
Housewife, Mother & Slut


While getting settled into my new office, the man from Human Resources came over to congratulate me on the promotion, along with offering me a friendly handshake.

"It's nice to see some fresh young faces in charge around here," the man said. "I've heard some great things about you. And I also saw that Sandra was recently hired back and will be working for you. I just wanted to be the first to let you know that you're probably in for a real treat."

There was a sly grin on the man's face and I didn't know how to respond. If I hadn't known any better, I would have thought this asshole just made a suggestive remark about my mother, not knowing that I was Sandra's son.

Let me explain: My mother has spent her entire adult life working as a paralegal for different firms and companies. She paid for my education and she pulled a lot of strings to get me this job. After a few years of working here, I managed to get a promotion to a managerial position.

Mom had been working in a different department, until sadly, that department was closed a few months ago. As fate should have it, she was rehired in my department.

And she'd be working under me.

We both agreed that it would be best to avoid letting everyone know that I was her son because it would just be awkward. The last thing either of us needed were to be on the receiving end of jokes because I've become my mother's boss. Only now, it seemed like I was getting a little too much information.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "That Sandra is a hard worker?"

He kept grinning, "Oh yeah. She's a hard worker alright. She's also smart, funny, and she's a real hot piece of ass. Plus I've heard she does other things really well, if you know what I'm saying. Her old boss told me that they did all sorts of sexual stuff in the office."

"Very funny," I replied, trying to laugh it off. "You want me to flirt with her or something. It's a good prank. Nice try."

"Fine," he said, smiling before turning to walk away. "But when she's under your desk sucking you off, just remember this conversation."

"Wait," I replied to stop him. "Are you serious? I mean... that still goes on in the workplace these days?"

"It's not against the rules if no one knows about it. Catch my drift?"

"And you've seen this happen with her? Or is something you've heard?"

"Both, actually," he said with a smirk. "I've caught a few glimpses of her on her knees with her previous boss. He used to brag about it. And I don't know why you look so upset about hearing this. You look like I'm talking about your wife, or your sister, or even your own mother. She's just some legal assistant that'll help you draft documents for clients. Who knows, maybe if you play your cards right, she'll be your little office slut too. You should be thrilled."

"Uh... yeah... I guess so."

If only he knew...


My head was spinning the next morning as my mother prepared for the first day as my paralegal. All I could think about was if the man from Human Resources was serious, or if he was joking or made a mistake. Could my prim and proper mother actually do that type of stuff in the office? Worst of all, was she doing that while previously married to dad?

"I'm so excited," mom said, striking different poses for me. "What do you think of my new outfit?"

She kept modeling different poses while she stood in front of her bedroom mirror. As usual, her outfit was both classy and sexy at the same time. It hugged her body and showed off her curves where they needed to be shown.

"You look amazing," I replied honestly.

"I know. I'm actually warming up to the idea of us working together. A lot of my friends tell me about how their kids move out and then they rarely ever hear from them again. So I think it's a great thing that we can spend so much time together."

"Yeah, well it's definitely going to be an interesting day," I replied with a forced smile. "It hasn't fully sunk yet, to be honest."

She winked. "Give it time. And you better not abuse your powers either. Believe me, you might be my new boss in the workplace, but I'll always be the boss at home."

"Yeah. You're right."

"What's the matter?" she asked, seeing through my discomfort. "Are you having second thoughts about this?"

"No, it's not that. It's just...never mind... it's nothing."

She put her hands on her hips. "Don't give me that 'never mind' stuff, young man. I know when something is wrong. Tell me, what is it?"

I took a deep breath. "Fine, do you know a guy named Dave from Human Resources?"

"Sure I do. Why?"

"He dropped by to talk to me... and...well... he didn't know that I'm your son when he was telling me about your encounters with your previous boss."

Mom froze for a few seconds. There was no mistaking it, she definitely knew what I was talking about.

"Oh my god..." she gasped. "That fucking jerk. I... I can't believe this."

"So it's true then?"

She paused for a brief moment. "I'm not a whore. Please don't think of me as one."

"I never said you were."

"No, but you were thinking it. I'm a grown woman. What I do in private is certainly nobody's business. As far as I'm concerned, you have no right to judge me."

I took a few steps forward and put my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm not judging you, mom. And you know that I would never think any less of you for any reason. It's just that, I was so surprised. I couldn't stop thinking about it. That's all."

"Fair enough," she replied, calming herself down. "But please don't think that I'd slept my way to the top. I'm a hardworking woman and I've earned everything I have in life."

"Of course," I replied honestly. "You're the most dedicated and respectable woman I've ever known. But I have to ask, did the relationship you had with your old boss happen while you were still with dad?"

A sudden look of shock came over her face. "God no! I've never cheated on your father, and this has absolutely nothing to do with us splitting up. It was only a short fling I had when I was single."

"Thank you. I'm glad to hear that because that was what really bothered me more than anything."

She smiled, "I'm sorry I overreacted. But since we'll be working together, I think it's best if we clear the air right now and get it over with. Are you okay with that?"


"The relationship I had with my ex-boss began over a year after I became single. I was constantly busy with my personal life and career. I worked very long hours and we slowly developed a mutual attraction. Plus I've always had a thing for authoritarian figures, which made him even more attractive."

"A thing for 'authoritarian figures,' eh? If I remember correctly, didn't you first meet dad when you used to work for him at another company?"

I shouldn't have mentioned that, but I've always been curious about how my parents met and how they started dating, since they were always vague about it.

She flashed a serious look. "Don't get cute, mister. But you're right, I used to work for your father and that's how we met. Like I said, I've always had a thing for authoritarian figures in my life. It's my only weakness. Now you can stop wondering what this was all about."

Her tone suggested that the conversation was over. Although she tried to be a proud mother, holding her head high and fighting off any sense of embarrassment, I saw her cheeks slightly blush. There was definitely a sense of shame on her part that her son had found out this secret.


A few hours later and I was sitting behind the desk of my office. I was getting the hang of my new job and things had already been settled with mom. Deep down, I knew it wasn't over. Mom was a prideful woman and she needed to be seen in a positive light.

There was a knock on my door. In typical mom-fashion, she opened the door before I could answer, and she entered with a smile.

"Hi boss," she said playfully while walking towards me. "Can I get you coffee or something? I can't stand the thought of you being overworked sitting behind that cozy desk of yours."

"Your sarcasm is much appreciated. Don't you know it's bad practice to be condescending to your workplace superior?"

She sat on top of my desk, facing me. "I guess not. But the reason I'm here is because I'm having lunch with a few of my old colleagues from other departments. My lunch break will probably be a little longer than it should. It won't happen again; I promise."

"I knew you couldn't resist taking advantage of me," I replied, giving her a stern but equally joking look. "I just didn't think it would be this soon. I mean, we've only been working together for a few hours."

"Oh, relax sweetheart. It's only an extra thirty minutes. Besides, I'm one of the more experienced employees around here when it comes to paralegal work, so I can get things done in a fraction of the time compared to anyone else."

"I'm sure you can. But I still fully expect to be treated like any one of your previous bosses."

I immediately realized what that meant to her, given all that we had talked about, and all that I had learned.

Both of her eyebrows raised. "You want me to treat you like my previous boss? That's quite a revelation, especially considering I told you some pretty intimate things."

"Oh, come on... You know exactly what I mean. I meant that..."

She interrupted, "Now when you say that you want me to treat you like my old boss, did you mean how submissive and naughty I can be behind closed doors? Because that's what your comment sounded like."

"Has anyone seen Sandra?" a voice said distantly in the background.

"Your friend is looking for you. I don't have a problem with a longer lunch break. You're one of the hardest working people here."

She smiled and turned to leave. "I knew you'd see things my way."


After a slightly awkward car ride home, my mother and I had dinner that evening together. None of us mentioned the innuendo filled discussion we had early in the day, but it was clearly still in the air.

"Blaze pizza is delicious," she said, breaking the silence at the dinner table.

"I know. Pesto. Cheesy. All these custom toppings."

She licked her lips. "Incredibly fresh, too. We should make this our weekly thing. How about every Friday?"

"That's a plan. I'll pay."

"A generous manager," she giggled. "You should fit right in at the company."

"Well that's the idea. Speaking of which, we should really put this awkwardness behind us. I mean, I'm sure we're both thinking the same thing right now, aren't we?"

"You're right," she said. "I'm sorry for getting a little too playful with you earlier. I was having a good time with old friends and got a little carried away in your office. I'm sorry again if I weirded you out."

"It wasn't that weird. It's just that you caught me totally off guard and I didn't know how to react. To be honest, I thought it was actually kind of funny to hear you talk like that."

"You liked it then?" she teased.

"Oh no, not this again," I jokingly sighed.

"I'm being serious here. You really don't have anything to be ashamed of. It's a lot more accepted in this day and age."

I shook my head, "Huh? Wait... are we still talking about the same thing here? Because if I didn't know any better, I'd swear that you're asking me about..."

"Incest," she blurted out. "Have you ever thought about incest? Not necessarily with me, but in general."

"What? Heck no! What kind of sick pervert do you think I am?"

"Curiosity, I suppose," she shrugged, like it was no big deal. "I read a lot of romance stories online and I'm often surprised by the large fan base that incest has. I've been extremely honest with you lately, so you can be honest with me; have you ever thought about it?"

"I'll answer your question on one condition," I said firmly.

Her eyebrow rose. "And what condition would that be?"

"I can't stop thinking about what you said in the office today, about how you did things that were 'submissive and naughty' with your last boss. And by the look you're giving me, I think you already know what I'm going to ask."

An embarrassed expression crept over her face. "Fine. I'll go first. You've already heard that I had a certain liking for oral sex with my previous boss in his office. As for the 'submissive and naughty' part, I used to do different things that he'd ask of me, things that turned both of us on to no end."


"Like I used to occasionally go pantyless to work. He would call me into his office, have me sit on his desk, and make me lift up my skirt to show him how I felt about it. That usually ended with me having to wipe his desk clean. In addition to me giving him oral sex, he would sometimes screw me in the supply room. And finally, if we worked overtime together, he would insist that I strip down and do my paralegal duties naked. There have been several instances where the custodian has gotten quite a show."

"That was more than I was expecting to hear," I replied, feeling stunned by my mother's admissions.

She shrugged, "You asked for it. But now it's your turn. I have bent over backwards trying to be completely honest with you, and I expect some reciprocation. Your turn. Have you ever thought about incest?"

"I guess."

"That short answer better be a joke, young man," she said with her eyes becoming wide and her anger building. "I mean it, you may be the boss at work, but I'm still the boss at home. Start talking."

I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I have. Who hasn't? I may have even visited some of the same sites you go to on occasions. I'm not surprised that it has a large fan base, and it's probably a lot more popular as a fantasy than people think."

An amused look came over her face. "What's your favorite category of incest? What excites you the most?"

"Do we really need to go there?"

"After everything I've told you? I think it's fair. Now start talking."

"I've always thought that father/daughter stuff was kinda hot, where the daughter teases her dad and he starts feeling helpless because of his natural urges. I also think mother/son stuff is kind of fun too I guess."

"Mother/son stuff?" she said with a grin. "Ha! Oh my. I had no idea you felt that way. Have you ever thought about me?"

"I should have known this was a setup. This is your way of embarrassing me for being your boss, isn't it? I knew it."

She laughed, "Relax sweetie. Believe it or not, I actually like that you're my new boss. And thinking about your mother is really nothing to be ashamed of. Like you said, this kind of thing is more common than people realize."

I paused for a moment, "In that case... I may have thought about you once or twice in my life, maybe a little more. Can you blame me? Mother or not, you're a beautiful woman."

"I'm flattered that a vibrant and healthy young man would say that about me," she said graciously.

"What about you?" I asked. "What kind of stuff do you like to read? Are there any particular incest fantasies you like to think about?"

"What do I think about? Right now I think I could use a warm bath with some light music to unwind after a long day. Maybe a little Netflix afterwards and then it's off to bed."

"That's not a bad idea. If I'm not mistaken, you owe me some paperwork tomorrow."

She smiled, winked, and got up to give me a kiss on the forehead before clearing the table.


It was late the next afternoon when my mother knocked on my office door, carrying some documents in a folder. She looked gorgeous as always. Her hair and makeup were done to perfection like usual, and so was her professional attire. But unlike yesterday, instead of wearing pants, she wore a knee-length office skirt with stockings on her legs which could grab any man's attention.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Williams," she said with grace and class. "I have the briefing you wanted, complete with detailed information and research I added on my own."

"And that's why you're the most dedicated and valuable person in this division," I said honestly to my mother. "I'll be sure to recommend a pay raise for you once evaluations come. You deserve it."

It was obvious that she felt proud of what I said, and it made her stand a little straighter and hold her head up a little higher.

"Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. And speaking of dedication and hard work, you look exhausted. Don't let the pressure of a new job get to you. It's always good to have a break every now. Trust me on that."

"Yeah, well this job isn't easy. Thanks for caring, though."

She casually walked over to where I sat and leaned her butt against my desk. Her face showed a touch of excitement and her skirt rode up slightly. I was in anticipation of where this was headed.

"I saw you glancing at my legs in the car this morning," she said with a hint of seduction. "I don't think that's ever happened before. Did you see anything you like? Or did you remember what I said about wearing a skirt for my ex-boss?"

I gulped and nervously replied, "Both maybe. What you did for your previous boss crossed my mind when I saw you were wearing a skirt. Plus you have great legs if you don't mind me saying that."

She reached down with both hands to pinch the sides of her skirt and she slowly raised them to reveal the flesh of her thighs and the top of her garter.

"I'm glad you think so. You know, when I got dressed this morning, I realized that I never answered your question about if I had any incest fantasies of my own. So maybe this may give you an idea."

With that said, she pulled her skirt up even further to reveal the bottom end of her bare vagina to me in my office. My heart was pounding at the sight of my mother's brown labia. She pulled even further fully to expose her cleanly shaven crotch. If things weren't hot enough, she sat on my desk and spread her legs apart, putting her dripping wet pink flesh on full display for my viewing pleasure.

"Oh..." I gasped with my eyes glued to her womanly parts. "I'm guessing you like mother/son fantasies. You're soaking wet..."

She nodded. "Yes. Among other things, I enjoy a good mother/son story every now and then. And if you're wondering why I'm doing this, it's because I can't stand the thought of my son being overworked and overstressed. Judging by your reaction, it's worked. Have a good day, boss."

I was snapped out of my trance when my mother yanked her skirt back down and walked away. Just as she was about to leave my office, she gave me a wink and another reminder not to stress out.


A few hours later, my mother and I were in the car and on our way home. To say things were more awkward than yesterday was an understatement. I had just had an up close encounter with my mother's vagina, and to make matters worse, she was acting extra friendly while I drove as if to tease me.

"You're more relaxed now," she said as I drove. "Coffee and donuts always work wonders, don't they?"

"Sure they do. But I think you know that I had something a little more visual to help calm me down."

"Good. I'm glad it worked. It was a little raunchy, I'll admit, but it worked. Men always seem to lose their minds at the sight of a woman's vagina, even if it's the one they came out of."

I tried not to but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Very funny," I replied. "But seriously, that was the best part of my week. All the stress I had from this promotion left my body and I felt like a new man."

"In other words, you went to the bathroom and masturbated, didn't you?" she asked playfully.

"No comment on that."

She laughed, "I really don't mind you getting off to my private area. You being happy is all that matters. Just don't expect that to be a common occurrence. Like I've said before, you may be the boss at work, but don't forget who calls the shots when we're at home."

"Actually, that might not be the case anymore" I replied. "If I'm not mistaken, I'll be bringing home a bigger check than you. That would kind of make me the man of the house now, wouldn't it? I mean, it's tradition. You can't argue with that."

I kept my eyes on the road as I heard her giggle ever so slightly.

"Mom, I can hear you laughing. What is it?"

"This new take-charge attitude of yours is impressive," she said in an encouraging way. "It's nice. Really. You're becoming a grown man. It's certainly a lot better than seeing you play video games all day. But I suppose you're right on that. You're the man of the house now."

I pulled into our driveway, and once we got home, we headed to our respective rooms to unwind after a long and unusual day.


The awkwardness and sexual tension between us continued that night. We had a nice home cooked meal which she made. And it was extra special considering that she rarely takes the time on a weekday to make some of her best dishes with a gourmet presentation.

"Do you like it?" she asked, which could have easily been a reference to the small outfit she had decided to wear.

I nodded while cleaning my plate. "Delicious. This is the best thing you've made in a while."

"Thank you," she said proudly. "You deserve it. After all, you're the man of the house now, right? Isn't that what you want? That means I'll have to treat you accordingly."

"So that's what this is about? Do you want extra breaks at work? It's okay if you do. Seriously."

She smiled, "There's no catch. It's a pleasure to see you becoming a man now. As a single mother who's raised you alone for the past many years, I find it to be very rewarding. And I couldn't be prouder of you."

I reached over and patted my mother's hand. "Thanks, mom. Sorry for being skeptical."

"Don't worry. But in the meantime, these dishes won't clean themselves. Come on, help me bring all these plates over to the kitchen counter."

"After a meal like this, you deserve the night off. I'll do the dishes tonight and you go rest."

She smiled, "I appreciate that. You're too sweet."

My mother then gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading up the stairs.


For the never several minutes, I washed the dishes and reflected on how crazy things have been lately. I couldn't believe that my mother and I had talked about such intimate and personal things. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she showed me her vagina up close as a way to relieve me.

I heard footsteps behind me just as I was finishing up, and I turned around to say 'goodnight' to my mother.

"Thanks again for the..."

My jaw immediately dropped. I stood in disbelief at the sight of my mother walking into the kitchen completely naked.

She looked stunning. Her hair was down and her face was makeup free, giving her a natural look. Her curvy body reflected her middle-age. Her breasts were medium sized and sagged a little. And the hardness of her large pink nipples showed that either she was cold, or she was aroused.

"Oh, don't give me that look," she said with a wave of a hand, as she grabbed a cup from the counter and headed to the fridge for some juice. "What's the matter, you've never seen a naked woman before?"

I stammered, "Of... of course I have. It's just that... you're YOU. You're my..."

"Your mother?" she said, finishing my sentence. "But since you want to be regarded as 'the man of the house', then it's only fitting that I be your housewife. And before you were born, your father and I were practically nudists at home. It's only fair that you get the same treatment, isn't it?"

"I... I'd have to agree. I think I could get used to this."

She poured her juice and just as she left, she came over to me and lightly touched the growing erection through my shorts.

"It sure feels like you could. You've really turned out to be a real man in more ways than one. Sleep well."

Her butt swayed with each step as she walked away.


I sat in my office late the next morning and reflected again upon all that's happened in the past many hours. Earlier in the day, as we rode in the car together, my mother made it perfectly clear that the previous night wasn't some fluke; that she would be more than willing to be my naked housewife. Naturally, it was all I could think about ever since.

There was a knock on my door. Mom entered wearing her usual office attire and a bright smile. The clock said it was 11:55 so I just assumed it was the same situation as the day before.

"Hey there," I said. "Need another extension for your lunch break?"

"Actually, not today. I told them I'd be skipping today's lunch meeting with them."


She gave me an uncharacteristically shy and vulnerable look as she approached me. She sat on top of my desk, but kept her legs closed.

"Because I still feel as though we still have some things we needed to clear up between us, and I couldn't wait until this evening. Besides, I really like this office setting. It's fitting."

I nodded, "You're right about the clearing things up part. I haven't been able to focus on work all morning, especially after seeing you... you know... naked last night."

"That's a good thing, I hope," she replied with an eyebrow raised.

"That's a great thing," I smiled. "You're amazing."

"Wonderful," she said smiling back. "Because I think there's something else you might like to hear. Remember when I told you yesterday that I enjoyed mother/son fantasies?"

"How could I forget?"

"Well, you never asked me anything beyond that. Because if you had, you would have found out that I used to spy on my brother having sex with our mom growing up. It happened on his 18th birthday, and since then, I developed a rather strong oedipal fantasy that would rival most male authors of incest stories."

A small shiver went down my spine, the good kind, but I tried my best not to show my mother how aroused hearing that made me. I tried to say as calm as possible, but regardless, she could tell I was enthused.

"Oh..." I gasped. "You mean Uncle Joe and Grandma have been..."

"Screwing," she said. "I don't get to see it anymore because we obviously don't live together. But I still fantasize about them occasionally, especially when I'm reading stories. And more recently, I've developed another strong incest fantasy regarding someone else in my immediate family; care to guess who that is?"

I paused for a moment to be sure what she was implying. "At this point, I'd say it's your current boss, the guy you're talking to right now, and who's office you're in. I know, I'm an irresistible guy."

She laughed, "Three days as a boss and you've already got an ego? You'll fit right in with upper-management."

"What happens next? I mean, we obviously can't be open about this, but it's not like anyone is going to find out either."

"I'm already going to be your naked housewife at home," she stated. "Neither of us have a problem with that. So as your workplace subordinate, why not add another title for me?"

"I'm not sure where this is going, but I love the possibilities. What do you have in mind?"

"Would you be interested in having an office slut?" she asked bluntly. "I'll give you the same benefits as my previous boss. What do you think?"

I was immediately taken aback by what my mother had just offered. After all the incestuous fantasizing and masturbating I had done in my life, I never thought any of that would ever come true. And here it was, handed to me on a silver platter.

"I think it sounds like it's too good to be true. But if you're actually serious about this, then there's no way that I'm passing up this opportunity."

She smiled, "Well I am serious. It's a win/win situation for both of us. We can both feel amazing and live happily ever after. It'll be a dream."

I took a deep breath and replied, "So... uh... how do you suppose we start this? I mean... if I were your old boss, what would be happening right now?"

She got down on her knees, in between my legs.

"Well, with my previous boss, we would have kept the talking to a bare minimum and my mouth would be filled with cock already. Any objection to that?"

I shook my head 'no.'

"Good," she said. "Let's get started."

Her hands casually headed towards my crotch as if she had done this a million times, and she immediately went to work undoing my belt buckle and zipper. Once undone, she pulled my ever-growing cock out of my underwear and began to stroke it up and down.

"Very nice," she commented. "It's been awhile since I've handled one of these. But don't worry, it's like riding a bike. You're a busy man and your time is important. We don't have a second to waste."

She swooped down and took my cock in her mouth and started sucking. Her vacuum-like suction and wet saliva were more than enough to get my cock fully engorged. And being orally served by my own mother in my office only added to how intense this feeling was.

The phone suddenly rang in the middle of my mother's newfound oral servitude for me. It was my boss on the other line.

"Don't mind me," she said, temporarily spitting my cock out. "You have important responsibilities around here. Go right ahead."

She was right. I cautiously answered the phone while my mother continued sucking me off.

"Hello," I answered. "Good afternoon, Mr. Smith, it's a pleasure to hear from you... Yes, everything is going well, thanks for asking... My breathing? Oh, I was just about to leave and I ran back to answer the phone... Lunch? Now?"

My mother suddenly looked me straight in the eyes with a 'Don't You Dare' type of expression and continued to suck, slurp, and bob her head with even more tenacity.

"I'm really sorry, but I've actually got something going on with one of the employees. It's an oral communication exercise to build a more cohesive work environment along with trust in the workplace... Thank you... I'm glad you agree on the importance of that... Then tomorrow it is."

The call ended and I focused on my mother's oral attention.

She plopped my cock out of her mouth for the second time. "What did he say?"

"He was thrilled that I'm such a team player and he wished there were more people like me around here. He also said he loved my emphasis on teamwork and bonding with my employees. Now where were we?"

"Oral communication, right?"


She gave me a playful wink and went back to sucking me off. This time, she used her hand to stroke me, enhancing the sexual pleasure I was receiving. I laid back and listened to her slurping noises filling the room, and having oral sex performed by my mother's expert mouth couldn't have felt better.

"Oh god," I moaned. "This feels fantastic. I'm going to explode pretty soon if you keep this up."

To my surprise, and brief disappointment, she put my raging hard cock back inside my pants and zipped me up.

"This is our first time together and I want it to be memorable," she said. "It would be a real shame if it was only an office blowjob. Come on boss, everyone is on their lunch break right now, so let's go to the office supply room."


We both adjusted our clothes to look like our proper selves, as if nothing was out of the ordinary between us, and we headed towards the supply room. We made extra sure that no one saw us enter together, and once we shut the door behind us, she grabbed me and planted a big kiss on my lips.

"Mmmm... I could really get used to being your office slut."

I gave her a few more kisses and replied, "So can I. And if I'm not mistaken, the supply room is where you used to have sex, right?"

She gave me an incredibly seductive grin and began to slowly undress. It was as if my mother was transforming before my very eyes in more ways than one. She had always prided herself on being so proper and elegant, along with being a fashionably dressed professional woman. And here she was, slowly taking off her expensive clothes and tossing them to the floor as if they were worthless accessories.

"That's exactly what we did in these places. Now be a good boss and fuck me until I can't take it anymore."

The last article of clothing was gone from her body and she was completely naked except for the stockings on her legs and the heels on her feet. She turned around and spread her legs apart, placing her hands on the table as she bent down.

I freed my rock hard erection and headed towards her. My heart pounded as the realization that I was about to finally fuck my own mother fully sunk in. She reached down with one hand to spread her labia apart, and I could tell that she was having the same thoughts based on how dripping wet she was.

The head of my cock slid inside of her womanhood, and so did the rest of my shaft. Her body trembled when I went all the way in and I held her hips tightly and proceeded to fuck her once her vaginal canal adjusted. It felt phenomenal being inside of her. And soon, the tiny room was filled with the sounds of wet rhythmic slappings from my crotch pounding the flesh of her ass, along with the faint sounds of us moaning.

"Oh god..." she panted. "Fuck me... that's it... fuck me... fuck your little office slut... fuck your own mother where it counts."

We tried our best to muffle our voices and moaning to make sure that no one would hear us. It was already a big enough risk as it was and we didn't want to get caught. But the fact that we were having sex in the office place was an added thrill to the already taboo act of incest.

Her legs suddenly started trembling at a ferocious pace and her body started shaking. My hands on her hips and thighs felt her muscles flexing and contracting, and it was clear that she was on the verge of a powerful orgasm.

"Oh goodness..." she whimpered. "Oh... rub my clit... rub it for me... this is how you make your mother cum... your office slut of a mother... make me cum..."

I reached down and furiously began to rub her engorged clitoris. The fluids seeping from her wet vagina coated my hand like a leaking faucet.

"I'm almost there... don't stop... keep screwing your mother..."

Hearing my proper and respectable mother's dirty mouth added to how hot this sexual situation was. We were both sweating profusely and I could see some of the glass in the small room start to fog up.

But I didn't have much time to think about my own pleasures, as my mother's back arched violently, and a strong gush of fluids rushed through my fingers as I fucked her pussy and fingered her clit the best that I humanly could. She was really making a mess all over the place, running down my hand, down her legs, and making a pool on the floor.

It took every ounce of strength she had to keep from thrashing her body around and screaming at the top of her lungs for the entire office building to hear. And it took every ounce of strength that I had to keep pleasuring her the way that she needed to be pleasured.

Once her orgasm subsided, her body was in a near state of collapse as she bent back down with her hands on the table to hold herself up. Soon, it was my turn to orgasm.

"I'm going to cum, mom..." I said as softly as I could.

My mother immediately got re-energized, dropped to her knees, looked up at me, and jerked me off until I exploded all over her mouth, coating her lips and tongue with my orgasm. She didn't stop until I was completely drained and she finished up by continuing to look me in the eyes while she swallowed.

"That was fucking amazing," I stated, breathing heavily.

She continued licking her lips along with the tip of my penis. "You have no idea what that did for me. I feel like a brand new woman."

"But you know what doesn't look brand new? This floor with your squirt and my cum all over it. God, what a mess we made."

She smiled looking down at it. "Yeah, what a mess. Good thing we're in a supply area. I'll have it cleaned up in no time, boss."

After a few more licks on my shaft and kisses to the head of my cock, she put my penis back in my pants and zipped me up. While still naked, she grabbed several sheets of paper towels and used them to wipe the floor clean, before hiding the 'evidence' in the pocket of her jacket to throw away someplace else.


I watched my mother get dressed and reveled in the fact that we just had full blown sex. It was such an erotic sight seeing her go from an office slut, back to being the prim and proper woman everyone knows her as. The awkwardness that had been lingering between us was now gone and everything felt normal. Everything felt the way that it should.

By the time we left the supply room, a group of people from the same floor, but different department, had just returned from their lunch break. It was obvious that they knew we had sex. Especially by looking at my mother with her 'I just got fucked' hairdo and her slightly crinkled outfit.

As for the orgasmic glow and smile which radiated from my mother? It was way too obvious. Any sexually experienced woman could spot it a mile away.

My mother didn't care though. She walked right past them with her head held high and a proud smile on her face. I could even hear some of the women in the background gossip about us with their whispering voices.

"Well those two clearly had sex."

"Couldn't they have gotten a hotel room?"

"I've heard they're related. Can you believe it?"

This job turned out to be more than just a significant pay raise. It was a unique bonding experience for my mother and me, and it would continue to be just that. Not only was she my mother, but she had also become my naked housewife, and in her words, my office slut. And that's the way it was meant to be.

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