
Timeline I'm following

Help me fix somethings if I'm wrong

1939- Captain America

1995- Captain Marvel

2008- Iron Man

2008- The Incredible Hulk

2010- Iron Man 2

2011- Thor

2012- Avengers

2013- Iron Man 3

2013- Thor Dark World

2014- Captain America: Winter Soldier

2015: Age of Ultron

2015- Ant man

2016- Black Panter

2017: Civil War

2017: Doctor Strange

2017: Spider man: Homecoming

2018: Ant man and wasp

2018- Guardians of the galaxy

2018: Thor Ragnarok

2018- Guardians of the galaxy 2

2019: Infinity War


There will not be Endgame in my fanfic.

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