

"Destroy everything but don't kill the humans I'll take care of them"

. . .

Xavier looked in the eyes of the elders and he could see "fear" pure fear all elders kneeled down while their whole main hall get destroyed they couldn't do anything, even if it was holy place for them, they couldn't move all of them began to tremble.

"I. . Is our new king a god ?" One of the elder asked.

"I guess" the sect master answered.

Rukas and the other sect masters just looked at this spectacular moment they couldn't believe their eyes and all of them knew that the empire became invincible when this boy became their king.

Meanwhile at Erion. . .

He woke up and looked around his demon guards were all glad that their young master woke up.

Erion was confused and asked "Sorry for making you all worried, what happened so far?"

One of the demons answered "Well young master our army is killing the humans till all of them are dead the fight is almost done".

Erion remembered and tried his mind connection with Aclevia and asked "Aclevia you're here ?".

A voice appeared in erions head and said "Yes, anything happened ?"

Erion smiled and said "Well first of all I am glad that you're here and second I have a question".

"Yes what's going on what do you want to ask ?" Aclevia answered.

"Well I got 3 books but I didn't receive them in the real world where they and what can I even do with them?" Erion asked.

"Well it's all in your mind it's all saved you just have to try to remember, you choose 3 books the first book was The demon sword Intrare in this books were all information about your demon sword, the second was Demon magic, and the third was "Creation of guardians" you can choose between 1 of them to learn one of them, after you mastered one of these books you can choose another one, if you mastered every of these books you can choose again between 3 books" Aclevia replied.

"That's good but how do I choose them ?" Erion asked.

"Well imagine 3 books and then you'll take one of these books and what ever book you choose it's the right one" Aclevia answered.

"Ok" Erion said and imagined 3 books he took the one in the middle and it was "Demon sword Intrare" he was kinda glad about that book.

"Well well well that looks great, you have to open the book or just imagine how you open it" Aclevia said.

Erion was shocked and asked "Can you see through my eyes ?".

Aclevia answered "Of course I can I am the first demon king".

Erion said "Wow that impressive".

Aclevia began to laugh and said "Idiot I just can see through you're eyes because we're connected, but never mind just open the book and learn something about our sword".

Erion was wondered but then he remembered "Oh yes it was also his sword", he opened the book and everything he should know began to flow into his mind.

He screamed "AHHHHHHHHH" it was such a pain that he thought he would die, the guards were worried and screamed out "WHAT HAPPENED YOUNG MASTER ?!" Erion got calm and said "N. . Nothing it's ok", the guards were scared and said "I. . If the young master say so".

Erion was shocked he not just got the skills of these sword he also got the whole story of this sword.

"This sword was created by the first demon king and the pure darkness and demon essence. It was the strongest sword of the demons. There were many Demon Kings, but no one could master the sword. It could only be worn by the rightful Demon King if this sword got to the heirs of the Demon Clan. should he say the words "Revonous Elogia" to unleash power", as Erion heard this he thought about these words.

"Aclevia do you think I am the rightful heir of the demon clan?" Erion asked with a sad tone.

"You're met me the one who created this sword and mastered it, none of these useless "demon kings" weren't able to unleash 100% of the power but you did it you met me in the secret library you're the only one after 100 generations so trust me if I say "yes" you're the rightful heir of my sword" Aclevia said proud.

Erion smiled and said "You're right!" and said "Revonous Elogia".

Aclevia screamed "NO!!!!! YOURE NOT READY FOR THIS POWER!!!!".

Erion was shocked but he already said these words he got to exited, the sword began to shine and a dark mist came out of the sword, the sky turned dark and Erion was covered from darkness he began to transform he grew over 1 meters, 6 wings appeared on his back his wings were black as the night and looked like the pure darkness his eyes turned black and his full body were extremely muscular his power easily grew from rank A to Legendary or even higher the whole aura of Erion became scary his killing intention was so strong that anyone could think he killed millions of people.

The guards were scared and said "Y. . Young lord ? Wha-" all of them were killed in a blink of an eye he killed all of them with no mercy he had no control over his mind or body anymore he just wanted to slaughter.

Meanwhile at the Azaroc empire. . .

Everything was destroyed by Xavier and his undead's and the elders as the sect master just watched how their holy place got destroyed, Xavier stopped and the elders, rukas and the sect master thought "W. . What happened", Xavier had a worried face and said "Rukas take care of them I'll comeback soon if anyone try to do anything kill them with no mercy I don't care who they are".

Rukas nodded and said "Y. . Yes my lord".

Xavier felt the power of Erion even it was weak Xavier senses were so sensible that he could feel that and he thought "If I can feel his magical power so far, anything happened to him".

"Indura" his dragon appeared and Xavier said with a worried tone "With full speed to Erion!", the dragon flew with full speed to Erion and Xavier just thought "Fuck!!! What just happened ?!".

Meanwhile at Erion. . .

He killed the whole army of Xavier, he was in such a rage that nobody could stop him, the only one who stood a chance against him was Xavier.

Erion killed everything what he saw it was pure destruction and slaughter.

Meanwhile at Xavier. . .

"Dammit I still need 40 minutes thats not fast enough, please Indura we need to get faster!" Indura let a scream out and got faster it was the double of his speed.

Xavier thought "20 minutes I hope that's enough".

After 20 minutes. . .

Xavier saw over hundreds of corpses lay on the ground he was wondered who was strong enough to annihilate his whole army but he didn't had anytime to think about it and then.


A fist landed on Xavier chest and he flew 100 meters "Dammit I wasn't fast enough!", he looked at the thing that attacked him but he didn't recognized that this thing was Erion.

Xavier activated his dragon wings and attacked Erion but he was way to fast he dodged his attack and punched Xavier but as he did Xavier activated "Lightning Coat" disappeared and appeared behind Erion "Lightning spear" he hit Erion with his spear and erion fell straight in the ground.

When Xavier flew down to check on the monster when he couldn't find the one he thought "What ?! Where ?! from the right ? or left? above? no below! " at exactly the same moment he was hit by a fist, the blow was so fast and strong that Xavier could not react he spat out blood and thought "damn it!".

Xavier was thrown into the sky by the blow and then again


Xavier was hit again and rammed all the way into the ground, but when the monster delivered another blow to Xavier, Xavier blocked that blow with one hand and said "Stop playing around".

The monster pulled a sword out of the ground and yelled "BROTHER HELP ME" when Xavier heard this he thought "E. . Erion? " he was shocked.

Xavier had no chance to think about it because within a second the monster attacked him he just dodged and said "Occidre serve me!" a large scythe appeared the aura of this scythe was even darker than that of the sword Xavier reached for the scythe and said with a smirk "Now the real fight begins".

. . .

Sorry for not dropping a chap yesterday I was really busy but here’s a chap I hope you guys like it :)!

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