
Chapter 26: Meeting Dino

So it's been a week since the whole upgrade seriously the Boosted Gear just keep changing forms. I swear I'm gonna end up with more forms than any fucking Dragon Ball character.

Anyways I'm in the Undead ID with Vongola guardians Reborn is also watching, I was my new DyingWill sneakers, that's what I'm gonna call it. I'm currently using it hover using the flames. This new form was renamed the Boosted Gear Evolution DyingWill or Boosted Gear EDW. I've also almost completed my new Balance breakers forms.

Gokudera:"Let's go Uri." I threw a few bombs at some zombies and skeletons which obliterated them.

Tsuna:"Tch! fast!" Tsuna was fighting a skeleton knight and Licht to Bosses. However a zombie never seen before tried punching Tsuna with a fist covered in dying will flames I however blocked it.

Issei:"You okay lil bro?" I've been calling him that for a while.

Tsuna:"Why did that zombie look like that and why was it using dying will flames?"

Reborn:"It's a Mafioso Zombie."

Issei:"It is the system must have updated which can give me enemies from this world. Observe!"


Zombie Mafioso

Dying Will Flame:Storm

Once a member of a powerful mafia familgia that was destroyed, now brought back due to an evil miasma.(Note:There is a ton of info here even a life before it became a zombie including what it's, wearing even down to it's genetic makeup)


Weakness:Light/Holy Element/Sun Flames]

Issei:"Don't worry I got this!" I summoned a magic which fired spears of light completely erasing all undead. Reborn seeing this kicked me in the head.

Reborn:"Oi Baka-Issei this is for Tsuna and his guardians training don't go over board."

Issei:"Hai hai sensei, by the way did you get into contact with him?" I deactivated hyper dying will mode.

Reborn:"Haven't gotten any confirmation as of yet." Seriously getting hold of that old man must be tough.

Issei:"I have six months in this world so I'll have to make the most of it plus I could just buy a book on how to make my own gear in his style."

Hibari walked over he had visible wounds he was fighting a Paladin, it wasn't easy getting him to join us had to annoy him and then fight him, lost his patients after five days, the other guardians were easy to persuade well we excluded Lambo he's still a kid. The Cloud guardian looked at his hand and clenched it.

Hibari:"To think I could get this strong."

Issei:"Impressive huh!"

Hibari:"Whatever just deactivate this thing so can leave spending time with a crowd like you is nauseating."

Issei:"Alright alright we just have to wait on Chrome and the others to show up." Sheng flew down with Ryohei on his shoulder. He was in Saggitarious mode.

Ryohei:"This thing is awesome to the MAX!" Chrome then showed up with Rio, Meilee and Riza.

Rio:"Yo Issei Chrome-Chan's illusions works on the Zombie's."

Issei:"I see I gained a few levels from some Bosses let's go home. ID Exit!" After we went our separate ways. Like usual I went home with Tsuna and Reborn.

Tsuna:"I can't believe my grades have been improving just by taking off my Dame-Tsuna title and adding points to my Intelligence!" said the ex Vongola Decimo.

Issei:"Hey if it's make you feel better I got Issei's Pervert title which decreased my chances of ever finding a girlfriend and brings up disgust to any normal person. You had it better."

Tsuna:"Oh really atleast you haven't been bullied for it."

Issei:"When you put it like that...."

Issei:"Anyway is your MP still 0."


Issei:"Guess magic doesn't exist in this world, though that's predictable, maybe you could use it like the Sorcerers from the Marvel universe."

Reborn:"Could work though you have no experience in searching for energies from different worlds. Also can you get me some more issues of those comics." sighing I bought him some Marvel and DC comics. He's gotten interested in reading about the diffrent multiverses.

Issei:"Here." I gave it to him and we got home.

-One month two weeks later-

I was in a new ID I bought, a laboratory ID I was doing some alchemy making a new weapon. I haven't gotten confirmation from Reborn as of yet so I'll be waiting on Tolbat if he doesn't show up I'll just buy his knowledge on making Vongola weapons and metal work.

I summoned some magic circle from both my hands I put them in top a giant pot of gold liquid. Runes glowed on the liquid as it slowly splat up in many pieces and took different shapes .

Issei:"Great almost done." I put together all the pieces and it formed a beautiful holy gun it had had black outlines and an amasing aura.

Ddraig:((Hoh! Not bad this gun can match the aura the of the Holy sword Excalibur.))

Ranna:((I've never sensed such mana before amazing!))

Issei:"Now for the Enchantments."

Tsuna was in his room reading one piece he's gained interest in reading manga from Issei's original world.

Tsuna:"The manga from Issei's world is amazing nothing could compare to this." I then burst through the teens door with gun in hand.

Tsuna:"Oi Issei please knock!"

Issei:"Sorry sorry just wanted to show you my new gun." The gun was a rather big pistol similar to Alucard's except slightly longer.

Tsuna:"Amazing I've never felt something like this before."

Issei:"Guess Hyper intuition let you pic up on it that is super OP, and with my already high luck I've been gaining bank at gambling."

Tsuna:"You've been gambling!!!"

Issei:"Of course I have been using it to raise my luck stats and making money I have almost a hundred thousand dollars."

Tsuna:"I've should probably start allocating points into that."

Issei:"Yes you should today's a weekend so let's rest we've been training too much."

Tsuna:"Eh! Why?" Reborn tried kicking off the Tsuna in the head but he dodged.

Tsuna:"Hehe! you can't catch me Reborn."

Reborn:"Not bad Tsuna but...."


He got kicked upside the head this time the blow landed.

Tsuna:"Oh why did that hurt so much?"

Issei:"He's been grinding in secret."


Issei:"Reborn that itches."

Reborn:"Tch! Body made of steel!"

Issei:"Oh hey Steel body leveled up!"


-Dinner time-

The Sawada household is now currently having dinner it was cooked by Mama and I, that's what I'm calling her, I've grown too used to calling her that.

*Ding Dong!* The door bell rang.

Lambo:"Lambo will get it!" the little cow ran off.

Tsuna:"Lambo wait up."

Issei:"Don't worry I got it keep enjoying dinner." I got up set an barrier over my food cuz Reborn might steal it. As I was walking away I could've sworn I heard him tsk.

At the foyer I saw a handsome blond man holding Lambo.

???/Issei:"Who are you?" I of course know who this is, it's Dino one of Reborn's old students.

Later we were at the in Tsuna's room said teen was explaining who I was.

Dino:"Eh! Another universe!"

Issei:"No another multiverse completely."

Dino:"So does Santa clause exist in your world?"

Tsuna:"I don't think he would that sounds too ridiculous hahahah!" laughed the teen even Reborn shook his at the stupidity before going to take a sip at his coffee.

Issei:"About that Santa Claus does exist."

Tsuna:"EHHHHHHHH!!!" Reborn spat his coffee in Tsuna's face.

Tsuna:"You know this would hurt if it weren't for Heat Resistance."

Issei:"God bless the system!"

Reborn:"Isn't he dead in your universe."

Dino:"Eh! Really how?"

Issei:"Long story but your God is probably still alive."

Tsuna:"Eh? Maybe I never thought about it." Tsuna starts panicking.

Tsuna:"Does this mean I have to pray and repent I don't wanna go to hell!"

Issei:"Tsuna I don't think you have to be religious, just live a good life, the God from my original didn't care, he could've just erased us all but he put us through years of war just to throw us in extinction."

Dino:"Okay I'm lost can you explain."

Issei:"*Sigh!* Here goes."

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