
Ch 65. Training from a former champion


With the battle against Leaf behind him, Ares met up with professor Oak, the two younger boys following after them as they moved towards the pokemon Lab. When they arrived, the lab assistants had already cleaned up the living room, the table and chairs surprisingly emptied from their normal stacks of research papers.

"Come, come. Your battle with Leaf was surely as tiring as it was exciting. Some rest is in order before we begin our conversation."

Professor Oak left Ares behind on the couch, disappearing towards the lab kitchen. Not long after he returned with some snacks and four cups of hot tea. While Ash and Gary were not the biggest fan of tea, they didn't complain as they waited for the professor to start talking. They were greatly interested in the box the professor had previously mentioned. It was something Ares had left behind with the professor. Surely it would hold something precious!

With all of them holding a cup of tea, the snacks already finished by the time the tea had cooled down, professor Oak finally placed the box in question on the table. It was a very old, worn-down looking box. It was made of a strange metal, with no clear opening or even a clue as to where a slit could be found that would suggest it could be opened.

Ares recognised the box immediately. It was the one he had secretly stolen from his grandfather when he fled from his village. It appeared the same as it had then. Grabbing the box, Ares gently stroked the box, a hint of melancholy and pain flickering through his eyes as he briefly remembered the abuse he went through at that place. Fortunately it was all in the past, one he had finally learned to let go of in the time he lived in this era.

"When you gave me this box, little as you were, I knew it was something special. The various tools I had at my disposal couldn't even open it at that time, leaving me frustrated and dejected. It was only recently when a friend of mine contacted me, that I recalled a piece of information. Some metals are affected by external energies."

Professor Oak explained, an old Alakazam appearing at his side. From just its presence in the room, Ares knew it was strong. Stronger than even his Lucario.

"I tried psychic powers, which didn't move it in the slightest. Yet a curious thing did happen. It seems the key to unlocking it, is a combined use of aura and psychic powers. Observe."

While Alakazam exerted its psychic energy, a weak blue energy formed on professor Oak's hands. While it was weak compared to Ares's own powers, the professor's was plenty to prove his words, as the metal of the box in Ares's hands began to split open.

"Though weak and limited my aura is, it still does the job."

Professor Oak smiled as he wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead. He wasn't adept in the use of aura, only able to coat his body in it, as well as draw it from his body for just a few minutes. If he had been a stronger user, he would have taught Ares in its utility when he was young.

Urging Ares to open the box, he waited patiently to see the look of shock on his grandson's face.

Opening the box just a crack, Ares was greeted by the sight of two round gems. One was an orange gem, red and blue wisp like strands running from the top to the bottom. It shimmered slightly, as if a pale light was radiating from it. The other was dark, light the night. A yellow and red strand ran from top to bottom, entwining tightly around each other.

"While one of the stones is unknown to me, I have been informed that the orange gem is called a Lucarionite. It allows Lucario to take on a temporary evolved form, called Mega Lucario. The gems alone won't do though. A Keystone is required as well. Something that is hard to come by these days. I have not yet managed to aquire one."

Ares slowly took out the gems, holding them out in the light as he was intrigued by the colors inside of them. No wonder his grandfather had treasure this box! If it was able to evolve a Lucario, it would make the user the strongest in the village. Too bad his grandfather couldn't open it.

Ares chuckled as he put the gems back in the box, closing it after. The seams on the box disappeared, locking it tightly.

A few disapointed gasps were heard at his side, as Ash and Gary lost sight of the gems. Too bad for them. They should find their own when they started traveling. Ares put the box away in his back, feeling the tiny paws of Mew grab it from his hands. Well, it should be safe in her hands. She was the keeper of his Abra egg as well. Nothing bad could happen if it was Mew that looked after it.

"That is another mystery solved. I will figure something out later. For now, it would appear we need some training. I would be happy if you could help me, former Johto champion."

Ares smirked, followed by a hearty laugh from professor Oak.

"I has been some time since me and my partners had some youngsters to whip into shape. Don't expect us to hold back. We will push you to your breaking point. There is much to learn."

Professor Oak replied, his Alakazam teleporting the two of them far from the lab. They arrived in a desolate mountain range, the tops covered in a thick layer of snow, while the area they were at was pleasantly warm.

Releasing his own pokemon, professor Oak let Ares take out his own pokemon.

Each of his pokemon took one of Ares's pokemon to the side, disappearing from their sight.

With only Ares and professor Oak left, the latter took out a picnic set.

Sitting down, he handed Ares a booklet.

"While your pokemon are training, it is your turn to get some insight in my own battle strategies, as well as those of other trainers. In this book are different styles of trainers I have battles against, trained with, as well as those I trained. Good luck. I will quizz you by nightfall."

With that, professor Oak was teleported back to the lab by his Alakazam, leaving Ares to his own devices, while his pokemon were undergoing their own training from hell.

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