


Killing Steven isn't part of my plans. He stumbled on something he shouldn't have; he was a great loss in the community of assassins; I think.

I plan on lying low in Las Vegas for a few days before attacking the Italian Mafia's warehouse near the deserts of Nevada. I knew the departed assassin was suspecting me for blowing up ten of the Italian warehouses but unlucky for him; he doesn't have proof, or never will he ever have proof in that matter.

Poor guy.

I was walking barefoot on the streets of the city from Zion's lame party. A kind of party that men like the host, a mafia royal, was eager to go to. The smell of coke, ecstasy, crystal meth, boomers was invading my nostrils the moment I stepped in. The place was crawling with cold-blooded killers, maniacs, and power greedy people from the underworld. I've always wondered why the girls in that party didn't seem to notice that they are putting themselves as a lure to those blood-sucking man-whores. Well, maybe they do, but they're just too naïve to act on it. By being in that place, they are ensuring a resting place six feet under.

Since I left Waldorf, four men have been on my trail. Not regular men, but not assassins. Mafia? Must be some of Yuri's men. He was good-looking and all but stupid. Using his assets in stalking a poor little, not so sexy, girl like me.

Obviously, he doesn't know who I am, and I'd like that to stay that way.

I turned right on the dead-end alley, opened the metal door, and took the elevator to the top floor. This is an abandoned apartment building, but I made the elevators work for the meantime in case something like this happens.

I took my go-bag hidden in the garbage bin and changed into much more comfortable clothing than this skimpy white dress. Wearing a mask and gloves, I waited for the men trailing me on the tenth floor. The lights are out on this floor and I hear their footsteps closing in.

They were mumbling in Russian, and luckily for them, I understood their conversation clearly. I was right; they are Yuri's men. They are talking about bringing the boss's angel?

What the fuck. Angel? Really?

One man walked through my right, and I quickly arm locked him from behind. After thirty seconds, he was unconscious. I dragged him to the corner to hide his body from his friends. Another man on my left, I used my steel stick, striking his temple and down again.

These bastards' moves like retards.

The missing presence of their companions alerted the two remaining men, and I prepared myself for hand to hand combat. I used my steel stick again, but this time, the Russian caught it with ease.

A wicked smile played on his lips, and I used the shelves on my sides for support. I walked on them, letting him be my anchor, and the man's eyes widened.

Letting hold my stick for me, I pinned him on the wall with my light force. I'm not the strongest fighter, but my speed makes up for it. I pushed the pressure point of his neck, chest, and head. He looks dizzy, but that's not enough. I need him unconscious. I took the stick from his hand and struck him in his throat and temple.

Three down, one to go. I was caught off guard by the last Russian when he pointed a gun at my back. He must be the leader of this team. I didn't hear him walking behind me. I let go of the third man and he fell on the ground like a log.

He cursed under his breath in Russian, and I was hoping I didn't understand a thing because he just called me a dickless mutt.

In a swift move, I ducked my body with my foot meeting his crotch and my knuckles met his face.

Who's the mutt now, Russian Turnip.

He grunted in pain, but he recovered in seconds. I wanted to strike him again in the face, but he was fast for a big guy. He got a hold of my neck and lifted me from the floor, choking me in the process. I held his arm and pulled myself up, snaking my feet in his arms to reach his neck in a leg lock, returning him with the pressure he is giving my throat.

His hand loosen in mine, but I tightened my leg's grip on his neck. He was coughing and turning red. I kicked him one more time when he was on the floor, my foot landing on his face, and I saw blood pouring down his nose.

Russian turnip made me sweat more than killing Steven.

I walked to the exit route on the rooftop, to my getaway car two blocks away from that condemned building. I have to hastily finish my task in this city. Yuri's men will be after me in a few hours. I drove two hours straight, parking my car two miles away from the Italian warehouse. The car won't be a problem, the asset will take care of it before the sun rises.

I ran through the desert and a good thing it's nighttime. It is still hot, but tolerable. I ran for an hour straight with the C4 explosives on my bag. Taking a few deep breaths, I entered their territory. They are more alert now than my first two attacks.

They have K9 units and patrol around the vicinity even at one in the morning. I evaded their searchlights and hid in the sewer, rubbed animal dung under my shoes to avoid the sniffing dogs, planting bombs along the way. It's unnecessary to place all the bombs in the warehouse, few C4 and leaking gasoline from their cars is enough.

My plan worked perfectly, as always. I stood 100 yards away from the warehouse as I watched it burn embers. The smell of burning coke is making me nauseous. I run to the dessert again, chasing the sun before it rises.

At four am, I was on the highway on foot, hoping to find a ride. After changing into sweatshirt, jeans with my favorite purple high cut Converse, I started walking. I've been on foot for about an hour now and no car has given me a ride yet. I'm thirsty, but finishing the mission must come first.

Alas, an old Dodge stopped for a hitch and I quickly slid on the passenger side, thanking the driver while buckling the seat belt.

''Are you lost?" The driver's deep voice asked.

I turned to look at him, only to see Yuri freaking Laskin as the driver. Son of the Russian Mafia leader Alek Laskin. He smiled at me wickedly.

Does he know?

I knew I have a great alibi in all my jobs, and I played the innocent girl card.

''Yeah," I smiled sweetly. ''My friends dared me to escape the highway until seven. Thanks for coming to my rescue.''

What the hell is he doing here alone? They do not leave Mafia leaders and their heirs alone, unguarded.

''My pleasure, Angel," he glanced at me and back to the road.

''I'm not Angel, Sir," I said sheepishly. What the hell? He has given me a nickname already. Do all their human trafficked girls get a nickname?

''You look like an Angel," he teased. ''I'm Yuri.''

''Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Rian." I know I got this act perfectly, but my heart is beating above the speed limit at the moment.

''Nice to meet you, Angel.''

I giggled like a flirt and decided to stay quiet. It is better this way. I would kill for a cup of black coffee now. The lack of sleep for three days straight is keeping up with me as the wind from his open window brushes my face.

''Let's have coffee," he said in a monotone, as if reading my thoughts. He didn't wait for my answer and parked his car in front of Gas 'n Sip.

I needed this, so I followed him inside. He walked to the aisle where instant coffees are and grabbed two.

''Sandwich?" he asked me in front of the chiller.

My stomach growled in answer, and he chuckled. Not the fake ones, but a genuine laugh. I felt my face hot, and I turned away from him, saying that I will get a table for us. There were no customers at the store, and my excuse was so lame.

He took the seat in front of me a few minutes later with our food. He handed me a cup of coffee and I took a sip. As soon as it kissed my taste buds, I closed my eyes and let out a moan. I know what I'm doing is lame, but I have to act like an innocent girl.

I know Yuri is testing me, and I can't have the Russian mafia after my ass.

I opened my eyes, and I was met with his emerald studying irises. His gaze is so piercing that I feel like he can see me behind my mask.

"Sorry," I sheepishly tucked my hair behind my ears.

"It's fine, Angel," he said smoothly.

If I didn't know him, I wouldn't have thought that he is Russian. His accent is fluid American. His chiseled jaw resembles a Greek God's features, his lips are so much rosier than mine, his wavy inky hair highlighted his handsome features even more. I wonder how it would feel under my grasp.

Stop dreaming, Andi!

I lowered my head when I realized that I was staring at him for too long now.

"What do you do, Angel?" he broke the long awkward silence. At least for me - it was awkward.

"I travel, mostly," I said with all honesty. It's hard not to lie in this line of work, but I promised to never lie.

"You're not in school?" wow. Just wow. He is so good at acting just like me. I shake my head no. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen," I replied honestly again. "You?"

"I'm twenty-five. I help my father run a small family business." That should sound good, but I know otherwise. Family business, my ass.

''That's nice. Is that why you and your friend are in Vegas?''

"Yes. We ran into some problem last night, but it was all taken care of."

I bet he was talking about me. Poor Russians. They must hate me so much for what I did to them.

"Where are you headed today?" he asked again.

Yuri is not the kind of person who asks anything, but I know why he is asking too many questions. He probably searched for me, checked my background, but he will not find any. I'm a freaking ghost and I don't fucking exist in this world.

"New York," was my honest response, but not after I go to Houston and San Diego.

"We are headed there too. Would you like to hitch a ride on my jet?" his monotone is so freaking amazing and I love it already. If this guy is not in the mafia, I would practically beg him to take me with him.

"I'm meeting a friend at the airport. I'm sorry, but thank you for the offer," I sounded desperate in my ears.

We were silent the whole ride to the city; I asked Yuri to drop me off at the mall where I will meet a friend of mine. In this story, which is unlikely true, I am a friendly person. I have friends, not more than the fingers in my hand, and they are enough for me.

I was glad that Yuri asked no more questions, although I know that this is not the last time I'm seeing him. Maybe he was planning something to trap me, to catch me in the act. Little did he know that I'm one step ahead of him.


I walked to a payphone by the mall parking lot, dialed Sin's number, and I was given a combination for a locker by a public high school. I took two cabs to get to the school in case Yuri's men were following me. A black JanSport bag was in place in that locker, I took it and headed to the airport.

They placed a fake passport and a ticket to New York in the small pocket of the bag. The ticket puzzled me, but I followed it anyway. I have to follow the instructions before asking questions. I trust my team... with my life.

I boarded the one p.m. flight with ease. The flight attendant showed me to first class, and I felt that something was wrong.


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