
The invasion

"Mom, I'm going to the gym!" Lica shouted out.

She took her sport bag and ran out of the house...

After her last return from the Kingdom of Night, first, every night Angelica waited for any news about the Prince from Henry. But time was passing and nothing happened. So the girl day by day came to the normal life.

She finished the school, has entered the University of Languages at the Faculty of Translation and joined two sport sections: Aikido and Fencing.

"Aikido is OK," her mother sighed. "There are lots of hooligans in the streets. But why is Fencing? Are you going to wave with a stick under the offender's nose?"

"Anything can be useful in life!" Lica said smiling.

She remembered clearly how stupid she had looked, swinging her sword in front of the vampires. But six months have passed since that time.

Coming back from the training, she found a note on the kitchen table from her mother:

We are at the Petrovs, in the country. We are going to stay for a night. So do not wait for us!

Have dinner and go to bed!

Your Mom

Next to the note on the table she saw the plate with some cutlets and fries. She ate leisurely and went to her room. Coming to the window, she looked out. The weather was stormy. The wind was whirling last autumn leaves and occasional but large drops of rain began drumming on the glass.

"Well... The sky is overcast, so it's nothing to look at," Lica thought. "I'd rather watch TV!"

But only could she make a couple of steps the light blinked and went out. The wire must have shorted out somewhere.

Angelica went by feel to the kitchen and pulled three thick souvenir candles out of the cupboard. Then she returned to her room, lit the candles and put them on the table. It was very nice.

"Hmm..." Lica said aloud. "I think the evening will be boring! I must do something about it!"

She walked here and there across the room and then went to the wardrobe, as if she had remembered something, and opened it. There on the hangers was that white ball dress in which she had danced at her first ball in the Kingdom of Night. Angelica took it out and carefully removed from the hanger.

"I have to try it on!" the girl decided. "Because I haven't put it on once after the ball!"

She put on her dress and lovely white high-heeled shoes and let her hair.

"Well, now I look just as when I was dancing with Edward for the first time," Lica thought, looking in the mirror.

Remembered the ball, she was dancing around the room, humming a tune. The candles flame was swaying and strange shadows were dancing on the walls and ceiling. Angelica stopped in front of the mirror and laughed merrily at herself.

At this moment the reflection in the mirror suddenly trembled and ran. The girl shook her head and blinked frequency. The reflection became clear again but behind the "mirror" Lica there was not her room but a luxurious hall. There were two armchairs, carved table and a fireplace with merrily burning flame by the wall.

"That's what I call over dancing," Angelica thought.

At this moment her own reflection in the mirror suddenly dimmed and she saw the face of the Prince Night there.

"Well they are hallucinations!" Lica said loudly. "When I touch the mirror, it all will disappear!"

She held out her hand and the Prince did the same. The girl was absolutely sure that she would touch the cold mirror by her fingers. But suddenly she felt the warm touch of the Prince's hand. Angelica screamed and jumped back. The Prince Night grinned, took a step forward and stood on the table. A second later he jumped into Lica's room.

"What a cramped room!" the Prince remarked sarcastically, looking around. "But the atmosphere is very romantic. The bed, the candles and the lovely girl! Are you waiting for someone, Angelica?"

"You! You…" Lica flushed.

She could not find the right words. Finally, she pulled herself together and said:

"You have broken into here, as if it would be your home!"

"Well, let's say I have not broken," the Prince answered. "I just have quietly jumped into your room. What are you so afraid of, my fearless Angelica? We are friends, aren't we?"

"What do you think? I haven't heard from you for ages!" Then out of the blue you have jumped from the mirror and asked me what I was scared of?

"Oh, that's why! And I thought that I had disturbed you. You look as if you are going to the ball. So I decided that you had been waiting for someone."

"For you!" Lica quipped.

"Well, here I am! I am entirely at your disposal."

The Prince slowly moved to the girl and put his hands over her shoulders and pulled her close. He bended forward and stared into her eyes. Angelica could feel his breath near her face. She closed her eyes and froze ready for a kiss. However, the Prince bended even down and whispered in her ear:

"Only first of all, I'd like to discuss something more important..."

Really the fans helped me make the characters so bright!

IRincreators' thoughts
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