
A Responsive Mum


It was Jack's last day at University, he knew that he would miss it, the friendship, the camaraderie, the exchange of information. Several of his friends were meeting at four for a drink. It was now one, Jack had three hours to kill, he went to a cafe for some lunch. After he had eaten, he sat over a coffee reflecting on his life so far. Uncle Tom, had died six months ago, he was his mother's father's brother, he had played a major part in Jack's life so far, he had a great life, he was ninety-five when he died.

He had always been there for Jack. He was a Professor of Mathematics, when Jack was six, a game that they played was counting the numbers on car registration plates. This had great consequences in Jack's life, he was excellent at mental arithmetic. Uncle Tom gave Jack a laptop for his tenth birth, that's when Jack's interest in computers and computer programming began.

Uncle Tom was a very wealthy man, he had written over thirty books. He had an amazing Town House in a square close to the University. It was the only one that was still in its original condition, the rest had all been converted into flats. The stables at the rear of the house were still stables and could be converted into five Mews apartments. He had also a Penthouse in a block of luxury apartments with magnificent sea views on the coast. Uncle Tom and Jack spent every summer there, they both loved each other's company.

Jack had decided to take a University course on Computer Programming, Uncle Tom had told him that he had a natural talent for it. When Jack was nineteen, he wrote a gaming programme, he tried to get it listed on a Gaming Website, it was so frustrating, they were charging top dollar for every aspect of the listing, including a sizable percentage of the sales, Uncle Tom said, "Jack, you have a wonderful game, all these companies are exploiting you. It would be better if you set up your own website then you listed your games and also listed other programmers games at a reasonable price."

That was the start of Jack's business. Uncle Tom set up a company in Grand Cayman, the website was hosted there. Uncle Tom and Jack flew there to arrange everything. Uncle Tom had many contacts there as he had had offshore companies all his life. Six months later it was operational, Jack's program was a success, he was also being paid for hosting other programmers games. Jack, still a student, was making a lot of money. Jack couldn't have done it without Uncle Tom. His business ran from Uncle Tom's Penthouse, every weekend Jack was there working as he had peace and quiet with nothing to disturb him.

During the week he stayed at home with his mum and dad. He loved his mum's cooking but his own cooking had improved considerably as he was cooking a lot for Uncle Tom. Jack then thought back to two months before Uncle Tom died, Jack felt that he was going to die soon. Uncle Tom said, "Jack, I am leaving you the Penthouse in my will, I want you to have it, it's a beautiful place to live and work in. I'm leaving my house in the City to your mum, she should sell it to a developer, the house and gardens are in excellent condition but it's to big for one person or even a family to live in."

"Your mum doesn't get on with your father, they haven't got on for years. You're the reason that she has stayed there but I think she would move if you are no longer in the house. Whatever you do in life, make sure that you always look after your mother."

Jack then realised he hadn't told his mum that he was going for a drink with some of his friends from University, he sent her a message, "Hi mum, I'm out for a few drinks with friends tonight, it could be the last time that I see some of them for a while. I'll get the eight-forty train so I'll be home around nine. I will get something to eat at the pup. See you later, Jack."

A couple of minutes later mum replied, "Jack, thanks for letting me know. I'll make myself a nice omelette tonight, I've got some ironing to do as Mrs Simpson's eldest daughter had a beautiful baby son yesterday and she didn't manage to come in yesterday or today. If I don't do it then there will be to much for her to do next week. Have a nice evening and I will see you later, Love mum."

Jack smiled then thought of Mrs Simpson's younger daughter Kate, Jack was friends with her. He had driven her home one night from the local disco, she had given him his first blow job years ago, she was very good at it. He had never dated her but she was a phone call away from him and they both gave each other sexual relief. Kate was like her mum, they both had curvy bodies.

Jack had an excellent night, he only drank one and controlled his drinking, the others were all drunk. A couple of the people there were also renting space on his website, it was a good night. Jack got home just before nine, mum was in the kitchen doing the ironing, mum said, "I thought that you might be a little drunk but you're quite sober."

"Mum, I only drank wine, all the others are all drunk, some of them are now going to a disco but that wasn't for me. I left some wine in the fridge so I'll have a glass now, would you like a glass with me?"

"Jack, I would love that, I have one more of your shirts to do then I'm finished then we can go into the lounge, you can pour the wine now if you want."

Jack then realised that this was the first time he had ever had a drink with his mum. Jack enjoyed wine but he only drank occasionally, mum had a glass or two of wine every day. Jack got the wine glasses from a kitchen cupboard then had to squeeze past mum to get to the fridge. There wasn't much room between the kitchen table, the ironing board and the fridge, Jack said, " Breathe in mum, it's quite tight."

Mum laughed then said, "There's plenty of room, I hope that you're not saying that I'm fat."

Mum was standing upright, she was a tall woman with a voluptuous body, Jack was trying to squeeze past her back and more importantly her beautiful tight butt, Jack put his hands on mum's hips and slowly tried to slip past her, he said, "You are not fat at all mum, it's a tight space and I'm a big guy and you are not small."

Jack was now directly behind his mum, her butt was hard against his groin, it felt good but he hoped he wouldn't get a hard on, mum said, "Do you want me to move? I feel comfortable with you squeezing past me."

Mum had the hot ironing her hand, she put it on it's stand to fold a shirt, Jack squeezed her waist firmly, it felt good, she had no fat then squeezed past her, he said, "I have done it mum, was it as good for you as it was for me?"

Mum laughed then said, "That's the closest any man has been to me in years, yes, it felt great for me too."

Jack got the wine from the fridge, mum moved out of the way then put the ironing board away as Jack opened the wine. Jack poured two glasses then got a wine cooler and put the wine bottle in it. The wine was a Chablis, after mum tasted it she said, "Jack, you're spoiling me, that's so much better than the cheap wine that I normally drink."

As mum said that, Jack thought, mum is such a gorgeous looking woman, it felt so good when he squeezed her waist, Jack realised that he must now be careful as he was attracted to his mum, he loved her but he knew now that when he looked at her voluptuous body, it aroused him, he didn't want this to happen but it was happening.

They went into the lounge and sat on the sofa, then mum said, "Jack, I'm happy that you've now finished at University, Uncle Tom would have been so proud of you, what are you going to do now? Will you live in Uncle Tom's apartment or will you still stay here with me?"

"Mum, I must spend some time at the apartment, that's where the most powerful Computer is, also there's a glass-fibre Internet connection there which is much faster than the connection here, why do you ask?"

Mum thought for a minute, she topped up both of their glasses then said, "Jack, you know that I don't get on with your dad, we've had separate bedrooms for years. I've stayed with him only because of you. I'm going to divorce him now that you've graduated. You are now secure thanks to Uncle Tom. I am also secure with the house that Uncle Tom left me. I'm taking my time with the sale of it as I want the best deal from it. Once I have more information then can we spend time discussing the pros and cons as I would welcome your advice?"

Jack replied, "No problem, I'll gladly help you, with Uncle Tom's house, what will happen with this house?"

Mum answered as Jack topped up their glasses, "My father bought this house, I own it, your father has his own house where he entertains his lady friends. I've asked him to clear his belongings from here on Wednesday at two in the afternoon, Jack, can you be here with me when he does that? I'm also going to sell this house as it's far to big for me."

Jack replied, "I'll be there on Wednesday for you, I would also change the locks on the doors so you are the only one that has access, you've an awful lot of furniture between here and Uncle Tom's, what will you do with it as there's a lot of money in that furniture as it's mostly antiques?"

"Jack, that's a problem for me, I want to sell it but I don't want to give it away."

"Mum, you have the stable block at Uncle Tom's, there's massive storage there, let me do the deal with whoever buys the house so we can have access to the stable until we decide to sell it. I will set up a website for you then we can start to sell things online that way we're not rushing into anything. Mum you can stay with me so you're not under any pressure to buy a house. You don't need to worry about money as I'm making a good living from my website. Did you want to leave dad before now?"

"Jack, what a great idea, that's the logical way to go about things. In all of the dealings with Uncle Tom's house, I want you involved in them. I have changed the locks apart from the side door you use, I'll change the barrel in the lock now and give you a key, that way your father has no way of entering the house. I would love to come and stay with you, it's so nice on the balcony there, I could be your housekeeper, would you like that?"

"I'd love it mum, would I call you Mrs Simpson?"

Mum laughed and blushed which surprised Jack then mum said, "Babs Simpson is an excellent housekeeper,over the last years I couldn't have managed without her, she was always there when I needed her. Let's go and change the barrel on the lock then we can have another glass of wine. I will feel so secure after we change it, then you and I are the only people that can get into the house."

They went to the kitchen where mum got a screwdriver, Jack was amazed how skilful mum was, she changed the barrel in just over a minute then handed Jack his key and said, "That's the first time I've ever done that but I was watching carefully every time the man changed a barrel on the other doors."

Jack got another bottle of wine when he came back into the lounge mum had changed into her butterfly pyjamas, Jack took this as a subtle hint that it was late and mum wanted to go to bed, Jack said, "One glass mum then I'll go to bed, I will stay here tomorrow night too, is there anything that you would like me to do tomorrow?"

Mum smiled then said, "Jack, there's no rush, I'm enjoying chatting and having a glass of wine with you. I changed into my pyjamas because the bra I was wearing was cutting into me, I had to take it off, I never wear a bra when I wear my pyjamas."

Jack smiled then said, "I'm enjoying it too, let's finish this bottle then we can call it a day. Mum, let's go out for dinner tomorrow night, we have never done that, I'll take you anywhere that you want to go?"

Mum replied, "I'd love that, we can go to the Italian restaurant, it's only a two minute walk from here."

They agreed to go to the Italian restaurant, they finished the wine then took the empty bottles and glasses into the kitchen. Mum put the glasses and some plates and cutlery she had been using into the dishwasher, as she bent down Jack noticed her massive tits sway, they looked beautiful. Mum stood in front of Jack, looking into his eyes, mum said, "I feel good that we have had our chat, I know that you will help me get through this nightmare, I'm also looking forward to dinner tomorrow night."

She moved her head towards Jack's head, he leaned down then their lips met, mum's tongue went deep inside Jack's mouth. She was pulling Jack towards her as Jack was pulling her towards him. The kisses were long and passionate, mum was squeezing Jack's chest, Jack was cupping mum's left breast, it was a handful, her nipples were hard. The stopped kissing, they looked into each other's eyes, Jack said, "I'm looking forward to dinner tomorrow night."

The next morning mum came into Jack's bedroom just after eight; she usually did this to let him know when breakfast would be ready. Jack smiled when he saw her; she smiled back, then said, "Breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes. I've already showered as I want to go to town. I have nothing to wear; it's so long since I was last out. I've got an appointment with the hairdresser at two, can you fend for yourself at lunchtime or will I make you some sandwiches?"

Mum, I'll be fine. I'll manage to make something for myself. I think that I will look around here and also go to Uncle Bob's house to make a list of his things, I'll put them on an Excel file then it will be easier to keep a record of things. I know the combination of Uncle Bob's safe, he gave it to me, but I've never opened it. Would you like us to do that together one day?"

"Jack, I trust you, do it if you want, or we can do it together next week have a look inside then you can tell me tonight what's inside."

Mum lent forward, and they kissed, it was a tongue kiss again, but this was tender and affectionate. Mum went downstairs; Jack joined her two minutes later. Mum made Jack a mug of tea then Jack said, "I'm going to be glued to my laptop the next few days, I want to research all the pieces of furniture and try and get a realistic value for them. Mum, Uncle Bob set up a PayPal account for my website offshore, we could use that then you wouldn't be paying any tax, we can talk about it when I have more information."

After breakfast mum left, it was just after nine; Jack tidied up then showered. He went around the house; he was amazed at the quality of the furniture and the furnishings. There was a lot of money in the contents of the house. Jack looked in his father's bedroom; he was surprised that there weren't many clothes there, it was a bare minimum of things. Jack was beginning to realise why mum disliked him so much. Jack then went into mum's bedroom; everything was so neat. There were two gorgeous bedside cabinets beside mum's bed; Jack opened the drawer of one, there was a selection of vibrators, dildos and strapons, there was also a couple of tubes of lube. Jack thought mum must enjoy anal. Then he saw a note; the handwriting was so neat, it read, "Hi Jo, sorry I didn't see you today, I've changed your bed, and the washing is done and dried, I'll iron on Friday. Yesterday, my package arrived from the toy shop; I've left the dildo that you ordered under your pillow. It's long and thick, the way you like them. Hopefully, I can give you some fun with it on Friday. Love Babs x."

Jack reread it then realised that mum and Babs Simpson were lovers. Babs was like Kate, tall with a curvy body. Kate could give a lot of pleasure; Jack was confident that her mum could do the same. Jack now knew that mum was getting relief from Babs, the same way as he was getting relief from Kate, it's a small world. Jack went and made himself a coffee as he mulled things over in his mind. The idea of having sex with mum appealed to him as he found mum so attractive. He decided that he would start to flirt with mum, if she responded, well and good, if she didn't, then he would still give her all the love and help that he could.

Jack worked on researching all the main pieces in the downstairs living rooms. There was also a snooker room with a gorgeous oak snooker table. The room was beautiful with the oak panelling which complimented the table. He was listing pieces but not giving them a value until he knew what they were worth. Then he found a site that gave him prices that articles had realised at auction; this was a great find.

He made a cheese and tomato omelette for lunch. Just before two, he got a message from mum which read, "Jack, I've had a wonderful morning. I have found two excellent shops; they have just been opened. They are a boutique type of shop. I have bought several new outfits. I have enjoyed this so much. I haven't bought anything new for years. I've bought several outfits with mini-skirts, I was a little apprehensive about this, but the lady in the shop said that I have the legs and figure to carry it off. The lady was excellent with colours, every outfit that I have bought suits me perfectly colour wise."

"She also suggested that I have my hair cut and highlighted, she's given me a picture of the style and hair colouring that will suit me best. I have also bought some lingerie, I feel so comfortable in it, and the bras don't hurt my tits which have been a problem for years for me. I have taken the liberty of booking a table for seven, but they need the table for nine, I agreed to that. I'll be home around five; I will soak in the bath then how about our meeting in the lounge around six-thirty for a glass of wine? Hope you got lunch sorted out. Love, mum, xx."

Jack replied, "That sounds great mum, six-thirty is great for me. I'm glad that you have got nice things. I am sure that you'll look good in everything. I made myself an omelette for lunch, it was good. I have one question, how do you want me to dress this evening? A suit or smart casual? Tell me what to wear, and I'll do it as I don't want to clash with what you're wearing. Love Jack xx."

Jack didn't get a reply until two and a half hours later, Jack went out and bought several bottles of champagne, he put three in the fridge so they would be chilled for tonight. Mum's message read, "Jack, your yellow Ralph Lauren shirt, your beige chinos, your Timberland deck shoes and a big smile for me. See you at six-thirty, love mum xx."

Jack smiled then continued his research; the website was fantastic; it gave pictures, a condition report and price realised. He was now able to put a value on the different pieces. He went for a shower just after four; he noticed his pubic hair had grown, he then trimmed himself very close as Kate had told him that she didn't like hair in her teeth. Jack preferred himself smooth as it made his groin area much more sensitive. He mum come home just after five, then heard her singing in the bath, he had never heard her do that before, she sounded pleased.

Jack went to the lounge at six-twenty with a wine cooler, bottle of champagne and two glasses. Mum came in precisely at six-thirty, she looked stunning, her hair and colouring suited her perfectly as did the jacket, blouse and mini-skirt she was wearing, she hugged Jack then said, "I want to kiss you, but I don't want to mess up my lipstick and makeup."

Jack opened the champagne as mum sat on the sofa, he could see the top of her self-supporting stockings, her legs looked beautiful. The bra mum was wearing was pushing her massive tits up and out, the looked fantastic. Jack told her that he now had a system which would give him value for everything they had. He told her he hadn't time to go to Uncle Bob's today, but maybe they both could go together tomorrow. At five to seven, they left for the restaurant.

Mum was wearing heels which was unusual for her. They held hands as they walked, mum was stroking Jack's hand in a stimulating way, she had a delicate touch.

The meal was excellent; they had a starter and main course. They left the restaurant at a quarter to nine; Jack told the waiter that they would be back. When they arrived back at the house just after Jack had closed the front door, mum hugged him then kissed him passionately, her tongue was buried in Jack's mouth. Jack's hands and fingers were exploring her body; mum was doing the same to Jack, soon she found his erect cock, she started stroking the outline of his long thick cock erect in his chinos, it felt so good. Mum said, "Jack, have I made you so hard?"

"Yes mum, you arouse me so much, it feels so good when we kiss. I hope that it's the same for you?"

"Darling, I love it too. I feel like a teenager on my first date; I wanted you last night. I wanted to come to your room, but I was scared to in case you would reject me, let me love you, Jack, as only a mother can?"

"I will love you, mum, as only a son can, I want to satisfy you in every way that I can, let me look after all your needs."

Mum was undoing the buttons of her blouse as she led Jack to her bedroom. They both stripped naked in the bedroom then when mum saw Jack's magnificent erect cock she said, "Jack, your cock is magnificent, it's so long and thick, the head is so bulbous it is like a giant mushroom."

Mum then went down on Jack; her lips and tongue were everywhere. Within seconds her lips were around the base of Jack's cock, her head bobbing up and down as the head of Jack's cock was hitting the walls of her throat. It felt so good; mum was doing this lovingly and thoughtfully, Jack was so worried that he would embarrass himself by cuming too quickly. He then lay mum on the top of her bed, and they began to 69.

Jack was impressed with mum's vulva, it was smooth and swollen, he spread her cunt lips open, and out popped a huge hooded clitoris, he teased it with his tongue as he slid a finger inside her very wet cunt. Soon he was finger fucking her with three fingers as he sucked her large clit like a little cock. Jack had now settled down; he wouldn't be cuming prematurely as he was now in control of mum's hungry cunt. Mum was purring with pleasure now as she pushed her pussy against Jack's mouth, twice Jack had felt the warmth of mum's cum in his mouth but he going knowing that soon she would have a more intensive orgasm.

A couple of minutes later mum flooded Jack's mouth with her cum; it was a big one, mum said, "Baby, you've made mummy cum, that was so good, that was a strong orgasm, hold my cum in your mouth, don't be greedy and swallow it. Come and cum kiss mummy then we can share mummy's hot cum."

It aroused Jack the way mum was talking; he knew now that the sex between them was going to be excellent. Mum then cum kissed Jack, both their tongues working hard, transferring her cum from her mouth into his. The look of satisfaction on mum's face was fantastic, mum was loving what she was doing, she was comfortable with their foreplay.

Jack said, "Mum, your cum tastes so sweet, it's delicious, are you ready for me now?"

"Jack, I'm ready, please be gentle at the beginning, when I get used to your magnificent cocktail then you can go harder and deeper, the last cock that I had was your father's, and that was over eight years ago. I want to feel you inside me."

"Mum, don't worry, if you have any pain or discomfort then tell me, we've all weekend for you to get used to me, so there's no rush, just you lie back and enjoy."

Mum got into the missionary position; her legs were bent at the knees, Jack went on top of her, mum guided the head of his cock up and down her wet sex slit a couple of times then centred in the middle of her sex slit then said, "I'm ready."

With a gentle push, Jack's length slid inside mum; Jack went in and out a couple of times, it felt so good, mum had a tight pussy and powerful cunt muscles.

"Jack, it feels so good, you are filling me, my pussy feels stretched, but I have no pain, just a tingling sensation. The head of your cock is hitting my cervix; I've never had that before. Baby, I'm going to enjoy getting used to this."

Jack now upped the tempo, mum responded by raising her legs into the air, she was holding her ankles, this allowed Jack to penetrate deeper. Mum was now adjusting her pussy to let Jack's cock to go inside her at different angles; mum knew what she was doing. Mum said, "That's so good, you're going to make mummy cum, mummy wants to cum, make mummy cum for you."

Jack was now pounding his mum's pussy; the harder and deeper he went, the more she liked it. Five minutes later, they both climaxed simultaneously; Jack was happy that this had happened. It felt so good as he shot his load inside his mum's hungry cunt, the lay in bed kissing and touching, Jack said, "Mum, I feel good, I'm so happy that we have done this, it was so natural, I hope that you enjoyed it too."

Mum kissed Jack; she was stroking his still erect cock, she said, "Jack, that was the best fuck of my life, we can only get better at it as we get to know the other's likes. Would you like from now to share my bed?"

"Mum, I would love that. I want to wake up every morning with you lying beside me then we'll make love, what a wonderful way to start the day."

The next days, Jack and mum were inseparable. They spent time at home, logging the pieces that they wanted to sell. They also spend time at Uncle Tom's house. They opened the safe together; there were a lot of share certificates there which Uncle Bob had cataloged. He was a very wealthy man. The stables were ideal for use as a storeroom; it could hold a lot of furniture. It was going to take some time cataloging the contents; mum would help Jack as she found it so interesting.

Mum was now wearing no underwear and very accessible clothing during the day. They would be working away together, and the next minute they were making love. Mum was worried about Wednesday's meeting. On Monday morning the post arrived from mum's lawyer saying they had a letter from her husband's lawyer saying that he wouldn't contest the divorce and to give all of his possessions in the house to a charity as he did not need for them now.

Mum was over the moon with this; they had made love when they woke up. They had breakfast then the mail had arrived after mum had read the letter they went back to bed. Mum was hot and noisy; Jack had ass fucked her last night for the first time, she had loved it and wanted it again. Mum had forgotten that Babs would be there from nine until one. She came on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at this time.

Mum had also forgotten to close the bedroom door. Mum was so vocal, she was crying out, "Fuck me, Jack, I need your cock."

"Go hard and deep, fill me, baby."

"This is wonderful, fill my hungry cunt with your cum."

"I'm cuming, cum with me baby."

Jack made his mum cum three times, on her third orgasm Jack climaxed a few seconds after mum. They then showered together. Mum was so happy that the divorce was going through uncontested. Jack's father had agreed to pay all mum's legal expenses. It was then a clean break; mum kept the house and contents. Jack was now working and no longer needed support. His father had never supported him; it had always been mum and Uncle Tom. Jack had always felt closer to Uncle Tom than to his father.

As they dressed mum took off her wedding ring and put it on her dressing table, she said, "Jack, I'll keep this here, I will only wear it if we go away together then when we check into a hotel they will think that you are my husband."

Mum put on her tight-fitting leggings and a top; they were going to Uncle Bob's as mum wanted another look at the stables. They went downstairs; mum got a shock when she saw Babs in the kitchen. Mum said, "Hi Babs, how are you? I've lost track of time; I didn't realise this was Monday."

Babs was very diplomatic when she said, "Good morning Jo, good morning Jack, I'm good, I have been swamped, I have dusted all the porcelain in the lounge and dining room, I have meant to do it for a while but finally found time this morning."

Mum said, "That's great. Babs, Jack, do you know that Babs has an online business dealing in porcelain, we should ask Babs to help us with our porcelain?"

Jack replied, "I didn't know that Uncle Tom has lots of porcelain; perhaps Babs could have a look at it one day as I know nothing about porcelain."

Mum said, "Babs, to put you in the picture, Uncle Tom has left me his large house and contents. Now that I'm divorced, I'm going to downsize such a lot of the things in this house will have to go, don't worry about your job as I'll need you in my new apartment."

Babs replied, "Jo, I'm so happy that you're divorced, I never liked that man. I wish you all the best. Of course, I will help you all that I can; furniture is hard to sell on the Internet, you have so much here that it will take a while to sell, maybe you should rent a small warehouse and sell from there, you have so much here you might need to do that."

Jack was looking at Babs; she was an intelligent woman as was Kate, Babs was similar to mum, big busted with a super figure. Mum said, "Today, Jack and I are going to Uncle Tom's house, we'll look at the old stable block again, there's certainly enough space there. Jack, I think we should keep the stable for our use, it's in a densely populated area, has it's own access, and there's good parking there, we should think about this as I'd like to get into the Antique business."

Jack smiled then said, "If you want that mum, then we can do it, we can check things out this afternoon."

Babs had a serious look on her face then said, "Jo, that sounds a great idea, could I have a little space then I could sell my porcelain there?"

"Babs, of course, you can. We could all go on Wednesday after you finish, then you can see everything for yourself."

They had coffee with Babs then left. Jack saw Babs in a new light; there was something very sexy about her.

They arrived at Uncle Tom's house, they went straight to the stables, there were the stables with another sizeable building which may have been living accommodation then on a second floor was the same size again, it was in total a vast area. Mum was impressed; they went outside to the courtyard which they could use for parking then unlocked the rear gates which gave access to the lane behind the stables. It would be so easy to create an Antique business here. As they walked back to the house, mum said, "Jack, let's do it, let's create an Antique business here, that building has so much character."

"Mum, we will do it, if we clear Uncle Tom's house we don't need to sell the house immediately, it does not cost us anything, if it is not occupied then we don't pay any rates on the property. We can sell it if we want after the Antique business is up and running."

That night after they had made love, Jack said, "Mum, why did you never take a lover?"

"I didn't want to Jack, probably because of you, I wasn't interested in other men. I will be honest with you Jack, I'm bisexual, when I had needs and urges I found that I could get relief and satisfaction from a woman, I have a few girlfriends that I can see, what do you think about that?"

They were both lying on top of the bed, Jack looked at mum's gorgeous naked body, their mixture of cum cocktail dripping from mum's perfect sex slit, Jack replied, "Mum, if I were in your position, with the husband you had then I'd have done the same thing. Did you specifically go looking for your girlfriends, or did it just happen?"

"I had my suspicions about your father for a long time, then I saw and read messages on his phone. He was seeing several younger women. I challenged him about it; he told me to mind my own business. I told him to move all his clothes out of my bedroom. He did that then began sleeping, if he was here, in another bedroom."

"I never slept with him again; you were staying with Uncle Tom as it was the school summer holidays. Some months later, I told Uncle Tom, not what had happened. Still, I was not getting on with your father but would allow him to sleep here until you had finished your education, he was very understanding, he helped me a lot, he gave you some stability in your formative years which your father did not."

"One morning, Babs found me crying in the kitchen, she made me a strong coffee, we sat in the lounge, Babs hugged and cuddled me, she showed me so much affection, kindness and love. We kissed and touched, Babs aroused me, she awakened me sexually, we became lovers that morning. Through all my bad times, Babs was there for me, she could satisfy me sexually, not like you do, but she could arouse me then give me relief, I found that I needed what she gave me."

Jack then kissed mum tenderly and affectionately for several minutes, then with a smile, he said, "Mum, I don't blame you for doing what you did, it gave you some comfort, and I'm sure it gave Babs comfort too, we are quite similar, we both like women with big tits."

Mum laughed loudly, she gave Jack a big kiss then said, "Babs tits are very sensitive, I can make her cum with just sucking and playing with them, Babs loves to give pleasure, she would adore your cock, we should involve Babs in the Antique business, would you like to share her with me? I would love it if you would, I'm all Babs has got sexually, I will still see her, but I would feel better if you and I saw her together, I hope that you can understand that Jack?"

Jack kissed his mum passionately; his massive cock was still erect. Still, he felt so aroused with the thought of having Babs and his mum in a threesome, thinking of watching Babs and mum making love excited him so much, Jack said, "Mum, I haven't a problem with that, I know now that Babs has been there for you for a very long time, I respect and admire her for that. I know that you appreciate all that Babs has done for you. If you still want to see her, then you must do that, she has been very loyal to you, and you must be loyal to her now. I would love to share her with you; I would also love to watch you both make love together."

Mum cuddled and kissed Jack with an excited urgency; she then said as she stroked Jack's hard cock, "Babs and I will make love in front of you, then you can fuck us both. We would both work on your cock as I'm doing now, we would both suck, lick and massage you to give you pleasure, I know that Babs would love to do that with me. When we were together, we have both spoken of our fantasies; we both wanted to share a man; you will be that lucky man."

Jack then asked mum to go on top in the cowgirl position; he loved to watch her big tits bounce as she rode him. Mum was still very wet; she soon had a powerful rhythm going as pounded on his erect cock. As she rode him, mum brought her left tit to her mouth, she then started licking and sucking it as she squeezed and played with her right tit. Jack was stroking her hard clit as she did this, it looked so good, mum was enjoying this a lot, Jack believed that the thought of Babs joining them was arousing mum, Jack asked, "Would Babs like to do this to me mum? You are giving me a wonderful ride; I love what you are doing with your tits."

"Jack, she would love it, Babs has taught me so many things. Babs can take it in every hole, she once told me that she wanted to be ass fucked by a guy when she was in the cowgirl position, I'd love to watch her doing that with you, and after your finished doing it with her, then you do it to me. Would you do that for us, Jack? We would both love it."

"Mum, of course, we will do it, we'll do a lot of things, keep going mum, I want to feel you cum then watch your spunk run down my cock and onto my balls, mum cum for me, do it for me mum, cum for me."

Mum moved up a gear; she was riding him faster and harder, using her cunt muscles to grip at the right times; she was giving him a great ride. Jack felt himself getting close too. As mum said, "I'm cumin."

Jack first spurt of cum was being shot inside her. It was terrific for both of them. Mum lent forward and started to kiss Jack so tenderly as both their spunk began to drip from mum's cunt. Mum said, "Oh my god, Jack, that was a good one."

The next morning Jack woke up to see mum lubing her ass, she looked so sexy as she did it, she had an angelic look on her face. When she had finished, she lubed Jack's now erect cock; Jack had got hard from watching mum lube herself. Mum then went on top of Jack, in the cowgirl position, she then centred Jack's cock on the middle of her ass hole and pushed her ass down on his cock. Mum took the full length then started to ass fuck Jack's cock.

After mum's first vaginal orgasm brought on by the stimulation of her G-spot, mum said, "It's great Jack, I think that your head goes deeper when we do it doggy style, it still hits and G-spot and makes me cum, I enjoy riding you like this."

Mum had another two vaginal orgasms then brought Jack's cock out of her ass and slid it inside her dripping pussy. It didn't take mum long to build up a powerful rhythm; she was giving Jack a fantastic ride; her strong cunt muscles were working hard. Twenty minutes later they both orgasmed within seconds of each other. Mum leaned down and kissed Jack; she was gripping his cock tightly, holding him securely inside her dripping cunt. A minute later, mum said, "Jack, I'm going to call Dave, the painter, to ask him to meet us at the stables. He's developed his business into a huge concern. He did a lot of work for Uncle Tom; I know that a couple of years ago he suggested sealing the stable floor, which is level with a sealant. If that's possible, then it could save us a lot of money when we refurbish the stables."

Mum then phoned Dave directly on his mobile; they would meet at ten this morning. They showered then mum made breakfast. They arrived at the stables just as Dave was arriving. Dave had been doing the painting for the family from the time he worked for a firm. Now he owned the firm and still did all the painting work for them.

Mum explained that she wanted to convert the stables into an Antique Centre, she then asked Dave if he could do the work for her. Dave told her that his firm could do all the work for her; he now employed electricians, so the electrical work was not a problem as well. He then suggested installing Solar Panels on the roof of the stables which would generate enough electricity to run the Antique Centre.

Jack was impressed with Dave; he knew what he was doing and was very professional in the way he went about things. He then said to mum, "Jo, I have over one hundred cabinets in my store, they came from a mobile phone distributor, they have lighting inside though I would suggest that you change the bulbs to LED. If you are going to rent out cabinets, they would be ideal for you. I need the space that they're taking up; I can let you have them for a good price?"

They then went to Dave's warehouse. Jack and mum loved the cabinets; they were secure and lockable. They needed the advertising stickers for the mobile phone companies removed, and the lights changed to LED. They agreed a price and Dave would deliver them after he had completed the work in the stables though Jack and mum could have access to Dave's warehouse if they wanted to start working on the cabinets.

Dave then told them that he could put four men on to the job on Monday. Jack and mum were happy that things could move so quickly. They were happier five hours later when Dave phoned mum to say that a job they had been working on had been completed early and seven men would start the preliminary work tomorrow morning at seven-thirty. The following morning Jack was at the stables just after seven, he had found another set of keys in the house so was able to give the foreman a set which he could use. The workmen had brought one of the cabinets with all the advertising material removed and LED lights installed; Jack was impressed how good it looked, they had counted them yesterday, they had one hundred and sixty-four of them.

Jack spent the rest of the morning at the stables, in spent time looking at the amount of space they had, there was a lot of space. Dave's workmen were excellent; they knew exactly what they were doing. All the wiring was being replaced; new fuse boxes were being installed. There were two men on the roof installing the Solar Panels, with the number they were installed they would have their electricity and be selling a lot to the electricity company. A gas central heating system was also being installed.

Jack went home for lunch at twelve; mum had been to the hairdressers, she looked good. After lunch Babs came into the kitchen, she was wearing jeans and a tight-fitting top, she looked good, mum was similarly dressed in jeans and top, Babs said, "Hi Jack, have you had a busy morning? Jo was telling me that you were there at seven this morning, it's so exciting what you're doing. I can't wait to see it."

Jack smiled then said, "I'm good Babs, I was impressed with the workmen this morning, they are all so professional, they stopped for lunch at twelve, but they have done a lot this morning. I'm sure that you'll like what you see. Mum, they brought one of the cabinets this morning, they are ideal, they look good cleaned up, the lights are amazing, they are so bright and hardly use any electricity."

They all went in the one car and arrived just after one. Save was there, he came over to them and said, "I'm happy that we got started this morning, we can get so much preparatory work done, the original electrics must be seventy years old. The building is so sound, we drilled through the floor, and there's insulation there that been there since the stables were built, the horses could sleep on the floor and they wouldn't be cold?"

Dave then left them, Jack and mum then showed Babs around. They were impressed when they saw the cabinet, Babs said, "My daughter Kate, deals in silver, my mother collected silver when she died Kate took over the collection and started dealing in it. She's like me, we deal online, but I'm sure she'd be interested in taking one of the cabinets, we must talk about that."

They then went into Uncle Tom's house, Babs was impressed with the porcelain that was there, especially the Chinese, German and British porcelain. Babs said, "I don't have the knowledge to value your porcelain, do not underestimate the value of these pieces. I think that you need a porcelain expert to have a look at them before you start to sell them. Have you insurance on the contents of the house?"

Mum replied, "We kept the insurance that Uncle Tom had in place, there's also a very elaborate alarm system, Jack, we'll need to look at the security of the Antique Centre especially if we have other people's antiques there."

They left around five and went back to mums. Mum invited Babs for dinner; they would walk to the local Chinese restaurant. Mum then opened a bottle of Champagne; they sat in the lounge, Babs said, "I'm very interested in taking space in the Centre, it's a beautiful building, the location is excellent, and you have wonderful parking. I would suggest you get in touch with the local newspaper and let them know what you're doing and get a bit of free publicity. I would also put a little Bistro inside it; you have so much room, people would come for a coffee or lunch and have a browse around, I'm sure that would be very popular. Jo, I'm sure that I can help you a lot. I am so interested in Antiques."

Jack smiled, Babs was a beautiful woman, she was so like Kate, Jack had never had sex with Kate, they had given each other relief, in Jack's case, Kate had given Jack either a blow job or handjob in the car. Kate loved to be fingered, either on her ample tits or her hot pussy, she could cum very quickly. Jack replied, "Babs, we are all excited about this, I've been looking at some software which will allow us to have each item in a database, it will make everyone's job so much easier, the next few weeks will be interesting. Let's make our way to the restaurant."

The meal was excellent, during the meal, Jack was impressed with how Babs spoke, she had been dealing in porcelain for years and knew many dealers who sold mainly online. Baby said that she would spread the word that the Centre would be opening soon and was looking for dealers to take some space there. Babs had been flirting with both Jack and mum; Jack had a feeling that tonight could be fun with Babs and mum. As they approached, the house mum said, "Babs, would you like to join us for a glass of champagne?"

Babs replied, "Jo, I would love to, I'm under no pressure to get home, in fact, if you could give me a bed that would be good as I've had so much to drink this evening that I'd better not drive."

They arrived home, Babs and mum went into the lounge, they were both happy and chatting with each other. Jack went to the kitchen for a bottle and new glasses, when he got to the lounge, mum was kissing Babs, she had her top off, Babs massive tits looked fantastic, they didn't sag, mum was playing with them as she kissed Babs. Jack poured himself a glass then sat on an armchair and watched them.

Within a couple of minutes, they were both naked; they were both engrossed in what they were doing, they were oblivious to Jack being in the room. Mum then positioned Babs on the carpet; they started to 69; they were both purring with pleasure as they lovingly gave the other oral. Babs, like mum, had a magnificent body, it was fuller than Kate's, but Jack could see a similarity between the mother and daughter's bodies. Jack was getting aroused as he watched Babs and mum bringing each other off.

Jack was stroking his erect cocktail when Babs orgasmed first, filling mum's mouth with her cum. Thirty seconds later, mum climaxed filling Babs mouth with her cum. They then cum kissed, sharing their protein cocktails in each other's mouths. This was when Babs saw Jack's massive cock, Babs said, "Jo, no wonder that you are glowing all the time, Jack's cock is huge, I've never seen one as long and thick, we're both ready for him, would you mind if I went first? It's so long since I've had a cock."

Mum smiled then said, "No problem, you can go first. I'm looking forward to watching you ride his big cock; he's going to fill you, you know that?"

There was some precum on the slit of Jack's cock which Babs licked away with one flick of her tongue, she then went down on Jack's cock, taking his full length quickly. Jack then knew that Kate and her mum gave excellent blow jobs. Jack was rock hard; he was still sitting in the armchair, Babs then squatted over him, teasing her clit with the bulbous head of Jack's cock. Her cunt was very wet, Babs centred his head in the middle of her sex slit, she then pushed herself down on his massive cock. She took the full length then started to build up a powerful rhythm as she gripped his cock at the base and head of each thrust, Babs said, "It feels so good, he's hitting my cervix with the crown of his cock, I've never had that before. I feel stretched, but it feels so good."

Babs continued to pound Jack's cock; she was an incredibly fit woman for her age; she was so similar to mum, giving her best but giving so much pleasure as she did it. Jack sensed that Babs was close, she was riding him so much faster, it felt so good for Jack, he knew now that Babs would be around him and mum a lot now, would it be possible to have Kate to join them too? He didn't know, but the idea excited him then Babs had a massive body-shaking orgasm, her body was twitching with it, but she continued to pound Jack's cock. Jack could feel the warmth of her cum on his cock.

Babs was panting; she said nothing, a couple of minutes later she had composed herself, she said, "My cunt is tingling, that was so good, I've never cum so powerfully in all my life. Jack, that was so good for me. I'm looking forward to being part of the Antique Centre with you; it will become a thriving business, my daughter Kate, would like to take a cabinet in it, would that be possible?"

The next six weeks flew in; the Centre would open on Saturday morning. They had put a lot of time and effort into getting it ready. All the local press had given it free coverage which had resulted in over forty dealers taking space within it. Mum had suggested putting a Bistro inside the Centre which had been done. Mum had also found an excellent cook; she was well known locally, having worked at a local eatery.

Dave had done an excellent job, the lighting and colour schemes had given the building character both inside and outside. A lot of the dealers taking space were retired and had so much free time. It didn't take mum long to arrange rotas with them so there would always be people available to give help and advice to customers.

On the opening Saturday, mum had arranged a cheese and wine tasting which ran all day. She had sourced the cheese from a supermarket; the wine had come from a Wine Club that she was a member of. The wines were exceptional; the names of the producers were not known to the visitors who went on Saturday. The wines were so popular that mum was taking orders for them; she had added a small profit to the price that she had paid for them. By Saturday evening, mum had orders for over one hundred and eighty cases which led to the start of a new business for her.

The owner of the Wine Club was an elderly gentleman; he was in his late seventies; he now wanted to retire. He sold mum all his stock and customers. He gave mum the names of all his suppliers and mum took over his business. There was so much space in the Centre that it could be operated from there. Over the coming weeks, mum got the necessary permissions to sell wine in the Bistro and also for a wine shop within the Centre.

The Centre proved to be popular; people would come in and look around then have a snack in the Bistro, the Bistro soon developed its own clientele. So much was happening, they found that they were getting a lot of House Clearance business, many of the local lawyers started using the facility that the Centre offered. It was proving to be very lucrative; it kept Jack and mum very busy. A few days after the threesome with Babs and mum, Jack got a message from Kate which read, "Hi Jack, you have certainly made an impact with my mum, she thinks that you are wonderful, I can't disagree with her. I got a bit of a shock when I heard that you and your mum were opening an Antique Centre, the location you have got is first-class, you will do well. I have been dealing in silver since I was a school. I love it and am now going to take a cabinet in the Centre. I'm a primary school teacher, and I finish at three every day, which means that I can help out in the Centre when it opens. Can we meet for a drink so we can have a chat about things? Looking forward to hearing from you. Love Kate x."

Jack was happy that Kate had messaged him, he still thought of her but knew what Babs had said about Kate wanting to take a cabinet in the Centre that they would meet again. He now knew that this would be possible, he replied, "Hi Kate, so happy to hear from you. As you can imagine, I'm so busy at the moment helping mum; your mum is so good, I see her every day at the Centre, she's amazing, she is working so hard with us. Soon the tradesmen will be finished then it will be possible for you to come to the Centre and set up your cabinet. I would love to see you, but at the moment, I've so much work to do. As soon as the Centre is ready, then I'll let you know. I will let your mum know that we've written as I don't think that she knows that we know each other. Hopefully, we can see each other soon. Jack."

Over the next weeks, Jack was looking after Babs and mum, occasionally Babs would stay overnight, but most of the time, during the day, they would fuck in Uncle Tom's house, with or without mum. Jack soon got to know when Babs was horny; then he would look after her needs. Babs was a real asset; she was helping in so many different ways. Jack was enjoying fucking her.

One afternoon, Jack and Babs were in Uncle Tom's house; they used the kitchen as the stables didn't, as yet, have any kitchen facilities. Jack had used the kitchen table to take Babs and mum many times; they both loved to be done doggy style over the kitchen table, both loved to be done anally first. They both only wore jeans and a t-shirt when they were working.

Babs was hot this day, as Jack was lubing her ass, he said, "Babs, Kate messaged me to tell me that she wanted to take a cabinet in the Centre, she also mentioned that she could help us after school in the Centre. I wondered if that would be ok with you? I enjoy the time that I spend privately with you and wondered if it was something that you didn't want Kate to know about?"

Jack had picked his time to ask his questions correctly, he was finger fucking Babs ass with three fingers as he was giving her huge clit a finger job with his thumb and index finger, Babs was close to cuming. Babs said, "Jack, I love what you're doing to me, I'll cum soon then I want your big cock in both my holes. Kate has no idea that you're fucking me, but when she's around us, she'll soon realise that something is going on. She told me that she used to see you at the local discos and dances, a couple of times you drove her home. Should I tell her that we are having sex or will we start being discreet when she's around?"

Jack then said, "Babs, it's always better to be honest, if we're working closely together then we must be honest, we can't deceive Kate, I want you to know that when I drove Kate home, we would kiss and cuddle in the car for a while before she went into her house."

"Oh my god Jack, I didn't know that she never told me. She told me that you were a gentleman, very courteous and correct, she likes you a lot, we're you lovers?"

"Babs, I want to be honest with you, I would make Kate cum, she would make me cum, but we never fucked as we were in the car and there wasn't much room. I think that we both wanted it, but the opportunity never came up."

Babs then had a massive orgasm as Jack was finger fucking her tight ass and stroking her huge clit. When Babs had composed herself, Jack knew that she was ready for him. He lubed his cock then slid it up Babs ass, Babs purred with pleasure then said, "Jack, thanks for your honesty, I think that Kate would love your cock too, it aroused me so much as I climaxed there thinking of you fucking both of us. I know that you have had your mum, would you like a mum and daughter when you have your mum?"

"Babs, that would be nice, would you like it too?"

"Jack, fuck me harder, I'm going to cum, I'd love it, I think Kate would love it too, she's got several vibrators in her bedroom, she uses them most nights. We should invite her out for a meal with you, me and Jo."

Jack said, "We should do that, Kate's a lot like you, Babs."

An hour later they both climaxed within seconds of each other, Babs was glowing and said, "That was a good one, Jack thanks, I needed that. I'll suggest to Kate that we go out for dinner. I want to see what her reaction is like."

Before the Centre opened, Kate was at the Centre every day after school. She flirted with Jack a lot. Everyone was so busy getting ready for the opening. Mum was doing house clearances every day; the amount of saleable stock this was bringing in was terrific. The opening was a great success; for the next two weeks, things were a little hectic but then started to stabilise into a routine. Then Jack suggested to Babs, Kate and mum that they should go out for a meal on Saturday night for a little celebration, everyone was excited about this.

They all met at mum's house at eight on Saturday evening; they sat in the lounge drinking champagne before they walked to the Italian restaurant. Everyone was relaxed; the main topic of conversation was the Centre, how busy it was, how many dealers had taken space there. Jack sipped his champagne, thinking how lucky he was, knowing tonight he would end up in bed with three beautiful women, he was happy. They had all dressed in outfits that highlighted their voluptuous figures; they all looked stunning. As they walked to the restaurant, Jack was walking with Kate, Kate said, "I'm so nervous, I want you tonight Jack, but I think mum wants you too?"

Jack leaned over and kissed Kate then said, "Don't worry Kate, I'll have both of you, that will keep both of you happy."

Kate kissed Jack back, then said, "That excites me. I want you so bad."

Jack knew that tonight would be good. The meal was excellent; everyone was so relaxed, they all knew what was going to happen later, they were all anticipating the pleasure they were going to have. Jack and Kate walked together on the way home, Babs and mum were laughing and joking as they walked along.

When they arrived at the house, Jack and Kate went into the lounge, Babs and mum disappeared into mum's bedroom. Jack sensed Kate was hot from the way that she was kissing and also she already had Jack's erect cock out and was stroking it vigorously. Soon they were both naked, this was the first time either of them had seen the other completely naked, they had seen the other's private parts, but they had been partially clothed. Jack was impressed with Kate's body; it was similar to Babs but not as overflowing as her mum's.

They lay on the carpet; there was hardly any foreplay whatsoever; Kate's pussy was dripping; she needed Jack's cock. Jack went on top of her in the missionary position; he teased her hard clit with the head of his cock then with a gentle push, he slid inside her. Jack soon had an impressive rhythm going; Kate was moaning with pleasure, Kate said, "Jack, I knew that you were big, but this is unbelievable, I feel filled, it feels amazing, the head of your cock is hitting my cervix, that's going to make me cum, please, harder and deeper, I love it so much."

Jack raised his tempo; Kate was a gripper like her mum, both had powerful cunt muscles, Kate's ankles were now on Jack's chest as she pushed her pussy against his powerful thrusts, it felt so good, she, like her mum gave a fantastic ride. Jack asked, "How's it for you, Kate? Do you want me any deeper?"

"Jack, it's wonderful, I love how you're filling me, I feel stretched, but it feels so good. I am glad mum and Jo gave us some space, I was so nervous as I knew your cock was so big, now that I have it inside me, I'm so much more comfortable. I think that mum just wanted me to get to know you then we can all get together afterwards. Since I put my legs in this position, you're now going a lot deeper. Jack, you can cum inside me, I'm on the pill."

Jack then started to go fast and deep; Kate was gripping tighter, Jack knew that she was close, Jack said, "Cum for me Kate, let me feel the warmth of your cum on my cock, cum for me, cum baby."

Two minutes later, Kate had a body-shaking orgasm, just as she was finishing, Jack shot his load inside her, Kate had made him cum with her tight gripping at the end. Jack leaned down and kissed her then. Kate said, "Jack, I'm so looking forward to working with you; I can feel that we are going to have a lot of fun."

Next chapter