
My Mom is a Hot Mom Ch. 05


I was sprawled across the sofa in the living room in the early afternoon, playing a game app I'd downloaded on my phone, when my mom entered the room. She wore the running outfit I'd bought for her for her birthday a few days earlier: tiny bun-hugging shorts and a clingy bra top.

She looked like a goddess. I put my phone down.

"Randy," she said. "Let's go for a run."

It was the first time I had seen her in the outfit since she had modeled it on her birthday. Somehow, it looked even skimpier in daylight than it had in the evening on her birthday. The bra and shorts covered little, and mom's body was all exposed lean legs, torso, and shoulders. The shorts were tiny and utterly form-fitting. They sat low on her waist and stopped just below the bottom of her butt cheeks, so they showed a lot of skin on her torso and her legs. The bra top clung to her upper body with an air of desperation, the skimpy fabric seemingly not quite up to the task of corralling her ample breasts.

I was surprised to see her in it. Nothing had happened between mom and me for several days after I had dry-humped her on the sofa in her lacy white panties. I sensed mom was uncertain, maybe a little embarrassed, about what had happened between us. Both of us had been very busy, and we'd had no chance to talk about what had happened. Mom didn't seem to want to bring it up. After a few days, I'd started to wonder if it ever would happen again.

But suddenly, here she was: my incredibly hot mom, posing in front of me in a running outfit that concealed little more than a bikini would.

I wasn't going to say no to a running invitation with my mom wearing that outfit.

"Sure, mom," I said. "Think you can keep up with me?" I said it with a smart-ass grin.

"Probably not," she said. "But I'm not worried about it. If you run ahead of me you won't be able to see what you bought me for my birthday."

When she said it she had her hands on her waist and she shook her hips back and forth saucily three times.

"I can't argue with that," I said, laughing, as I rose from the sofa. "I'll be just a sec."

In a few minutes, I was back from my bedroom, having stripped off my clothes and put on my own running out: black shorts and a solid blue shirt, and running socks and shoes. I had my phone strapped to my arm as well, as I always did.

When I returned mom was stretching in the entry way with her hands against the wall, her ass thrust away from the wall and pointed directly toward me.

I had to rein in my reaction if I wanted to get her outside running in the outfit, but it wasn't easy to mask my reaction to it. My own running shorts had an inner lining, but that was it, so if I got excited looking at mom on our run I'd have no way to hide it. I felt my cock twitch as I feasted on the sight of my mom.

Down boy, I thought. "Let's go," I said out loud.

As we shut the front door behind us and got started I thought about what had been going on between us the past few days. Mom and I had started to settle into an odd rhythm. After something crazy and sexual happened, nothing would happen for a while -- a day, a couple of days. I think mom needed time to digest what we'd done together, and to come to terms with it.

As for me, I'd already come to terms with it. I wanted to see mom naked again, and I wanted to do more than that. But mom obviously was not ready for that; after I had dry-humped her and then stripped her naked, she had needed a few days to think about what had happened and to grow comfortable that I wasn't immediately going to push past the boundaries we had set.

Mom wanted to show off in front of me, even to come in front of me. But she wasn't ready to fuck me. Not yet.

Mom looked a little nervous leaving the front yard in her tiny running outfit. She had never gone running in an outfit so skimpy, and I could tell she felt uncertain about what she was doing.

"How do you feel?" I asked her, with a cheerful tone, trying to be supportive.

"A little funny, in this outfit," she said. "It's a nice day, though."

It was. Summer was over but it remained unseasonably warm, and with the sun beating down on us in a cloudless sky I knew mom wouldn't get cold despite the brevity of her running attire.

We barely left our front yard behind when we saw our elderly next-door-neighbor, Mr. Daniels. I think he was about 80. He and his wife had lived in the neighborhood for decades. They had conservative habits, and I wondered what my mom looked like to him. I was glad his wife wasn't in the front yard; I was sure she would cluck disapprovingly at what mom was wearing.

But Mr. Daniels, who was wearing a floppy hat and trimming a bush with a pair of hand shears, didn't react noticeably, other than to incline his head up a little as we passed and to stop his trimming, just for a second or two.

I could tell mom saw him.

"I think he's checking you out, mom," I said.

I'm not sure why I said it. I had conflicting feelings about what was going on. Mom had revealed herself as an exhibitionist to me. I enjoyed that side of her, and I felt a desire to tease it out of her further, to get her to show herself off. But I felt a little jealous, too. I wanted her to show off, but I felt a little funny about it at the same time.

"I know he's checking me out, Randy," mom said, as she jogged. "I'm a girl. Girls know when guys are checking them out."

We jogged slowly down the street to get warmed up. It was hot outside and I began sweating right away. I almost regretted putting a shirt on, but I'd chosen to take one because I wanted to be more dressed than mom. And I was. Mom was showing a lot more skin than I was. She looked fantastic.

We reached the end of the street, where the neighborhood ended and the hills started. I led us to a trail that led up and away from the neighborhood, in a different direction from the one mom and I had taken on our first run together. I let mom go ahead so I could watch her running from behind. I think she knew what I was doing.

We didn't talk a lot on the run up the hill. We concentrated on running, and I concentrated on the sight of mom's butt in the tight shorts. The hill wasn't steep, but even so we were both sweating. I liked seeing mom's exposed body covered in a layer of sweat. Only a few trees dotted the hillside around us, so we were exposed to the sun. Her body shone in the mid-day glare.

We topped the hill and then jogged down to a low area that flattened and opened up and was covered with more trees. Then I led mom on a side trail.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"A pretty area I know," I said.

We rounded a bend, and a small lake opened up before us. It wasn't large, probably covering no more than a few acres, but it was pretty, with an irregular shore line surrounded by trees, and a small rocky island in the middle of it that blocked the view to the other side. The lake and its surroundings were maintained as a nature preserve.

I led mom on a small rocky path around the lake to the far shore. The tree cover lay denser on this side of the lake. I decided to stop here. I pulled a bottle of water I'd strapped to my side and handed it to mom, and after she took it I unstrapped the phone from my arm. I wanted to get some photos of mom. I also wanted to get a sense of how comfortable she was posing for me again.

Mom rolled her eyes when I asked her if I could take some photos, but she complied. I took a couple of her sitting on a rock under a tree with the lake in the background. Then I wanted to take something a little sexier.

"Mom, put your hands back on the rock and push your chest out, and put one leg up on the rock and the other on the ground," I instructed her. In this position her breasts would strain against the fabric of the bra, and the black fabric of the shorts would be stretched tightly and visibly between her legs as well. I got the sense mom was just a little turned on, because I could see her nipples against the fabric and just a hint of a camel toe in the shorts.

"How do you feel, mom?" I asked.

"About what?" she asked me back.

"About what's happened," I said. "Between us."

"Oh, Randy," she said. "I don't know. Confused. I appreciate that you held back the last few days. I needed to know we could hold to the limits we set the other day."

"I'm glad, mom," I said. "I had the feeling you enjoyed what we did within the limits we set. Did you?"

I wanted to get mom to say it.

"I feel embarrassed to say it," she said. "But I did. I did. It had been so long since I'd been with a man. What we did together -- it felt so good. I couldn't believe it. But I fell weird about it, too, you know?"

"I know, it's a little weird to me, too. But mom, I loved what we did. And I think we showed ourselves we can do that and still set whatever limits we want. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. OK?"

"Thanks for that," she said, smiling shyly at me. "One other thing, Randy -- you can't tell anybody about this. Nobody would understand. I could lose my job. So please keep this to yourself. Not even your friends can know. Especially Tucker. He couldn't keep it secret, and if the word got out -- I don't even want to think about it."

"Mom, don't worry," I said. "I haven't told anybody, and I'm not going to. Especially Tucker. You don't have anything to worry about. This is just between us."

"I have to confess, you're very comforting, Randy," she said. "You make it very easy to open up to you."

"I'm glad to hear you say that, mom. I want it to be easy and comfortable."

I got an idea.

"Mom, would you like to open up right now?"

She looked at me quizzically.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean," I said and gestured toward her, "Open up to me. Take your clothes off in front of me. It's a beautiful day. It's fall. We won't have many more days like this before winter comes. Get naked and open up for me."

"Randy!" she said. "You're getting carried away. We're in public. It's daytime."

"You've gotten naked in public before in the day time, mom," I said. "You told me all about it. And you liked it, too. You said so."

"That was a different situation. We were on a beach, a long way from here. We're only a couple of miles from our neighborhood. People we know could come by. It's too risky."

"Actually mom," I said, "I've jogged by here a lot, and I rarely see anyone. Especially on this side of the lake. The trail on this side isn't very good for running. Besides, that island in the middle blocks the view from the main trail, and this cove provides some shelter.

"Come on," I urged. "Just for a few minutes. Take everything off and sit back on that rock naked. I want to see you, mom."

Mom didn't move, but I could tell she was thinking about it. The conflict was plain in her face. It was a lovely setting, and the warm air and trees and small lake in the background offered an inviting spot to get naked. Mom looked this way and that, around her and across the lake, and I knew she was interested.

"There's nobody here, mom," I said. "If I see somebody they'll be on the other side of the lake and you can get your outfit back on before they get close and see you."

I grinned.

"I'll tell you what. I'll stay clothed. That way you know nothing's going to get out of hand. Only you will be naked."

I had a feeling mom would like that idea, and she did. She rolled her eyes and sighed and started unlacing her shoes.

"OK," she said. "Here goes."

She tossed off her shoes and then without ceremony peeled and stripped the bra over her head and offer her body. Mom sat topless in front of me in front of the lake. Her nipples were hard and erect.

Then she lifted her hips and pulled her shorts off and down her legs. They tumbled to the ground and mom was naked. She sat demurely on the rock, with her legs together and her hands on her knees.

I asked her to smile and took a few photos with my phone.

"Mom, you are beautiful," I said. "Now open some more."

Mom hesitated, but then, sure enough, she parted her legs for me. She splayed her knees out to either side and steadied herself on the rock on the balls of her feet.

"Like this?" she said. She held her gaze steadily on mine.

I stood closer to her so my phone camera would capture the detail of her pussy. It was the first time I'd seen her pussy exposed outdoors. It looked better than ever -- soft, thin, pink petals framing and shrouding a pussy from which I could make out hints of wetness gleaming inside.

"Just like that," I said as I took photos of her.

What I liked most was how comfortable and confident mom suddenly seemed like that. Once she had made the decision to open up for me, she was in her element.

Without any bidding from me, mom put her hands under thighs, lightly took each lip between her fingers, and opened herself up. She had fully opened her pussy to me.

"Just like on the beach," I said. "It feels good, doesn't it?"

"It does," she said.

I took another photo, and then I was done with photos. I put the phone down and approached my mom. I walked directly between her spread legs, and I put a hand on each thigh, and I reached down and kissed mom on the lips. She kissed me back.

"I like it when you're naked, mom," I said. "I think you like it too."

"You figured out my secret," she said and smiled when I pulled back from kissing her.

"Let's go for a swim," I said.

Mom looked around us.

"Here?" she asked. "Randy, this is in public. I'm not going swimming, naked."

"Why not?" I asked. "You're already naked. And it's a warm day and we're both already sweaty. Come on. It will feel good.

"I've gone swimming here before," I added. "Naked."

"You have?" she asked, eyes widening. "I thought you were a voyeur, not an exhibitionist."

"A guy can be both," I said and grinned.

She looked out over the lake and down at the cool water. The air was still and the water looked calm and inviting. Tall trees overhung this part of the lake and the water lay quiet and unrippled in dappled sunlight and shade.

I could tell mom was thinking about it. I could see the conflict playing out in her face. Mom had unveiled her exhibitionism and kinkiness to me, and there was no taking it back. She couldn't put the genie back in the bottle. I knew that she wanted to keep showing herself, too. But she wasn't comfortable about it -- either about showing off in a public setting like this, or about showing off in front of her 19-year-old, horny son.

"Come on," I urged.

I looked around the lake. I didn't see or hear any sign of anyone. This part of the shore was obscured by rocks and trees and was hidden from sight of the main trail on the opposite shore by the small rocky island in the middle. There was always some risk of exposure getting naked in public in the middle of the day, but I figured the odds were high that if we were careful no one would see us.

I unlaced my shoes, and then quickly pulled off my socks, my shirt, and my shorts. I stood naked in front of my mom, about ten feet away. My cock hung in front of her, and I caught her looking at it as she sat by the water.

"Come on, mom," I said again.

She looked all around while I looked at her.

"I don't know," she said, but I could tell she wanted to do it.

"We'll ditch our clothes and go for a quick swim and come back," I said. "Come on."

The exhibitionist in her won out. She stood up and waded into the water in front of me. Her bare ass was perfect.

I grabbed our clothes and set them behind a bush, so if someone did come along they wouldn't see the clothes we'd left behind. Then I turned back to the lake and waded into the cool water ahead of mom.

"Let's swim to the island," I said, gesturing ahead of us.

I dove in at last and began breast-stroking toward the rocky island. I looked back and saw mom not far behind, trying to keep her head above the water and her hair dry. I wanted to keep my head above water so I could see if anyone was coming. But, so far, I didn't see anyone.

It didn't take long for us to get to the island. It was small, but covered thickly by trees and bushes. I pulled myself out of the water and turned back, partly to help mom up but mostly to watch her emerge from the lake nude and dripping wet. She rose from the water more beautiful than Venus. Sunlight reflected off the water dripping off her breasts and torso and legs. Her nipples looked dark and rock hard from the cool water. I took her hand.

I had skinny-dipped and swum to the island once before, and I knew there was a rise in the middle of the island from which one could see all around the lake while still well shrouded by tall grass and willowy bushes. I led mom on a faint dirt path. Although I had never seen anyone on the island, the existence of the path made it clear we weren't the first ones to have been here.

We probably were the first naked mother and son, however, I thought.

Mom looked nervous. Her head darted back and forth, looking for people. Fortunately, no one else was at the lake.

We reached the small rise. There was a small clear space on the ground amid the thick greenery. I crouched down and bade mom to do the same. From where we knelt, we could see the entire shore of the lake, but we were sufficiently shrouded by the trees and tall grass that someone walking on the shore could not see us without a lot of effort.

I turned to my mom, naked in the light shade. She held her shoulders back and her arms at her side and her breasts stood straight out from her chest, firm and with water still dripping off. I couldn't believe how large and erect her nipples were. She held them no more than a foot from my eyes. She caught me staring at them, and instead of covering them mom swayed her chest back and forth, causing her breasts to sway and rock up and down slightly.

"Mom, you look magnificent," I said.

"You think so?" she said, with a trace of coquettishness.

"Yeah, I do," I said. "Gosh, you are beautiful."

I put a hand on her waist, just under one of her breasts. I wanted it to be close, but not on her breast, so I could let her know I still was mindful of the agreement we'd made that I wouldn't touch her directly there.

"Lie back, mom," I said, pushing gently on her side.

Mom lay back, at my request. I could tell she enjoyed complying with my request.

When she lay down she put her hands behind her head and thrust her chest out at me, and she bent one leg. My naked mom lay on the ground, exposing herself to me again.

I kept a hand lightly on her belly. It perched there, respectful of the agreement we had made about what I could and could not touch, but it was poised to break that agreement at any second. We both knew it, and I could tell mom was as nervous and excited with the knowledge of it as I was.

I was still mesmerized at the sight of her full breasts as she lay back on the ground, with the grass and bushes all around us. The air was warm and the stillness was broken at times by intermittent bird calls or the buzz of insects. But nothing could take my attention away from mom's breasts.

"You have the most beautiful breasts, mom," I said.

"You don't think they're old or droopy?" she said, playfully. "They're all natural, you know."

"No, they're perfect," I said.

"Thanks!" she said.

My hand moved up from her belly to her chest, just under one of them. I wanted to feel them so badly; I ached for it. But I'd agreed not to touch them and I would abide by my agreement, no matter how hard it was to do so.

But mom had another idea.

"You can touch them if you want to," she said, very softly.

I didn't delay. I scooted up along her body and moved both my hands up her torso until each one cupped one of my mom's ample and beautiful breasts. I squeezed them gently. I had felt breasts before, but with my mom it was like I was feeling breasts for the first time in my life. I kneaded them gently, pushing them lightly this way and that. Mom cooed with pleasure.

Then I decided to get a bit bolder. I straddled her torso so I could get close to both boobs more easily. My cock was growing harder with the excitement and the tip of it lay against mom's skin. Mom sat up on her elbows and she stared at my hardening cock with a look of interest while I squeezed her boobs.

I took each one of her hard nipples between a thumb and forefinger and rubbed it. I'd never encountered nipples so deliciously hard and long. I gave them a quick, hard pinch, and mom let out a little squeal of surprise. She put a hand to her mouth and looked all around to see if there was anyone there. There wasn't.

She put her hand out, on my chest. At first I thought she meant to push me away, but she didn't. Her hand traced circles on my bare chest, tenderly.

Mom had said I could touch her boobs, and she hadn't put any limit on what I could touch her with, so I decided to go a step further. I bent over and put my mouth right over one of her long, hard nipples, and I sucked on it. Mom let out another moan of pleasure. I knew she liked it, because instead of pushing me away she put her hand against the back of my head and pressed me against her.

My cock was rock hard now and it stabbed into her upper torso as I sucked on her.

I opened my mouth and took as much of her tit into it as I could, and then I pulled back a little so I could tease it and play with it with my tongue. My mouth was hungry for the taste of her, and my tongue pushed her tit back and forth and swirled around it rapaciously.

When I was done with one I went to work on the other. I felt the grip of mom's hand tighten in my hair.

Then I moved by mouth back and off her. I scooted my body forward a little, so the tip of my hardening cock lay in the gully between her magnificent breasts. I took a breast in each hand again and pressed them together, enveloping my shaft between her mounds.

"Randy --" she gasped, but she did nothing to stop or hinder me. Instead, she lay back all the way on the ground, making it easier for me to hold my cock between her boobs while mashing them together.

I started rocking back and forth, until I could see my cock moving, disappearing between mom's mashed-together breasts and reappearing in the cleavage above them with every stroke. I picked up my pace and got into a good rhythm.

I was fucking my mom's tits.

"How do you like it?" I asked her.

She didn't say anything but let out a deep, long moan that told me all I needed to know. Her hands were on my hips, drawing me to her rather than pushing me away.

I started pinching her nipples while I grabbed her tits roughly together and against my cock. Then mom took a hand off my hip and moved it behind me, out of my sight. Although I couldn't see what she was doing, I could tell from the expression on her face that she was caressing herself between her legs while I tit-fucked her.

I sped up the pace of my cock moving against her body. The traces of water still on our bodies gave us enough lubrication. I knew I wasn't going to last long.

Mom came before me. I didn't think I'd ever seen a woman come so fast. No more than a minute after she'd reached her hand between her legs I felt her body jerk under me, and she threw her head back and let loose with a torrent of high-pitched squeals that she tried to stifle with a hand over her mouth.

My god, I thought, mom just came while I fucked her tits on an island in public. It was harder to keep her breasts together when her body was bucking from the orgasm, but I didn't let go. I kept pushing my cock furiously against her chest and between her breasts, which, pressed tightly together, formed a perfect, snug channel for me to fuck.

The sight and sound of mom orgasming under me was too much for me, and I couldn't hold back any longer. My cock pulsed a few times and then let loose with a thick, warm stream of cum jetting out against her bare chest. I pulled it back so I could watch myself spray on her tits. Some of it hit her chin, and I saw my cum pool in the dimple of her neck, too.

Mom lay back on the ground, looking at me with her chest still heaving, a few more tremors wracking her body.

"You said I could touch them," I said and smiled at my pretty naked mom, her chest now covered in my cum.

"I did, and you certainly did," she said.

"We stayed within our boundaries," I said. "We just adjusted them a little."

I reached down with my hand and spread some of the cum around on her chest. I scooped some of it up with a forefinger, and then I pressed the finger against her lips. Mom didn't protest. She took the tip of my finger between her lips and sucked my cum off my finger with a low slurp.

Just then, a dog barked.

I got off mom quickly but quietly and mom sat up in a squatting position. Both of us looked around us to see where the bark came from.

We saw it, through the trees. It was trotting along the shore, nose to the ground, on the path mom and I had taken to go around the lake. The dog's owner followed a hundred feet behind. I knew him. It was a neighbor -- Mr. Seeley. I didn't know him well, but what I knew I didn't like. He'd been grumpy and disagreeable every time I'd met him. He was the sort of neighbor that always complained about what everyone else in the neighborhood was doing. He was middle-aged, but acted older.

He was exactly the sort of person we wouldn't want to catch us nude together outdoors.

Fortunately, the dog and owner both appeared to be distracted by other things. Obviously, they hadn't seen us yet. But if they kept going the dog might find our clothes near the shore, and if Mr. Seeley found them he would quickly intuit where we were.

Mom moved up and behind the trunk of a small tree to take better cover. She sat on her knees and leaned over with a hand on the tree to lower her profile and steady herself. I knelt directly behind mom and put an arm around her waist to steady myself. Both of us stared at the dog and the owner, slowly moving along the shore.

"Randy, did you hide the clothes?" mom asked in a whisper, worried.

"I put them behind a bush, but they're not hidden, exactly, and if the dog smells them he's going to find them."

"Ugh," mom said. "I don't need Stuart Seeley to find me like this. This is not good."

Mr. Seeley looked up and toward the island. He looked right in our direction. We crouched as low as we could, hoping he couldn't see us under the shade and cover of the trees. He didn't seem to, because he looked away again.

He called out to his dog, who turned around and slowed but didn't stop walking toward the cove where we'd left our clothes. The dog was no more than fifty feet away now. Mom and I held our breath.

When mom crouched down to hide from Mr. Seeley's gaze, she had pushed her butt out, right against my cock, which still was sticky and dripping with cum from my orgasm. I wasn't fully erect, but I wasn't wholly flaccid, either, and the pressure of mom's smooth behind sent a tickle into my shaft. I was crouched right behind and over mom, and my cock, half-dangling and half-erect, slipped into the cleft between her butt cheeks. The head of my cock settled against the warmth of mom's pussy. I didn't push forward, but I didn't pull away, either. Even with my attention focused on Mr. Seeley's progress along the lake shore I couldn't help but focus as well on the contact between my cock and mom's pussy.

Mom didn't move; she kept her gaze forward, on our neighbor. Either she didn't notice my cock against her, or she did a great job pretending she didn't notice it. I adjusted position, as though to steady myself behind her, but the real purpose, and the effect, was to make my cock head drag against the lower reaches of her wet pussy.

Mr. Seeley clapped his hands and called to his dog again, louder this time.

Finally, no more than twenty feet away from our clothes, the dog turned around and walked back to Mr. Seeley. He put a leash on the dog and they turned around and walked back to the main trail.

Mom and I both let out a big, but quiet, sigh of relief.

I pulled back from her. Both of us continued crouching and hiding behind the trees until we saw Seely and his dog leave the lake.

"That was close," I said.

"Too close," mom replied. "I almost shit my pants." She grinned and looked down. "I mean, I would have if I'd been wearing pants."

"I'm glad you're not," I said

"I'll bet. My lusty son. Lusting after his old mom."

"You're not old, mom," I said. "You're hot. The hottest woman I've ever seen."

"I don't believe that," she said. "But thank you for the compliment. It's flattering that you think of me that way. But it seems wrong, too. I like the attention, and it felt really good --doing what we did a minute ago. But I can't help but think this is too crazy and too risky."

"I think it's worth the risk, mom," I said. "I'm sitting here looking at my hot, naked mom with my cum on her tits."

Mom looked down at the whitish glaze on her chest.

"My goodness, Randy," she said. "You did my chest like a fire hose."

She traced a finger from one breast to another, scooping up a thick daub of the cum as the finger dragged over her skin. Without hesitating or looking at me she brought her finger to her mouth and sucked it clean. When she was done, she looked up at me. I think she blushed.

"I think we better get back," she said.

We left the security of the grass and trees and walked cautiously toward the water, looking around us to see if anyone could see us from the lake shore. We didn't see anyone.

We entered the water again and swam briskly to the shore, aware that the longer we took the greater a chance there was that someone might come along and see us. I swam more slowly than I could, behind mom. I watched her emerge from the lake water, again like a goddess, magnificent and dripping wet in tree-filtered sunlight.

She stood naked on the shore waiting for me. I knew where I'd left our clothes, and she didn't.

I scrambled out of the water onto the rocks and ran to the bushes to retrieve our gear. Like a good son I took mom's bra and shorts to her before I put my own shorts on, but when I got to her I didn't hand them to her, although she waited with outstretched hands.

"Let me put them on you," I said. I smirked, I have to admit.

"Randy --" mom said, her skepticism obvious.

"Allow me," I said as I held the tiny shorts at her feet. "Step into them."

Mom relented. She picked a foot up and set it down in one hole of the tiny shorts, then she put the other one in the other hole. It was my turn to pull the fabric up her legs. I did, but it was tight. I wondered for a second how anyone could wear such tiny shorts. It was slow-going, tugging them up her calves and thighs, especially because the shorts fabric caught on the wetness of her body.

As I pulled the shorts up toward her hips I realized mom's bare pussy was just inches from my face. Blond fur lay over it and thin lips dangled between the inviting gap between her thighs. I wanted to reach forward and take those thin lips in my mouth, but instead I kept pulling the shorts up until they covered her.

I handed mom's bra to her and put on my own shorts and shirt. Soon we were dressed again.

We followed the rocky lake shore path back to the main trail, and we ran back home. Neither of us said much along the way.

The lake water had refreshed and cooled us, but the afternoon air still was hot, and by the time we returned home both of our bodies were covered in a fine lather of sweat. As we ran I continued to linger behind mom so I could watch her lithe figure gleam in the afternoon sun. The combination of sun and sweat accentuated every curve and line of her body. I was mesmerized, watching her body move in front of mine. I felt a noticeable rise under my thin shorts.

Damn, hard again, I thought.

Inside the house the air was cool, and I noticed with lusty satisfaction as mom's nipples popped up jauntily under the thin bra fabric.

Mom turned toward me. Obviously, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't quite find the words to say it. I could tell she had enjoyed what had happened between us at the lake, but she couldn't quite admit it to herself or to me.

"That was a good, ahh, run," she said at last. "Um. I need to take a shower now."

She turned and I watched my sexy mom's round, perky butt grow smaller as she walked away from me toward her room.

But I wasn't ready for things to end. And I thought maybe mom wasn't either. I followed her to her room.

She got to her room and she started to pull off her bra top when she became aware of my presence and turned around toward me.

"Randy," she said. "What are you doing in my room?"

"I want to be with you more, mom," I said. I knew what I had in mind but I paused before I said it.

"Let's shower together," I said.

That caught mom short. Her mouth opened and formed an incredulous "O." Then it snapped shut as thought she'd made a decision, but it wavered again.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Randy," in a voice that evinced no confidence whatsoever.

"Mom, why not?" I asked. "I fucked your tits an hour ago. And you know something? You liked it. I liked it, and you liked it. Let's not be silly about this. We can still honor whatever boundaries we've set. But I want to see your hot, naked body in the shower. Let's do it."

I saw mom's body almost shiver in response to the words "hot" and naked." I knew she liked the idea, but her conscience wrestled with her desire.

"Come on, mom," I said. "Let's go shower."

I walked to her and took her hand. I led her to the bathroom. She didn't resist.

The shower stood behind glass, and its surface lay covered in small earth-tone tiles. I reached in and turned it on and adjusted the knob so the water would be pleasantly hot. Soon steam from the spray of hot water began to fill the room. The shower was big enough for two, and I was eager to have mom's naked body next to mine with the water coming down on us.

I turned my attention to mom's clothes, which she had not removed yet. First I helped her pull off the bra, and I watched her full breasts spring and bounce after I had freed them. Mom stood passively as I tossed the bra to the bathroom floor and began tugging off the shorts I'd spent so much effort to put on her little more than an hour earlier. It took less time to shuck them off than it had taken to tug them on next to the lake shore.

In a few seconds my mom stood naked in front of me, in the bathroom now filling with steam from the hot shower spray. I'd seen mom fully naked several times now, but each time it seemed more miraculous than the last. In the steam-filled room her body, though lean and muscular, seemed soft and dewy and vulnerable to me. I was still clothed, and I took her in my arms and hugged her. Then I pulled away and pulled off my shorts and shirt. Mom and I walked naked into the shower.

I let mom stand under the shower head first, so I could watch the stream of water pour over and down her body. Her blond hair matted against her head. Streams of water coursed along her figure, down her face and shoulders and in constantly changing rivulets over her full breasts and torso. I looked down and watched the water pour down between her legs and then fall in a steady cascade from the dangling lips of her pussy.

Mom's eyes were closed and her hands were on her head to ensure that her hair was fully drenched.

I picked a bar of soap off the built-in bench. It had been worn down from prior use to a slender oval. I pressed it to one of her breasts, and then to the other. I pushed the edge of the bar against each of her nipples, which stood hard and impossibly long out from her body. The soap bar bent her nipple back against her breast, and when I withdrew it I watched the nipple spring back into position. Then I worked up a good lather between my palms, and I spread it in tight circles over mom's pretty tits.

While I tended to mom's breasts with the soap, she reached her hand behind my head and pulled it down to her and kissed me hard and deeply. Her tongue entered my mouth. She pressed her body against mine, and I felt the head of my cock, now fully erect, poke into her belly, uncertain whether it would slide up her torso or down toward the cleft between her legs. It slid up, along her slippery and soapy skin, and I felt the head rest against her belly button while my ball sack lay right over her clit.

Knowing my cock wouldn't be able to slide into her cunt in this position seemed to embolden mom, because she pushed the mound between her legs against me while she kept kissing me. Her body writhed against me as my hands slid down and held her at the waist. She was as hot and eager for me as any girl I'd ever been with. I cupped her ass with my hand and pressed her against me more tightly and pushed her tongue back with mine. Our tongues clashed and I had to push mine harder against hers to force hers back and thrust mine into her mouth. The soap bar dropped to the floor but its lather remained between us, lubricating our skin and enabling mom to move her slick body with ease against my cock. My fingers spread out and grabbed mom's ass cheek hard, and I knew their tips were just inches from her asshole.

I spun mom around, and I picked up the soap again. I held her back against me, with my cock now pressed against her back, and grabbed and kneaded and lathered her tits with the soap all at the same time, kissing the back of her neck while I did so. I bit down on her skin at the base of her neck, hard enough to leave a mark but not hard enough to hurt her. She tried to pull away at first, but when I held on she stopped resisting and submitted as I marked her.

While I grabbed her breast with one hand, the other one, holding the soap bar, slid down her belly toward her pussy. I stopped it right at the edge of the light, trimmed fur on her mound, and I ran my fingers through, touching my mom's pubic hair for the first time.

Then mom turned around and took the soap from me and began lathering my body. She pushed her soapy tits against my chest and moved them against me in a circular motion.

For the next few minutes mom and I lathered each other with soap like that, using our soapy bodies to wash each other.

I couldn't get enough of having my hands all over mom's body, but when she was done rinsing off she pushed me lightly back on the chest with her hand. Then she reached down and plucked a small, pink, plastic razor off the bench. She held it up in front of my face and smiled. She placed the ball of her foot on the bench, and she started skimming the razor up her shin, past her knee, and up her thigh.

Mom was shaving her legs in front of me. They didn't feel like they needed shaving to me, but I thought perhaps she wanted to put on a show for me. It was quite a show. With her leg bent up and spread out to give her the best access to her leg, her pussy was easy to see. Her delicate inner lips opened just a little and dangled, and water from the shower streamed down her body and poured down from each one. Mom looked up at me as she pulled the razor slowly along the skin of her legs, and I could tell she knew exactly where my eyes were. I could tell, too, that she was holding herself in a position that gave me the best possible view.

She took her time shaving, first one leg and then the other, and I took my time ogling everything about her -- the pretty pussy, the lean, muscled legs, the full natural breasts, the wet blond hair matted against her head and neck. All the while the hot water cascaded over her body.

After a couple of minutes of shaving both legs she put both feet back on the floor and stood up straight.

"There, I'm done," she said. "I hope you liked the show!"

"I loved it, mom," I said. "But you're not done."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

I grabbed her ass with both hands and pulled her to me and kissed her again.

"Shave your pussy, mom," I said. "Shave your pussy for me and let me watch you."

"You want me to have a completely bare pussy?" she asked in a small voice.

"Yeah, mom, I do. I love seeing your pussy and I want to see it as clearly as possible. Shave off all your hair down there. I want to enjoy the sight of your bare cunt. Shave it now, in front of me."

Mom hesitated for just a few seconds, and then she squatted and sat down on the floor of the shower. She scooted backward against the wall of the shower, and put her knees up and spread them out. She reached over to the bench and grabbed the bar of soap and worked up a thick lather into the thin layer of fur.

She looked up at me.

"You better sit down too if you want to get the best view."

I sat down. Mom put on a show. She started the razor from the top edge of her hair and stroked down. With the fingers of her other hand she reached down and pulled one of her pussy lips to the side. Doing so didn't help her shaving; it was for my benefit, so I could see inside her pussy as she shaved. The pink skin inside her glistened and sparkled under the spray of water and the light from the shower ceiling.

Mom stopped and held up her razor.

"Here," she said. "Why don't you do it. But remember our rules. You can't touch me there with your hands."

It was getting harder to figure out what the rules and boundaries were, exactly, but if they allowed me to shave my mom's pussy I wasn't going to complain. I slid my butt over next to mom and took the razor from her hand. She lay back and pushed her pussy closer to me to make it easier for me to shave. Now it was just inches away.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, still surprised she would let me do this.

"Yes," she said. "Just be careful. Remember to stroke down, with the grain of the hair," she said.

I shaved my mom's pussy hair. I started with short, tentative strokes. I didn't want to slip and hurt her. Mom lay as still as she could, but she was breathing heavily and couldn't entirely stop the rise and fall of her body with her breaths. My heart was beating fast inside my chest. I tried to hold the razor as steadily as I could.

I watched with fascination as the thin patch of hair was stripped away, stroke by stroke.

Soon it was all gone. Mom's cunt lay gloriously bare in front of me, inches away. Her delicate, irregular petals were peeled back enough to give me a view of everything. Her clit peeked out from light folds of skin. The pale flesh inside her was almost the color of salmon, and I thought how much I wanted to taste it. Further inside, the depths of her pussy faded to darkness. Streams of water from the shower coursed through it as I stared.

My cock is going to be in there soon, I thought. It wasn't going to be today -- I could tell that for all our intimacy together mom wasn't ready for that. But it was going to happen. I'm going to fuck that cunt soon, mom, I thought.

"You're not quite done," she said. She surprised me again.

"I'm not?"

"There's a little stubble on the sides," she said. "I need you to shave that off too."

Mom took hold of one of her lips and pulled it out and over her opening, stretching the skin of her outer labia so I could see it better. Sure enough, light blond stubble dotted the otherwise smooth skin to the side of her pussy.

I shaved very carefully, and very slowly, not just to avoid hurting mom but to savor the close-up view. My mouth literally watered at the sight. I gently scraped the stubble off one side. Then mom let go and pulled on the other lip and did the same on the other side. We finished and when she let go the stretched lips flapped open and revealed more than before.

But not for long. Mom got up on her knees and turned around.

"There's one more thing," she said. "It's hard for me to see what's back there, so I need your help there too."

Mom hunched over on all fours with her legs held wide and her butt turned up to my face. She wanted me to shave between her butt cheeks and around her asshole. I shook my head. This was better than any porn movie. It was too good to be true.

It was a funny thing to think, but I thought her asshole looked kind of cute. The skin around it was a little darker than the skin around it, and it was slightly crinkly. Her sphincter held it clamped shut.

With one hand, I pulled on a butt check to spread her more, and I held my face as close to her as I could so I could see any stray hairs. I kept my fingers and hands away from her private parts while I pulled the razor gently over the skin between her cheeks. I saw a few stray short hairs come away. Soon I was done.

"Done, I think," I announced.

Mom looked back at me while still holding her spread ass in front of my face.

"Thanks, sweetie," she said.

Then she spun around. She sat on her butt with her legs up, and she inspected my handiwork.

"Nice job, Randy," she said. "Is that your first time shaving a pussy?"

"It sure is," I said. "I'm experiencing a lot of firsts, lately."

"Me, too," mom said.

She lay back on her elbows and bit her lip. A sly look gleamed in her eyes. I liked the way her full breasts stood out against her chest when she lay back that way, with her nipples firm and poky under the torrent of water.

Mom picked a foot up off the floor and snaked it toward me until her toes poked my inner thigh. She dragged her toes upward along my thigh until they rested against my belly. Her foot pushed higher until it pressed squarely against my chest.

"Sit back against the wall," mom said.

I scooted back until my back was against the shower wall, and mom moved forward toward me. I didn't know what mom had in mind, but I was fired up with desire and I wasn't going to argue with her.

My back hit the wall, and I stopped. My legs were open and my cock pointed hard and eager toward the shower ceiling, stimulated by the sight of my spread-open mom scooting toward me along the shower floor.

Mom picked her other foot off the floor. Then she brought both feet together, on my cock.

I was startled, and I'm sure my surprise showed in my face. Mom looked at me.

"We set boundaries," she said. "But we didn't say anything about feet."

"No, we didn't," I said.

Mom's feet now worked together to clamp my cock in their grip. She embraced my shaft with the balls of her feet, and I felt it stiffen and lengthen under the pressure. Then she pulled a foot away and set it on the bar of soap lying on the shower floor, and she rubbed it back and forth until I saw it pick up a film of soapy lather. She brought the foot back to my cock and resumed squeezing me between her feet, which were now more lubricated.

It felt amazing. I'd never had a foot job. I'd never thought about having a foot job. But now my mom was giving me one, under the constant hot spray of the shower, and it was pure heaven.

Whatever restraint mom's face had shown before seemed gone now, because her jaw hung down and her thick lips framed a big lusty O and her eyes were wide and see-sawing between the cock between her feet and my own disbelieving eyes. Mom sat close enough to me that she had to keep her knees wide to bring her feet together at my erect member, so the whole time she stroked me her pussy was visible. I could have sworn her clit had pushed back the cover of the hood over it and was more erect than before.

Up and down, up and down mom's pretty feet worked my cock in their grip, giving my cock head a little extra squeeze every time she got to the tip. I was amazed at her skill. Her feet never slipped off. Where she learned her skills, I had no idea, but I was in the hands -- nope, the feet -- of an expert.

I moaned, and mom grinned at my obvious pleasure.

She nodded her chin to the shower shelf next to me.

"Randy," she said. "Grab that lotion bottle."

A bottle of some sort of bath lotion perched on the shelf next to me. I grabbed.

"Drip it onto your cock," she said.

I could see why she suggested it. Although my cock was just outside the main stream of water pouring from the showerhead, the spray was enough to have rinsed the soap off, and mom wanted to keep it lubricated. I held the bottle over my cock and mom's feet and watched the lotion dribble over them. It had an instant effect, dramatically increasing the lubrication and allowing mom to grab and stroke me harder and faster.

Mom expertly moved my feet back and forth and around different parts of her feet, rolling my shaft around and across her instep, then back to the balls of her feet. She ministered to my cock with her sexy, painted toes. All the while she kept up the pace and the pressure.

"Do you like that, baby," she said, her voice deep with desire.

"I love it, mom," I said. "I'm fucking your feet, mom."

"I like the feel of you fucking my feet, Randy. I like the feel of your big cock between my feet."

Up and down. Up and down. Her feet never lost their grip. My cock never lost the constant feeling of pressure and stroking.

"You like it, too, don't you, mom," I said. "You like having your legs open and foot-stroking your son's hard tool, don't you?"

Her mouth opened more and her chest pushed forward at my words. Mom liked being talked to that way.

"Yeah, Randy. I like my son's big hard cock between my feet."

My cock twitched under the pressure. I knew it wasn't going to take long. I couldn't believe it. My mom was going to bring me to orgasm with her feet. It was going to be a first for me.

"I fucked your tits and your feet in the same day, mom," I said to her. "I fucked you a lot today. You like that, don't you, mom," I urged. "You like your son fucking different parts of your body."

She threw her head back. I dribbled more lotion over my cock and her feet where they came together, and, if anything, she picked up the speed and pressure. Mom's expert ministrations to my foot felt better than most pussy fuckings I'd had.

"I love it," she said. "I love my strong, handsome son fucking my tits and my feet."

She moaned as she pumped her feet up and down my shaft.

I felt myself welling up under the constant, heavy stroking of her feet. My cock surged.

"Oh mom," I moaned.

"Randy," mom moaned back.

The last thing I noticed before I came was the blur of her red toenails on either side of my swelling shaft.

Mom looked back at me. She knew what was about to happen, and just before I came her feet pulled on my cock to angle it toward her.

A heavy geyser of cum erupted from my cock, up and into the spray of the shower water. The downward flow broke the thick cum stream into white drops that spattered all over mom's body before it washed them off her. I saw cum that hit her belly button swept into rivulets of water that coursed down her abdomen and into the open, pink cleft between her legs.

My cum was in mom's pussy, I thought. Holy shit.

Before all of it could wash off mom scraped some of the mess off her body with her hand and brought it to her mouth and sucked it off. I sat and watched her, awe-struck.

She pumped me with her feet until she was sure there was nothing left to pump out. Then she took her feet away and placed them far apart on either side of her. She sat completely open and exposed to me as the water washed my cum off her body.

Mom grinned at me.

"That was a good shower. I think we've used enough water for now."

I nodded at her. I couldn't think of anything to say. My body was in a state of pure, unadulterated post-orgasm bliss.

Mom stood up, turned around under the water to finish rinsing herself off, and then turned the shower handle until the water stopped flowing.

She looked down at me. I looked up at her lean body, wet and gleaming and beautiful. Her pink, erect nipples stood out and the petals of her vulva opened to me.

I stood up and put my arms around mom.

"My god, mom," I said. "That was amazing."

"Yes, it was," she said.

We stood like that in the shower for a long time.

Next chapter