
People like Your Past...(Joey)

"Here you go!" Emma barges into the room, extending out a bag towards my direction.

I grimace, reaching my hand to grab it anyway. "What is this?"

She explains, "Well we found your stuff in the forest the other day but your old bag was ripped and dirty so we put all your stuff in this bag."

I jump from my bed, immediately opening the bag, "My stuff? All of it?"

She shrugs, "Depends if all your stuff was in your bag. Then, yeah."

She doesn't wait for me to thank her, closing the door.

Finally! After days of waiting in this prison...

At least I have my stuff now otherwise I'm not sure what I would have done in this boredom.

I empty out the contents on the bed, sighing as I examine the things I have.

OK, so clothes. Which is good cuz I was getting sick of wearing Jason's old clothes. And... a watch? Ok, not what I need right now but sure, I'll count my days of dread with it. There's that children's book zipped in a side pocket and beneath it is a small pocket knife.

There are other things like bandages and medicines which I don't necessarily need but may want in the future. When I get out of here, of course. All my things seems untouched. Except for the clothes, which seemed like they were washed and dried. Thinking that when they found me, it was raining, so it's likely my clothes got all wet and murky.

I unzip my front pocket, sighing with relief to see my phone. Question is, is it working?

I try to open my phone but stop. What if Miller tracks down my phone? Judging by all the psycho things he can do, I don't think tracking me down will be that hard.


I sigh, opening my phone. But the screen's still black. I frown, realizing it's dead. And I'm actually that stupid that I forgot my charger.

I throw the phone away, on the desk, clenching my jaw.

I wonder how Matt is. I wonder if he'll ever forgive me. I wonder if he cares that I ran away.

Of course he doesn't. You wrecked him. If only I had a chance to apologize. To tell him that I didn't mean to do the things I did. So at least one burden will be lifted from my aching shoulders.

Suddenly, the door bursts open with Jason, standing there with a rake in his hands. He throws it at my direction, not caring that I didn't see it coming but fortunately, by reflex, I manage to catch it.

He doesn't seem fazed as he jabs his thumb behind him, "Leaves are falling all over the farm, better start raking em."

I glare back, "I'd love to if I'd care about what you said."

Jason hisses, hands reddening around the doorknob, "You want to stay here, don't you brat?"

"Actually, I'm starting to reconsider."

"Doesn't matter!" He snaps, "Get to work."

I stare at the watch resting on the bed, "But it's almost 8. In the night."

Hey, turns out it is useful, this watch.

"Also, I don't take orders from you, moron." I retort.

"What did you just call me?" He growls, striding towards me and snatching me by the collar, the rake falling from my hands. "Listen here you little shit, I've had enough of you trying to act like you own the goddamn place. You don't, you hear me? You're supposed to listen to me, and only me. I'm in charge."

"And Charlotte's what, a side-character in you story?" I bear his hot breath stinging my skin, "Last time I checked she's the one who gives me the work."

Shaking me hard - like that would scare me - he whispers menacingly, probably not wanting anyone else to hear, "She's not here. So you'll have to do with me."

And even though he's gripping he so hard that it actually hurts a bit, I'm not intimated by his empty threats. Hell, my whole life I've bared it with Mr. Miller. And even he stopped scaring me at one point.

So I know exactly what type of guy Jason is. The arrogant, stubborn and egoistical guy who wants everyone to be afraid of him. Sad that no one really feel that towards him.

"You're like..." I can't bring myself to bring his name. William.

That...bloody shit. He's the one who ruined everything. A part of it anyway.

"What?" His clutch loosens.

"Never mind." I grab his fists and roughly - and unexpectedly - set myself free, Jason stepping back.

Adrenaline rushes in my veins, making me itch to do something. To use this energy any other way but remembering the thoughts of regret.

So, with high reluctance, I grit my teeth but sigh, accepting it as I picked up the metal rake.

"I'll do it."

"What?" Jason blinks, confused that I'm actually listening to him.

I snicker, running my hand through my hair. Another similarity between Will and Jason.

Once someone accepts them, they find it hard to believe and remain dumbfounded.

"Say 'what' another time and you'll strike three." I scoff, walking past him, managing to hit his arm with my shoulder before I do. "Let's go."

Strange how you always meet people like you past no matter how much you want to escape it.


The leaf pile had turned into a tower and I still wasn't done.

My body trembling because of the cold (since i didn't think about taking my jacket and Jason won't let me leave now), I keep on raking, gritting my teeth to stop them from chattering.

Jason watched from afar, closer to the house and it's warmth.

If moron wasn't the perfect word to describe. I don't know what is.]

"Hey, genius!" Jason yells, "Hurry up, already! I'm freezing here!"

I could think of worse words now. WAY worse.

Why couldn't I have been saved by some normal people with a normal house. Most importantly, people with normal lawn. I mean, it's been more then an hour and I'm still raking like a freaking snowman.

Of all the places why were you saved by a family with a huge farm?

"Should have fainted closer to a city, you idiot." I snap at myself. "But nooo, you just adore all the greenery and...ugh... manure."

I stab the rake on the ground, pressing my cold fingers against my cheeks, but quickly jerking them away, the cold of it stung.

I turn towards Jason's direction. "Alright, I'm don-" I begin but pause, seeing another figure talking to Jason.

Well, talking is a polite way to say. It looks like they're fighting. I squint my blurry eyes.

It's Charlotte. Looking mad. It's hard to tell who was angry first though since they both wore the same expressions. Agitated. Exhausted and confused.

The right thing to do was wait for them to be done and then walk inside, since they were blocking the front door and I shouldn't interrupt them.

I would have done that but I done for two reasons. First, I don't care what they're fighting about. And second, I'm freezing! How can you except me to be a nice guy when I literally may turn into an ice sculpture? Sorry, no can do.

I walk towards them, there figures turning into humans, the voices more clear even though some parts were missing.

"Why did you-?" Charlotte shouts. "Dad literally said that I'm -" Blank. "You have no right-" Another blank.

"Me?! I was just trying to-" Jason retorts, "And how dare you-"

The words start becoming more accurate but I try not to listen.

They don't notice me standing there, calling each other names, talking about..? Coming back after a long time?

Okay I've had enough. I clear my throat, loud so that both of them have there eyes on me.

Jason looks pissed and Charlottes face was flushed with rage.

"As much as I'd love to hear your sibling argument." I smile humorously, "I'm currently wear a half-sleeved shirt in the freezing night so could you step aside before I get frostbite."

Speechless, they step away from the door. I step inside thankfully but not before saying, "Carry on, gentlemen."

Jason glares at me with detest, and Charlotte rolls her eyes, walking inside and straight to the kitchen.

"Done with the work?" He asks.

"Isn't that the reason why I'm here?" I reply with my best innocent look.

Raising his eyebrow, skeptically, "Wheres the rake?"

"Threw it somewhere near the leaf pile." I say.

Shaking his head, he turns, "You're supposed to bring it inside."

"But I'm cold."

"So?" He snorts, like that matters to him.

"Think of it this way." I explain, "If i get more sick, you dad won't let me go. And therefore, I'll be an even bigger burden on you. Better not take any chances."

That convinces Jason, as he walks to get it himself. Maybe, he felt a little guilty for making me work like that.

What a joke.

And even if he did feel guilty, I sure as hell won't for what I'm doing now. Smirking close the door and slowly lock it.

"Let's see how you like the cold now." I say, looking at his phone resting on the coffee-table. "Won't be getting in that easy."

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