
plan , genjutsu

after I calmed myself down with great difficulty , I started thinking about what to do in these 2 months seriously. I quickly made plans which were .

1. substitute nami with my transformed shadow clone

2. go to karakura town and train ichigo

3. use tsukuyomi on nami and try to cure her depression.

after a while , captain came back and told me that namis health was not good . I was angry again but calmed down because to execute my plans secretly required focus . I then quickly told my plans to replace nami and use tsukuyomi on her to captain . he already knew about tsukuyomi from rukia .

- hahahahahaha, little Ken you are a genius. haha such good plans . but be careful of aizen as he would be more careful during these 2 months and monitor us to make sure his plans dont ho bad . hahaha, , .. little Ken you know , I am proud of you . go and and rescue our little nami now .

I quickly reassured captain and dissapeared and appeared inside sokyoku cell using kamui .

- ( funny face ) blahs.. little little nami oh little nami, your lieutenant came to save you Haha Haha.

I then ignored the bewildered nami and kocked out her out before she could say anything. I quickly made a wood clone that transformed into nami and used kamui to go back inside captains office with orginal nami .

we instantly arrived and I winked lightly at my captain to signal him that everything was safe .I used the wood clone instead of shadow clone because wood ones were more durable and didn't vanish after a couple of fatal hits . I then went inside my kamui dimension with captain where knocked out nami was lying .

I then woke nami up , startling her . I didn't blame her because anyone would be surprised in her situation. she then started crying realizing that she was safe and would not die.

- ( angry ) do you think your captain and I would let our little nami die . hahahhaha .. dont worry now everything is ok dear ( hugging her lightly)

my captain nodded at my words and let nami cry for a while so that the stored up fear and frustration would wash away with the tears . after half an hour we dediced it was time and I looked at namis eyes ignoring the blushing nami and my eyes transformed into EMS. I casted tsukuyomi and took nami in my world where 100 days equal I second outside.

- little nami this is my world where I am God and can do anything . here 100 days equal to 1 second outside. I will now show you your memories and you will decide what's important to your heart and steel your mind to protect it . little nami you told me that you like rukia and her character , you see I also helped her find her heart before you came . after that she decided to become a strong person to protect her loved ones . now let's start .

after introducing tsukuyomi to her , I played her memories fast forward. her now dead parents , childhood , academy, friends , 13 division etc , I showed her everything multiple times and observed her changing expressions. in time she also realised the brainwashing from aizen and broke the illusion with her strong will . after 300 days in there , I cancelled tsukuyomi which brought us back in my kamui dimension.

captain was satisfied after seeing now strong personality of nami and clear eyes filled with ambition and conviction . nami had now steeled her resolve and possessed the heart of the strong like rukia . after laughing for some time , I left my dimension with captain leaving nami in there .

after we came back to captains office , we discussed plans for future. captain decided to let nami remain inside kamui dimension as it was one of the safest places . there she would train for 2 months as it was very large space suitable for training. we decided to not inform our division of the recent events and wait quietly the day of execution .

Next chapter