
Vision Of Hell

" Okay. Here's the plan. Jean try and take down Magneto. We don't want him to try and sabotage us while we're trying to stop this from being a complete disaster." I said.

" Leave him to me." Jean nods and takes off towards Magneto.

I turned towards Kitty," Find Storm and bring her here. We might not be able to stop this. But, we may able to divert the ash and toxic gas from doing more damage. "

" She's still on her way to the X-mansion along with Kurt, but I'll bring her here as soon as I find her. " She said.

I gave her a nod." Be quick though, we don't have much time."

Kitty opened a portal and only me and Bobby were left behind." Iceman. Go help Emil take down that thing, and then rendezvous back with us when Storm arrives. "

"Uhm... which of them is Emil exactly?" He asked, as we watched the fire elemental launch spheres made of lava, while Emil shrugged them off, his regeneration easily keeping up with the intense heat.

" He's the lizard looking one. Just support him with your ice, so he can finish this fight faster." I said.

In response, Bobby ran off to their fight, and I could already feel the surrounding cooling off to a smoldering heat instead of the literal hell we were in a few minutes ago.

I then pulled out the telepathic ring I had used in the fight Thor, Loki and I had with Malakith, and closed my eyes for a second as I concentrated on finding the one I had left with Thor. The tracking spell locked on to his location. It seems he was on Earth. Good.

"Sophie contact Thor. I'm guessing he should be with Dr. Foster." I said.


" Hello? This is Dr. Jane Foster, who am I speaking to?" Jane's voice came over the communication device.

" Dr. Foster, this is Enigma. Can you please put Thor on the phone? I need to talk to him." I quickly said.

" Yeah, sure... Just a sec.. He wants to talk to you... well I don't know ask him.." I heard her muffled voice over the phone.

"Enigma, my friend! How are you on this fine evening! You should really come and visit. Jane and I are on this splendid Midgardian invention called a cursed ship, which is strange since I haven't noticed any curse so far..."

I cut him off. " Ah... Thor buddy, I don't mean to interrupt here, but I've got a bit of a situation here and could really use your help. "

" Of course, I shall leave right away and come to your aid. Wher..."

The words died in his mouth, when he saw me staring right at him through an opened portal."..are you? "

" Nice shirt.. " I raised an eyebrow as I examined Thor and Jane.

I took a moment to examine their surroundings and the dumbfounded looks being sent our way by the people standing a little way off.

" A cruise ship really? What are you guys 60? " I said, amused with the idea of the God of thunder going around on a cruise ship.

Jane getting her bearings. " Darcy won it in a competition. She had 2 extra seats, and invited us."

" Sounds like her. Look. I promise to return him within the hour. Ready big guy?" I said.

"Just give me a moment." Thor said, as he held out his hand. A few moments later, the sound of crashing and a hammer going through several walls sounded in the distance, Thor's hammer came flying in and right into his hand.

"Now, I'm ready." He said.

(Jean's POV)

I flew over towards where Magneto was floating in the air, his arms spread open with his eyes closed in concentration.

He was surrounded by some kind of invisible bubble of electro-magnetic force. He was also wearing that infernal helmet that had resistance to psionic attacks wired into it.

I was told, Magneto was one of the people who helped Charles build Cerebro. And, the helmet was wired with circuitry similar to that contained within Cerebro, which helped him ward off mental probes and attacks. When I was finally close enough, his face twitched as if sensing someone.

When at last a confrontation was inevitable, he frowned. "Jean Grey," he intoned evenly.

Finally, he opened his eyes. "I did not realize you had come."

My face tightened. "I didn't realise I had to be invited," I replied, and Magneto clenched his fists.

"You won't be able to stop me, my powers grow stronger every minute as my conviction does. Soon, we will have our rightful place."

"We both know he won't let you. Even now he is working to stop it. You won't get away with this... Erik stop this madness, killing everyone is not the answer. What you are doing will hurt us. If the world finds out you caused this, the backlash alone... they won't take it out on you, it will be on the heads of young meta-humans. You may as well be the one pulling the trigger. " I said.

Magneto glowered at me. "You know nothing girl. They've been killing us for years. And, the only way to stop it is to give them a warning. An understanding that we aren't as helpless as they might think. This is a call for rally. As soon as the world realizes we are here to stay, they won't be able to ignore us anymore. Whatever foolhardy notions you've toted with you today, I am telling you right now to forget them. My mind will not be changed... THEY WILL NEVER ACCEPT US... He bellowed out.

"Then you leave me no choice." I said, hoping what I was about to do would be worth it.

(Cypher's POV)

It almost felt surreal, seeing the ash fall, lava bombs the size of cars crashing down. The ash burying the sand under it, animals choking on toxic gas, burning their lungs to a crisp and then the worst yet, a wall of searing hot gas and rock, a pyroclastic flow. Petrifying any living thing in its path, a vision of hell. I hope that no one has to ever experience this.

A loud bird like screech echoed in the distance and drew my attention to the sky. It seems Jean has loosened her mental shields, and was using a larger portion of the Phoenix's power. I could even see it's visage, easily making out its distinct form.

I cursed in my mind, as I hoped Jean would be okay. Sophie told me that the volcanoic reaction stopped getting any worse which meant Magneto was sufficiently distracted, but for some reason I didn't feel any better.

" Are you sure this is our best course of action? I am not sure I ever attempted anything on this scale before." Storm suddenly said from beside me.

Kitty had arrived with Storm a little while ago, just as I was filling Thor on the situation.

Currently the four of us were busy going over the plan I came up with.

I turned back towards her, " I know. Just try your best that's all I can ask for."

" Do not worry lady Storm. You're more than strong enough. We have fought side by side before, and I haven't found you wanting in the least. " Thor said, trying to reassure her. At her hesitant nod, he gave her a beaming smile.

" I hope this works, otherwise we're screwed. " Kitty said.

I nodded in agreement, hoping the plan we came up with would be enough to divert most of the damage, or at least keep it from becoming a worst case scenario. I had already sent Emil and Bobby back to New York after they had destroyed that pseudo elemental creature, since they couldn't do much to help in this situation.

Emil excelled at punching things, and although Bobby had ice powers it was a far cry from the comic book version of Iceman in terms of raw power he still had a lot of growing to do and this wasn't the place nor time to do it.

The Super Volcano was practically minutes away from erupting, and even though we were miles away from the thing, none of us felt safe in the slightest. I had erected a semi-transparent energy shield around us, and it was already taking one hell of a beating from the projectiles exploding out of the volcano.

" So, are we all clear on what to do?" I asked.

" Yes. Thor and I will try and contain the ash and toxic gases and guide it to the portal you're opening." Storm said.

" I'll stay with you incase anything goes wrong." Kitty continued.

I nodded. " Remember if anything goes wrong, run away. We can always try later."

Kitty shot me a look," You should probably take your own advice. Jean tells me you have a tendency to do the opposite. "

" I can afford it to some degree. I can always recover given some time. But, I do admit, this last battle has left me spent." I said.

We both didn't mention the fact, that I still had some cuts that were still healing. The time Stone had made them somewhat better, but I was still pretty badly hurt. I reckon I must have regenerated enough body mass to last me a few lifetimes by the time my battle with Apocalypse was done. My regeneration was already stressed with having to channel the power of 3 Infinity Stones through my mortal body.

As resilient as my body was proving to be, I still had to fight an equally immortal super meta-human, with an infuriating amount of superpowers just a few minutes ago.

My thoughts were interrupted by a very massive explosion, and Kitty quickly grabbing on to the three of us, and using her powers to phase us. Just before a semi-truck sized piece of debris came hurtling towards us.

" Thanks. I don't think my shield could have took that on without breaking." I chuckled nervously.

Kitty eyed me carefully, " Are you sure you can handle channeling that much power to open the portal? You're talking about opening one a few kilometers wide. "

Another explosion sounded out, " I don't think we have another choice."

The next few hour saw us, trying to contain the ash and toxic gas being released.

Thor used his hammer to summon a storm, that I had no doubt would be recorded in history as once in a lifetime phenomenona. After all, storms as well as volcanoes didn't just spring up in the middle of the dessert.

While Thor was the one to summon the storm, Orroro used her powers to create wind funnels large enough to keep everything contained within a few miles radius. Even though she didn't have the raw power to summon a storm of this proportion she had far more control.

The denser cold air was pushed over the warm air, and the warm air rose through the colder air, causing an updraft. The updraft began to rotate sharply in speed. We all watched with bated breaths as a violently rotating column of air descended from the thunderstorm to the volcano itself.

Portended by a dark, greenish sky. Black storm clouds gathered. A funnel suddenly appeared, as though descending from the heavens, and as soon as it did it hit the ground and roared forward with a sound like that of a freight train. Tearing up everything in its path.

Meanwhile I was channeling enormous amounts of the space stone's energy to sustain a gigantic portal that lead to space. What would normally require Dr. Selvig a device to open a portal this large. I was doing through mystic means and through my own body. My healing factor was working overtime to keeping me from burning out, and collapsing.

" Just a little longer Doug, they're almost done." Kitty said.

" How much is left?" I said, through gritted teeth.

" Not much, the rest should harmlessly disperse, but I think someone is going to have to redraw some maps." She said, trying to inject a bit of humor into her voice.

I almost sighed in relief, when I heard a sharp intake and Kitty's panicked voice.

"Oh my God!"

My eyes quickly darted towards where Kitty was looking, only for all color to drain from my face. My eyes could hardly perceive what I was looking at and my thoughts ground to a halt as my mouth closed and opened in shock.

It seems I had once again underestimated the lengths that Magneto was willing to go to try and kill me. Because if I wasn't mistaken it seems like Magneto had just summoned a meteor through the portal. And, it was heading right towards us.

(Chapter End)


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