
Talk and "I want a VERY big family"

Kuro and Rika had one more round for desert before stopping. Lying on the bed relaxing while Rika was hugging him while sleeping.

He got up while being careful not to disturb Rika's sleep. Covering Rika with a blanket and wearing his clothes, he went down to wake up Shizuka and ask her for the keys. He was going to the grocery store and buy some things for dinner.

Shizuka still being half asleep subconsciously told him where the key was and went back to sleep.

Kuro on his bike went to the grocery and just bought some high-quality rice, nori, rice vinegar, avocado and sesame. They did not have the Wasabi he needed. He bought some utensils that Rika's kitchen did not have.

Kuro stored everything even his bike and teleports to the sea. Flying above the sea he asked sys to search for his targets. Since he plans on making sushi for the girls he might as well get fresh ingredients.

Asking sys to search for a place where they sell legit Wasabi, he made a clone to make the purchase.

Done with hunting and buying he teleports to his apartment to prepare the freshly caught sea dwellers with the clone to make it faster.





Already back at Rika's place in the kitchen waiting for the rice to finish cooking, he took out some beers and placed them in the refrigerator, he left one out of course. Used ice magic to make it ice cold, opened it and drank it in one go. Feeling satisfied he took one out again.

Kuro: 'sys put all the beers in the 1st inventory(stopped time) after making them ice cold'

When the rice is done he started to prepare it with rice vinegar. Placing everything needed he was about to wake the girls up but he saw the three of them watching him, well Rika was glaring at him.

Kuro: irashai~ please sit down and let me serve you three beautiful ladies.

Kuro started making them sushi, the girls had to feed him as he was busy making them. Rika's glare slowly disappeared when she started eating.





Done eating they sat comfortably in the living room while talking. Rika stared at Kuro wanting to talk to him, she asked

Rika: can we talk in private Kuro?

Kuro: Can we talk here? I do not plan on hiding it to them. *while eyeing Saeko and Shizuka*

Rika was stunned and blushed while looking down, gathering enough courage, in front of Shizuka and Saeko she asked

Rika: Fine! *while taking a deep breath* why did you cum inside me? I might get pregnant!

Kuro: because I want you to get pregnant!

The girls: Nani?!

Saeko was shocked looking at Rika and Kuro back and forth. Shizuka had a serious face and asked

Shizuka: you guys had sex?

Kuro: yes Shizuka, *taking a deep breath* But before you girls ask any more questions let me tell you my story first then after that you can ask anything and I will answer them with the best of my ability.

The three girls nods and the story telling starts.

Kuro: do you girls believe in reincarnation, past lives, other worlds, magic, monsters, gods etc.? No need to answer just listen for now. You see-

Kuro started to tell them about his past lives and some of his experiences.





Kuro: and now I am here from a different earth. A little bit more advanced with technology *shows his phone and earphones*.

Having a sad expression on his face, he continued

Kuro: all my life i have never been able to have a child. Some of my wives stayed with me even though they couldn't become a mother with me but most of them left me.

The girls could see the sad expression he had then turned to a sad smile feeling guilty and finally a very pained expression when he told them about his wives leaving him. Shizuka stood up and hugged him burying his face on her chest. He calmed down gave Shizuka a quick kiss, he smiled and said

Kuro: Thank you Shizuka.

Shizuka just smiled and sat beside him. Kuro took out a beer and drank it all in one go, Saeko and Rika were surprised at the sudden appearance of the beer.

Shizuka: Ahh~ I forgot to tell you Rika, Kuro is a magician~

Kuro: let me continue. *clears his throat* my inability to have a child is now solved I just need to get stronger and sync my soul, mind and body.

He told them what he heard from sys like how he can travel worlds and the condition. He showed them some magic, he even made ice sculptures of the three girls and stored them before they start melting.

Kuro: I want to have a VERY big family and I hope the three of you will be a part of it. I know it sounds and it is unfair for the three of you but if you do agree I promise to strive with the best of my abilities to make you happy for the rest of our lives. You can think about it, even if you reject me I won't blame you and I hope we can still be friends.

Bringing out a pack of cigarette he got from one of the yakuza boss he killed, He went outside to smoke. Shortly after Rika joined him, he gave her a stick and lit a fire on his finger.

Kuro and Rika went back inside and saw Shizuka holding a beer bottle and the beers Kuro placed in the refrigerator on the table. Rika immediately joined Shizuka and Kuro went to the kitchen to make some snacks that go well with beer.





While they are drinking, Saeko, who is just snacking reaching out for a beer. Nobody stopped her even though she is a minor.

The quiet drinking session continued. Saeko asked Rika if she could stay the night and of course Rika agreed.

Kuro: before I go home, the question you have you can ask them tomorrow morning, I will come back to pick up Saeko-chan. I will make breakfast so we can talk while eating or after.

Standing up he said "bye bye~" and teleport at his apartment. Sys informed him that the warehouse was full again and went there. Got nothing to do, he exercised until morning.


I can't decide for the other two. Saya and Yuriko(husband will have to die) or Rei and Saya(Takashi will find another girl in another world.) gonna re-watch hotd and decide after that.

Next chapter