
A Golden Sheen (3)

I collapsed on my knees, dropping the phone, and holding my head. A ringing sound deafened me as my heart skipped a beat.

My vision refused to return as my head spun. 

"Kai?" I heard Inspector John's distant voice calling my name. "Hey!" He shouted. "You two – find out what that was – someone get Veronica here!" He shouted to his colleagues. My vision slowly returned as his voice cut out. 

I grabbed the phone with trembling hands. "Inspector John?" I asked as my heard raced. What was that? I wasn't the only one to notice that was I?

"Kai!" Aoife's shout sounded. "Are you ok?" The door swung open as she barged inside. Seeing me on my knees, her eyes widened, and she ran up to me. 

"Did you lose your balance? Are you ok?" She asked, helping me up. I shook my head. The ringing wasn't as loud, it was slowly fading away.

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