
Glory Hole Ch. 04


"Do you like it?"

I tried to play it cool, by just saying, "It's OK," but the big grin across my face was giving the game away. This was the first time I had been to Anne's place. I knew it would be posh, but this was even classier than I had expected. No expense had been spared furnishing it.

"Would you like to see my bedroom?"

I must have nodded too much, because she laughed.

When we got there, she looked at me, and said, "Now you must be impressed with this?"

I was, and I quickly told her so. It was a large room, with the bed in the middle. There were paintings hung on the walls, all either erotic, or having a hint of sexuality. I smiled when I noticed the reclining nude. I had that same one in my bedroom. However, mine was a copy but hers was the original. Then I saw the mirror. It was easy to miss, unless you looked up at the ceiling.

Pointing at it, I said, "Was that already there when you bought this place?"

"No. I had it put in soon after I moved in," then she giggled, before adding, "The workmen who installed it helped me to test it out."

It took me a second or two to understand what she meant. Then it hit me.

"You said men, how many?"

"Just three," then she laughed, and I joined in.

I then moved towards her, and we kissed. It was passionate, but tender as well. After a few minutes she pulled away, and my hands then went to her blouse. I was eager to unbutton it and get to her tits, but she stepped back.

"No, let me change into my school uniform."

I was now so excited that I wasn't able to speak. She then shooed me out of the bedroom, telling me that she would call me when she was ready. She made me wait ten minutes, and I couldn't understand why so long, until I got back into the room, and looked at her. She hadn't just put on her uniform, she had put bunches in her hair.

She twirled around twice, before saying, "What do you think?"

"You look good enough to eat."

I then heard that girly giggle of hers, and it sent a shudder of excitement down my spine, and the blood rushing to my cock.

"That's what Mr. Jenkins said to me."

I looked at her, and I could tell she meant it. And I could also tell that she was going to say more, so I kept quiet. This was something I wanted to hear. There was now a wistful look on her face, as if she was reliving something.

"It happened just after my eighteenth birthday. We were alone together in his classroom. He was a nice man, and I liked him, but what he did next surprised me," then she paused, before continuing with, "He kissed me."

"What did you do?"

"I was so shocked that I let him continue, but then I found myself kissing him back. I might have eventually pulled away, but when he put his hand up my skirt and started rubbing me through my knickers, all resistance had gone."

"Were you a virgin?"

"Yes, and I hadn't even been fingered before. You might find it hard to believe but I was quite shy when I was young. I had only let a boy play with my tits, for the first time, at my eighteenth birthday party. He wanted to go further but I was too scared. Now I was letting my teacher play with my pussy."

My cock was so thick and hard that I was tempted to fuck her now, but I wanted to hear the rest of her story.

"What happened next?"

"He pulled my knickers off. It was done so quickly, and easily, that I wondered if he had done it before to other girls. Then he put his fingers up me. As he fucked me with them he played with my clit. It felt so good, and I wondered why I had been so silly. Why had I not let my boyfriends do this to me?"

"So he just fingered you?"

"No, it got even better. After a few minutes I knew I was getting close to reaching it. I sometimes got myself off with my fingers, so I knew what a climax was, but this felt as if it was going to be different, a big one. I was now making a lot of noise and he must have realised I was ready, because he told me to bend over."

"What exactly did he say?"

I was curious, what does a school teacher say to a young virgin pupil when he wants to fuck her?

"I will never forget what he said," then she paused, before saying, "Bend over the desk. Stick your nice bottom high in the air, so that I can fuck your little cunt hard."

Not very subtle, but it must have worked.

"What he said shocked me, but it also excited me. Mr. Jenkins was a well-spoken man, late forties at the time. His crude words got me going. As soon as I was ready he was in me. His cock felt huge at the time, but it was probably only six inches at the most."

"Did he know how to use it?"

"Yes. He took his time, slowly fucking me at first, then harder as I got nearer to my climax. When I came it was the best experience of my whole life."

She was now looking at me, waiting for a response.

"That was wonderful. A lot better than my first time."

It was her turn to look curious.

"We were both nineteen. I was too rough with her, trying to get all of my big cock into her straight away. I reached it in under a minute, leaving her hanging. She was not impressed, and she dumped me before we could try again."

That made her laugh, but I just gave a wry smile. It was still a painful memory.

We were now kissing, and this time when I started unbuttoning her top, she didn't stop me, but she did pull away again when the last one was undone.

"I am Anne. You can do whatever you want with me."

She then started giggling, but it became a moan when I pulled on her nipples through her bra. The time for talking was over. She needed a good fuck, and I was the man to do it, and it was going to happen soon.

I think she was expecting her tits to get more attention, but I was desperate to enter her. After only a couple of minutes on her nice nipples, my hands were up her school skirt, pulling at her knickers. When they were off I pushed her onto the bed. As I unzipped myself she looked at me, then she opened her legs wide.

"Mr. Jenkins, you are a naughty teacher. I hope you are not thinking of putting that into my teeny-weeny pussy."

I now knew that she hadn't said that to him, but it didn't matter. It still got my juices flowing. As I positioned myself at her opening, I also pushed her legs higher, and wider. When I thrust my cock into her she gave an almighty groan. I knew I was being rough, but I also knew that she liked it rough, and even though she was tiny, she could take it.

For the next few minutes I gave it to her hard, I was even starting to breathe heavily with the exertion. She was now moaning almost continuously. She must be close, if not then I was in trouble, because I couldn't keep this up for much longer.

"Is my pussy better than..."

Then she gasped, before starting again, "Is my pussy better than Lizzy's?"

I don't know what prompted her to say that, but I knew she wanted a quick answer, and I knew what she wanted that answer to be.

"Yes. Lizzy's is nice, but your little pussy is better."

"Good, then fuck me hard, like you fucked her."

She must have been remembering watching me with my Mother at The Tavern. That day I had been brutal.

Anne was now getting the same treatment, and a minute later it took her over the edge. As she writhed under me, I was too exhausted to continue, so I stopped. I hadn't reached it, but that wasn't a problem. I would just have to fuck her again later on. It was Sunday morning and we would be spending all day together, so plenty of time for more sex, and this time she would have to ride me so that I could look up and enjoy the view. However, at eleven in the morning, I wished I had pushed a little harder for that climax. That was the time Anne's boss called her.

She was needed in the Tokyo office as soon as possible. He had booked her on a flight today, and if she was to catch it she would have to leave her place in thirty minutes. He had arranged for a car to pick her up. It was a scramble, but she managed to be ready in time. If everything went OK, she would only be away for a week.

As I waved her off, I realised how much she meant to me. She was only going to be away for a short time, but I would miss her, and I would be counting the days until she was back.

When I woke the next day I was not in the mood for work, but I had to go in. Thankfully Victoria was on holiday today, so I could get away with doing as little as possible, and it wouldn't be noticed. That changed when her boss, George, came over to see me.

"Simon, this needs to be done today," then he paused, I think for dramatic effect, before adding, "And you are the man to do it."

It took him just ten minutes to explain what he wanted doing, then he was gone. It wasn't a particularly difficult piece of work, and it would only take me two hours, three at the most, but for part of the day at least it would take my mind of Anne.

An hour into it Jim came to see me.

"How is life treating you today?"


"I noticed that George came to see you. I assume he gave you some work to do. So it's that bad?"

I shrugged my shoulders, before saying, "The work is OK, but Anne has gone away on business for a week."

"Sorry about that," then he smiled, before continuing with, "Do you want to hear my news?"

Not really, but Jim was now a mate so I had to make an effort.

"Yes, tell me."

"I met Mary at the weekend."

I scrutinised his face. He looked pleased, without a hint of disappointment.

"It went well, very well," his face then beamed, before he added, "She is going to meet my parents next week."

I wasn't sure I should mention the age difference, but I just couldn't resist. I wanted to know how he felt about it.

"Isn't she a bit older than you?"

'A bit' being at least thirty five years.

He didn't seem concerned about what I had said.

"Yes, but age is just a number. I think she is the one for me."

I just nodded, but when he had gone I shook my head. They say love is blind. I think Jim has just proved it.

After finishing the work for George, I spent the next half hour reviewing it. I was pleased with myself. I knew I had done a good job, and I also knew he would think the same. I spent the rest of the afternoon looking busy, without actually doing anything. Just before five, George was back. Before he could speak I waved the document at him. I got a quick thanks, then he took it from my hand.

"I will go over it tomorrow with Walt."

I almost grimaced when he mentioned the chairman's name. If I had known it was for Walt I would have checked it twice, or even three times, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

When I left work there was only ever going to be one place that I was going to, The Tavern. The climax that I should have had yesterday with Anne, I was going to have today in one of the Glory Holes, but with which lady?

"Hi Simon, I thought I might see you this evening."


"Because," then he paused, until he could see that I was getting irritated, before continuing with, "Anne is away. She called me yesterday from the airport to tell me that she couldn't work this week. And she wanted me to keep an eye on you."

I didn't like that last bit, and I didn't like it that she had called Rick from the airport, but hadn't bothered calling me.

An hour later, with the help of two more beers, I was mellow, and ready to go to the back room. When I entered it I didn't have a preference, I was just going to take whoever was free. Only three doors had names against them, Angela, Mary and Rose. Angela was the only one that was available.

As soon as I was in the room, she shouted out, "I am Angela, who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Simon."

"Posh Simon, with the big cock?"

"Guilty on both counts."

That made her laugh, and I joined in, even though I didn't agree with her that Simon was a posh name.

When the panels were opened, and her tits pushed into the room, I was shocked. I had forgotten how long and thick her nipples were. I just stared at them, not believing how good they looked.

"Come on big boy, have some of Mummy's milk."

That got me out of my trance. I was now eagerly sucking on her, enjoying the sweet taste of her milk.

"Slowly, you are not milking a cow."

I muttered a quick, "Sorry," then I got back to work, but this time gentler.

I got five minutes on her nipple, before she asked me to switch to the other one. I then gave it my full attention, until she asked me to stop. I was disappointed, I would have liked longer, even continuing until I had drained her. However, when she started closing the panels, I knew that what was coming next would make up for it.

"I don't fuck, I save that for my partner," then she paused before adding, "But I am going to make an exception for you. But don't tell him," then she laughed.

I had to laugh as well. It was what she had said, word for word, the last time I had visited her. When I pushed my cock through the hole, she made a noise. It sounded like a gasp.

"You are a big fucker. It might be better if you warm me up first with your fingers, before splitting me in two with that monster."

I would have preferred plunging into her straight away, but I could wait, hopefully not for too long. My cock was quickly replaced by my hand, then I waited for her to come near so that I could finger her. When she did, I toyed with her opening for a few seconds, before slowly pushing two fingers deep into her. She was hot and very wet, and my fingers were a nice fit for her most intimate place. I then slowly fucked her with them, as my thumb searched for her clit. When I found it she gave a low moan.

"That's the spot, rub it hard."

I did, and I kept on doing it. Then I added another finger, I don't think she noticed. However, a couple of minutes later, when I made it four, she did.

"Fuck that's tight, but don't you dare take any out."

For the next few minutes I fucked her hard with them. Her cunt was now ready for my cock.


She grunted, "What?"

It's time for that cunt of yours to be fucked.

That got an even quicker reply, and it was, "Yes."

Within seconds of taking my fingers out of her, my cock was at her opening. Then I was fully in her. She squealed as she took the last couple of inches. I stopped to give her time to recover.

After taking some deep breaths, she said, "I am ready now, but this isn't going to take long. My pussy is on fire and my clit is already tingling."

I was thankful for the warning. I now knew that if I wanted a climax as well then I had to concentrate. This might only last five minutes, or even less.

The first two strokes were gentle, then I went into overdrive. I was now giving her the full ten inches, as hard and as fast as I could manage. She was now making all sorts of noises, and sometimes saying, "Fuck," when I went deep into her.

Amazingly, after ten minutes we were still going. Then I felt the familiar tightening in my balls, I was close to coming. If she was going to reach it as well then there was only one thing to do, fuck her even harder. Somehow I managed that, because after three heroic strokes she erupted. As her orgasm surged through her body, my cock twitched, and I poured my seed into her.

I stayed in her until she started to move.

I was soon back with Rick, and he was eager to know who I had seen.

"It was Rose. Nobody can resist her big tits."

I shook my head.


"No Rick. Have another go."


I smiled.

"I knew it was her."

He looked pleased with himself. Yes he had known it was Angela, but only on his third guess, and when there was nobody else left, but I was too polite to point that out to him.

I stayed for another hour, chatting with Rick when he was free. I also spent some time with a guy called George, who had been sitting next to me at the bar. I couldn't be certain, but he was probably the George that had fucked my Mother and Anne while I was with them in one of the Glory Hole rooms. He was good company, and we talked about lots of things, but he didn't say anything about the girls, so I didn't either. However, I had been tempted to tell him that I had seen his cock, just to see what his reaction would be.

On my way home I thought about Anne. I was missing her, but The Tavern was always there for me if I needed any female company.

When I got in, my Sister was the only one still up.

"I need a quick word before you go to bed."

That sounded ominous.

"I accidently said something, and Mother picked up on it. We started talking, and it all came out. We all now know that there is only one Simon," then, after pointing at me, she added, "And that's you."

I was relieved, every time I had thought about it, I got a headache. It was a lot simpler now, because everybody knew what was going on, except of course for my Father.

I slept well that night, and when I woke I was in a good mood. When I went downstairs everybody was in the kitchen. I sat down next to my Sister.

"Yours will be ready in ten minutes."

I gave Mother a brief smile, and she got to work making my breakfast. It was our usual start to the day, nothing out of the ordinary, until Chloe put her hand on my leg, high up near my crotch.

Turning to look at me, she said, "I have an itch that needs scratching. I can do it myself, but you will do a better job."

I looked at Mother, she was smirking, so I knew she was in on it, but Father had his head buried in the newspaper. It was going to be dangerous, but I was up for it.

"So where is this itch?"

Her hand that was on my thigh, then moved up and rubbed my crotch.

"It's on my back, between my shoulder blades."

No it wasn't, it was between her legs, but I put my hand on her back to keep up the pretence. Then I started scratching her.

"How long do you want me to do it for?"

"Until I am completely satisfied," then she paused, before adding, "Do you understand?"

"Of course little Sister, whatever you want."

That made both of them laugh. Father raised his head, then he shook it. He had no idea what was so funny, and no idea what was going to happen next, but I did. My Sister had made it clear what she wanted me to do. I was to finger her to a climax while she was sitting at the kitchen table, with Father sitting nearby, and Mother cooking my breakfast.

As soon as I put my hand on her lap, she opened her legs. Her skirt was short, but I still needed to pull it up so that I could get to her honey pot. As expected, she didn't have any knickers on. This had been planned. When I ran a finger up and down her slit, she didn't make a sound, but she did smile.

I wanted to thrust a couple of fingers deep into her, but that would be difficult, perhaps even impossible, without moving my position. Father wasn't the most observant person in the world, but he would suspect something was going on if I started leaning towards my Sister. There was only one thing I could do, and that was to just concentrate on her clit.

When I started rubbing it, two things happened. It started to swell, and the smile on my Sister's face disappeared. She now looked more serious, as if she was holding her emotions in. I then started to massage it harder. I was excited, but I was also hungry. My breakfast would be ready soon, so I needed to finish her off.

Looking at Mother, I said, "Is it nearly ready?"

"Yes," then she mouthed to me and my Sister, "Hurry up."

I gave her a discreet nod, so that she knew I had understood. Then I rubbed harder, and faster. A minute later I noticed my Sister biting her lip, and her eyes flicker, almost closing. A few seconds later she tugged on my hand, so I knew her climax was over. Just in time, my food was ready. Mother handed it to me. I checked that Father wasn't looking before sniffing my fingers, the ones that had been on my Sister's cunt.

I then declared loudly, "It smells delicious."

Mother then sniggered, and my Sister gave a brief giggle, but there was no reaction from Father. He had got to the sports section, his favourite part of the newspaper. If I had known that before I would have been tempted to fuck Chloe in front of him, and we would probably have got away with it.

It didn't take me long to eat.

"Thanks Mother, I enjoyed that."

"You're welcome."

"Chloe, what about you, did you enjoy it?"

My Sister had stayed at the table, finishing her coffee. She was now trying not to laugh, because she knew what Mother was really asking.

"It was very nice, but a pizza might have been better," then she paused, before saying, "A ten inch one."

We all laughed at that, including Father, which was worrying. Was he aware of what had happened between me and my Sister? Then he spoke.

"That's the funniest thing I have heard all week. Pizza for breakfast!"

Getting to work was a nightmare because of heavy traffic. It was a miracle that I was only fifteen minutes late. On my desk was a note from Victoria.

'I had a call from Walt this morning. He was singing your praises. Thanks for doing that work for him while I was off. Love Victoria xxx.'

I winced when I read the last part, and I hoped nobody else had seen the note. I liked Victoria, and I enjoyed having sex with her, but she wasn't my girlfriend, and I didn't want her to be. I now had a sinking feeling that our relationship could become awkward.

Half an hour later, while I was still thinking about that note, Victoria came to see me. There was nothing unusual about that, but her sitting on the edge of my desk and leaning towards me, was.

"Did you see my note?"

"Yes," then I gave her a smile, but it was forced. Her being so close to me was making me feel uncomfortable. What if somebody saw us like this together? That's how office rumours start. Then I noticed Jim approaching, and thankfully she did as well, because she got up from the desk.

"Hi Victoria."

She didn't greet him, but he got a nice smile. Then she turned to me and said, "We will speak later on."

As soon as she had gone, Jim came nearer to me, and in a low voice, said, "That's one sexy lady. Did you see what she was wearing?"

I nodded, and he smiled. Yes I had noticed. Her skirt was even shorter than usual, and she wasn't wearing a high top. Her blouse was quite revealing, exposing a lot of her breasts. They weren't very large, but before today they had always been covered.

I might have just been paranoid, but for the rest of the day it seemed that Victoria was making up excuses to come over and talk to me. When it was time to leave work I was relieved. I did want some attention from her, but it needed to be subtle rather than obvious, and not too often.

When I got home my Sister was still out, but she got back in time for our evening meal. It wasn't what we normally had on a weekday, it was a feast. Roast beef with all the trimmings.

"I hope you like it. I was in the mood for cooking so I prepared this."

None of us answered Mother, we were all staring at the food in front of us, eager to start. It was delicious. I ate until I was full, then I ate some more. After we had all finished I declared that I would do the washing up, but it would have to wait until my food settled.

"I'm going to watch television. Anybody want to join me?"

Mother got a yes from me and my Sister, but Father shook his head, he was still picking at the food.

Now that we were alone, I could ask them about The Tavern.

"Are you working tomorrow?"

"Yes, but Chloe isn't. She has a date."

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I couldn't remember the last time my Sister had gone out with anybody. She was gorgeous enough to have her pick of most men, but it seemed she preferred to get her sex at The Tavern rather than from a permanent relationship. I was intrigued.

"I'm disappointed, but who is he?"

"Just some man I met at a bar."

She was playing it down, so she must be keen on him. I could tell from the look on her face that she didn't want me to press her about it, so I left it at that.

The film Mother had picked was shit, so after twenty minutes I left to go and sort the kitchen out.

My first thought, when I woke the next day, was about The Tavern, and seeing Mother there. Then I thought about Victoria, and I shuddered. However, I needn't have worried. She was at my desk soon after I arrived, but she was more modestly dressed. She wasn't showing as much leg and breast as she had done yesterday. It looked as if we were back to normal. I wondered if somebody, perhaps George, had spoken to her?

Now that Victoria had come to her senses, I could concentrate fully on my work. For the next two hours I had my nose to the grindstone, then I left my desk to get a well-earned coffee. As I made it, Jim joined me.

"I wish I worked for Victoria."

"Yes she is a good boss."

But I didn't think that was why he had said it. I think he fancied her, and just wanted to be near her. I was tempted to ask how Mary was, but mentioning her name when he was thinking about Victoria would be cruel.

It was almost home time before I saw Victoria again.

"Sorry Simon, I have been neglecting you. I have been tied up with George."

I had a sudden mental image of them being bound tightly together, and I had to stop myself from laughing.

"I know it's late, but will you come to my office?"

"Yes, but give me five minutes."

She left, and I then spent the time tidying up my desk. I was eager to get to The Tavern, so as soon as the meeting was over I would be out of the door, and on my way to see Mother.

When I got to her office I was surprised that there were no documents on the table. The only thing on it was Victoria, sitting on the edge of it, with her long legs dangling down.

Smiling at her, I said, "What do you want me to do?"

"There are a lot of things I want you to do," then she paused, before adding, "But you can't do them."

I was confused. If the work was something I wasn't capable of doing, then why bring me here?

"Tell me what they are. I might be able to do them."

She stared at me for a few seconds, and it was getting uncomfortable. Then she spoke.

"I want my nipples sucking."

So it wasn't work related, but it was something I could do.

"I want my pussy licking until I scream."

No problems with that one as well.

"I want to be fucked until I climax."

My speciality.

"But you can't," then she looked around the office, before saying, "Not here."

Reluctantly, I had to agree with her, but why bring me here just to tell me all the things we couldn't do?

I shrugged my shoulders, before repeating what I had asked her earlier, "What do you want me to do?"

"Finger me. I am gagging for it, so it shouldn't take you long to work your magic and make me come."

As she got off the table, I wondered what was in it for me. I would certainly enjoy doing what she had asked, but I doubted if I would get a climax. However, I could live with that, because later on I would be fucking my Mother at The Tavern.

She was now sitting next to me, with no knickers on, and with her legs opened wide enough so that I could get my hand between them. As soon as my trigger finger was on her clit, I knew this wasn't going to take long to get her off, two or three minutes at the most. But we only got one, because without any warning, Jim had opened the door, and popped his head in. We both froze.

"Been speaking to Walt. He wants a quick word with you when you are free."

She gave him a forced smile, before saying, "Thanks, we are just about done here."

Then he was gone. When she tugged on my hand, I knew we had finished, even though she hadn't reached it. We sat together in silence for almost a minute, then she spoke.

"I've been stupid. It's too risky doing anything here. We need to find somewhere safe," then she added, "We will talk about it tomorrow."

On my way to The Tavern, I kept thinking about what Victoria had said. I had no idea where that safe place would be, but she was a smart lady so I knew she would think of something.

When I got to the street that it was on, I heard footsteps. Somebody was behind me, and they were getting nearer. I turned to face them, ready for a fight. However, I wasn't about to be mugged. It was Victoria.

"Are you following me?"

"Yes," and then she gave me a disarming smile, before saying, "Don't be angry."

"I thought somebody was going to attack me."

For some reason she thought that was funny. When she had finished laughing, all my anger had gone.

"Since you have followed me all this way, you might as well join me for a drink."

The nearest place was The Tavern, so I took her there. I even paid for her to get in.

"Rick this is Victoria, my boss."

He gave her a nice smile, then, as he shook her hand, he said, "Nice to meet you. Simon has told me all about you."

Victoria gave me a look that said I was in trouble, but Rick saved the day.

"That you are a great boss."

She now looked relieved, but I had told Rick everything, including the time I had fucked her at work.

As we drank, and talked, I waited for her to ask the question. She was an observant woman, so I knew that eventually she would.

"What's in that back room? A lot of men keep going in and out of it."

I had already decided that when she did ask, I would tell her, and tell her everything.

"Do you know what a Glory Hole is?"

She shook her head. I then explained it to her.

After I had finished, she said, "Men stick their cock's though a hole, so that a woman that they have never met, has sex with them?"

Her face was a mixture of surprise, and excitement.

"That just about sums it up."

"And do these women get paid?"

"Yes, but not much. For most of them it's more about being able to have anonymous sex than the money."

I could see her thinking about it, then she said, "When can I start working here?"

I laughed, until I realised she was serious. When Rick was free she asked him. It took him by surprise, but after looking her up and down, he said, "Yes, but you might want to speak to some of the girls first."

"OK, but I was hoping I could start now."

Rick was lost for words, and that was a first, but then Victoria laughed.

He shook his head, "You got me, I thought you were being serious."

It had been a joke, but if Rick had said yes, then I think she would have done it.

"How about coming back tomorrow, say after seven? I will introduce you to some of the wonderful ladies that work here."

She quickly agreed to that, and then Rick went back to do his bar work. Five minutes later she asked the next question that I had been waiting for.

"Do you go to the back room?"

I shrugged my shoulder, then said, "I only come here for the beer, and to talk to Rick."

I didn't expect her to believe me, and from the look on her face I could tell she knew I wasn't telling the truth.

Smiling at her I said, "Of course I do."

"Who do you see?"

I could hear in her voice that she was eager to know. For the next half hour I talked about all of the ones I had seen, including my Mother and Sister.

"So Lizzy and Charlotte are your favourite?"

"Yes, but don't mention Charlotte to Rick. I am not sure he knows that she works here. She always works with somebody else so her name never appears on the door."

I was now waiting for the final question. She asked it after we had been served our third drink.

"Are you going to see Lizzy tonight?"

"Yes, but only if you don't mind."

She took her time thinking about it, then she said, "OK, but you must take me home afterwards," then she hesitated, before adding, "My husband is home late tonight, very late."

As I walked to the back room, I almost laughed out loud. My boss had just given me permission to fuck my Mother, and I was wondering if I should tell Jim that the next time I saw him. If I did, I would have to say Lizzy instead of Mother, but I bet it would still shock him.

"The password is Butterfly."

That made her laugh.

"I am glad that you are finally here. What kept you?"

"It's a long story."

"In that case don't bother. We have better things to do than talk."

I was on her tits as soon as they were through the holes. I attacked her nipples with my mouth and hand. When I sucked hard she gasped. I then tried to get all of her into my mouth. That was never going to happen, but it was a valiant attempt.

"Easy Simon, that was too much."

I raised my head, then said, "Sorry Mummy."

"I want to enjoy this. The last guy was rough as well."

That made me feel guilty.

"What did he do?"

I then got back to work on her nipples, but this time with more respect.

"He kept squeezing them too hard. When I asked him to stop, he started sucking on me. That was nice, until he started nibbling on my nipples. Then when he was going to fuck me, he kept trying to stick his cock up my ass, even though I had said no."

"Sounds like a complete bastard. Did you ask him to leave?"

"I was going to, then he behaved himself. I even ended up coming. It was nice even though it wasn't a big one."

I was now determined to make this special for her.

For the next few minutes I worshipped her nipples. As I played with them, I listened to the noises she was making, so that I could tell if she liked what I was doing. Her tits had my full attention, and I was happy to continue, but soon she wanted to stop.

"That was good, but if you want to keep Mummy happy, you need to play with my pussy now."

I was ready to fuck her, but from what she had said, it seemed she wanted some more foreplay first, so I put my hand through the hole, rather than my cock. Her cunt was quickly up against my fingers.

"Start with three. I am so worked up they will go in easily."

They did. As I pushed them into her, it felt as if her cunt was helping by sucking them in. When they were fully in, she rocked against them. All I needed to do was keep my fingers still, and she would do the rest.

"If you want, you can play with my bottom."

I liked the sound of that, and I had another hand that was currently doing nothing, so I took her up on her offer.

As she continued rocking, I massaged her bottom. Slowly moving my fingers to her other opening. When I got there, and teased it with a finger, she gasped, and I felt it tighten, then relax. She had said no to a cock going in it, but would she accept my finger? There was only one way to find out.

When I started to push it in, she stopped moving, and when it was fully in she sighed.

"That feels sooooo good."

She then started rocking again, and I started fucking her ass with that finger. But this time she was moving a lot faster than before, and I knew she wouldn't stop so that I could fuck here. She was going to continue until she climaxed.

It was a rough ride, and I had to concentrate so that my fingers didn't come out of her, but eventually she got there, and it was a big one. It started with her screaming, and it was loud enough to wake the dead. Shortly after I heard a booming voice from one of the other rooms.

"Lizzy, can I have some of that?"

Then she laughed, and I knew it was Rose.

It took her a while to recover, and when she started to move I pulled all my fingers out, and then I put my cock through the hole. I wasn't sure what service it was going to get. I was hoping for cunt, but I suspected it was going to be hand, or possibly mouth.

It was hand, but it quickly became mouth. It was my second choice, but I wasn't complaining. Mother was very good at this. When she started bobbing her head, taking a decent amount of my cock into her mouth, I closed my eyes. I knew I was going to enjoy it.

She then slowly took me towards a climax. The speed was just right, the pressure was just right, and when I came, it was perfect. When I left the room I felt relaxed, all the tension of the day had disappeared.

"You must tell me about it."

It was usually Rick that quizzed me when I got back, but this time it was Victoria.

"A gentleman never tells."

I had a smug look on my face, but that disappeared when she gave me a slap on my arm.

"That hurt."

She just laughed, and I grinned, then I told her all about it, in as much detail as I could remember. When I got to the part where Rose had shouted out, she couldn't stop giggling.

When I had finished, I wanted another drink, but she said no. She wanted to go home, and I was to come with her. Then she made it clear what she wanted from me when we got there, because as we were leaving, she looked at me and said, "Can I have some of that?"

It was a twenty minute journey to her house, and during most of that time we were kissing. I even had my hands on her tits. The taxi driver kept glancing at us in his rear-view mirror, but he didn't say anything, he just kept smirking.

When we stopped in front of her place, she was excited. Looking forward to what was about to happen. However, the big grin on her face disappeared in an instance when she looked out of the window.

"The lights are on. My husband is back."

"We could go to a hotel?"

She shook her head, and I knew that what we had planned was now dead in the water.

As I watched her walk away, I told the driver the new destination, then I waited for him to make some stupid comment, like, 'You win some, you lose some', or 'Better luck next time', but he had the good sense to keep his mouth shut.

Twice we had tried, and both times had ended in failure. However, her husband was in for a treat. There was no way she was going to go to sleep without being fucked. It's just a pity that it wasn't going to be me that was doing it.

Despite all the frustration from not being able to have sex with Victoria, I slept well. As I went downstairs I was looking forward to breakfast, but when I entered the kitchen I wished I hadn't. You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife. Mother was frowning, and my Sister was nearly in tears.

"How was your date?"

My Sister then started sobbing, and Mother was now angrily shaking her head. It took some time to calm her down, then, between sobs, she told me what had happened. When she had finished I was fuming. She thought he was Mr. Nice guy, but he turned out to be Mr. Nasty. The top and bottom of it was that he was determined to have sex, even though she had said no. He hadn't got physical, but he had frightened my Sister, and at one point she thought she might have to give in. However, she didn't. I wanted to know his name, and where he lived, but my Sister wouldn't tell me.

By the time I got to work, I was a lot calmer. An hour later I got a call from Victoria, asking me to come to her office. I hoped it was just for work, because I wasn't in the mood for anything else.

"Rick called me this morning, to let me know that I will be talking to Rose and Mary tonight."

She was obviously excited, and I was pleased for her. If she did work at The Tavern it would be good for both of us. She would get as much sex as she wanted, and I wouldn't risk losing my job, by being caught in her office with my hands, or cock, in places that they shouldn't be. And, when I wanted to, I could go down to The Tavern and fuck her.

When it got to home time, I was in the middle of a piece of work, so I stayed late to finish it. It was almost eight before it was completed.

As I opened the front door, I felt apprehensive. I was half expecting my Mother and Sister to still be in the kitchen, and my Sister still crying. However, they were in the living room, and both of them were laughing.

Looking at me and smiling, my Sister said, "Don't worry about me. I am OK now."

Then my Mother chipped in with, "We killed him. When you get a few minutes will you help us bury the body."

Then they laughed, and I joined in.

The next day I arrived at work in a better mood. My Sister was now OK, so I didn't need to worry about her. Victoria was waiting for me. She was perched on the edge of my desk, showing off her long legs.

"I start work next week, but I don't know which day yet. Rick is going to call me."

Then, as she was leaving, she turned to me and said, "And my stage name is Madonna."

Half an hour after she had gone, Jim came over. He wanted something proof-reading. It didn't take me long, and, as expected, there were no mistakes. When I had finished I decided that I would tell him about Victoria. I knew he could be trusted. When I told him that she was going to be working at The Tavern, he wouldn't believe me, but eventually he did. When he left, to go back to his desk, I heard him muttering under his breath, "Madonna." Then I had a thought. Which one of us would be the first to try her out at The Tavern? My money was on Jim.

Anne was supposed to be coming back Saturday, or possibly early on Sunday, so I knew I should really save myself for her, but today was Friday, and I didn't have anything else to do, so after work I set off for The Tavern.

"Hi Simon, is Anne still away?"

"Yes, that's why I am here."

"And I thought it was because you enjoyed my sparkling conversation, and my good beer."

"No, you always talk crap, and the beer is overpriced."

He laughed, but I kept a serious face for as long as I could, then I couldn't help joining in.

"We have a NEW girl tonight, Charlotte."

The he winked at me. So he had known about my Sister working here with the other girls, though he still didn't know she was my Sister. She was now legitimate.

I kept up the pretence of her being new, by saying, "I think I will try her."

However, she wasn't free, so I waited until I had finished my drink before trying again. This time she was.

"I'm Charlotte, and I am a dirty bitch, but who are you?"

I wondered if that was going to be her tag line.

"I'm Simon your big Brother, and I know you are a dirty bitch."

That made her laugh, and she was still laughing as she opened the panels, but she stopped when I went for her tits. They were nice and firm, and her nipples were already prominent, even before I had given them any attention. A few seconds later they got even bigger, as I played with one, and sucked on the other. This was something I could never get enough of, and I took my time feasting on them. Then I started to gently nibble her.

"I like that, I like it a lot."

Then I rolled the other one between a finger and thumb.

"And I like that as well."

Was there anything she didn't like? One day I might ask her.

I was hoping to get five minutes on her tits, and possibly ten. However, I got a lot more than that. I can't be sure exactly how long, because I was so engrossed that I lost track of time. The only reason I stopped was because she asked me to.

As soon as my cock was through the hole, she giggled, then she said, "I hope you are not thinking of putting that into my teeny-weeny pussy."

She had tried to sound as girly as possible, and she had done a good job, but she wasn't in the same league as Anne.

"Actually I was."

That got more giggling, then she said, "OK, but first you need to get me excited."

I thought I had already done that, with all the attention I had given to her tits.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Do to me what you did to Mother."

It took me a few seconds to remember what had happened the last time with her.

"Yes, but I don't want you to climax on my fingers. I want to fuck you."

"It's a deal."

If we had been in the room together we would have shook hands.

My cock had now been replaced by my hand. As soon as her cunt was within reach, I was pushing three fingers into her. She was tighter than Mother had been, but she took them without complaining. Then she started rocking against them. I kept them still, letting her do all the movement.

"Don't forget my bottom."

So Mother must have told her everything. My other hand was now in, and it was stroking her bottom.

"That's nice, in a friendly sort of way, but for fuck's sake stick your fingers up my bottom."

It was a command rather than a request. When I rammed three into her she gasped. Mother had got one, but I was giving her more. She was now breathing heavily, and I was expecting her to ask me to take them out.

"I guess I got what I asked for. Keep them in, but don't move them. That will be too much for me. I am going to stay still, and I want you to finger fuck my pussy. When I am ready for your cock I will let you know."

We now had a plan, and it was a good one.

I started slowly, but I soon upped the pace. Her tight cunt was now loosening up, and she was getting wet, very wet. As I fingered her, I was listening carefully to the noises she was making. I had made her orgasm enough times before, so I knew the signs for when she was getting close. Thankfully that was still a long way off.

However, it soon changed, and I had to back off. I was now fingering her just enough to keep her ticking over. I hadn't managed to fuck Mother, but I was going to make sure that I got to fuck my Sister.

"I need to come."

I ignored her.


She sounded desperate, so I gave in.

"OK, but don't you dare climax until I fuck you."

"Yes Mr. Jenkins," then she giggled.

So Anne had told her about him as well.

My fingers were out of her in record time, and my cock nearly broke the sound barrier when I thrust it through the hole. It was still wobbling when she pushed against it. As it slipped in, I sighed, and she groaned.

I didn't let her catch her breath before I started.

"I love your big cock. Does that slut Anne like your cock?"

I winced, but I don't know why. My Girlfriend was a slut, that's why I liked her so much.

"Does she swallow? Don't be silly, of course she does."

I had no idea what had brought all of this on, but it was obviously getting her excited, so I wasn't going to stop her.

"Fuck me hard, harder than you fuck her. My pussy is better than hers. I can take it."

That wasn't true, Anne could certainly take it as well, but I don't think my Sister wanted a discussion, she just wanted to talk dirty. But two could play that game.

As I pushed deep into her, I said, "Has Father ever fucked your tight cunt?"

That made her groan, and I knew she was nearly there. It wasn't going to take much more to push her over the edge.

"Imagine his cock being inside you. When he fucks Mother, I bet he thinks of you."

That did it. She gave an almighty moan, then her body stiffened. I wasn't there yet so I kept on fucking her, only managing to come as her body relaxed. My cock twitched six or seven times, which was a lot for me, possibly a record.

When I got back to the bar, there was no sign of Rick, and there were two customers waiting to be served. It was another minute before he appeared. When he had finished with them he came over.

"How was the new girl?"

"OK," then we both laughed.

We than chatted about yesterday's game, and then onto politics. That topic got rather heated, so we moved back to sport. Rick then left me alone, only coming back when I needed another drink. I was having a good time, until I noticed somebody coming from the back room. As they approached me, I wanted a hole in the ground to appear and swallow me up.

"Hello Son, will you get me a beer."

I did, and then we talked.

"Let's cut out the bullshit. Both of us are here for only one reason."

I nodded. Father was a man of few words, but when he spoke he usually made sense.

"I come here every so often. It makes a nice change. What about you?"

"Twice a week, sometimes more."

He gave me strange look, then he laughed.

"I guess if I was your age I would do the same."

Then I had a chilling thought.

As casually as I could manage, I said, "Who did you see today?"

"Charlotte, it's the first time I have had her," then he leant towards me, and whispered, "She's one hell of a fuck. You must try her."

I forced a smile, then I said, "I might just do that."

But inwardly I was groaning. It had just become complicated again!

Next chapter