


''Yuri!'' Kolya screamed as Gregory, Ivan, and Diego held their assault rifles firmly. ''Get in the boat!''

''No'' I gripped my M4 carbine. We hid inside the warehouse for our enemies to come but after a few more gunfire, still silence dominated the waves on our earpieces.

''Informe de estado'' Diego's voice filled the airwaves. (status report)

''alguien está aquí señor'' one of his men outside answered for us but we can hear continued thuds and grunts on the other line. (someone is here, Sir)

Someone was speaking in Italian and I have a pretty good idea who attacked us. The man was begging for his attacker to stop but we heard screams of agony and pain before complete silence befalls again.

''I'll go scan the area'' Ivan spoke and didn't wait for my approval. My team knew their jobs and they did not need to be told. Gregory walked out of the warehouse after three minutes. ''All clear but bloody,'' Ivan informed us.

''This is a big mess'' Gregory muttered and we walked out of the warehouse still on guard. We can never be careless in this kind of job.

The fearful moonlight illuminated the area where we saw Diego's wounded men but alive. The guys with black masks - all twelve of them - were not as lucky. Crimson liquid covered the gravel path and the metallic smell of blood was mixing with the ocean breeze.

We used the flashlight of our phones to see the outcome of this mess and it was blood-curdling.

''Who the fuck did this?'' Kolya murmured warily. All their throats were sliced and their eyes were still wide and awake, showing the fear that they felt before they died.

''Let's just be thankful that this isn't us lying there'' Diego said a silent prayer as he held his mother's rosary in his palms.

''Find out anything you can and get the sweeper in here quickly'' I ordered them and tended to Diego's men's wounds. They were all alive but most of them will stay in bed for a good two weeks. Broken bones and gunshot wounds were most of their injuries but not lethal.

''Did you get any info on the assailant?'' I asked Kolya as we rode the elevator to the suit. It was two in the morning and my body was tired but most of all, my mind was exhausted.

''Nothing much'' we stepped out of the lift and went inside the suit. ''Just that he didn't use any weapon aside from knife.''

''We need to go back to New York tomorrow before this gets out of hand'' Kolya nodded and I entered my room.

Angel's sleeping figure on my bed made my heartbeat. I almost forgot about her, the realization that I almost died tonight was as clear as the day filled my mind. After taking a shower and cleaning my body from the blood, I changed clothes and laid beside Angel.

I scooped her closer to me, careful not to wake her up.

''Did you just get back?'' she spoke in a broken voice, she stirred to face me when I didn't speak. ''Everything okay with your deal?'' she asked, placing her hands on my cheeks. Her apricot soap does wonders to my senses, it relaxes my body and mind.

''Yeah'' I kissed her forehead. ''Get some sleep.''

She buried her face on my chest wrapping her arms around my waist. ''It's going to be okay.''

For a millisecond before I drift to oblivion, I'd like to believe her words. I got lucky tonight that somehow, someone interfered with the Italian attack on our trade. If not, I would be six feet under by now.


The bright sun rays kissing my cheeks was irritating my eyes, I covered my face with the pillow beside me but it smelled like Angel.

Oh, right. Angel was on my bed for two nights but I still haven't made it to second base with her and were going separate ways already. Funny how I can control my urge to fuck her since I met her in Las Vegas.

I groped for her but she wasn't beside me. I forced my eyes to open and searched for any signs of her but she was not in my room anymore. As I walked out of my room, I was met with the sweet aroma of waffles and coffee.

Angel was moving carefree around the kitchen barefoot and she was wearing one of my shirts. What a pretty sight.

Kolya walked out the same time as me rubbing his eyes, he stopped on his track just like me, ogling the barefoot lady in the kitchen.

''Hey guys'' Angel greeted us but Kolya was the one who responded to her.

''Good morning milady'' my best friend faked a curtsy that made Angel giggle.

''I hope you don't mind. I borrowed your shirt last night'' she whispered as Ivan and Gregory took their seats at the dining table.

''He doesn't mind Angel'' Kolya butted in. ''In fact, he was dreaming about it since he met you.''

I threw a death glare towards him but he just shrugged it off. ''I don't mind at all. What time is your flight?''

''Seven p.m. that's the cheapest flight I caught'' she explained while finishing her food.

''Can I have we spend the rest of the day together?''

We did just that. We went to the corners of Seville that Angel hasn't seen before. It was fun, I haven't dated anyone in a while and when I mean date, the end should be in bed but it was different with her. Her company was enough to satisfy my cravings for her.

Diego drove us to the airport and I insisted that Angel bring all the clothing and shoes we bought for her. It was hard saying goodbye to her.

''Can I see visit you in L.A. next week?'' I pulled her in my arms.

''I don't know my schedule yet'' she murmured on my chest.

''I'll call you''

''Okay.'' Before I sent her off, I claimed her lips for a soft gentle kiss which she returned with equal fervor.

She bid goodbye to Kolya, Gregory, Ivan, and Diego before giving me one last glance. Her eyes were different, those brown irises were staring at me like she'll never see me again, or was it just my imagination.

''You're whipped'' my best friend teased me as we boarded my private plane. ''Someone's grumpy'' he murmured while sipping his whisky.

''Shut up will you'' I hissed but Kolya just laughed at me. Taking out my Glock 19, I removed the safety and aimed at my amused friend. ''or I'll put a bullet between your eyes.''

''I'll be the next in line'' Gregory murmured, earning a sharp glare from Kolya.

Ivan focused his attention back on the book in his hand. Ivan wasn't much of a talker, the exact opposite of Kolya but I grew fond of him and Gregory. They know me very well and they've been working for me for more than ten years now. Dad trained me young in this business – me and my older brother Alex – but when Alex died, he named me his successor and second in command.

''Kids'' I murmured as I checked my phone for any message from Angel. Maybe she's not much of a phone person, I rarely see her holding her phone when we're together. I plan to call her when the plane lands in New York.


The cold dripping drops of the shower on my body isn't helping ease the hard-on I have. My hand and images of Angel in my mind isn't enough to satisfy my craving for her anymore.

What the hell is happening to me? I've never wanted anyone this way before. Those hazel eyes of hers, plump lips, and petite curvaceous figure, - fuck! - were engraved in my mind.

"Pochemu ty nichego ne mozhesh' nayti o ney?" I hissed at Gregory. (Why can't you find anything about her?)

"I fucking gave you everything that you need!" I stood up from my office chair "You even have her DNA for fucks sake!"

It's been two days since I last saw Angel. There has been no communication between us since. I tried calling her, hell I even sent Ivan to check the address we found on her ID in Seville but she wasn't there, no Rian Luis ever set foot in that apartment.

The report Kolya gave me about her background vanished like ashes into thin air. She doesn't work for the publishing company and they are denying their claims before. I knew something was up with her yet I was blinded by lust.

Gregory was silent while I scolded him. It's one of those things only he can do. He can tolerate my anger like a fucking wall and show no emotion. Sometimes it's good but most of the time it's irritating.

I fisted the collar of his dress shirt, lifting him off of the floor, pressing my Colt Walker on his temple.

My trusted man gave me a blank expression while I threatened his life.

Kolya snickered wholeheartedly and I gave him a death glare. "It's fun to see you like this, Yuri" he was holding his stomach in amusement while shaking his head.

I realized that I was losing my temper over some girl. My grip on Gregory loosen and he gasped for air.

"Ubiraysya!'' I dismissed him, he was gone at lightning speed. (Get out)

Kolya was shaking his head while his laughter toned down. "What does a person have to be to hide his identity from us?" He placed his hand on his chin as if thinking deeply. That's exactly my question but I stayed silent. "No one can hide from us unless they're in the world down under or..." He gave me a knowing grin. When I didn't respond, he continued. "…she's from the government." It wasn't a question anymore. He's stating facts that I can't accept.

She can't be. I refuse to believe that my Angel belongs to any family in this society or from the government. That would make it impossible to see her again or worse, it could put my family in danger.

In my mind, Angel is still innocent. She was just at the wrong place at the wrong time but Kolya's theory makes sense.


The ball at Alejandro's New York palace is one of the most anticipated nights in the underworld. This kind of event gathers all the most powerful people in the world bizarrely. Friends, enemies, rivals whatever we call ourselves, each of us put our best foot forward.

Alejandro Arthur, Italian mafia Don, greeted my father and me as we entered the ball.

Italian scum, as father has described him to me since I was younger. An old man in his late fifties, almost the same age as Dad. His gray hair is what stands out to me. Only now, I noticed how gray his hair is. Like Angels.

If it was up to me, I would never set foot on this traitor's territory, after that stunt he pulled on us in Seville, I don't even want to breathe the same air he does.

''How have you been, Laskin'' he held out his hand. His oldest son Alonso was behind him and held out his hand to Dad and me.

''I've been better, Arthur. I've heard about all the attacks on your warehouses'' Dad has a fake concern in his voice.

Alejandro chuckled ''it's a child act if you ask me. What can they gain in bombing small warehouses? If they have the balls to challenge me, they better do it face to face like a man.''

He had always been a proud man. His organization lost billions of euros in those attacks and he acts like he didn't care at all.

''I hope so. You've always been a friend to me. Just tell me if I can help in any way'' Dad offered and walked on.

We met our other partners and friends in business, Dad mentioned to them that he will soon be retiring and introduced me as his successor. It's one of the reasons why we attended this event, to stabilize connection. The Russian Mafia is still the most powerful group up to date because of Dad's hard work but he always told me that being powerful is nothing if you don't have loyal alliances.

Our last stop is with Senator Eugene Miller. Word on the street is that he is running for presidency that's why he is being sociable with the likes of us. He needs our financial support and he promises us protection from the government, not that we need any of that.

''This is my daughter Alice'' he introduced the blond lady beside him.

''This is my son Yuri. He will soon be taking over my business, Senator'' Dad introduced me to them.

''Nice meeting you, Sir'' I held out my hand for a shake to the senator. ''Nice to meet you Ms. Miller'' I held out my hand. I lifted her hand and kissed the back of it.

''Please. Call me Alice, Yuri'' she said tucking her hair behind her ears. Her voice is like the sound of a car honking in the break of dawn. Broken. It irritates my ears.

''Your son is very much like you Alek. Perhaps we should talk somewhere...'' I didn't hear what he told Dad because he guided him out of the ballroom.

I ordered Kolya to follow Dad with two of our men. I have to stay here in the hall to keep an eye on Alejandro. He had always been aiming targets at Dad since I was younger that's why I don't trust him, even at this full-packed event.

''Yuri'' Alice purred beside me wrapping her arms around mine. ''Let's dance?''

I didn't like her scent. She smells like fermented roses but I have to make a good impression on her father. I guided her to the dance floor. I snaked one arm around her waist and the other held her hand.

She was so talkative like Kolya, I can tolerate my best friend's voice but not hers. I just wanted to put a gun inside her mouth to keep her from talking. She was batting her fake eyelashes like she's having a panic attack and I felt her fake nails digging through my tux. Her lips are so full like she just had them pulled by a truck and kept them swollen.

How I wish Angel was here. I'm comparing all the girls I met with her and it's not doing anything good to me.

My eyes roam around the ballroom looking for Alejandro. He is nowhere in sight and it alerted me. I told Alice that I have a very important call to make so I had to go somewhere quiet. She asked me if she could come but I told her I would be back in no time.

I walked to one of the balconies and tried calling Kolya to warn him. He didn't answer but he sent me a message that Dad is fine and he had it under control. I instructed Gregory to locate Alejandro and I'm glad that he was in his bedroom with a whore. That old man is such a dirty man-whore at his age. I'm glad that my Father is nothing like him.

I was about to walk back into the ballroom when my eyes caught something I never expected to see. I looked to my right and I found her. Angel. She was wearing a waitress uniform and I briskly walked in her direction. Our eyes met but she instantly walked the other way. I followed her through the crowd but I lost her in the hallway.


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