
Ch. 79. Battle amidst sand


"I must admit, you have done well fending off so many opponents. Unfortunately, the battle was already lost before it even began. Now I will have you come along quietly. Though I don't mind if you struggle to the last. It will make capturing you even more delightful than it already was."

The admin stepped forward, his Tyranitar following suit.

To be comepletely honest, the battle didn't look good. While he had cleared his way of retreat, as soon as he showed his back, the Tyranitar would surely take advantage of that. If he wanted to end this, he would need to step up his game, put all he had left in this one last struggle.

Looking at the pokeballs he had left, the only pokemon who were still in good health were Pikachu and Lapras. The latter wasn't really an option, as she was not agile enough to fight here, especially with the lack of space, the majority already being occupied with his opponents and his own pokemon.

No, he would need to fend of his attacker with his three remaining pokemon, Metagross, Lucario and Pikachu.

Calling her out as well, Pikachu needed but a glance to know how dire the situation was. Her stronger counterparts were already tired, sporting more than a few injuries. The opponent was still vibrantly healthy, while there was no knowing if he had more cards up his sleeve.

Walking forward, she stopped just beside Lucario, leaving her back to Metagross.

Taking a deep breath, Ares once again focussed on the task at hand.

There were two things he needed to do right now.

Get to Mew to secure the plate and Mewtwo, while also holding off the Team Rocket Admin long enough for them to escape. His pokemon would be able to manage the latter task, while he needed to focus on the first part.

Conveying his thoughts to Lucario, he got a nod back in reply.

Now all he needed was an opening.




Having gotten the message from Ares, Lucario turned his attention to the towering figure in front of him. The Tyranitar was strong. If he had to say how strong, it would definitely be close or even on par with the pokemon of the last gym leader.

He watched the Tyranitar closely, waiting for his opponent to begin.

The admin just smiled, letting his Tyranitar move as it pleased. And move it finally did.

Roaring loudly as it entered the battle, sand began to swirl about, with Tyranitar in its center. Rocks and pebbles flew about, harming any who entered the battlefield. Not that it bothered Lucario and Metagross, as they shrugged it aside. Pikachu seemed bothered by it though, as her sight became impaired, as was her body pelted by debris.

With the battlefield set, there was no time to hesitate. 

Ignoring the pain from his previous injuries, he moved forward, steel claws extending from his paws. Behind him, Pikachu was moving about, providing long distance attacks.

Tyranitar burst forward as well, rocks flying around it as the Ancient Power formed. The rocks were blasted towards him, as Lucario dodged some, while others were broken apart by a well placed thunderbolt.

Having gotten in reach, Lucario started his assault, metal claws meeting Thunder punch. 

They darted around each other in a well timed pace, feinting, dodging, attacking like it was a dance. Tyranitars movements were keeping pace, even with the thunderbolts pelting its body from time to time. 

It kept on moving, as if it didn't do any damage at all.

Wounds were being received and inflicted.

At some point both of them backed away, recovering slightly form the intermittent onslaught. 

Tyranitars arrogance had waned, as it perceived the opponent as a bigger threat than before. It had become wary, the openings in its defense having lowered till they had almost all been covered for.

On Lucario's side, it wasn't that much better. 

As the sandstorm waned, the slumping figure of Lucario could be seen. A small Pikachu was standing at his side in worry, casting a worried glance at Lucario every now and then.

At that point, the team Rocket admin gasped in surprise.

"I see! So that is what you have been hidding."

All eyes on the battlefield turned to the side, all in time to see Ares catch Mewtwo in a pokeball, Mew hovering at his side. A massive, glowing plate illuminated the whole passage, though it was rapidly shrinking in size at Ares's touch, who grasped in tightly. By his bewildered gaze, it was evident he didn't expect the object to do that.

"It seems we have found our objective."

The admin stated with confidence, a woman with silver hair appearing behind him.

"All we need is to capture that trainer and our objective is fulfilled. Prepare my payment, Archer."

The admin, Arched, just crossed his armes.

"Only if you succeed, Hunter J."

Stepping forward, Archer called out another pokemon, a Victreebel.

It swiped forward with its vine whip, clearly intending to injure and capture Ares.

The attack rushed forward, a beam of light speeding past it towards Ares as well, though when it came in reach, Ares's figure wasn't there.

Appearing at the side of Lucario and Pikachu, Ares called back all of them to rest.

Now that the hidden variable was here, his way of retreat was secure.

With Mewtwo captured and resting in the pokeball, Mew was free to do what she wanted, as evident in her stance. She was more confident than before, her anxiety gone as psychic energy radiated from her as multiple attacks of all typings were blasted forward.

Rushing in front of Archer, Tyranitar and Victreebel blacked the attacks with Protect, only holding it for a few seconds before it broke.

Smoke spread around them from the collision, revealing the missing figure of Ares when it cleared.

"Our prey had run off. It shouldn't be able to go far."

Hunter J. stated, her goggles showing the energy readings around them.

"The unidentified plate seems to interfere with the laylines, making the use of psychic powers irregular. Long distance teleportation should be impossible."

Sharing her findings, Hunter J. turned to her client.

"The prey will not escape this mountain."

Archer just chuckled, returning his pokemon to their respective pokeballs.

"Do as you see fit. Know that if you fail, there won't be any payment. Nor will there be any should we capture him first."

Leaving that statement, Archer walked back into the tunnel, the grunts who had been taken waking up when he passed, running after their admin in a hurry.

Hunter J. gnashed her teeth, silently annoyed at the tone, yet didn't rebute his statement. It only meant she had to increase her effort. 

In all the years of her work, not one prey had escaped her.

It would not be any different today.

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