this up. How shall we begin?"

"Well, in this position I'll need to bend and part your legs, just like at the gynecologist's office."

She took a deep breath. "Ok. Go for it."

Rachel focused on her son, as he got down on his knees between her legs. It was extraordinary, but a rush of exhibitionist excitement made her toes curl. She watched her son pause for a moment, as he contemplated a way to handle this delicate situation.

"Are you wearing panties?" he asked, his hands clasped together.

She slowly shook her head, without breaking eye contact. "No, I took them off. Why? Do you expect your female patients to wear panties?"

"I was only checking."

"Come on big boy, I know you've seen this before."

She watched Leo blush as he finally manned up and lifted the bottom of her lingerie. His eyebrows raised when he noticed the rose petals, but continued without pause. After pulling up the hem to her waist, Rachel's cleanly waxed pussy was exposed to her son.

At first, Rachel's maternal instinct was to clamp her legs shut, when her son stared at her most intimate opening. But she was determined to maintain her composure. After all, it had been her idea to ask her son for help.

But after noticing Leo in awe, Rachel felt immensely relieved. Her pussy was gorgeous and Leo was clearly impressed with the view. Leo's eyes suddenly looked hungry as he gawked at her pink hole. She also noticed his breathing pattern changed; in fact, he seemed to be panting.

"Do you always act like this?" she teased. "In the presence of a vagina, I mean."

He snapped out of it. "Sorry, I'm... errr... was just doing a brief visual inspection. That's always the best way to start."

For nearly a minute, Rachel stared at the ceiling while Leo inspected her vaginal area. She anticipated her son would take his sweet time, since her pussy was unusually attractive.

"Hmmm...." Leo hummed after a while.

"What does that mean? It doesn't sound good."

"In my limited experience, wax burns shouldn't do permanent harm, but, your case is more complicated. Vaginal tissue has a lot of nerve endings, like a tongue. Once burned, you could partially lose sensation in that area."

"Permanently, as in forever?" she questioned, resisting the urge to panic.

"Yep. But it appears that only a small portion of your vulvar is affected."

Alarm bells went off in Rachel's mind. She was a woman who truly appreciated the joys of great sex and all the health benefits that came along with it. In her opinion, sexual pleasure was one of nature's greatest gifts. And in her late 40's, she was at her sexual prime.

The idea that her sexual pleasure might be diminished was absolutely terrifying to Rachel. This needed to be investigated -- immediately!

Naturally, her biggest concern was that she should be seeing a gynecologist. But how long might it take to get an appointment? Her mind quickly wrestled with the idea of asking her son to poke and prod inside her vaginal walls. A visual examination of her exterior was one thing, but going deep into her pleasure source was another.

It was both scary and strangely erotic. She wanted the answers right away and this would give her son valuable experience.

Rachel pursed her lips. "After four years of school, I'm declaring you an expert today, okay Dr. Jacobs?"

As expected, a smile appeared on her son's face when she said that. It was his first time being called such a prestigious title.

He thought for a moment. "I think we should --- no --- we can't do that."

"Tell me," she said, poking Leo's shoulder with her big toe.

"In my opinion," he began slowly. "You should test the vaginal walls, labia, and clitoris. Stimulate them to varying degrees. Then you can determine if there's any loss of sensation."

Rachel made a snap decision. She might regret it one day, but today it felt necessary. Her pussy began to pulse and she wondered if her son could smell her aromas.

Spreading her legs wider, she reached down and opened her labia. The expression on Leo's face after the big reveal was priceless. It made Rachel even hornier.

"Go on," she said, using her big toe to poke Leo's arm.

"I... I meant you should do it yourself, in private."

"Remind me, how much have I paid for your education?"

"A lot," said Leo, in resignation.

"That's right," she replied, like a boss. "Now, I deserve an early return on the investment I made in your future."

Leo's face turned bright red as he nodded. "Okay, I'll palpate the outer layer. Let me know if anything hurts or feels numb. Then we can get a more accurate assessment."

"Now we're talking. God, I'm nervous."

"So am I," he replied.

Rachel relaxed her head on the fluffy pillow and looked up at the ceiling. Then it happened! Her son gently touched her labia. It was so light, she barely felt his fingertips, but he really did it! He actually made contact with her intimate area!

At any other time in life, she would have raised hell over this. But this was her idea. This taboo exam was something she needed. In truth, it was something she now desired. As her heart raced, she peeked at her son while he inspected her labia. It was a bizarre turn-on and she wondered if Leo was experienced enough to recognize her visible signs of arousal.

Of course he was, Rachel thought. Her young man was going to be a doctor and he was already educated on these things. With his face that close to her pussy, he must realize she was so horny.

"The moisture is from the shower," she fibbed. "Just so we're clear on that."

He raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Oh really?"

"Yes, really. Do you claim to understand my body better than I do?"

They were at a standoff as their eyes locked. Leo smirked while seeming to understand the truth.

"So this does nothing for you?" Leo asked.

Using more pressure, he circled his index finger around her clitoris. Rachel's toes curled and she inhaled deeply. Her son kept rubbing in a manner that suggested he knew exactly how to play with a woman's clit.

"Okay, you got me," she smiled, when her son stopped moving. "What do you expect? This is a highly intimate position for a woman."

"Mom, I'm not judging you. You're obviously aroused and that's perfectly normal. I learned that in med school. Many women get turned on during exams. Men too. It's a natural reaction."

Rachel savored the feeling of her son's bare index fingers sliding up and down her labia. It was the most intense physical stimulation she had experienced in a long time, mostly because it was at the hands of her own son.

"It feels... good," she admitted, hesitantly. "But in all honesty, there's an area on my outer labia where the wax dripped that's slightly numb."


As her son asked, he used both hands to gently pinch each of her inner labia. Rachel gasped and her back arched involuntarily.

"That's the spot," she sighed. "Nice move, by the way."

"Well, you really seemed to like that, judging by your reaction," he smiled.

She blushed. "So what's the diagnosis, Doc?"

"I'd say your labia are fine. If the online articles say it's normal to experience slight numbness, then you should fully heal in a day or two."

It sounded more than reasonable. But Rachel still had lingering concerns about nerve damage to her inner core, from where most of her sexual pleasure came. Her son had already seen so much and even touched her lips. They might as well go all the way. Mustering her courage, she asked the big question.

"Can I be honest?" she asked.

He nodded. "Of course. I'm functioning as your doctor and will keep to a strict code of confidentiality."

"Obviously women are different in many ways," Rachel stated, while casually leaning back on the big pillow. "My main pleasure spots are... umm... deeper inside. I cum from penetration more than any other type of stimulation. A dollop of hot wax accidentally dripped right into my vaginal opening."

As it turned out, she didn't need to finish her point. While looking uncomfortable, Leo slowly nodded. They both knew what would happen next.

He gulped. "You want me to..."

"It'll be a test of my function," she said suggestively. "A real simulation of things, if you get what I'm saying. I don't mind. It's the only way to know for sure, right?"

He momentarily appeared baffled. "But that's... you know..."

The expression on Leo's face was amusing. Rachel found it cute, in a virginal kind of way. As a mother, she did her best to console him over the upcoming event.

"I know what it is. If we need to have 'sex' to put this issue to rest, then so be it. We're both adults and you're a professional at this."

Just like that, it was laid out. They stared silently at each other, taking stock of the situation. Rachel noticed her son fidgeting on the bed, and surmised he was trying to hide his erection.

Leo adjusted his shorts. "It's not really appropriate for a doctor to do... that... with a patient, just so we're clear about ethics."

"Then think of me as your mother."

He choked out a laugh. "Is that supposed to make things easier?"

"You never know. A lot of young men your age are into that sort of thing."

"Where did you hear that?" he asked, incredulous.

"Just between you and me, I read Literotica at work. Trust me, it's a common fetish."

Leo paused and abruptly changed course. "Wait. Are you saying that if I am interested in taking this further, you wouldn't be upset?"

Rachel ran her foot down her son's toned body and used her big toe to latch onto the waistband of his shorts.

"Sex is very important to your father and me," she said seriously. "Intimacy means everything to us and if it's jeopardized in any way... Well, you'll just have to explain to your father how it happened."

There were also others that Rachel had in mind. But those were family secrets. Secrets which her son wasn't privy to, at least not yet, anyway.

Her threat was purely tongue-in-cheek and she winked to make her point. But deep down, they both knew she wanted to be fucked. Her pussy had already revealed her horniness.

"I.... ummm..." he paused.

She poked him with her toe again. "Pull down your shorts. Underwear too. Let's see what kind of equipment we'll be working with today."

"Are you sure?" he breathed deeply.

"This needs to be done by someone with medical knowledge."

It finally hit Rachel like a ton of bricks. She wanted to be fucked, ravished, and used by her son. She wanted to be treated as his sex-object. Did that make her a bad mother? Maybe. But her body was primed while watching her son nervously pull down his clothes. Inch by inch, he revealed a healthy sized and ready-for-action cock.

There was no mistaking it; her son was ready to fuck... her! She nearly licked her lips at the sight of her son's penis. It was her first time seeing it hard, and it was her first time being able to savor it with her eyes.

"How deep do you want me to check?" he asked nervously.

She thought for a moment, while tapping her clit. "At least 3 inches, but 4 to be sure. You might as well put the whole thing in."

"That'll be kind of odd," he blushed.

She smiled and stroked her labia, "Don't forget, you came out of this little hole. There's nothing wrong with going back in to help me, even if it's just a small part of you."

"It's definitely not small," he said with confidence.

In unison, they looked at his cock again. On cue, it became harder and longer while he became progressively hornier.

Rachel held her pussy lips open. "Then there's nothing to be bashful about. I'm ready."

"Mom, this is sex."

"It's okay to fuck me. Even if I'm your mother."

He managed a shaky smile. "Well, when you put it like that..."

It became evident that her son was woefully unprepared for dealing with a beautiful mature pussy. In addition to testing Leo's fortitude with female patients, Rachel sensed another item on her to-do list. Every maternal instinct in her body felt compelled to teach her son how to 'perform' in the bedroom.

The very thought made her pussy contract. Leo's dad was highly talented in the bedroom. This would be a good way to pass on family skills and techniques.

"Come on," she said, holding out her hand for her son's erect penis. "I'll guide you inside me. We'll go slowly and help each other."

His face relaxed. "Okay, I'll see what I can do for your wax burn."

"And I'll teach you how to fuck," she winked, grabbing hold of her son's penis. "I bet they don't teach you this in med school."

"I'd never leave campus if they did."

The penis pulsed when she touched it, and after wrapping her fingers around the shaft, it jerked erratically. Leo blushed and Rachel smiled.

"You're excited," she teased, tickling the soft skin of her son's hard cock. "Here it goes."

Their eyes met as she pressed the tip of his penis against her labia. In that moment, they shared a powerful connection. Rachel watched with motherly pride as her son's face morphed from a look of uncertainty to one of intense desire when his cock breached her intimate opening. At that moment, she knew forging such intimate ground together could only bring them closer.

Leo looked down momentarily at the pussy penetration. Rachel was jealous; he had the better view. Still, she spread her legs even farther and brought up her knees so that he could watch his cock pierce her pink, moist flesh.

"Can I push?" he asked shyly.

"Slowly. Take it inch by inch. I need to make sure all my equipment is working properly. After all, that's what this is about."

While rubbing his arms, Rachel winked suggestively. She wanted him to know how much she enjoyed this sexual medical examination. And she knew by the look on his face that her son was also having the time of his life.

Rachel was pleased that Leo took her instructions literally. Almost imperceptibly, he advanced his large cock further into her love tunnel. Squinting, she mulled over his entrance. It was okay, but lacked finesse. Rachel realized her son would benefit from her knowledge base, honesty and motherly concern.

"That's it," she moaned, while analyzing her physical sensations. "Take it slow and steady. Now tilt up a little bit.... A little more.... Yes, I want to make sure my g-spot is unaffected. Have you ever hit a woman's g-spot before?"

"I think so."

Rachel masked her disappointment at the fact that her son had sex with women, but was unsure about g-spots. That meant it was highly unlikely he had ever given his partners a mind-blowing climax.

Reaching down, she grasped her son's shaft, then used her fingers to try and point his cock upward. Her spine stiffed as her son's dick hit the ultimate pleasure spot deep within her wet pussy.

"Do you feel what I'm doing?" she asked, holding her son's cock at the right angle. "Keep thrusting in that direction, and watch me explode."

"Like this?"

He gave a hard thrust, hitting Rachel where she needed to be touched.

"Yes!!!!!" she howled. "Keep doing it just like that!"

Leo purposely maintained that magical angle as Rachel struggled to control her increasing arousal. The pace was slow and sensuous, allowing her to appreciate every inch of his cock. Looking directly at his face, she knew he was proud of every moan, whimper and grunt he elicited when hitting her g-spot.

She wrapped her legs around his waist to draw him in closer, making him groan deeply.

"God, this is so screwed up," Leo said, briefly coming to his senses about how incredibly good incestuous sex felt. "It's just unreal. I can't believe we're doing this."

"Do you want to stop?" she asked lovingly, rubbing the base of her son's dick as it slid in and out of her pussy.

"Ummm.... no..."

Of course not, she thought. Despite the reservations, Rachel knew her son was now permanently addicted to mature pussy. Mom's pussy!

"Don't worry," she said with encouragement. "This isn't the first time I've had a male family member inside of me. There's no need for you to feel ashamed about any of this."

Leo stopped in his tracks. "Huh?"

Rachel absorbed her son's facial expressions, noting that he was clearly stunned by that information. Who wouldn't be? Though obviously shocked, she also knew he was turned on, since his cock throbbed wildly inside her pussy.

She smiled seductively, "We have a rule in our marriage; it's not cheating if it's with a family member."

Leo froze while digesting the previously unknown family motto. Rachel wished she had a camera to capture this special moment. As an adult, her son should be able to partake in this family tradition without feeling guilty.

And yes, Rachel felt bad about revealing this without approval from everyone involved. She was sworn to secrecy on the matter, but what better time than this to break the news? Without a doubt, the others would understand and welcome Leo into the family circle of trust.

Leo spoke haltingly, as if afraid to ask, "Who are you talking about?"

"My brother," she said slowly, feeling guilty for revealing this highly classified information.

"Uncle Richard?"

Rachel blushed, "And, my sister too."

"Aunt Helen?"

"What can I say? We're a very close family."


It took a moment for the information to be fully processed by Leo, but Rachel could easily tell how it affected him. They were indeed a tight-knit family and often visited each other when time permitted. Discovering these urges were a family trait unleashed an animal instinct within Leo. Grabbing Rachel's upper thighs, he began to pound her pussy in earnest.

Rachel's eyes lit up as her son fucked her like a man on a mission. "Oh my, something's gotten into you. This seems like more than just a medical examination."

They looked intensely at each other while Leo picked up speed, to an almost frenetic pace.

"I'm... making sure your nerve endings aren't damaged," he said with restraint, while hammering away.

Rachel was having the time of her life with her son's cock battering her cervix. Much to her disappointment, however, Leo lost focus on that magical angle, instead focusing on how he liked to fuck instead. Putting his needs above his mother's took her by surprise, but she reveled in his youthful vigor. This was, by far, the most thorough medical exam she had ever experienced, and the most mind blowing too.

"We both know what's making you throb," she whispered. "Go on, fuck me like you want. We need to make sure that my pussy is in tip-top shape for your father, and your Uncle and Aunt. They'd all be disappointed if my pussy wasn't up to their needs."

Leo's lips twitched. "Oh fuck."

Rachel's body rocked and the bed creaked as her son went on a sexual rampage. Hearing such dirty family secrets really affected him deeply.

"Do you like hearing about these family secrets?" she grunted during their passionate, intense fuck-session. "Oh Jesus.... Yes, it started when the three of us lived together during and after college. Oh yes, keep going.... We were so focused on our studies that we didn't get out much socially."

"So you fucked each other?" he asked while thrusting harder, with a possessed look in his eyes.

She smiled wickedly. "God, you're just like your father. He loves hearing about how my brother took my virginity in college. My brother was the first to fuck my pussy and ass. He also taught me how to deepthroat, too. And your father still goes crazy when I describe how my older sister taught me how to eat her pussy and asshole. Oh yes, we did it all."


She was now certain that her nerve endings were healthy, because her son was giving her a ride to remember. Higher and higher she went, as he drove in balls deep. The friction from his cock as it pistoned back and forth was incredibly meaningful to her, not only as a woman, but also as a mother and 'patient.'

"Don't forget my g-spot," she whispered. "It drives me crazy when you stroke it with your dick."

He grunted, "Like this?"

When Leo paused and repositioned his hips, Rachel reached down to make sure her son's cock was once again aimed at her beloved g-spot.

Then just like that, his cock became a jackhammer. His thrusts became quick and powerful as he gave it his all. Rachel's eyes nearly crossed from the phenomenal fucking she received at the mercy of her son.

On the verge of her orgasm, Rachel looked lovingly into the face of her son. His attention shifted, as if sensing her imminent climax. Never slowing, he continued his onslaught.

With a newfound confidence, he moved the fingers of his right hand to her overly sensitive clit.

Rubbing it, he spoke in a clear, yet strained voice, "Mom, I'm just going to palpate your clitoris to make sure it works. It'll help you cum, too."

His power move pushed Rachel over the edge.

Her pussy, which had given birth to Leo, tremored, shook and contracted around his cock. It was fitting, she thought. The rest of her body followed suit as her hands clenched the sheets and her toes crimped. Her pussy gushed and squirted like never before. She'd have to wash the sheets, but it was definitely worth it.

"Oh, yes!" she cried as the floodgates emptied.

"Fuck!" Leo cried out, "I'm gonna cum too, mom!"

Elated, Rachel answered, "Yes! Shoot your seed inside my pussy!"

Like a good son, Leo continued moving with his dick still buried in his mother's pussy. His body spasmed and trembled while he exhaled loudly. Rachel felt him unload fully; spurt after spurt of his semen painted her pussy white. When finished, he collapsed on his mother, apparently spent.

Rachel was seeing stars when her son finally rolled off her after several minutes. They were both starry-eyed and dazed from their intense fuck session. Lying on their backs, side by side, they relaxed while catching their breath. Her son's fresh serving of warm cum oozed from Rachel's pussy and she basked in that glory.

"I'm assuming everything works fine," he joked while panting heavily.

She took a moment to compose herself. "Was it that obvious? Jesus, I haven't cum like that since my sister ate my pussy while your father drilled my ass, and my brother's cock was in my throat."

"That really happened?" Leo asked incredulously.

"Yes, several months ago."


"You have a lot to learn" she smiled, still dazed. "The important thing is, you'll make an amazing doctor. In fact, once you get your medical license, I'd like you to be my primary physician."

He grinned. "I think that would be an ethical dilemma."

"Why? Because I'll have to confess my sexual secrets to my own son?"

"And you'll have to let me thoroughly examine your breasts and nipples. There also may be issues regarding your vaginal health that require further and deeper investigation."

She playfully smacked her son's flaccid dick. "If you want to fuck me in your exam room, just ask. Until then, I need to wash my pussy before your father gets home."

They both stared at the ceiling while their heart rates returned to normal. She got up first and gave her son a big 'thank you' kiss on the lips. Careful to hold up her lingerie, she protected it from cum and squirt stains. Her cleanly waxed pussy, which had been the catalyst for this sexual adventure, was proudly bared along with her firm ass while she walked to the bathroom to clean up.

The End

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