
Michael's Mom Has Got It Going ON P2

"There," he said.

"Thanks," she said. She finished the rest lathering the rest of her body and handed the sunscreen to him. He covered himself in it, but after finishing his legs and abs he looked down and realized there was one more part that needed covering: his pale, hard dick, still standing at attention. He encircled it with his lotion-covered hand and stroked from the base to the tip. He stroked it just once, but he was in such a high state of agitation for a second he thought he might spurt right there on the carpet. Fortunately, he didn't. He caught mom smiling and looking at him.

"Are we ready?"

"Let's go, mom," Michael said.

It wasn't difficult to find out where to go. A large wooden kiosk at the edge of the resort contained a map of the grounds and showed a snaky network of trails winding through the surrounding hills. Susanna and Michael started up a trail that looked promising. It took them steeply up a hill blanketed in sun-tanned grass. An open forest of oaks stood around them, and the trees closed in as they ascended. Already the day was warm, and the sun beat down from overhead. Cicadas buzzed from unseen locations nearby.

They hiked perhaps half a mile, mostly in silence. Then Susanna spoke.

"It looks like we have the woods to ourselves. I guess everyone else wanted to get massages and hang out in the hot springs. We're just hardier than they are."

She laughed. Michael did, too, but secretly he was glad they had chosen to hike. The idea of a massage didn't appeal to him, and he wasn't interested in hanging out naked by a pool in front of a bunch of people. But that wasn't the only reason. He liked the idea of being with his mom, naked, just the two of them. He had started to become accustomed to staring at her, and it was easier to do without a lot of people around them. For a while he hiked behind her, and he forgot about the scenery around them. His eyes were fixed on her smooth back and on the round, firm cheeks of her ass, jiggling slightly as she climbed ahead of him. He caught glimpses between her legs. And as they hiked farther, he saw the pale sheen of sweat, mixed with the lotion, coating her body. He wasn't fully hard, but he was half-way there, and his dick flopped and swayed wildly in every direction as he hiked behind her.

They came to a fork in the trail about a mile from the resort. A narrow side trail veered off the from main trail that they'd been hiking. Susanna beckoned right and they started in a new direction, climbing more steeply still into denser forest.

After another half mile they crested a rise and descended, and they soon came to a creek. It had nearly dried up. Just a sliver of water trickled down along the bottom.

"Let's stop and get a drink," Susanna said.

They drank from water bottles Michael carried in a small backpack, and Susanna fished out two snack bars to munch as well. Susanna sat back on a low, large rock, resting her butt against its broad, flat top. Her legs fell open again, and Michael's eyes couldn't help it, once again. He stared at her pussy. Maybe it was just sweat, but the lips glistened even in the dappled light that filtered through the trees around them.

He must have stared at her longer than he thought, because when he finally looked up Susanna was staring at him, her lips pursed in a wry smile.

"Michael, do you like what you see?"

Susanna's question caught Michael short. He was sure his face registered shock. Susanna smirked at Michael. She's caught me, he thought. He barely could stammer in reply.

"What . . . what do you mean?"

"You were looking at me. Down there. Between my legs. Do you like what you see?"

There was no good way to reply to a question like that, Michael thought.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I won't do that again."

"Michael, don't be silly. And don't tell me you didn't mean to. I saw you doing it several times. You've been doing it ever since we got naked yesterday. You were looking at my vulva. You like looking at it, right?"

Michael's discomfort was sky-high. Not only had his mom caught him looking at her down there, but now she was putting on her psychologist's let's-be-completely-honest-about-everything manner. The last thing Michael wanted was to talk honestly with his mom about looking at her pussy. His mom, of course, adopting her clinical mode, had to use the word "vulva." He had never been comfortable with that word.

"Come on, Michael. Be honest."

"OK. Yes. I was looking at it. It's hard not to. You're a woman, you're attractive, and you're naked."

"Exactly," she said. "It's normal."

"I'm having a hard time getting used to this being normal."

"Well, I didn't raise you as a nudist. But many families around the world practice nudism, and they get used to nudity. To them it's a completely normal, day to day thing. It's all a matter of habituation."

She hopped up on the flat surface of the rock, and she patted it with her hand.

"Come over here, Michael."

She sat on one end of the rock and turned around. Michael reluctantly followed and sat on it as well, a few feet from her. His cock had begun to swell with all the talk about his mom's pussy, and he tried to conceal it by pressing his legs together.

"Face me, Michael. On the rock surface."

Reluctantly, Michael did as Susanna told him to do. He swung his legs up on the rock and sat cross-legged, facing her. His cock, choosing a bad time not to cooperate, grew still harder and popped up from his lap, angling in his mom's direction.

"I can see you're definitely interested in the subject," she said and smiled. She looked him in the eyes.

"Now, look at me," she said.

Michael stared back at her.

"No, not at my face. Down here." She pointed to her lap, between her legs stretched out to either side of the rock surface. "Look at my vulva."

"Mom -"

"Michael, go ahead. I want you to."

He did, slowly, his eyes trailing away from her face, down her neck, to her plump breasts, past her belly, and finally to the junction between her thighs. Susanna angled her hips toward her son, until the full vertical slit of her pussy was in his view, top to bottom. She sat only a few feet from him, so he got the closest, best look he'd had of it yet. He thought it was lovely, the mounds of her outer lips framing and pressing against the thin folds of her inner lips. Blond, well-trimmed hair lay about the lips them but did nothing to conceal them. Her inner lips were parted, just a crack, and he noticed a faint glistening inside from the reflected light coming through the trees overhead in slender shafts.

"I think it's time to be candid with each other," she said. "You and I have never been naked together like this. I don't think you've ever seen me fully naked before. Am I right?"

"Yes," he said, struggling to pull his eyes away from her pussy.

"We have some more time here," she said. "We're going to be naked together for a while longer, and if we're going to get something out of our visit here we need to be comfortable. I know you've been trying to be discreet about it, but I can tell you've been agitated. I don't want you to be that way. If you're agitated, then I'm going to be agitated, and neither one of us will get what we should out of this program. So, we're going to try something that should make us both more comfortable.

"Scoot closer," she said.

Michael scooted closer. Mom spread her legs wider still.

"We're going to play some show and tell, so we can put the mystique and strangeness of our nudity to rest and enjoy the rest of the day. OK?"

"I guess so, mom."

"Good. So, this is my vulva," mom said. "You can see the hood here, covering my clitoris." She traced its length with her index finger. It was long and it fully concealed the nub of skin underneath.

"I know what a vulva is, mom. I've seen one before. More than one."

"But you haven't seen mine before, Michael. This is about habituation, remember? Getting you accustomed to something you haven't seen before. Making you comfortable so we don't have to deal with any awkwardness for the rest of the time we're here. Bear with me. It's just anatomy. Nothing more."

She pulled the skin of the hood up and back.

"Now you can see my clitoris. It's small and not easy to see, but it's right there." She touched her finger to the round pink bit of flesh under the folds of skin. She pulled her finger back.

"Ahhh, sensitive!" she said. "Go ahead and get a good look."

Michael leaned closer. There was something mesmerizing about his mom, just feet away, exposing herself to him as she was, and encouraging him to look at her. She was beautiful. Some part of Michael could appreciate that her pussy was appealing in a way that was more than sexual, that its curve and shape and color were beautiful like a flower. But at the same time, he was turned on. It was his mom's pussy, sure, but it was a pussy. And, sitting there, looking at her, with his cock standing straight up in salute from his lap, he couldn't imagine ever being so "habituated" to it that he wouldn't be turned on by the sight of it. And he wondered, too, if his mom really was convinced if that was possible. He wondered if this really was just a therapeutic exercise for her. He wondered if, even just a little bit, mom was turned on, too.

He didn't have time to think about it more because mom suddenly spread her lips apart with her fingers.

"Now you can see my vagina. You know the difference between a vulva and a vagina, right?"

"Mom, of course I do." It was embarrassing to listen to her talk this way, but his eyes were glued to the pink gash she had opened to him. He was a healthy, libidinous 21-old-male, and he'd seen plenty of pussies, but he'd never seen one presented to him quite so brazenly. He tried to fight the feeling, because he was looking at his mom, but he couldn't help but acknowledge how arousing it was to see her this way.

Susanna continued with her anatomy lesson as though he hadn't said anything.

"The vulva is the proper name for the exterior, although some people call it a 'vagina.' But the vagina is only the interior part. You can see from the light reflecting off it that it's a little wet. Some women at my age get drier, especially around menopause, and dryness can make sex uncomfortable. I'm fortunate I stay fairly wet down there and that's not a problem for me."

If Susanna was unaware that she was talking to her son about her body's ability to handle being fucked, Michael wasn't. In his mind he imagined a hard cock pushing into the wide-open pussy in front of him. He tried to purge the thought but couldn't. Susanna continued, seemingly unaware of the thoughts and feelings her words aroused.

"If you look down here, you can see the urethral opening. That's where pee comes out. A lot of men seem to find it a mystery where a woman's pee comes from, but there's no mystery to it."

Michael's jaw dropped open, without his noticing it. He was spellbound at this point and couldn't say anything. Whether it was because it was his mom or not, he'd never seen anything as arousing in his life as what she was showing him. The detached, clinical manner of her presentation somehow made it even more arousing, not less.

"Down here, just below the urethra, you can see the vaginal opening. That's where the man's penis goes during intercourse."

She peeled her pussy open still farther, so Michael could look deep inside her channel. She held herself open, so he could look for as long as he wanted. How long, Michael don't know. He lost track of the time he spent looking deep into his mother as far as he could see, where bright pink gave way to a dusky rose that faded away into shadow. It seemed to Michael it must have been a minute or so that he sat transfixed, staring into his mother's depths. He couldn't tear his eyes away and she seemed to be willing to let him look as long as he wanted. When he broke his gaze from it and looked up and at her face, he noticed she was staring at his cock, which remained as hard and straight as ever. That gave him a twinge. Mom noticed him noticing her, and she looked away. Was she embarrassed? Michael thought she might be.

This was getting stranger and stranger, and he was getting more excited.

Mom closed her legs.

"Lesson over for now," she said. "I don't know how much you were paying attention, but it looks like your penis was." She pointed to it. His shaft stood straight away from his lap, hard and vertical and directed at the tree canopy above them.

"Sorry about that," Michael said.

"Michael, there's no need to be sorry," she said. "I hope for your sake your, um, 'interest' subsides a little. Our hike might be uncomfortable for you if it doesn't."

She hopped off the rock and sauntered back to the trail. Michael watched her ass sway as she turned away from him. Right then he knew for certain, if he hadn't fully realized it before, that he would never look at his mom the same way again. His mother's "lesson" had had the opposite effect of the one intended. Instead of desexualizing her nudity, it had aroused him. He remained aroused as they continued their hike.

The narrow trail on which they'd been walking looped around, heading back to the main trail from which they'd come. The mix of trees in this part was more varied, and a dense understory of bushes blocked most of the view going forward.

Coming around a sharp turn in the trail, both Susanna and Michael started at the sound of a squeal in front of them. It was a woman. The squeal was followed by a moan. Susanna and Michael stopped in their tracks and listened. There was no question what they were hearing: two people fucking. Intermixed with the unseen woman's high-pitched moans was a male voice urgently saying, "Yeah, baby. Take that. Take my cock. Just like that."

Susanna and Michael looked at each other. For a moment they weren't sure what to do. They could continue on the trail, but they'd startle the couple and interrupt them. Or they could turn back and return from where they'd come. But neither one of them wanted to do that.

Michael decided what to do. He put his finger to his mouth, whispered "Shhhhh," and crept forward, waving to Susanna to follow him.

"Michael, we shouldn't," she whispered.

"We've been looking at naked people for the last day," Michael said, just as quietly. "Knowing the people who come here, they probably wouldn't mind if we watched them."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. She resisted at first, but then she followed him. He guided both of them to a spot where the density of the bushes lessened. The bush ahead of them had enough gaps in its leaves and branches that they could see through it.

30 feet from where they crouched, they saw a slender strawberry blonde woman with her hands against the trunk of a sycamore, her legs wide apart and her ass thrust backward, grabbed tight by the hands of a dark-haired man rapidly thrusting in and out of her from behind.

Michael liked this place more and more. Susanna saw but hung back. He looked back at her. She looked embarrassed and guilty. But Michael held fast to her hand and pulled her forward and in front of him. He wanted her to watch. She followed his direction. She scooted forward, not making a sound. When she settled in place, she half crouched in front of him to get the best view through the gap in the bush. Michael crouched directly behind her, and he put his hands on her waist to steady them. Susanna shifted for just a second as though to object, but then she stopped and grew quiet in her son's firm grasp. She put one hand atop his on her side. They watched the young couple fucking with abandon before them.

Michael's cock was even harder now, and from where he stood behind his mom its thick head was no more than an inch from the small of her back and the top of the cleft than ran down between her cheeks. Michael wanted a better view, so he ducked down a little more and pulled back. He could see the darker patch of her anus now, and below it the edge of her pussy. For a moment he got lost in the sight and forgot about looking at the fucking couple in front of them. Mom's ass mesmerized him so much more. His cock tip was just inches from her entrance. If he pushed forward just a little -

It was tempting. But he didn't do it. Maybe it was his sense of propriety, or maybe it was just nerves. But while the angle was perfect to take her, the timing wasn't right. Michael held back.

The couple continued fucking like that for another five minutes. Then they quickened their tempo, and Michael could tell the man was about to come. But before he did, he pulled out, and Michael heard him say, "Turn around, Kate."

The woman spun around and sank to ground, her knees against the forest floor. She held her hands to her side and looked up at her lover with her mouth open and eyes wide. Not 20 seconds later the man's cock gave way and he splattered her face and chest with a messy spray of cum.

Michael felt his mother's hand tighten on his, and she shifted back and to the side. Michael's cock head collided with an ass cheek and veered to the side. His mother didn't even seem to notice. She kept looking forward. Michael and Susanna watched the couple to see what they would do.

"My cum is all over you, Kate," the man said.

"I love it that way," said Kate, drawing her finger along her cheek, scooping up some of his milky seed and taking it in her mouth. "I love the taste, too. I love your cum, Drew."

"Don't eat too much," said Drew. "I want you to wear it on you as we hike back. You'll stay like that until we get back to the pool, and then you'll get in and wash it off in front of everyone."

Kate giggled. "We're not supposed to do that. We're supposed to wash our bodies before entering the pools or springs."

"Sometimes you gotta break the rules, baby. This is one of those times."

He helped her up with his hand and they grabbed and kissed each other loudly. When they stopped, they talked to each other in a tone too soft to hear. After another minute they turned and walked back to the small trail, joining it at a spot about 100 feet ahead of Michael and Susanna.

Susanna pushed back and stood up, and her ass once again brushed Michael's cock head. Michael felt like he was going to burst. If he'd been on his own at that point he would have jerked off immediately. His hand started going down and for a split second he thought he'd stroke himself anyway, mom or no mom. But he stopped. Susanna looked him over, turned, and crept quietly toward the trail. Michael followed her.

"Let's give that couple some space so they don't see us. I don't want them to think we saw them."

"But we DID see them, mom, and if they knew they'd probably like it."

"Hmmm," she said. "Maybe. But that's for them to decide, not us."

They waited a few minutes on the trail. Mom turned to Michael again.

"That was . . . something. Wow. I feel bad. I've never been a peeper before, and I certainly never expected to be one with my son."

"We're doing a lot of things this weekend we've never done before," Michael said. "And there's more weekend ahead."

"True," she said. "I think the program this afternoon will calm things down a while. It's supposed to improve personal communication."

With every passing minute Michael grew more certain that the program his mother had signed up for was going to be different from what she expected. But if his mom suspected so, too, she didn't let on. She stood alongside him, chin up and smiling, seemingly unaware. Michael didn't know what to expect, and he didn't say anything.

"Let's go," Susanna said at last.

Most of the way back was downhill. By the time they got back to the resort it was mid-day, and their bodies were coated in sweat and their shins were sprinkled with fine dust. They didn't have a lot of time before the program started, so they ducked into the dining room and grabbed sandwiches and walked back to their room.

"We need to shower," Susanna said, wolfing down her sandwich in big bites. When she was done. she shucked off the sandals and entered the bathroom. She left the door open, again. Then Michael heard the tinkle of water. His mom was peeing with the door open. That was another first, Michael thought. This was getting stranger and stranger. He stood to the side of the door, and he couldn't see her. A thought just popped into his head.

"Mom, which program did you say you signed up for?"

"Program 3, Open Communication," she yelled over the sound of water. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. I wanted to see what it's about."

"The brochure is in my bag," she called. "I haven't read it, but be my guest."

Michael heard the sound of flushing, and then of the shower being turned on. He walked across the room to her bag and unzipped it. Inside was a shiny brochure with the title "Human Synergy Institute: Programs For Human Growth."

Michael turned to the page for Program 3. There were pictures of people sitting on the ground looking at one another. Some looked thoughtful, some looked pensive. Others smiled. But they were all clothed. Michael read the blurb under the title: "Program 3, Open Communication, is for people in any kind of relationship who want to unlock the secrets of more profound communication and relationships with others. We teach people to open up to a new way of communication through speaking, gesturing, and gentle touching."

Something didn't seem right to him. He looked in mom's bag again and found a piece of paper. It looked like a confirmation sheet that she'd printed out at home; it was dated ten days earlier. Michael's eyes scrolled down the page. They stopped when he reached the following sentence:

"Congratulations! You have signed up for the Human Synergy Institute's Program 8, Synergistic Sexuality, Session 1. This two-hour program will help you get past the awkward barriers that impede so many relationships, enable you to experience your partner sexually in a new way, and take your relationship to new sexual heights. After you've experienced our introduction to synergistic sexuality in Session 1, we're confident you'll want to return for more sessions."

Holy fuck, Michael thought. She signed them up for a sex workshop. Michael shook his head. He couldn't believe his mom accidentally had signed them up for a class on sex, instead of a communication workshop. On the other hand, he could believe it. His mom was so poor at dealing with paperwork, so poor at reading the fine print, that it wasn't that far-fetched she could somehow misunderstand which program was happening this weekend.

Michael kept reading. Below the description the details of the time and place for the reservation were printed. The word "Rescheduled" appeared in bold next to the following weekend.

Oh mom, Michael thought. She must have scheduled the date and then confirmed the reservation for that date after the program for that date been rescheduled for another date and replaced by this one.

Michael wondered how his mom would react when she found out. She'd be very disappointed, he was sure, because she had been waiting a long time for the communication program and would hate to have spent money and driven all this way only to choose not to participate. For his part, Michael wasn't too disappointed that the program his mom thought she'd signed up for wasn't happening. He hadn't been looking forward to spending two more hours trying to get in touch with his feelings with his mom. Heck, the program his mom signed up for would be more fun than that one. At the very least, Michael could watch naked couples around him get sexual while he and his mom hung out and . . . whatever.

Too bad it wasn't going to happen, Michael thought, because as soon as his mom found out which program she signed up for, she'd cancel.

Michael heard the shower shut off. Mom was getting out. He opened his mouth to call to her to let her know the truth.

"Mmmmaaaa -." He stopped halfway through the word and shut his mouth. An idea popped into his head - a strange idea, but one that enticed him as soon as his mouth closed.

What if he didn't tell his mom about the mix up?

What if, Michael thought, he kept quiet, and he and she went to the program, and only after everyone was seated and the program started did mom discover it was the wrong one? What would she do? He wondered. Would she get up and leave immediately? She might.

But Michael didn't think she would. When Varda had told his mom yesterday that they had to strip their clothes off, she had. She had accepted Varda's instructions and had been willing to see what would happen next. Ever since they had arrived, his mom had let everyone at the resort think they were a couple rather than a mother and son. If mom stayed true to form, she wouldn't say anything. She'd stay seated with Michael, and let the program, and then . . . what?

Michael didn't know. But there was another reason Michael thought she would want to stay. She liked being naked in front of people. She was enjoying this. Michael was certain of it.

Mom wants to show off more, Michael thought. She doesn't want this to end too soon, because she gets off on being naked. In front of the other guests. And in front of me.

Michael's thoughts turned to the image of his mom propped up on the flat rock earlier that morning, spreading her legs and opening herself for his inspection. Michael felt the twinge again. He looked down and, sure enough, his cock lengthened and hardened. Michael became aware, suddenly, almost painfully, that he was terribly horny.

I want that too, Michael thought. Mom wants to show off her naked body, and I want to see it.

Michael decided not to say anything to his mom. He tucked the confirmation slip back in her bag seconds before she left the bathroom. He scurried in to shower before she noticed his erection. When the spray of water hit him, moments later, he was tempted to lather his cock and bring himself to quick relief. But he didn't. He chose not to do anything before the program.

Maybe I can jerk off to mom during the program, he thought. That would be something. As soon as the thought formed, he shook his head and tried to bury it, without success. He finished his shower and got out.

"It's time to go, Michael," his mom said. "I'm really looking forward to this!"

"Me, too, mom," Michael said, smiling.

"I'm so glad!" she said. "It seems like you've had a change of heart. I appreciate that. I think you'll like this as much as I will."

He thought he might like it even more, but he didn't say anything.

They left the cabin and walked to the pavilion room. The pavilion was a circular building that stood at one end of the resort. Stained wood enveloped the exterior, and a pointed terra cotta roof capped it off. Michael and Susanna noticed other nude couples, some holding hands, approach at the same time. They fell in line to enter a set of double doors that had been swung open.

The interior of the pavilion was a spacious round room covered by a clear-stained oak floor, over which had been laid a series of large off-white mats that looked to be made of a soft material a couple inches thick. Large mirrors covered the walls of the room. High on the walls, above the mirrors, frosted window panes let light in from outside. As Susanna and Michael walked through the door they were greeted by Thomas, the man who spoke to them at breakfast. He wore a white robe. He pointed them to a mat against the wall on the far side of the room. Susanna and Michael sat next to each other on the mat and waited for the program to start. Other couples filled the mats all around them. Troy and Lisa sat together closer to the middle of the room. Drew and Kate, the couple they had seen fucking in the woods earlier, sat immediately to their left against the wall. They sat close together, Drew holding his hand on Kate's inner thigh, near her pussy, Michael noticed.

Michael counted fourteen couples. He guessed that their ages ranged from late twenties to early sixties. It was obvious he was the youngest person in the room. Twelve of the couples were male-female, one was two men, and one was two women.

A clap of hands brought everyone to attention. Thomas stood next to an empty mat in the center of the room. A gray-haired woman stood next to him in a matching robe.

"Welcome, everyone," Thomas said to the group. "I'm Thomas, and I'll be leading today's session, along with my partner Adia. I see a few familiar faces, so I know you've been through this before and we're glad to have you back. For the rest of you, I expect you've heard something about the program, but if not I'll give you a rundown. There's only one rule here, and that's to respect yourself, your partner, and everyone else. Because of the intimate nature of our session, we ask that you respect the privacy of others and not talk about what happens or reveal the names of the participants to anyone you know on the outside. What happens here stays here."

Michael glanced at his mom's face as Thomas spoke. She knitted her brow, a look of confusion and uncertainty on her face. As Thomas continued speaking her look of concern grew. Thomas's description of the program didn't fit with mom's idea of it.

"Adia and I will guide you in our session today, which will last about two hours. You are not required to follow us or mimic what we do. You may express your own intimacy and sexuality however you and your partner agree to do so. But I recommend that you take our cue at the beginning, start slowly, and build up, so you build up trust and communication before moving on."

With that, Thomas and Adia removed their robes to reveal their own nude bodies. Michael thought they didn't look bad for old people. They had wrinkles and Adia's breasts sagged, but both were thin and fit. Adia's nipples were an almost cherry hue.

"Go ahead and sit facing your partner," Thomas said. "Sit close enough that you can touch each other with ease."

Michael and Susanna shifted on their mat. Susanna leaned over to Michael and whispered in his ear.

"Something isn't right. This isn't what I expected."

"Let's just play along for now," Michael said.

Susanna nodded as they faced each other. Her eyes darted around the room. Michael kept his eyes on his mom, watching her confusion.

"To start with," Thomas continued, "Put your hands at your side so your body is fully revealed. Take a few minutes to look at your partner. Really LOOK at them. Start at the top, and move your eyes down. Try to notice things you may not have noticed before. Think about what you find beautiful in your partner."

That wasn't difficult for Michael to do, because there was a lot that was beautiful about his mom. He'd been looking at her a lot in the last 24 hours, and felt he'd come to know her body well. But, looking at her even more closely, he noticed things he hadn't before. He tried to put a name to the color of her hair, and he couldn't. It defied naming. It was blond, but it wasn't. As he focused on it carefully, he noticed individual strands of hair, standing up and falling away from her face together in a loose, frizzy cascade. Every strand was different. The more he tried to put words to what he saw the more he failed in the effort.

The next thing Michael noticed was his mother's eyes. They were opened wide and searching his own. Michael saw uncertainty in them. His mom didn't know what was going to happen next, and she didn't know what to do. Michael mouthed the words "It's OK" to her, and she nodded, although he wasn't sure she really felt it was OK

His eyes strayed to her breasts, plump and full, sagging only a little from middle age. The nipples were hard and pink, pointed at him. If his mom's eyes seemed uncertain, almost timid, her nipples looked fearless and eager. Michael felt the sudden desire to take them into his mouth, to kiss them and suck them.

Not yet, he thought.

Michael's eyes moved down his mom's flat belly and thin waist, settling at last on the slit between her legs. A well-trimmed, light patch of hair, matching the hair on her head, lay over it. He couldn't see it as well as he liked because she sat cross legged. He wasn't sure if it was permitted to touch her at this stage of the program, but he did so anyway, putting his hands lightly on her knees. Susanna uncrossed her legs and spread them open in response to Michael's touch.

Michael thought that was much better. Now his mom's pussy was fully open and on display to him, as it had been earlier that morning. It lay before him like a sweet flower in bloom.

You're the flower and I'm the bee, mom, Michael thought. I'm going to explore you and touch you and taste you.

Michael was surprised at the boldness of his thoughts about his mom. A surge of desire swept through him. Until that moment, Michael's arousal had been suppressed by the sheer strangeness of the weekend. But it was held down no longer. Michael quickly looked up and around him, at the other couples, staring at each other's body parts.

This is just a bunch of horny people who want to get it on with each other in front of other people, he thought. We're not learning about communication. We're a bunch of exhibitionists and voyeurs getting our rocks off doing this in a group and being told it's OK because we're learning something about intimacy or whatever.

Michael looked at his mom, who was staring at his cock, hard and pointed at her, its tip less than two feet from the open lips of her pussy. Thinking about how close they were made him harder still. Michael was struck by how passive his mom looked. She wasn't passive by nature. On the contrary, in most situations his mom was confident and assertive. But now she seemed subdued and uncertain. It was obvious she realized that this program was not what she expected and that she didn't know what to do about it.

Michael's thoughts were interrupted by Thomas, speaking to the group again.

"You've spent several minutes using the sense of sight. Hopefully, you've seen something about your partner that maybe you haven't seen before. The next step is the sense of touch. One of you will take your hand and touch your partner on a part of their body. Feel their skin like it's the first time you've ever felt it. Think about how it feels on your fingers. Imagine the energy flowing between your fingers and their skin."

Michael and Susanna stared at each other in response to his instruction, neither one moving for a moment. Then Susanna raised a hand and touched Michael's cheek. She moved her fingers in a small circle over his skin. Michael was surprised at the charge he felt from her touch, at the electricity that passed from her finger tips to his face. He had never experienced such a powerful, erotic feeling from such a simple, seemingly non-sexual gesture. His mom didn't say anything, but they stared at each other as she touched him. All Michael could think about was the touch of her fingers on his face and the hardness of his cock, pointed straight at his mother. He was keenly aware that after almost 24 hours of constant visual stimulation he hadn't come.

A few minutes passed, and Thomas spoke again.

"OK," he said. "Now it's time for your partner to reciprocate. Touch your partner, but touch them somewhere different from where they touched you. Wherever you touch them, focus on how it feels to your touch. Imagine your energy flowing from your finger to your partner's skin, and back again."

Michael wanted to roll his eyes. Thomas's words sounded like gobbledygook to him. He knew how he wanted to touch his mom and he didn't need a lot of high-minded instruction about flowing energy.

He put his finger to his mom's upper lip. Susanna's eyes widened, as though she was surprised at the boldness of her son's touch. Michael's face was still, betraying no emotion. The tip of his forefinger traced the length of her upper lip, and then it swept down, tracing the fullness of the lower lip. Michael never had really paid attention to his mom's lips before, but he paid attention to them now - their softness, their rosy hue, the way they glistened in the ambient light of the room. He noticed his mom's stillness as his finger swept over her, her submission to the exploration of his finger. His mom's tentativeness emboldened him.

With his finger at his mother's mouth, Michael glanced at the couples around him. They were touching each other in similar ways, hands pressed to faces or against each other, and most of the couples seemed focused on each other. He caught a few faces, though, sneaking glances at what others were doing, as he did. He turned back to his mom and decided to take things a step further.

Michael moved his finger between his mother's lips, and he pressed it forward. Susanna's lips gave way, and Michael's finger pushed forward into her mouth. He pushed until it was all the way in. His mom couldn't say anything, and she stared back at Michael with wide, wondering eyes. Michael enjoyed the warmth and wetness of his mother's mouth on his finger. He moved it around, against the thick swirl of her tongue.

He pulled it out, almost all the way, until just the tip of his finger remained between her lips, and then he pushed his finger back, with more force than before. Susanna tried to say something, but she couldn't with Michael's finger in her mouth. Michael then began pumping his finger in and out of his mother's mouth in a slow sensuous rhythm. Susanna's eyes grew wider still.

In the background, Michael heard Thomas offering occasional instructions or words of encouragement, but Michael was so intent on his play with his mother that he barely heard him.

"Everyone's doing great," Thomas said. "Feel the sensual energy around you and your partner, and let it flow through your body to theirs. Let the energy connect you. "

Michael didn't know anything about flowing energy, but he liked the feeling of fucking his mother's mouth with his finger. That's how it felt: he was fucking her. Michael was surprised at his own boldness and assertiveness. He liked it. He knew his mother knew he liked it too, because his cock stood out in a straight arrow pointed at her, the full purplish head no more than a foot from the slit of her pussy.

If his mother didn't like the mouth-fucking she was getting, she didn't show it. She sat passively before him, her mouth accepting every thrust of his finger. Then she wasn't passive. Michael felt the pressure of his mom's mouth on his finger as she sucked on it. He saw her cheeks compress. He lost track of how long they kept up the rhythm of his finger in her mouth.

Thomas spoke again.

"That's right. Feel the flow. Go with the flow. Now I want everyone to take the next step, which is to channel your sensual energy through your lips. Feel the softness of your own lips. Concentrate your energy there. And then, when you're ready, kiss your partner on a part of their body. Caress it with your lips and your mouth. Use your tongue. Share your loving, sensual energy with your partner by using your lips and mouth."

It was his mom's turn, and Michael wondered what she would do. He glanced around the room again. Thomas's talk about energy sounded like a lot of new age nonsense to Michael, but there was no doubt that the air was thick with sensuality. People were losing inhibitions, getting closer, embracing each other. Several couples were pressing their lips together. One woman was sucking on her partner's toe. Troy sucked on Lisa's right breast.

Susanna leaned close to Michael.

"Michael, I'm sorry, this is not at all what I expected," she whispered. "I'm not sure what to do."

"Mom, like he said, just go with the flow," he whispered back. "Nobody here knows who we are. If we get up and leave, we'll disturb everyone. Let's just go along for now. You've kissed me before. Find some place to kiss me and just go along. Do whatever is comfortable."

Since Michael and Susanna sat on the far side of the room from the door, they would have to weave their way past a roomful of writhing, naked bodies if they wanted to leave. It would look awkward, and it would upset the mood of the room. Plus, it would be difficult to explain. The desire to avoid making a scene seemed to persuade Susanna.

"I guess you're right," she said. "It would look weird if we suddenly left."

Michael felt more comfortable by the moment, except that his cock felt like it was going to burst. He wondered what his mom would do. He figured she'd kiss him on the cheek, but she didn't. Instead, she leaned close to him, then turned her face to his neck, where it met his shoulder. Her lips tickled as they touched his skin. It wasn't much of a kiss at first, just the faintest brush of her skin against his. But it was electric. No doubt about it, Michael felt the energy passing between his mom's lips and his neck. He felt her lips give him a succession of soft kisses - so many he lost count. He'd never felt anything like it. He felt, too, that his mom finally was giving in to the moment, going with the flow, and letting her own sensual energy wander and explore the connection with her son. Michael could scarcely believe what was happening. But he was caught up in it too, and he felt his desire surging inside him, along with the need that was pent up and nearly bursting behind his hard cock.

He put a hand behind his mom's head, running his fingers through her thick hair while also pressing gently against her, pushing her lips harder against his neck. Susanna didn't resist. She kept kissing her son.

Michael looked around the room. The air of soft sensuality was giving way to outright sexuality. He saw a woman planting light butterfly kisses on the head of her partner's penis, which was erect, but not, Michael noted with satisfaction, as long or as thick as his own. As his mom kept kissing him, Michael used his other hand to draw his mom closer to him, until his cock head was no more than inches from her open pussy. Michael imagined he could feel the heat emanating from it and wrapping itself around his member.

In the background, Thomas gave further words of encouragement and instruction, but Michael could barely concentrate on them, and they came more infrequently, because Thomas himself was busy having his chest and nipples kissed by his partner Adia. Michael vaguely heard Thomas saying something about taking turns and progressions and surges of energy, but it didn't seem like the room needed his direction any further. The pattern had been established, and the couples were moving together in a group rhythm. After a while everyone seemed to understand when it was time to move on to the next act.

Susanna lifted her head away from Michael's neck, but not before giving him a playful nibble. Michael wondered if it would leave a mark; he hoped it would. The idea of his naked mom giving him a hickey turned him on. Susanna sat up straight again looking her son in the eyes. Neither was sure of the next step. It was Michael's turn to kiss her.

Michael decided to do the obvious. He put a hand to his mother's cheek and drew her to him, and he pressed his lips against hers. Startled, Susanna began to pull away, but Michael didn't let her. He put his other hand behind her head and held them together, fixed at the lips. Her mouth was closed, at first, but his mouth was firm and insistent on hers, until it opened up.

"Michael -" she started to say until more kisses stopped her.

"Shhh, Mom," he whispered. "Go with the flow." Michael was aware that his whispering hadn't been as quiet as before, and he wondered if someone nearby might have heard him say "mom." He was too busy kissing her to look up and find out.

Susanna appeared, finally, to be going more with the flow. The tenseness in her body slackened and she relaxed her head in her son's firm hands. He peppered her mouth with soft, rapid kisses, and then followed them with a harder, more urgent kiss, pressing his tongue into her, past lips and teeth that at first were resistant but gave way eventually to his desire.

The room now was filled with the sounds of love-making: moans and soft cries, sucking and slurping noises, the slapping of bodies against each other. Over the hum of sexuality Thomas's voice came again, although it sounded distant.

"Everyone's doing great. Feel that sexual energy. Let it flow. You are free now to go at your own pace and rhythm. Feel free to touch each other and experience each other's sexuality at your own pace. You'll feel the synergy between you."

Michael was feeling it now, for certain. He was mashing his lips against his mother's, his tongue working against hers. He put a hand on her neck and felt the rapid beat of her heart. She was utterly passive now, letting her son kiss her as he wished. He'd never known his mom to be so submissive, and it excited him to his core. He couldn't kiss her deeply enough or fast enough. He couldn't get enough of her. They kissed like that for minutes more, until that indefinable but certain feeling came over the room that it was time to move on.

When they pulled back from each other, Michael saw his mom trembling, her eyes watery and uncertain. Michael could tell she didn't know what to do. Michael didn't either. He looked around the room, and everywhere the level of sexual activity had risen. Legs were spread wide, cocks were being rubbed and sucked, pussies were being licked and fingered. Michael decided that even though it was his mom's turn he'd take the initiative for the next step to take the responsibility away from his mom. He was winging it, but he had an idea. He leaned close to her ear.

"Turn toward the wall."

He guided her shoulders as he spoke, and Susanna followed the direction of his hands. She turned toward the wall, facing a mirror that rose from the floor. Michael and Susanna saw the reflections of their nude bodies. Somehow it aroused Michael even more. It was like watching himself in a pornographic film. When Susanna finally faced the mirror directly, Michael scooted behind her, until his chest was pressed against her from behind and his legs were splayed out to the side of hers.

Michael pressed his butt forward along the floor until his cock head met his mother's back. She opened her mouth in surprise, and Michael could see and hear her stifle a cry. As he moved forward further the head of his cock traced an upward line against her until its full, hard length was at her back. Susanna breathed heavily. Michael didn't wait. He moved his hands around his mother until they rested on her thighs. Then he pulled them back, splayed wide, opening up his mom's pussy fully to his view. Wetness glistened between lips that were not fully closed. Michael's hands went to Susanna's belly, and then moved up.

"Michael -" she started to say.

"Mom, it's OK," Michael said. "Just relax and go with the flow, like he said. It's OK, mom." He emphasized the last word, loud enough that he thought someone might hear. He could tell his mom wondered the same thing, because she looked to both sides of her, as Michael did. Everyone appeared to be too busy with their own activity to notice or hear anything.

Michael felt surprised at his own boldness and assertiveness. He knew why. His arousal was overpowering. He felt an overwhelming need to see and touch and experience his mom. He had to keep moving things forward. He had to take the next step.

"Mom, look in the mirror. Look at yourself."

Michael sat directly behind his mom but with his head to the side, over her shoulder. Susanna stopped glancing at her neighbors and looked Michael in the eye.

"Don't look at me, mom. Look at your body. Look at your breasts."

As he spoke, he cupped the underside of each full breast and squeezed. Susanna gasped.

"Michael, I think this is going too -"

"Relax," he said, cutting her off. "Relax and feel the energy, mom. You wanted to get something out of this program. Let's get something out of it. It's not what you thought it would be, but we can still get something out of it."

His hands squeezed and kneaded her full breasts.

"Mom, do you like being naked?" Michael whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, like this morning, on our hike, sitting on the rock, did you like being naked in front of me? Did you like showing yourself off?"

It was hard to carry on a conversation in whispers, with the growing din of lovemaking around them, so Michael put his mouth directly to Susanna's ear.

"I wasn't showing off. I was trying to make a point," she said.

"I know you were, mom. But you liked it didn't you?"

"Michael, I don't think that's -"

"Mom," Michael said, a little more loudly than before. "You've said yourself this weekend it's important to be candid, to be honest. You said we should open up. So open up. Tell me. I want to know the truth and I want you to say it. You liked it? You like it now, don't you?"

Michael could tell that his mother was struggling. She didn't say anything.

"Come on, mom. Tell me. You like being naked for me. Say it to me."

Susanna's mouth opened, and it closed. It opened and closed again. She struggled to say anything.

"Say it, mom," Michael said. "Say you like to be naked in front of me."

"I like it," Susanna said at last.

"I knew it," Michael said. "And you like it now, being naked in the mirror so I can see you? You like that? Say it, mom."

"I . . . I like it," Susanna said.

"Then you'll like this, won't you mom," Michael said, as he took her nipples between his fingers and rubbed his fingers around them. "You'll like the feeling of my fingers on you and knowing that you're showing off your tits and that I'm grabbing them and feeling them. You like that too, mom? Tell me."

Michael saw his mother close her eyes in the mirror and exhale as his fingers squeezed her hard nipples.

"Tell me," he said.

"Yes," she said. "Yes. I like it."

Her words emboldened him, and Michael squeezed and caressed his mother's breasts with more vigor.

"Open your eyes, mom," he said. "Look what I'm doing."

Susanna opened her eyes and looked into the mirror as her son grabbed and kneaded and massaged her breasts. She moaned.

"I like that, mom. Grabbing your breasts. Squeezing them. I like pinching your nipples." Michael took one between his thumb and forefinger and pinched it hard. Susanna let out a high-pitched squeak.

Michael was in a frenzy now. Any hesitation he'd felt before was gone. His hands were on his mom's body and it was all he could think about. He wanted her body. He needed her body. He knew what his hands had to do next. Michael saw Susanna's head thrown back, eyes closed, soft sounds escaping her lips.

"Open your eyes, mom," he said. "Look at us."

Susanna opened her eyes and stared back into the mirror, at her son's hands on her breasts. The hands moved down, slowly over her belly, caressing it as they descended. Michael's left hand stopped at her thigh, pushing it back. His right hand kept going. It stopped when his fingers reached the hood of her clit.

"Michael, what are you doing?" Susanna whispered.

"I'm doing what I want to do, mom," he said. "What I need to do." His finger moved over the top of her clit and began tracing small, quick circles over it. Susanna moaned.

"Michael, you can't do that," she said. "You have to stop." But she pushed her pelvis forward to increase the pressure of his finger on her clit hood.

"I'm not going to stop, mom," Michael said. "You don't really want me to. You like this. Admit it. Admit it."

Susanna didn't say anything for a while, but words escaped her lips at last in a quiet rush.

"It does feel good," she said, her head thrown back.

"Look back at yourself in the mirror, mom," Michael said. Susanna did. With two fingers Michael spread his mother's lips open so both he and she could see her open pussy in the mirror.

"Oh, Michael," she said.

"I'm spreading you open, mom," he said. "Look at yourself. You've been showing yourself off and spreading open ever since we got here. You liked doing that this morning, didn't you? You liked spreading yourself open for me?"

"Michael," she said. "I was trying to make a point."

"I know," Michael said. "But that wasn't all of it, was it? You wanted to show off. It turned you on, didn't it? Tell me, mom. Tell me it turned you on."

"It turned me on," she said.

Michael's middle finger descended below her clit, into her wetness. He pushed it in. Her pussy was tight and deep, but he kept pushing. He had to hold his hand at just the right angle, so his finger could press all the way into her. He heard his mom sighing and moaning more. When his finger was all the way in, he curved it up until he felt what he was seeking - a soft spongy mass. While his middle finger pushed against it his thumb pressed down on her clit. Susanna whimpered.

"That's your G-spot, isn't it, mom?" he asked.

"Oh, oh, oh," she said, breaths coming out fast and high-pitched. "Yes. You found it. That feels so good."

Susanna's body had gone slack in Michael's arms. He knew at that point he had her - that she would do whatever he wanted her to do. He wanted more. But for a moment he wanted to enjoy the sensation of his finger delving deeply into her wet cunt. She grew wetter with every moment. His finger moved around, exploring and enjoying her depths.

Michael's eyes savored the sight of his mother's pussy filled by his finger. He liked the way the rocking of his finger mashed and moved her pussy lips in a steady rhythm. He looked at his mother's face and he liked the way her eyes were closed and her mouth was open and soft feral sounds came out of it at an irregular pace. He kept a steady speed with his finger, fucking his mother's pussy with it, in and out, in and out.

Michael looked in the mirror at the people around him. Troy lay back on his mat, Lisa sucking his cock, but Troy's eyes were focused on the mirror, staring at Michael's mom's pussy. Michael liked that. He was consumed by the idea of his mom showing off. While his finger continued pushing in and out of her, his free hand pushed his mom's thigh back so Troy could get a better view. Susanna's eyes snapped open at the touch of his hand, focusing on her son. Michael glanced from his mom to Troy to let his mom see what he'd done. Susanna's eyes widened when she realized Michael was exposing the finger-fucking of her pussy to someone's view. But she did nothing to close her legs. She let Troy look.

Michael pushed his finger in and out of his mother's pussy. It got wetter and wetter, until he felt her wetness dripping and spreading over his hand. Michael loved the feel of her pussy on his finger, but he needed more.

He withdrew his finger, and he saw his mom look at him with surprise. Michael didn't say anything. He grabbed his mom by the waist with his hands, and he moved her up and back while he inclined his body half way to the floor. In the mirror, his hard, straight cock popped into view between Susanna's thighs. That's where Michael wanted it. Susanna's pussy was open and wet, showing the signs of being freshly fucked by Michael's finger. Michael's tall, hard cock bobbed and knocked against her inner thighs and against the lips of her pussy.

"Michael," Susanna said. "We need to stop. We can't do this."

"Sure, we can . . . mom," Michael said, saying the word louder than before. "I just fucked your pussy with my finger. You liked it. I'm going to fuck you with my cock now."

"We can't do that," she said, her voice weak and uncertain.

"We can and we will," Michael said. He took a hand off his mom's waist and brought it to his cock, long and hard, its bulbous head almost bursting.

Susanna didn't say anything. Her son controlled her body now, and she sat passive in his lap and arms awaiting his direction. Michael didn't wait longer. He grabbed his cock in his hand and pressed it back against his mother's pussy. He slapped it against her clit, several times. Then he moved the head up and down against her wet furrow, watching her lips mashed and spread to the side of it.

Oh my God this feels good, he thought. His cock was pushed up against his mother's pussy. It wasn't quite in it, but it was pressed up against it, the lips framing and cupping its hard length.

He looked at Troy and Troy still was staring at the space between Susanna's open legs. He seemed mesmerized by it, even though his girlfriend Lisa was stroking and sucking him with great energy.

"You need to say it, mom," Michael said.

"What . . . what you do you mean?" Susanna asked. Her words came out punctuated by deep fast breaths. Michael felt her pulse beat furiously.

"You know what, mom," Michael said. "You know what I need to do next. I need my cock inside you. But I want you to say it. Say it, mom."

"Oh, Michael," she said, her body undulating, uncontrolled and fighting her words. "I can't do it."

"Yes, you can," Michael said. "Say it." His hand pushed his cock against his mom's pussy harder, and he moved the head of it against his mother's clit in insistent circles.

"Oh," she said.

"Say it, mom," he said. "Say it."

For a full minute she said nothing. Her body rose and fell against her son, and the furrow of her sex encased and rubbed against the hard, young cock of her son. She tried to stop moaning but she couldn't.

"Say it, mom," Michael said. He kept rubbing his cock, harder than he ever remembered it being, against her.

"Yes," she said.

"Yes what, mom?" he asked. "Tell me."

"Do it," she said.

"Do what, mom?" Michael asked again, his voice louder. He looked to Troy and Troy's eyes were open with amazement. Michael could tell Troy had heard him.

"Put it in," she said.

"No, mom," Michael said. "Say it. Say it right. Say what you want me to do. Say what you want your son to do to you."

She rose and breathed with two more undulations and relented.

"Fuck me, Michael," she said. "Fuck me."

"Gladly, mom," Michael said. With his hand he directed the bulb head into his mother. For a moment in the mirror he observed the pink, wet inside of her pussy, before his cock filled it. He pushed up and in. He pulled her down onto him with his other hand. He was surprised at how fast it went. Her wetness helped. It only took a second for the full length of his cock to disappear into his mother's cunt.

"Now look at it, mom," he said.

After a second or two her eyes opened, and Michael saw them turn to the junction between his cock and her pussy. Her eyes widened and turned glassy, and her mouth hung open. Her pussy lips held fast to the width of his cock, buried almost entirely inside her.

Michael pushed his bottom off the floor and pulled his mom's body down onto his body to fill her more deeply. Susanna responded. She lifted off him, revealing the long and hard length of his cock slicked by her juices. Then she pushed down, filling herself once more.

They took up a steady, slow rhythm, both watching themselves fucking each other in the mirror. The sight of his mom's pussy on his cock was nearly as exquisite as the feel of it. Michael couldn't believe how good it felt - better than anything he'd ever experienced. And there were no words to describe the delicious sight of her pussy rising and falling on his cock.

I'm fucking my mom! Michael thought. He was, but he could barely believe it.

Michael looked in the mirror at the naked, writhing bodies around him. Every couple was engaged in intimacy of some kind or another, but none were fucking as brazenly as Michael and his mom. Lisa was sucking hard and fast on Troy's thin, hard cock, but Troy was watching Michael and Susanna in the mirror. Michael liked that. He wanted people seeing him fucking his mother. He didn't know what had come over him, but he suddenly felt consumed by the need to have as many people as possible seeing his cock in his mother.

"Mom," said Michael, quietly.

"Michael," said Susanna, whispering in reply.

"Mom," said Michael, louder, pushing inside her.

"Oh, Michael, yes," said Susanna, still whispering, but gasping and gulping air, too.

"I love fucking you, MOM," Michael said, emphasizing the last word.

In the mirror, Michael saw Troy's eyes widen and his jaw drop. He'd heard. The secret was out. Troy knew Susanna and Michael were mother and son. He looked at Michael in the mirror, eyes wide, seeking confirmation.

Michael nodded with a thin smile. He wanted Troy to know. He wanted everyone to know. He wanted everyone to see him fucking his hot mother. He'd crossed a crazy line, and he didn't care anymore what anyone knew or what anyone thought.

"Oh, mom, I love fucking you!" he yelled.

Michael looked up and out at the room, watching heads swivel toward them. Faces intent on intimacy with their partners now turned toward Michael and Susanna. Mouths opened wide. Michael smirked as he kept fucking his mom. He'd got their attention. His mom didn't seem to notice. Her eyes were cast down, intent on the sight of her son's hard cock pumping in and out of her. Michael saw his mom's face mesmerized by their movement in the mirror.

Now that he had the room's intention, Michael decided to take another step. With his mom still rising and falling on him, he swiveled his butt on the mat, moving his mom's body around with strong hands. When he was done, they faced the room, legs spread, giving everyone in the room a show. All around them nude bodies writhed and fucked each other, but some had stopped moving, and Michael quickly counted about half the faces turned toward his mother and himself.

"Michael -"

"What is it, mom?" he asked, loudly enough for others to hear.

"They're looking at us," she whispered, leaning her head back and turning her lips to his ear.

"They are," he said.

"We shouldn't do this."

"You could stop," he said. "You haven't."

His mom's lithe body rocked against his as fast as before. When she rose above him Michael knew his cock was exposed and that the entire room could see the lewd display of the union of mother and son. He knew the men were looking at his mother's pussy while his cock pumped away at it. He liked that. Inside his breast some deep animal force rose, fierce and determined. He'd never felt this way - for his mother or for any woman. But he felt it now, and its full force was directed at the beautiful woman he was fucking before a roomful of people: his mother.

He loved the feeling of his mom rising and falling on him, but he wanted more. He needed more. He burned with unsatiated need, even as he savored the snug grip of his mom's pussy on his cock.

Without warning to his mom, he grabbed her hips suddenly and lifted her off his cock, which left her pussy with an audible plop and bobbed underneath her emptied and open cunt.

"Michael, what are you doing?" she asked, turning to him.

"Turn around," he said, with a low growl in his voice. Michael was startled at himself. He'd never been this way before. He turned his mom around, back to the room. Then he pushed her back, against her chest, not roughly, but not too gently, either. She gave way and lay back against the floor.

"Michael, what -." She didn't finish.

"Let me do this, mom," Michael said. "I know what I want." He looked into his mom's eyes, at the surprise and wonder they revealed. She was seeing it too, he could tell: the deep bestial hunger in her son's face, hunger for her. He could tell she craved it, too.

When she lay fully back on the floor mat, Michael grabbed her hips and lifted them. His arm muscles tensed. He scanned the room. It was quieter now, most of the people in the room forgetting sex with their own partners and captivated by the spectacle of Michael and his mom. Michael's muscles rippled as he lifted his mother's ass off the map. It suddenly occurred to Michael that he and his mom were also the best-looking couple in the room. He was going to give everyone in the room a show.

When his mom's ass was completely off the mat, Michael grabbed her thighs, spread them open, and pushed them back and away from him. His mom's legs careened through the air, back, back, back, until her feet hit the mat, far apart, behind her head. His mom stared into his face, her mouth a big, silent "O." With her legs so far apart, her pussy was opened wide. Michael peered into its pink depths. The interior glistened in the ambient light filtered through the frosted windows. With one hand Michael steadied his mom's ass suspended a foot or more over the mat. With the other he peeled her lips back farther, to give everyone a good view. He snuck a glance at his mom, who seemed to be struck silent and immobile by her son's boldness, and then he glanced at the roomful of people silent and awestruck at what they were witnessing.

Michael edged along the mat on his knees toward his mom, between her widespread legs. His cock stood straight out and bobbed over the gaping flower of her pussy. He moved his hand from her pussy to his cock and held its pinkish-purple swollen head toward her. He pushed, entering quickly. He pushed again, and in a moment, he was inside her all the way.

The rush of fucking his mom was exquisite, but it wasn't enough. Michael wanted others to see it. When he pulled out, he did almost all the way, until only the tip of his cock was between her lips. He wanted everyone in the room to see them, joined, furiously fucking each other, mother and son. His hands gripped his mom's thighs tightly, to hold her in place and expose her. His cock pumped in and out of her, urgently. A sudden gush of wetness came forth, splashing his thighs.

"Mom," he grunted, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. His cock pumped into her, never stopping, never slowing.

"Michael," Susanna said, her voice quieter than Michael's. Her body undulated against his in response to his furious fucking of her.

A howling storm of desire rose up through Michael's breast, like nothing he'd ever felt before. He did not know what had come over him. Only a day before he had been timid and fearful at the idea of being naked in front of people. Now, only 24 hours later, he wanted everyone in the room watching his stiff, throbbing cock pumping into his spread-open mother. He didn't understand it. But he didn't have to. He was consumed by the need to fuck his mom and have everyone around them see him doing it.

Michael looked at his mom's face, wondering what she was thinking. Her eyes were closed, but her lips were parted, and they let out a soft, high-pitched squeal with every thrust of his cock into her. Her pussy, and all the pale skin around it, was soaked with her wetness. Michael saw it running down her extended legs and dripping off her. Drops from his mom fell onto the mat below. He almost didn't recognize the wild creature under him as his mother. She was something else now, submitting to his fast, hard fucking of her.

Without letting up on her, he raised his eyes to scan the room around him. Everyone now was looking at them, absorbed by their incestuous coupling. Michael stared at Thomas. Thomas wasn't looking at Michael. His eyes were turned down, on Susanna's open sex being fucked and filled. His mouth was agape.

Michael decided to take their performance to its last act. He looked down again, eyes on his mother, her breasts bobbing and heaving every which way, her body lacquered from sweat and the fluid gushing from her open pussy. Her hands were thrown back, over her head, and her eyes were closed. But then they opened, and Michael and his mom held their eyes on each other's as they kept fucking.

With a deep growl Michael pulled his cock almost all the way out and pushed in deeper and harder. Susanna let out a breathy shriek and called his name.

"Michael!" she cried. "Michael. Oh god. Oh god." Her back-stretched legs rocked and quivered under her son's firm hands.

Michael forgot about their audience and concentrated all his energy on his mother's splayed-open pussy. He wanted to pull out of her as far as possible with each upstroke without pulling out altogether, and it took all his concentration. He sought that delicious feel of her lips on his cockhead, over and over, and the satisfaction of it diving down deep, deep, deep into the center of her wetness and womanhood. His surroundings became a blur. No reality existed other than their fucking.

"I'm going to give it you, mom," he called, loudly, so everyone could hear. "Do you want it?"

"Oh, Michael, Michael."

"Do you want it, mom? Do you want it? Say it."

"Oh, oh," she said, the sound of her voice muted by her fast, shallow breathing. "I, I -"

"Say it, mom. Say it so everyone can hear."

Their fucking grew louder as their bodies, wetter with every minute, slapped together hard.

"I want it."

"What do you want, mom?" Michael kept repeating the word, so she would hear, and everyone would hear.

He looked at her face, her eyes open and on his, desire and wonder on her face, long hair strewn back against the mat. Her mouth opened and he could tell she was trying to say something and struggling to get the words out. At last the words came over her labored breathing.

"Make me come!" she cried.

"You got it, mom."

Michael moved his hands up her thighs, closer to her hips, and pulled her hard toward him with every stroke into her. He sped up his pace, thrusting into her harder and faster than before.

Susanna's eyes rolled back, and her mouth let out strange animal sounds, rising in pitch and volume to a crescendo. Michael, while keeping up the pace of his fucking her, took one hand away from her thigh. He pressed a palm to her clit and moved it in circles. She cried out, and then he felt her come.

Her body spasmed from side to side and she put a hand over her face. Her legs shook and her feet rose from the mat and splayed out above her head. But Michael didn't stop. He was close too. After a few more deep thrusts of his cock into her, he was ready. He felt the welling up inside him. Ecstasy spread from his loins and engulfed him. At the last minute he pulled his cock out of his mom, grabbed it, and pointed the tip of it at her chest.

His cock erupted, a thick white geyser of cum spraying her belly and chest. It fell heavily on her skin, creamy and translucent, covering her, frosting her. Michael kneeled, transfixed over the sight of his mom on the mat beneath him. He milked his cock, hand squeezing the thick purply bulb further until every drop had fallen onto her. Her body, wet with her cum and his cum and their mixed sweat, shone in the bright afternoon light coming through the windows. Her eyes were closed. Her body kept twitching, in paroxysms of diminishing intensity.

In another minute, Michael's mom lay in repose under him, legs open and oblivious to her surroundings. Her breath slowed, but soft, high-pitched moans still escaped her lips. It was the only sound in the room. The nude couples around them sat or lay silent, watching Michael and his mom.

After a time - Michael didn't know how long it was, but it felt like an eternity - Thomas spoke, breaking the tomb-like silence.

"Um, well . . . it looks like time's ended for our session today. I, uh, uh . . . I hope you all feel you've learned something about intimacy."

Thomas's voice interrupted Susanna's reverie, and she opened her eyes and gazed at her son. Her eyes were glassy, filled with wonder, desire, and uncertainty. Drops of cum flecked her chin and cheeks.

Michael looked around the room. Some people were still looking at Michael and his mother. Other couples were looking at one another, uncertain about whether to leave or whether to keep watching. Thomas, the leader, didn't seem to know what to do. Michael decided it was time to leave.

He stood up and offered his hand to his mother.

"Let's go, mom."

"OK," she said, voice barely audible. She took his hand and he pulled her up. Michael put his arm around Susanna's waist and escorted her to the door. The crowd parted for them. Michael caught Troy's gaze, and Troy mouthed the words, "Holy fuck."

Michael and Susanna stepped outside the pavilion into the afternoon sun. Michael saw his mom's cum-covered body gleam in the afternoon light. His cum, mixed with hers, trickled down her chest as they walked back to their room. His mom wobbled in his arms, her legs unsteady. Michael held on to her all the way to the room. Susanna said nothing on the way, but she shook her head a few times. Once inside the room he guided her to the shower. He let her take it by herself. When she was finished, he hurried into the shower to wash himself off. Three minutes later he turned off the shower head and walked out of the bathroom. His mom sat on the bed with a towel around her. She stared at him.

"What just happened, Michael?"

"Well," he said, "I think we just finished Session 1 of the Human Synergy Institute's program on synergistic sexuality."

His mom wasn't completely tracking. She shook her head.

"No, I mean—." She paused. "Michael . . . we just had sex."

"We did," he said.

"In front of people," she said.

"We did that, too," he said.

"How . . . what . . .." She tried to continue her thought but couldn't.

"Mom," Michael said. "How about if we talk about it in the car. Let's go home."

It took her a few seconds before she nodded. They gathered their few things and left the room. Walking back to the office, Susanna kept her head down and avoided looking at anyone. But Michael looked, into the eyes of everyone who glanced his way. He didn't know why, but he felt emboldened and surer of himself than he could remember feeling in a long time.

In another minute they were in the locker room. They retrieved their clothes and dressed quickly. This time, Michael watched his mom dress. After the previous 24 hours it seemed strange to see her body covered. When they were done, they walked together, hand in hand, to the front desk. Mimi stood behind it.

"Hello, Ms. Penley," she said. "Are you checking out? You're early. I hope your time at Anders was enjoyable and productive."

"Yes," Susanna said, her voice still quiet. "Very, um, enjoyable. And educational."

Mimi stared at a computer screen and her fingers flew over a keyboard.

"All set to go," she said, with a wide smile. "We hope you come back soon!"

"We'll see," said Susanna, after a beat.

Two minutes later, in the car, Susanna paused before turning on the ignition.

"Michael," she said. "We had sex this afternoon. In front of a lot of people. They know you're my son. They know what we did."

Michael admitted to himself that what happened was pretty fucking weird. He could barely believe it was real. But he could tell his mom was on edge about it and he didn't want to reveal his own feelings.

"Yeah, we had sex," he said, his voice even. "We fucked."

Susanna winced at his use of the word.

"What do you think about that?" she asked.

"Mom, what do you think about it?" he asked. "I liked fucking you. I really liked it. I loved it. But what do you think? You planned this trip. It turned out kind of different from what we expected, but you're the one who got us here. You and I fucked. What do you think about that?"

She didn't answer right away. She stared ahead, through the windshield toward the tan hills, hands gripping the steering wheel.

"I liked it," she said at last. "I liked the way you fucked me."

"Good," he said. "Let's go home now. We'll talk about it later."

Susanna stepped on the gas and started driving. They heard the crunch of gravel again until the car regained the highway.

Michael turned to his mom as she drove away from Anders Hot Springs.

"Connor was right," he mumbled.

"What?" Susanna asked.

Michael smiled and looked his mom in the face.

"You've got it going on, mom."

"What does that mean?" she asked, without looking at him. She had to keep her eyes on the road because it was narrow and twisty as they left the hot springs resort behind them.

Michael didn't say anything. He couldn't explain it. But he knew that he'd show her when they got home.

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