
The Funeral

The priest walked in and saw there weren't any places left to stand. He hadn't seen such a turnout in a long time. He remembered a royal funeral once that was this crowded, but everyone had been commanded to attend. It wasn't done out of love and friendship or devotion like this one was.

The priest signaled to the director to bring the girls to their seats at the front and get them seated now. After watching them trying to make it to the front yesterday he knew that they needed help. The director said, "Come with me, girls. Take my hands and keep your eyes on the floor at your feet, and I will see that you get to your seats without any trouble. "

As they turned the corner to go to the parlor looking in, they saw that in the back row sat Katie's family. Even though there were seats in the front row for them. So that they could be close and support their daughter in her time of sorrow. They were only there in a physical sense; they didn't really want to be there. They knew that if they were not there it would make them stand out. They had received gifts all the time from Gina's parents all through the years ever since the little girls had made friends. Gina's parents had showered the other parents and their children with gifts. They didn't mind that the parents took credit for some of the things that they had given to the children. As long as the children were happy that was all they really wanted. They did get slightly upset when they found that they had started selling part of the gifts that the children were supposed to get, but they blew it off knowing that their money must have been short, and other things must have been needed.

Katie looked up at them with her eyes filled with tears and saw a scowl on Rodger's face, it was all too usual of a look for him. It was like always, he was not approving of what she was doing, or who she was doing it with. Her mother Beth was as usual bad-mouthing Gina, and loudly whispering in Rodger's ear. Intentionally loud enough that even Gina herself could hear it. The two of them always seemed to be glaring at Gina like it was her fault that they were poor. The hardships that they were facing were directly related to the fact that she moved in next door. Even though that family had been nothing but nice to them. Her oldest brother and sister were shooting the two of them death looks as usual, and at this time brother had shredded the memorial pamphlet and started shooting spitballs at the two of them. Katie was so glad that Gina was concentrating on her feet and did not notice when one got stuck in her hair. Katie was so embarrassed when she saw her dad smile. When it happened, her heart sank a little more seeing it. Katie never knew just why her family didn't like Gina and her family. All she knew was that she loved them, and they were always nice to her and to her family. They never had one bad thing to say about her or her family. She was treated as if she was a sister to Gina, and whatever Gina got so did she. Katie got to the point that she was more or less living with them. Gina was tolerated at her house, but she could tell that Gina was really not wanted around.

The director got them to their seat and gave both of them a little hug and managed to brush the spitball out of her hair without looking too obvious. He shook his head as it fell to the floor and shot a look at the boy and his dad. "I will leave you both here, and when the priest is finished, I will be back to get you. First, you will ride with me to the cemetery for the graveside service. I will make sure that you are taken care of." He gently rubbed Gina's back the way he rubbed his daughter's back a thousand times before. In hopes of giving her a little comfort, knowing that it was not much, but it was the best that he could do.

Gina looked up at him and he could see her heartbreaking. He had to look away her grief was just too intense. He was used to dealing with grief it was the nature of his job, but at times like this, it was a bitter pill to swallow when there was nothing more he could do. He quickly returned to the back of the room shooting the back row a dirty look. This was no time and no place for things like that.

The priest gave his service to the best of his ability by trying to keep it on the shorter side. Knowing there was going to be a longer than usual graveside service since not all were allowed to attend this service. It was good that it was not too hot or cold and the rain had cleared up. The grass would still be wet, but most people wouldn't mind getting their shoes a little wet.

The girls sat there holding hands and cried as it went along. Gina couldn't take her eyes off her parents, the two of them holding hands with big smiles on their faces. She knew that was how they were all the time and knew that they did die happy. It was a comfort, but at the same time, it was a stake in her heart knowing that she was never going to see them that way again. Katie saw that it was getting too much for Gina and gave her hand a harder squeeze, bringing her attention back to what was going on.

The service was presented well, and the girls did their best so that they would not break down while they listened to the people saying nice and loving things about them. The priest kept it moving and kept the stories on the shorter side and even interrupted a couple that he could see was affecting the girls too badly. The only interruptions threw out the proceedings seemed to come from the back row making unwanted comments when some of them mentioned charitable contributions. It seemed that no matter how much they were given it was never enough to please them they always wanted more.

When the last song was started Katie's family slipped out the back. They wanted no part in the funeral procession or the graveside service. Rodger hated the fact that they were loved as they were. It just ate at him, he wanted everyone to see them as he did. The only thing that he wanted to do was to go to the reading of the will. He knew that he was listed and so was his daughter Katie. He was going to make sure she got whatever she could. Just thinking of all the things that she was going to get, and he would get his hands on was enough to take off the scowl and put a big smile on his face.

The funeral director saw the family slinking off out the back and in a way, he was glad to see them go. But then he took a look at the two innocent girls, and they were in such pain he wondered how such a sweet girl like Katie could come from such a miserable family like that. He was just glad at least they were gone, and he didn't have to deal with any more of their trouble. Then he looked at the seat that they left and the mess that was there. It left him shaking his head in disgust.

The Director slowly made his way to the front to stand at the head isle while his attendants ushered the people out a row at a time letting each go in turn. He had his wife escort the two girls to the head car that was to follow the two hearses. Once everyone was out, they moved the coffins into the hearses and they started the journey to the cemetery, the procession was the longest that the director had ever seen. It brought the town to a standstill. It became the only thing that was moving.

When the priest arrived, he could tell that there were already about 50 people waiting they were the ones that had not made it on time to get space in the parlor and wanted to make sure that they were in place this time. The priest set up as they quickly got the bodies in position and the people came streaming from the precession and once most of them were there he started. He gave a beautiful and loving service and it ended with him handing two roses to each of the girls so that they could throw them into the graves on top of the caskets.

Gina took the roses and thought about all the loving moments and all the things they did for her. It seemed like she was frozen in time as the tears streamed down her cheeks. Picturing her father giving her a bedtime kiss she let the rose fall from her hand, realizing she would never have that feeling again. Her last image of her mom came as a loving kiss on the cheek as they were cooking in the kitchen. It warmed her heart, feeling that love this last time as she let the other rose slip from her fingers.

Gina stood there unmoving lost in thoughts of love until Katie touched her arm and brought her back to the world of pain and depression. Katie took her hand and led her away so that others could say their goodbyes as well.

When the director saw that they were ready he ushered them away to give them a little peace. It had been nonstop since the word was out about the accident that claimed their lives. It was a non-ending stream of people giving them their condolences. He could see what a toll on them it was having. He knew that he had one last duty and that was he needed to get them to the reading of the will.

He helped them into the car and drove them to the attorney's office. He was told that he could leave them there, and they would handle them from there. He saw Katie's dad walking in and knew that there was not any way that this was going to be a good thing for the girls. He opened the door and told them to go to the front desk and ask what room they had set up for them.

As Gina approached the desk, they already knew who she was and what they were there for. The secretary said, " Right this way. We have been waiting for you. Would either of you like a drink or a snack? We have just about whatever you want."

They tried to smile without much luck. "No thank you," Gina said as Katie just shook her head in reply.

She ushered them down a short hall to a large conference room. Then said. "Please take a seat anywhere you like."

Katie looked up and saw two men sitting across from her dad. Her heart sank just a little knowing that he was not nice most of the time, and if things didn't go his way, he would throw a fit and get loud. Rodger was sitting there with a mean look on his face. Katie started walking to the other side of the table; she really didn't want to sit too close to him. Then he gave her a stern look and nodded a signal she knew just what it meant and what he wanted. He gave a look at the chair next to him meaning that he wanted her to come and sit next to him. Katie had no choice but to go over and sit next to her dad. Gina went over and took the seat next to Katie just as he knew that she would.

Everything was going as Rodger had planned. The girls were doing just what he wanted. He could get Katie to do whatever he wanted her to do, and Gina would just follow along blindly doing whatever he had Katie do.

The attorney started off by saying, "I'm going to skip right to the important parts skipping the legal language It boiled down to that Charles and his wife Rita made the will several years ago and named Rodger as guardian of Gina. Knowing how close the two girls were and they were like sisters. Rodger has been given control of the house and the ability to control all the money till they turn 18 at which time everything reverts to an even split for the girls."

A huge smile formed on the face of Rodger. That was just what he had hoped would happen, he now had everything that they had. The money, and the power that went along with it. He had it all for a few years before anyone could say otherwise. He cheerfully shook the attorney's hand and said, "Come on girls, it's time to go."

He stood and waited for them to rise. Katie quickly got to her feet knowing how very impatient he was, and Gina followed suit. Rodger placed his hands on their shoulders and started guiding them toward the door. Gina was not even mentally there, she was still trapped at the grave site watching the roses falling on their caskets, seeing it over and over in her head. Before they knew it they pulled up in front of the house. Without even thinking the two girls started for Gina's home. "No girls you will be over here tonight," Rodger said in a stern tone.

"Take her to your room. Your sisters have made room for her," he said.

Katie looked up kind of scared she had heard some things when they were alone that made her nervous, and now they were trapped. The two sisters Tina and Lina stayed away from them for a time not wanting to be around them. It was because of all the things that the rest of the family was saying about them.  That worked well for Gina and Katie the grief that they were feeling made them just want to be left alone. They stayed in the room till it was time for food to be made and they were summoned to the kitchen to make the food. Katie's mom Beth was there to make sure that they didn't mess it up enough to ruin the food, but it was like they were going to be servants now.

Gina didn't mind at all. She liked staying busy and had always loved helping in the kitchen whether it was with her mom or the cook that was there to help and teach them. Beth was surprised that the girls could cook so well. She would be surprised if the other children could follow directions well enough to make something as simple as Jell-O. Everyone ate greedily, finishing everything fast except Gina and Katie, neither one had an appetite. When everyone was finished the girls carried out the dishes and washed and dried them.

After that was dealt with all Gina wanted was a hot bath. Katie had stayed by her side through it all, and knowing what Gina needed she got the water ready for her. As Gina got undressed, she realized that she had nothing to put back on. Gina slipped into the tub, and it felt so good to feel the warm bubbly water coating her skin she closed her eyes and started relaxing. When Katie left to get Gina a pair of spare pajamas, she didn't shut the door tightly.

As the door opened back up Rodger was standing there looking in with a large smile on his face. He was rubbing on his cock that he had made hard threw his pajama bottoms. He stood there watching the water ripple as she slowly rubbed her hands across her body. Her nipples hardened from the cool crisp air of the room and the sensation of the warm water gently flowing over them. As she moved the light bubbles gathered around them and then were washed away. He looked hard between her legs threw the foam and caught sight of her neatly trimmed bush. Gina closed her eyes trying to forget where she was. With being so tired and so out of it she let herself go in the moment. She ran her hands down her slick skin then took a washrag and ran it down her arms. She felt her nipples harden as she rubbed the cloth over them. Her body tingles as she washed down her breasts and then down her sides. She slid the cloth up and down the soft skin on her thighs. Just then Her eyes popped open as she heard the door creak as it drifted open wider.

Gina was instantly repulsed and scared and at the same time she did her best to cover herself but no matter what she did she still felt exposed. She noticed that he was hard and enjoying staring at her he turned away and left once Katie came back with some extra pajamas. Gina was never happier to see Katie, she was not sure just what was going to happen to her if she had not come back just then. She finished her bath and dried herself off keeping her eye on the door. Gina wasted no time slipping on the pajamas that Katie brought her but found that it didn't matter what she put on he had seen her nude and from now on she knew he would picture her that way every time he saw her.

Gina went to her room while Katie took her bath and that is when she heard Robert on the phone, she could hear most of what he was saying but nothing coming from the other side.

"Yes, we have her now... Yes, just like what you said would happen. The money and the house now belong to me. What a laugh it was easy to change the will. Neither girl had any idea what was on the original... Gina will be brought to you in a week as soon as the house closes, and the contract is set... Yes, sir... I know how much you have wanted her since she developed and the fact that she was your rival's daughter makes it all the sweeter. She will make a perfect house slave... Yes, sir... Yes, sir... I will make sure nothing happens to her in the meantime. You have my personal guarantee. Yes sir... yes sir... No sir... No. My boys will not touch her. She will be a virgin when you receive her... yes sir. I promise I will keep her home and safe for your return in five days. Yes sir... Yes sir... Will do sir... Bye, sir."

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