
Ch 35. A ride past Saffron City

On his way to Saffron city, or to be more precise past Saffron City, Ares and his pokemon had arrived at route 8, one that was teeming with pokemon trainers, as well as traffic. Cars, motorcycles and bicycles were rushing past, the road being rather busy for the early morning.

On the sides of the road, forests as well as meadows could be seen. Even further, mountains were towering above the rest, making the view beyond that point hidden to the eye. At some point he had arrived at a resting spot for pokemon trainers, a small emergency outpost a bit to the side.

Having stopped for a short break, Ares called professor Oak first. The matter he wanted to speak about was concerning the pokemon egg of Alakazam.

The phone rung shortly, being picked up after the first tone.

Professor Oak "Ares, it is good to hear from you so soon. Are you close to the next gym already?"

Ares "I should be close to Saffron City, but the next gym I will be challenging will be Celadon gym, as Sabrina is currently out. But aside from that, I have a need for your help, professor."

Professor Oak "Then what can I help you with my boy?"

Professor Oak looked closely at Ares, his eyes being drawn to the golden-brown egg in Ares' arms. A dark brown stripe was running over the upper part.

Professor Oak "I see you have found yourself another rare find. Though I have a pokemon in mind, do you mind telling me as to what kind of pokemon might be inside of it, presuming you know who the parent is."

Ares "It should be an Abra. I received the egg from an Alakazam. The parent entrusted it to me in its last moments."

Professor Oak "I see. Then the matter you called me for-"

Ares "To ask for any tips on how to ensure its safety. I am going to give it a check up a bit after our chat, but from what I can see, it will take awhile for it to hatch. I assume there will be differences in taking care of it, compared to when I had Lucario's egg."

Professor Oak "But of course. Let's see. First of all, keep the egg warm and well protected. Tuck it between isolating layers, to avoid any bumps it might receive during your travels. An egg incubator would help a lot with that. The pokemon center should have one. Just be sure to return it in good condition or else you will have nurse Joy to worry about. What else... A psychic pokemon would be helpful, as you can help the baby pokemon in the egg to nurture its psychic type potential. This is not necessary, but it will improve its health once it hatches. Unfortunately, I don't have any other helpful advice at the moment, but I will contact a breeder aquiantance of mine for any other things I might have overlooked. I believe professor Elm had more information as well, so I will give him a call too."

Ares "Then I will have to trouble you, professor."

Professor Oak "Oh no, not at all. This is very informative for me as well. Do keep me updated, as this information will help me with the pokedex."

Ares "I will. Take care professor."

With that, professor Oak hung up, leaving the rotom phone to return back to its rotom face. On the background the words, Call Ended, were being spelled.

Putting the phone back, he decided to go to the emergency outpost first to give the egg a check up. He was greeted by a very energetic nurse joy, a lovely Chansey at her side who greeted him warmly.

Greeting her like normal, Ares let her take a look at the egg, which was according to her 'a bit shaken up, but in good health', which was great. With those worries out of his way, he began to rummage through his bag for the items professor Oak had suggested to use.

Ares did as suggested, tucking his blankets around the egg and placed in carefully in his backpack.

At this point, after he had packed everything up again, the egg safely secured to avoid being shaken and bumped about, a truck came by, stopping right beside him. The driver pulled down the window as he looked down at Ares from his seat.

"Heya, I saw you standing there. Seems you are going towards Saffron City. Need a ride?"

The old man behind the wheel asked. Besides him was a rather old Growlithe, barking happily at the side of his owner. Its eyes were covered by a lot of fur, a bit of drool slipping on his owners lap.

"If it isn't too much of a problem."

Ares responded.

"Of course not. Young Wipper-snappers like you shouldn't need to walk all the time. Its bad for the joints, I tell ya. I need to deliver some stuff at Saffron city anyway. Just tell me where to stop, 'cause if ya are headed towards Celadon city, I can take ya there as well. My last stop, Fuchsia city had a blackout recently, so they needed some food delivered as well. If ya need to go to one of these places, I would be glad to take ya there."

The old man replied.

Ares hesitated momentarily, glancing warily at the man, but decided it wasn't worth the few weeks he had to spend camping outside. If he could quickly get to Celadon, he wouldn't mind traveling with someone. Besides, his Lucario and Umbreon were strong enough to take out the Growlithe and the old man, should they pose a threat to him. Though it was unlikely, as the man wasn't as young as he surely had been. He seemed like a jolly old man after all.

"Then I will take you up on that offer."

The old man opened the passengers seat, his Growlithe making place for Ares, Lucario and Umbreon without so much as a bark.

Lucario took his seat beside Ares, while Umbreon happily took his spot on Ares's lap, dozing off not soon after.

With the seatbelts on, the truck left once more, quickly increasing its speed. Maybe a little too hard for the current road, but the old man seemed used to it.

"So, where you heading to?"

The old man asked, keeping his eyes firmly in front of him. His Growlithe had taken a page from Umbreon's book, laying his head down on his owners lap and was sleeping. From time to time, drool would spill out, which was quickly disappearing on the man's pants with a simple rub of Growlithes head. It earned a good-natured grumble from the man, as he scratched his growlithe behind the ears.

"I'm going towards Celadon city. I'm going to take on the gym there."

"Ah, so a gym challenger are ya? I still remember the time I did it. Couldn't get past the third gym. Was a bit hard when I only wanted my dear Growlithe to be my partner. He didn't want to evolve either, which was fine by me. Good things did come from it, as I met my dear little wife. Boy, she had as much as a fire in her as my partner. Maybe a bit too much, the little spitfire she is. Can't complain though, as I love her the way she is. Married her soon after and spent the rest of my life by her side. I have never regretted it."

The old man rambled on, a warm smile on his face as he took out a few pictures of his children, grandchildren and grand-grandchildren. They all had something similar to the old man. The woman at his side wasn't an ugly duckling either, as she radiated the homey feeling of a mother, resembling a bit of how Delia would in her family pictures. The pictures were very old, but they were very well taken care off.

Putting the pictures back, Ares half listened to the old man talk about his grandchildren as he watched the scenery outside pass by them.


A few days had passed since Ares had taken the offer to ride along. They had already passed Saffron City, with Celadon City approaching swiftly in front of them.

Not once had they come across an Officer Jenny, which was only fortunate for the kind old man, as he would surely get a speeding ticket if he crossed her path. If he hadn't already.

The truck slowly came to a halt in front of the city.

Ares departed from the truck, waving at the old man and thanked him for the ride.

"Just win that Gym badge. I can't wait to see ya young folks on the telly. The pokemon league always makes my blood boil again in excitement! Almost begs me to dig up the old hatchet again and give that third gym another try. Ha! The old lady would surely kill me if I did, hahaha~!"

Waving the excited old man goodbye, Ares entered the city.

Umbreon yawned loudly, as he looked dazedly at the bustling streets. People were passing by quickly, their pokemon at their sides or none at all. Sneezing loudly, Umbreon glanced at the many perfume stores around them with teary eyes. The smell was a bit too strong for his sensitive nose.

Ares shook his head as he laughed a bit.

Returning Umbreon to his pokeball, Ares and Lucario began to stroll around, looking at the many stores around them. It was true that a lot of them were designed to attract the women population, but from time to time a shop for trainers could be found as well.

Taking a break at a small cafe, he and Lucario took a quick stop to taste the desserts there. The cakes were rather delicious, as he bought a lot to share with his other pokemon. They surely would like that.

Going around to buy a few reserve clothes, as well as stock up on potions, antidotes and other medicine, Ares soon found the pokemon center.

He would spend the night here and see if he could find a quest to complete. His pokemon needed a bit more exercise before he took on the gym. The last couple of days had been spent rather lax after all. Maybe he could borrow an incubator as well.

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