
Glory Hole

Damn! I knew I should have brought my brolly with me. What was it my Sister had said this morning?

"You don't need it, it's not going to rain."

Like a fool I had listened to her. Now it was raining the proverbial cats and dogs, and I was getting soaked. I had pulled the top of my coat over my head, so I was getting some protection, but really I needed to find some shelter. There was a bus station five minutes away, but I needed something closer. Then I saw it, the entrance to what appeared to be a bar. It was down some narrow steps. I had walked down this street several times before, but I had never noticed it. It didn't look particularly inviting, but as they say, 'Any port in a storm'.

As soon as I walked in, I was met by a very large man who demanded money. At first I thought I was being mugged, but then I realised it was the admission fee. It was more than I wanted to pay, but he wasn't the sort of person you argued with.

When I had entered the place, I had expected it to be rough, a bit of a dive. However, it wasn't as bad as that. It wasn't some luxurious private members club, but it was half decent. I was happy to stay until it stopped raining.

I managed to get a seat at the bar. While I drank my beer I noticed men going in and out of a door at the back of the room. It wasn't the toilets, they were on the second floor. When I ordered my next drink, I asked Rick, the bartender, about it.

I got a sly grin from him, then he leant forward, before speaking.

"It's where the special rooms are."

"What are they for?"

He put a finger to his lips, then he said, "Go and see."

I was annoyed that he was being all secretive, but I was also curious.

"I might just do that, but how much will it cost me?"

"Nothing. It's covered by the money you paid at the door."

I wasn't sure if I should. I had an uneasy feeling that if I did, then I would regret it. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me.

Behind the door was a corridor, with four more doors leading off it. Three of them had a red sign on them, but the fourth was green. It took me a few seconds to understand their significance. The red ones were taken, but the green one was free.

There was nothing in the room except for a small chair.

"Lock the door."

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Whoever had shouted that was behind the wall that was opposite the door. I was confused, but I did as I was told. The door was now secure, and on the other side the sign would now be showing red, to let others know that the room was occupied.

"You must be new?"

I mumbled, "Yes."

"Let me tell you the score. You get your cock out and put it through the hole."

It was only then that I noticed the circular hole that she was talking about.

"What happens next, depends upon what mood I am in, and how good you cock is," then she laughed, before adding, "Or on how good you are at persuading me."

My brain said leave, but my cock said yes, and it had the casting vote. I was in a steady relationship, but I put that out of my mind as I unzipped myself. I then gave myself a couple of strokes, to get fully erect, before pushing my cock through the hole.

"Fuck, you are a big boy."

I was, ten inches of thick meat. I then felt a hand grasp it

"You are way too big for me," then she laughed again, before continuing with, "But I am sure going to try."

It was a minute or more before anything happened, then I felt my cock sliding into her. I could tell that the wetness was mostly lubricant, but I didn't mind, it still felt good. She had stopped with about an inch to spare, and I could now hear her breathing heavily.

"I want you fuck me. Nice and slowly at first, then harder when I tell you to."

"OK. I am Simon, what's your name?"

"Mary. I would like to shake your hand, but I guess you fucking me with your monster cock will have to do."

This time we both laughed, and she stopped first, when I started moving my cock. For the next five minutes I gave her the gentle strokes she had asked for.

"I am ready now. I want it as hard and as fast as you can manage. Imagine you are fucking your Mother, your Sister, or even you Daughter. Whatever gets you going."

I took her advice. I didn't have a Daughter, but I did have a Mother and Sister that I would like on the end of my cock.

It wasn't long before I was ready to spurt, and from the noises she was making, she would probably get a climax as well.

"Finish me off."

I then did, by giving her three full lengths of my cock. I don't know if she had a little cunt or not, but she had managed to take all ten inches. As she climaxed, she impressed me by keeping her bottom pushed against the wall, so that I could continue fucking her until I reached it. It was a good one, taking thirty seconds before my balls were drained.

"You don't just have a big cock, you know how to use it."

"And you have a nice cunt."

Two minutes later I was back in the bar, and I had a big smile on my face.

Rick greeted me with, "Now you know why we are busy."

"Yes, and why you charge for admission."

By the time I had finished my drink, it had stopped raining. I knew I should leave, but instead I ordered another.

"Rick, do the women get paid."

"Yes, but not as much as you would think."

That surprised me.

"Then why do they do it?"

"I have talked to most of them, and I get the impression it's more about the sex than the money. Here they can have all the sex they want without having a relationship. They do it, and they enjoy it, then they go home to their loved ones," then he smiled at me, before adding, "Like you."

That made me wince. However, what he had said made a lot of sense.

"We have a woman who is in her early seventies. She looks her age, and she would struggle to get a man in a singles bar, but here she gets enough cock to keep herself happy. The customers love her," then he laughed before adding, "But they don't know her age."

I had an uneasy feeling that I had already met her. As casually as I could manage, I asked, "What's her name?"

"I shouldn't really say," then he leant forward and whispered, "Mary."

On my way home I mulled it over. Did I feel guilty about cheating on my girlfriend Charlotte? I should have, but I didn't. This was just anonymous sex, for some reason it felt as if it didn't count. Also, I was twenty three, and Mary was fifty years older than me. If I had known that at the time I wouldn't have done it, I would have picked somebody else. However, I didn't have any regrets. I had enjoyed it, and she had probably enjoyed it even more.

"We were just about to send out a search party."

She was smiling, but I could tell my Mother had been concerned.

"Sorry, I would have called you, but my phone is dead. I left the charger in my bedroom."

"We did try calling you. And before I forget, Charlotte wants a word."

I almost winced when Chloe, my Sister, mentioned my girlfriend's name. So I guess deep down there was some guilt about what I had done.

"And where have you been?"

To my ears it sounded like an accusation, but I knew my Mother was only asking.

"I got caught in the rain. I was sheltering in a bus station."

Ten minutes later, when I had enough charge on my phone, I rang Charlotte. I had expected to get the same grilling that my Mother and Sister had given me. However, she didn't ask why I was calling her so late. All she was interested in was to make arrangements for tomorrow. There was a new bar that she wanted to visit. Some of her friends had already been, and she was eager for us to go there and check it out.

For the next two weeks, I kept thinking about returning to, 'The Tavern', but I never got round to it. It was only when I got caught in the rain again, that I ended up there. I knew as I went in that I was using the weather as an excuse. I had my brolly with me, and if I still needed shelter, then the bus station had been nearer.

"I knew you would be back."

"I didn't think you would remember me."

"I never forget a face, but in your case I might make an exception."

Then he laughed, but I just gave him a weak smile. Rick obviously thought he was very funny, but he wasn't. He had even remembered what I had been drinking last time, because he brought me a beer without me having to ask.

"We have made some changes," then he glanced towards the door that leads to the girls, just to make sure that I knew what he was referring to.

I sipped my drink as I waited for him to tell me what those changes were, but he didn't. However, I did get a conspiratorial wink, then a finger pointing towards the door. What was different from last time? Rick wasn't saying, so there was only one way to find out.

When I entered the room, I smiled. Whoever had come up with this idea deserved a pat on the back. It was such a simple change, but so practical. Each door now had a small wooden frame for holding a card, and on the card was the woman's name. It wasn't pot luck anymore. You were now able to choose somebody you liked, or avoid anybody you didn't want to see.

Becky, Anne or Lizzy? Mary was the other one, but her room was occupied. I like the name Lizzy, so I chose her.

This time I didn't need to be reminded about locking the door.

"I am Lizzy. What would you like me to call you?"


A false name might have been better, but using my real one was easier to remember.

"Nice name. I have a Son called Simon," then she giggled before adding, "You can pretend that I am your Mother."

That sent a shudder of excitement down my spine. Deep down I knew that I would like to fuck my Mother, but I also knew it would never happen. But there was nothing wrong about fantasising about it.

It was only as I was unzipping myself, that I noticed that the room was different. It was the same one that I had been in last time, but now there were three holes instead of just the one. It was obvious, because of their size and position, that the two extra ones were for the woman to put her breasts through. For now, they were covered by what looked to be wooden panels. The woman, if she wanted to, would open them up. Also, the hole that I had put my cock in last time, was now a lot bigger, it could easily take a hand.

When the panels opened, and she presented her tits to me, I was ready. My cock was vertical, and I was looked forward to some foreplay, before getting down to fucking her.

Then I noticed it, and I froze. What was I going to do?

"Don't you like them? They are not very big, but I have been told that I have nice nipples."

I Mumbled, "I do like them, and you do have nice nipples."

That made her giggle. She was probably thinking that I was shy, nervous about touching her. If I waited any longer she would wonder what was going on.

I knew that I should leave, but instead I groped one of them, while sucking eagerly on the other.

"Easy tiger."

My Mother has always been a touchy-feely person. When I reached puberty I found that a bit uncomfortable, but by my late teens I had got used to it. She didn't do anything inappropriate, but a boy can get a lot out of their Mother hugging them when she is just wearing a dressing gown, or better still, when it's a swimming costume. There was one instance I remember vividly. I was nineteen, and Mother was serving me breakfast. When she leant over, her dressing gown opened, and her breasts poured out. They were almost in my face. She quickly made herself decent, and we even joked about it, but it had been embarrassing for both of us. However, for me at least, it had also been highly erotic. She hadn't been exposed for long, but there had been time enough for me to get a good look at her nice nipples, and to notice a crescent-shaped birthmark on her left breast.

This woman had the same birthmark, in the same place. She was my Mother, and she didn't know that it was her Son feasting on her nipples. I should have felt guilty, but I didn't. The guilt might come later on, but for now it was all about lust. Has there ever been a Son who hasn't wanted to have sex with his Mother? I was going to get to do it, and without her even realising it.

"Do you want to finger me, or just go straight to the fucking?"

I quickly said, "Fingers."

She laughed, before saying, "Good choice."

I was going to continue playing with her tits, while I worked on her cunt, but that wasn't what she wanted. The panels were quickly closed, and the only available hole now was the bottom one. I pushed my hand into the opening, and then I heard her chuckling as I blindly moved my fingers about, without touching anything

"Somebody is keen."

What Son wouldn't be, when he has the opportunity to put his fingers inside his Mother? She let me wait for a few more seconds, then she moved closer so that I could touch her thigh. As my hand moved up, she opened her legs. When my fingers touched her opening I gasped.

"Just two."

They slid in easily, and it was her turn to make a sound. She gave a low satisfying moan. She was very wet, and I could tell it wasn't lubricant, it was all her own juices.

"If you are a good boy, and you take your time, I might let you add more," then she paused, before adding, "Are you a good boy?"

"No, I'm very, very naughty."

That made her laugh, but it turned into a moan when my fingers started moving. I finger fucked her with them for a few minutes, then, without asking, I added a third.

"Fuck, that feels good. But what about my clit?"

She needn't have worried, that was next on my list. When I rubbed it with my thumb she purred.

"Have you got a big cock? My Son has."

That made me gasp again, how did she know?

"I haven't fucked him, but I would like to. I saw his big cock once when he was sleeping. I could see his erection sticking up, so I pulled the covers off. It was at least nine inches," then she sighed, before saying, "I wish my husband was that big."

"I can be your Son. Would you like me to fuck you, Mummy?"

"Oh yes."

I could tell that had got her going.

"And I do have a big cock. It's ten inches."

She then made such a loud moan, that I thought she had climaxed, but thankfully she hadn't. I then quickly removed my fingers. As soon as my cock was through the hole I felt her pushing against it. I closed my eyes as I entered her, this was a moment to saviour. I was proud of her, she wasn't a particularly big woman, but she had managed to take it all.

"Does Mummy like my big cock?"

"Yes, but Mummy will like it even better when you fuck me with it."

Normally I start slowly, but this time, because I was so excited, she got it fast from the beginning.

"Don't stop, fuck my tight little cunt. Give Mummy what she wants."

That spurred me on even more. I wasn't sure about her, but I was now getting dangerously close.

"I hope you are going to come, because I am."

Good, she was ready as well. I managed to hold on until she had climaxed, then as her orgasm was fading, I reached mine. My cock twitched six or seven times as my balls emptied.

I waited a few seconds before pulling out of her. She was the first to speak.

"I was going to stay late, and see another one or two men, but you have well and truly fucked me. I think I will go home," then she laughed, before adding, "I just hope my husband doesn't want any tonight. If he does, then I am going to tell him I have a headache."

She then laughed again, and I joined in. A couple of minutes later I was back in the bar.

"Do you like the improvements we have made?"

I certainly did, and when I told him so he looked pleased. He didn't say, but I got the impression the changes were his idea. Then suddenly, I had a chilling thought.

"Rick, how do the women get to the rooms?"

He must have seen the concern on my face, because he said, "Don't worry, not through the bar. There is a separate entrance at the back."

That was a relief, it would be very embarrassing if Mother saw me here. She might even realise that it had been me who had just fucked her.

On my way home, I started thinking about what we had just done. Did she really not know it was me? I don't think she did. There was a wall between us, that muffled the sound a bit. If I hadn't seen her distinctive birthmark, would I have known it was her? No, I would have been none the wiser.

I was home first, then twenty minutes later Mother arrived.

"Hi, did you have nice time with your friends?"

"I did Simon, and thanks for asking."

Wednesday was her night out, time to relax with friends. I hadn't thought much about it before, but now I knew where she was going, and what she was doing. Did my Father know about it? I would be surprised if he did.

"And what have you been doing?"

I had been doing her, but I would be a fool to spoil things by saying that.

"Just a few drinks," then I paused, before adding, "With friends."

If the friends excuse was good enough for her, then it was good enough for me.

The next day at work, I had a very uncomfortable conversation with Jim, a colleague.

"Somebody was telling me that there is a bar downtown that has rooms with Glory Holes in."

I hadn't heard that term before, but the mention of holes got me thinking, he was probably referring to The Tavern. I tried to look innocent.

"Do you know what happens there?"

He didn't let me answer, before continuing.

"You put your penis through a hole in the wall, and a woman on the other side does things to it."

He now had a look on his face that told me he disapproved.

"That's disgusting."

I put on my best serious face, then I nodded in agreement. I don't think he has much success with women. He might find the idea distasteful, but he should try it. You never know, he might actually like it.

"They call it a Glory Hole, but technically that's not correct."

I wasn't in the mood for one of his lectures, but in order to be sociable, I let him continue.

"It's a hole in a wall through which fellatio or masturbation is conducted incognito between male homosexuals," then he puffed his chest out, proud that he knew that, before continuing with, "But in this case it's between a man and a woman."

I was genuinely impressed with his knowledge, but I tried not to show it, that would only have encouraged him to say more. When I got back to my desk I googled it. I had to smile, he had been word perfect. Everybody knew that Jim could be an irritating shit, but he was the first one you picked to be on your team when it was quiz night.

That evening I went out with Charlotte, and we ended up drinking in a bar that her friend Lilly had recommended. It was quite close to The Tavern, and we even passed it on the way there. I should have felt guilty about what I had done there, but I didn't. Instead I felt excitement, and I knew that I would be returning, and it would be on a Wednesday, when Mother was there again.

I couldn't wait to go back. When it got to Tuesday I was restless, but Wednesday was worse. The day dragged, and I found it very difficult to concentrate. I was glad when work finished. I was the first to leave, which was unusual for me. Thirty minutes later I was inside The Tavern. I was served by Oscar.

"Rick not in today?"

"No, he is on holiday this week."

After two large gulps of beer I was ready. When I opened the door I was hoping that Mother, or Lizzy as she was called here, wasn't already busy. But it was worse than that. I could only choose from, Becky, Anne, Rose or Mary. No Lizzy. My heart sank, all that anticipation for nothing. Perhaps she was working later? Oscar might know.

"Were they all taken?"

Becky and Rose were free, but it was Mother I really wanted.

"No, I thought Lizzy was working."

He smiled, before saying, "So is she your favourite?"

I just nodded.

"Sorry, she was supposed to work today, but we were a girl short yesterday, so she worked then instead."

I almost groaned.

"Is she the one with that mark on her tits?"

"Yes, a birthmark."

"She is one of our best. I have had her a few times."

That made me wince, but I don't think he noticed.

"I will let you into a secret. If you want to get her going, ask her to pretend that you are her Son. She likes that."

As casually as I could manage, I said, "Thanks, I might just do that."

He then went off to serve another customer. Five minutes later I ordered another drink.

"So you don't want one of our other girls?"

I was undecided. Mother not being here had dulled the urge.

"Are there any you recommend?"

"I'm the wrong person to ask. I'm not very choosey, any hole will do, even Mary's."

He then laughed. I didn't join in, so I think he realised that I wasn't happy with what he had just said. He now looked embarrassed, and I thought he might even apologise, but he didn't, instead he bent his head towards me.

"Rose or Anne."

Then he looked around, to check that we couldn't be overheard, before saying.

"Rose, if you are a tit man. They are massive, with nipples you wouldn't believe. But don't bother fucking her, she has a big opening. I tried it, but my cock didn't touch the sides. She had to finish me off by hand."

Then he looked at me to check that I was taking it all in. I nodded.

"But if fisting is your thing."

I shook my head.

"Anne is our youngest, she is twenty five. I am not complaining, but I can't understand why she works here, it can't be for the money because we don't pay much. She is my favourite."

I could tell he was now thinking about her. From what he had said she sounded OK, but I wanted more details.

"What's special about her?"

"Tiny, with small tits, and the face of an angel. She is so small that when you fuck her it feels as if you cock is massive."

I thanked him, then I got back to my drink, and he got back to his bar work. Rose or Anne, or even one of the other two? I couldn't decide. I was even considering going home, but it had been three days since my balls had been drained, so I stayed.

I had decided on Anne, but she wasn't free, so I settled on Rose.

"What's your name big boy?"

"Simon, but how do you know I'm big?"

She then laughed. It was a full uninhibited one, and I could tell she didn't care if they could hear it in the next room.

"I always say that. It makes all the men feel good, even the ones who wished they had a few more inches."

That's something I have never wished for. Ten inches is enough for me, and for all the women I have been with.

"You are in for a treat. If you have ever seen a better pair of tits than mine, then I will give you your money back."

I had to laugh, this was included in the admission fee at the door, but my laughter was drowned out by hers. For now it was endearing, but I had the feeling that later on it would irritate me.

If I had paid her, I wouldn't be getting any money back. Her tits weren't just huge, they were firm as well, and they were topped by the thickest and longest nipples I had ever seen. Oscar had sung their praises, and rightly so. The two holes were big enough for most women, but not for her. She had pushed a lot into my room, but it looked as if there was still more on the other side.

For the next ten minutes I worshiped them. They had my full attention. I pinched and stretched her gorgeous nipples, then I sucked on them until my jaw ached. Oscar had said not to fuck her, but I was going to, if she would let me.

"Can I fuck you?"

"I thought you would never ask," then after she had finished laughing, she said, "But you need a big thick cock. I am not some teeny weeny size zero girl, who would struggle to take a little finger. I am a big woman, with a big pussy."

When I put my cock through the hole, it felt as if I was auditioning. I would only get to fuck her if she thought my cock was suitable. It's a long time, if ever, that I have been nervous about a woman seeing my cock for the first time.

I heard something, it sounded as if she was licking her lips.

"I like it, but I think my pussy will like it even better."

I waited for her to laugh, but thankfully this time she didn't. I was pleased I had passed the test, and I was now eager to start.

She didn't waste any time getting me inside her. As soon as my cock was at her opening, she had quickly pushed back, taking all of it in one go. Oscar was right, she was big, but there was some tightness there. Her cunt was definitely fuckable, but it required a long thick cock. One like mine.

"What's your name big boy?"


"OK Simon, this is what I want from you. You are going to fuck me hard. Nice long strokes using your full length. It's a long time since I have been fucked to a climax, but you are going to do it. I will be disappointed if you come before I do."

So no pressure.

I started slowly, but she immediately urged me to go quicker. After five minutes she was grunting at the end of each stroke.

"This is good, but you need to do better."

I felt as if I was failing. I was now determined to give her that climax that she had asked for, even if I didn't reach it, so I upped the pace.

"I like that, don't stop."

I didn't, but after doing it for another ten minutes, I was wishing that I could. She was getting to the boil, but I had no idea how much longer she would need before she actually reached it. I was a young fit man, but even so, there was a limit to how long I could fuck for without collapsing through exhaustion. Then a thought flashed through my mind, I might die. That made me smile, what would they put on the death certificate as the cause? Then I cleared my head, this was serious business, I needed to get back to work.

She was now being fucked harder than I had ever fucked anybody before. Her grunting had turned into loud moans, almost as loud as her laughter had been. They must be able to hear her in the next room.

It was brutal but it did the trick. As she climaxed she started to writhe, and her cunt contracted, squeezing my cock. That took me over the edge. More by luck than good judgment, we had both come together.

I quickly pulled out of her, but she didn't move until at least another minute, and then it was another few seconds before she spoke.

"Simon, you had better come back and see me again."

I didn't need to think about it. We had both enjoyed it, so why wouldn't I come back?

"I will," then I muttered under my breath, "But only when my Mother isn't here."

When I got back to the bar I could tell Oscar was eager to talk to me.

"You were a long time. Who did you see?"


"And was I right about those tits of hers?"

"Yes you were, they are magnificent."

"What about her..."

I didn't let him finish, "You were right about that as well. She had to finish me off by hand."

He was so pleased that I had confirmed his opinion of Rose, that he gave me a complimentary beer. I had been tempted to tell him that I had fucked her to a climax, but that might have got him wondering why he hadn't been able to do that. Not all men are lucky enough to have a cock the size of mine.

When I returned the following Wednesday, I knew that Mother was working. I had been trying all week to think of some way of asking her what day she was going out with her friends. She would be suspicious if I just asked without a good reason. On Tuesday morning, at breakfast, my problem was solved when Mother told my Sister that she was going out Wednesday night.

Rick was back, and there was no sign of Oscar.

"Hi Rick, nice holiday?"

He spent the next five minutes telling me about it, and I found out that Oscar was his Brother.

As I opened the door I was apprehensive, perhaps Mother was really out with her friends. I checked the doors, Rose, Mary, Vicky, and the last one, Lizzy. I punched the air with excitement. She was working, and she was free now.

"Hello, I am Simon. Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do, how could I forget my Son," then she giggled.

For a split second I thought she knew, but then I realised it was all part of the pretence.

"And I remember your cock. I would like some more of that," then she giggled again.

This time it had sounded more girly, as if she was much younger than she was. She might be forty three, but she could still get excited at the thought of a big cock. But not as excited as I was at the thought of fucking her again.

As I played with her nipples, I looked closely at the birthmark on her breast. My Father must have seen it so many times now, that I bet he hardly notices it, but I found it fascinating.

"I like your birthmark."

"Years ago I was thinking of having it removed, but my Husband talked me out of it. I am glad he did."

Then she giggled, and I wondered why.

"My Son Simon saw it when he was eighteen. It was by accident. I was leaning over and my dressing gown opened. He got a good look at my tits, and I could tell that he saw it."

I was nineteen, not eighteen. I even remember the day, it was a Tuesday.

"What I wanted to do was to let him suck on them, but I knew that was wrong."

I almost groaned, if I had known that at the time I might have reached out for them.

"Simon, please will you suck my tits."

"Yes Mummy."

I spent ten glorious minutes on them. Rose has a much better pair, but the fact that she was my Mother, made it far more exciting.

Now it was time for her cunt. This time she was so wet that she got three fingers straight away. She gave a deep moan of approval when they were fully in. Last time I had rubbed her clit with my thumb. I was going to do that again, but first I wanted to try something different. I rotated my fingers so that my thumb could explore her ring.

When I pushed the tip of it in, she purred.

"You naughty boy, putting your thumb into Mummy's bottom."

That sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. I suddenly realised, that my prim and proper Mother, who was a respected member of our community, was really a dirty bitch, who was up for anything.

As nice as her bottom was, her honey pot was better. When my thumb touched her clit she almost climaxed.

"Easy. Mummy is too excited."

For the next few minutes, I tried to be as gentle as possible, but even the lightest touch was making her squirm.

"I am going to have to fuck you."

That got a quick, "Yes," from her.

Her tits might not be as good as Rose's, but she had the better cunt. I was now deep up her, and it felt amazing.

"One day I might let my Son fuck me," then she moaned as I fucked her hard, before adding, "I hope he is as good as you."

That day had already passed, and I was now doing it again. I was tempted to tell her who I really was, but despite her admitting that she wanted to do it, that was no guarantee that she would actually agree to do it. It was best not to tell her. I was getting to fuck her, and she was none the wiser.

After only a few minutes I could tell she was ready to come. I had been hoping for at least ten minutes, fifteen would have been perfect. However, there was nothing I could do now except finish her off, and make sure it was a big one.

When she climaxed she was almost as loud as Rose had been. There was a lot of moaning and groaning from her, and some words that I couldn't make out. My orgasm was simpler. I just grunted once, then my cock twitched a few times until my balls were drained. I wasn't complaining, it's just that women do seem to have the better climax. Neither of us spoke until I was about to leave,

"Thanks Lizzy, that was really good."

"I enjoyed it as well. Simon..."

Then she stopped. My hand was on the door handle, and I was about to leave, but I waited. I knew she was going to say more.

"Tell me what you think of this," then I heard her take a deep breath before continuing with, "Next week I want you to come back. When you see me I will have my Daughter with me. Would you like both of us together?"

My head was now spinning.

I blurted out, "Your real Daughter?"

"Yes, but it's just for you. So don't tell Rick, or any of the others."


"She has a fantasy about fucking her Brother. This way she can do it without anybody getting hurt. So are you up for it?"

I nodded my head vigorously, then I realised I had to speak.


"Thank you. I was worried that you might not want to."

This was every schoolboy's wet dream, your Mother and Sister at the same time. There was no way I would not want to do it.

Back at the bar I drank two beers in quick succession. Ricky gave me a funny look, but he didn't say anything. This time Mother was back home before me, she must have left The Tavern shortly after I had left her room.

The next day we had breakfast together. Father had his nose in the newspaper, and we hardly got a word out of him. My Mother and Sister talked non-stop, and both of them appeared to be in a good mood. Had Chloe been told about what was going to happen next Wednesday? I would say yes.

For the next few days I found it a bit uncomfortable being around my Mother and Sister. I got an uneasy feeling that they both knew that I was the Simon that they would be seeing on Wednesday. But that was ridicules, there was no reason why that was the case.

I had managed to get myself so worked up, that I decided to ease the tension by visiting The Tavern Monday night after work. Before I had even managed to sit at the bar, Rick had got me my beer. I was now a regular, and I was been treated like one.

Rose was free, but I picked Anne. Oscar had rated her, so I was happy to try her out.

"I am Anne. You can do whatever you want with me."

I knew she was twenty five, because Oscar had told me, but she sounded as if she was a lot younger. It was exciting, but a bit creepy as well. If I hadn't known her age I would have walked out. Young yes, under age, definitely not. And it's always better to be safe than sorry.

When she pushed her tits through, I was surprised how small they were. They made my Mother's look huge. However they were nice and firm, and her nipples were pert. After a few minutes my cock was straining to get out. I had to briefly stop so that I could take my trousers and underwear off.

"Have you got your cock out?"

"Yes, and it's ready to fuck you."

She cooed with excitement, before saying, "I am only a little girl. Please be gentle with me."

As I put my cock into the hole, I waited for her response.

"Fuck me. That's a nice cock."

Yes, that's what I was intending to do. That's if the sight of it hadn't put her off.

"I need some extra lube for this."

I would have preferred it without, but she was the one to know if she needed it or not, so I kept quiet.

It was another minute before I felt her cunt lips touching the head of my cock. Then slowly, very slowly, she pushed back against me. She struggled with the first couple of inches, then she rested halfway, before continuing. It must have been uncomfortable, but she took it all.

"Let me get used to it. It feels like you are splitting me in two. If it gets too much for me you might have to take it out."

I hoped it wouldn't come to that. Her tight little cunt was gripping my cock like a vice, and it felt good, but it would feel even better when I started fucking her.

"OK, but slowly."

We were now fucking, but almost in slow motion. After a couple of minutes, I speeded up. She didn't complain.


Good, she was now ready for a proper fuck. Surprisingly, she managed to keep going for another five minutes, the last two taking full strokes. When she climaxed, I only needed another stroke before I joined her. As her tiny cunt pulsed, it squeezed out all my seed.

Back at the bar Rick asked me who I had been with. I told him.

"What do you think about that voice of hers? Some customers think she puts it on, but it's her real voice."

I shook my head, "Yes, I can't believe she is twenty five."

"They have to be at least twenty one to work here. Don't worry, she is legal, but I must say I did check her passport very carefully when she first started."

It had been a good experience, but I was already thinking about Wednesday. I still couldn't believe that I would be seeing both of them together. I didn't talk much with my Father, but when I did it was mostly sport or politics. However, it looked as if my Mother and Sister talked about their sex lives, and what their fantasies were. It must be a woman thing, because I would curl up and die if my Father ever started telling me about what he did in bed.

I hadn't planned to go out Tuesday night, but Charlotte called. Her parents were away for the night so we had the house to ourselves, and she was obviously eager for me to join her. Ten minutes after I got there, we were in bed together. The sex was good, and she got the climax she wanted. I had one as well, but I would rather have saved it for tomorrow. I stayed the night, but I left early while she was still asleep. If I had waited until she woke she might have wanted to be fucked again. I might manage twice in one day, my Mother and Sister, but three times was too much.

I only worked a half-day. I had a dental check-up at two, and some jobs to do, so I took the afternoon off as holiday. I was back at home for five, and my Mother and Sister were there, but they were ready to go out.

"Where are you two lovely ladies going to?"

They shared a knowing look, then Mother said, "That would be telling," then they both giggled.

Then, with a more serious face, Mother said, "I am meeting up with my friends, and Chloe is coming with me."

She sounded convincing, and I wondered if that was what they were actually going to do. If that was the case, then I was in for a disappointing night. Ten minutes later they left, but I waited until six before I went out.

"It's nice to see you Simon, but twice in one week."

Rick was smiling, and I could tell there was no malice in his observation.

I shrugged my shoulders, before saying, "What can I say? I have a big appetite."

Then I heard him mutter under his breath, "And a big cock."

I pretended I hadn't heard him. The women must have been talking about me.

I didn't want to appear too eager, so I finished my drink before going into the back room. Lizzy's card was on the second door, but the sign was red. I would have to wait. I didn't like it, but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Let me guess, Lizzy is busy?"

I just nodded. Rick smiled, then he got me another drink. I waited another fifteen minutes before trying again. This time it was green.

"Hi, it's Simon."

"Hello Simon, I have been waiting for you. And so far tonight I have managed to please all the customers without fucking any of them. So you have a nice clean pussy to work with," then she giggled, and I heard another person join in.

"Is your Daughter there?"

"Yes I am, nice to meet you."

I could hear the excitement in her voice.


I wasn't sure how this would work. I got the feeling we would make it up as we went along. It started with the two top holes being opened, then they were both filled with tit. The left with Mother's and the right with my Sister's.

I was like a kid in a candy store, where should I start?

"Suck me."

It was my Sister. As I did what she had asked, I also tweaked Mother's nipple. I then kept switching. Both tits were nice, but my Sister was only twenty, so hers was firmer.

"Do you like playing with your Mother and Sister?"

I mumbled, "Yes," and they both giggled.

"You are a naughty boy. What are you?"

I reluctantly raised my head from my Sister, so that I could speak.

"Mummy, I am very naughty."

One of them squealed with delight. It sounded like Chloe, but I couldn't be certain.

I then got back to work on their tits, but a couple of minutes later Mother spoke again.

"Don't you think it's time to finger us?"

I did, but who should I start with?

"Mummy, do you want to be first?"

They both giggled, then my Sister said, "Put both your hands through the hole. We can have one each."

My right hand was now exploring my Mother's opening, while the left one was concentrating on my Sister's large lips. They were big and chunky. If she put her cunt to the hole I might be able to suck on them. I might even suggest that later on.

"Do you have a Sister?"

My Mother seemed eager to know.

"Yes," then I almost said Chloe, but I managed to stop myself just in time.

"She is called Charlotte."

My Sister giggled, before saying, "That's the name of my Brother's girlfriend."

I now had three fingers up both of them, and my cock was so hard in my trousers, that it felt as if it was going to burst. I was desperate to fuck them both, but I was happy to keep my fingers in them for as long as they wanted me to.

It was OK for the first five minutes, then it got difficult. My Sister was much nearer to her orgasm than Mother. I was now fingering Mother hard, but easing up on Chloe. I didn't want either of them to come until they were on the end of my cock.

"Should we stop?"

It was Mother, and I knew she was asking my Sister, and not me.

She got a quick, "Yes," back from her.

When I removed my fingers, they both sighed at the same time. That made them laugh. As I put my cock through the hole, I wondered who I would get first. Had that already been decided earlier on?

"It's me first, then you get to fuck your little Sister."

I was quickly into her. My aim was to finish her as soon as I could, then get to work on Chloe. If everything went to plan, she would climax, but I wouldn't. I wanted to save it for my Sister.

After a few minutes of hard fucking, I realised that I had a problem. Her cunt felt so good, and all the noise she was making was getting me excited. If I didn't concentrate I was going to come, and perhaps even before she did.

For the next five minutes, I tried to think about anything that would delay my orgasm. Differential Calculus did the trick, but I had to stop that because it was working too well, my cock was starting to lose some of its firmness. I then settled on thinking about work, that was always a passion killer.

Two minutes later she started to tense up, then she climaxed. I kept fucking her until I was sure that she was well into it. Then I stopped, but I kept my cock in her. It only came out when her orgasm had passed, and she moved away from me.

I then heard them whispering to each other. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but there was a lot of giggling going on.

It then went quiet, and my Sister said, "Now it's my turn."

I just kept my cock still, letting her push herself back against it. She only stopped when my balls were flat against her.

"My Brother has a big cock, just like yours. It might even be bigger."

No, it was the same size.

"I want you to fuck me hard until I scream like a dirty bitch."

My Sister might be younger than me, but she can be very bossy. Over the years she has asked me to do lots of things for her that I have said no to. This wasn't going to be one of them.

I started slowly, because I wanted to saviour it, but it soon became frantic. I couldn't help it, her ripe cunt was begging to be fucked, and I was desperate to give it what it wanted.

"Fuck, this is too hard."

I didn't care. I wanted it hard, and that was what she was going to get. After another minute, she spoke again

"Yes, don't stop."

I had to smile, but only briefly. Fucking your Sister is a serious business, you need to concentrate.

When she started to gasp, I knew she was close. I was as well. I could keep going for another two or three minutes, but no more than that. I upped the pace, and that did the trick. After a few seconds the gasping stopped, and I was worried that she had stopped breathing. However, when she then screamed, I knew she was OK. Fortunately it wasn't too loud, but it had signalled the start of her climax. And it was a big one. As it surged through her body, I kept my cock still, but she rocked against it. That was enough to make we come as well. It took me a while to empty my balls, but she was still in it when I had finished. I waited until she was still, and not moaning, before pulling out.

When she had recovered, there was more whispering between them.

Then my Sister asked, "Who did you like the best?"

I shook my head as I laughed, there was no way I was going to answer that.

Back in the bar, Rick greeted me with, "What took you so long," then I got a knowing smile. I took my time finishing my beer. Then I decided to celebrate with a double of my favourite malt whisky. I winced when he told me how much it would cost, but nothing, not even an overpriced drink, was going to take the shine off the day.

I enjoyed the whisky so much, that I ordered another. That would have to be my limit, anymore and I would be going home drunk, and that would spoil the day.

Could life be any better? Then I laughed out loud. Yes it could, if I had another Sister!

Next chapter