
Dr May Reid's Reunion Dinner Ch. 02


For the next six weeks, Paul got into a routine with May. He would see her on a Wednesday afternoon, usually for two or three hours. Then again on a Saturday and Sunday afternoons after work for a quickie. The lovemaking had improved remarkably. They were both much more relaxed, they were both comfortable with each other. It was now the evening of Reunion Dinner, he had driven to her apartment at seven. She opened the door, and she looked stunning in a bright red evening gown. Sue was right, her tits looked massive. He complimented her on her dress and her total appearance. Her hair and makeup were incredible.

The highlights in her hair made her look gorgeous. She told him that she had taken the Platinum Package at The Pampered Lady. It was an excellent package which covered everything. She told Paul that she had paid for the same treatment for Sue and would give her the voucher for her birthday next month. Paul knew that the birthday was coming up but didn't know what to get her. He asked, "May, help me here. I wish that you had told me about the Platinum Package and I would have got it for her. What can I get Sue for her birthday? I have been buying her wines and Champagne, but I want to get her something special."

May replied, "I got this gown in the Pampered Lady, they do everything, and they do it well. Sue was looking at their lingerie and also some of their clothes. I know that Sue buys her underwear in Marks and Spencer, but she was paying a lot of attention to the stock in the Pampered Lady. I would get her a voucher for a couple of hundred pounds, and I am sure that she would love that. They have a special offer this now if you buy a voucher for five hundred they give you a voucher for six hundred. She would love that."

Paul then knew what he would do tomorrow. They arrived at the Hotel at seven-thirty. They were at table Five. May knew everyone at the table apart from their partners. She was happy that she was sitting next to Carol and Jim Blair. Carol was a good friend of May. Jim was fifteen years older than Carol. He was a Consultant in the first hospital that Carol had worked in. They had an affair, and she got pregnant. They married and now had two grown-up children. Jim had been doing nothing for Carol sexually for over ten years.

Paul was a perfect gentleman, he got May a bottle of Champagne and a bottle of Apollinaris Medium Mineral Water for himself. The table was now full, and the introductions started. Carol and May were the creme de la creme of the table. Carol was tall with massive breasts too. Jim was not allowed to drink alcohol, so he drank some of Paul's mineral water. Carol was drinking the Champagne and loving it. Within five minutes Paul realised that Jim was nothing but a self-opinionated bore.

The meal was served at seven-forty. It was excellent. The speeches started just after nine. Paul found them funny. People were reminiscing about their time at University twenty-five years ago. May had left her smartphone at home as it was bigger than the evening bag that she had. She had asked Paul to take a lot of pictures. Just after ten the Duo, which was the band, started playing. They were excellent, playing music from the seventies, eighties and nineties. They were on their third bottle of Champagne and Mineral water, and everyone had gone on Paul's tab.

May and Paul were on their tenth dance and Carol had not had one dance. May said, "Jim is an asshole, he won't dance with Carol. Ask her to dance, I want her to enjoy herself. I wish that she would have made him wear a contraceptive all those years ago, she could have done so much better. I won't even speak to Jim when we get back to the table. Let me know what your tab is, and I will give you the money later. He won't even buy a round of drinks. Apart from that, I am having a great time. I am thinking of the fun we will have later."

The next series of three dances were slow ones. Carol felt good in his arms. She was pushing her puss against his leg. She said, "Please excuse my husband, I should have come alone. He is talking about leaving early. Thanks for buying all the drinks. I will get the money to May in the next days for them. If I say anything like, buy a round, he would throw a tantrum, it's just not worth it. By the way, that thing between your legs feels wonderful against my leg. Let's try and get to the other side of the dance floor as he is watching every move that I make. I can get a lot more intimate if he can't see me."

They did that, and she held him so tightly. They flirted a lot, and both were enjoying it. The got back to the table, and the band took a fifteen-minute break. Paul took a lot of pictures of May and Carol. Jim was drumming his fingers on the table, but no one was paying any attention to him. Paul saw the band coming back after the break and approached the singer and asked if they could perform 'Lady In Red' for 'Dr May Reid' he told him that it would be their next song.

He then made the announcement, and everyone in the room applauded apart from Jim. Carol asked Paul for his smartphone so she could take pictures. She followed them around the dance floor. May was holding him so close to her. She said, "Darling, you make me feel so special. That was so thoughtful of you. Carol likes you a lot. I have no problem if you want to spend some time with her. She told me that she orgasmed when she was dancing with you. It could happen in the future that we have threesomes together. Would you like that?."

He replied, "You are arousing me now, that would be fun, but I would like to spend time with her alone first. I think we both have enjoyed this evening. One thing that I have learned from this evening is, I don't want to spend another evening with Jim."

They went back to the table, and Jim was saying that he wanted to go home. Carol said, "Jim, I need to visit the powder room. We can go when I return."

He said, "I need to go too."

He followed Carol out of the room. Carol returned forty-five seconds later and asked Paul to dance. It was a slow one. They danced cheek to cheek. She whispered, "Paul, I have enjoyed this evening, you have really aroused me. I have taken the liberty of adding my mobile number to your contacts, under the name Carol. I am on WhatsApp too. If I don't hear from you, then I will understand. I have told May that I would like to see you again and she has no problem with that. I would love to hear from you."

He pulled her close and said, "I would like that too. You will hear from me tomorrow. You will have to let me know when you are available. I work every weekend, I still live with my mother, so we will have to plan our rendezvous carefully. I am so happy that I have aroused you. You have aroused me."

They then kissed on the lips. Her tongue was buried in his mouth. He saw Jim coming back into the room he pulled back. He asked, "Do you still share his bed?"

She replied, "I haven't for over twenty years, You can message me anytime. He still can drive a car, but that is a nightmare experience. We had better get back. I look forward to hearing from you. That was a thoughtful thing that you did for May."

They got back to the table, Carol made a big thing of thanking Paul and May. She hugged and kissed both of them. Paul and May did not say a word to Jim. They then left. Paul asked May to dance. They held each other tightly, it was now twelve-fifteen, he said, "Darling, I am now on my fourth bottle of water, my bladder is nearly full, would you like to have some water sports when we get home. I don't know if you have ever tried it, but it can give a lot of fun."

She pulled him close and said, "I had when I was at University. I love a Golden Shower. We can do it in the shower. I would like it if you held enough back to give my clit a drenching at the end. I shouldn't be telling you this, but Carol and I both love water sports. She should divorce him. She earns so much money. He had a stroke a couple of years ago, and it did a lot of damage. I think that he has prostate problems, but he won't go for a checkup as he knows best. He was looking very jaundiced this evening.

They left shortly afterwards. There were only twelve people left in the room. A lot of people would have to work in the morning. In the car, May was very affectionate. She said, "When we get home, drink as much water as you can. The important thing is to pee directly on my clit. That drives me crazy. When we are in the shower pee for two seconds, that gets rid of any bacteria. After you have done that it's safe to pee anywhere. I love it on my hair, face, mouth, tits and cunt but especially on my clit. I will spread my pussy lips for that so you can even pee inside my cunt. Then you can ride me. When you cum, I will pee on your cock. You will feel a wonderful warm sensation that you will never forget."

They arrived at May's apartment, the first thing she did was take off her red gown. Paul took off his Tuxedo. They were both naked in under a minute. May got a litre bottle of mineral water. Paul drank three-quarters of it, and he was full. His cock was flaccid so he could still pee. May then sat on a shower seat. She looked amazing. She said, "Pee for two seconds then start, remember the most important thing is peeing hard on my clit."

He peed for two seconds then peed on her head, she turned and took it in both ears. She opened her mouth and took a mouthful which she then spat back around his cock. She held her massive tits, and he sprayed on her hard nipples. She then used two fingers to open her cunt lips. Her clit popped out. He directed his flow onto her clit and increased the pressure. She used her two hands to hold open her cunt lips so he could pee inside her cunt. He was then empty. She said, "I'm so horny, that turns me on so much. I enjoy it occasionally, it's not a thing that I would do every day. When you sprayed on my clit, I orgasmed. Now I will suck you until you are hard then I want you to fuck me doggy style in my hot cunt."

She had him hard in two minutes. He then turned her around. She bent over the shower chair and used it to balance herself. He soon had a powerful rhythm going. He was grinding into her. Twenty-five minutes later they both climaxed simultaneously. He said, "I'm cuming."

Then he felt the warmth of her pee on his hard cock. It was a tremendous feeling. It highlighted his orgasm. She was gripping his cock. She released him and turned around and kissed him. She said, "Thank you for this wonderful night."

They then showered. They were both asleep five minutes later. They woke at six-thirty, they had another session they May cooked breakfast. They both left the apartment at eight-thirty. At ten-thirty he had a message from Sue, it read, "Darling, thank you for looking after May. She is over the moon. Can you WhatsApp me the pictures? Especially the video of you dancing to Lady in Red which Carol took. Carol is a patient of mine. Jim, her husband, is an asshole. I have no time for that supercilious twat. I bought some lovely Lemon Sole this morning, so that's what we will have for supper. I am dying to see the pictures of how May looks. She had the Platinum Package from the Pampered Lady. She has bought me a voucher for the same package as a birthday present, that's so kind of her. How was the night for you? May said that you were a perfect gentleman. Send me the pictures, and I will see you around five. Love Mum."

He replied, "I had an excellent evening. I really enjoyed it. Carol and May were drinking Champagne. Jim and I were drinking mineral water. I bought four bottles of each. Jim did not buy one round. I didn't mind buying for Carol and May. Carol can't stand Jim. She gave me her mobile number, but I haven't contacted her yet. May has no problem if I do. That's good as she has the message that we can have sex and still be friends. I liked Carol, do you think that I should contact her? I will be home around four this afternoon. I love Lemon Sole. I will have a glass of wine when I get home as I had nothing yesterday and tomorrow is Friday, and I can't drink again until Monday. How is your day going? Would you like Champagne tonight? May looks fantastic, you will see from the pictures. You should have it done. What would you like for your birthday? Some hints would be helpful. Where do you want to dine? Love P."

She replied, "That was so kind of you paying for the drinks. I can't stand Jim. You must treat Carol the same way as you treat May. Make sure that she realises that all you can give her is sex with no strings. You must also be careful with Jim, he is an evil bastard. You must be very discreet where you have sex with her. Probably, the best place is in our apartment. Then, if anything happens, she could say that she was visiting me. May was telling me that she thinks that he has serious prostate problems. May looks stunning in the pictures. I have now booked my Platinum Package for eight on the morning of my birthday. I am taking the whole day off. I would love to go to the Italian restaurant for dinner, but I am free for lunch too."

"I would love it if you could spend the day with me. A hug and a kiss are all I need. Yes, let's have Champagne tonight. May's makeup and hair highlights are excellent. I have booked the same stylist as May says that she is the best. Paul, if we can lunch and dinner together that would be an excellent day for me. I was thinking that you would probably be seeing May as you usually have a session with her on a Wednesday. The thing to remember with Carol is that she is married, not happily but still married. May is a widow, there's a big difference. See you around five. Love Mum."

He then messaged Carol, it read, "Hi Carol, I enjoyed meeting you last night and was sad when you left. If you are interested in meeting, then let me know how your diary is, and we can work something out. Weekends are not so good for me as I am a Duty Manager for a car hire company. I can offer you sex with no strings, the same as I am giving May. I have no problem with our age difference. Would you like me to WhatsApp some of the pictures that we took last night to you? You look stunning in some of them. Regards, Paul."

She replied, "Paul, thank you so much for your message. This morning Jim didn't come down for breakfast. The housekeeper phoned me to the Clinic and told me that he was lying on the carpet struggling to breathe. My reception phoned for an ambulance, and I drove straight home. He has had another stroke. It's not looking good for him. I have wanted him to have checks on his prostate for ages. He has said that he was OK and had no problem with his prostate. I will know later today the results as the Consultant was a year above me at University. Sex with no strings appeals to me. I have never seen May look so happy. She was glowing last night. Did you fuck her before the Dinner or was she anticipating what was coming later?"

"I am sure that we can work out something. In my Clinic, I have a small flat which I created four years ago so that I would always have a roof over my head. We can use that at any time. Yes please send the pictures, especially the video of Lady in Red. That was so considerate of you. May was so happy when they said the request was for her. I like your style. May told me that you have a Law degree. I may need you as I don't trust Jim's lawyer. Darling, I want to get to know you. As soon as I hear anything, then I will let you know. I don't think that it's good for Jim. Some prostate cancers are so aggressive, you are lucky if you have weeks after you have been diagnosed. I have thought of you all day. Lots of hugs and kisses, Carol."

In the afternoon Paul visited The Pampered Lady, he bought the voucher for five hundred and got a voucher for six hundred pounds. He was impressed with the boutique side of the business. The quality was excellent. The lingerie was exceptional. He was happy that he had got Sue the voucher. Sue's style was quiet, but he was sure that Sue would enjoy The Pampered Lady. If she enjoyed her visit, then he was happy. He got home and hid the voucher in his private place, he had six days to wait until he could give it to her.

He arrived home just after three. He decided to wait until Sue got home before he started drinking. His smartphone beeped, he had a message from Sue, it read, "Darling, those pictures and the video are excellent. Every spare minute that I have had today I have been looking at them. That stylist has transformed May. I am getting excited about going there on Wednesday morning. Could you transfer all your pictures onto my laptop? It's on the dressing table in my bedroom but excuse the mess. There are no passwords needed. One of the assistants told me it could be done easily. I would like to eat around six. Is that okay with you? Love Mum."

He went to her bedroom and couldn't see any mess. Everything was in its place. He found the laptop and took the SD card out of his smartphone and put Card into her laptop. He created a folder in her Pictures folder. He called it 'May's Reunion Dinner' it was all done in seconds. Lady in Red was also transferred. He checked her browsing history. Last night she had spent a lot of time at The Pampered Lady. She had spent time on the boutique looking at clothes and lingerie. The other exciting thing she had been browsing was holidays in the wine regions of France. Her older history was all about Dental care and treatments.

He replied to her telling her that it was done. He also said to her that he had messaged Carol and she had told him that Jim had another stroke and was in the hospital. A couple of minutes after he had sent Sue his last message his phone beeped, he had a message from Carol which read, "Jim passed away twenty minutes ago. What a great relief it is for me. My living nightmare is over. I have not had an easy life with him. What are you doing tonight? I would love to share a bottle of wine or two with you. I have thought of you all day. Carol."

He was about to reply then Sue arrived home. He told her about Jim passing away. He also told her about Carol inviting him for a bottle or two of wine this evening. Sue said, "This is a great weight off Carol's shoulders. I don't know why she put up with him for so long. Message her back and tell her that you will be there around seven. That way we can have our Lemon Sole. I will spend my evening on my laptop studying last nights pictures. Offer Carol any support that you can give her. I will pack an overnight bag for you so you can go straight to the University in the morning."

Sue prepared supper and packed his bag for him. He noticed that Sue was wearing very tight leggings. He liked her shape. They both enjoyed the Lemon Sole. He gave Sue a hug and left just before seven.

Carol lived in a large villa. He drove up the driveway thinking that he wouldn't like to work in this garden. She opened the front door as he got out of the car. She too was wearing tight-fitting leggings and a blouse with the buttons undone by one button too much. She looked stunning and sexy. She closed the door and took him in her arms; they kissed gently with a lot of affection. She said, "Thank you for coming, I appreciate it, I so enjoyed last night. He accused me of throwing myself at you. He said May was a whore. I told him to fuck off, and those were the last words that I said to him. He was a repulsive creature. I phoned my son and daughter, but only my daughter will fly in for the funeral, which is next Saturday morning at ten-thirty. They are both doctors, my son is in Australia, and my daughter is in the Mayo Clinic. Her contract expires tomorrow."

"She was going to spend a month touring America, but she will now come home and help me in my Clinic. My son has been very successful in Australia. My first grandchild is due in three months. His partner is on holiday for the next two weeks. It would be expensive for him to get a locum in while he is away. He wasn't very close to Jim, so I am not surprised that he is not coming. Come on into the lounge and get comfortable. I have removed all memorabilia of Jim from the room. Over the weekend I will remove everything that belonged to him from the house."

She poured two glasses of Champagne. The sat on the sofa and chatted. Carol was a nice person. Paul was looking at her enormous tits. He undid another two buttons of her blouse. She said, "Let's get naked. I wanted you last night. I got a bottle of wine from the fridge then locked myself in my bedroom. I played and had a powerful orgasm. I thought of you fucking May. You didn't tell me if you had fucked her before the Reunion. She is glowing, I have never seen her look so happy. Will, you make me glow?"

They kissed then they both stripped naked. When she saw his cock, Carol said, "I know now why she is glowing. That is massive, I can take him but take your time as it's so long since I have had a cock and I have never had one even approaching the size of that beauty."

He placed her on the carpet, and they started to sixty-nine. She was like May and had a large clitoris. The slit on her swollen vulva was near perfect. He was tonguing her clit then started to suck it. He slid three fingers inside her hungry cunt. She pushed her hips up and spread her legs wide open. She was gripping his fingers with her strong cunt muscles. She was skillfully teasing his cock with her tongue and lips. She could take his full length when she went down on him. They kept this foreplay going for the next twenty minutes then Carol said, "We are ready, let me go on top."

He lay on the carpet, and she squatted over him. She was teasing her hard clit with the bulbous tip of his cock. She centred the tip in the middle of her vulva then lowered herself onto his massive cock. She took half of him. Then she pushed down again, and his cock disappeared into her cunt. She then started an up and down circular movement which was getting more powerful with every move. She was also gripping at the base and the tip of his cock.

He was rubbing her clit as she rode him. Carol was moaning with pleasure, but she was in control. Her cunt was starting to squelch. It was an incredible sound. Carol kept riding him for the next thirty minutes then within seconds of each other they both climaxed. She gripped his cock tightly then bent over and kissed him. She said, "That was fucking amazing, I needed that. Can you stay overnight?"

He smiled but didn't tell her Sue had packed a bag for him; he said, "Yes, I would love to stay over if that's okay with you. I enjoyed that. Your cunt muscles are powerful, I love how you grip. What time are you up at in the morning?"

She replied, "During the week, I wake around six. I will wake you then as I love sex in the morning. I will cook breakfast for you after. I leave the house at around eight-thirty. Is there any way that you can transfer the pictures from your smartphone to my laptop as I would love to send some of them to my daughter. I have a lot to sort out with her as she will arrive on Thursday of next week and she will be staying here. Anji is a lovely girl. She is very like me. I will be able to take things easier when she joins the Clinic. Jim is not even cold, and I have had the best fuck of my life."

She kissed him again the came off him and topped up the glasses. She brought him her laptop, and he transferred them. She wanted them on her Samsung smartphone so she could WhatsApp them to her daughter. She had an SD card in her phone, so he transferred them there too. She was delighted. They finished the first bottle of Champagne, and she got another. She was studying the pictures. There were four of Carol and Paul which May had taken. In all four photos they both looked so happy.

Paul asked, "When you were married did you have any lovers?"

She smiled and said, "No, I had no men at all, but I had several girlfriends. It was challenging living with Jim. Tom, my son, stood up to him and after he qualified he left for Australia. Jim gave him no financial support. I helped him a lot to get his practice set up. He has worked hard and has done well. Anji had to put up with a lot when she was at University. He caught her in the lounge one night giving a boy a blow job. He went crazy, calling her a slut and a whore. She had a breakdown, I thought that she would be asked to repeat the year, but she pulled through."

"Jim would check on her every night, barging into her room without knocking. I had serious rows about that. He was putting her under so much pressure I thought that she would have another nervous breakdown. Anji, for her safety, started sleeping and studying in my bedroom. I told him if this continued I would report him to the British Medical Association. He then left her alone. I spent so much time with Anji, helping and explaining things to her. We became intimate and then lovers. It was worth it as she now has so many qualifications."

"May and I have been lovers since University. She has been a wonderful friend. Always, there when I needed her. We have had some great times together. What about you, have you had many lovers?"

He smiled and thought of Gail; he wouldn't mention her, he replied, "A couple of one night stands at University. Then my studying took over. I got a great degree. Then mum suggested that I partner May to the Reunion Dinner. I have been seeing May for the last six weeks. Then I met you last night. Life is getting good."

She replied, "Wow, that's not a lot. You know what you are doing in bed. Sue, is a lovely woman. She has two interests in her life, you and her dental practice. I am surprised that she has never remarried, she's a beautiful woman. I think that it would break her heart if you moved out and went to live somewhere else. She has been my dentist for twenty years. You are all that she talks about. I feel a little guilty that we made love. I feel that I have let her down."

He took her in his arms, and they kissed, he said, "Don't feel guilty, I told her about last night. She knows about May. She is comfortable that I am having sex with you and May. I think that it may be down to the fact that she feels that I am safer with an older woman. I love big breasted mature women. I don't socialise a lot. I work hard. I love my mother's cooking. It's her birthday next week, and I want to spoil her. I am going to take her out for lunch and dinner. I want to give her a special day as she makes all my days special. "

They kissed again. They were both touching as they kissed. Soon he was rock hard. He bent her over a chair and went into her doggy style. He loved how her massive tits wobbled as he rode her. He started taking some of her cunt juice and used it as lube as he fingered her ass. Carol loved it. She was pushing her butt hard against hid intruding fingers. When her ass was lubed up he came out of her pussy and with one gentle thrust his cock vanished inside her ass. He began to rub her clit as he pounded her ass.

The harder and deeper he went the more she loved it. Gail had taught him how to ass fuck. With the size and length of his massive cock and more specifically, the size of his bulbous tip, which stimulated the G-spot, it was possible for a woman to have multiple vaginal orgasms when she was ass fucked. In the space of twenty minutes, she had three powerful orgasms that left her trembling. He kept pounding her. Five minutes later he went back inside her cunt. He loved the way that she pushed back against his powerful thrusts. Her gripping was excellent. He was lucky, both May and Carol were terrific fucks.

Twenty minutes later he exploded inside her. She climaxed twenty seconds after him. She kissed him and said, "That was unbelievable, I had three massive vaginal orgasms as you fucked my ass. I love your cock; it can do so much. Will I see you over the weekend? "

He replied, "I am on call over the weekend but maybe a quickie on Sunday afternoon could be arranged."

She smiled and said, "I'm looking forward to that already. Why do you work so hard? You don't need to work at the car hire, Sue would look after you."

He replied, "I enjoy it, I am self-sufficient, I earn over fifty thousand pounds a year from it. I am even thinking of keeping the weekend work going when I start my Monday to Friday office job. In July, I will be working for three full weeks on call as the Duty Manager. That's because my manager will take his holidays then. Let's go to bed now so that we are both fit for the morning."

Paul awoke at six. Carol was sucking his cock. He excused himself and went to the bathroom to relieve himself. He then used the bidet to wash his cock. He went back to bed. For the next ninety minutes, he entirely concentrated on giving Carol pleasure. She wanted ass fucked again. He did her deep and hard. He came out of her ass, and she gave him a titty fuck. He squatted over her massive breasts, she put his cock between her tits, and she squeezed her breasts tightly against his hard cock. He moved in and out. When he went in, she was able to tease the tip of his cock with her tongue. He was fingering her wet cunt as he did this.

He then went into her pussy doggy style. He pounded her for the next twenty-five minutes. They both climaxed within seconds of each other. She said, "What a way to start a Friday. Thank you for coming here last night. Jim is history for me. I will phone his lawyer this morning to arrange an appointment. If I have any queries can I contact you?"

He replied, "I am here for you. I can even come with you if it's in the afternoon as I have no afternoon lectures now. Any day apart from Wednesday, I want to spend Wednesday with Sue."

She told him that she would let him know. They showered then Carol made breakfast. She gave him a long hot kiss, then they both left. He had an easy day. He had a message from May, it read, "Darling, I am hungry for you, can I see you over the weekend? Thanks for looking after Carol, I owe you a good one, May."

He replied saying that he would see her on Saturday at four in the afternoon for a quickie. As he was leaving the University, he met Gail, she told him that she missed him so much, but it was impossible for them to meet. She also told him that his Doctorate paper was perfect. He had even got Distinction with it. She also told him six of the top Law Firms in the country had his name and address. They would make contact with him after next Wednesday when the results would be published. He thanked her and told her he would keep in touch through her naughty email address.

He had a message from Sue, it read, "Darling, thank God, I am now finished for the weekend. When will you be home tonight and I will cook supper for us. I had a big lunch so can wait until later. Over the weekend, what would you like to eat? I was thinking Leg of Lamb as that would keep us going until Tuesday. Let me know what you want, and I will organise it."

He replied, "You are a sweetheart, I will be home at seven-thirty this evening. There are no flights after seven this evening at the airport, so that lets me get away early. The lamb sounds great; I will finish around six on Saturday and Sunday evening. What will we eat tonight?"

She responded, "That's excellent, a patient gave me a recipe for Paella so I would like to try that. How do you feel about Paella?

He replied, "I love it, remember you used to cook it when I was still at school. Where would you like to lunch on Wednesday? I have booked a table at the Italian restaurant for seven. Wherever you want we can go."

She answered, "I would love to go to the Colonial Restaurant for lunch and share a medium-rare Chateaubriand with you, the Hollandaise sauce they do with it is perfection. It's like the Italian restaurant a two-minute walk from the apartment. I am in the supermarket this now, and I have everything for the Paella. Is there anything that you need from the supermarket?"

He replied, "What time will you be finished at the Pampered Lady? Then I can book a table at the Colonial. I am okay, I have all my toiletries."

She answered, "Darling, I have something to ask you. Could you drive me there at eight in the morning and pick me up at one? Then you drive me home, and we walk to the Colonial for one-fifteen. They give you Champagne; it's included in the price of the Platinum Package. Image, I will be drinking Champagne from eight in the morning. One other thing, can we change it to lunch in the Italian restaurant and dinner at the Colonial as they have live music there on a Wednesday evening?"

He replied, "I will be your chauffeur and also change the Italian restaurant for lunch. I would want to sleep if we had a Chateaubriand for lunch, it's more of a dinner course. I think that you will enjoy Wednesday. I will have to go now. See you at seven-thirty."

He arrived home at seven-forty, Sue was in the kitchen wearing her cooking apron. She gave him a big smile then said, "I can serve now or would you like a few minutes to relax?"

He replied, "It smells wonderful, let's eat now."

The Paella was excellent. It was so tasty. They went into the lounge and sat on the sofa. Sue's laptop was on the coffee table. Sue said, "On my way home I went into the Pampered Lady and spoke with the stylist. She has suggested three different hairstyles that I will show you. She also suggested some highlights which I will also show you. You are the one that will be seeing me most of the time, so your opinion counts."

She then showed him the styles and the highlights. She went into a lot of detail. Showing May's pictures from the Reunion dinner. May's tits looked massive in the pictures, but he had to focus on her hair. They agreed on the style that suited her best. Sue then told him that she liked several items of clothing in the boutique, but her stylist had suggested waiting until Wednesday to be sure that everything blended together.

She then asked Paul what was he going to do about a holiday. Neither of them had been on holiday for over five years. Paul's job was the main reason for this. Sue had told him that she had researched going on a Wine Tasting holiday to Champagne and Burgundy. She wanted Paul to come with her. She knew that he was seeing May and Carol but would he like to go with her? She thought that they could be away for ten to fourteen days.

He replied, "I would love to do that with you, but it will have to be in August or the last week in July. I must work for three weeks in July when my manager is on holiday. Just like I have done for the last five years. We have at the depot a Mercedes Marco Polo. I can hire that at a massive discount. It sleeps four, so there's lots of room for the two of us. It's the top of the range model and has every extra imaginable. It has only done five thousand miles, and I was thinking about buying it. It has so much room that we could bring a lot of wine back with us. I will speak to my manager on Monday."

Sue was so happy. She told him that was a great idea as they could eat in the best restaurants and that they would have no hotel bills. Paul went to his bed, and Sue told him that breakfast would be on the table at seven-thirty. He gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek and went to bed. Next morning, he had an excellent breakfast. He got to the depot at eight. His manager was at the depot. He asked about hiring the Marco Polo for two weeks and also the possibility of purchasing it after his holiday. The manager gave him the rental cost of five hundred pounds a week with unlimited mileage. The vehicle would be over six months old when he returned from France. He would check with head office and get the best price possible.

The weekend flew in. He saw May on Saturday, and they had a great hour together. May had told him that Sue was so happy that they were going to France together. Sue hadn't taken a holiday because she wanted to make sure that Paul had breakfast in the morning. Sunday with Carol was also good. Carol had sent some pictures and the Lady in Red video to Anji, her daughter. Anji had told Carol that Paul looked good. Both May and Carol both wanted ass fucked, so he did it for both of them.

The lamb was excellent; there was still enough left for Tuesday. Paul was happy about this as it saved Sue from cooking. On Monday night Paul had a lot to drink as he had been busy over the weekend. He had gone to his bed and was asleep in no time. Sue was looking forward to Wednesday and also for the French Holiday. They would leave on Saturday of the last week in July and would return two weeks later. Paul had sourced a lot of vineyards to visit. They were going to eat at a lot of first-class restaurants.

On Tuesday night both of them went to their beds early. He would take Sue to her appointment then drive to the University to see his results. He still hadn't told Sue that he had a Doctorate with Distinction as he wanted it to be part of her birthday celebrations. He set his alarm for six-thirty and was asleep five minutes later.

He woke with his alarm at six-thirty. He shaved and showered. As he dressed he heard Sue in the bathroom, she was singing 'Oh what a beautiful day' he would dress casually for the day then wear something more formal for the evening. He sent Sue a birthday greeting on WhatsApp; it read, "To the best mother in the world. I wish you a wonderful day. I am so looking forward to spending time today with you. I have just checked out online; the results are out. I have a Doctorate with Distinction. I am even proud of myself."

"I want today to be a special day for you. If there's anything that you want to do then tell me and we will do. Lots of hugs and kisses, your Paul."

He then checked online, and the results were posted at two minutes past twelve this morning. He heard Sue going to the kitchen. He put the voucher in his back waistband so she wouldn't see it when he went into the kitchen. He heard her on her smartphone then she said, "Darling, where are you?"

He went into the kitchen and took her in his arms and said, "Happy Birthday, I hope that you have a wonderful day."

Her arms were holding him close, she said, "Darling, thank you, we will both have a wonderful day. I am so proud of you. A Doctorate with Distinction, how many people have one of those. You have made my life so worthwhile. What an achievement. I am so happy and so proud of you. Today will be special."

She then pulled him close to her. She leaned up, and their lips met. Then he felt her tongue enter his mouth as she pulled him more closely to him. He felt the weight of her breasts on his chest then her pussy pushing hard with a circular motion against his leg. Her tongue was so deep in his mouth now. She was teasing the inside of his mouth. Her hands were exploring his body. She said, "I must stop, but I don't want to. I must make breakfast then you drive me to the Pampered Lady. Paul, I love you with all my heart. We are both adults. We both have needs and desires. I want to give you relief to your needs and desires, and I want you to give me relief to my desires and needs."

He replied, "I want the same. I love you too with all my heart. It makes me happy to know that I make you proud."

The kissed a long slow passionate kiss again with so much feeling. Breakfast was ready twenty minutes later. Sue went to the bathroom, and Paul filled the dishwasher. When Sue came back into the kitchen, he gave her the voucher. When she opened it there was tears in her eyes. She said, "I am going to change the way I look today. I am going to change the way that I dress. I am doing it all for you. I have checked out so many of the outfits at the boutique. I have checked out the lingerie too. You are going to like what I buy today. Thank you for this outstanding gift."

He dropped her off at five to eight. He went to the University; his name stood alone at the top of the list. He took a picture and WhatsApped it to Sue. He had now received a few congratulatory messages from his classmates. He also received six emails from the top Law Firms inviting him for an interview. He then emailed them back giving a note of the dates in the next two weeks when he would be available. He also asked them to note that he would be on holiday until the middle of August.

He then emailed George, his manager, the picture of his list and that he was thinking of having a Monday to Friday job but keep his weekend job going. Five minutes later he had a reply from George which congratulated him on an outstanding degree. He then said that the company spent over five million a year on Legal Fees and he should set up his firm and he would get all the business as he knew the car hire business inside out. He asked Paul to give this a bit of thought. Paul was surprised that he hadn't thought of it first.

Sue sent a picture of her freshly manicured foot nails. The picture showed her legs from the middle of her thighs. He replied telling him about the six emails from the top law firms. He also told her about the five million the car hire firm paid in legal fees. She replied, "We will never starve darling. What margins do law firms run on? Go to each of the interviews; you will learn a lot. It's easy enough to set up an office. I have several patients who are lawyers but no longer work. We will check everything out. Can't wait to see you. My hair is perfect. I have learned so much today. I think that I would come back here once a month. It's expensive, but it's worth it."

He answered, "Sixty per cent and sixty per cent of five million is three million. It is worth thinking about. I will be outside at one. How is the Champagne?"

She replied, "Wow, that's a lot of money. Darling, we have a lot of money. Would you like mummy to look after you? Mummy would like you to look after her this afternoon. Let us take our time; we have all afternoon. I am overjoyed with what has happened today. I am fifty, and you have a Doctorate in Law with Distinction all in the same day. The Champagne is Taittinger; this place has a bit of class. I have bought some new outfits, and I will buy more for France. People will think, 'Look at that well-dressed woman with that handsome and intelligent man', I love you."

He replied, "Mummy, whatever you want I will do for you. I am very open-minded, I love only pleasure, no pain. We will take our time. I have checked that the duo tonight is the same duo from the Reunion dinner. Buy something red for tonight, and you will be my Lady in Red."

She answered, "I already have, red is a colour that suits me. I have bought so much today. It was so kind of you to give me the voucher. They are putting the finishing touches on me. You won't recognise me. See you at one."

Paul then drove to the Pampered Lady. He sat outside waiting for her. He had to look twice when she came out of the boutique with two of the staff carrying her shopping bags. Sue looked stunning. Her hair, her makeup and the outfit that she was wearing suited her perfectly. He got out of the car and took the shopping bags from the two ladies. He took Sue in his arms and hugged her. He said, "You look fantastic. I had to take a second look. You look as though you are in your mid-thirties. That's some outfit."

The outfit was unbelievable. It showed her hourglass figure beautifully. Her breasts looked enormous, and the length of her skirt showed off her beautiful legs. He drove her home, and they carried the shopping bags into the house. Sue took several items out of the bags and hung them in the wardrobe. They then walked to the Italian restaurant. Sue said, "Let's have one course. I was thinking of cancelling it, but we had made the booking. Your Doctorate is the best birthday present ever. I can't wait to tell people. I am so proud."

They arrived at the restaurant and were shown to their table. Paul ordered a bottle of Champagne, and they both went for the same veal main course. They toasted each other with the Champagne. Sue said, "I enjoyed this morning, I feel good. Norma, the stylist, is excellent. She has given me a list of cosmetics to buy. She is a talented woman. She is the boss; she owns the Pampered Lady and the Boutique. I am going to treat myself and go for the Platinum Package every month. Norma has a problem with her tooth so I will see her tomorrow morning at eight-thirty. Her teeth are not good; I can help her."

They left the restaurant just after two-fifteen. The walked back to the apartment. They had their arms around each other, gently touching each other. The got into the lounge, and they kissed again. Sue said, "We can have some Champagne later, let's get comfortable and enjoy each other."

A minute later they were both naked. Sue had a fabulous body. It was an hourglass figure. Her vulva was superb, smooth and swollen with a perfect slit. She took his cock in her hands and said, "That's enormous, I have never seen one as big."

She went down on him. He then lay on the carpet in a position that allowed them to sixty-nine. Her pussy smelt wonderful, using two fingers he spread her cunt lips open, out popped an enormous hooded clit. It was like a little cock. He ran his tongue around it teasing it with slow licks, she opened her legs wide and pushed her clit against his mouth. She was focusing on his now very hard cock, her tongue and lips were everywhere. She was easily taking his full length without gagging.

For the next twenty-five minutes, they slowly teased and aroused each other. She was very wet. He was sure that she had cum twice as two times he had felt the warmth of her sweet cum. She had often moaned with pleasure. Using her cunt juices as lube, he had slid two fingers inside her ass. She loved it; she pushed her ass against the fingers. He knew then that he had to give it to her in both holes. Five minutes later her ass was ready for him. He bent her over the sofa then went behind her. He went into her hot pussy doggy style for ten strokes. She had taken it quickly and was gripping his cock as he went in and out of her.

He then pulled out. He centred the crown of his cock on the centre of her ass hole. With a gentle push, his cock vanished inside her ass. He then started to ride her ass with a powerful rhythm as his two fingers were stimulating her hard clit. He just kept grinding into her. He felt her first vaginal orgasm after ten minutes. The bulbous tip of his cock was stimulating her G-spot. Her second vaginal orgasm was massive, she shook and trembled with it. It came five minutes after her first orgasm. He pulled out then went back inside her hot wet pussy doggy style.

For the next thirty minutes, he pounded her hard and deep. Her pussy was squelching with her cunt juices. He was rubbing her clit as he rode her. She loved it. Sue was a fantastic ride. She did subtle little things that gave a lot of pleasure. The way she put her hand on his balls and massaged them. She had taken some of her cunt juice on her middle finger then slid it up his ass. They both climaxed within seconds of each other. He had exploded inside her. She then gripped his cock at the base and held him inside her.

She held him for two minutes then he slid out. She turned around, and they kissed so gently but with so much feeling. She said, "That was, without doubt, the best fuck of my life. That's the first time in my life that I have been ass fucked. I loved it. I had two vaginal orgasms when you ass fucked me. That's amazing. Let me get some Champagne, we both deserve it."

They sat on the sofa chatting; Sue said, "I can't get your Doctorate with Distinction, out of my head. You have the world at your feet. Go to the six firms that have approached you. They must sell themselves to you as you have already sold yourself to them. I don't mind financing you in setting up your firm. George is right, you know the car hire business inside out. That could be the way to go."

He replied, "I have written two specialist papers. The University has recognised them. That's all it is. It's a good thing to have after your name, and it will, without doubt, open many doors. You are right in what you say. There's no pressure on me, and that's a good thing. You should go to the Pampered Lady once a month, but I will pamper you every day."

They started to kiss and touch. She loved to go down and suck his cock, and he loved to eat her pussy. There was nothing rushed with their movements. They were both taking their time just enjoying being intimate together. Paul was now lying on the carpet, and Sue went on top of him. She soon had a steady rhythm going as she went up and down on him using her feet and legs to generate power. He loved how her massive breasts were swaying with her movements.

At five-forty-five they both orgasmed within seconds of each other. She sat on top of him holding his cock inside her. She leaned forward, and they kissed with a lot of affection. She said, "That was wonderful, it just gets better and better. Let's shower together then we can both dress for dinner. I have bought something special for tonight. When you are dressed could you wait in the lounge as I want to surprise you?"

He agreed to do this. Then they showered, both washing the other's bodies. They dried themselves then went to their respective bedrooms to dress. Paul dressed then sat in the lounge with a glass of Champagne. He was amazed at how the day had gone with Sue, from that first intimate kiss. It had all felt so natural. They were so comfortable together. She was his mother, but now she was his lover. He wondered how she felt; he would ask her after they had made love tonight. He had no problem with it at all, and he didn't think that she had either.

At ten past seven, Sue came into the lounge. She looked stunning; she was wearing a low cut red dress which hugged her figure and empathised her massive breasts. She was wearing her long pearls but in three strings. They looked terrific as they hung between her breasts. She was wearing a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. Her shoes matched. Paul stood up, and they kissed. He said, "My lady in red, you look ravishing. The Pampered Lady is good for you. You look stunning; I am proud to be your partner this evening. Let me get you a glass of Champagne."

She replied, "Thank you, that was a beautiful thing to say. I am also proud to be your partner. I am so looking forward to this evening."

They finished their Champagne and arrived at the Colonial precisely on seven-thirty. He ordered a bottle of Champagne and a Chateaubriand medium rare. Sue said, "I once cooked a Chateaubriand with Bearnaise sauce. It came out well. I have still got the recipe for the sauce. I will cook that for you one night. It's straightforward to do. Do you know when the band will start?"

He asked a waiter and was told that they played from eight until eleven. The duo started at eight; it was the same two who had played at the Reunion dinner. They had three dances before their meal was served. The meal was delicious. Paul arranged for Lady in Red to be sung for today's Birthday girl Sue. Sue was impressed. They danced a lot. They stayed and danced until eleven. They both had enjoyed the evening. They walked home arm in arm. Sue said, "I'm so happy that we have crossed the line, I wish that we had done it earlier, I feel good. I love your cock. I can't wait to feel him inside me again."

He replied, "I'm happy too. How would mummy like to be fucked tonight?"

Sue said, "Any way that you want to but I would like you to ass fuck me doggy style as that gives me intense orgasms. We have had a lot of sex today, and I have loved every minute of it. The more time we spend together, the better the sex will get."

They arrived home and went into the lounge. They were both naked a minute later. Paul sat on the sofa and Sue went down on him. For the next fifteen minutes, she teased his hard cock with her tongue, lips and fingers. Paul's middle finger was making a circular motion on her hard clit. He noticed that her cunt was getting very wet, he then wondered if sucking cock aroused her. He was using her cunt juice to lube her ass. He now had three fingers inside her ass.

He bent her over the sofa then slipped his cock into her ass doggy style. She took the full length with the first thrust. He soon had a powerful rhythm going. Sue loved it and was moaning with pleasure. Paul was stimulating her clit two fingers. Five minutes later Sue had a vaginal orgasm. It was a powerful one as she was shaking with it. Ten minutes later she had her second, and it was more potent than the first. He then pulled out of her ass and went into her cunt doggy style.

He was taking it very slowly; every thrust was slow and deep. She loved it as every move was deliberate. He was rubbing her clit at the same tempo as his slow thrusts. She was gripping his cock at the base and the tip. He kept this up for the next thirty minutes. They both climaxed within seconds of each other. He pulled out and turned her around. They kissed with a lot of tenderness and affection. Sue said, "Darling, thank you for this wonderful day. This morning was excellent. Lunch then this afternoon's lovemaking was fabulous. Dinner and this evening have been amazing. Thank you so much."

They kissed again then went to Sue's bedroom. As they lay in bed, Sue said, "I was thinking about inviting May around for supper. Would you like a threesome with her and me? On another evening I could invite Carol. That would give you a lot of variety. Darling, would you like that?"

Next chapter