

Angelica was terribly nervous. She realized that now she had lost the key of the door to the Kingdom of Night.

"What have I done?" she exclaimed. "I closed the way to the Kingdom with my own hands. Now I will be bound hand and foot!"

The girl jumped up from the chair and began to pace nervously. Little by little she had an idea. She went to the mirror hanging on the wall, and looked at herself critically.

"Of course, it is not a ball dress, but actually not bad… It will be as it is!" finally, she decided.

She did her long hair up and slowly went into the corridor. Seeing that no one was around, Lica walked towards the Goblins' King's room...

Swein had already taken off his jerkin and was reclining on his bed with a book. The girl on tiptoe came in and looked around the room. The stiletto was on the mantelshelf.

"Swein," started Lica with a quiet voice. "I'm so lonely, Swein!"

"Angelica! What are you doing here?" the Goblins' King showed surprise. "A young girl shouldn't come into the man's bedroom."

"I thought that after all the adventures we had, we became friends," said Lica in an offended tone.

"Everything has changed a bit. Now I'm in my own body, and you're going to marry Edward."

"I am not going to marry anybody yet," honestly said Angelica.

She sat on the edge of the bed and said:

"Can I sit with you?"

"Actually, you've already sat," Swein chuckled.

"What are you reading?" she asked, moving closer to the Goblins' King.

"The Book of Destiny! I have to learn a lot in order to help my people."

"I think your people can wait a little," quietly said Angelica, taking the book from Swein.

She closed and threw it in to the opposite side of the bed. Then she leaned over the King, taking his long blonde hair back from his face and kissed him. Swein neither backed off nor moved to Angelica.

"Is he feeling nothing to me?" the girl thought.

She started back and looked into Swein's cold eyes.

"Be careful, Angelica," he said quietly. "I'm not made of iron, and Prince Edward is here."

"You're right, they can see us!" Lica agreed.

She rose and snuffed out almost all candles in the room. The last lit candle was on the mantelpiece, near the stiletto.

Angelica went there and easily snuffed it out too. Now the room was lit only by the firelight. The girl quietly took the stiletto and carried it in a fold of her dress sleeve. At that time, Swein came to her. He turned Angelica around and passionately kissed her.

"Wait, Swein, I think I can hear somebody in the corridor," Lica whispered.

She slipped from Goblins' Kings strong hands and ran out of the room.

"I'll be back soon," she said quietly for the last.

She quickly ran out of the cave, jumped on her horse and rode away. She was racing like a wind; for fear that Swein will catch her and take the stiletto away. Lica was distressed and calmed down only when she saw Prince Night's castle in front.

Angelica left the horse in the stable and rushed to the castle. The Prince Night' servant - Henry had been already meeting her halfway.

"Lica, is that you? I have heard a horse riding and went out to meet! What happened?"

"Henry, let's go into the room with the old mirror. I'll explain you everything by the way!"

The girl told the old man about all her adventures. She told him how she was looking for the Prince's soul, about Margo's ceremony, how Prince Edward and the Goblins' King –Swein were returned to their bodies...

"God be thanked!" Henry was delighted. "All's well that ends well! So tell me, why you are in a hurry now?!"

"Swein decided to take my stiletto, with which I can easily get into your kingdom, and I don't need to wait for you to do that. I have stolen this stiletto and now I want to return home as I think the Goblins' King has already realized that. Of course, he will try to catch me and take the knife away."

"I see," the servant Edward smiled.

They went into the room with an old mirror.

"Henry, I beg you, do not say anything about me neither Edward nor Swein," said Angelica.

"About you? So I haven't seen you here and had no idea where your horse came from!" the old man smiled.

"Thank you!" the girl was happy and hugged the kind servant.

Then she put the stiletto between the mirror glass and wooden frames. A few minutes later the mirror got muddy, and then Lica saw her own room. The girl climbed on the bedside table and took a step forward; not forgetting to take the knife with her.

Angelica jumped down. She looked back and waved to Henry, who smiled at her from the mirror. After that, his image disappeared...

"God, it is not my clothes again!" Lica cried in the hearts. "I must change clothes and hide the dress or my mother will get nervous."

She quickly changed clothes, put the stiletto safely away, and joyfully went to bed.

"So many events!" Angelica thought. "But I 'm so tired. So I will think about it tomorrow!"

And she fell asleep...

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