
Comments of chapter undefined of Second Female Leads' Playbook


I really can't forgive Carlisle. Even though he's making it up in the present time, it's not enough. If you remember what Arina has gone through, you'll know she just didn't suffered emotional pain, but also physical torture. He needs to suffer for us to be coaxed and soothed. We his POV for us to understand. Because every time I remember this story, I remembered how he said to Arina to know her place, that she's just a tool for her Master to use. T_T


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MissIcycel:missicycel is also my name in instagram.

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I feel like I need more story about Arina and Carlisle. It feels like it's not enough to end the story here. Arina suffered a lot and Carlisle needs more anguish and trial first before he got his redemption. 😭😤 I really want to see him suffers! Ups... 🤭

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I wish there were more of it. It would be good if you can show some romantic moments between them or ML's redemtion for his mistakes can be elaborated. It's just my suggestion. Overall, I liked your story. Arina will forgive him with time but I wanted to see him groveling on her feet.

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I really like the new edits, it brings more to the story. Theres more depth to Carlisle and Ari relationship that we didn't really get before! I can't wait for the later chapters.


Okay found the novel. it is called THE VILLIANESS FELL KN LOVE. it is really good check jt out and you will love the ml i am sure. anywY i personaly don’t want the fl with the ml because he tld her mutiPle times That she was only a tool and would be thrown away knce he was done with her and j think she suffered enough for being with him for 20 years and j think she deserves a break like she left because she didn’t want to be around you anymore yet you chased her. if j was her and i gained back my sanity then i would go on adventure and never fall in love but meet cool people And New friends but still mostly a solo adventuer because it wiD be mUch easier and i would have a per cat or cut animal with me but thats about it

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Similar to many readers, I cant seem to forgIve Carlisle. He might be sufferinf now, but it cant be compared to the suffering she went through. As cruel as it might be for thinking so, I wish she would turn into a bird and leave her prison completely. It would be a bittersweet ending. He can suffer for life for all I care. She can be free.


Sorry my mast comment was lkng but j just had to say it. I also want to say that the reason the ml wanted to become duke was not because he caree about the people of that kingdom but for his own selfishness and the same with ralf. the duke didn’t deserve it ether because he is a ver biase person. like i get it you hate ralF’s mother BUT HE IS STILL YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD. he didn’t ask to be born as your Hild and i am sure if you asked him if he had chance to choose who his parents were it certainly would be you the duke who couldn’t wvwn gjve his son a dair chance to win the inheritance. Like the poor kid didn’t even have enough money to biy that holve thing like what. i think at least the duke could have gjvem him a fair chance but no he didn’t so i don’t think he deserved to be duke. It shuld have been boi something for hot his name but his wife hated him but he treated her with respect and becer got a second wife he also acknowledged that the boy was hjs son so he took care of him It was a great novel i will write the name jn another comment but i suggested you check jt out


I am sorry i first didn’t want ti say anything but i realky can’t sleek if i don’t say it. author if You read my comments please tell if i am wrong or anyone else who reads this. Okay lets start with how ralf was born. HIS mother Charmed the ml’s father and had a child with him. and in a chaotwr ralf himself states that his father gave him no love and always treat the ml better which is no suprise since he doesn’t like ralf’s motjer. And it also says the duke was always made with ralf. so we can say he was verbally abused by his father because he was a mistake that happened. So ralf has no dad to lean on and the only one by his side is his mother and from a young age she could have been a better mother but that can’t be because ahe is destined to be a villainess with her villain son. Anyway we know the the ml spied on ralf and ralf did the same thing. ralf waNts power and so does the ml. in the end the ml wins but also takes the power away from ralf. which is lIke making him useless since this world relys on power. mind you we don’t know clearly if ralf’s mother killed the ml motjer but she was involved. but what did ralf do . you might say well he torchered the fl BUT if the ml caught the spy of ralf he would have done worse. in the end ralf went to jail and i will say he was stupid for underestimateing his brother and foe doing stupid things that caused his downfall but you can’t just say the ml is innocent. ralf did things bjt what harm did he bring to the ml. NOTHING( that j remember of) but jn the end his father didn’t even blink an eye to his own blood and flesh and he was draged To the dungeon like he vould have falt bad but no he didn’t care. also what the ml did to ralf was far worse then what ralf had ever done because the ml took his powers which made him useless and soon ralf would die because he won’t be able to move his body anymore. I blame the duke and ralf’s mother for this and also the ml. what he did was too crul and in the end he will most likly get his love and the inheritance


So l think Arina will eventually forgive Carlisle because this is a romance, but I think Carlisle needs to suffer, or at least go through some repercussions on using his powers to take care of Arina... something of equal or greater worth for her suffering... and I would like to see his POV chapters...just not right now. I'm still mad at him for Arina. I love your stories though and can't wait more. Thank you!

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thanks for the chapter


I want more hahaha


Okay so she is definitely getting her mind back, which is good.☺️ I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that she still thinks he needs to discard her. I mean on one hand she would be truly free, but on the other she would be losing out on an opportunity of love with a man who is trying his hardest to gain her forgiveness. 😓


I honestly hate carleis


Ahhhh, my heart ache reading this😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Hopefully this keyboard works better


I think this keyboard is better for me but lets see if that js true. well it seems that i and j still gets confused with each other but i think it is much better now


Sorry for the weird spelling something happened with my keyboard and it makes a lot if typos


huhuhu, more special chaaaapters!