
Lace Panties, Mom's Pussy


Entering the witness protection program and testifying against the Italian La Cosa Nostra was the only way Giavanna could avoid spending decades in prison.

More importantly, she was desperate for a second chance with her son. She swore to raise him right. To repent for all her sins in the mafia.

Her luxurious lifestyle in Miami was gone forever and now she was trapped in a quiet suburb of Minnesota. The home was a standard affair in the freezing cold neighborhood. Three bedrooms upstairs. Two baths. Squeaky floors. Outdated utilities.

With her son exploring the nearby mall, Giavanna was sitting by the dining room table across from a female federal agent. Giavanna was still dressed like a typical mob-wife in her designer clothes and heavy makeup. She rolled her eyes as the questions kept on coming.

"I'll need you to focus," Agent Sabatini said without expression. "Your answers need to be perfect."

Giavanna scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"You've been like this all morning. Is there something you want to get off your chest?"

"Like you'd care."

She pursed her lips and put her head down. This was grueling. This was agony.

It had been over a week since she last saw or spoke to anyone in her family. And her friends? She no longer had any. Once the most powerful and respected woman in upscale Miami, now she was a dolled up Italian woman in the whitest neighborhood imaginable.

"It's my job to care," the agent said. "What's on your mind? Are you still arguing with your son?"

Giavanna sat quietly for a moment. "Leo is 19 years old, handsome, and athletic. He should be at home in Miami, flirting with all the girls on the beach. Because of me, he's had to drop out of college. He won't see his friends and family anymore either."

"If you really love your son, then you did the right thing."

"Did I?" she asked, with her voice nearly cracking.

"His father is a mafia captain. You made the smart choice taking him away from that lifestyle. You now have a chance to be the loving parent that he needs. And you can't do that if you're in prison."

Giavanna sighed. "It tears my heart to pieces to see him like this. Motherhood used to mean buying him whatever he wanted. That's all I knew about parenting."

"And now you're afraid that you can't be a good mother without all of that money."

"What else do I have? There's only so many times I can say that I'm sorry to him."

"Leo will eventually forgive you," Agent Sabatini said. "Let's return to our trial preparation."

Giavanna tossed her hair back and rubbed her neck. "What are you, a fucking robot? I need a second."

"I understand you're under a lot of stress."

"I don't think so. You don't know what it's like."

The agent was relentless. "Maybe not, but I'm also a mother and I work impossible hours to handle important cases for the government. So I can empathize with what you're going through."

"My son Leo... I'll do anything for that young man. He's my life."

"Let's continue. He'll be fine."

"Wow, you're a bitch," Giavanna sneered. "Is that all you can say? You really are a fucking robot."

Slowly the agent's facade seemed to come down and she reached over to turn off the recorder.

"Want some real advice?" the agent asked, with a slight New York accent slowly seeping through.

Giavanna leaned in. "Yeah. Talk to me like an adult for once."

"This stays between us," Agent Sabatini said. "From one Italian mother to another, there's nothing a 19 year old male wants more than sex. Everything he does is because he wants to get laid."

"Like I don't already know that."

"He's at a difficult age where friends and interactions are crucial. It would help if he had a girlfriend or someone to fill a certain void."

The innuendo was clear enough, and being a street smart woman, Giavanna was able to pick it up.

She nearly laughed. "What are you saying? You want to hire a hooker for my son?"

"I won't facilitate an illegal act on your behalf. But I'll say this; the agency only knows what I tell them. If I want to keep something secret, then it will be a secret."

Giavanna looked puzzled. "You want me to fuck my son?"

"I never stated that."

"Yeah, well that's what you're implying. You're a fucking robot and a psychopath too."

Agent Sabatini was unphased. "The point is, lengthy trials are extremely stressful, especially for people who've never been to court. Pursuant to the agreement you have with the federal government, I'd say it's in your best interest to maintain a happy home."

"What? You don't think I'm trying hard enough?"

"Try harder. If you're ineffective as our star witness, then remember, the government will cancel the agreement and send you to prison."

The agent reached over and touched her shoulder. Giavanna held the agent's hand. This was now her only friend in the world, as painful as that seemed.

"Do you think I could do it?" Giavanna asked, certain the agent would understand the question.

"Yes, I do."


"My son is 22 years old," Agent Sabatini confided. "I'm gone for months at a time and family means everything to us Italians. I refuse to have a strained relationship with my son, so I make it up to him. However I can. I do whatever it takes."

Giavanna looked the agent in the eyes, who seemed unabashed by the incestuous revelation.

"I think my son has the same desires, to be honest. Jesus, what a fucked up conversation. But I think he'd be interested in something like that, whatever it is."

The agent lifted an eyebrow. "His gaze gives it away, doesn't it? Men have wandering eyes."

"I've seen him looking."

"It's only logical. You have a fantastic body which any male would desire. But now you're in Minnesota, which means you'll have to make the best of your circumstance. Use what you have."

"What does that mean?"

Giavanna knew full well what the insinuation was, but it just seemed so jarring coming from a law enforcement official.

"I think you get the idea," Agent Sabatini bluntly assumed. "I'll go to the store and buy everything you'll need. I don't want anymore fights at home. I don't want to hear anymore drama. Is that understood?"

"Yeah, I understand."

The agent turned the recorder back on and they returned to their trial prep. It was the turning point in Giavanna's life. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, because for the first time in a long time, she found something that truly excited her.


Giavanna stood in front of a mirror in a new set of bra and panties which had been provided to her earlier that morning. As expected, the agent was astute and everything fit Giavanna's body down to the right centimeter.

The set was white and made of lace material. Intricate designs were sewn to form weblike pattern. If you look carefully at her chest, you could faintly see the brown color of her nipples. The same for her panties, if you look close enough you could see the clean shave along with the shape of her clitoris.

After admiring her reflection and enjoying the feel of the expensive fabric, she slipped on an equally comfortable silk robe, which showed most of her legs, going up to her mid-thighs.

Back in Miami, she kept in great shape with plenty of yoga and spin classes with other mob wives and socialites. Like most women there, she prided herself on her fuckability.

She closed her robe tightly at first, before realizing that she needed to show more skin. Coming from Miami, her son certainly had high expectations for what would be considered sexy. She needed to meet those standards, despite the snowfall outside.

So she loosened her robe a bit and let the top open. If she was going to do this, then she had to be disciplined about it. She allowed her chest to show, enough to allow the center of her bra to be visible.

The end result was being the most fuckable mother in the city, and she succeeded in that.

Now it was time for the hard part. Satisfied with her salacious appearance, she left her bedroom and headed barefoot down the stairs towards the kitchen. She could hear the tv on. Her son liked watching tv while eating breakfast at the table.

The moment their eyes met, she knew she had him. She knew her son would fall for this and that Leo would have an easier time transitioning to a new life here. All because of what she could offer.

She watched her son struggle to eat his cereal and she stepped into the kitchen to prepare her breakfast, as if this outfit was perfectly natural.

"Mom," he gasped, putting his spoon down. "What are you wearing?"

"Like it? It's a new set."

Making a point, she twirled around in a circle like a ballerina, causing the hem of the small robe to lift and temporarily show more of her legs. The knot at the center remained firm, keeping the treasures on her chest covered.

He gulped. "It seems... umm... random. It's freezing outside and you're wearing that?"

"Agent Sabatini got me this gift. It was so exotic that I just had to give it a try. It feels fantastic against my skin."

"I bet."

Her son gulped while still looking and so she turned up the heat.

"Every woman deserves the feeling of elegance," Giavanna said. "So I figured, with all the stress I'm going through, why not wear it? I feel like I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown if I don't do anything to relax."

"Is that why Sabatini bought that for you? Because you're becoming a nervous wreck?"

"I guess so. She knows what I like and what makes me feel good. We're kinda becoming friends, I think. Can you believe that?"

He laughed. "Now that's funny. I thought you hated her."

"We've worked out our differences. Most Italian women find common ground in the end."

"That's cool. You seem happier this morning. You're not as stressed out as the last few days."

Giavanna smiled and rubbed under the cup of her bra and robe, letting her hands slide down to her hips and waist.

"Told ya, expensive lingerie is my best friend," she happily stated while preparing some hot coffee. "Speaking of sexy outfits, meet any ladies at the mall?"

"Here? No way. There are some cute girls, but I don't know how to talk to them. It's a different thing out here."

"You can always try today," she chirped. "I'm fine being home alone."

"Did you see the news? It's snowing all week."

"It can't be that bad. You have a new coat."

Leo brushed off the idea. "And freeze my balls off? It'll take me a while to get used to this place."

"So what are your plans?"

He sighed. "I'm trapped here watching Netflix until I can transfer my credits to a new college. What else is there?"

All the more reason why the agent was right. With each passing day, she could see the life slowly draining from her son. Deep down, she knew what had to be done.

She sat across the table from her son. "I'm so sorry. You're handling this well. Thanks for being a real trooper about everything."

"It's not like I had a choice," he replied, with a faint disdain in his voice.

Giavanna could tell that her son was still bitter about living under witness protection. It would likely take years before things would ever become 'normal' between them. And she knew that her son would always feel resentment.

She took a deep breath. She forged ahead.

"Want to hear something hilarious?" Giavanna said with a youthful mischief to appeal to her son. "It's about the agent. I feel horrible for telling you this, but oh my god, it's divine."

"What happened?" he asked, perking up.

"You know..." she started, just above a whisper. "She told me that she fucks her own son. She gives blowjobs or whatever."

Leo nearly choked. "What?!"

"Yeah, you heard that right. She travels all the time for her really, really important work, so that's how she maintains a healthy relationship at home. With her mouth and pussy, probably her ass too."

"She's obviously lying," Leo smiled. "Come on, there's no way."

Giavanna shrugged. "Trust me, I have great instincts, especially when it comes to other women. She's definitely telling the truth. She's a son-fucker."

"Jeez, that's wild."

She shrugged again. "You think so? I can see that happening."

"But she's like a block of ice."

"Maternal instincts are powerful. I could see it being true under the right set of circumstances."

"Mom, the agent is kinda crazy if that story is true. I mean, it's gross. Seriously."

The coffee was ready and Giavanna poured herself a cup. She brought her steaming cup to the dining table and put it down. Then she stood before her son with her tiny silk robe on full display.

"It's not as crazy as you think," Giavanna said, slowly swaying her hips, which seemed to mesmerize her son. "What? You're telling me that it wouldn't work on you?"

He gulped. "Seriously? It's weird."

It was the moment of truth, and if Giavanna was going to do this, now was her chance. She saw something in her son's eyes. There was an awkward tension between them and it only made her pussy ache.

"I know you're still mad at me," she said. "And yes, I deserve every bit of it. I'd be furious as hell if my mother pulled me away to a witness protection program."

"Mom, I..."

She put her finger on her son's lips. "If I opened my robe for you, will you please be a little more patient with our current situation? The trial is going to be the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life. I don't need the extra stress."

Her son understood, giving a short nod, wondering if this was real.

Giavanna untied her robe and held it open for the visual enjoyment of her son. She could see his eyes widen. Sure, her son had caught glimpses of her in bras and panties before, and there were countless times where she'd be in a small bikini in their old backyard pool.

This was different. This was specifically for him. And the lace material only made things more enticing as the color of her areolas were visible. Her nipples hardened.

When Leo's eyes drifted down, Giavanna felt a pulsing feeling in her pussy. It was too much to handle, so she closed her robe and tied it.

"You see," she said, shutting her robe. "Women have the ability to do provocative things, and horny young men like yourself are willing to reap the benefits."

"Sorry," he blushed.

"Well who would have thought? Now you're the one apologizing to me."

She gave a playful smile at the role-reversal her lingerie-clad body had inspired, and sat down to have a cup of coffee, which she no longer needed after all the natural stimulation she had gotten.


One of the few perks to this old home was the upstairs hot tub. It seemed like the right time to use it.

Her son had just gone outside to shovel some of the snow around their house to make things easier for the mail delivery person. It was done at her request. And when Leo came back inside the house, he was shivering and shaking, even with the new coat on.

"That bad?" she asked, crossing her arms to keep herself warm after the door was opened.

"Worse. God, this fucking sucks."

"Watch your language around the house. I know it's tough. Thanks for doing what I asked."

"Yeah, it beats sitting down all day," he groaned.

"I made a hot bath upstairs. I was just about to get in. Why don't you go first? It'll warm you right up."

"Maybe later. You go ahead."

The same pulsing feeling in her legs returned along with a powerful desire. Her heart was thumping. Her son was agitated and moody after doing home chores he had never done before.

She kept thinking about the advice of the agent; that the trial would only make things more stressful, that she needed to get her home life in order.

"I want you to use the bath," she said, letting the side of her robe fall down her shoulder. "I insist. The water is still hot... and... I'll teach you how to relax with some of my scented oils."

Dumbfounded, he gulped loudly. "I guess that does sound nice. I could use something to warm me up."

Her son's voice turned soft and almost squeaky. She knew this was working. The biggest question on her mind now was, could she actually go through with it?

They went upstairs to the bathroom. Giavanna told her son to strip and to lay in the bath. That she'd be there in a moment once she was ready.

She took her time in her bedroom to look for what she needed. Illicit thoughts swirled through her stressed out mind. Her hands were almost shaking.

Dressed in the same silk robe as the morning, she headed towards the bathroom where her son was laying in the tub. His clothes were on the rack and he was naked. This was the first time she had ever seen her son like this before and she didn't know how to react.

"How does that feel?" she asked.

"Great. It's been a long time since I've had a bath."

She turned to the mirror and checked her reflection. She looked good, up to her own high standards of appearance. In the mirror, she saw her son's reflection. Leo appeared tense from the situation.

"You'll feel a lot better with this bath oil," Giavanna said, turning to face her son. "It's a shame more people don't use this."

She dangled the small bottle with her pinched fingers and smiled, making her son smile as well.

"Can you take your robe off?" he asked cautiously. "I'm sure you don't want anything to splash on it."

She nodded. "This is an expensive robe."

Giavanna knew she was playing a dangerous game with her son. And she knew that her son was pushing things along, catching wind of her deviant plan.

Slipping off her robe, she hung it on a rack and stood in her lace bra and panties. The steam from the bath kept her warm, so did her rapidly beating heart.

She approached the bathtub, and when she did, she saw her son's penis for the first time as an adult. She saw it clearly through the water and Leo made no attempt to cover it. It was semi-erect and ready to be pleased.

Kneeling down, Giavanna opened the cap of the oil bottle.

"I know what you're doing," Leo said with great conflict. "You're doing what the agent did, aren't you?"

"Can you blame me? It really cheered you up this morning. I know it's been a while since you've had a girl to flirt with."

"Or even touch..."

Giavanna nearly gasped and she could have sworn that her son's penis grew an extra inch. It looked like it was swelling inside the bath.

"What are you saying?" she asked.

"It would be nice if you could, you know, touch my skin and give me a massage or something. I mean, if you want to."

Leo kept his eyes forward, ashamed of his request, and Giavanna hadn't been this aroused in years. Her son wanted this. She wanted to do this but she was torn. The most she expected was to show and tease her body, but to touch her son sexually?

"I can rub the oil on you," she said. "I'm sure that'll feel nice in the hot bath."

"Thanks mom. You don't have to, but it would be nice."

"It's the least I could do. You're an angel for putting up with me, for sticking through all this. The trial will be over soon, okay?"

She poured the scented oil in the palm of her hand and pressed it against her son's neck, slathering it over his skin. She had given him massages before, but they were always short and playful.

"I meant... umm... lower," he said during the neck rub. "Can you go lower?"

She swallowed her saliva. "Do you want a handjob?"

"I don't know," he said with his head down. "Will you do it?"

The palm of her oiled hand slid across her son's neck and shoulders, across his stomach, then down into the water towards that hardening cock. When she touched it, it jerked in her hand. Then she gave it a good squeeze.

Beneath her fingers, she felt it swell to full attention. Her son's cock was painfully erect and in desperate need of pleasure.

"You've earned this," she said.

Her son moaned as she kept her tight grip and stroked up and down. Her fingers were soft and delicate, and with the oil, the touch was sensational. Her son's body was so tense. So was hers. They were both in an awkward frenzy during the bathtub handjob.

She could hardly bring herself to look, though she did take multiple glances. Occasionally she'd look at the wall or the tile floor. Or she'd look at her son's face writhing with pleasure.

When she heard him breathing harder, she stroked his cock even faster. As much as she enjoyed doing this, she wanted it to end. Her heart was torn. This was her son! But she owed him. She owed him so much for all the sacrifices.

Leo came and his body squirmed in the water. She kept on stroking and saw spurts of cum floating in the bath. It was a lot of cum. Then it stopped. Leo relaxed.

She kissed his forehead. "Enjoy your bath. You deserve it."

Standing up, she let her son have another look at her body before she walked away, leaving her robe there.


The last thing Giavanna expected was an 11:23 pm visit from a federal agent, but that's exactly what she got. The agent had texted her to come to the door and the agent was holding a small pink bag.

In the living room, they talked and did a quick check up. Giavanna was about to go to bed before this visit and she was dressed in a long robe with a thin nightgown underneath.

"This is for you," Agent Sabatini said, handing her the bag.

Giavanna took the bag without looking inside. "Couldn't you have given this to me in the morning?"

"Our other witness has recanted his story and will no longer testify. That makes you the main witness and we'll need you on the stand longer."

"Christ, what the hell?"

"I'll make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. And that includes your mental state."

"I gave him a handjob," Giavanna said, knowing what the agent came here for.

"Good work. You're resilient."

She crossed her arms. "I'm only doing what I have to do."

"Do more. Look inside the bag."

Grabbing the contents inside and tossing the bag away, Giavanna held up several pairs of panties. They were all lace material with beautiful designs. They were each different colors.

More importantly, they were all crotchless. Her pussy would show.

"How slutty," Giavanna said sarcastically.

"Get used to it. Your son is bored and both of you need proper human interactions to maintain a healthy state of mind."

"At least have the guts to say it."

"For the trial, you'll need to fuck your son."

The agent was dead serious and Giavanna's eyes were fixated on the lace panties, wondering if she could really do this. Jerking off her son was one thing, but to actually fuck him? There'd be no going back. Leo would always want it. Her son was addicted to nice things.

"It makes sense," Giavanna realized. "Are you a religious woman?"

"Yes, I am."

"This is my penance, my sacrifice to God for all my sins. It's my way of fully reconciling with my son."

Agent Sabatini didn't flinch. "If that's true, then take your clothes off and wear those panties. Wear them everyday for your son until trial is over. After that, it's up to you."

There was nothing to hide anymore, nothing to keep secret.

Giavanna put the panties down on the couch and removed her robe, standing in her thin nightgown. Looking the agent in the eyes, neither of them showed any expression, and Giavanna pulled her nightgown overhead, tossing it to the couch.

Just like that, she stood naked. Her bronze skin on full display, along with her cleanly shaven pussy and small breasts. Her brown nipples instantly turned hard from the exposure.

The sight of her naked body always prompted a reaction, no matter who was looking. But this emotionally cold agent didn't flinch.

She picked up the black colored panties and slipped it on between her legs. The material was so smooth it was heaven. When she pulled it up, it felt so snug that she wanted to wear it to bed later. Looking down, she saw that her pussy was showing in the middle. Then she turned to the agent.

"Now what?" Giavanna asked with her hands down, breasts and crotch exposed.

"I'll walk you upstairs."

Giavanna cleared a lump in her throat. "You want to watch me fuck my own son?"

"Part of my job is to look after your well-being. I'm doing my job."


Swaying her hips, Giavanna did a sultry and slow walk up the stairs, for the sole purpose of teasing the federal agent. If this was going to happen -- if she was going to become a son-fucker -- then she was doing it on her terms, and her terms alone.

She turned on the hallway lights, then she signaled for the agent to stop at the door to her son's bedroom. She put a finger on her own lips and whispered 'Shh...' to keep the agent quiet.

Turning the knob silently, Giavanna entered her son's bedroom, naked except for the crotchless panties. She saw her son's silhouette in the dark room, with only the hallway light allowing her to see. Her son was sleeping peacefully.

When she sat on the side of the bed, her son awoke.

They looked at each other. The hallway light shone on her chest. Leo knew she was topless.

"Mom?" he asked, nearly getting up.

She pressed his shoulders. "Lay there. We have something to talk about."

"You're... you're naked."

"Actually, I'm wearing panties. They're crotchless for easy access."

"What?" His voice was surprised and in awe.

A sudden sense of fear came over her. It was the most unusual feeling she ever had, a mixture of uncertainty and intense sexual arousal. Her life would never be the same again. Neither would her son's.

"I'll be wearing this around the house now. It's something to ease the tension around here. I know it'll be tough. It's a decision I've thought a lot about lately, but it's for the best."

"Mom, you don't have to."

"Are you turning me down?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"I... I don't know..."

She rubbed her son's chest. "I'll tell you what. I know the handjob in the bathtub was super awkward, but we both know it felt good. Why don't we try this once? Then we'll see what happens. If you don't like it, then we'll stop and never do it again. And I hope we'll never discuss it again either."

"What if we like it? What then?"

In the darkness with the light from the hallway, her son's face looked so innocent and his voice matched the purity. This was a true mother/son heart-to-heart conversation, one she was glad they were having.

"If we like it, I'll keep wearing these panties," she said. "I have an entire assortment of them. You can just lift my robe and.... well... I'm getting ahead of myself now. Let's just try it out."

"That's a deal."

After a deep breath, she pulled her son's blanket aside and she straddled his body. She was so nervous that her hands were nearly shaking.

"Pull your shorts down," Giavanna said. "Guide yourself into me."

Keeping her hips up, she gave her son the chance to pull his shorts down. As expected, his cock was already hard and ready for incestuous action. The tip of the dick stroked against her labia and she was almost light-headed.

When the tip was pointed at her pussy hole, she took the plunge and gently lowered herself, letting her son's hard dick penetrate her wetness. She let it slide in slowly. She wanted to savor every second of this. Every inch. And her son certainly had a lot to offer.

By the time it went all in, it felt like the perfect match and a part of her wondered why she hadn't done this before. Like it was all so obvious. It was sexual fulfillment in ways she never thought possible.

She slowly rocked her hips while looking at her son's face in the dark. It was bizarre, yet arousing, that her son was looking at her like this, and he reached up to squeeze her breasts and play with her nipples.

"Close your eyes," she moaned. "I want you to focus."

"Yes, mom."

The moment Leo closed his eyes, Giavanna turned her attention towards the federal agent standing by the doorway. Oh yes, the bitch was loving this. She could almost sense the arousal coming from the hall. She could almost smell the aromas coming from the agent's panties.

It added fuel to her fire and Giavanna pushed her hips faster and faster, giving her son a real sensation. She stuck her tongue out and licked the air, taunting the female agent.

"Call me dirty names," she said to her son, fucking him harder. "Call me a slut. Tell me I'm your slut now."

He huffed, "You're a fucking slut. This is all your fault. You owe me your pussy.... oh fuck... Only a nasty woman like you would ever do this... god... you jerked me off... now you're fucking me... oh shit..."

"You can thank Agent Sabatini," she hissed, clenching her pussy as tightly as possible around her son's throbbing erection. "She's the original slut who fucks her own son. She's such a horrible mother that she taught me how to do this."

"God bless her," he chuckled, while whimpering. "She showed you how to be a real mom."

She stroked her son's hair. "The kind of mother you've always wanted?"

"I've wanted this for a long, long time," he confessed during their sin.

Those words made her pussy clench even tighter. It was the proof she needed that her son had desired her body all along. Her heart was pounding so fast she could hardly breathe.

She used every trick in her top-game to ride her son's dick. Ironically, most of the hot tricks she knew came from other mob wives, sharing sex techniques while they were getting their nails or hair done at the salon.

Giavanna clenched and unclenched her pussy. She thrust forward and pulled back. Her speed and tempo varied. All while her son was playing with her tits and pinching her swollen nipples.

Her son was whimpering, eyes still closed, and she knew he was going to cum soon.

Looking at the hallway again, she saw Agent Sabatini with a hand down her own panties, masturbating discreetly at the incest show. The sight drove Giavanna deeper into despair. She was now in a sexual abyss; moments away from her son cumming inside of her, watching a female agent finger-fucking herself.

"Fill up my pussy," she whispered to her son. "Make it yours. Own me. Own your mother's pussy."

He whispered back, "Yes, mom."

As she put her hands over her son's hands that covered her breasts, she felt her pussy filling with cum. She focused on the feeling while also looking at the federal agent masturbating silently in the hallway. Her son was a heavy cummer and she savored every drop that was deposited into her canal.

When her son was spent, she collapsed on top of him. Her sweat was cooling but she still needed to cum.

Rolling over, she laid next to her son, then pulled his hand down to her cream filled pussy to rub her clitoris.

"My turn," she whispered in her son's ear. "Rub it in circles, just the way I like."

With her son in a half-dazed state, Giavanna was only given short, circular rubs around her clitoris. It was all that she needed after the fucking and mental rollercoaster she had just been through. Reaching an orgasm was easy at that point and she stained her son's bed while her body tensed. Her moans were rapid and she breathed loudly while cumming on her son's fingers.

She kept her eyes on the hallway the entire time. The agent was watching the whole thing. The agent had been masturbating to this. And it appeared that the agent had her own orgasm from watching Giavanna cum.

The night was over and Giavanna watched the silhouette of the agent silently tiptoe away.

It was time to sleep, deep within her son's arms.


Dressed in red lace panties and a see-through bra, Giavanna sat in the dining room while giving her son a morning deepthroat blowjob. Her head bobbed quickly and relentlessly. The top of her throat was being orally fucked. Her son stood before her, fully dressed with his cock out.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum," he whispered.

"Wait, not yet."

Giavanna got up and went to her fresh pot of hot coffee. She came back to her son and got on her knees. She gifted her son with another brilliant handjob, stroking that saliva-covered cock, pointing it towards the pot of coffee.

Spurts of cum shot into the black beverage. She stroked until her son's balls were drained, and when finished, she stuck her tongue out and licked the tip of her son's penis. She gave the head another suck and felt her son turning flaccid in a matter of seconds.

She loved the taste of his cum. It was her new pleasure. Leo pulled his pants up and Giavanna went to pour some extra cream into the pot along with a bit of sugar. This would fuel her for the day.

"That agent will be here soon," she said, stirring the pot.

He wrapped his arms behind her, giving her a tight hug.

"I'll go upstairs," he said. "Thanks. You're the best."

"Do you think the agent gives her son blowjobs as good as I do?"

He laughed. "Fuck no. She's too rigid. She'll never be half the mom that you are."

"That's what I love to hear." She smiled with so much maternal pride, turning around to kiss her son on the cheek.

There was a knock on the door and Leo went upstairs to his room. Giavanna loosely put on a tiny silk robe and answered the door. It was the agent who came early, ready for more trial prep.

"You're early," Giavanna said, with the robe left untied so that her crotchless lace panties and see-through bra were showing.

Agent Sabatini briefly eyed her body. "We have more work to do."

"Want some coffee? I just made a pot. My son was such a gentleman that he provided me with fresh cream. All natural."

Her tone was suggestive, and as women who fucked their own sons, they both knew what the innuendo was.

"Coffee sounds great," Agent Sabatini replied with a stone face, but slightly squirming below the legs.

They went to the kitchen. Giavanna grabbed an extra mug. They sat across from each other and she filled both cups with the creamy coffee.

When it cooled, they looked each other in the eyes in a strange battle of wills. Or maybe this was just two mature women who had a taste for incest? A taste for sons.

Agent Sabatini drank first, causing Giavanna to smile before drinking hers. They enjoyed the unique flavor and licked their lips when they put their coffee mugs down.

With subtle nods, they both knew what they were.

The End

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