
Eric of Shadowville


The seven of us walked through the town. A loud voice caught my attention, even through the din of the crowd. "Hey, watch it!"

Looking around, I saw a muscular man with tattoos smirk and push aside a child clutching a basket, no older than six. The poor girl fell to the floor, the contents of her basket spilled onto the street. A loaf of bread rolled out, along with some vegetables and a few bakery goods. "You're in the way."

"Now, now, what do we have here?" Another guy with a silver earring shoved his way to the front, and snatched the basket from the girl's trembling hands. He dumped the rest of the food in it out. A few eggs smashed on the stone street. The child looked on the verge of tears.

"Hey! Leave my sister alone!" a boy about eleven years old ran up and stood bravely in front of his sister. The girl cowered behind her brother, using him as her shield.

"He took the groceries," she whimpered, pointing a finger at the bullies.

"I know. It's okay. I'm here now. You okay?" the brother asked, never taking his eyes off of the bullies. His sister nodded.

"Aw, would you look at that. How cute." The first guy stepped forward. He looked about twenty, and a total gangster by the look of him.

"Why are you bullying a small child?" the brother demanded angrily.

"She was in our way. Namely, the boss's way." Tattoo took another step forward and crushed the bread underneath his boots. "Don't you know who the boss is? The famed Eric of Shadowville. He's the best fighter in the whole universe. He's going to claim the brooch of Goldhedge for the fourth year in a row." Behind him, I could see a group of about four or five. A guy in the middle, with neatly groomed hair and a smirk on his face, watched on, amused. He must be Eric, the ringleader.

"I don't care! Eric's a big fat cheater!" the boy shouted. Earring feigned shock.

"Oh my. He called boss a cheater!" He leaned in. The boy scooted back.

"You know what happens when people disrespect the boss?" Tattoo joined his partner. Together they glared at the boy menacingly. The boy stared back bravely, though I could see the fists at his sides shaking with fear.

"They are punished!" With a roar, Tattoo punched the boy, sending him flying backwards. He slammed into a stall, sending apples and oranges flying all over the place. The boy's sister fell on the floor, started crying, and ran off, probably to find their parents. The boy blinked, dazed, as the two bullies stepped closer, stomping on food without a care.

Eric and his goons walked closer, jeering. He looked at the crowd that had gathered and dared anyone to interfere. No one did. This was a show of what would happen to anyone who dared crossed Eric's way.

Tattoo yanked the boy up by the collar of his shirt, and held him so that their faces were next to each other. The boy's face showed fear, plain as day.

"Don't ever call boss a cheater," Tattoo growled. "Or you will pay!" He tossed the boy in the air like he weighed nothing and Earring slammed another punch to the boy's guts as he came down. It sent the poor boy slamming into the floor, almost ten feet away. Tattoo and Earring laughed, as did Eric's other goons. The boy didn't get up. I could see blood.

How could they do this?! My anger flared up. They were just children! Now I get why Naomi was so spiteful towards Eric. Tattoo and Earring stepped towards the boy again, evil grins on their faces.

"Stop!" Someone slid between Tattoo and the boy on the floor. It was Katherine, who was seething. Her sword—her original one—was out of its scabbard and pointed at Tattoo. "How can you do this to a child?! You're such a thug!"

Rachel and Indigo circled behind and reached the boy on the floor. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Rachel was trying to heal him without attracting too much attention.

"Woah there, pretty girl," Earring leered. Katherine's eyes widened with anger. "Step aside; this is none of your business."

"You filthy bastard," Katherine growled. She kept her sword pointed threateningly at Tattoo, even thought he was almost three feet taller and a good hundred pounds heavier. Oh, this was not going to be pretty. I stepped forward, sword in hand, ready to defend Katherine if needed. As if sensing what I planned to do, Katherine flashed me a warning look. 'Don't move.' She got this under control.

"Eric is a scoundrel," Katherine continued. "and so are you and his other goons. Terrorizing children? How low can you get?!" Tattoo and Earring's faces turned red with anger.

"Step aside, girl," Earring snarled, pushing Tattoo aside. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."

Katherine held her ground. "No. You're not hurting that boy any more than you already had!"

"I said step aside!" Earring sidestepped Katherine's sword and reached for her throat. With practiced ease, Katherine danced out of his way and aimed a kick at his groin. Earring fell with a thud, clutching his big boo-boo and groaning. With a roar, Tattoo launched himself at Katherine. He was better than Earring, but not by much. Within fifteen seconds Katherine had placed the edge of her blade against Tattoo's throat.

"One move and I'll kill you," she said. Her eyes held no mercy. Tattoo froze, knowing that he was beat. Earring scrambled up shakily and stumbled away quickly, hiding behind Eric and the other buffoons. "Boss!"

Eric held up a hand. He stepped forward and surveyed the surroundings. The crowd was getting restless. "Kill the scoundrel" was floating around like a whisper. From the top of his head to the tip of his polished boots, Eric radiated charm and attraction. He was the type of guy that all the girls fell for. However, the coldness in his eyes and the way he smiled like a snake told of just how dangerous he can be.

"My sincerest apologies," the twenty-something year old guy said smoothly, lowering himself into a bow. "Please excuse the behavior of my companions. They can be quite rowdy sometimes."

Katherine snorted. "Rowdy? You were watching, and you didn't stop them. They were clearing the way for you. This is your fault."

"I am profoundly sorry for this dreadful accident." Eric said, smooth as butter. "Now if you would just release him, little girl, and we will be on our merry way."

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