
Ch 57. Research papers


The way down was long, longer than Ares had imagined. There wasn't any light either, as a musty scent clung to the air. Not surprising really, considering how far down they were going. He had sent his aura downwards, but it was still going, not even showing the end of the staircase. They were surely way down further than a simple basement.

Time seemed to pass slowly, spanning on and on as they continued to climb down.

Ares almost sighed in relief after he felt his feet touch solid ground. It was tiring, climbing all the way down not knowing when he would feel the ground again. More so mentally than physically. The darkness didn't help either, even if he had a general feel for his surroundings.

"Lucario, it seems we have arrived."

Lucario's ears twitched, trying to get a feel for this place they had just entered, not only with aura, but with his whole being.

From what they could sense, the space before them was long, winding downwards, on and on. Every few feet were doors, mirroring those on the opposite wall.

Calling out Umbreon, now that they had the space, Umbreon immediately lit up the surroundings.

Unlike the destoryed building above them, the hall before them was surprisingly neat and clean. The only thing that showed the destruction that had taken place were the cracks along the walls.

Curious about what was inside one of the rooms, Ares opened one of the doors, quickly assaulted by a scent of chemicals and dust.

When he looked inside, Ares turned his head aside in disgust.

All kinds off giant cylindrical containers were lined up along the walls. Inside of them were semi-decomposed pokemon embryo's, their body decomposing inside of the chemical solution. From what he could recognise, these pokemon belonged to the legendary category.

So far he had spotted an almost completely fallen apart Zapdos, though it was small like it had only just hatched from its egg.

Walking along the other rooms, he spotted more and more dead pokemon, all rare pokemon. From the few medical notes that had been strewn about, Ares had surmised all these pokemon were the result of a cloning program. One that did not work as it should have.

Remembering something he had heard of this before, or more like a certain pokemon, Ares could feel his stomach sink to the bottom.

This surely wasn't...

Walking further and further, Ares could only affirm his suspicion with every room he passed. The different pokemon were slowly but surely being replaced by deformed versions of Mew, all rather grotesque looking in appearance.

Some were still twitching, barely alive as the life support was tormenting the haphazardly created creatures to remain alive. When Ares came across these rooms, all he could do was smash the control panel, letting the life support shut down.

The last look these dying pokemon were giving him would surely haunt him for the rest of his life.

Rushing further in, he finally came across the room he had thought he would find. At the side, the name tagg, Mewtwo, was plastered.

The steel doors had been deformed outwards towards Ares, making it impossible to open. Fortunately for him, he had a strong partner at his side.

Flexing his arms slightly to loosen them up, Lucario pulled at a single door, intending to bend it even further outwards so that they could look inside or even enter.

The door groaned under the sheer strenght Lucario was exerting, creaking loudly as slight movement appeared. The door was slowly but surely bending.

Pulling along with Lucario, Ares exerted all his strenght, feeling the metal wear down under their combined strenght. On the side, Umbreon was shining light, as well as pushing against the already slightly bended metal.

[What the hell are you guys doing? Are you idiots?]

Out of nowhere, Mew popped up, scaring the living daylight out of all of them. Lucario and Ares both lost their grip, tumbling over the other as they stared in shock at Mew, who was hovering above them with her paws in her side.

[Well, don't just lay there. We need to have a look inside don't we?]

Not caring in the slightest, Mew pushed the door out of the way with a single blast of psychic energy, levitating all of them inside, as there was a major absence of a large part of the floor in front of them. All that remained was the few desks far in the back that had escaped the blast radius, as well as some medical equipment besides it.

The rest had been crushed to dust, the floor and the ceiling having both been destroyed. Looking up, Ares spotted a lot of debris, all sticking together by elektrical wires and plumbing pipes.

There was no immediate danger of collapse.

Landing the three of them slowly, Mew hopped on Ares's shoulder and looked around. With Umbreon lighting the surroundings, it was easy to see.

Ares moved carefully along the edge of the crater, moving closer to the desks at the far back. They had been convered in a layer of dust, but otherwise remained unharmed.

Searching through the desks, Ares found a few research papers, but a lot had become illegible due to how faded the ink had become. He also found a metal box, though it had been locked shut. He would have to see what it was later. Stuffing the papers and the box in his back to look over once they got back to the inn, Ares tried to access the computers of the medical equipment, only to find out they had no power at all.

Taking out Pikachu, who landed on the desk and continued to looked around in curiosity, Ares handed her some cables belonging to the computer.

"Pikachu, if you would?"

Grabbing the cables in her paws, Pikachu knew what was expected of her without any explanation.

Charging a contstant but low amount of voltage through the cables, Pikachu slowly raised the voltage up to the point the machines finally showed signs of working.

Hum hum hum hum Whiiiiiirrrrrr....

The machine slowely but surely began to start again, lights flickering and text starting to appear.

Unfortunately, there was bad news and good news.

The bad news, the computer was locked securely, with no way for Ares to crack the password without deleting the data, which surely would be deleted if he got it wrong.

The good news however, is that he had a Rotom phone, with a Rotom who like machines and who would enter the computer if he was asked nicely. Rotom could surely mess around inside of the computer and spit up the information he needed. Rotom loved to play around.

Tapping his bag to wake up Rotom, the black phone got out within the blink of an eye, buzzing around his head to show his displeasure.

"Oh zip it. It's not like I woke you up for nothing."

Rotom stopped buzzing about as a big question mark flashed on the phone screen.

"I need to get some information out of the computer. I want you to enter it and send it to the phone. Leave the computer functioning and whole please. I might have a use for it later."

Rotom laughed maniacally, the phone dropping next to the computer as Rotom entered it. The white screen soon changed into the laughing face of Rotom, as instead of sending over the information, Rotom began to spit out paper in multitude. On it was dense texts, each page filled with them.

By the time Rotom stopped, there was enough paper collected to make more than a dozen trilogies. Giving Rotom and annoyed look, Rotom just laughed, the computer bouncing up and down as Rotom returned to his phone.

As if to taunt Ares, Rotom stuck out its plasma tongue, followed by showing the dense texts on its screen.

"So you did listen, you minx."

Ares sighed in relief, yet still bagged all the paper on the ground. There was surely some kind of information he would miss, so having it all on hand wasn't so bad either.

While Ares and his pokemon were busy with the computer the computer, Mew was looking around the room, her face getting gloomier by the second. Though Ares was completely oblivious, mostly due to the lack of constant psychic training and energy, he didn't feel the torrent of psychic energy swirling about like Mew did.

It was like a vortex trying to swallow everything in its path. While it was rather harmless to those with a strong mind, it would surely affect those with a weaker mind.

Grimacing, Mew waved her paw, dispersing the accumulated psychic energy.

If she let it be, it would surely affect the surroundings.

"Are you done as well Mew? If you are, let's return to the surface. I am sure Jenny is waiting for us."

Nodding, Mew enveloped everyone present here in her psychic energy, as they all vanished from the room.

After they left, the rubble and debris that had been held up by the wires and plumbing collapsed, burying the rest of the room in it, destroying the remains of whatever vile experiment that had taken place here.




At night, after Ares had left, a group of people in uniform had arrived in the Mansion, spreading out in a uniform manner as all the equipment and other items that were of importance were taken out and carried outside.

Devices were spread all over the underground maze.

Once the group came back together, one person stepped forward to report to their commanding officer.

"Sir, the explosives have been placed. All the evidence of 'Project Mewtwo' have been retrieved as well. Unfortunately the room where Project Mewtwo was being executed has been destroyed, making retrieval impossible."

The Commanding officer turned around, his teal colored eyes staring down at his underlings. His short teal colored hair stood out against his white uniform, a big red R printed on his chest.

"Good. Send the information retrieved to my office. Retreat from the compound."

The team Rocket Admin, Archer, left the Mansion first.

When all the team Rocket grunts had left, hovering above the Mansion in a helicopter, Archer ordered the pilot to leave, as he gave a final glance at the Mansion below, a detonator in his hand.

The sound of the helicopter soon dissapeared, only to be replaced by a deafening roar.

An explosion had taken place, the previous desolate Pokemon Mansion going up in smoke and fire.

The cause was later confirmed to be a gas leak.

There were no casualties, but the building had disappeared completely.

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