

Athena's smile painted wide as her eyes finally met the eyes of the people she loves best. It was indeed one of the best days of her life.

All of them are wearing something red and has a Phoenix as a logo in their clothes.

Ixis was wearing a red dress which reminded her of the past.


Day of competition

Thea's P. O. V.

Gradgie woke me up early in the morning so I can prepare since today, there will be no classes, instead all seniors will go at night to celebrate last day of school before Christmas vacation.

"Good morning, Gradgie!!"

I greeted and purred like a cat.

"Good morning, sunshine! So are we ready to rock tonight?"

She asked. I smiled at her and said. 

"I was born ready, Gradgie,"

She smiled too and said

"Of course you are, I taught you how to be brave, independent-"

Next chapter