
Feeding on Mom's Breast Milk


Andrea searched through the crowd of the fancy event, looking for her son. It was an Art Gala for high society, where everyone wore their best suits, dresses, and gowns. Now, more than ever, she was thankful she had dragged her son to this sort of event.

She finally spotted him standing in front of a large sculpture, which would soon be auctioned off for charity.

"There you are," Andrea said. "Something's come up."

His eyes perked. "Are we leaving?"

"Just the opposite. I need your help."

For a split second, Andrea noticed her son's gaze briefly going up and down, admiring her beauty. She had dressed up for the occasion and she knew she looked dazzling. She wore extra makeup, her hair was done, her earrings sparkled, and she wore a gorgeous blue dress which showed off her full chest.

She was used to this. The combination was potent; her son was a young man, and she had a great set of voluptuous tits. The truth was, very few men could resist the sight of her breasts whenever they were put on such an elegant display.

Normally she'd feel slightly dirty from her son's wondrous gaze, but on a night like this, those desires could be useful.

"What is it?" Tyler asked.

"Remember when I introduced you to Zara?" she asked, referencing her dear friend, whom her son had just met. "She's the Persian woman. You shook her hand earlier."

Tyler smiled. "She's the one making a big donation tonight, right? Yeah, of course I remember her."

So it seemed her son had the hots for Zara, too. She ignored it and forged ahead.

"Well, she was breastfeeding in a private area and a security guard told her to cover herself because of an idiotic and sexist policy. It's ridiculous."

Andrea was officially miffed and she didn't care if anyone at the gala overheard this conversation. There were far more important things on her mind, like making sure this never happened to another breastfeeding mother here again.

"That's a bummer," he said. "Knowing you, I'm assuming you're going to do something about it."

She huffed. "We're planning to show our defiance. It's 2019 and it's not okay for women to be treated like this. Breastfeeding isn't indecent, and neither are our bodies. So we're going to..."

Her voice trailed off when the gravity of the situation sunk in, but her heart was strong and her resolve was unshaken. Yes, this would be a daunting task, but it was necessary to make social progress.

"You were saying?" he asked, wondering why his mother had just frozen.

She snapped out of it. "This is a private matter. Follow me."

Andrea softly grabbed her son by the wrist and pulled him away. She guided him out of the event, towards the outer hallway. She looked around for a quiet place and made a turn down the hall.

They were near an emergency exit which had total privacy. But they were close enough to the gala where they could still hear the lively conversations happening.

Finally, Andrea continued her point. "We're going to show our defiance by making a picture collage of our breasts and lactation. No names or faces. But it'll be something meaningful to show that a woman's breasts and her milk are powerful and marvelous. Hopefully it'll change some of the discriminatory policies against women here."

Tyler seemed breathless for a moment, before giving a short, awkward nod of approval.

"I need your help," she said, this time with more confidence. "I can still produce milk, but I need a partner. I need the right stimulation."

"You still have... milk?" he almost stammered, nervous to speak of this towards his own mother.

Andrea paused, then nodded. "I'll just be honest. Contrary to popular belief amongst men, breast milk never really goes away, as long as the glands are routinely stimulated. My glands have remained stimulated after all these years because... well... they just have. I need your help, okay?"

On a night like this, Andrea was more than willing to forgo the traditional norms of any mother/son relationship. It was worth the sacrifice of crossing boundaries with her son. Fighting for women's rights meant everything. It was her life's calling.

In a simple motion, she pulled aside the left side of her dress to expose her large, pendulous breast. It was shaped like a globe with a large brown nipple pointing forward. She felt her big nipple growing hard from the exposure.

As expected, her son's eyes were glued to her tit. Tyler's eyes widened and his jaw nearly dropped.

"Let's be adults about this," she calmly stated, holding her breast out. "I need you to nurse from me. Get my milk flowing. Then after I take a picture of it, we'll head back to the party. Sound okay?"

"Are you sure? I mean, you want me... to do that?"

"My milk flows best when there's suction and stimulation. And I certainly don't want to ruin my lipstick."

He gulped deeply. "I should have mentioned before... but, ummm... I'm actually a big supporter of women's rights, too. I'm a male feminist... ummm... in every way. I think you're 100% right about breastfeeding. It's a blessing for humanity."

Andrea wanted to laugh at her son's finesse. During all these years, whenever she went on a rant about equality, her son's eyes would glaze over. Now, her son's eyes were lusting after her exposed nipple. Tyler only had one thing in mind.

"Go ahead," she said, jiggling her breast. "You have permission to suck on my big nipple. Enjoy it while you can."

He nervously nodded. "I'll try my best and hopefully you'll have the best picture."

There were a few seconds of awkwardness as she watched Tyler freeze. Under normal circumstances, when a woman like Andrea had a breast exposed and offered it for a man to suck, it would be devoured in an instant.

But she recognized that this was far from normal. In fact, it was extremely unusual. This was her adult son! She understood Tyler's reluctance. She was reluctant with this situation too, but it had to be done, nonetheless.

Offering a guiding hand, she cupped the back of her son's head and gave a gentle pull, letting Tyler know that it was okay to proceed. That this was all for the sake of a good cause. Tyler finally gave in.

In a flash, her son's mouth covered her nipple, engulfing it. Looking down at her chest, she could hardly believe what she was seeing. She saw her son's lips wrapped fittingly at the tip of her breast.

When the first hard suckling occurred, she nearly lost her breath and her mind felt like it was in a frenzy.

"God that feels nice," Andrea sighed, before catching herself. "I mean, you're doing a terrific job so far."

"Mmm Hmmm..."

Her son's humming approval sent vibrations through her nipple and chest. There was no denying it, her pussy had turned wet. She was very aroused. As she was being nursed by her son, her worst fear came true.

Andrea's pair of big nipples had been an incredible erogenous zone all her life. They were the most sensitive parts of her body aside from her clitoris. Pinching, pulling, and sucking on her big nipples sometimes turned her into a borderline nymphomaniac. If done correctly, it could even give her an orgasm or two.

Having this done by her son? She hadn't anticipated that the added taboo of Tyler sucking on her tit would have a serious reaction on her senses. She watched her son's lips sucking and pulling on her nipple. Her nipple stretched. She savored the feeling of her milk flowing into her son's mouth. She watched her son gulp down every drop of milk. Did he like the taste? She wondered.

At this point, she knew she should have stopped this. Her milk was flowing and she could take the picture she needed. However, women's rights had been pushed to the back of her mind. At the forefront of her thoughts was the intense feeling on her nipple and the ravenous sensation between her legs.

It was almost like hypnosis, watching her son suckling and nursing. She couldn't peel her eyes away. If this continued for a few more minutes, she'd surely cum in her panties. And she was a loud cummer.

"This feels so natural, doesn't it?" she asked inappropriately, but she did her best to make it sound like it was part of the process.

Tyler looked up, spit the nipple out, and massaged the breast. "It does feel natural. I'm glad we're doing something for such a great cause. You're delicious, mom."

Her son's eyes were so innocent and pure. Her son's lips were laced in her white milk. She was so happy that her son enjoyed the taste. But her maternal side wanted to stop this. Her son was an 18 year old adult!

"Tyler, I think we have enough... ohh!!"

While trying to stop her son, Tyler went back to work and continued sucking on her nipples, stopping her in her tracks. Her body froze and all she could do was watch helplessly and her son sucked even harder, stretching her big nipple with powerful sucks.

Tyler spit the nipple out. "We have to do the other nipple also. I know that breasts can feel uneven if one is drained and the other isn't."

"Oh, Tyler..." she paused, mystified by what was happening.

Her son pulled on the right side of her dress, exposing her fresh breast, and he sucked on it. The same feelings of naughty pleasure returned to Andrea as milk flowed out of her right breast, and into her son's mouth.

She tried to rationalise this in her mind. This was her son. The milk produced by her body was solely intended him. If not for Tyler, then who else? This was nature's gift. It was how nature worked, after all.

At the same time, she knew that this had turned completely sexual. Looking down, passed her son's suckling mouth, she saw a bulge in his pants.

Andrea reached below and squeezed the front of Tyler's pants, feeling a healthy-sized erection, which was full and hard. Tyler didn't flinch from the squeeze, surely he was enjoying it.

"You're hard," she moaned.

He looked up and nodded, spitting the nipple out. "This is for a good cause. Breastfeeding is delicious... I mean, umm... it's the most natural thing in the world. That's why I'm helping you."

She gasped as her son went back to work. This time, Tyler squeezed both breasts hard, cupping them from the bottom curve as he sucked on each nipple, one after the other.

"There's another way you can help me," she whispered, struggling with her emotions as her body pressed against the wall.

He spit the nipple out again. "Yes? Anything."

The sight of her son's eager eyes and milk-covered lips was almost too much to bear. This had never been a fantasy of Andrea's, but now it was the ultimate rush. The ultimate taboo that complimented the beauty of her breasts.

"Will you fuck me?" she whispered, looking Tyler in the eyes. "Lift my dress and I'll wrap a leg around you. You have no idea what you just did to my nipples. I'm an emotional wreck."

His eyes revealed his shock. "You really need it that badly from breastfeeding?"

"I'll explain everything later, but I can't go back to the gala like this. Not when I'm standing on wobbly legs. You have to make me cum after the way you've mauled my tits."

Andrea saw the perplexed emotions in her son's eyes. She could understand Tyler's confusion over her need for an immediate fucking at the moment. This was unusual by any standard. But then again, men have no idea what it's like to have nipples as sensitive as hers. Especially in their milky, swollen state.

Tyler slowly nodded, licking his wet lips. "Okay... ummm... how do you want me to start? I'll only do it if it's an emergency or something."

In a weird way, Andrea loved that her son was still so shy about this, and that he was such a gentleman about it. She would have been disappointed if her son just rammed his cock up her pussy. It would have meant that Tyler was a world-class pervert, instead of a young man willing to help his mother in an hour of need.

Andrea reached down and pulled her panties off so that it fell to her ankles. She stepped out of them, picked them up, and put it inside her son's pocket as a souvenir and 'thank you' for all this.

She did the rest of the work, using one hand to hold Tyler in place, and her other hand to reach down to unzip his pants (the new pants that she had bought for him for this very event). Their eyes were locked, just inches apart, and she dug her fingers inside of her son's open zipper and fished out his dick.

Having a cock in her hand was always a pleasant feeling. She loved feeling a man's penis, whether it be hard or soft. It never mattered, just as long as she got to hold it.

But to hold Tyler's? It made her pussy ache and her clitoris throb. It made her nipples sore and turn even stiffer, if that was even possible.

"You're so hard," she said, using her thumb to rub her son's smooth head. "We have to make this quick, okay? Then I'll take a picture of my milky nipples and we'll go back to the gala."

He smiled. "Sounds like a plan. It's all for a great cause, and honestly, this is a dream come true."

Those words should have stopped any mother in her tracks, but in her current state, it was only an added stimulation. They'd need to have a long, long talk later, she thought.

She wrapped a leg around her son's lower backside. Years of advanced yoga classes had paid off. Reaching down, she guided Tyler's hard penis to her wet, needy pussy. She gasped when she rubbed her son's tip in between her labia, then pressing it into her flesh.

Tyler did the rest, giving a short thrust, which took her breath away. Her eyes widened as Tyler thrust again, entering her pussy with relative ease thanks to her arousal and natural wetness.

They breathed heavily as they started to fuck. Andrea wondered what she must have looked like at this very moment. She wondered what a neutral observer would think upon seeing this.

With the top of her expensive dress opened to bare her breasts and her dolled up appearance, she was certain she looked like a thousand dollar escort in this compromising pose. Not to mention her leg wrapped around a young man who was half her age, thrusting into her pussy.

This was also her first foray into public sex and being caught would destroy her hard-earned public reputation. She wondered how many people in the gala knew that Tyler was her son. She wondered how fast the news would spread if she was caught. Would anyone even believe that she was capable of public sex at the side a gala? Would anyone believe that she fucks her son?

For better or worse, those thoughts made her even hornier.

"Suck on my tits while you fuck me," she whispered in a low voice. "I'll... I'll tell you everything... oh god..."

She looked into her son's hungry eyes as he thrust deep. She watched Tyler's lips wrap around her left nipple to suck more milk out of it, then she watched her son repeat the process with her other breast. It felt even more overwhelming when her son squeezed each breast hard, as if to drain every last drop out of her. Back and forth. Back and forth.

Fucking while getting her tits drained was Andrea's emotional and physical weakness. She was a sexual train wreck while pressed against the wall.

Andrea moaned, "I never stopped producing milk. I never wanted to stop. Oh god... I kept my glands going. Yes, fuck me, Tyler... like that... Yes, I kept my milk going. I sucked on my own breasts late at night while I masturbated. I sucked on each nipple and fingered myself. It was my stress reliever... oh god... while you were in your room. You had no idea... that... oh god... my nipples were inside my mouth."

She looked down and saw the surreal lust in his eyes. She definitely struck a chord with her son. It seemed that her son had shared the same fetish for lactating breasts along with the sweet flavor of a woman's milk. She should have known, since her son had an obvious interest in large breasted women (including her own pair).

The thrusts came harder and faster. Tyler sucked each tit so hard that her nipples were pulled far into his mouth. Her breasts were feeling drained. Her pussy had never been so hot.

Andrea continued, "I never intended for us to fuck. I should have known this would happen. I let my past lovers suck on my tits before sex... or during... oh god... and it would always make me squirt so hard."

Her son's eyes lit up and he spit the nipple out.

"You can squirt?" he asked quickly, before going back to thrusting his cock and mauling each of mom's breasts with his hands and mouth.

"Oh yes, I can squirt. I can milk and I can squirt. If you keep this up... oh god, fuck... I'll fucking cum all over this floor."

That was it. Her son went into a frenzy and absolutely ravished her pussy. At the same time, he mauled her tits even harder and more ferociously.

On perfect cue, Tyler covered her mouth as she screamed, muffling the sound. Andrea cried to heaven as she came, and thanks to her son's hand, no one at the gala would hear it. Her eyes rolled back and her toes curled into her heels. Thankfully her son held her upright by fucking her forcefully against the wall.

The sound of her squirt pouring onto the tile floor seemed to echo down the hall. It was a beautiful sound in its own erotic way.

Her son held onto her for about a minute while she recovered from her zombie-like daze. Then he pulled out, with his cock flaccid.

Andrea looked down. Her son's penis was soft, hanging, and wet. Tyler's pants were stained with fluids. Her pussy had their warm cum mixture leaking from it. As for the floor? The janitor had extra work that night.

"Hold on," she said in a low voice.

She reached in her purse to grab her phone. Then she took a selfie shot of her left breast, then right breast, then both breasts together. Nothing with her face. She reviewed the pictures to see saliva covered hard nipples with milk still leaking from the tips.

An internal debate raged as to whether she should still participate in this picture collage or not. Her wet nipples looked bigger than ever in their current state and the images were downright pornographic.

But as a devoted feminist, she had a duty to uphold. Fighting for women's rights was her main goal, not fucking her son (though they both felt equally satisfying). She sent the pictures to her friend who was organizing this protest and she put her phone away.

"The bathrooms are down the hall," she said, wiping the milk from her tits and pulling her dress up. "Let's get cleaned up and meet at the gala."

Tyler zipped his pants. "I have a huge wet stain. People will think I pissed my pants."

"Too bad," she giggled, walking off. "It was worth having my milk and pussy, wasn't it?"

Andrea walked briskly to the ladies room, with cum and squirt running down her legs. Each step she took caused her dress to brush tightly against her chest. Her nipples felt like heaven. Her pussy felt gaping. She hoped her friends would appreciate the sacrifices she had to make.

Next chapter