
Cross Country Taboo Ch. 02

by richman3©

I highly suggest you read "Ch. 1" or this story will not make much sense.

Thank you to my editor "oldnakeddad"

Thank you to all who enjoy my stories.


I got out of the Expedition and began to make my way toward the bathroom. As I walked, I noticed Chloe had looked over at me and smiled as she walked next to me.

"How's the trip going, big brother?"

Chloe looked different, somehow...happier than she'd been when we first left. When we first started the journey, she had pouted and demanded to sit in the front seat. She had been pissed off about having to move from Salt Lake and she let everyone in the family know it.

I noticed something else, too...her hair was ruffled, her face was flushed, her makeup was smudged and her eyes looked a little watery. It almost looked as if she had been crying but her expression and behavior was completely the opposite.

"It's going pretty good," I said, unable to hide my smile as I thought about what mom and I had done in the backseat.

"You seem to have warmed up to the trip," I said.

"Oh, you have no idea, big brother. No idea at all!"

She continued toward the ladies room, leaving me puzzled. I shrugged to myself, 'Well, at least she's in a better mood now.' If I hadn't been so preoccupied with my own thoughts, I might have realized what was going on but, as it was, all I could think about were mom's fantastic tits and her luscious pussy.

**************** Chloe's Story

I had entered the bathroom and saw mom looking at herself in the mirror...she was smiling and seemed to be lost in her own thoughts as she splashed water onto her face.

"Hi, mom," I said as I went into one of the stalls.

"O-Oh, hi, Chloe. Everything okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, mom, just going to the bathroom," I said in my best bitch voice.

"Okay, honey," mom said, absently.

By her lukewarm response, it was apparent to me she didn't care what I had stated at that moment. I could have told her the entire story and she would have said `Okay, honey.' Something was obviously going on with her but I was too engrossed in my own thing to care.

I sat on the toilet, not really needing to go but figured I better make a show of it. I started to think back on the last few hours and a smile came upon my face.

`Oh, my god. I can't believe what happened' and I was soon lost in my own thoughts about the last few hours...


I had climbed into the front seat of the Expedition and tried to make myself comfortable. I knew I was a bitch by demanding to sit in the front but I really wanted to spend some time with dad, even if it was only to watch him drive.

Dad and I had become very distant over the last couple of weeks, more than before, and I wanted to talk to him during the move, if I could. I wanted to clear a few things up and see where things stood between us because something had happened a few weeks prior that changed things, irrevocably, between daddy and me.

I had recently turned eighteen and I was looking forward to finally being treated as an adult. It was my senior year of High School and I was graduating with a B average. I hadn't taken my SAT's because I didn't really know what I wanted to do after High School...Jason didn't fully commit to college and he seemed to be doing fine so a year off, before I made a decision, sounded like a good idea to me.

In our school, like many others around the country, they had "take your kid to work day." Dad decided, if I wasn't going to go to college then maybe a job working for FedEx, with him, might give me some direction. I wasn't exactly thrilled by the prospect but a day away from school was enough of an incentive for me to go.

We arrived at work, dad gave me a uniform to put on and let me change in his office...he wasn't the big boss but it was clear he had an important job and people respected him. I hadn't ever given much thought as to what my dad did for a living, I just enjoyed the money he made and lived my own life. Seeing how people treated and respected him made me see my father in an entirely different light.

After I removed my top and shorts, something on his desk caught my eye...it was a picture of me from my graduation. The frame said, "My Proudest Day." I looked around and saw a few other pictures of the rest of the family but all of them were of the entire family together...mine was the only one by itself.

I actually felt a few tears well up as I realized daddy truly was proud of me and my accomplishments. As I stood there in only my panties, I rarely wore a bra, I looked at the pictures and thought about my father...then the door opened.

"Sweetie, are you ready?" my dad asked as he entered the office.

"Are y..." he stopped mid-sentence, frozen as he saw me standing there, half naked.

"Ooh, sorry d-daddy," I stammered, realizing he saw me.

"I-I'll come back, I thought you were changed already," he said, as he closed the door.

I was beet red with embarrassment but I also couldn't help but notice how dad had looked at me...how his gaze had fallen upon my bare breasts and, as he closed the door, I caught him as he took one more peek at me. I knew he was trying to be discreet but a woman knows when she is being checked out. It was strange...as embarrassed as I was,

I also kind of liked it. I know how terrible that sounds but having my father check me out made me feel good.

I guess, like many girls, my dad was my first love. Freud says, `Most girls compare every man they meet, for the rest of their lives, to their father. The same goes for guys comparing girls to their mothers.

That's why so many people end up marrying people like their parents...for better or worse.' In my case, it was definitely for better. While my father and I hadn't always been close, he was a great dad.

Dad had worked very hard at his job and my brother and I had pretty much always gotten whatever we wanted. He was also a hottie...I know that sounds creepy, but it really was true.

Dad had kept himself in great shape. For a man in his 40's, he never had let himself go like many of my friend's dads had done. He made regular trips to the gym, watched what he ate and looked like a man much younger than his real age.

More than once, while sunbathing by the pool, I had caught myself looking at his muscled torso as he swam laps in the pool. What I didn't know then...he had probably checked me out as well.

`Come on Chloe. What the hell is wrong with you? He's your dad and he probably wasn't checking you out. You're only imagining it,' I told myself but somehow, I knew that wasn't true. My daddy had seen my bare breasts and liked it and...I had liked him seeing them.

Feeling like an evil person, I quickly got dressed, eventually opened the door and dad was waiting outside for me. He immediately turned away, noticeably blushing.

"Okay, let's get you started in the sorting room," he said, walking away from me.

"Okay, Chloe, this is Tina. She oversees the sorting area so listen to everything she tells you, she's one of the best we have," he said, after getting me to the sorting area.

He had looked at Tina as he said this and I couldn't help but notice the look of pride on her face as dad talked about her. I also noticed the way she looked at dad...it was evident somebody had a crush on my dad!

Either he didn't notice or he hid it very well for my benefit, either way, it wasn't long before I was left alone with Tina in her office. I actually felt a pang of jealousy.

Over the course of the next few hours, I had learned all about how FedEx sorts and delivers mail for the post office and that the USPS actually contracts FedEx to deliver a lot of their packages.

I was paired up with another girl, Stacy, who was a couple of years older than me. Stacy turned out to be kind of cool. She showed me around and gave me some stuff to do.

I was actually fascinated how all the packages and mail was sorted. We gossiped about boys and school until lunch time then I was taken down to the lunch room.

There were a lot of people in the lunch room and very few seats. Stacy promised she would save me a seat but I had decided to surprise dad for lunch. He and I hadn't spent much time together over the last few years so I figured, maybe, it was time for us to catch up a bit.

I got myself a salad and a Diet Pepsi and headed back to dad's office, located on the third floor.

I took the stairs, as it felt good to get a little exercise...usually, by that point in the day, I had already run a couple of miles. As I arrived on his floor, I noticed very few people at their desks and figured most of them were probably at lunch. I was about to knock on dad's closed office door when I heard something.

Puzzled, I listened for a moment...it sounded almost like grunting and heavy breathing. I was really curious so I put my ear up to the door and what I heard shocked the hell out of me.

Heavy breathing, combined with an unmistakable wet smacking sound...it sounded like dad was masturbating! Having heard my brother, on multiple occasions, and seen a few pornos, I knew exactly what jacking off sounded like. `What the fuck?' I thought to myself. Then I heard something that changed everything.

"Oh fuck, Chloe!" I heard my dad say.

`WHAT?' I said to myself. I couldn't believe it. `Dad is thinking about me while he is jacking off!' I was completely shocked. So many thoughts and emotions were going through my head.

Part of me was disgusted, part of me was turned on, and part of me was curious. I was curious as to: why dad would risk jacking off in his office; why he would think about me and, finally; why a part of me wanted to see it. I felt so ashamed for wanting to see him but there was an undeniable urge inside of me to see his cock.

I had suddenly realized...maybe this was something I had wanted before. Of course, I never would have thought about dad jacking off but, maybe, I had some feelings about dad before today.

Dad had always treated me like his little princess and, at one time, we had been close. However, as I had gotten older, I grew away from him. Indeed, I had grown away from everyone in the family a little bit.

Maybe that was normal, I didn't know but what I did know was my initial disgust had turned into something different. I glanced around the office, making sure nobody was around...it was all but empty.

I took a deep breath, put my hand on the knob, turned it, purposely opened the door quickly and pretended to look down, setting my purse on the chair to the right of his desk.

"Hi, daddy. I decided to surprise you for lunch," I called out loudly.

I got a quick glimpse of his cock. Impressive was not the word to justify it. By that point, I was definitely not a virgin and had seen a few dicks, including my brother's cock which was pretty impressive, but dad had every one of them put to shame.

I don't know how many inches, exactly, but it was bigger than Jason's and I had heard him tell one of his friends he had eight inches. Dad's however, was easily longer.

I only caught a glimpse of his glistening cock head as he hurriedly put it away after I walked in. I looked up from my ruse to see him fumbling with his zipper, his shirt was unbuttoned, and I could see his chest and stomach.

I had noticed how good Dad still looked for a man in his early 40's, of course, but after all of the events of the day, I had also noticed my father in an entirely different light. I also noticed something else...the picture of me had been in dad's free hand when I had walked in.

Dad actually had thought about me while he jacked off. Against everything I knew was right, my pussy started to get wet...I couldn't help it. Knowing what he had been doing and knowing it was about me was simply too much, I couldn't control myself as dad tried his best to recover.

"Oh, ah, hey, pumpkin, what are you doing here?" he asked, still fumbling with his clothes. He looked down and quickly said.

"I, ah, was only changing. I spilled some chemicals on myself while inspecting a machine earlier."

It was a bad lie, and we both knew it. We also knew I had seen something but neither of us was ready to admit it yet.

"I told you, daddy. I thought I would surprise you for lunch." I said.

My eyes were uncontrollably going to his, very noticeably, protruded crotch. He was still rock hard even after being surprised by me! I decided to push it a little. I pretended to yawn and stretch which allowed my shirt to ride up, exposing my flat stomach and belly ring. He made a slight grunt and then caught himself and pretended it was a burp.

"Excuse me."

"Daddy, did you bring a lunch?"

I already knew the answer...mom had been packing dad's lunch every day for years but I wanted to break the tension.

"Yes, it's in the fridge over there."

He pointed toward a little refrigerator on the right side of his office. I went over and retrieved the bag and can of soda from it. I took my time, to give him a few seconds to compose and adjust himself. I took them over and set them on the desk in front of him and placed my salad in front of me and sat on the chair, opposite of him, in front of his desk.

We both ate in silence for a few minutes until, finally, dad broke the silence.

"So, how did things go in the sorting room?" he asked, taking a bite of his sandwich. For the first time in about 5 minutes, he looked at me.

"Good! Stacy, Tina, and pretty much everybody has been really helpful."

We talked for a few minutes about everything I had learned during the morning then we were left with another uncomfortable silence. We both knew what was on each other's mind but neither one of us was willing to break the ice until I dropped my fork onto the floor.

"I'll get it," dad said.

"No, no, I got it," I quickly said and immediately went down onto the floor.

My fork had gone under his desk and was lying near his feet. I grabbed it then did something that forever changed my relationship with my father...I put my hand on his leg.

"Sorry, I need to hold onto something for balance."

My hand felt the hard muscle of his calf underneath his pants and, without thinking about it, I began to rub it up and down.

"Man, daddy, you really do work out," I said as I continued to gently caress his calf.

"Uh, yeah, I guess. Okay, honey, that's enough. This is making me feel uncomfortable."

I had a sudden dirty thought as he pulled his leg away...`If that makes you uncomfortable, then wait until you feel this,' I thought as I pushed myself forward, placing my body between his legs and looked up at him, directly into his eyes.

"Daddy you and I both know what you were doing when I came in here, earlier."

He looked at me with shame in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, sweetie. I didn't think you would be back up here so soon." Then he looked away with more shame in his eyes.

"I guess you're old enough to know the truth now. Things between your mother and I haven't been so hot lately and sometimes I need to, you know, take care of business."

He looked back at me and I locked eyes with him once again.

"I understand, daddy."

I don't think he felt my hands as they moved up his legs, over his knees and toward his crotch.

"What you don't know, daddy, is that I heard you outside in the hall."

"What? I-I don't know what to say!" he exclaimed.

His face was beet red as he put one hand up to his mouth.

"Daddy, it's okay. I'm not mad." I said, as I scooted my body further up toward him.

It was as if somebody else had controlled my body. Before that day, I had never thought of dad like that however, that was before that morning and a few minutes prior. Something had changed inside of me...instead of being revolted and upset with my dad, I was wet and horny.

Some part of me wanted him about as much as I had ever wanted anything in my life. As I looked back, I realized it must have been building up before that day but, at the time, I had only started to understand it. He felt my hands moving closer to his crotch.

"Chloe, what are you doing?" he asked, sternly.

"Taking the next step, daddy," I replied as my hands finally found his crotch and his now stiffening cock underneath his pants.

"Chloe, you can't. I mean, we can't. What the hell are you doing?" he said, squirming as my hands began to caress his cock.

"Daddy, I told you. It's okay. I want this. I want you. Nobody will ever have to know," I said, looking up at him and smiling with a lustful look in my eyes.

I couldn't believe myself...part of me knew dad was right and part of me knew what I was about to do was wrong on so many levels but I couldn't control myself. I had caught a glimpse of dad's massive cock and it was all I could think about, since. All of the things that had happened that day led me to that moment and I was prepared to go all the way.

"Honey, really, we can't. You're my daughter. It's wrong, this is wrong," he said defensively, but he never moved my hands or stopped them from continuing.

"Don't worry about it, daddy. I know you like me and I like you too. It's okay, just enjoy the moment."

How, and when, the hell did I become so wise? Usually, I was a spoiled brat and I knew it but that day something had changed, or maybe it hadn't? I had found something I wanted, and by god, I was going to have it!

I continued to massage his stiff cock through his trousers until, finally, I had enough...without a word, I reached up, unbuttoned his pants and began to unzip his fly.

"Chloe, please, we can't," dad said.

His protest was only half-hearted. A large part of him wanted it to happen...he was only going through the motions of objection.

"Shhhh," I said, as I completely pulled down his zipper, causing his gigantic cock to spring up under his boxers.

"Oh my, daddy. Let's see what we have here!"

I reached in, grabbed his hot cock and pulled it out through the fly. Seeing the enormous dick out and in its full glory caused my pussy to immediately start to leak. She was already wet but I was sure I would have to change, or remove, my panties afterward.

"Wow, daddy. That's the biggest one I've ever seen," I exclaimed. Realizing what I had said, I looked up at him.

"What do you mean, the biggest one you have ever seen? How many have you seen?"

His eyes narrowed as he looked down at me.

I thought quickly, grabbed his massive, veiny shaft with one hand and promptly moved my mouth up to the dripping mushroom head of his engorged cock and licked the tip of it.

"Never mind, dad," I said as my tongue began to work the tip of his incredible dick.

My father forgot all about his question as I started to work on his cock. I allowed the tip to slide over my lips, used my tongue to massage the tip in a circle, savored the pre-cum that oozed from the hole and swallowed it as if it was honey.

"Okay, daddy, lift up for a second."

He lifted his ass into the air as I pulled both his trousers and his underwear down over his cock and down to his ankles.

"That's better," I said.

Once again grabbing his cock with my left hand while my mouth began to work on his balls, I took each one in my lips, popping and sucking on them while my hand gently jerked his cock up and down. I couldn't believe what I was doing, I was actually sucking my own father's cock and loving every second of it.

I worked my way up the shaft, spitting on and licking his huge dick until, finally, I opened my mouth wide and promptly impaled myself upon his cock. I swallowed as much of it as I could and felt his cock hit the back of my throat.

Immediately feeling the urge to gag, I fought it as hard as I could before finally coming up for air. I coughed and spit while I continued to jerk my dad's cock.

"Oh my god, Chloe!" Dad breathed as I worked his cock like a massive lollipop.

"You like that, daddy?"

Once again, I opened my mouth wide and lowered my mouth over his huge cock. As I felt the veiny shaft slide over my tongue toward the back of my throat, I pushed as hard as I could, allowed more of his dick than before to penetrate my throat and played with his balls while I closed my tear filled eyes and tried to hold his cock for as long as I could.

Once again I came back up for air, gagged and spit, a line of saliva ran from my chin back down to the tip of his immense cock. I pounced once again, this time not all the way, and used my tongue to massage his tip. I actually felt his already steel cock had stiffened more as I realized he was getting ready to cum.

"Oh, baby, I'm going to cum," he said as I licked, sucked and jerked his cock with reckless abandon.

"Come on, daddy. Do it." I said as I furiously jerked his cock.

After a few seconds, I released his dick from my grip and he took over. I positioned my face directly in front of him as he stroked his cock, it's huge hole only an inch or two from my face, and licked my lips with anticipation as I watched his engorged cock pulse but I was unprepared for the magnitude of his orgasm as the first massive blast of cum hit my face.

The cum hit above my mouth and to the left of my nose, the sheer force of it caused sperm to ricochet upward toward my eye...I flinched involuntarily as part of it struck my eye.

The next blast hit me directly in my open mouth...the cum hit my teeth and tongue as I tried to swallow every drop of my dad's sperm. Blast number three hit my chin and immediately began to drip down onto my uniform. For a man of his age, dad had cum like a much younger man.

He continued to produce diminishing ropes of cum as he stroked his cock. More landed on my face and into my mouth while a few drops struck my chin, neck, and shirt. Finally, the shower of cum ended as I licked my lips and did my best to swallow as much of my father's cum as I could.

I grabbed his cock and he flinched as I licked his very sensitive head, trying to get every drop out of the hole.

"Oh shit, Chloe," he said as I milked his cock.

Satisfied I had gotten it all, I looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you, daddy," I said, still licking my lips.

Looking down at myself, I realized my uniform was completely ruined. Drops of cum and spit covered the front of it and some had fallen onto my pants as I knelt on the floor in front of my father. I had to figure something out eventually but, at that moment, the pure nastiness of how I looked had my pussy gushing.

I reached down and began to rub my tits through my ruined shirt as my father looked on. I started to unbutton the shirt...once again, to expose my bare breasts to dad. I got down to about the fourth button when, suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Fisher, are you in there?"


"Oh, shit,' I thought and immediately climbed back up from under his desk.

"Y-yes, I'm here, Cynthia. I'm changing. I spilled some mayo on my shirt, can you give me a minute?"

"Ah, no problem, sir," his secretary replied, quizzically.

It was clear she thought something was up. Of course, there was no way in a million years Cynthia could know his only daughter had given him a blowjob and had scrambled to wipe his cum off of her face and shirt while she waited outside the door.

"Could you do me a favor, Cynthia?" he asked.

"Sure, sir. What can I do for you?"

"I need some wet paper towels, or napkins, to try and get this stain out. Would you get me some from the washroom, please?"

"No problem, sir."

We waited a second then, finally, he spoke.

"Okay, honey, hurry up and change back into your regular clothes and go out to the car." Seeing my puzzled expression, he added.

"Honey, you can't go out there wearing that." Pointing to the cum drizzled shirt and pants.

"Hurry, and I will meet you at the car in a few minutes. I'll say you got sick and I have to take you home. Don't worry, they owe me some time...I never leave early."

Daddy's eyes lingered on my bare breasts as I quickly changed into my regular clothes.

Before he could say a word, I leaned over and kissed him on the lips, a kiss no daughter should ever give her father, and quickly left the office.

A few minutes later, dad came out to the parking lot and got into the car. I immediately pounced on him but he pushed me away.

"Honey, we can't."

This was the voice he used when he was scolding one of us for misbehaving.

"But why, daddy? Didn't you like what happened? Was I not good?"

"No, no, honey, you were." He trailed off. Then got mad.

"You were fine, but. Dammit. We can't do this again. You are my daughter, and I am your father. It's not natural, it's not right. What if your mother found out?"

I was crushed.

Initially, I was the one who was upset with him but, after I had given myself over to the situation, I realized there really was something between us and now my father was casting me aside like some used toy.

"Okay, daddy," I said through my tears.

"Aww, honey, please. I don't want you to cry but we can't. It was an amazing experience we both shared but it can't happen again...for the sake of our family."

I tried to understand, I really did, but, at the time, all I could think about was how it felt as if he was casting me aside thus we drove home in silence. At dinner that night, I did my best to answer mom's questions about what I had learned at work but I don't think she bought it...she knew something had happened.

I'm sure she didn't know what but she knew something was definitely different between dad and me.

The next few weeks passed and then the move came. Dad and I had barely spoken...every time I came into a room, he would make some kind of excuse to go somewhere else. One day, the door to my room was open a little, he had stopped outside of my room and I caught him peeking in on me as I was getting ready for school.

At first, I thought it was my brother but when I smelled dads after shave...I knew it was dad. I was doing my makeup in the mirror and letting my hair dry, dressed only in a towel.

I thought, `Okay asshole, let me give you a taste of what you're missing.' I stood up and dropped my towel, the fabric falling gently to the floor, which left my entire body on display for him. He saw my ass and, in the reflection from the mirror, he saw everything in the front as I pretended to be checking myself. Then I turned around and looked him dead in the eyes, licked my lips seductively and gave him a wink.

I couldn't help but smile as he scrambled away quickly...he still wanted me and I still wanted him. I decided, then and there, I was going to make something happen during the trip...once we were settled into a routine in our new house, things would go back to normal.

I had one chance to know if my father and I really had something and it would have to be during this move but I didn't expect it to happen the way it did.

Sitting next to him, my pussy couldn't help but get a little wet as I remembered what had happened a few weeks ago in his office. I had dressed appropriately for the trip...well, at least appropriate for the message I wanted to convey to dad.

I had worn a short skirt that came to about mid-thigh, a tight pink tank top that didn't quite cover my entire stomach and a pair of flip flops.

Mom, thankfully, didn't say a word to me about how I had dressed, I guess she was too preoccupied with the move to actually notice me...we had actually grown apart over the last year but that's another story...however, both my father and my brother had noticed.

Neither one of them could take their eyes off of me while we were loading "the beast" as my dad called the Expedition.

You have already heard about how we arranged the seating for the trip so I will jump ahead to the journey itself.

At first, riding next to dad in the front seat was a little uncomfortable. Neither one of us actually spoke but dad had turned on the radio and tried to hum along with a tune. I realized neither my mother nor brother could see us up here and probably couldn't hear us either...I decided it was time to say something.

"Daddy, why haven't we talked about what happened?" I asked shyly.

His eyes got really big and he was immediately nervous.

"Chloe, your mother is right behind us," he said, pointing towards the back.

"Oh, they can't hear us up here, especially if we talk low." I paused.

"Watch, I'll show you." I then spoke in a normal voice.

"Jason's a big, fat asshole."

There was no response from the back. We both listened for another few seconds...we could hear them talking but, with the music, boxes and the distance, we couldn't make out what they were saying.

"See, I told you. If we keep our voices low, we can talk."

Dad didn't look convinced but nodded anyway so I asked again.

"Why haven't we talked about what happened?

He paused for a second then responded quickly.

"I already told you why?" That was not the answer I was looking for.

"Yes, but that's bullshit."

He turned and looked at me again, this time with a stern expression.

"What did you say?"

"I said that's bullshit, dad." Now it was my turn to give him a stern look.

"You're walking on thin ice, Chloe."

"Oh, I'm the one on thin ice? What about the other day in my room?"

"That, that was, uh. That was. I was only walking by and heard a noise."

"You are so full of shit, daddy," I said, almost laughing. I knew I had him.

"Look, daddy, what happened between us was beautiful. It was the best thing I have ever done and I want to do it again."

"Honey, we can't and you know why." He pointed towards the back again.

"What happened between us was." He paused.

"It was beautiful but I still love your mother. Maybe the sex hasn't been the greatest with us recently but she is a great woman and I love her."

He looked at me and realized maybe he had said too much.

"I shouldn't be talking to you about this stuff. Look, what we did was one of those things...it just happened."

He touched my cheek with his right hand, the other on the wheel.

"It was incredible and it was hot and I shouldn't have let it happen. But it did and we will always have that. The two of us. Our little secret. Okay?" he stammered.

"Okay, daddy," I said, almost crying.

I knew he was right but I didn't want to accept it because I also knew he still wanted me. Pouting, I sat there for a while, looking out the window. Then, suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Maybe talking wasn't the answer? The last time I had taken control. I realized he would never make a move on his own, dad was too good of a man for that, so I had to show him he secretly wanted me.

"Daddy, can you pull over at the next gas station? I could use a snack?"

As I asked, my hand gently rubbed his right leg. Then I leaned over and whispered into his ear.

"I'm going to show you how much you are wrong, daddy."

He jerked the wheel slightly but quickly regained control of the SUV. Then he looked over at me and our eyes locked for a second. I don't know if he made a decision at that moment, or not, but after turning his eyes back to the road he turned down the music and announced, to mom and Jason, we were going to stop.

A few minutes went by before we pulled into the gas station, my hand hadn't left his leg and dad didn't try to remove it, we stopped and everyone got out.

Mom hurried into the bathroom and, when I entered the bathroom, I saw her looking at herself in the mirror...she was smiling and seemed to be lost in her own thoughts as she splashed water onto her face...so I stopped and looked at myself in the mirror, too, pretending to check my makeup.

"Hi, mom," I said as I went into one of the stalls.

"O-Oh, hi, Chloe. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, mom, just going to the bathroom," I said in my best bitch voice.

"Okay, honey."

"Mom, I'm sorry about being such a bitch earlier...I really wanted to sit up front."

"That's okay, honey. I think it worked out fine. It's given your brother and me some time to bond."

I noticed something strange in the way she said "bond" and also in her demeanor. Of course, at the time, I had no idea what was really going on but I definitely noticed something different. I was so fixated on my own nasty ideas I didn't pry any further.

Mom left the restroom and headed into the store as I relieved myself then I put my plan into action. I removed my wet panties and bra, put them into my purse and put the shirt on over my hard nipples. After I left the stall, I stopped and looked into the mirror...a person could certainly notice my hard nipples protruding from under my t-shirt! This was exactly what I wanted however, I had to be careful so mom didn't see me or she would definitely have questions.

I left the restroom and went into the store. After I had grabbed a few snacks, drinks and more than a few appreciative stares from the guys, I made my way out to the car. I was careful to hold the bags in front of me so as not to arouse suspicion from mom.

I climbed back into the Expedition, sat on the seat and waited for dad to notice me...it didn't take long as his glance at me turned into an eye bulging stare as he desperately tried to start the car and get back under way while sneaking glances at my hard nipples protruding through my shirt.

I smiled and settled into my seat as dad pulled back onto the highway and we were soon underway again. As I sat there trying to figure out the best way to make a move it was, in fact, my father who surprised me. He turned up the volume a bit on the radio then turned to me.

"So, I told Jason to have a very intense conversation with your mom about their own relationship."

As he spoke, he gave me a look I had never seen...it seemed to say, `Your move, kid.' At first, I didn't know what the hell he was talking about...Jason and mom's relationship? What did he mean? Then it hit me. The two of them had been acting a bit weird around each other, not that they would have known I could tell, but they did indeed need to have a talk.

Then I smiled as I realized the implication of this development.

I quickly assessed the facts in my head...one, mom and Jason couldn't see or hear anything up front unless we were really loud; two, they would be involved in a deep conversation and most likely not notice anything going on up here and finally; three, dad had purposely set this up. I didn't need any more invitation.

We had exited the highway and were coming to a stop light. The interchange for the next road we needed to get to was about half a mile down the road and I had realized that was my opportunity to show dad how much I wanted him and confirm his implied invitation.

As the car slowed down, I quickly kicked off my flip flops, turned my body toward dad with my left leg bent and against the seat, placed my bare right foot up on the dash, hiked up my skirt and exposed my pussy.

"Daddy, could you look over at me for a second, I want to show you something?" I asked, as the car stopped at the light.

He did and I thought his eyes were going to do that cartoon thing, where they pop out of their sockets, as he got his first view of my shaved, dripping pussy.

"This is all for you, daddy," I said, running a finger up and down the slit of my wet lips.

The light must have turned green because somebody honked the horn from behind.

Dad turned back to the road and began to drive once more. He almost wrecked, at least once, within the next few hundred feet as he kept glancing back over at me. I didn't make it any easier on him as I fingered and rubbed my pussy for his pleasure.

Soon we were back onto the main highway.

I continued my assault on my pussy as dad did his best to drive and watch me. I was really starting to get into it...my breathing had increased and so did my fingers. After a few minutes of driving, dad once again surprised me as I licked my lips and whispered to him how hot my pussy was for him.

He flipped a switch on the steering wheel, placing the vehicle into cruise control, then he pushed his seat back a little and kept his left hand on the wheel as he reached his right hand over to me.

I took his fingers into my mouth and sucked on them while my own fingers continued to penetrate my cunt. I moved his wet fingers, as they dripped with my saliva, down to my pussy and then he took over.

Slowly, he explored my soaked pussy lips with his fingers. He ran them up and down and gently caressed the outer portion of my cunt...it was evident daddy knew how to please a woman. He didn't thrust his fingers in, he took his time. The problem was, I was already hot and I wanted penetration!

"Daddy, it's okay. I want it," I said, pushing his fingers inside me.

He needed no further instruction as his fingers frigged my pussy. My toes curled on the dashboard as he worked his fingers in and out of my dripping cunt.

As I could feel my orgasm beginning to build, we heard a noise in the back...it sounded like a very loud gasp. Dad immediately removed his hand and I sat up on my seat, my poor pussy was once again left unsatisfied.

"What's wrong back there?" dad asked.

You have already heard this conversation from my brother, so I won't bore you again. Suffice to say that once I realized the sound from the back had nothing to do with dad and me, my fingers went back to work on my pussy. I was so fucking horny at that point I needed to cum.

After dad was satisfied with their answer, he once again turned up the music, his hand moved back over to my bare leg and rubbed it while I frigged myself. I leaned my seat back a few inches so I could put my bare feet up on the dashboard again and spread my legs wide to allow both of our hands easy access to my pussy.

As I leaned back, I looked toward the back of the car and noticed something strange...I saw mom's bare foot above the middle seat and it was moving a bit. This wasn't the kind of movement one does when trying to get comfortable, it was as if mom was doing something with the front of her body that caused her legs to move back and forth.

Curious, I forgot about my pussy for a second.

"Mom, are you laying down?" I asked.

She responded with a yes but something about her voice and what I saw didn't add up. Maybe it was because of my already very sexualized state of mind but I got the idea something was going on in the back.

"Okay, mom, maybe I'll do the same."

I leaned my seat back a little further and gently rubbed my pussy while I kept one eye on the back. I started to feel a tingle as I heated up again then I saw something that confirmed my suspicions and changed everything for our family. Hearing a groan from the backseat, I focused intently on that part of the car.

What I saw took my breath away...rising above the seat, and almost hitting the ceiling of the Expedition, were huge spurts of, what could have only been, cum shooting upwards.

`Oh my god,' I thought as I watched the never ending spurts of cum shoot upward from behind the seat where my mother and brother were sitting.

Suddenly, it stopped and I heard a muffled slurping sound coming from the back as dad had noticed something, too, removed his hand from my pussy and turned the radio down.

Damn, my pussy needed some satisfaction and soon all of this stopping and starting was driving my pussy crazy. Dad carried on a conversation with mom for a few minutes...once again you have already heard that part. I glanced back once again and saw them shuffle around. I also noticed mom's hair literally drip with cum.

Smiling, I thought, `Well, you dirty whore. You're fucking your own son...my brother. I was feeling a little guilty for trying to seduce dad and your back there giving my brother a blowjob!' I decided I was done fucking around.

As dad finished yelling at them for moving around, I sat up and pulled off my t-shirt, exposing my tits to dad and anybody else who looked into our car. I didn't care at that point, I needed to cum and I needed to cum ASAP. I leaned back into the seat once again, placed my feet on the dash, spread my legs as wide as I could and began to fuck my pussy, hard, with my fingers.

I worked my cunt lips with my right hand, played with my nipples and rubbed my body with the other.

It didn't take long before I felt the orgasm I so desperately craved begin to rise. Dad simply looked at me in awe as I rubbed my pussy and played with my tits. At one point, I looked over at him and licked my lips.

"Your next daddy!"

We almost wrecked as he had taken his eyes off the road for too long and a car in front of us had slowed down but dad, being an experienced driver from his days on the road with FedEx, quickly got the car back under control. He kept looking back at me as my orgasm hit me like a tidal wave.

It was the most incredible feeling I had ever had. Sitting there in a car with my legs spread, my tits and pussy on full display, while my brother and mother were doing God knew what in the backseat.

The orgasm literally had me in tears...good tears but tears, nonetheless. I tried not to but I couldn't help it...

"Oh my fucking, god!" I cried.

As the orgasm went through my body, dad tried to turn up the volume on the radio. The funny thing was, it didn't matter. What mom and Jason were doing in the back, they wouldn't have noticed, anyway.

I felt something else I had never experienced before as my orgasm was climaxing...a bit of squirt shot out and struck the dashboard. I had heard of this kind of thing happening to some women.

The utter decadence of the situation as I lay there in the seat, experiencing the most intense orgasm of my life, had me smiling inside as my body experienced wave after wave of pleasure.

My orgasm subsided and, finally, I could see straight. I wasted no time as I leaned over into the driver's seat and put my head in dad's lap and bent my knees so my feet came up to the window of the car.

"Chloe, what are doing?"

"I told you, daddy. It's your turn, now."

I began to unbuckle his belt but he didn't resist this time. I imagine the show I had put on for him had a lot to do with that.

"Be careful honey, I'm driving."

After getting his belt undone and his pants unbuttoned, I instructed him.

"Daddy, lift your ass for a second."

He did and I slid both his jeans and boxers over his knees. His raging cock was so hard as it stared me in the face. The huge mushroom tip looked like it was going to explode.

"I've missed this cock, daddy," I said, as I began to lick it.

I started with his balls, massaged each one and took them into my mouth. He moaned with pleasure as I worshiped his engorged cock, slowly licked my way up to the tip and, after taking a deep breath, once again impaled my mouth onto his giant cock.

The feel of his huge dick as it slid over my tongue and hit the back of my throat was, once again, absolutely incredible. I held my breath, and my gag reflex, for as long as I could and finally came back up for air...a line of spit running from my chin down onto his cock...as I continued to pump and lick his cock.

Then another noise came from the back and dad turned the radio down. `What the fuck, dad. Do you want a blowjob or what?' I thought.

I decided to tease him while he was talking to them. I took another deep breath and lowered my face over his cock. I giggled a little as dad did his best to drive, and carry on a conversation with my mother all the while getting a blowjob from his daughter.

Hearing the conversation, I realized we would be stopping again soon. `Okay, Chloe. Let's show your dad what you can really do,' I thought as I began to use my tongue while his cock was still inside my mouth. I didn't lower myself all the way, only enough to stimulate him.

I continued to run my tongue all around the tip then I slowly began to vibrate my tongue. The resulting sound was something like a purr but it sure did the trick in only a matter of a few seconds.

"Oh my god, Chloe, I'm cumming!"

I already knew as I could feel his cock beginning to pulse. It was an awesome sensation as I felt the cum rise up his shaft, knowing it would soon be in my mouth. I never released his cock from my lips...I intended to take every ounce of sperm he could give me and swallow it all.

I was unprepared for the force of the first blast of cum as it struck the back of my throat like a jet spray and caused me to flinch a little however, I never let go. For what seemed like forever, I took spurt after spurt of dad's seed into my mouth.

There was so much I actually did gag a little as I tried to swallow it all. I didn't think dad realized what he was doing but I was glad he held my head down onto his cock as I swallowed his cum because I really wanted to drink every single drop.

Finally, his orgasm subsided and I pulled my head back, licking my fingers and lips as I drank the last few dribbles of his cum. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you, daddy. I love you."

I sat back in my seat and realized we were almost to our stop.

"Hurry up, Chloe, we're almost there," he said.

I quickly got dressed and, as I did, I was sure I heard the sounds of another orgasm come from the back seat and I smiled as I realized it must have been mom's turn for some satisfaction and, as we eventually made it to the rest stop, something occurred to me...we were a bunch of nasty, sex crazed lunatics but I also had an idea.

It was an idea which would have been unthinkable to me only a few weeks ago but `Maybe it could work,' I thought as we pulled into the rest area. I had to get my thoughts together. Maybe I could talk to Jason while we were stopped. I had accidently seen his cock once and it looked to be as big as dad's.

'Holy fuck Chloe you've become such a slut.' I thought to myself as the idea took hold. 'I can't believe I am actually thinking about seducing my own brother now.' Especially after having just given my father a blowjob. I started thinking about how to make things work.

There was a lot of stuff to think about but one thing was for sure...the fun on this road trip had only begun. There was going to be a lot of hard, sex crazed miles before we arrived at our final destination.

The End (of part two)

Author's notes

Okay, so I have arrived at a crossroads here. My first thoughts are to continue the debauchery with Jason and Chloe however some people have expressed that they don't want the two couples to interact.

Please let me know in the comments what you think. Or any other suggestions you might have about this story. I promise that I will at least listen to other ideas even if I decide not to use them.

Thanks again for reading. Be sure and check out my other stories.


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