
Mom's Pussy in the Shower


This was the fourth time she had ever gotten a Brazilian wax in downtown Beverly Hills. She was going to travel overseas soon and a clean wax was essential.

She enjoyed the moment of silence in the lobby. After a month of what felt like nonstop clients, silence was a relief. This was an expensive place, but she was always willing to pay top dollar for beauty regimens.

The employee today was a young Asian woman, probably a college student who worked here part-time.

"Jennifer?" the employee called out.

"That's me."

They went to their private room where she was told to remove her bottom and position herself on the table. She knew the drill.

Her phone beeped and she answered it.

She spoke to one of her clients from the previous week. "Yes... yes.... Thank you so much Mrs. Jenson.... It was truly a pleasure... I appreciate that so much.... It was a beautiful wedding... All my love... I will... Take care, bye."

The phone call warmed her heart. It was what she lived for. She removed her heels, pants, and panties, laying bottomless on the table. She spread herself for the employee. There was no shame. Years of running had rewarded her with toned and sculpted legs.

Looking up, she noticed that the employee was fixated on her vagina while preparing the wax. It was a deep gaze. She knew what the employee was looking at. She could practically feel the employee's eyes scanning her clitoris, thin brown labia, and her pinkness in the middle. With her legs spread this wide, she knew that her hole was open too.

"You're very pretty," the employee said politely. "Down there, I mean."

She smiled, "Thank you. I get that lot."

It had become a source of pride for her. And really, she had heard these same compliments repeatedly from all her past sexual partners. She had even seen the gazes from doctors too, both male and female.

What she had been told all her adult life was something very simple, something that she had come to accept, and appreciate.

She had a perfect pussy.

It was power.


There were only two reasons why Jennifer subjected herself and her son to the frigid cold of a Norway winter.

The first reason was that Norway is where her family came from. She wanted to truly explore her roots. And she wanted to share the same experience with her 18 year old son. It would be a bonding moment they'd always cherish together, hopefully.

The second reason was much simpler. She was so burnt out from her job as a high-profile event coordinator that she desperately needed the break.

So for the first time in many, many years, she had decided to forgo her usual meticulous planning in favor of just living day-by-day. It would be a real adventure for her and Robbie.

All Jennifer had was a small list of places and a stack of cash. She had combed through photo albums and old contact information, hoping to trace their family roots as far back as possible.

This led her and Robbie to a tiny little town in the northern part of Norway. Not much could be found about this place online, other than the population was less than 5,000. It was very remote, very old fashion, and freezing cold during that time of year. If she had seen this place in a movie, she would have figured it was the 1950's the way people were living.

There was nothing reminiscent of modern living. No technology. No wifi. Nothing. Only a few running engines which powered the lights and water heaters.

Their hotel wasn't much of a hotel either. It looked more like a series of shacks which were rented out to whoever was interested in ice fishing. It meant they'd be sleeping only a few feet away from each other.

There was also a shower and sauna in the same bathroom, which thankfully had an abundance of hot water.

"I'm glad we're here," Jennifer said, shivering in their little room after they had arrived.

"It's freezing."

"I know. The only heater is in the washroom."

"There's a train headed back to Oslo tomorrow," Robbie pointed out. "It could be our secret."


"Yeah, we can take pictures tomorrow morning and tell everyone back home that we stayed the entire week. No one will ever know that we left."

Jennifer smiled, her lips nearly trembling. "Well, too bad. We're staying. We've already come this far."

"It was just a suggestion. Oslo is nice."

"Here is nice too. It's where our family lived for many generations."

"Mom, we live in America now."

"Now you're learning something new," she said. "Hopefully we'll learn plenty of new things here."


With their big jackets on, they explored the outdoors the next morning. After a rest, they explored the small town in the afternoon. They were planning on eating dinner at a nice restaurant but a sudden snowstorm made that nearly impossible.

Since it was expected to snow all night, they decided to just stay in their small shack (or whatever it was supposed to be). They shivered in their big coats while sitting on their beds, facing each other.

"It's like the arctic winds out there," he joked while shaking.

"It's not that bad."

"Outside is the opposite of hell."

"Very funny," she said dryly.

"Should we just cover ourselves with a blanket? We could, you know, sleep with all our clothes on."

Jennifer thought for a moment. "The owner did tell me of a technique to keep warm."

"What is it?"

"The locals just stay in the sauna."

He nodded. "That's a great idea. Do you know how to use it?"

"Not really," she replied. "I didn't ask. But the shower is piping hot though."

"It's pretty late for a shower."

"I know, but it would feel so nice."

"Now you're talking," he smiled. "Should we huddle around the hot shower water like we're wild animals?"

"Animals need heat too."


They went inside the bathroom and closed the door. They had removed their coats and they were still dressed in their sweaters and pants, while barefoot. The bathroom was old fashioned and tightly sealed. It was designed to keep the heat in.

Jennifer switched on the shower to the highest temperature for heat. The water pointed down to the drain and steam was quickly filling the room. They sat on the bench used for the sauna and just enjoyed the warmth.

"This feels nice," Jennifer said, feeling perked up.


They both closed their eyes and rested their heads on the wooden board behind them. As much as they loved the sightseeing they had done and the history they had learned, this was the most pleasure they had gotten all day.

Steam kept filling the room. They were still cold in their bones and the steam was making great progress in warming them up. Their clothes were quickly absorbing the moisture from the piping hot water.

"What should we do about this?" Robbie asked, gesturing to the wetness on his sweater. "Pretty soon we'll be drenched."

"You're right. Our clothes won't dry in our bedroom either since it's so cold in there. I don't want our clothes to smell like mold."

"Should we stop then?"

"I can live with the heat we've gotten so far," she replied. "How about you?"

"I'm still freezing."

"Hmmm.... I don't want you to catch a cold or anything. We still have a few days ahead of us."

"How do the locals survive this?"

"First of all, the locals have the luxury of living in houses with heaters and fireplaces. Secondly, hot water is how a lot of people keep warm. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

Jennifer shrugged. "We can always leave our clothes in the other room and enjoy the steam here."

"That's really European."

"It is. Sauna nudity is much different in Europe. It's really nothing to be ashamed of over here. It's perfectly normal."

"Are you interested?" he asked.

They looked at each other's clothes and hair and they were only getting wetter. Their clothes were quickly becoming damper. Their hair was sticking together from the wetness. And it was turning into a disaster.

"Are you?" she asked in return.

"I think you already know," he replied.

Deep down, they both knew the answer. Neither of them wanted to leave the bathroom. It just felt so good. It gave them what they needed.

"I'll get down to my bra and panties. You get down to your underwear. Can you handle that? Or should we wrap towels around ourselves?"

"Towels sound like a good idea," he replied. "It'll keep us extra warm."

"Remember, laundry service won't be until tomorrow afternoon. If our towels become soaked, then we'll have a problem tomorrow."

"Then I guess we'll be seeing plenty of skin."

They went back to the bedroom and immediately felt the cold air. It made them appreciate the hot water so much more.

For Robbie, taking off his sweater and tshirt was easy. He was a swimmer and was always in his swimming trunks back home where they had a pool.

For Jennifer, obviously this was a dilemma. She took her time removing the sweater and was down to her white tshirt. Being scantily clad in front of her son would be odd. There was no way around that. So she sucked up her shame and pulled her tshirt away, leaving her in her thin white bra.

All her lingerie and undergarments were thin and tiny. It was a product of the hot weather from where they lived. Plus, as an upscale event planner, she had to look stylish and sexy. It was part of her allure.

She had packed warm clothes for her trip, but never did she think that she'd need undergarments which would cover up more of her skin.

Her son glanced at her and she tried not to flinch. She tried to be normal about this, whatever being 'normal' meant, since she was in her bra in front of her son.

She was in good shape and her breasts were on the smaller side. A thought popped into her head. She wondered if her son preferred smaller breasts or the larger variety. Whatever the case, she was proud of what she had on her chest. She used to be insecure about them growing up, but now they were a source of pride. Her long nipples were part of her erogenous zone.

She stood barefoot on the floor and took off her sweatpants.

As skimpy as her bra was, her panties were even smaller. It left little to the imagination and it perfectly outlined her crotch and showed all of her hips. Turned the other direction, and her bare ass was practically exposed.

She noticed Robbie taking a second peek at her, this time at her smooth crotch.

Robbie pulled his sweatpants away and they were both down to the essentials.

"This wasn't what I had in mind for this trip," she said, mustering her false confidence. "But we've got to stay warm somehow."

"Back to the bathroom, or sauna room, or whatever it's called. I'm freezing."


This time, relaxing near the hot shower was so much better. Steam filled the room and wet their skin. Without their clothes, they didn't have to worry about that damp feeling. They got to relax and lean back against the wooden seats.

"Now this is a vacation," Jennifer said, trying to make light of things. "Different country, nice people, and now I feel warm."

"This is the best part of the day. How long should we stay in here?"

"Maybe another 15 minutes. It'll keep us warm for hours after we get out. That's how it usually works with saunas."

They relaxed silently for a few more minutes as the hot water in the shower ran. Their eyes were closed.

"Can we play on the ice tomorrow?" Robbie asked, looking at her.

She lifted an eyelid. "You're thinking of ice? Of all times, now?"

"I've never ice skated before."

It suddenly dawned on Jennifer that she hadn't skated since back in college. Doing it again was a nice thought.

"Sure, we'll be skate partners," she said.

His eyes peered at her chest. "Umm... mom?"

"What is it?"

Jennifer looked down at her chest where her son was staring. At first, all she noticed was all the water and sweat on her body, which made her skin glisten. Upon closer look, she noticed that her big nipples were now poking through her bra.

The water from the steam had made the thin fabric of her bra transparent. Her skin and nipples had clung together with the material, making the shape perfectly visible. The color of her brown nipples were also very apparent.

She reached up with her forearm and covered herself the best she could.

"I didn't expect that to happen," she lightly blushed. "My bra has never been this wet before."

"Oh, sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know," he replied, facing the wall as a courtesy. "Should we stop now?"

"You might be cold in the middle of the night. We need to raise our body heat before we go back to the bedroom."

"But your stuff will get wet."

"So will your underwear," she pointed out.

"I guess we're stuck."

She thought fast and made a snap decision. "Close your eyes for a minute"

When Robbie closed his eyes, Jennifer reached back to unclasp her bra. It felt both unnerving and erotic, at the very same time, to have her breasts exposed while her son was sitting right next to her.

She noticed his eyelids twitching, like he was so desperate for a little peek. She thought his curiosity towards her breasts was cute. Was it normal for sons to want to look at their mother's breasts at this young adult age? She wondered.

"Keep your eyes closed," she reminded him.

Jennifer reached below and pulled her panties off. With her bra and panties in each hand, she got up and walked right passed her son, hoping he'd keep his eyes closed. Jennifer quickly opened the bathroom door and tossed her moist undergarments on her bed.

The coldness of the bedroom had covered her body and made her nipples turn rock hard.

She went back inside the bathroom and happily shut the door to enjoy the heat. She stepped passed her son again. As she looked down at Robbie, with his eyes closed, she found it exhilarating that her bare pussy was so close to his face.

When she sat next to him, she crossed her legs and used her forearm to cover her breasts. She adjusted her position. She wanted to make extra sure she could handle this. When she felt ready, she gave him the signal.

"You can open your eyes now," she said, holding her breasts a little tighter and crossing her legs a little harder.

Robbie was naturally shocked. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? Now, are you going to take off your underwear, or are you just going to let it soak?"

"Do you mind?"

"What do you think? I'm already naked."

"Can you close your eyes then?" he asked.

She smiled. "No promises. Get on with it."

There was a pleasant expression on Jennifer's face as she closed her eyes and listened to the sound of Robbie pulling off his underwear, then getting up so he could toss it on his bed in the other room.

When she heard him coming back, she couldn't resist. She playfully lifted an eyelid with an exaggerated expression on her face.


She had just seen his penis. It gave her all sorts of butterflies in her stomach.

"It was an accident," she teased. "I swear."


It was so relaxing that Jennifer nearly dozed off. Everything felt heavy and her arm started dropping. Her legs slowly uncrossed. Her guard was coming down.

"Should we go now?" Robbie asked. "I'm really hot now."

Jennifer awoke. "Yes, turn off the water please."

Her natural instinct was to stretch after sitting in the same position for so long. She yawned, feeling ready to go to sleep in her bed.

She stretched her arms, not thinking that her breasts were now showing. And she lifted her feet to stretch her legs, not thinking that what's between her legs was fully exposed.

When the water was turned off, Jennifer noticed that her son was gawking at her, while he used his hand to cover his penis. He saw her brown nipples. His eyes had drifted down.

Jennifer looked down and noticed her spread legs. In her sleepy state, she had just given her son a view of her pussy.

She instantly clasped her legs shut and covered both breasts with her hands.

"My mistake," she said, embarrassed.

He blushed, "Sorry, I guess we're even now. So how should we get out of here? One at a time?"

"That wouldn't be fair. We should both leave together. I don't mind showing my butt."

"I'm sure it's a nice one," he teased.

They both got up and went to the door. Their hands covered their intimate areas while their asses showed. Jennifer went first, which meant that Robbie would have a full view of her ass.

She tried not to be uptight about it. She had a nice ass. She just hoped her son wouldn't stare too lewdly at it.

Once in the bedroom, they agreed to face different directions. Standing naked, they both faced the wall as they dried themselves with their towels, then got dressed.

"Ready for bed?" Jennifer asked while rubbing her hair with a towel.

"I'm exhausted."

"It's been a long day."

Jennifer knew there was a tension there. Her son had just seen her naked. She had seen him naked. And tomorrow, they'd likely have to do this again.


Ice skating turned out to be a fun adventure for them the next morning. Unlike the local Norwegians, they had to really adjust to the cold weather. It was even amusing to see men walking around shirtless, wearing only a towel around their waists after stepping out of the sauna together.

Just their luck, there was a crack in the ice and Robbie took a little dip in the icy pond. They were able to laugh about it as Robbie climbed out, with his lower half completely submerged for a few moments.

"I have a new appreciation for life," he joked, while sitting on the ice.

"I'll help you out of those skates. You should change your clothes, then we'll go have lunch."

"Can we use the shower first?" he asked, while his mother helped him remove the skates.

"You know, that's actually a pretty good idea. I had been thinking about it all morning."

He stood up. "Should we try and fire up the sauna in our bathroom?"

"Too much work. I don't want any accidents."

"Good point."

They put the skates away and put their shoes back on, with Robbie uncomfortably having to walk with wet feet. Their small rental place was only a short distance away.

By the time they reached their little shack, Robbie was in bad shape. His legs became frigid and he trembled all around.

"Oh no," he gasped. "Now it's starting to hurt."

Jennifer reached down to touch his ankle. "Goodness, do you need a doctor?"

"No, no, it's not that bad. I just need some hot water."

"You'll need the shower then. I'll spray your legs with lukewarm water."

"Direct heat. Nice."

"Shall we undress again?" she asked. "I'm in desperate need of some attention also. From the hot water, I meant."

"Whatever gets us warm the fastest."

Under a circumstance like this, they both ignored the typical mother/son formalities when it came to undressing in front of each other. Society be damned. They were freezing. They started taking off their clothes. The more they undressed, the colder they got, which only made them get undressed faster.

Jennifer went down to her bra and panties. Like yesterday, it was a skimpy pair which didn't cover a whole lot. Robbie went down to his underwear.

"You first this time," she smiled, noting her son's slight ogling at her.

He hooked his fingers in his underwear. "Are you sure?"

"Oh, no," she gasped. "I meant you go inside the shower first."

"Sorry," he blushed.

Robbie led the way and Jennifer closed the bathroom door. The water was turned to a warm temperature.

"Sit down on the bench," Jennifer said, holding the shower spray. "Take the weight off your legs. I'll warm you up."

Since the water temperature was much lower today, to avoid burning Robbie's skin, there was less steam in the room. Robbie was being warmed, but Jennifer was left shivering.

"Aren't you cold?" Robbie asked. "We can take turns. I'll spray your feet with the hot water"

"Your legs are more important. I can only imagine what that dip in the water must have felt like."

"I'm fine now," he insisted. "Give me the shower spray. It's your turn."

She smiled, "That's very nice of you."

"Do you want to sit or stand?"

"Would it be awkward if I sat next to you?"

"Not at all."

"Thanks," she said, handing him the shower spray.

Jennifer sat down as Robbie sprayed her feet with warm water. It almost felt euphoric. The contrast was nice. She closed her eyes for a moment and enjoyed.

"How does that feel?" he asked, spraying mom's calves. "You look so relaxed."

"I am relaxed. And very cold."


"Spraying my feet won't warm my body," she explained. "Not really, anyway." What I'd give for a warm bath or a sauna treatment."

"I could spray your body with the warm water."

"We both know what will happen."

"Would you rather be freezing cold?" he asked.

It was such a simple question, but with profound implications. She thought for a moment.

"Ice skating had really made my legs tired," she said. "Warm water will help prevent soreness, right?"

He nodded. "There's a sauna in every large gym."

"I don't want to get my undergarments wet," she noted. "Do you mind if I take them off? I'll cover my body and you can spray me."

"Whatever works for you."

"Okay, close your eyes. I'll be super quick."

Jennifer slipped off her panties and unclasped her bra. This was much easier than yesterday. She was practically an expert now when it came to getting undressed in front of her son, who she hoped still had his eyes closed.

She briefly opened the door and tossed her undergarments on the bed. Then she went back to the bathroom.

This time, Robbie peeked and smiled.

"That's not nice," she said.

"You did that to me yesterday."

"I know. But I'm your mother."

"How is that different?" he asked.

"It just is," she replied. "You can look now. Spray my legs. I'll give you another turn after."

Jennifer covered her breasts with her hands and she kept her legs crossed, so hopefully Robbie wouldn't see anything too personal.

The warm water from the shower felt amazing against her skin. It was exactly what she needed after all that time in the snow.

Looking at her son, she wondered what he thought. Robbie was doing amazing with the shower spray. The water moved up and down her legs. From her feet to her hips. A little bit on her crotch, but not too much. She figured that her son didn't want to be intrusive in that area, even though she thought it felt good. She knew her son must have been getting a real kick out of this.

"If you ever want a part-time job," she said, "I know plenty of people who'd love to hire you."

He laughed, "Am I doing a good job with this shower?"

"The best."


"I'd love to be greedy. Really, I could enjoy this all morning. But fair is fair. It's my turn to service you."

"Can you spray my whole body?" he asked. "I don't mind my underwear getting wet."

"It's okay, I already saw it yesterday. It's just a penis. Take them off and throw them aside."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I want you to feel good."

"Okay, I'll do it."

She watched her son remove his underwear. He tossed it to the dry part of the bathroom, even though steam would keep moisturizing it.

"Now hand me the shower," she said. "Can you keep your eyes closed?"


"I'll be standing in front of you. You need a real shower to warm up your whole body. You practically went through a traumatic experience outside."

"I guess so," he smiled, closing his eyes.

Jennifer waved her hand in front of Robbie's face to make sure that his eyes were sealed. Once she was satisfied with the results, she took the handle of the shower and stood naked before her son.

She sprayed him, starting with his legs, chest, then on his head. She sprayed his penis too, gently and quickly. She didn't want to make things uncomfortable. Frankly, she couldn't stop staring at it either. She had come to the realization that her son had an attractive penis. It made her feel dirty thinking that, but she liked it. Sometimes dirty thoughts are good.

As she gave her son a shower, her eyes were so fixated on his penis, that she hardly noticed Robbie's eyelids subtly moving up and down.

"No peeking," she said.

He smiled, "Sorry."

"What were you looking at?"


It wasn't nothing. Jennifer saw her son's penis inflating and pointing forward. With the way she was standing, her vagina was right in front of her son's face. Of course, that was what he was looking at.

"Have a good look?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just my pussy. Does it make your dick hard?"

This time, Robbie opened his eyes and looked up at her.

"I can't help it."

"It's okay," she replied, leaving her nudity wide open. "Did I really give you that erection?"

"What do you think?"

"Neither of us have had any privacy lately. I'm sure you haven't masturbated in a while."

"How embarrassing," he blushed. "What can I say?"

"You can tell me what you think of it. My pussy."

"Really, why?"

She playfully splashed his face with warm water. "I don't know. Honestly, I'm getting older and I want to know if I've still got it."

"Can I look?"

"Be my guest."

Jennifer pointed the water away and moved her feet apart so Robbie could take a closer look. He leaned in, inspecting it from the bottom.

"Wow," he said, then his penis swelled.

"Did you notice that?"

"Notice what?"

She gestured to his crotch. "It twitched."

"I know," he replied, trying to cover his erection by closing his legs.

She continued giving him a warm shower. "Should I get dressed? I'm sure you're probably scarred for life by now, seeing me naked and everything."

"I've seen two before, in real life. So I'm not afraid of anything."

As she gave him the shower, she let his eyes wander her naked body. Where was the harm? It felt nice being admired.

She also thought about the words he used. That he had 'seen' two before, presumably with his ex-girlfriends, who were both pretty and booksmart. They also seemed rather prudish. It made her think about things which were probably inappropriate for any mother. But she thought about them anyway.

"Are you a virgin?" she asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. It sounds like you are."

"I've never had sex before," he answered. "Who knows, maybe in college."

"Are you nervous about it?"

"Who isn't?"

Jennifer's career had basically consumed her entire love life. She hadn't dated in a while, and it had been a long time since she had great sex at all.

For some reason, this was exhilarating. She could tell her son's cock was swelling, which he tried to hide. It had dawned on her that she could be the one who shaped her son's view of women, permanently. As a mother, she had always wanted to protect her son and his heart.

What better way than this?

"I can teach you," she said. "About the female anatomy."

His eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

"Turn the water off."

Robbie reached over and turned off the switch. The water stopped flowing and Jennifer put the shower spray down.

She put one foot on the wooden bench, so that her legs were spread in front of her son, who remained seated.

"Look inside," she said.

Robbie gulped and looked closer. The bathroom was steamy but there was still plenty of sunlight from the windows.

"Can I be honest?" he said. "You're like a porn star. Have you ever had surgery there or anything?"

"You think I've had surgery?"

"Sorry, it's just, perfect."

She smiled, "Good genetics. Do you know the names of the parts?"

"I remember."

Jennifer spread herself with her fingers. "A quick lesson: The very top is my clitoral hood, the circle below that is my clitoris. The lips in the middle are my labia. Obviously the hole in the center is my vaginal opening."

"It's beautiful. It's much prettier than my ex-girlfriend's, or anything I've ever seen in porn."

She blushed. Inwardly, her heart was swelling. This was a rush. Jennifer loved that she could tame any man with her pussy, even her own son of all people. God, what a thought. It almost made her feel light-headed for a moment.

"Would you like to touch?" she asked.

He gulped. "Are you okay with that?"

"Of course. I offered."

Robbie reached forward and touched her labia. It was gentle strokes. He admired and appreciated it. His eyes never left her sexual area.

"Every woman is different," Jennifer explained. "Some women can cum just from clitoral stimulation, whether it be oral or fingers. Some women can cum from their labia, which is a lot harder. And of course, there's vaginal penetration. The canal and opening are rich with nerve endings."

"Which kind of woman are you?"

"Does that matter? I'm trying to teach you about women in general."

"Well, it does matter," he answered. "Because if you're trying to teach me, then I need to know the secrets."

She playfully slapped his shoulder. "I cum the hardest from deep penetration. I'm not saying that I'm a size queen. I don't like men that big."

"How big? My size?"

"Now you're being inappropriate."

"I'm covering myself," he pointed out. "And you're naked, with your legs open."

"You're right. Why don't you make things even?"

Robbie opened his legs to free his penis. His cock sprang free. It was really hard and ready for action.

"Sorry," he blushed.

"You're a healthy, young, virile male. You should never apologize for having an erection, unless it's inappropriate."

"Is it inappropriate now?"

"No, because I asked to see it. The truth is, straight women enjoy seeing a man's penis, and pleasing it, and making it feel good. But it has to be on the right terms. There has to be build-up first and she has to be comfortable doing it with him."

"I think you like seeing mine," he said. "You've really been looking at it."

"Even mothers have vices."

"Will you take my virginity?" he asked in a small voice.

"Why would I do that?"

He held his head down. "Sorry I asked."

"Don't apologize," she said, lifting his chin up. "A real man should never be afraid to ask, when all the signals are there. If I refuse, then that's the end. If I agree, then take charge."

"Yes mom."

Being called 'mom' was a dirty little turn on for her. It was time to make her son into a man. The way a single mom should, she thought to herself.

"This stays between us," she said. "I'll take your virginity. I'll make you a man. But no one can ever know. Don't brag to your friends."

"Trust me, I'd be horrified if people at college knew."

She smiled, "I'd be horrified if people knew that I'm son-lover."

"Then we're even."

"Sex is scary at first. That's the way nature is. It's more exciting with these barriers."

"I'll admit that I'm a little scared," he said. "But I'm also really excited."

"You should be. What I have between my legs is something special, and I sincerely hope you appreciate this."

"I've actually wanted this for a long time. From you. I never thought your pussy would be a work of art though."

Jennifer was rattled hearing that her son had wanted this for a while. From her, of all people. The wheels were in motion and they had already come this far. It was time to make her son a man.

She put both of her knees on the wooden bench. It was uncomfortable, but soon she'd feel good once she rested all her weight on him. Her brown nipples had turned hard and were right in front of his face.

"Hold your penis upright," she said. "I'm sure you've seen enough porn to know how this works."

"I have."

She slowly lowered herself. "Good. Now unlike a lot of porn you see online, you can't just ram it in. The average woman needs it eased inside. Slowly. Arousal is key. When a woman is aroused, her vagina expands and she secretes fluids to make penetration easier."

"Is that why you were so wet when I looked inside?"

"Yes, I was aroused from our foreplay."

"Was this something you thought about before?" he asked. "Doing this with me?"

"No. It's circumstance. The whole experience has been strangely magical."

She reached down and spread her lips. In her position with her legs wide, penetration was easy. Especially with her ever-growing wetness. She desired sex with her son so much that she wondered if she would ever feel normal again. She couldn't peel her eyes away from her son's eyes. It felt marvelous to share something so intimate with him. Feeling her son's penis inch its way inside her vaginal canal. Stretching her and stimulating her nerve endings.

As sensational as it felt, it was equally as erotic seeing the look on her son's face. This was Robbie's first time, and it showed. Inches apart, she studied the look in her son's wide eyes. She could feel him breathing on her face.

There was an unspoken acknowledgment between them as she wrapped her arms around her son, that this was intensely arousing to each other. Her perfect pussy was now being worshiped by her son's erection.

"So this is what it feels like," he gasped, with his eyes nearly rolling back.

Jennifer planted all of her weight on her son's lap, so that his erection went all the way inside of her. Her canal was stretched just the way she liked. It was a flawless match.

"We've only scratched the surface," she said, holding firm. "There's a wide variety of sex. For now, you're a novice, so I'll have to treat you that way."

"How can I make you cum? I want to learn."

"That's very sweet of you. Your eagerness to please will serve you well in the future. Women will keep coming back, but you have to remember everything I'll show you."


"Let me do all the work," she said in his ear as she held him tight and rocked her hips. "Learn by my example."

Her hips went back and forth. Back and forth. From this position, each thrust hit her g-spot, the main source of her orgasms.

She whispered, "This is the way I like it. Right here, this angle. It hits my magic button. I'm sure you've heard of the g-spot before. The way you stretch me with this in and out motion is more than enough to make me cum. But when you go deep inside me and the tip of your penis hits my magic button, it does something to me. It makes me feel like a woman. A vibrant, healthy woman. And you know what I've come to learn? I love that I'm your mother, and that my own son is doing this to me. If that's wrong, oh well. The orgasms will be worth it, for both of us."

Robbie was in a state of ecstasy and Jennifer loved seeing him that way. Once again, she studied her son's facial expressions. She was addicted to what she was seeing. She'd never forget it for as long as she lived.

This would be her son's first orgasm from sex. Sex with her perfect pussy. She had to make sure it was perfect. She continued her clenching and releasing of her vaginal muscles. Kegal would be proud. Jennifer had full mastery of her perfect pussy and her son was reaping the rewards of her sexual gifts.

"We'll cum together," she said, pressing her forehead against his. "I can sense that you're close. I'm close too."

To push both of them over the edge, Jennifer grabbed one of her breasts and shoved her stiff brown nipple into her son's mouth, and with her other hand, she rubbed her clit furiously, giving herself more satisfaction and it made her pussy clench even harder.

It did the trick, with her son's back arching. He sucked on her nipple hard, pulling it with his mouth, but he had to let go when he moaned and came.

Robbie came so hard that his entire body jerked. Spurts of his cum shot into her pussy. She could feel all of it. With a pussy as sensitive as hers, Jennifer savored the feeling of her walls being coated and flooded with her son's potent seed. It was a deliciously naughty feeling.

Her eruption of her own orgasm was something that came from her core. She rubbed her clit just as her son's tip was pressing against her magic spot. She held him there while he was still hard, and she could feel him fading fast, with his cock withering away and turning soft.

Jennifer rubbed her hard brown nipples against her son's heaving chest. She loved teasing him while he recovered from his first time having sex.

"Unforgettable," she whispered, seeing the dazed look in her son's eyes. "Not only did you learn about your family roots from this trip, but we also learned about each other."

He did his best to regain his wits and not be overly lewd about anything. This was his own mother, he had to be classy about things.

"This was much more fascinated, in my personal opinion at least."

Their cum had left a serious mess on each other, which leaked down to the wooden bench. They'd need to wash each other again, and for herself, she'd need to be washed deep inside. There was no way she could walk around town with that much cum inside of her.

Instead of being riddled with guilt, she felt a sense of maternal joy. She had made her son into a man and she had taught him how to be a great lover. All during a trip to learn about their family heritage, ironically enough.

After minutes of snuggling on the bench, kissing each other's lips, and letting him pinch her nipples, it was finally time to get up. The room was still filled with steam, and they had certainly contributed to that.

She climbed off and fluids ran down her legs. It felt ticklish and she noted the potency of her son. Unable to resist, she swiped her son's cum with her finger and gave it taste. She smacked her lips together as she ate the orgasmic substance.

"You're quite the young man," she said, watching the delicious mess drip onto the floor. "You'll need a full lunch to regain your stamina."

"I could use a nap more than anything. But if you insist. And I'll need another hot water treatment tonight, so we don't freeze in our sleep."

"We'll be so warm tonight, that we could practically sleep naked, which I'm counting on."

Jennifer bent down in the crouching position by the shower drain. She turned the water on to a lukewarm temperature and washed the inside of her now gaping pussy. She watched their cum mixture flow out onto the tile. Long white strands of her son's cum flooded out of her hole. It was marvelous.

Next chapter