
My Women Ch. 02


Disclaimer: All characters in this story are above 18 years of age.

Note to the Reader: This is Ch. 02 of my series called 'My Women'. Please read Ch. 01 first. The story here continues where it left off at the end of Ch. 01.

Also, I intend to tell this story in a slow burn. If you are looking for instant gratification, please be aware that you may not find it here. But I promise you, if you are prepared to stick with the series, I'll make it worth your while. Happy reading!


Dark cloudy sky became a permanent fixture as rain lashed Pune mercilessly all through July. The earth was wet with puddles of muddy water. I felt like the weather reflected my muddled state of mind. I was playing all these different roles, two of which were at odds with each other. On one hand, Swetha's face had the glow of pregnancy reminding me of the not too distant future where I would be holding our child in my arms. On the other there was this undeniable mutual attraction between me and my sister-in-law, Navya. While the former role made me feel wiser and more grounded, the later made me feel young and enthusiastic. These two roles could not be allowed to inhabit me at the same time. I had to keep these two worlds that I was living in from overlapping and messing everything up. The care required was stressful at times.

Thankfully, my third role as the dutiful son-in-law offered a brief respite in the form of a trip to Calicut. Uncle had found tenants for my mother-in-law's house. Mom had to be there to sign the Rent Agreement. Swetha had some pending work at her bank and couldn't accompany us. Mom decided that Navya would stay at Pune and keep my pregnant wife company. So it was settled that me and mom would leave for Calicut on Friday night and come back on Monday morning. Navya had sulked at not being allowed to come along but Mom had put her foot down. Navya had looked at me with puppy eyes, expecting me to overturn mom's decision... but I turned up my hands in helplessness as mom's tone had conveyed the decision to be final. I breathed a sigh of relief at the prospect of getting two days away from Swetha and Navya, my two conflicting worlds.

On Thursday, the day before the journey, I felt an urge to smoke a cigarette after dinner. I didn't smoke often, but the weather was so nice. The just-about-to-rain vibe was too tempting to pass up. I smuggled out my stash and the lighter from its secret hiding place, and slipped out of the apartment. I took the elevator to the top floor and then climbed the stairs to the terrace. I went to the far corner.

I placed the cig between my lips and lit it. I took a puff and felt the smoke fill up my lungs. The heat inside my lungs and the cool wind caressing my face was a combination that the instagram kids would term 'Mood!'. I took one more puff, feeling exhilarated as my head relaxed. A sudden movement nearby caused me to flinch and hide the cig behind my back.

"I thought I saw a lighter in your hand when you sneaked out." Navya said as she closed the distance between me and the terrace door. I smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay... I won't snitch." She said. She leaned back on the parapet beside me. I revealed the cig and placed it back on my lips. I took a couple of puffs as she stared at me.

"Want a puff?" I asked.

"I've always wanted to try... never got the chance." She said grinning.

"Come here." I said. I glanced around to ensure we were alone as Navya moved closer on my right side. Once she was close enough that our arms touched, I took the cig between the index and middle fingers of my left hand and brought it towards her lips.

"Take a small puff." I said. She leaned her head forward and took the cig between her lips. Her lips touched the inside of my fingers. I kept my fingers in place as she inhaled a small puff. In a second, she started coughing. I put my right hand on her back and patted as she coughed. In that instant, she turned towards me and buried her face on my right shoulder as she continued coughing. I patted and rubbed her back lightly till she caught her breath.

Once she could breathe normally she turned her face away from me but remained close to me. I left my hand on her back. We remained like that for a few moments. Then I slid my hand down and across her back until it was at her hips. I rested my hand there, holding Navya by her hips. My palm gently caressed her there. Neither of us spoke for a while. I smoked my cig while holding her. I broke the silence once I was done with the cigarette.

"A friend of mine, a girl from college is at Kuala Lumpur on a trip," I began, "she texted me that many international clothing brands were there at the malls." Navya was listening but didn't respond. I continued trying to bait her.

"When I heard it I thought... I know someone who likes branded clothes!" She couldn't help but smile at that, but still she kept quiet.

"I could tell my friend to buy some stuff... so if that person who likes brands wants something, she should tell me." I teased, speaking about her in the third person. She laughed and her face brightened. She then went on and on about the different brands that she liked. I stopped her after a while and told her to whatsapp me pictures of the exact brand and clothes she wanted.

"But of course, this has to be our secret... I'm only doing this because you're my favourite girl." She blushed hearing my words.

"What about Swetha?" she asked teasingly.

"Well, she's my wife," I said, "but my favourite girl... that's you!" I pressed my palm gently on her hips as I said the last part. She blushed again.

"There is one other thing," I added, "there is one item that I personally picked for my favourite girl... it's from a brand called Victoria's secret." I stopped to gauge her reaction on hearing the name of the lingerie brand. On her face I saw a curious mix of want, excitement and shyness. My cock stirred in my pants seeing her expression.

"But there's an issue... I don't know her size." I added the clincher. Then I waited... it took a minute for her want and excitement to veto her shyness.

"34B." she made her interest known in one word.

"Alright." I said, thinking the matter settled. I lifted my hand off Navya thinking it was time to go back to our apartment.

"Wait," she said. I stopped and looked at her.

"Well... 36B might be better," she spoke, "My 34B bra's have been feeling really tight lately."

"Okay," I said amused at her words, "are you sure?"

"Yes." She confirmed.

"Have you been eating a lot lately?" I teased her. She slapped my hands bashfully.

"Let's go back." She said and stood upright.

"Well... there's the tiny matter of what I am going to get in return for buying you these clothes?" My words stopped her. She looked at me keenly, as if trying to read my mind.

"What do you expect in return?" she turned the question back to me. I was prepared for this.

"Well..." I said and trailed off... but I turned my face to the side, offering my right cheek. She shied away a step as she realized that I meant a kiss on my cheek.

"Nuh uh mister." She said and walked towards the terrace door.

"Poor me!" I exclaimed and followed her. We got inside the elevator at the top floor. Navya stood behind me. I pushed the button for 6th floor and the elevator started moving down. Just as the elevator door was about to open at our floor, she moved closer... leaned up standing on her toes and kissed me on my right cheek. I froze in surprise. The elevator doors opened and she ran out giggling.

On Friday evening, me and mom hailed an auto and went to the railway station. Both Swetha and Navya walked us to the gate of our apartment building. As the auto pulled away, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw both of them waving 'bye'. A few seconds later Swetha dropped her hands and walked into the building, but Navya kept waving till we were out of sight... as if she knew I'd be looking. I started missing Navya as soon as she vanished from the rear view mirror.

The train journey was pleasant and we reached home in the morning. Both me and mom had slept well. Uncle and his wife reached soon. They brought breakfast too. We ate together as uncle caught up with mom. She was his only sister and they were close. I chatted a little with aunt in between morsels of delicious poori and aaloo baaji. I heard mom complain to uncle about back pain. Uncle suggested an ayurvedic oil. He said it had done wonders for his own back pain a few years ago. Uncle and aunt left soon saying he'll come back in the afternoon with the prospective tenant. I decided to rest for a while.

Mom woke me up at noon to have lunch. She had managed to whip up a meal with some vegetables and other supplies uncle had brought in the morning. After lunch mom went to lie down for a bit.

I was in the middle of watching a movie on my phone when uncle came along with the tenant. I woke mom up and we sat on the sofa discussing the terms of the tenancy agreement. We explained politely that we expected the house and the premise to be maintained clean. The tenant agreed. The rent agreement was signed over a cup of tea. A few minutes later, Uncle and the tenant stood up to leave. I walked them out to the main road where uncle had parked his car on the side. Just when I was about to turn back uncle rolled down the car window.

"I almost forgot... Nitin, give this to Uma... it's an ayurvedic oil for her back pain," he said handing me a bottle filled with dark liquid.

"It needs to be massaged on to the back an hour or more before bath, preferably twice a day... you make sure she doesn't forget to pack this when you two return to Pune." I nodded.

I handed it to mom and relayed the instructions. I then resumed the movie I was watching. It was late evening when the movie ended. Afterwards, I called Swetha and talked for a while. Mom had told me how important it was to keep pregnant women happy and make them feel loved. Ever since I knew she was pregnant I had given her no reason to feel sad or angry. I hung up the phone twenty minutes later. I noticed that there were some notifications on whatsapp. I opened it and found a message by Navya at the top. I opened it too see just one word.


I was confused. There was no reason for her to call me a liar. I saw that she was online. I texted her to see what she meant.

Nitin: Why would you call me a liar?

Navya: Coz you called ME your FAVOURITE GIRL... yet almost 24 hours since you left, no messages... no calls... but you found time to call Swetha!

Nitin: Haha... are you missing me?

Navya: NO!

Nitin: Aww! Sweetie... I miss you too... a lot... infact, I started missing you the moment I couldn't see you anymore on the rear-view mirror of that auto... and what is this silly comparison with Swetha? Mom asked me to call her... said it's important to make pregnant women feel loved... trust me! I meant it when I said you are my FAVOURITE GIRL!

Navya: But then why didn't you even text me?

Nitin: I honestly didn't get time sweetie... I was tired from the journey... so I slept off in the morning... Uncle and the new tenant had come in the afternoon... they left only a short while ago. I would've texted you if I had gotten some time alone... believe me.

It was fun seeing Navya's possessive side. It was cute. I was careful in replying, using some white lies to allay her jealousy. However, this cute little tantrum made the difference between the sisters stark. I never had to deal with any tantrum when it came to Swetha... she was content with what she had. While that is a good thing, it gets boring sometimes. Compared to that Navya craved attention, demanded gifts and was bold. She had broken the monotony in my life.

Navya: Okay... but you have to make it up to me when you're back.

Nitin: Deal. Your wish is my command my lady!

Navya: Haha! Don't act cute mister.

Nitin: Haha... I don't have to act... I AM! By the way, what are you upto?

Navya: Nothing much. Just browsing some dresses... for our secret purchase with your friend in Malaysia. I'll show you when you are back.

Nitin: Okay... but I get to choose which one we finalize.

Navya: Okay. What kind of dresses do you like?

Nitin: Obvious answer... sexy ones! But remember, whatever we buy you won't be able to wear it in front of Mom or Swetha.

Navya: But then, when will I get to wear them?

Nitin: When we hangout... by ourselves.

Navya: And when will that be?

Nitin: Soon. I'll find a way.

Navya: You better! Coz I really miss you.

Nitin: Me too sweetie. I wish I was there with you.

Navya: I don't like this 'Sweetie'... sounds like something a dad would call his daughter.

Nitin: Haha! What would you like to be called then?

Navya: I don't know... something a little more special.

Nitin: 'Sweetie' wasn't my first choice you know. I had something special in my heart... but then I felt shy.

Navya: Why? What was it?

It was true... I had something special in my heart. I had actually felt like calling her 'baby'. As cheesy as it sounds, there was a reason behind it. I never had a girlfriend... neither in school nor in college. Even after I got a job, I never had the courage to ask a girl out. That's when I agreed to an arranged marriage. I had missed out on the girlfriend experience and all the associated cheesiness. Even though I called Swetha 'baby', she was not really into such cheesy names. With Swetha, it was just something we called each other during sex. It was not organic. With Navya, it was different. Our bond had grown through phases similar to that of newly dating couple. We had talked... I was there for her during a difficult time... she had grown to trust me... I had taken her shopping... we had started flirting... we had started missing each other when apart. I decided to tell her what I wanted to call her.

Nitin: I wanted to call you 'Baby'.

She didn't reply for a while. I started panicking. Did I go too far... Has she gotten cold feet. Doubts started creeping into my mind. I texted again.

Nitin: Did I say something wrong?

Navya: No... I love it.

Nitin: God! I was scared you didn't like it. My heart was pounding.

Navya: My heart was pounding coz I loved it a lot... and I wanted to ask you something... I wanted to ask if you'd let me call you the same... God I feel so nervous typing this...

Nitin: God Yes! Yes baby... I'd love it if you called me the same.

Navya: Come back soon baby... I miss you too much.

Nitin: Me too baby... I can't wait to drive you to college on Monday... just the two of us in the car... I want to hear you sing.

Navya: It's so unfair that we don't get too many opportunities when it's just the two of us. I don't like having to pretend being just your 'sister-in-law' in front of Mom and Swetha.

Nitin: I know... but we have to take this bitter pill... we have to keep our special bond between us. No one can know. No one would understand.

Navya: I want to see you... can we video call?

I really wanted to see her too, but Mom was in the kitchen. It was risky.

Nitin: I wish we could... but mom is near... maybe later in the night.

Navya: Promise?

Just when I was typing my reply I was distracted by a noise from the kitchen.

"Aah!" I heard Mom cry out in pain. I quickly texted Navya that I'd call her after mom went to bed and rushed to the kitchen. I found mom bent at her waist, holding her hip by her left hand and supporting herself on the kitchen counter. She was in pain. I went to her side and held her by her shoulders.

"Are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"I had bent to take a pan from the bottom cabinet... and now my back is paining." I supported her as I led her into her bedroom. I made her lie down on the bed.

"Shall I take you to a doctor?" I asked as I pulled a chair and sat by the bed.

"No... just hand me that bottle of oil from the shelf, I'll apply some on my back and rest." She said. I searched on the shelf and found the bottle uncle had handed me in the afternoon. I gave it to her. She took it from me and tried to sit up. She winced with pain as she failed.

"Don't move mom... lie still," I said as she tried to sit up again, "I'll do it."

Gently I helped her roll over onto her front. Mom was wearing a grey Churidar. I picked the hem of the top and pushed it up exposing her back. I stopped just short of her bra.

"Where is it paining now?" I asked as I opened the lid of the bottle and poured a few drops of oil on to my right hand.

"My lower back." She said. She had worn the churidar pant quite high. I pushed it down a little to get more access to her lower back. I then placed my right hand down on her lower back and rubbed, smearing it evenly over the exposed skin. I brought my left hand in and started massaging mom's back gently.

"Just tell me if you want me to go lower or higher." I said and continued massaging her. I took care not to put too much pressure and cause her pain. She lay on the bed quiet. A few minutes later I picked up the bottle again. A few drops trickled down my hand on to her churidar top as I tried to take some oil.

"Oops!" I said, too late to do anything. The oil drops had spread on her top and stained it.

"Sorry Mom, some oil got on your top... it has stained." I apologized.

"Its fine." She said. I proceeded with the massage.

"I have never heard you complain about back pain in the past... when did this start mom?" I asked as I rubbed her back.

"Quite recently," she answered, "I guess its coz I have been sitting in the apartment with no exercise... earlier dad and I used to go for morning walks... We were also doing some yoga... Now I'm just sitting there... alone."

As she spoke I realized that mom had still not completely let go of her grief over dad's passing. I felt bad at how lonely she must have felt... with me and the sisters leaving at morning and coming back only in the evening. She didn't have any friends too in the building since she didn't speak Marathi. Swetha's pregnancy was the only silver lining in her life right now. She had lost the strongest emotional connection in her life a couple of months ago and nothing had filled that void. I felt guilty for neglecting her.

"I'm sorry mom... I didn't realize..." I said trailing off, not able to find the right words.

"Don't be... You already have a lot of responsibilities." She tried to allay my guilt.

"No mom... Swetha and Navya are not responsibilities... you are not a responsibility... you are family. I'm sorry I didn't realize how lonely you were... I promise you... I'll come with you for morning walks," I said earnestly.

"After the monsoon though... I don't think I'll be able to wake up early in this weather." I joked. She laughed. I had been massaging mom's back for about fifteen minutes when she told me it was enough. I left her in the bedroom saying I would order some dinner. I rested on the sofa watching some youtube videos.

Our dinner arrived at 8 PM, by which time Mom had taken a bath. She told me some stories about dad while we ate porotta and egg curry. We went for a short walk since the rain had let up a bit. A few neighbours stopped us to say hi. Mom conversed with them, asking after their spouses and children. We were back home by 9 PM. Soon mom closed the doors and turned in for the night.

I was tired too... but I had an appointment to keep. I went to my bedroom on the first floor and closed the door. I then fished out my earphones from my back and connected it to my phone.

"Is Swetha asleep?" I texted Navya.

"Yes." She replied.

"Lock your door." I texted and waited a few minutes. I felt a flutter in my heart as I pressed the button for video call. She answered soon but the video that came on my screen was of a rotating fan.

"Hello... Navya?" I said.

"Wait." I heard her say. I heard her shuffling about nearby. I waited.

When she finally picked up the phone I was in for a surprise. She was wearing the light blue off-shoulder top I had bought her for her birthday. Her hair flew about gently in the wind of the fan. She was smiling beautifully and it seemed like she had put on lipstick. What stood out the most was two red straps on her shoulders.

"Hi baby." She spoke sweetly. I felt a hundred butterflies flutter in my chest. This new phase of closeness between us was thrilling.

"Hi," I said smiling wide, "What happened to the ₹ 2000 strapless bra?"

"Wow... Men!" she scoffed mockingly.

"What?" I feigned innocence.

"Is that the first thing that came to your mind?"

"No... my first thought was; Is my baby wearing lipstick? " I teased again. This time she blushed.

"Yes," she said a moment later, "and the ₹ 2000 strapless bra is in the laundry basket... I had worn it today." She smiled.

"Why did you wear that at home? I thought that's for special dresses."

"I wore it coz I missed you." She said shyly. I felt something emerge from within me... it was so strong that I couldn't stop it from being expressed.

"I love you baby!" I said feeling so nervous that I was shivering a little. Even in the poor video quality I could see the moistness forming in her eyes. It told me that the feeling was mutual... but I had to hear her say it. She remained silent.

"Say something." I added. She opened her mouth gently and said the magic words.

"I love you too." My heart skipped a beat hearing her say it out loud. Both of us were quiet for a while, not knowing what to say. The moment was achieving an enormous proportion in our hearts. I attempted to lighten the mood.

"By the way, I like red too." I said bringing the focus back on her attire. I laughed at my clumsy attempt and in turn made her laugh.

"I'm glad you approve." She joked along.

"Do you remember that night in the car at the restaurant parking?" I asked her.

"I do."

"I can still picture it vividly... it was the most exciting moment in my entire life... my heart was beating out of my chest when you took off your top to squeeze out the water." I described how I felt.

"Even I was surprised by what I had done... there was just something magical in the moment... the way you grabbed my arm and ran in the rain towards the car... the way we got drenched." She said.

"It was so out of the blue, taking your top off... what made you do it?" I asked.

She contemplated a while and said, "I guess I was jealous. You were with me the entire afternoon. We went shopping. We watched a movie. I felt so loved and cared for. I felt a special connection with you. I was so happy. Then Swetha announced she was pregnant and suddenly she became the focus of your attention. I felt desperate to get it back."

"Baby listen to me... you shouldn't drag yourself in to this sort of competition for my attention. You have to trust me. I love you," I tried to assuage her jealousy, "you don't have to feel desperate for my attention... you already have all of it."


"I promise." I said. That assured her.

"That said, I wouldn't mind at all if you did it again." I resumed flirting. My cock had been semi-hard for a while now.

"Ha! In your dreams mister." She shot back.

"Oh... in that case I hope you wouldn't mind if I went a little further in my dreams would you?" I said, not backing down.

"How much further?" she asked.

"How about if I hug you in my dreams... after you have taken off your top? I'll warp my arms around you and pull you into a hug. How about that?"

"Mmm... I don't know." She said, hesitant to expand the horizon of physical intimacy so soon, even if it was in my dream... but she couldn't deny my pleading face.

"Okay... you have my permission, but that's all you get for now!" she said and laughed.

"That's not enough!" I complained.

"Doesn't matter... that's all for now, take it or leave it." She said leaving no room for negotiation.

"I'll take it." I said. We talked for a few more minutes, but we both started yawning.

"Sweet dreams baby." I said as I hung up the call a few minutes later. I dreamed about Navya in my sleep.

I woke up late next morning. Breakfast was ready when I came down. Mom was waiting for me. She had prepared Upma for breakfast.

"Did you sleep well? How is your back?" I asked while we ate the upma.

"Not well," she replied, "the pain woke me up a couple of times in the night... Son, would you mind applying oil on my back after breakfast?"

"I was going to ask you the same mom... I'll do it." I said. I followed mom to her bedroom after breakfast.

"I'm really sorry about staining your churidar last night." I said when she handed me the bottle. She lay down on her front on the bed. I pulled a chair close to the bed and sat on it. Mom had on a green churidar. I picked up its hem and pushed it upwards. I pushed it past her bra this time as I didn't want to stain her top again.

"Is the pain still at lower back?" I asked as I poured oil on my palm.

"Mostly," she said, "but its radiating upwards a little." I placed my palms on her lower back and started massaging. I placed my thumbs on either side of the crease of her spine and pressed my palm out to her sides. I then slid both hands down on her back applying some pressure.

"Just tell me if the pressure is too much." I said. I continued with the same movement using the thumb to exert a little pressure near her spine and the other fingers working on her sides. I wasn't getting proper leverage massaging her sideways, but I tried my best to apply even pressure on both hands.

Minutes went by and I fell into a rhythm rubbing her back. I was doing it in a robotic manner with my mind elsewhere. On one rub up, my palms accidentally slid over mom's bra. I immediately drew my hand back down, feeling awkward at the contact... but my eyes hooked on the bra. It was red in colour. My mind instantly jumped back to last night's video call with Navya and her red bra straps showing in the off-shoulder top. The thought resulted in a stirring in my pants. I had worn loose track pants and had removed my underwear last night. My cock started to grow and cause a big tent at the front as my mind refused to let go of the image of Navya's bra straps.

I tried thinking of other things like kittens and puppies to make the hard-on go away. But every time I got pulled back to thoughts about Navya. My hard-on became bigger and more conspicuous... and as fate would have it, mom turned her head towards me before I could think of a solution to the dilemma. Her eyes fell on the tent at the crotch of my pants. I went red with embarrassment. She looked up from my crotch in to my eyes. I lowered my eyes in shame, not able to hold the gaze.

"I'm sorry mom." I apologized. I had no other choice. I could've pretended like nothing happened... but she would think I'm a pervert, and the thought might fester. At least now I was the pervert who apologized. She could forgive me and put it down to a mistake. Her face betrayed no hint of what was going through her mind. That scared me.

"I shouldn't have asked you to do this." She said, but she made no move to sit up or pull down her top. She lay in the same position, the back of her red bra still visible to me. The lack of reprimand in her tone took me by surprise. I was at a loss for words.

"I'm really sorry!" I apologized again when I couldn't think of anything better. The room fell silent again. I sat still, not able to move a muscle fearing further embarrassment of my cock swaying with my body movements. I willed it to shrink down, but to no avail. It still stood up straight straining against the cloth of my track pants. She broke the silence once again.

"Has Swetha been neglecting you since the pregnancy? You should know there is no harm in... in being intimate at such early stages of pregnancy." She spoke trying to sound nonchalant. Till then I had thought things could not get anymore awkward than mom catching me with an erection while I massaged her. I was wrong. I grew redder.

"No mom please... I'm embarrassed as it is... it's not Swetha's fault... please don't say anything to her." I tried to extricate Swetha from this situation.

One has to acknowledge the Indian mentality here. Son-in-laws are beyond reproach for most mothers. I can't complain though, being a beneficiary of the system. My totally inappropriate erection in the presence of mom was being ascribed to an imagined lack of attention on my wife's part. However, the situation was still awkward with no exit in sight. Mom looked hesitant at the brink of another question. I braced myself mentally.

"Uh... What caused it then?" she asked. I was caught between a rock and a hard place. I couldn't tell her that I was lusting after her younger daughter. I tried to reason in my mind that maybe I could tell her I was thinking of some movie scene that I had watched recently... but it didn't sound convincing at all in my head. I had to improvise.

"I have a thing for bras... its different colours and designs." I heard myself saying, "it's weird... and I'm sorry you had to find out... and find out this way." I waited for her reaction. Curiously, she still had not made any effort to cover up her back... but her facial expression softened and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What exactly is it about bras?" she persisted. It felt strange somehow, the way she asked it. It sounded less like a question from a concerned mother whose two daughters lived with me and more like a question from just a woman curious about a man.

"I don't know... it just looks amazing... when a woman wears it," I spoke, "I don't know how to explain it... I think they're pretty... I guess it could be called a fetish."

Now, most of what I said here was the truth. I actually had a thing for bras... but never even in my worst nightmares did I think I'd be explaining it to my mother in law.

"Please don't think of me as a bad character... I'm really sorry about this." I spoke again, trying to get her to forgive me.

"I don't know what to say." She said.

"Nothing. Don't say anything. Can we just keep whatever happened between the two of us?" I requested.

"Mmm." I heard her voice. I doubted that it sounded non-committal, but I didn't feel like pressing further.

"I'll leave you then." I kept the bottle away and stood up. I turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I was sure my hard-on had swayed awkwardly as I walked out.

Once outside, I kicked myself for being such an idiot. I paced around in the hallway, tense. I wasn't sure that she meant it... that she wouldn't tell anyone. I lost the hard-on. My dick shrunk as my mind went on overdrive... what would Swetha think of me if she heard what happened... would Navya start hating me... I realized that even then what would happen to Navya's love for me was what weighed on me more. I was scared. I found myself walking back towards her door.

"Mom?" I called softly and knocked on her door. No answer came from inside.

"Mom?" I called again. Still no answer. I placed my hand on the doorknob and pushed. The door swung open revealing the scene of mom standing in front of the almirah mirror, sans churidar top... only the red bra covering her breasts. She seemed to be lost in thoughts as she looked at herself in the mirror. I froze, my hand still on the doorknob. My eyes got attracted to her bosom tucked inside the bra. My cock reacted, fattening once again... but this time it was mom's body that caused it and not thoughts of Navya. Just then the weight of my hand caused the door to move further with a creak.

"Nitin!" she exclaimed as she snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of the door and saw me. Her eyes met my face first... then travelled down towards my crotch. I just ran out of there like my life depended on it. I ran inside my room on the first floor and closed the door... feeling embarrassed beyond measure. I had no idea how I would face her again. I lay down on the bed and buried my head deep in the pillow trying to erase the past hour from my memory... but I heard a knock on the door.

"Nitin... can we talk?" Mom called. I lay still, indecisive.

"Nitin, Son... open the door." She spoke softly in a motherly voice, "please!"

Reluctantly, I got up from the bed and walked to the door. I plucked up some courage and undid the latch. Gently she pushed the door open and stood in the doorway. She had put the churidar top back on.

"I didn't mean to barge in... I knocked a couple of times... you didn't answer." I said plainly, mentally too tired to evoke any emotion within myself. I walked back and sat on the edge of the bed. She followed me quietly and sat beside me.

"Why did you come back?" she asked.

"I don't know... I felt like apologizing again... it hadn't felt like you had accepted the earlier apology." I told the truth.

"But why didn't you leave immediately when you saw I didn't have my top on?" she questioned.

"I froze when I saw you like that... I don't know why?" I answered honestly once again, "but you didn't move either... you seemed lost, looking into the mirror."

She didn't speak for some time.

"Mom... we don't have to talk about this... it's better to just forget it." I said, almost pleading.

"Nitin, there is something I want to tell you... there's no one else that I can talk to... and if I don't tell someone, it'll keep weighing on my mind... I feel like you understand me... more so than anyone, since my husband's passing." Her voice got emotional. I looked at her and saw her eyes getting moist. I nodded, letting her know she could tell me what was weighing on her. She wiped a single tear trailing down her left eye before speaking.

"I have been terribly alone, and unhappy these past months. I tried so hard to move past the fact that my husband is no more. I really did... but I couldn't do it. He was not just my husband..." she trailed off as a sob broke out of her. I moved a little closer and put an arm around her, trying to console her. Slowly, she recovered her voice.

"He used to say he had not two but three babies," she smiled a little at the memory, "counting me as his first... he was right... I was all but a child, a girl of 20 when my parents married me off to him... I was scared... of everything... of the strange new house that I was supposed to call home... of the strange man I was supposed to share a bed with... but he was kind... he made me feel protected."

Her voice was getting strained with the effort it took to compose herself while talking about her late husband. She coughed and cleared her throat. I brought her a glass of water and sat back down beside her. She drank it slowly.

"I had never felt lonely a single day since then. I fell in love so much with him... I made him convince my father to let me stay with him even during the two pregnancies... my parents weren't pleased at being denied something so integral to our traditions... but couldn't be mad at him, he was just such a sweet man."

She regained her composure and voice little by little as she continued.

"I was so dependant on him... a lesser man would have been annoyed... but he was just a giver... raised his voice at me not even once in 28 years... loved me to the end." I listened as she let out the things that she had bottled up, having had no one to talk to till now.

"I was so lost the days and weeks after his death... missing his voice... his touch. Going to sleep alone in a bed was killing me inside. It was only when you made me realize that he wouldn't want me being so unhappy, that I got a little better. But still, I think about him when I'm alone in my bed... about our moments together."

She then turned her face to look into my eyes.

"I don't know what you'll think of me... but earlier, when it happened... when you had... uh... the erection, while you rubbed oil my back... to realize that seeing me that way... seeing my bra was what caused your erection... something stirred deep within me."

I heard her speak, anxious at the direction it was headed. She continued.

"I had been neglecting my body these past months, thinking... for whom should I keep myself in shape now.. the man I loved is no more... I had no reason to look attractive... Inside me, I had stopped feeling like a woman." She stopped as if contemplating how to say what she wanted to say.

"But when I saw the effect my exposed bra had on you... it felt refreshing... I was reminded of how my husband used to look at me... for a brief moment, I felt in touch with the woman inside me... after you left, I couldn't help it... I wanted to see myself in the mirror... I wanted to see my body... but when I saw it I felt sad... at how I had let it get deteriorated over the past months... I had put on weight... I felt ugly... I was lost in these thoughts when you barged in... and I saw you looking at me... and get an erection again... and I felt the stirring again inside me."

She stopped, anxiously gauging my reaction. I was stupefied. I had expected her to admonish me for barging in on her and instead she had laid her heart out in front of me. While my consternation at the situation remained, I felt a protective instinct inside me. The woman in front of me, my mother-in-law, was really vulnerable right now... teetering on the edge of despair... but what happened between us earlier appeared to have induced in her a ray of hope... a path that would lead her back to some semblance of happiness. She craved to reclaim the companionship and intimacy that she had lost with the loss of her husband. A lot seemed to depend on what I was going to say next. I cleared my throat to speak.

"Mom... I had no idea so much was going on inside your mind," I started, "but I understand how you feel.. and I want you to know this... you are still every bit a beautiful woman as you were when dad was alive... I truly believe that... and I think dad would agree if he could see you right now, from wherever he is."

I said and it was truly heartfelt, "I mean if Swetha is even half as attractive as you at your age, I'd be a proud husband."

My words had the intended effect. Her face relaxed and brightened considerably. I stood up and put my arms out offering a hug. She came into my arms resting her head on my shoulders. I wrapped my hands around her. But something didn't feel quite right. I had intended a platonic mom-son hug... but I was painfully aware of the softness of her breasts against my chest... my hands involuntarily traced the outline of her bra straps... and my cock grew in my pants stimulated by her feminineness. I felt like a new person. It felt like how it would be if her husband were hugging her.

I felt my hard-on lightly pressing into her abdomen... but she didn't say anything. As for me, the situation had gone too far to be acknowledging or apologizing for the antics of my penis. I let it be and hugged her.

When I boarded the train that night along with mom, I realized that I was bringing a new dimension of my life to Pune... and I was really concerned how it would fit in with the other two dimensions. I prayed to God for peace in all three dimensions... the man who loved Swetha, the man who has fallen in love with Navya and the man who felt emotionally and spiritually connected to Uma... I prayed for peace in my relationships with my three women.

I was woken up by the bright platform lights from the railway station the train just pulled into. The window blinds beside my bottom berth was stuck halfway down and light fell through it on to my eyes disturbing my sleep. I lifted my head and peeked out to see which station it was. Save for a few homeless people sleeping on the platform, there was nothing else in sight. I laid my head back down on my bag which I had used as a pillow and took out my phone from my pocket. It showed the time as 2.50 AM. I had kept an alarm at 3 AM for the train was supposed to reach Pune at 3.30 AM. I turned off the alarm. I opened Google Maps to check where we had reached. It showed that we were still a considerable distance away from our destination. The prospect of spending the next 40 minutes or so awake lying next to a stuck window got me annoyed. It being a sleeper compartment, I couldn't even sit upright due to the occupied middle berth above me.

I looked over at my mother-in-law sleeping on the bottom berth right opposite to mine. Her window blind had been pulled shut making her berth comfortably dark, but enough light had come through my window to let me see her sleeping figure. Her feet was covered up with the thick blanket provided by Indian Railways. However, it looked like she had pushed the uncomfortably rough blanket down below her waist in her sleep. I was treated to the vision of her left profile. She had worn a blue saree and blouse for the train journey and now the entire left side of her hips and waist below her blouse was bare. The pallu of her saree was dishevelled and lay bunched on her right causing her navel to be exposed till just below her belly button. I started getting a curious feeling of excitement as I ran my eyes over her navel. She had a fair amount of fat on her belly that looked respectable for the 48 year old woman that she was. My eyes travelled to the rise of her breasts. Covered in a blue blouse, the measure to which her breasts rose up from her upper waist, even while she was lying on her back, suggested a bust size bigger than her two daughters. They looked meatier and rounder than Navya's or Swetha's tits. I felt a tingling in my penis... but I was also aware than if any other occupants of nearby berths happened to look in her direction, they too would be treated to the unintentional skin show. So I slowly extended my left hand towards her navel and pinched her pallu between my thumb and index finger. Gently I dragged the cloth over, covering up her navel. A conflict brewed inside me as I continued watching her with arousal. With mom, I felt like an old soul... as if I was older and wiser than my actual age. This was the polar opposite of how Navya made me feel. Just being near Navya gave me an erection most of the time... like a sex-crazy virgin.

All the way till the train reached Pune station, I kept watch over my companion. Once we reached, I woke mom up. We grabbed our bags and alighted. It was 4 AM when the auto we hailed dropped us off at our apartment building. I had asked Swetha to lock the main door from inside with her key so that I could open it with mine and let ourselves in without disturbing her or Navya. We got inside and closed the door behind us. I then removed my shoes, put my bag by the sofa and reclined on it.

"Aren't you going to your bedroom to sleep?" mom whispered, stopping midway to her bedroom.

"I don't want to wake Swetha." I whispered back.

"But you can't sleep on the sofa... it doesn't look comfortable." She said.

"It's not so bad." I tried to assure her.

"No... I can't let you sleep here so uncomfortably and then go sleep on the bed in my room... you're coming with me... no arguing." She told me, leaving me no choice but to follow her into her room. We made sure we made as little noise as possible. She switched on the light. My heart was pounding in anticipation whether she really meant that I could sleep in the same bed with her.

She gestured that I should take the near side of the bed. I followed her instructions and lay on the bed. I looked at her expecting to see her walk around and lay on the other side... but instead I saw her hands move up towards her left shoulder. Her fingers fiddled at the pin that had fastened her pallu onto her blouse. She took the pin out of the fabric.

"I'm just going to change into my Maxi." She said, but not looking at me.

"Should I step out for a minute?" I asked, wanting to appear polite.

"If you feel you should, Yes." She answered perplexing me. I was at a loss for what it meant.

Did she want me to step out, but didn't want to say so to not inconvenience me at this hour... did she want me to feel like I should step out... or was it that she didn't mind if I stayed, but if I felt obligated to step out I should. It felt like a difficult puzzle. While I lay still on the bed deciphering the meaning of her cryptic words, she took it to mean that I'd decided to stay.

I watched with amazement as she pulled the pallu off her chest and unwrapped the saree off her waist. Her chubby navel lay exposed before my feasting eyes. For some reason, I didn't avert my eyes... I had an instinct that she wouldn't tell me to. She threw the saree into the laundry basket in the corner and stood before me in just her petticoat and blouse. A hint of cleavage showed just above the hooks of her blouse. She still wasn't looking at me... as if not looking at me somehow made what she was doing less taboo than it was. Her hands then went to the front of her blue blouse. Her fingers undid the hooks in the middle, one by one... her cleavage deepened and a black fabric came into view, her bra. She undid all the hooks and pulled the two ends apart, baring the front of her black bra. She then pulled her arms one after the other out of the blouse's sleeve and discarded the blue cloth. It felt like a repeat of what had happened the previous day, albeit with one difference. Yesterday, she was wearing a red bra while today it was a black one. She walked towards the almirah and turned her back to me, while she opened it. My cock stirred in my pant as I watched the view of mom's back, her bra straps forming the top half of the letter 'H'. She pulled out a maxi and closed the almirah. She then turned towards me and was about to pull the maxi on herself when I spoke.

"Can I ask you something?" My conscious mind didn't even know what I wanted to ask. It just wanted to prolong mom's undressed state for some more time.

She stopped and looked at me for the first time since entering the room.

"Do women not take their bra off when they go to bed?" My subconscious mind prompted my mouth to voice the question. While she was a little hesitant before I asked the question, now there was an amused look on her face.

"Does Swetha not?" she asked.

"Never in the past one year." I said.

"Some women don't... apparently... but some do." She answered.

"Do you?" I turned the spotlight on her with the question. While she was stumped initially, the look of amusement came back soon.

"Sometimes... when it's too hot... or if the bra is too tight." She said. She looked at me as if asking me if I had anymore questions. When I didn't speak readily, she moved to put the maxi on... but I interrupted again.

"Can I just say... that... that you are a beautiful woman." She smiled at my shyness in saying the words. She looked at me like that, smiling, for a few seconds.

Then to my surprise I saw her hands go behind her. I don't know how she did it holding the maxi in one hand, but I heard the 'snap' of the hooks coming undone. Her breasts bulged out a little as they got unconstrained by the pressure of the hooks. Then mom raised her hands to pull the maxi on her. The raised hands caused her black bra to ride up a little and expose her fleshy underboobs. My underwear strained with the pressure of my thickening cock. She pushed her hands through the sleeves and the maxi fell down covering her torso. She bent and smoothed it down on her thighs. When she stood straight her right hand moved towards and inside her left sleeve and pulled the strap of the bra out, extricating her arm from it. My cock jumped in my pants. Then her left hand did the same inside her right sleeve. Then she inserted her right hand into the maxi below her neck and pulled the bra completely out and off her. It dangled down on her hand for a brief moment before she threw it into the laundry basket. I was mesmerised as my eyes followed its trajectory into the basket. When my eyes came back to mom, I found her eyes on mine.

"It was tight." She said with a straight face. A shiver radiated up from my cock and spread over my body hearing her words. She then came round and lay down on the other side of the bed, after switching the light off. She lay near the edge leaving considerable space between me and her.

I lay there, my mind replaying the last few minutes before the light was switched off. I couldn't believe it. Mom had knocked off Navya's top removal in the car from the podium first place and claimed the spot for the sexiest moment of my entire life. I looked over at her. Her eyes were closed as she tried to get a few more minutes of shut eye.

My mind was wide awake coz my cock was. My cock wouldn't go down coz my mind was shuffling between images of Navya and Mom in just their bra. Minutes went by. Mom had started to snore lightly.

My mind now focussed on the memory of Navya's breasts clad in the strapless bra inside the car... her comparatively smaller yet round breasts. I tried picturing her wearing the Victoria's Secret brallete that I had picked out for her... one that I planned to ask my friend currently in Malaysia to buy as a favour. It was a sexy item made of thin lace material. It had a pretty corset like extention below the breasts down to her upper waist area. Suddenly an idea popped into my head.

I glanced at mom. She was snoring peacefully. I lifted myself off the bed taking utmost care not to wake mom up. I stood up and tiptoed slowly towards the corner where the laundry basket was. The dim light of the sky at dawn had slipped through the nearby window. I put my hand in the basket and rummaged. When my hands came across what I had intended to check, I lifted it out of the basket. Mom's black bra dangled from my hand. I brought it nearer to the window and searched for the lapel. When I found it I checked it for the size. It said '38C'. I smiled as the idea took concrete shape inside my head. I was going to ask my friend to buy a second bra... a 38C bra. My cock tingled in excitement at the idea as well as the bra in my hand. I ran my fingers on the inside of the bra's cup. It felt a little damp. I brought it up and pressed it to my nose, inhaling the sweet smell of mom's boob sweat.

I placed the bra back in the basket a few seconds later and tiptoed out of mom's room. I looked at the clock in the living room. It showed 6.18 AM. I peeked inside my room and found Swetha asleep on the bed. I came back to the living room. I looked at the door to Navya's room. It was slightly ajar. I went closer and stood outside her door. I placed my hand on it. I turned my head back listening for any sounds from Swetha's room or Mom's room. There was none.

I pushed open the door and entered Navya's room. It was fairly illuminated inside from the dawn sky light falling in through the partly open curtains. I saw Navya's sleeping figure on the single bed, covers drawn up to her neck. I kneeled down beside her bed and observed her face... tracing my eyes over it's contours. She was definitely the prettier sister. I contemplated on how to wake her up.

I lowered my face down to her cheek and planted a gentle kiss. I then withdrew some distance not to scare her. Her eyes slowly blinked open.

"Good morning baby!" I whispered. A smile formed on her lips as she realized it was me.

"You're back!" she exclaimed in her raspy early morning voice.

"Yes I am... and I wanted to surprise you... and also a little payback for what you did to me in the lift the other day." I reminded her how she'd surprised me with a kiss on the cheek that day. Her smile grew wider.

"Wait... what time is it? Where is Mom... and Swetha?" she asked.

"It's still early... 6.20... Mom went to bed... and Swetha's still asleep." I said.

"Want to come with me to the terrace and enjoy some fresh morning air?" I added, wanting to be alone with her.

"Yes." She said and sat up on the bed.

My eyes hooked like a magnet on the surprise view on her chest. She had on a white shirt and there were two prominent protrusions at the front, her nipples pushing the cloth out.

I stood up as she swung her legs down from the bed and got up.

"Let's go." She said, but stopped as she realized where my eyes were looking.

"Baby... don't look." She immediately brought her hands up in front, covering the protrusions. I was brought out of my daze by her words.

A naughty grin played on my face as I said, "so... you go bra free at night huh?" She blushed a deep red.

"Baby can you step out and wait for me?" she asked still blushing.

"Why?" I asked with a mock innocence.

"Baby please... I'll be out in a minute." She pleaded.

"Nope." I said and stood my ground. She stood in front of me for a long minute, unsure of what to do.

She then turned her back to me and went to her almirah. She opened it and pulled out a dupatta. She turned back to face me after wearing it on her chest. Now she grinned back at me.

"Let's go." She said again picking up her phone.

Quietly we slipped out and went up to the terrace. The sky was clear, providing a respite from the incessant rains of the past couple of months. The air was cool. We went near the parapet and looked out at the scene in front of us. The highway and the buildings on the other side of it shrouded in mist.

Navya stood close beside me. I placed my right hand on her waist and pulled her closer. She rested her head on my shoulder. I rubbed gently on her waist as we enjoyed the cool air. As seconds ticked by, my hand got a little adventurous climbing higher on her side with each pass.

"I'm so happy to see you again." I said.

"Me too baby. I missed you so much." My hands rubbed higher.

"I can't wait to see the dresses you picked out." I said, moving my hand even higher. I stopped as my fingers came in contact with the underside of her breast. She took a quick intake of breath as she felt my hand rest on the fleshy bottom of her breasts. My cock grew erect at the thought of her tits being just an inch away from being grasped into my right palm... but just as my hand started moving again, she pushed me and my hand fell away from her breast.

"Don't be greedy baby!" she said sensuously. I was a little miffed at having been so close and then being denied. However, I didn't let it show. I realized that it would take some serious perseverance and patience with this feisty girl. I put a sheepish smile on my face at being caught about to put my hand inside the cookie jar... but the disappointment might have shown through. It seemed like she felt a little bad about pushing me.

"Come here... let me show you the dresses I picked out." She said. I went closer as she opened her mobile and typed the URL of a brand named 'Reformation'. I didn't put my hand back on her waist fearing further admonishment.

"You can keep your hand on my waist... if you promise not to let it wander like before." She said. I kept my hand on her waist.

'Perseverence and patience,' I repeated in my mind as I forced my hand to be still.

Once the website loaded, she browsed down and clicked on an image. She showed me once it loaded. It was a black midi length dress with a V-neck. The sleeve came down to her elbows. While the dress was pretty, what I had in mind was sexier ones. She showed me more dresses with different designs but all of them with sleeves and of midi length. I took the phone from her after some time and browsed through the website. I stopped at a black mini dress that stopped at mid-thigh. It had ruched sleeves and a square neck. I imagined Navya in that dress... her legs and thighs showing. I liked the image my mind conjured.

"This one looks sexy." I showed it to her.

"It's too short." She complained as she studied the dress. I had expected some hesitation. These kind of dresses she'd only have seen in movies.

"But you'd look amazing!" I tried to coax her. Still her face showed doubts.

I went back to browsing. I figured if I showed her some more similar dresses and tell her how beautiful they'd look on her, she'd relent... but the more mini dresses I showed her, her hesitation only increased.

Then I found a gorgeous dress. I had a feeling she'd be less hesitant about this. It was a midi dress with lace detailing at the waist and on the bottom part of the skirt. While it would not really expose her thighs, the lace material of the skirt would offer a hint of her bare legs till just above her knees. But I didn't know how she was going to feel about the top half of the dress. The V-neck and the spaghetti straps would expose considerable skin on her chest and shoulders. I showed her the dress and waited expectantly.

She seemed less hesitant than before. She studied the dress swiping through the pictures... judging how it'd look from different angles.

"Baby, it's pretty low at the front as well as back... I don't know." She said.

"But you promised you'd let me decide." I complained.

"Baby... you don't understand... this dress is meant to be worn without a bra... look." She said. I looked at the phone screen as she swiped through the different angles and realized that the model in the picture was not wearing a bra.

"I can't wear that to the mall or the movies." She said.

I had really liked the dress. My mind was working on ways to convince Navya to agree to it.

"What if you wore a jacket over it?" I suggested. Her face softened as she warmed up to the idea.

"Okay." She agreed. I asked her to share the webpage to my whatsapp and we snuck back into the apartment before either Swetha or Mom woke up.

Once Navya went to brush her teeth, I shared the picture of the dress to my friend in Malaysia. I also sent her details of the Victoria's Secret bralette I'd picked for Navya. I then went on the Victoria's Secret website to pick out a bra for mom. Being C cups, a bra for her didn't really need padding. So I applied the filter of 'unlined bras'. I browsed through the results and came across a red lace bra with a plunging neckline that would show a lot of cleavage. It looked really sexy on the model in the pictures. I made up my mind. I shared details of mom's bra too with my friend and hoped that she wouldn't ask why I wanted to buy bra's in two different sizes.

Soon everyone was up and went about their morning routines. Me and Navya kept stealing glances at each other frequently. After breakfast we said bye to mom and left the house. As she waved bye, I remembered what she'd told me about being lonely in the house all day. I made a mental note to call and check up on her a couple of times every day.

While Swetha walked to her bank, me and Navya were back to our daily drive. She was really chatty having missed me the past two days. The traffic was heavy on the road. We were caught in long queues at every intersection. I was getting frustrated at having to drive in the first and second gears alone. She sensed it and kept her hand over mine on the gear shaft. Her angelic smile eased my mind. She was five minutes late for her class when I dropped her at the college.

My traffic troubles continued however. The nearer I got to the city, the slower the traffic moved. I swallowed my road rage and stopped myself from honking. While the vehicles were moving at snail's pace on my side of the divider, the road on the other side was free. I looked at my watch. There was no way I was going to reach office on time. I called up my boss to inform him. I found out from him that some really old building had collapsed and he was stuck in a traffic gridlock some distance ahead of me.

"We'll work from home today... but at this rate I think I'll be stuck here till noon... if you can, take a U-Turn and go back." He said. I quickly rolled down my window and put my hand out, indicating my intention to take a U-Turn to those behind me... but none of them were in a mood to give me space. Annoyed, I steered the car sharply to the right cutting of a bus and eliciting Marathi swearwords from the driver. I entered the right most lane and inched forward towards a U-Turn. I relaxed once I turned and got going in the reverse direction. I first thought of calling mom and telling her that I was coming back, but dropped it. I decided to surprise her. I drove faster than usual as the road going out of the city was free. I pressed the accelerator further down as got on the highway. I reached the exit to my building locality in record time. A few metres before my apartment I saw a flower vendor on the street. On a curious urge, I stopped and bought a red rose from him. I placed it safely in my bag as I paid him and continued towards my building.

A few minutes later, I pressed the calling bell to my apartment with my left hand while holding the rose in my right.

"This is for you!" I said as Mom opened the door. I enjoyed the surprise on her face as I handed her the red rose and stepped in. I closed the door behind me and plonked on the sofa. I was sweaty and a little tired. Mom still stood by the door, confused. I laughed at her confused state as I told her what had happened.

"That doesn't explain the rose." She spoke once I finished telling the story of the collapsed building and that traffic gridlock.

My face wore an honest smile as I said, "That is to make up to you for all the days you were lonely." Her expression told me that she truly appreciated the gesture.

"Can I get a cup of tea?" I requested her. She went into the kitchen. She emptied a glass bottle and filled it with water to use as a vase. She lowered the rose into the bottle and put it on the dining table before starting on the tea.

My neck and shoulders were paining from the morning's ordeal. I placed a soft pillow behind my neck and leaned back on the sofa. I called up my boss again to see if he had managed to get out of traffic. Unfortunately for him, he was still stuck.

Mom brought two cups of tea and offered me one just as I hung up the call. I relaxed as I sipped the strong tea. Mom sat beside me sipping from her cup. I noticed that she was wearing the same maxi she had put on in front of me early in the morning. Apparently she hadn't taken a bath. The cogs in my head started turning, when I sensed the opportunity of applying oil on her back once again.

I cleared my throat and spoke, "How is your back now?"

"Worse... from last night's train journey." She answered.

"Have you applied the oil today?" I asked.

"No." she said, but I had already guessed that. Now I waited. It became quiet as both of us silently sipped our tea. I was waiting for her to ask me to do it for her... but then it appeared to me that she might want me to offer to do it. The amount of liquid in my cup decreased as I weighed my options. When I had emptied my cup, she put her hands out to take it from me. It seemed like the timer for the window where I could offer a massage was running out. I extended my arm and placed my cup on her palm.

"Would you like for me to do it?" I asked.

"I was just about to ask you." She said. She took the cups to the kitchen and came back.

"In my room?" she asked, letting me know that she'd like me to follow her into her bedroom. But I didn't want to do it sitting sideways. It was hard to get proper leverage that way.

"It's difficult doing it sitting sideways." I told her, but that was not the only reason. I wanted to see if she'd let me straddle her back to massage her... but it sounded crude when I said it in my head.

"How about if you bring a stool and I sit on it in front of you?" she suggested. I weighed it against the option in my head. I decided to put off my idea for later.

"Fine." I said. She went into her room to bring the bottle and I went to the kitchen to bring the stool. I came back first and sat on the sofa placing the stool in front of me. Shortly she was back with the bottle of oil. My cock was already hard in the expectation of getting to see her undress again.

She handed me the bottle first. She then crossed her arms in front of her and pinched the fabric of the maxi on either side. Slowly she lifted it. Her ankles came into view first... then her blue petticoat. Her fleshy belly was exposed as the maxi rose above it. Finally, she pulled it over her bra-clad chest and her head. She threw the cloth on the sofa beside me and stood in front of me. I was a little disappointed because I remembered her taking off the black bra from underneath her maxi in the morning. I had expected too much too soon. Apparently the women in this family enjoyed the slow tease.

She had probably put it back on in the morning before coming out of her room... but my cock still tingled at the view in front of me. I gestured to the stool I'd placed in front of me. She took two steps towards it and turned her back to me. Slowly she lowered her back down and sat on the stool. She then gathered up her loose hair that fell down on her back and tied it up in a top-knot. Then she became still.

"Oil will get on your bra." I said, implying it as a purely practical matter while it was way more than that.

"You should do what you have to." She let me know her cryptic response and brought her hands to the front, holding the bra to her breasts. My heart started beating out of my chest as I realized that she had left it to me whether to unhook her bra or not.

My fingers shivered with excitement as they approached the hook of mom's bra. I inserted my middle finger underneath the wing-bands of her bra, right below the hooks. I then used my index finger and thumb to pinch the tips of the wing-bands together. The hooks got released from the eyes. As I eased the pressure on my fingers, the pressure of the elastic got released and the wing-bands snapped away baring her back to me. Mom closed the gap between her arms and her sides. The sides of her boobs would also have been bared if she hadn't done so.

I couldn't help but grin as the full expanse of her back lay within reach of my arms. I poured a generous amount of oil from the bottle onto my right hand. I placed my left palm flat on her back and pushed, signalling to her that she should bend forward a little. I then gently turned my oil filled right palm down on the middle of her back. Drops of oil started racing down towards her petticoat unable to resist the pull of gravity. My left palm stopped them in their tracks, smearing them on her exposed skin.

When the oil was sufficiently and evenly spread on her back, my palms moved up to her shoulder and pushed the shoulder straps off there. My oily palms then rubbed between the tip of her shoulder and the base of her neck. As my palms moved inwards on her shoulder, my thumbs met at the back of her neck and traced a short line up to the base of her head.

Mom remained silent as my palms kneaded her shoulders. It felt odd. If this was Swetha, I would have been treated to soft moans.

"Doesn't this feel good?" I asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"Swetha always makes happy noises when I rub her shoulders." I stated, settling for 'happy noises' as a somewhat decent substitute for the word 'moan'.

"Swetha's neck and shoulders are very sensitive and ticklish," she said, "but it takes more to make me moan."

The suggestive statement thrilled me. I licked my lips to moisten them. They had become dry with my excitement and nervousness. I moved on from her shoulders to her back. Starting from the shoulders, I dragged my palms down her oily back, applying a good amount of pressure, all the way down to her hips. I repeated this motion over the next few minutes. Still she remained quiet. I felt desperate to hear her moan. I just couldn't be content with average masseuse skills.

"Do you have any sensitive areas?" I tried to glean some useful information from her... but she didn't respond.

However, her arms which she had held tightly against her sides became loose, opening up a small gap between them. As the arms which supported the unhooked bra loosened, the bra slid down a little at the sides exposing her fleshy side boobs. I realized that what just happened was a hint about her sensitive area.

I held my palms on the side of her waist and slid them upwards. They progressed up uninterrupted till my fingers came in contact with something meatier. My fingers were now touching the sides of her breasts. I heard a quick gasp. I had found the spot. I kept the base of my palms still and moved my fingers in small circles on her side boobs. Her breaths became deeper. But still she wasn't moaning.

I moved my palms forward millimeter by millimeter while my fingers continued their circular motion. The rise and fall of her chest became more pronounced as my fingers came closer and closer towards her front. While the heavy breathing in itself was quite audible, I became obsessed wanting to hear her moan. I kept advancing my hands and my palms got filled with fatter flesh. On one move, my middle finger felt a difference in the texture of skin underneath it and just then she let out a sensuous moan. Her arms instantly came closed against her sides trapping my hands in between, my middle fingers right at the edge of her areola. My hands were prevented from going any further. I didn't give up and traced my middle fingers along the edge of her areola.

"Mmmmm," she moaned loud.

"Mmmm Nitin... mmm... Nitin don't." she spoke in between moans.

"Don't what?" I asked as I kept moving my middle fingers along her areola, mere millimetres away from her nipple.

"You know what... mmm... Nitin!" she replied with a tone of urgency.

"No... tell me... don't what?" I prodded.

"Mmmm... Nitin! Mmmm... Don't touch my nipples Nitin!" She almost screamed the words as she jumped up from the stool. She ran out of the living room and into the common bathroom. I was left on the sofa with outstretched arms which had just been massaging her side boobs. I heard the door being bolted. I followed her when I came back to my senses.

"Mom?" I called, standing outside the door. I heard shuffling of clothes inside.

"Mom?" I called again, worried now. But I froze at the voice from inside.

"Shankar... mmm... Shankar yesss... suck my nipples." I heard my mother-in-law moan the name of her late husband. I had never heard her address him by name before. Malayali women rarely do... but now I was hearing his name being called out lustfully.

The noises coming from inside the bathroom left no doubt in my mind that my mother-in-law was masturbating thinking of her dead husband. I felt pity for her and felt horny at the same time. Hurriedly, I opened the fly of my pant and pulled my hard cock out. I started jerking my cock standing right outside the closed bathroom door.

"Mmm... Shankar... lick my hard nipples." I heard mom say. I don't know what came over me.

"Yes Uma... I'm going to lick your hard nipples," words came out of my mouth.

"It's me... Shankar." I added. I jerked my cock faster. Voices from inside the bathroom grew louder.

"Mmm... yesss... keep licking my nipples darling." She said.

"Yesss... My lips are enveloping your nipple Uma... I'm licking it hard."

"Oh Shankar!" her moans became wilder.

"Uma... my cock is so hard... it wants to be inside you." I said, as a stroked my cock dripping pre-cum.

"Put it inside me Shankar." I heard.

"Yesss... I'm going to insert my cock in your vagina... Uma... it's so tight," I upped the dirty talk, "my cock feels amazing sliding into your wet hole."

"It's wet for you my husband," She moaned, "I missed your cock."

"It missed your vagina to Uma... Let me give you a good fucking." I spoke trying to channel the spirit of my dead father-in-law through me.

"Yesss... fuck me good Shankar."

"Oh God... Uma... I'm fucking you... My cock feels amazing." And it truly did. Even if I was just jerking my cock standing outside the bathroom door, my mind was picturing myself having intercourse with mom. I was close to cumming.

"Oh... I'm going to cum... I'm going to cum inside you Uma." I strained to talk as my balls tingled.

"Yes Shankar... fill my vagina with your semen... cum in me." She said, and it pushed me over the edge. My cock shot out long ropes of cum and it landed on the door step.

"I'm cumming... I'm cumming." I said.

"Oh God... yes... I'm cumming too... Yes Shankar... Oh God." Her moans were frantic. She was having an orgasm.

My pulsating cock shot a few more ropes of cum on the door. Once my balls were emptied, I supported myself with my hand on the wall as I panted.

"Oh Shankar... mmm." She kept moaning as waves of orgasm hit her. Her voice quietened only after a minute.

I stuffed my shrinking cock back inside my pants and waited to see the state in which mom was going to emerge from the bathroom. One minute... Two minutes went by. The door stayed closed. I was getting impatient. Just then I heard her speak.

"Nitin, Son... please go into your room... I won't be able to bear coming out and seeing you there... I can't let you see me like this." She said.

I was so disappointed... but her voice sounded so vulnerable that I decided to allow her the small courtesy. I walked into my bedroom and closed the door... but inside I kept my ear to my bedroom door.

I heard the bathroom door open and her footstep as she exited... but she stopped right outside. I had thought that she'd make a run to her room... but something had stopped her. My chest felt ticklish as I realized that she had seen my cum on the doorstep. That was what made her stop. She was looking at my cum. The sensation spread across my chest.

A few seconds later, I heard her enter her bedroom and close the door. I came out of my room and stood outside the common bathroom where I had just done the best jerk off of my life. I looked at the door and the doorstep. My cum stains were still there. I picked up the footmat outside the bathroom. I then used it to wipe the door and the doorstep clean.

I remained standing at the spot for a while... where mom and I had masturbated a few minutes ago... she inside and I outside... where we both had pretended that I was her dead husband.

I was concerned about the future. What would happen when Navya and Swetha are back... would we be able to behave normally... more importantly... what would happen the next time mom and I are alone... would she continue with our sexy episodes... would I have to pretend like I'm 'Shankar' again?

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