
Ch 30. Nightmares

A few days after Ares had left Saffron city, he and his pokemon had taken a break at one of the nearby clearings. The area was quiet, a few flower beds on the side of a cobblestone path. A manmade lake was situated a bit to the edge, clearly a sign someone had designed this particular piece of land. There were, however, few foreign object present. No trashcans, no street lights, the only thing clearly stating it as a rest area the few benches on the side. They had definitely made this spot for the wild pokemon to enjoy. If he looked carefully, Ares could even see berry trees scattered around the place, making it a perfect spot for pokemon to forage for food if they were hungry.

Sitting besides the small lake, Ares was putting up the tent while his pokemon were already setting the table for dinner. During the time they spent together, all his pokemon had found a task for themselves they could do. Just looking on from the side was uncomfortable, as they were only watching the other pokemon move about to help.

Pidgeot had given himself the task of collecting firewood, while Lucario would set up the table and the cooking equipment, as some of the equipment was a bit too heavy for the others to carry. Umbreon would set out the plates for the pokemon while Clefairy and Pichu would collect water. A hard task for the two, as they weren't big enough to easily carry the Jerry can.

Lapras would then enjoy her time on the lake, helping Ares with cooking should he ever need it to be quickly refrigerated. It was one of her perks, being an ice type. She didn't mind it either, as it was just a simple thing for her to do.

A dream team in the making, even if it was just for the breaks they had now and again.

Yawning slightly, Ares rubbed his eyes, the heavy dark bags beneath them standing out in the sunlight.

It had been a few days now since he had a good night sleep. No matter what happened, he always seemed to have nightmares. If only he could remember what they were about, then he might do something about it. Yet every time he woke up he would forget their content, no matter how hard he tried to remember. It was maddening.

Yawning once more, he went back to making dinner. While his other pokemon waited patiently, Pichu came to help once more. Due to Ares being just a tad bit too tired, Pichu had to do a bit more, which she was only too glad to do. She just loved to make things with her own hands.

While Ares made dinner, Pichu would move about a lot, cooking one dish, while setting up the plates at another time. When food needed to be scorched, she would use her electric attacks to do so, only occasionally zapping herself due to her glitched control.

The effect was as good as a fire, but it got the job done a lot faster. Maybe when they got a fire type on the team, her cooking repertoire would increase as well. A thing to look forward to for sure.

When it was all done, Pichu and Ares were glad to see that it was still as good as before, even if Ares had spent a lot less time in preparing it.

"Thanks for the help Pichu. Much appreciated."

Pichu happily nodded under the headpats she was receiving. She could truly feel the care her trainer gave her with every action.

Then she suddenly began to glow.

The rest of the pokemon quickly gathered as they watched with bated breaths as Pichu was finally evolving.

'About time this happened. It has been awhile since she was ready to evolve'

Ares patiently waited as Pichu began to evolve.

Her body became bigger, as her triangle formed ears began to grow out and became more pointed. Her tail became longer as well, as it took the shape of a lightning bolt, the tip of her tail taking a heart shaped form. Brown stripes decorated her back, coloring a bit of her tail brown as well.

When the glow subsided, a Pikachu was now standing in front of Ares.


Pikachu happily exclaimed as she ran up to a pan lid to look at herself in awe. She had been waiting for this to happen, so she was ecstatic when it did. She loved her new form so much! She rubbed her cheeks in excitement, sparks flying around from the voltage flowing through them.

Running up to the other pokemon, Pikachu began to show off her new form, something she flaunted around with a spring in her step, sharing her excitement with the rest of the pokemon.

"Alright, let's eat before it get's cold."

Agreeing, all his pokemon began to chow down. Ares too quickly ate his food, as he was looking forward to get a nice rest.

After everything was cleaned up and put away, he and his pokemon went to sleep.




"Damn, why isn't it working!"

Ares was running along a dark and misty corridor, dark shadows creeping up on him to slow him down as a giant shadow with big red eyes continued to chase him. Tendrils of mist swiped towards him to trip or grab him, which his nimbly evaded. A big crack beneath the giant shadow, opening wide like a maw ready to swallow him whole should he fall behind.

None of his pokemon were present and his aura wasn't working either. All he could do was run from it, as memories about his previous encounters with it were still clear in his mind. If only he could have remebered it all when he was awake.

Everytime he was caught, falling deeply into the monsters maw, he would relive the memories of his youth, especially the ones where he was abused and almost killed.

The last one was the worst, as his grandfather hadn't helped him when he had been caught in front of the house. It could be that he wasn't home at the time, but he certain the old basterd had just closed the curtains.

He was dragged to the town square, struggling with all his might as he was then stoned to death by the adults. The most shocking was his previous friend, the one that had considered his best and only friend, throwing stones as hard as he could as he smiled in ecstasy. There was no recognition in his eyes. Then nothing. He had definitely died.

When he was killed, he returned to this place to be once more chased by the dark shadow. This continued up to the moment he woke up, shivering in cold sweat as if the previous moments still were as vivid to him as before, though he would have no recollection of it at all.

He died again, and again and again. Why didn't it stop!? Please let it stop, let it be quiet for once. Why didn't they leave him alone!

These encounters even made him consider forsaking sleep entirely, even when he was awake remembering nothing of what happened. Even if the things happening here were fake, it was still terrifying enough to almost break him.

[Alright. I've had enough of it. The meals just don't taste the same anymore.]

A voice was heard as a pink presence appeared in front of him.

A bright light was emitted from it, revealing the pink presence to be Mew.

Oh mighty Arceus, was he glad to see her!

The light blasted outwards, blasting away the darkness surrounding him. The corridor lit up, only for it to have been changed to an ancient looking forest with a completely white tree in the center. Just before that tree was the once giant shadow.

It was a Gengar. A grey one at that.

Ares backed away, the figure of Mew hovering in front of him protectively.

[Stop bothering him. Even if he looks interesting and funny to bother, you only make it worse for you in the long run. I will hunt you down if you try this again. Get your negative energy from somewhere else, you parasite.]

Mew chidded as she pointed at the Gengar.

Still, the Gengar didn't leave as he just continued to stare at Ares with a hungering look. It was honestly a bit unnerving. Especially as he could see the Gengar drool at the sight of him, occasionally swallow it down as the hunger in his eyes grew.

[We should continue this when Ares wakes up. Don't you dare run away by then or I will bring you back with force. And believe me, you don't want me to.]

At those words, the Gengar shivered in abject fear, but he continued to stare at Ares, not even once taking his eyes off of him.

[Now you go get some sleep. I'll explain it to the rest.]

With that said, the surroundings began to change as Mew and Gengar disappeared and Ares saw everything fade away, falling deeper asleep, only pleasant memories taking the place of the previous nightmares. The white tree always present, radiating a peaceful energy as he leaned his back against it.




As Ares finally regained a normal breathing pace, Mew sighed in relief. His other pokemon seemed to relax as well, as they too had become a bit bothered at the state of their trainer. It was even more agitating that they had been helpless to do anything about it. They had to rely on Mew for that.

Mew glared at the shadow, as she made a move to get the Gengar out if he didn't do it himself. Feeling the glaring eyes on him, Gengar's head appeared just out of the shadow, only to be stared at with less than friendly eyes of the other pokemon. Scratching his head in embarrassment, Gengar emerged completely, looking at no one in particular.

As one of the only pokemon that had a move that worked more than well against ghost types, Umbreon made sure he was in-between Gengar and Ares, snarling at the floating Gengar. He had prepared a move as well, ready to unleash it should the Gengar make one wrong move.

[Start talking. We don't have all day and we are all desperate for some sleep, thanks to a certain someone.]

Mew grumbled as she sat down on top of Ares' chest.

It peacefully went up and down in a regular pace, a good sign to the tranquil sleep her trainer was now having.

Gengar sat down, a bit downtrodden as his stomach grumbled a bit.

"I was hungry. The other pokemon and trainers don't have the abundance in energy like this one has. Nightmares are the tastiest, so inflicting them increases the taste of the energy. I can't control what happens in them, it is all up to the one under the nightmare."

Gengar replied, as if the whole thing was not his fault. His eyes wandered back to Ares, only to be blocked by Umbreon.

[Pokemon food for ghost types works for that as well, so don't try to fool me.]

Mew said coldly, still waiting for an answer.

This Gengar would not fool her. She could feel the menacing energy coming of from it, as it had clearly taken more than a few pokemon and human lives due to its voracious appetite.

"Energy is still better. Don't even mention that it is lacking when there are too many ghost types. This trainer makes good food as well, so I'm never hungry when I stick to him."

Gengar snickered. His motives were laid bare for the rest to see, yet he surely had many more things hidden beneath that despicable smile of his.

[We'll see about that. Let's see what Ares has to say about this when he wakes up. I won't be surprised if he forces you away. He has some trust issues he hasn't dealt with after all. Someone who let's him experience his past again surely won't be treated nicely. Don't expect a warm welcome.]

Mew countered, as she couldn't wait to see a hint of despair on Gengar's face.

"That might be bad. A good thing I erase my traces when I eat. Still, it does make it a lot harder to remain next to a good food source, as they don't always last. Why don't we make a deal?"

Gengar replied, only to see Mew look at him with uninterested eyes. There was even a bit of hostility hidden inside of them.

"Hey hey, don't look at me like that! I can be very useful. I'll keep other ghost types away, while he provides me with pokemon food. As an insurance, you can wipe me out if I try to steal his energy without his permission. How about that? I can be a good pokemon."

Gengar furtively said, a hint of desperation in his voice.

Mew didn't know if the Gengar was honest or if he was palying tricks. It wouldn't matter though, as she would chace it away, no matter what Ares's answer was. This parasite could bring nothing but disaster.

Gengar watched as he waited for Mew's reply. He had finally found a major source of negative energy, one that was tinged with such delightful despair, distrust and most importantly, righteous fury, in a while. It was buried deeply, but that feeling was so potent, that it could surely burn everyhting down should it be let out. How delightful if he could make that happen in the process.

Even if he could only get a bite of energy as an extra once in a while, it was worth it to make this one fall. If they didn't let him, he would have other ways to get what he wanted. This was just the fastest way.

[I see. Then I will share this with Ares and discuss how to go about this. He might not mind when the underlying reasoning becomes clear, but he could also want you gone. We'll have to see. To be honest, I don't see you remaining here at all.]

Mew replied, not giving away her own thoughts on the matter.

"I'll wait. Definitely."

Gengar replied as he smirked in delight. There was still a chance. Maybe if he performed well, he could have more than just a bite. If he decided to let him stay and be this trainers pokemon, he would never go hungry again. It was a win-win situation if there ever was one. The only thing needed was the acceptance of the trainer, something he hoped to get when everything was explained. Otherwise.... Gegegege~

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