
Mom's Anal Servitude

From the moment Patricia awoke, she knew it was a bad day.

The scandal had been brewing for a while. At first it was just silly rumors. Something she could easily dismiss if she needed to. But that may no longer be the case anymore.

It was all strategic. Her political enemies wanted to ruin her chance of becoming the first female President of the United States. That was her life's goal. Everything from law school, various political offices, and becoming a US Senator, was all geared towards eventually becoming President.

The media and political establishment had expected Patricia to announce her candidacy already. People were mystified as to why she hadn't run yet, especially since everything was ready to go. The support was overwhelming. In her heart, she was ready to run, but there was a dark cloud hanging over her head.

After she washed herself, she went to the backyard of her spacious property and spoke to political advisers on her phone. It was a candid and frank conversation about her future.

Then she went back inside her home and made breakfast.

Sam came down the stairs for breakfast at the same time. He was a handsome young college student, and he was everything Patricia had hoped for in a son.

They made their usual small talk and banter. Their conversations were usually never serious. That's what Patricia enjoyed most about her mornings. She felt young again when she was around Sam, instead of spending so much time around boring bureaucrats and political advisers.

After they got settled with their food, she finally dropped the big news.

"I'm going to spend this weekend in a private retreat," she said.


"Our winter home in Tahoe. I've asked my staff to be there so we can discuss things."

He smiled, "So you're finally going to run."

"Maybe not."

Sam's good mood suddenly changed directions.


"It's a long story," she replied. "But you might hear some things about me in the media. It's not guaranteed to happen, but there's a strong possibility."

"God, are you going to be in any trouble?"

This time, it was Patricia's turn to smile. It was a faint smile. She was glad that at least someone genuinely cared about her well-being.

"I won't be in any trouble," she reassured him. "But it could put a damper on my political future. And maybe I won't run for President after all."

Sam was awestruck by the news. His face looked like he was hit by a cold tidal wave. Then he regained his composure.

"I don't know what to say."

"There's nothing to say," she replied. "I'll be meeting with my political advisers and we'll assess my future."

"Why is this happening?"

Patricia suddenly became tense. "We shouldn't talk about that right now."


"It's just not appropriate."

"But I'll find out eventually, won't I?" Sam insisted.

"You're right. But I don't want to talk about this now. I hope you understand. It's something personal."

He gave a sympathetic nod. "I'm sorry this is happening. Whatever's going on, I still think you could win the election. You're the best candidate in the field."


"Really. I mean it."

Patricia gave a hard thought. "Why don't you come with me this weekend? We'll go to the winter home and prepare for when my staff arrives."

"Are you sure you want me there?"

She nodded. "You might hear about this eventually. So you might as well hear it from me directly. Plus I want your advice. You're the most honest person that I can rely on."

It was an easy answer for Sam.

"Okay. Whatever I can do to help."

Patricia got up and gave Sam a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you."


The next few days was emotionally difficult for both of them.

Sam was shocked by his mother's revelation. He didn't want to ask what it was about anymore. He knew his mother was deeply embarrassed by whatever it was.

Patricia was devastated that her political career might come to an end. It was a very real possibility. And she was even more embarrassed that she would have to explain everything to her family, friends, supporters, and the national media. It would surely have worldwide media coverage. And that thought terrified her to the core.

Or maybe, if she was willing to endure the controversy, she would fight for her political career. It was still undecided.

All the while, the media continued to speculate why Patricia hadn't announced her candidacy yet. Time was of the essence. The November filing deadline was fast approaching, and she quickly needed to assemble a political organization if she wanted to mount a strong campaign for the presidency.

The media had already gotten the news that Patricia had arranged a private meeting with her top political staff. They had all speculated that Patricia would announce her candidacy soon after.

If they only knew...


Days later. The trip to Lake Tahoe wasn't very far away. They arrived there a day before the political advisers were expected to arrive.

Snow was falling and the scenery was beautiful. Owning that vacation home was a culmination of all of Patricia's hard work. Hard work which may soon be undone by things in her past.

She made a fire in the fireplace. They sat in the living room of the luxury home. After getting comfortable, Patricia mustered her courage. The talk would happen eventually, and it might as well happen at that moment.

"What I'm about to tell you is deeply embarrassing for me," Patricia stated firmly, trying to be as brave as possible. "And I don't want you to think any less of me. I'm still your mother."

A serious look came over Sam.

"Of course. You can tell me anything."

She took a deep breath. "My private emails had been hacked. We suspect that it was done by political rivals. And I'm being told not to enter the race, or else my personal information may be leaked."


"It's being investigated. But realistically, the people behind this won't be caught any time soon. And I have to decide whether to run or not. The filing deadline is mid-November, which is only days away."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know. That's why I'm meeting with my advisers. And I wanted to come out here to clear my head. I need the seclusion."

Sam leaned back on the couch with a devastated look on his face.

"God, I don't know what to say," he sighed, then paused. "Whatever information these hackers have, people will still vote for you. You're the best candidate in the field. Don't be intimidated by these scumbag rivals of yours. You can beat them. You always do."

Patricia forced a smile. "That's very sweet."

"I mean it. I'm absolutely sure you can still win."

"But don't you want to know why these hackers are blackmailing me?"

"Only if you want to talk about it," he cautiously replied.

"There's a strong possibility that you're going to find out anyway. So you might as well hear this from me."

"Okay," he cautiously nodded.

Patricia took another deep breath. "When I was in college, I was a virgin. Times were different back then. As you know, I come from a very religious background. And I was raised with purity."

It wasn't the conversation Sam expected. He expected details of government corruption, maybe bribes, or anything you'd expect from politicians. But sex? That was the last thing he expected from his proper mother.

She continued, "I was on the swim team. Swimming was my outlet. It was my relief from stress and it made me feel amazing. Your father was also on the swim team. That's how we met."

It was an interesting turn of events and Sam was captivated by every word. It was the first time he had learned about how his parents met.

She continued, "Your father and I were both very religious, that means, you know...We had our desires, but we couldn't fully act upon them because of our faith. So we found other ways..."

An uncomfortable vibe was in the air. They both felt it. There was a subtle tension, but nevertheless, Patricia felt the need to explain herself.

She continued, "Your father loved that I had a 'swimmer's body.' He loved my toned legs especially. I don't mean to be graphic, but there's a reason I'm telling you this. During that time in college, we fell in love. We explored. We tried new things and pushed new boundaries. I kept a journal of everything. That's what I always did. And your father took polaroid pictures of me."

Things were starting to make sense to Sam. He knew where this was headed. There was only one way things were going.

She continued, "Those are memories that I will always cherish. Always. And I wanted to preserve those memories. So I scanned many of those diary entries and pictures and kept them online. Everything was in a private email account."

There was a sense of romance in Patricia's voice. She reminisced about her past love, but there was also a sense of regret over what had recently happened to her emails.

"So that's what they hacked?" Sam asked, knowing the answer. "They have your diaries and pictures?"


"How graphic is it? I mean, you don't have to answer that."

"The content is fairly explicit," she admitted.

Sam gave a hard sigh. "I don't know what to say."

"Can you hold me? I could really use a hug right now."

He moved over to Patricia's side of the couch and they held each other. Patricia leaned her head on Sam's chest and they shared a moment of silence.


Deep down, Patricia felt the burden being lifted. She had an inevitable feeling that her secrets would soon be revealed, and she was glad that someone understood her.

As she finished unpacking her clothes that early afternoon, Patricia thought about her carefully crafted public image. She was known as a prim & proper woman who also had a fun side. She was known for being outgoing and smart. Intelligent yet sassy. She had a personality & imagine which had voters clamoring for her to be the next president.

Patricia sat down on her bed and thought about her political future. It was the same question she had been asking herself for the past week. Would she be able to continue her political career if her secrets came out?

So far, she wasn't able to find the answer.

Part 2 of 3: Anal Fantasies & First Times

By mid-afternoon, they had already gotten settled in to the vacation home. There wasn't much to do indoors. Normally, they would have gone outside and played with the snow. Sam loved going snowboarding. But the mood was too somber for that.

Patricia saw him in the living room watching tv, and she felt a slight sense of regret for bringing Sam along, knowing he would be stuck inside the home for the weekend.

"You must be bored," she said as she approached him.

"Not really. It's the perfect time to catch up on the latest season of Homeland."

"Any good so far?" she asked.

"So far it's great. I'll have to binge watch this."

"Mind if I join you?"

"Go ahead."

Patricia sat next to him on the couch. They were both dressed casual and the mood was much more relaxed.

"You seem more upbeat," he noted.

"I've done some soul searching I guess. Honestly, I feel a lot better after we talked earlier."

"Well, I'm glad. I really wish I could help you, but I don't know how."

"You're doing great," she smiled. "Sometimes being a good listening is enough to help a woman in need. And that's always appreciated."

"I'll have to remember that," he joked.

For the first time in days, Patricia felt herself becoming truly at ease. She was letting her guard down as they watched tv for a few minutes. It was something she deeply appreciated, and it took her mind away from things.

On that particular episode of Homeland, there was a brief scene which featured naked women who performed on webcams. It was brief, but it was enough to grab Patricia's attention, as Sam focused on the tv.

"You know, I think that's the first time we've ever watched a nude scene together," she noted.

"It wasn't that awkward, was it?" he said playfully.

"Not really. Sometimes I forget that you're already an adult."

"You can trust me with anything."

There was an innuendo in Sam's tone, which referenced Patricia's brewing scandal. She noticed the subtle gesture.

She continued looking at him while his eyes returned to the tv. And she couldn't stop thinking about their previous conversation.

"I'm glad we talked earlier," she said, abruptly changing the topic. "Getting that off my chest really helped."


Patricia grabbed the remote control and turned the tv off. They looked each other in the eyes and Sam wondered what would happen next.

"Come on," she said. "You're my best political adviser, and right now, I really need your help. Let's go to the dining room. I'll make us some hot chocolate while we talk."

They got up and went to the dining room. Sam took a seat while Patricia made some hot chocolate on the stove. It brought back fond memories of raising her son. Now, things were different. He was a young adult.

After a few minutes, she went to the dining area with two cups of hot chocolate. They drank it and made small talk. Then suddenly, there was a seriousness which showed on Patricia's face.

"So here's the situation," Patricia said in a business-like manner. "In my heart, I want to run for president. I know I can win. I know I'll do a better job than anyone else. I feel so strongly about this."

"Do you still think you have enough time to make your decision?"

"The filing deadline is mid-November. So there's not much time. But I have the donors and staff to make a strong bid. My advisers are confident that we can still do it."

"Then do it," he said. "I agree with everything you've said. Everyone in the party wants you to run. So run."

Patricia took a short breath. "I haven't been completely upfront about everything. About the impending scandal I mean."

There was a sudden uncomfortable vibe in the room.

"You don't have to tell me."

"You might hear about this anyway. If my opponents have their way, everyone is going to find out. Maybe I could use your advice."

"Okay," he slowly nodded. "Tell me. I'll try to help if I can."

A deep breath. "Those diaries & pictures which were hacked from my emails were about a particular fetish. The reason your father was initially attracted to me was because he liked my body. He liked my swimmer's body. More specifically, he liked my legs and my backside."

In that moment, Sam resisted the urge to gasp. Things were getting tense as the conversation turned sexual.

She continued, "Even though I was a virgin back then, I still had some level of experience. You know, touching, kissing, fingers. That sort of thing. Your father also had the same experiences."

Patricia noticed how her son clung to every word. She knew he was captivated and she wondered if this was a good idea. But she felt she had to do it.

She continued, "After we dated a while, we became close. Very close. I knew it was love. So did he. We did things together. The usual things. Mostly kissing, but it evolved to more touching, then oral sex. Is hearing this making you uncomfortable?"

"Not at all," he gulped. "That's what normal couples do, right?"

"Right. I'm glad you're being mature about this."

"Of course."

There was an understanding between them, which gave Patricia the confidence she needed to continue with her personal revelations.

"Anyway," she continued. "Things progressed between us. Your father adored my backside. He absolutely loved the way it looked and felt. He worshiped it. It made me feel special. This is where it gets a bit more graphic, okay?"

Sam nodded. "Okay."

"Like most religious couples our age, we viewed anal foreplay as a loophole around sex. In other words, we didn't consider anal sex to be a violation of our religious beliefs. It was something intimate we shared throughout our college days. I wrote about it extensively in my diaries, since the feelings were so new. And your father took pictures of it."

It was finally revealed. The most personal details of her life were revealed, and to her son of all people. It wasn't as difficult as she expected. Especially since Sam was such a good listener. She waited for his reaction. She tried reading his face, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Well?" she asked.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of," he finally replied, composing himself to give a thoughtful answer. "Sounds like an average couple. Everyone explores like that at some point. I mean, people only exist on this planet because of sex. It's totally normal."

"True. But I'm sure you can understand how utterly humiliating it would be for a US President to have this information leaked. Especially for a female leader. It's so much worse for women. It's going to make international headlines."

He nodded. "Is this definitely going to come out?"

"No. It looks like the work of political operatives. From what I'm hearing, it could be a bluff to keep me from running. So it might not happen."

There was a sense of fear in her voice, but she tried to be brave about it.

"Mom, don't let those people threaten you. If you back down, then they win. It's that simple."

"And my personal life? My reputation? Do you think that will ever recover? Imagine if I win the candidacy for the party, or if I actually win the election, and those pictures get released. What then?"

He was stumped. "I really don't know. I wish I could be more helpful, but I don't know. Maybe if I saw the pictures then I could give you a better answer."

It was meant to be a helpful response, but things suddenly became more uncomfortable. He immediately wished he could take back the comment, but it was too late. Patricia looked at him with an almost stern motherly expression.

"Do you really think it would help to see them?" Patricia asked with an eyebrow raised.

He gulped. "I don't know. It was just a suggestion. I'm sure there are other ways to..."

"Maybe it would help," she said, cutting him off mid-sentence. "Let me go upstairs and turn on the computer. I still have some of the images. I'll call you when I'm ready. Okay?"

He slowly nodded. "Okay."

Patricia took the final drink of her hot chocolate, then she took her cup to the kitchen, before heading up the stairs.


Her mind raced and she leaned back on the chair. As the computer was loading, she realized how crazy the idea was. But she was desperate for the honest opinion of someone she could trust.

In Patricia's view, it was likely that Sam would eventually see the pictures anyway, so why not under her terms?

Her maternal side felt that it was the best approach, even though it was going to be very awkward. The thing that comforted her the most was how mature Sam was. He was respectful and a good listening, and that was more than Patricia could have hoped for.

She logged in to an old email account (one that hadn't been hacked) and she simply looked at the screen, hoping she was making the right decision.

When she made up her mind, she called Sam to come to her room. Then she put an extra chair next to the computer.

They both sat down next to each other.

"This is an old AOL account that I have," Patricia said. "I strongly considered deleting everything after my other account was hacked. But I didn't want to lose these memories."

"That's perfectly understandable."

"Now, I want you to read some of my old diary entries. Then I want you to look at the old photos. These are the things which might get released if I decide to run. And I want your honest opinion on how damaging it might be. Okay?"


"Are you ready to have a look?" she asked for the final time.

"Sure. I'm ready."

Patricia clicked open the email and loaded a few files. Scanned images appeared on the screen. They were from old polaroids decades ago.

The images showed a young Patricia posing for the camera. She was in a swimsuit. In the pictures, she showcased her athletic legs and toned backside. They were playful images taken around a dorm room. They were typical images that loving couples would take of each other.

With every click, Patricia showed her son the different pictures. Then finally, they reached the bottomless pictures.

She showed the pictures which she dreaded. They were pictures of her bottomless in her dorm, sometimes smiling to the camera while she posed. In some of the images, she stood and modeled her bare butt, which was round & toned. In other images, she laid on the bed with her bare butt to the camera, while she looked at the camera to smile. In the last image, she stood while her entire backside was completely naked, and she flexed the muscles in her back and ass (to showcase her swimmer's physique).

Patricia wondered if Sam enjoyed seeing the pictures. It wasn't hard to determine that he did.

"What do you think?" she asked apprehensively. "These are the pictures that were hacked. Do you think this will destroy my political career?"

They looked each other in the eyes while they sat closely.

"I honestly think people will still support you, even if these pictures came out. It's even possible that you might get more support from women, since these attacks are sexist. And you might get more support from men who'd want to see you more often."

She smiled and playfully punched her son the shoulder.

"Is that right? More men are going to vote for me because they like my bottom?"

"Makes perfect sense," he joked.

Patricia took another deep breath, and it was time to get serious again.

"Those pictures aren't the worst part," she said. "It's my diary entries. They're far more personal & intimate than the photographs of my butt. Some of my advisers have told me to completely deny that the diaries are mine. They want me to say that they're fake. But that's going to be hard to prove."

"Do you want me to look at them?" he asked, unsure of where this was headed.

"Only if you don't mind. But I'd like to have your opinion on this."

"Sure," he said, hiding his emotions.

Patricia searched through her old emails again. Once she found it, she downloaded the file which had several of her old diary entries. They were all handwritten and the images were scanned to the computer.

"There's a few entries here," she explained. "Read them at your own pace. These are the diary entries which the hackers are threatening to release."

He nodded.

The room was completely silent as Sam read each diary entry. He read it word for word at a brisk pace.

Each diary entry was only a few paragraphs long. They detailed everything Patricia had experienced sexually. The first diary entry detailed the night that Patricia first engaged in oral sex in the dorm room.

The second diary entry was written months later. It detailed the foreplay they engaged it. It detailed how Patricia felt when her bottom was being touched and admired. It revealed all of her dirty feelings towards the anal foreplay.

Things became more graphic towards the end. The diary entries provided specific details of anal stimulation. As a couple, they would lubricate small sex toys and insert them inside Patricia's little tight hole. The lust and excitement was made clear in the writings. She enjoyed it. She loved it. As a couple, it was their sexual release.

The final diary entry detailed the first time Patricia engaged in anal sex. She was nervous and scared. But so aroused. It was a simple process. Lubricate. Arouse. Gently insert. Slow thrust.

There was a conflict of emotion in Patricia's writing. She was in love. She felt so aroused during the anal play. Yet, she was terrified that she was violating her religious beliefs.

In the writings, Patricia justified everything by concluding that anal sex was a technicality. Right or wrong, that was her justification. In her opinion, she was 'technically' still a virgin while she was being anally penetrated.

And she loved it. In the writings, she pledged to be 'anally obedient' to the man she adored. She would do anything for him. And what he wanted was clear. He wanted complete control of her bottom. Patricia was more than willing to oblige.

When Sam was done reading, he leaned back on the chair and took a deep breath. There was a confused look on his face.

"You seem shocked," she casually noted.

"Kind of."

"Why? Surprised to learn that your mother is anally submissive?"

It was a joke question, which was meant to lighten the mood, but it only made Sam squirm in his seat.

"I wasn't expecting that," he said.

"No one is. If this gets out, then my political..."

"Mom, don't let those people bully you. Think about your whole political career. You claimed to be a champion of the people and a fighter for women. So you should act like it. You're also a human being with needs like everyone else. If anyone has a problem with this, then they can fuck off. Seriously."

Patricia smiled and a tear formed in her eye.

"You remind me of your father," she noted. "You have all his attributes."

"So are you going to decide?" he asked, keeping things on subject.

She hesitated, "I'll speak with my political advisers tomorrow, then I'll decide."

"What do your instincts tell you?"

"To do whatever you say," she replied. "Maybe that's because you're a lot like your father. And these pictures & diaries have brought back a lot of memories for me."

"Good memories?"

"Great ones."

There was an undeniable tension which surprised both of them. Neither of them could tell if the topic had just ended, or if it was only the beginning.

Part 3 of 3: The Servient Mother

That night. After diner, Patricia had spent an hour talking on the phone with advisers. The big meeting was tomorrow. All options were on the table.

The stakes were high and the pressure was mounting. Was she closer to a decision? Maybe. Did the talk with her son help? It might have.

So many questions and not enough time. The November deadline loomed and her seemingly perfect life felt like a trainwreck.

As she paced her bedroom, she thought about the diaries & pictures she showed Sam earlier. It gave her fond memories. Back then, whenever she had anxiety, Sam's father knew what to do. The anal servitude was her release. When she had upcoming exams or swimming competitions, the obedience took her mind away from the pressure. The obedience was her release.

With all the stress she had been feeling the past few days, her sex drive had been totally devastated, and it had been a while since she had masturbated.

She needed to orgasm. She looked around her bedroom. She needed something to masturbate with. At that moment, her fingers weren't good enough. She needed something to go deep inside.

Finally, she decided to use the bottom of a hair brush, which had a smooth handle with a rounded surface. It was perfect for insertion.

She picked up the brush, which was sitting on her dresser counter. She held it and looked at it. She wondered which hole to put it in.

Footsteps approached and Patricia snapped out of her trance. She turned around to look at Sam, who was standing by the door of her bedroom.

"I found something," he said, holding a small box. "I thought you'd like to see it."

"What is it?"

Sam entered the bedroom and Patricia put the brush down. Her masturbation would have to wait.

"They're old family pictures," he said, putting the small box on the bed. "They were in the cabinet of my room. I put it there last winter and I forgot about it. Maybe you'd want to see it, you know, with everything that's been on your mind lately."

"That's very sweet of you."

"Well, I'm trying my best to be helpful. I know you've got a lot on your mind."

She smiled, "You're right. I was actually just thinking about your father."

"Anything interesting?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Kind of. I was thinking about the things we used to do. As in, the pictures & diaries I showed you earlier. Does that answer your question?"

He squirmed a little. "Yeah, that does."

Things took an awkward turn. Patricia intentionally teased Sam to see how uncomfortable he would get.

"Do you want to sit?" she offered. "Maybe we can look through this together."


They sat down on the bed. Patricia opened the small box and they looked through the stack of old photographs. She explained the history of each picture. Many of them were taken before Sam was even born.

Finally, the last image they looked at was a photograph of Patricia striking a playful pose, fully dressed in a ball gown, with her clothed backside towards the camera. Her head was turned and she was smiling at the camera.

Sam had seen the pictures before, but with everything he currently knew, the photograph had a completely different context.

"This was taken shortly after I won a big election," she explained fondly. "We were headed to a party after I was elected mayor."

"You look so happy there."

She nodded. "I was. I was elated that I won. And I was still buzzing over what your father had just done to me."

They looked each other in the eyes. Sam knew he shouldn't ask, but he couldn't help himself.

"What did he do?"

Patricia gave a faint smile. "He put a butt plug inside of me. I wore it to the formal party. And I mean, it was a formal party. The governor was there along with a few state senators. It was a big deal. And there I was, the new mayor of a great city, with a sex object inside my rectum."

There was a fondness in her voice as she reminisced. Sam didn't seem as uncomfortable as before. He was getting used to it. And in a strange way, Patricia was getting used to being so candid in front of her son.

"Did you dance that night?" he asked half-jokingly.

"We did. Although I would hardly call it dancing. It was difficult to move gracefully with 4 inches inside my butt."

Both of his eyebrows raised. "4 inches?"

"Thick too," she smiled.

"Well this got weird," he joked.

"Life is weird."

"True. And on that note, we better get to bed."

She put her hand on Sam's wrist. "I'm going to run for the presidency. When my staff gets here tomorrow, I'll tell them my decision. It's final."



He took a moment to compose himself. "What made you decide to do it?"

"I've always relied on my instincts. This is what my instincts are telling me to do. Plus you helped with my decision earlier."

"Glad to be of service. I think you're making the right choice."

Patricia looked down at the photo in her hand. She held it tight. The image of her in the ball gown brought back so many memories. Fond memories.

"When I run, we won't see each other that much anymore."

"I know."

"So, I think we should make the most of our time together."

"I agree."

"Do you want to see what your father did before this pictures was taken?" she asked. "I can show you why he made me smile in this picture. It's actually pretty funny, in a dirty kind of way."

He gulped. "Really?"

"I think you're old enough. You've already shown that you're a mature and smart young man. Are you up for it?"

He nodded. "I am."

Patricia knew it was absolutely crazy. But for some reason, at that moment, she just didn't care. For the last few days, her life was a wreck. All of the stress she had felt needed release. She needed something to enjoy. And she needed a special person to enjoy it with.

Now, she had a new outlook on life. She was done with the bullshit. And she was done with the drama.

At that moment, she just wanted to let go and enjoy herself.

She stood up and faced the wall. She wondered what her son must have been thinking.

Then she pulled her sweatpants down, along with her panties, while she still faced the wall. Her bare bottom was pointed towards her son. She wondered what Sam thought of it.

If he was anything like his father (and he was) then he must have enjoyed the sight. After all, she still swam occasionally and also liked to go running. Her bottom and legs were nicely toned. They had a nice round shape which most women would kill for.

"This is what my lower-half looks like at my current age," she said. "Not bad, right?"

His eyes were glued to his mother's butt. "Better than the photographs."

"Command me," she said. "Just like your father did. Tell me what you want me to do."

There was a hesitation. Then a firm response.

"On the bed. Show me what you did before that photograph was taken."

She smiled, "Very well."

Patricia stepped out of her bottom, kicking her pants & panties aside. Then she went to the dresser table, bottomless, and picked up the hair brush along with a bottle of lotion. She was almost afraid to turn around and face Sam, but she managed to do it.

When she turned around, it gave Sam a view of her neatly trimmed pubic hairs, and his eyes were glued.

"See anything you like?" she teased.

"I do."

"Then I guess we both feel the same way. Let's proceed."

Patricia got on the center of the bed. She was on her knees.

"Have you ever anally penetrated a woman before?" she asked.

"Actually, I have."

She raised an eyebrow, "Then you would know what to do."

"It's easy if you do it slow and with plenty of lube. But I don't know what you're doing with that hair brush though."

She held the brush upside down. "Since we don't have a sex toy here, I'd like to use the handle. It has a smooth surface. Perfect for insertion."

"Are you sure that won't hurt?" he questioned.

"Yes, I'm sure. Believe me, women know what hurts, and what doesn't."

He nodded. "Okay."

"Are you ready to begin?" she asked. "If you are, command me. I like receiving orders."

There was less hesitation this time.

"Face down. Bottom up. Trust me, you're in good hands."

Patricia admired the confidence in his voice, then she complied. She put her face on the center of the bed, and she pointed her butt in the air. Her legs were slightly spread, and Patricia suddenly became conscious of the fact that her anus was totally visible to her son.

"I enjoy the foreplay," she said, with her face still down.

"So do I."

Patricia noted the confidence in Sam's voice once again. He absolutely knew what he was doing. Just like his father. And Patricia wanted to trust Sam with her body and her most intimate areas, just like she did with his father.

"Do whatever you want," she said. "Don't think of me as your mother. Think of me as a love interest. Have your way with my bottom."

"Yes mom."

It was awkward being called 'mom' with her anus fully exposed. Especially when she told him not to think of her that way. But, she figured, he was probably doing it on purpose, just to push her sexual buttons.

Her mood suddenly changed when she felt kisses on her butt. Sam was actually kissing her bare bottom. And it felt strange, in a nice way. They were soft romantic kisses. Not the instant gratification kind. Sam was definitely taking his time and doing things right.

The kisses were replaced with long licks around the ring of her anus. It was so unexpected that her body reacted with a slight jolt. But she held still. Then the long licks moved across her anus, which tickled and felt nice. At that very moment, Patricia knew that Sam was just like his father.

When the kisses and licking stopped, she felt Sam spread her anus open with his fingers. It was held open for a moment, and nothing was happening while he looked at the gorgeous view. She wondered what Sam was thinking as he stared inside of her hole.

"Why are you looking down there?" she asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer, as her face was still on the bed.

"It's a beautiful sight."

It was the response she was hoping for.

"What does it make you think about?"

"That I'm looking at the rectum of the next president," he joked.

She giggled, "I hope you like it."

There was another kiss on her hole. "I love it. Now relax. I'm going to penetrate you with my finger. Lubed, of course."

She tried to relax as she heard the bottle cap open. Lotion was squeezed from the bottle. Once again, her butt cheeks were spread by Sam's hand, and he pressed his lubricated finger against the ring of the anus. Then he pushed his lubed finger inside, causing Patricia to flinch.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"It's cold."

"It'll be warm soon enough."

The index finger went all the way inside her anus. As far inside as it could go. Then a second finger entered. Both of Sam's fingers probed the anus to lubricate and stretch it. Patricia enjoyed the feeling of her anus being stimulated.

"I'm going to put the brush handle inside," he said, still probing his fingers inside of her butt.

"As you wish."

Sam kissed her butt cheek, then he pulled his fingers out of the warm tight little asshole.

He picked up the brush and pressed the smooth handle against his mother's lubricated anus. The handle was pushed, and she squirmed, trying her best to remain still. It continued to enter her rectum, which stretched the ring of her anus, along with her rectal canal. Her rectal nerves were being stimulated, which only made her more aroused. The brush handle went all the way inside.

Patricia's breathing became harder. Her desire for anal obedience was being met. And it was done by her son of all people. The taboo was surreal. God, if anyone knew...

"I can tell how badly you want to orgasm," he said. "I can see that you're dripping wet."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

The implication was clear. And both of them wanted the same thing.

"Are you sure?"

"There's nothing stopping us," she said with a slightly lustful & depraved voice. "No one is around. Our secret."

Patricia felt the brush handle being gently worked inside of her anus. In and out. Careful movements which were designed to give her anal pleasure. And it worked. Of course it worked. Sam was experienced with giving anal pleasure. And Patricia longed for the anal obedience.

Things became more intense when Sam reached down to rub Patricia's wet pussy. It was a circular rub which stimulated her clitoris and labia. Patricia savored the combination of her anus & pussy being played with at the same time.

Her guard had come down. Gone was the prim & proper politician, who was always on her best behavior. Gone was the intelligent woman. Gone was the woman with the infectiously positive attitude.

At that moment, she was a woman in lust. Her moaning became louder. She pressed her face onto the bedsheet and enjoyed the sexual torture.

"Let it out," he said. "No one is around, remember? You can be as loud as you want."

And he was right. No one was around. The best part of their vacation home was that there weren't any neighbors. She could be as loud as she wanted. She wanted release. She needed release.

"Harder!" she gasped loudly. "Faster!"

Sam fucked her anus harder with the lubricated handle. He rubbed the pussy harder and faster. He even put his fingers inside of the wet pussy and fingered her.

"God! Yes!!!"

Patricia cried and cried. She reached a strong orgasm as Sam continued to play with her sexual spots. She was being stimulated beyond belief- both mentally and physically. She craved the dominance. It was anal submission at its finest (because it was being done by her experienced son).

A gush of fluids rushed from her pussy and stained the bedsheet. It made a big mess everywhere. It was the orgasm she was hoping for. The orgasm which was pent up for several days, waiting to be released. It gave her the intense pleasure she needed to be happy.

Then her body went limp.

Sam carefully pulled the brush handle out of his mother's anus, and he moved his fluid-soaked hand away from her vagina.

After a moment to regain composure, Patricia got on her knees, remaining bent over. Her anus was fully exposed and stretched.

"Now blow inside," she said. "That's what your father did to me before that photograph was taken. He blew air inside my gaping hole after making me cum. It tickled and made me laugh."

Sam looked at the gaping anus. It looked freshly fucked and wet from the lubrication. He used his hands to spread his mother's butt cheeks even further apart.

He blew air inside the hole, which made Patricia squirm and moan.

It was bliss.


Early the next morning. The vacation home was surrounded by snowfall. Patricia stood by the window with a hot cup of coffee. Usually, she would be fully dressed. But on that morning, she wore a large tshirt, with no bra underneath. She was also bottomless and barefoot. The length of the tshirt covered her private areas.

Sam came down the stairs and noticed how beautiful she looked. There was a peaceful look on Patricia's face. It was from a peace which she hadn't felt in a long time.

He approached his bottomless mother.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

She turned to look at him. "Like a woman ready to fight. Last night I said that I was going to run. I meant it. And I still mean it. I'm going to tell my staff when they arrive. That's my final decision."

"I'm happy for you. I think you're making the right choice."

"Thanks to you. You gave me the strength I needed. And thank you for, you know, last night. I really needed that."

"The anal thing?" he smiled.

"Yes, that. I don't think you understand what that means to me."

"Why don't you tell me?"

"I enjoy being a leader," she explained. "I've led my entire career. I've led in politics. And I plan to be a great leader for this country. But sexually, I enjoy being submissive. Being submissive gives me a release from all the stress. It's hard to date men and confide in them about my fantasies. I'm always afraid that they'll tell the media some day to hurt me."

"Your secret is safe with me. Always."

She nodded. "I know. That's why I want this to continue. You're the only person I can trust with this secret. And you're good at it. I can fully understand if this bothers you. I know that it's not something a mother should ever ask from..."

"I'm okay with it," he replied, cutting her off. "I'm okay with whatever you want to do."

"I want you to take care of my needs from now on. My obedient needs. You're in charge of that part of me. Understood?"


They looked each other in the eyes. There was an understanding between them. Things were going to be different.

"What next?" he asked.

"Well, I realized that I was selfish yesterday. I had a beautiful orgasm last night. But you didn't. So, I think it's only fair if...you know...May I?"

"Yes, of course. Anytime."

Patricia took him by the wrist and led him to the kitchen. She put her coffee cup on the table. Then she got down on her knees.

"I love to suck cock, did you know that?" she asked rhetorically.

"I'd like to find out."

She pulled down the front of his pants to reveal his semi-erect penis. She looked at it for a moment, then she touched it. She played with it in her hands. It was almost like a motherly expression of keeping it warm on the snowy day, except the real intent was to arouse him.

Her lips parted and she was about to take the cock inside her mouth.

"Wait," he said. "Does this arouse you?"

"Very much so."

"Would you like to masturbate while you do this?"

"Only if you want me to," she replied. "I'm at your service."

He reached over the counter and picked up the half consumed cup of coffee. The coffee had cooled to a warm temperature. He held the cup of coffee in front of Patricia.

"Dip both of your index fingers inside this coffee," he ordered. "It's not very hot anymore."

She smiled at him, wondering what he was up to. Then she did it. She briefly dipped both index fingers inside the cup of warm coffee.

"Are you pantiless?" he asked.

"I am. It's not something I usually do. But I was in a relaxed mood this morning."

"Good. Use one hand to play with your pussy. And another hand to play with your ass. When you're aroused enough, then I want you to suck my cock."

Patricia looked up at her son, while still on her knees, and gave him a mischievous expression. In that moment, she could hardly believe that it was her son talking. It was like he was possessed by his father. Whatever the case, she was more than willing to obey. Her submissive side was being brought to life after many years of laying dormant.

She used her right index finger to rub her clitoris. The warmth & wetness of the coffee gave her clitoris a nice sensation as she rubbed.

She used her left index finger to rub the outer ring of her anus. Then she pushed inside. Entry was simple. Especially since she was down on her knees. The warm finger felt sensational in her ass.

By that time, the cock in front of her had already hardened. Sam was aroused from watching his mother masturbate.

Patricia leaned forward and took the cock inside of her mouth. Her lips formed a perfect O-shape. She sucked on the raging hard cock. Her head bobbed back and forth.

For a quick moment, she briefly moved her mouth away.

"God," she moaned, while still fingering her holes. "If anyone knew what we're doing right now, I would be ruined. We both would be ruined."

With that, she returned to sucking.

In that moment in time, Patricia's mouth served a much different purpose than usual. Her mouth built her political career. She was a terrific public speaker. Thoughtful and articulate. Intelligent and well-mannered. Her mouth was normally used to court voters and to socialize with notable politicians. It was normally used to convey her message to fight for the public good.

But in that moment, the only purpose her mouth served was to provide sexual pleasure to her own son. And it worked. Her mouth was skilled and passionate. The more she sucked, the more Sam became weak. Patricia was a submissive, and it made her feel good to please someone. Especially her own son.

With every bob of her head, every stroke of her tongue, every sucking sensation, Sam was brought closer to orgasm.

Patricia was also approaching the same goal as she rubbed her pussy & asshole in a frantic pace.

"I'm close," he groaned. "Can I finish in your mouth?"

She looked him in the eyes and winked. It was a wink that said, 'You can cum anywhere you want.'

As she continued sucking and playing with herself, Sam stroked his cock at a furious pace. He stroked the shaft of his cock, while the tip was still in his mother's mouth.

He groaned loudly as he came. Spurt after spurt of his hot cum shot in Patricia's mouth and down her throat. Like a good servant, she swallowed everything with pride. It was the full extent of her oral servitude.

But of course, her main fetish was the anal servitude. As Patricia cleaned up with her mouth, she fingered her pussy & asshole even faster.

The physical sensations were amazing. But it was the mental stimulation which made her heart pound. Everyone who followed Patricia's political career thought she was the best mother, and there she was, on her knees, being sexually servient to her own son.

"Oh god..." she moaned, spitting the flaccid cock out of her mouth. "I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum..."

She pushed two fingers deep inside of her anus. She rubbed her clit fast.

A rush of fluids made a big mess all over the floor. Her toes curled and she screamed while she was on her knees. The orgasm was explosive and the mess it made was rather impressive.

When it was done, Patricia took a deep breath and she looked up at her son, who was leaning against the kitchen countertop, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"You're amazing," he said casually, like this was no big deal.

"I could say the same about you."

Before they could talk any further, Patricia's phone made a beeping noise. She stood up and checked her phone which was nearby.

"They're arriving soon," she said, putting down the phone. "I really need to get dressed. And we need to clean this mess, fast."

"Great idea."

They quickly grabbed paper towels, wet them in the sink with water, and they wiped the floor until the vaginal fluids were gone. They tossed the paper towels in the trash and Patricia headed up the stairs to get dressed. She needed to work soon. There were many important things to do.


Over a year later. Patricia achieved her goal. After a tough campaign, she won the election to become the first female President of the United States.

Much to her relief, none of the hacked emails were ever released. She called the bluff of those political operatives. Maybe, she figured, it was her courage that scared them away.

And she only had one person to thank...

It was surreal to finally sit in the Oval Office as the President. It was her first day on the job. She wore an expensive suit which made her look dignified & classy. She leaned back on the chair and enjoyed the feeling. Her life's goal was complete. And she was venturing in uncharted territory.

Sam was also in the room. They talked briefly and professed their disbelief over everything. Then, he went on to discuss other important matters.

She gave a mischievous smile. "Here? Now?"

"Remember the rules? Anywhere. Anytime."

Teasing Patricia was something he had come to enjoy. Especially since Patricia enjoyed being teased so much. It was all part of the obedience. The constant surprise is what kept their special relationship so hot.

"The rules are the rules," she agreed. "Where do you want me?"

"Bend over the desk."

"Are you afraid someone might come in?"

"That's why we better make this quick."

Patricia took a deep breath and stood up. She undid her bottom and pulled it down to her ankles. Then she laid her body on the desk, with her face down.

She knew exactly what to do. She had been in that position so many times before. She kept her legs spread and she reached back to spread both ass cheeks.

Her mind raced. She felt the submissive rush she always desired. But this time, it was different. This time it was much more extreme. She was President of the United States. If anyone knew... God, if anyone knew...

As always, Sam came prepared with a small container of lubrication in his pocket. He lubed his cock. Then he coated Patricia's anus by inserting his finger inside.

She gasped.

Her eyes remained on the door. She prayed that no one would enter. It would be the biggest political scandal in the world if the public discovered that she was being fucked in the ass by her very own son. And maybe the incredible risk was partly why her pussy was so wet. It was a thrill.

"You look terrified that someone might catch us." he said. "So let's make this quick, and pleasurable."

"It's your decision," she said, with her face pressed on the desk.

Sam thrust and his hard cock entered the lubricated anus. He slowly pushed until he was all the way inside. Then came another thrust. Then another.

The previously silent office had become filled with the noises of rhythmic slappings. Sam's crotch was hitting Patricia's backside with every thrust, as his cock penetrated her delicate little anus.

She clenched her mouth tightly together. She didn't want to make any loud moaning sounds. Not in there.

The edge of the desk was gripped by Patricia's fingers. She held on tight as her son started to really fuck her hard. She preferred her anal sex rough on certain occasions. Especially when the person doing it was as thoughtful & caring as Sam was about it. She was very lucky. She found someone who was a natural at giving anal sex.

Her body rocked back and forth as she was being anally ravished. Her anal servitude with Sam had no boundaries. Not even in the Oval Office. She smiled to herself, thinking what a lucky woman she was.

Next chapter