
The Final Judgement

The Final Judgement was a time when the thought of supernatural beings roaming the earth was punishable by death, a time when the lands and mankind's greed had not reached a peak.

It was a simpler time when technology did not inhibit the thought processes of man as they were far more in-tuned with nature than they are in modern times.

The collection of the Final Judgement varied, some believed it to be the work of a demon but others believe it to be the story of a man that got his hands on more power than he can handle.

But what was the accurate recollection? This is one of the many stories of the Final Judgement.

"Ah! this sucks!" A young boy vented his frustration, he had been scribbling something on the ground but the rain that began falling soon after ruined it.

This pale-skinned boy went by the name Michael, he was aged 11.

"I told you it was going to rain," A young girl of the same age and ethnicity said, she went by the name of Rachel.

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