
The shadows

[Ping! The host learned shadow magic <Divine magic>]

. . .



[Host: Xavier Xanerz]

[Magic Rank: Myth (mystic) stage 1]

[System Points: 111,581,000]

[Skills: Spiritual Mediation, The 9 sword paths, Th blue demon flame, the red demon flame, the purple demon flame, Cloak of Healing, Cloak of speed, a Lightning storm of gods, Aura of the undead's, Hells wall, Lightning forming, Fire forming, chain of hells, Dark sealing, sealing of the darkness, chains of darkness)

[Bloodline: The Shadow Dragon Phoenix]

[Bloodline Skills:

Dragon's Wrath 6/9

Dragon Wings 2/5

Dragon Body 7/9

Dragon Skin 2/5

Dragon eye 3/3

Dragon God (Transformation Ultimate) 2/3

Soul Transfer 4/5

Raising the dead 8/10

Obsessed Army 5/5

Dead pets 4/5

The Call of the Devil 5/5

Fallen soldiers 5/5

The birth of hell 6/6

Necromantic abyss 2/3

Titan of Doom (Ultimate)] 3/3

Call of the Phoenix 2/5

Dome of life 2/4

Fireball of destruction 4/5

The Phoenix that rises from ashes 1/3 [(Ultimate)]


Shadows: A divine race created by the God of death to show his respect and might to *** and to protect his lover God of *****, the shadows will protect the ones you love without being noticed, the shadows lurk in the darkness to protect their master and the ones they are tasked to protect. Shadows are the strongest form undead, they regenerate automatically as long as the host has enough mana. No one except Xavier Xanerz, ****, and the God of shadows can use this divine magic.

New Bloodline skills:

Shadow beasts: Create 6 normal-grade shadow beasts.

rank: Legendary

health: 1,000,000

abilities; hide in shadows, split in 2 (Activate this ability and the strength of the magical beast will also split) <More abilities will add if the Host gets stronger>

Mana cost: 3,000,000

Shadow theft: Extract the shadow of someone or something, the shadow of the person will be the double of the strength of the original person before they turned to a shadow. Max summons: 10, mana cost: 2,000,000

The General (high-grade shadow): Summon 1 king grade shadow that will lead your shadows in battle!

Mana cost: 7,000,000

Rank: Myth (Lower stage)

Health: 20,000,000

Ability: Hide in the shadows, mental destruction (The shadow enters the mind of his enemy and can read his mind and soul after that the person will be crippled )

shadow summon: Summon 3 shadows of the normal-grade.

More abilities will be unlocked while the host gets stronger!

(Info! The shadows won't disappear; they will join in the shadow of the host and want for the next command!)

[Mana: 11,000,000]

[HP: 1,800,000]

"Amazing!" Xavier thought when he looked at those stats! Thanks to him receiving the last part of the true inheritance all his stats improved greatly!

Xavier was back in his palace and was now in his training hall.

"Shadow beasts come forth!".

[Shadow beast was activated: 3,000,000 mana removed]

And all of them came out of his shadow, they looked fiersome, he had no words, on top of that these beasts were in the Legendary ranks!

The first beast was a male alpha lion over 3 meters tall and 2 meters wide. It was a monster, his eyes were blue and his mane was completely black it looked more like a monster that eats souls than like a lion.

The others were also lions; they were all black and had blue or red eyes; they were all over 2 meters and all of them had a cold dark aura. their fangs were sharp and could pierce strong armor like it was nothing, they were true killing machines!

Their leader was the alpha lion but they would listen to every command Xavier gave them.

Xavier had goosebumps when he stood in front of them.

"Amazing! I need to test those things!" Xavier said with a bright smile.

"Attack me with all your power!" Xavier ordered them.

But they didn't move an inch.

[Ping! Shadows can't attack their master or else they would either die than attack, they are the most loyal creatures that exist and would do everything for their master the same for the four Apocalyptic riders!]


The alpha lion went to him and bowed.

[Ping! The shadow wants a name to please give him a name!]

"Leobras (1)"

[Ping! The creature was renamed]


The lion roared and now above his head, a name popped up.

[Name: Leobras]

"Wow that's cool" Xavier felt like a child when he experimented with his new skills. He was happy that he could reach that stage thanks to the gods, but now he had to climb up the ladder by himself.

"It's time to call forth the first general of my army." Xavier said and took a deep breath.

"My shadow general come forth!" Xavier said and then. .


"Fuck! Where a-" Xavier suddenly kneeled down and said

"my lord." And there are only some people that Xavier would call so.

"Hello, my descendant." Mortem greeted him.

. . .

Sorry for that late chap, I had no WiFi yesterday so I couldn't release it, I only could release a chap for

The heir of cultivation system because I set a timer.

Well here it is and thank you for y'all reading my novel

Next chapter