
Chapter 17

As Alice and her companion disappeared in the darkness, Mitch didn't know where to go now. It seemed that this town wasn't small at all, and Linda could have gone anywhere. But something inside him was telling that he could find some answers in the hospital. Mitch didn't remember its name, but when he looked at the map last time, it kind of reminded him of the word "alchemy" or something. He checked the photos he made of the map which said he had to move just straight forward along Sandford Street, then turn left to Riverside Drive and continue north to Crichton Street. The hospital named "Alchemilla" is right where Crichton Street meets Koontz Street, so he shouldn't miss that turn.

Approaching the corner of Crichton and Koontz streets, Mitch suddenly heard a sound that made him stop where he was. It sounded like growling of some kind of animal and was following him from behind. Mitch shone the light of his phone to the direction of the sound and it took him strength to keep himself from losing consciousness. The source of growling sound was a creature he had never seen before in his life. Generally it resembled a dog, but the word "hellhound" would be the best to describe what was standing before him. The creature's body looked like if it was wrapped in filthy, torn gauze, but that's not what made Mitch shiver before it. It was the face of the being, if it could be even called a face. The dog's snout was literally sliced in two halves, bloody insides visible, and each half had rows of sharp teeth in its mouth. The monstrous hound sniffed the air, and when it felt the presence of a human being before it, the creature howled, and after a few moments there could be more growls heard gathering around. Having no better idea, Mitch chose to run for it, and, as expected, the hellhounds started following him, their growling behind his back becoming louder with every second. Seeing the gate to the hospital being slightly ajar, he rushed inside, slamming the rusty gates right before the hounds could get to him. The demonic dogs couldn't break through the gates, but there was no way back, so Mitch went to the main entrance. He knew he was trapped here, and hoped that after some time these abominations would finally lose interest and leave.

Entering the hospital, Mitch saw that inside it wasn't different from what he saw outside. It looked like true hell, just like the whole damned town. He could only wonder what Linda had to do with all this hellhole, but continued the way inside nonetheless. After all, he didn't have much choice.

Mitch tried to step as quiet as possible, being afraid to attract the attention of any creature that might roam around the hospital. He wasn't sure though whether there were any monsters inside the building, but in this world of hell, they might be everywhere. Also, he understood that he had to find something he could use for protection. Not always he would be that lucky to run away unharmed, so finding some weapon was number one priority.

So far, the only door that Mitch could get through was the door to the on-call room, other ones being locked. He began to search it, but still nothing he could find that might serve as a weapon. This was the room where the hospital staff could rest during their shift, but this was of no help to Mitch now. There were two doors leading out of here, and he decided to check the one on the left first. It was open as well which was good. Thinking logically, Mitch concluded that this was the administration office, as the second door, if it could be opened, led to the reception, but it was firmly locked. The only thing that caught Mitch's attention was a tool box on the table. He opened it and searched through the little amount of tools available until he found a wrench that was longer that the ones he used to see and heavier as well. Mitch decided to take it with him for now. At least it was better than nothing.

Returning to the on-call room, he tried the other door which was also open and led to a small room with closets full of different medicine. Deciding he didn't need any of these now, and that medicine was unfamiliar to him, Mitch just went through the door in the other end of the room and got into the hallway. As he wandered through the otherworldly version of the hospital, the room had no names on them. At least, nothing was visible. As before, Mitch began checking every door, starting from the furthest one on the right, finding it locked. The next door happened to be open, and it appeared to be another room for resting, and it looked the least demonic of all the room he has seen so far. It even looked relatively cosy, comparing to the rest of the hospital. There were two sofas on both sides of a coffee table, several bookshelves by different walls. In general, there was nothing out of ordinary, apart from being a part of Otherworld. Not finding anything of interest here, Mitch tried the door on the right. Opening it, he felt he got into a different version of this hell he was already in. The light in this large room was literally red like nowhere else he had been so far. As he stepped inside, he heard his own feet stepping on something metallic, and when Mitch looked down, he realized he was standing on metallic bars that served as the floor. More than that, this "floor" was maybe one or two meters wide, and in the middle of the room there was a huge pit. Stepping to the edge, Mitch looked down, but saw nothing but blackness. It looked like endless abyss, and he wondered whether it had a bottom or not, but he definitely wasn't going to check it out.

At first sight the room seemed empty, and beside the abyss in the middle and crimson light, there was nothing special about it. But when Mitch lifted his head up, he noticed something that made his blood turn cold. He was not alone in this room. On the left wall, so high that no human being could reach, there was a creature stuck to the wall and was spinning some kind of a valve. It looked humanoid as far as Mitch could distinct, but it was hard to tell in details. What surprised him most was that how this thing could stick to that wall without falling down. It seemed like this monster broke all the laws of gravity. But, on the other hand, in a place like this anything could be possible, even the absence of gravity.

And then, like feeling that someone was looking at it, the creature stopped its business and turned its head towards Mitch. Seeing that he had been spotted, Mitch was preparing to run back through the door he came in, but in the same second, the monster jumped down on the barbed floor and stood before the frightened man. Now Mitch could see what kind of being he was facing. The monster seemed to be male and dressed in some kind of robe which was filthy, probably smeared with what appeared to be dried blood. He wore gloves as well, as bloody as his robe, and wore black boots. All in all, his body seemed pretty muscular, but the main thing that stood out was the lack of face, or, to be precise, head covered with some leather or God knows what else. Mitch couldn't comprehend how this creature could even see, but it obviously wasn't blind if it noticed a human's presence. And now it was more than clear that it was staring right at Mitch.

The monster stood motionless for a few moments, as so did Mitch. Both were studying each other, or so it seemed. Finally the faceless humanoid started walking towards the man with slow, unhurried steps.

"Stay back!" Mitch tried to sound threatening, but his voice was shaking. "You hear me? Don't you dare to come closer!"

He lifted the wrench, trying to emphasize the seriousness of his intentions, but all his attempts didn't seem to affect the monster in any way, shape, or form. Instead, the creature continued approaching him, and Mitch swung his poor excuse of a weapon for a blow. Suddenly the monster moved so rapidly that Mitch didn't even manage to react, and grabbed his arm, making the man drop the wrench. Not leaving him any chances, the faceless creep grabbed Mitch's throat with its other hand, lifting him into the air. Mitch struggled, trying to break free from the monster's grip, but the creature was too strong. When Mitch began feeling the lack of air in his lungs, the monster lifted him above his head with the help of his other hand, holding the man now in horizontal position. It was surprising how easily he could lift an adult man, like he weighed not more than empty cardboard box. Mitch feared of what this abomination was going to do, but when the monster walked to the edge of the abyss, his intentions became clear at once.

"Please, no!" Mitch pleaded. "Don't throw me there! Please!"

But it changed nothing. The monster made it clear that Mitch's pathetic cries and pleadings meant nothing to him. Besides, he knew that this particular person is a sinner and deserved punishment. The executioner will take care of him later. All comes in time.

With this thought, the monster threw Mitch down without mercy. He yelled his lungs out while falling down the seemingly bottomless abyss, right into the embrace of darkness.

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