
An Awkward Awakening


I regained consciousness gradually, still bone tired. Indigo was right. I shouldn't use my magic this frequently, but I can't just stand there and watch someone die, especially when it was one of my friends. From now on I won't use my magic unless it's absolutely necessary, I told myself. I'll let Rachel do the healing.

My eyelids felt so heavy. I was aware of a nice quietness around me. I heard the steady breathing of someone fast asleep. Probably Indigo or Ashley or Rachel, since I assumed they got a room for the boys and a room for the girls. There was no point pretending to be two separate groups when we obviously knew each other. I felt a warm blanket on me and then something else on top that sprawled across me. It wasn't unpleasant—it was an comfortable weight and warmth—but what was it?

Slowly I forced my eyes open. A window to my right showed that it was nearly dawn but still not quite. The room was barely illuminated, but light enough that I was able to make out shapes. To my left were three beds in a line, and on there slept, I presumed, Ashley, Rachel, and Indigo.

Now what was that thing on top of me? I looked, and I had to stifle a yelp of surprise. It wasn't an it, but a he. Aaron's face rested against my stomach, rising and falling with every breath I took. His feet were still on the floor, but his body was half draped over me. He must've fallen asleep while sitting next to me and fell backwards onto the bed.

A piece of his bangs slipped over his eyes. Aaron twitched in his sleep, clearly uncomfortable. Without thinking, I reached over and brushed it out of his face. Aaron shifted his body, and his right arm fell across my stomach. His hand landed on top of mine. Surprised, I froze. In the faint morning light he looked so…handsome. His face was relaxed and peaceful, and it only enhanced how good he looked.

I never noticed—well, that's not true. Of course I noticed that he was good looking, but I never thought of him in this way. Aaron was the smartest guy in the school, and probably the most handsome. I knew that many girls had a crush on him. He was always nice to me and could always make me laugh. I was never the one for romance, even though secretly I'd hope I would find my happily-ever-after someday. But now, looking at Aaron sprawled across my bed, his hand on top of mine, a flutter in my heart hinted that I had fallen for my friend.

Oh god. What is happening to me? Why am I thinking this? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I can't be like this. There were rumors that Indigo liked Aaron, and he liked her back. They never said anything of course, but it's well known by the student body. They're hardcore shipped by everyone. I can't do this. They are perfect for each other. They are—

I stopped my train of thought before it could crash. You're just thinking too much, I scolded myself. Still disorientated from using your magic. Sighing, I closed my eyes to go back to sleep. But feeling Aaron's hand on mine was still really nice….

* * * * *

"Hey, anything happen last night? If you know what I mean." A guy's voice said, the grin clear from his voice.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't think so," replied a voice that I placed as Ashley. Someone whistled. "Aaron, wake up! Look where you are. I can't believe you're still here."

Aaron and I snapped awake at the same time. Our gazes met. Aaron finally realized where he was, and his gaze darted down to our hands, which somehow entangled together over the night. And his face was a lot closer to mine too. Wonder how that happened…

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm so sorry Kath," apologized Aaron in a rush as he unfroze, snatched his arm back, and scrambled up from the bed. I hurriedly sat up as well.

"It's—it's alright," I stammered, feeling a blush on my face. I thought it was all just a dream, but no, Aaron actually slept on my bed.

By the door, Lucian and Jason laughed and slapped high fives. Ashley and Rachel tried unsuccessfully to hide their giggles. Aaron stood awkwardly by the foot of my bed, turning red.

"Dude, we came back from getting the medicine and saw that you had fallen asleep with your head in your hands, sitting up," said Jason between chuckles. "We left to get ready for bed, but when we came back, you were sprawled over Katherine and snoring soundly." By this time, he was laughing so hard he couldn't even speak.

"Why didn't you wake me then?" demanded Aaron.

"Didn't want to interfere with your love life dude," snickered Lucian. My face heated up. Aaron turned bright red. Ashley and Rachel finally burst out laughing.

"Dude, nothing happened last night, I just fell asleep oh my gosh…" Aaron protested. He finally turned to me, but still avoiding my gaze.

"I, uh, I'm sorry Kath," he mumbled. "I guess I was too tired…"

"That's okay," I said, still blushing. "You didn't disturb me or anything."

Indigo walked in through the door. Upon seeing her, Aaron mumbled something about having to use the restroom and pushed past a breathless Lucian and Jason and quickly exited. Indigo looked at us. I swung my legs out from beneath the blanket, glad that I was already dressed.

"Did you finally figure out what happened?" she asked with a smile.

"Yeah…" I said quietly, embarrassed. Lucian and Jason burst out laughing again in that way only guys can.

"You should've seen their faces! Oh my goodness, especially Aaron's!" They were laughing so hard, tears were streaming down their face.

"I'm sure it was very entertaining," said Indigo with a chuckle. But I saw a flicker of something in her eyes. Was it anger? Or hurt?

"Anyway, we should get moving. We need to reach the Northern Mountains before winter sets in, which gives us about four months. Katherine, when you're ready, meet us downstairs for breakfast." With that, Indigo turned around and marched out the door, followed by Lucian and Jason, still chuckling. Ashley and Rachel exchanged a glance before also heading out the door, leaving me alone in the room.

Sighing, I got up and smoothed out the wrinkles in my clothes. I ran a hand through my slightly frizzy hair and retied it into a ponytail. Then I opened the door and stepped through the doorway, only to bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you," I quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry," the other person replied too. Then we took a good look at each other.

"Oh. Aaron. Sorry, I didn't see you," I said, feeling a blush coming on for the second time that day.

"Kath! Oh, um, that's alright. I should've looked where I was headed," mumbled Aaron. "Wanna head down for breakfast before they eat it all?"

"Sure," I forced a small laugh. We found Indigo and the rest of them sitting around a table, already piled with food.

"So, what happened last night?" Lucian waggled his eyebrows at us. Ashley nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. Indigo shot him and Jason a look as she turned to address all of us.

"So we're headed for Strongfair, right?" We all nodded. Ashley passed me a plate of bacon and eggs.

"We've been traveling for almost a month now. We're almost there. Any news of our pursuers?" Indigo asked.

"Not that I have heard of," said Rachel. "I've been keeping up with the local news. Nothing big has happened, though they did mention the invasion of Northbell awhile back. Nothing too big."

"I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing," Indigo murmured. "I hate that we can't keep tabs on our enemy when they could have eyes and ears everywhere to keep track of our moves."

"That's true. We just have to be on our guard, that's all," Jason said.

"So what's the plan, Indigo?" I asked.

"We're leaving after breakfast. We're going to try and reach a place called Queenrise, which I hope will be our last stop before we reach Strongfair. So guys, let's finish up and—"

Indigo was interrupted by the sounds of chaos coming from outside. Many people inside the inn stood up to peer outside the window. Edward burst inside the room, leaving the door swinging. I caught a glimpse of massive movement outside.

"Stay inside! It's not safe outside!" he yelped as some tried to push past him to look outside.

"Why? What's happening outside?" A burly man asked.

"There were horse thieves who were caught last night and put in jail, but they were discovered to be missing this morning. At the same time, the mayor was also found dead. Now someone just shouted that a retired general was murdered too, and apparently people are just dropping dead now!" Edward said breathlessly. "It's like the plague all over again!"

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