

I am 38 years old. Recently divorced, out of money and a job.

I asked my mom if I could crash at her condo a few months.

She said yes, I would have to use the couch, no problem.

Things were normal a while. We were home all day, all night, because I did not work and she was retired.

No dating, had not fucked in almost a year by then. Mom has been single for years.

About the second week, I was still sleeping late morning on the couch and I happen to look across into her bedroom.

Mom was collecting clothing off the floor, to do a load.

Mom was wearing this short robe and I noticed as she squatted to pick them up her entire hairy pussy became exposed.

Maybe I was pent up, maybe I was horny, maybe it was seeing a hairy pussy (fetish) I was instantly hard, my 8 inches pushing my boxers out.

I kept starring, mom kept squatting.

Within a few days, confused and uncertain why, I wore just my robe, nothing underneath.

When mom open the door as she began to collect dirty clothes off the floor, squatting in her room exposing her hairy pussy.

I too began to collect my dirty clothing, squatting back, and exposing my entire thick hard 8 inch cock, which like moms pussy is way overgrown and hairy.

I don't know what I was doing, but I kept facing her until like me, she began to glance over my cock, as I would glance over her pussy.

Seemed like the clothing never ended, I don't even know if we were actually picking up any cloths at this point, but we kept on exposing cock and pussy areas in sight of the others.

By the 3rd day, we were collecting clothing in the same room, cock and pussy areas less than a foot apart.

We began to avoid eye contact BUT NOT cock and pussy starring which became intense until one day.

We picked up stuff closer and closer, as we went to stand my raw hardon bumps mom's raw pussy.

We squat down, BUMP them on the way down, grind them on the way up, then BUMP them standing and grinding them a few more times, both robes open.

We pushed up against a wall, I lifted one of mom's legs up and we tried to get cock and pussy to FUCK without using our hands.

But my cock head was too swollen fat, her pussy was tight as a drum, we pushed, we grunted, humping, grinding, and unable to get them to fuck.

After some time, I don't know how long, mom began to orgasm against my cock head and I began to cum all over moms hairy pussy lips.

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