
Ch 67. Giovanni vs Ares (1/?)


Having left the professor's lab after the special training had finished, Ares had all his pokemon with him in their pokeballs, at least those on his main team. The only pokemon he had left behind were Starmie and Kingler, but he wouldn't be using them anytime soon. Even Lucario had been returned to his pokeball, as he didn't want to show the Viridian gym leader his cards early on.

He had just arrived in Viridian city. It was a big and imposing city, only dwarved by the truly big cities like Saffron city and Celadon city. The streets were bustling with people, most of them walking to the more populated shopping streets.

Looking around, Ares searched for a sign board to find his way to the gym.

He had made a gym appointment rather early in the morning, the time he and his pokemon were at their best. He would need nothing less, as Giovanni was a monster amongst monsters. It would be a difficult challenge, one he would no doubt learn a lot from.

Arriving in front of the gym, one that was build with some kind of gladitorial building in mind, Ares didn't even have to knock, as two guards opened the door for him. Their eyes were following his every move as he walked in further.

There, sitting on a rather big sofa, was the leader of the gym, Giovanni.

At his feet lay a Persian, purring loudly as it fixed its red eyes on Ares's figure.

"A challenger. It has been some time since one appeared at the gym. Ares is it?"

Giovanni stood up, the persian at his feet grumbling slightly as it too got to its feet.

Ares nodded at Giovanni's words, responding with his own in kind.

"I came to battle the Viridian gym."

Showing all the badges he had, Giovanni's smile became wider.

"A worthy opponent. Finally. It has been some time since a trainer with all seven badges appeared before me. While most of them fought to the best of their ability, all of them were still defeated by my hands. I wonder, will you end up the same as the others or will you rise to meet the challenge."

Giovanni stepped towards the battlefield, returning his Persian to his pokeball to no doubt use later in the battle. He walked at a casual pace, arriving at the other side of the battlefield. His hand tugged at one of his sleeves, removing the wrinkles as he cast his gaze towards Ares, a confident sneer on his face.

"A full out battle. Six on six. Only the challenger may substitute pokemon. Use of items in battles is allowed."

Giovanni took out one of his pokeballs.

"Are you ready to face this challenge, trainer?"

While the question might have been to ascertain if Ares was truly up to it, Ares only smiled, a flash of sharp fangs showing just above his scarf.

"Ready as we could ever be. Let's begin the battle."

Giovanni did not hesitate to start first, choosing his first pokemon to enter the battle.

On the battlefield, a giant of rocks and stone appeared. Its gray hide was robust, the sound of stone grinding against stone reverberated through the battlefield as the Rhydon took its battle stance. The drill on its head shimmered slightly, a testament on how sharp it truly was.

Seeing the Rhydon in all its glory, Ares was glad he had trained with professor Oak, as the training would surely come in handy right now.

Calling out his own pokemon, Lapras appeared on the battlefield.

Unlike before, when Lapras would just begin a nice chat with the opposite pokemon or call out gently towards Ares for attention, Lapras focussed her gaze at the opponent in front of her. She could feel how strong the other pokemon was, her eyes focussed on the slightest move the Rhydon would make.

Gyarados had been a harsh teacher, one that did not allow Lapras to let down her guard. He beat it into her to keep her guard up, ready to strike out with the least bit of hostility or fighting intent directed at her.

With both pokemon on the battlefield, Giovanni made his move first.

"Rhydon, strategy 4."

Unlike what the other gymleaders did, Giovanni didn't say what moves his pokemon had to make, keeping the challenger in the dark as a previously taught strategy was being executed by his pokemon.

Ares's eyes narrowed at the unexpected action of Giovanni. It was an unusual tactic from a gymleader, but surely this type of moveset combinations were surely more used by tactical minded trainers. Keeping the other in the dark was a good move after all.

Stomping ferociously on the ground, Rhydon caused the whole battlefield to shake, creating a small scale indoor earthquake to ensue.

While Lapras didn't take a lot of damage from this attacks, it would surely make moving around difficult. especially with the following attack from Rhydon.

While the earthquake was spreading, a storm of sand and rocks was created from Rhydon, who was standing in the epicenter of the now raging sandstorm. A great combination move to be sure.

With the storm spreading, Ares finally began to make his move as well.


One word was all he needed.

Lapras's body rose from the ground, as a giant tidal wave of water formed beneath her to sweep forward towards Rhydon. The earthquake made the wave tremble, but it held steady as it rushed towards Rhydon.

Seeing the wave come towards him, Rhydon remained calm, even if it felt uncomfortable with the massive water body speeding towards him. Pulling his arm backwards, white blue energy began to coagulate on his fist.

Slamming it into the Surf attack, that had finally connected to him, Rhydon fliched from damage he got, but smirked in glee as the wave began to freeze over, sparing him from the major damage he might have received.

With Lapras now close to him, Rhydon could surely land a hit as well. One that wasn't easily avoided.

A rock formed above Lapras as he prepared to assault her with a bombardement of rocks.

Rhydon was not the only one seeing a chance to end the battle early, as Lapras prepared her strongest water attack, Hydro cannon, to hit him at point blank range. Both sides fired their attacks, with none the wiser on which attack might reach first.

Both attacks were unleashed, reaching their target before long. Unable to evade the attacks, neither Lapras or Rhydon got out unscathed, both badly damaged by the attacks.

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