
Shapes Beyond the Veil

Morning come, I left my room and joined the others, who were waiting for me at the hallway leading to the library.

"Morning." Lucius said with a bright smile. He seemed much happier and energetic than before. I was pleasantly surprised – at least someone had rested well.

"Hey." I said as I yawned. Because of the wyvern's effect and Asher's unexpected visit, I had only slept for a couple of hours. I glanced at the sorcerer as I bid them both good morning – he seemed just as tired as I was.

"Let's go." He said, clearly unhappy. Lucius nodded and led the way as I followed from a few meters back. Asher's words had cast a doubt on me – what if the primal core wasn't enough? Was I going to lose myself?

"Kai?" Lucius's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "Hey, are you ok?"

I forced a smile. "Just a little sleepy."

His smile faded, leaving its place to an almost angry expression. "You're not telling me everything."

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