
Pre-Exam (1)

The day had come to depart, Kwan and Cho helped Byung pack his luggage. They did not follow him to the airport as per his request, Hayoon came to the house to see him off as well.

He said his farewell but funny enough, he did not know the venue or where he was going but this was not his concern as the costs were already taken care of and he just wanted to leave South Korea to experience a different country and culture.

Taka drove him to the airport and wished him luck, there he met the 7 Lights of Anarchy but he saw neither Alora nor Dong-Soo there which was strange because it was to his knowledge that everyone would be participating but there was no time to question or delay as they all boarded the plane.

Byung was giddy, this was his first time on a plane and he liked the feeling. He sat by the window and the moment the plane left the ground, he felt a sensation in his stomach as it tightened up.

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