
Chapter 107: Japanese Hero Billboard Charts

Entering the end of November, the second half of the Japanese Hero Billboard Charts was about to be presented.

The Japanese Hero Billboard Charts, or JHBC for short!

By factoring in one's number of resolved incidents, contributions to society, and public approval rate, every year, twice a year, they present a ranking of all active heroes!

Those who sit at the top have their names renowned!

These are the heroes who bring smiles and peace to the people!!

"It's the first billboard charts since Kamino! Who knows what big things are in store for us tonight!! We've received certain news that there would be someone unexpected up there tonight!" A female commentator excitedly said as she faced the camera screen, broadcasting her news all over the internet, "Up till now, we haven't had heroes take the stage for their rankings...but this time...!! Please watch!!"


"Number 10! He's dipped in rank! But as strong as ever!! The armored hero, Yoroi Musha!"

"Hmm...outside of the top three, these ranks are just about luck and timing." Musha grumbled, his eyes hidden in the helmet he was currently wearing.


"Number 9! From the famous 'So clean, so smooth' commercials...the laundry hero, Wash!"

"Washa Shasha Shasha Shasha!!!"


"Number 8! A great leap forward!! A man whose growth has no end in sight, a man with great expectations! Kamui Woods!!"

"It's an honor." Kamui waved his hands at the audience while his partner, Mt. Lady, was getting interviewed by the press.

"As someone on the same team, I can say that this certainly spices things up."

"Can you tell us about your relationship?! Is it romantic?" An interviewer shouted, and Mt. Lady replied with a neutral expression, "No comment."

After the interviewers were gone, Mt. Lady cried, "Wahh...why only him?!"


"Number 7! The man of the orthodox school drops by one rank. The shield hero, Crust!"

He didn't say much and let out a tear as he clenched his fist, "All Might..."


"Number 6! The bunny with an unyielding spirit ranks up! The rabbit hero, Mirko!"

She didn't comment on anything and instead turned to face the person beside her, "I heard you joined a team, you sissy!"


"Number 5! The mysterious ninja with the skyrocketing number of solved cases and approval rating...the ninja hero, Edgeshot!"

Wearing his trademark ninja attire and doing a ninja hand sign, Edgeshot replied back to Mirko, "Please be quiet. We're in public."


"Number 4! With the top overall approval rating, the Fiber Hero, Best Jeanist!"

Jeanist appeared in his trademark clothes, revealing only one of his eyes and not saying anything.


"Number 3! Going at his own pace, but still doing it fiercely! With great vigor, at number three...the Winged Hero, Hawks!!"

With his wings wrapped around him, he rubbed the back of his head nonchalantly and said, "So exaggerated..."


"Number 2! This may be the most surprising news that we may have heard today! A brand new hero who had just gotten his license just a month ago! The Music Hero, and possibly the cutest hero!" The commentator forgot her professionalism and leaked out a few of her thoughts, "Phantom!!"

Shido appeared in his bunny outfit and floated about twenty centimeters from the stage to match Best Jeanist in height. This meant that he floated slightly taller than Hawks, causing a look of dissatisfaction on Hawks' face.

Shido noticed it and smirked at him, causing him to grumble.

For the first time ever, Shido showed his face in public, revealing a child-like appearance and adorable features. His light indigo hair covered his left eye, and a bunny puppet was located on his left hand.

Shido did nothing but wave at the excited crowd who could finally see their idol's real face. Every time they talked to Shido when he rescued them, he was always in his mosaiced form, not allowing them to see at all.

However, starting from today, everybody would finally know how he looked like.

No one was surprised at his child's appearance since he had mentioned it before, but they even liked it very much.

After all, who would hate an eye-candy child who saved you from a villain?

After a long and thunderous applause, the stadium finally quietened down for the last person from the top 10.


"And finally! Today, the tentatively top-ranked hero makes it real. A man who has had a long road...to reach the top!! The Flame Fero, Endeavor!!"

Endeavor stepped into the spotlight in his hero attire, flames burning all around his body and emitting intense heat. Shido knew something must have happened to him because, unlike the usual, his face didn't have overflowing arrogance and egotism. He only had pride in his job of being the number one hero.

His eyes showed a different light than usual. It didn't contain the usual disdain he usually gave to civilians, but a seriousness that showed that his goal was not to be the number one hero in just rank, but truly like All Might, a symbol that would give hope and peace to others.

"Woah! What happened to you, Endeavor? I haven't seen you for a while, and you've already changed this much?!" Shido exclaimed in shock, with Yoshinon echoing his words.

Of course, Endeavor's mentality might have changed, but no one could change that fast.

"Shut it, brat." Endeavor growled in displeasure, though his tone was several times softer than the previous times he had said the same words to Shido.

"There's the Endeavor we all know but hate." Shido teased him as he floated up and down on the same spot, annoying the hell out of Endeavor.

"Shut it. And stop floating up and down. It's getting on my nerves."

"Aww..." Shido pouted as he manipulated the wind to bring the heat away from his face, but he stopped whatever he was doing and stood still like the other heroes on stage.

Soon, another spotlight appeared in front of the top ten heroes. A woman came on stage and stopped in front of the microphone.

"Who the hell's she?"

"She's the Hero Public Safety Commission's President." Endeavor didn't reply, so Hawks replied to Yoshinon's question instead. Hawk looked at the talking puppet for a second before turning his head away, his expression reverting back to his usual nonchalant expression.


As soon as his inquiry was answered, the woman started her speech.

"The reason why we prepared such an event this time around is that we have decided that we are at a turning point. It's been three months since All Might's retirement, and even now, the absence of our icon is still the subject of gossip. Standing before you today are the heroes who carry our dreams and hopes for the future on their shoulders. Together with them, let us all do our utmost to create a peaceful society."

"So what's it like, being number one?" Hawks whispered to Endeavor, who replied with a glare.

Hawks didn't mind and went on to ask another question to Shido instead.

"So how does it feel to climb to the top so fast? So fast that your record even surpasses mine by a large margin."

"Hm?" Shido looked at him with interest, "Are you jealous?"

"Not really."

"Let me tell you a secret then," Yoshinon said.

"I don't care about it."

Obviously, Yoshinon ignored his words and proceeded to explain how he reached his position within a month while the woman continued on with her long, boring speech.

"Well, I actually started five years ago, almost six now, and reached here in this time frame. About 95% of the time, I was actually classified as a 'vigilante' and was often chased down by other heroes..."

Yoshinon started whispering, and Shido gave his inputs once or twice. Their story finally ended just in time as the woman finished her speech as well.

"Without further ado, let's have our heroes share their comments one by one!"

"The things I must do have still not changed," Musha stated plainly.

"Wash!" Wash washed enthusiastically.

"Including Edgeshot, who graciously allowed me to join his team, my intention is to work hard to not disappoint all of my colleagues and mentors," Kamui said in his usual serious tone.

"Why wasn't I in Kamino that day?! AAAAARRRRRGHH!" Crust roared in frustration, "Those feelings of regret still weigh on my heart to this day!"

Rumi smiled brightly and announced, "To all of you punk out there scheming your evil plans, you better prepare yourself! Because I'm gonna send you flying!"

As the heroes declared one by one, Shido could see that Hawks was getting more irritated.

The person holding the microphone spoke as she moved on to Edgeshot, "If only your approval rating had been a tad higher, you would have gotten the number four seat...!"

To her statement, Edgeshot remained in his ninja pose and spoke neutrally, "I don't concern myself with numbers. Of course, I'm thankful for all of the support I've received that allowed me to achieve this result. But I'm not working as a hero for fame or glory. I simply wish to bring about peace. That is my true nature, I feel."

Hawks stood beside him and made a gesture like how he would remove a zipper from his mouth.

"Do you really think hearing that will make anyone happy?"

At his statement, the audience fell in silence immediately, and no one spoke except for Mirko, who grinned, "Well, aren't you cheeky? I like that!"

Edgeshot also spoke out loud, "As always, you just love rocking the boat, don't you?"

"I'm just not good at keeping everything bottled inside, is all." Snatching away the microphone from the woman, he spread out his wings and started flying, "Uhm...If we're simply talking in terms of approval ratings, Best Jeanist, who's gotten a huge boost in support thanks to his sacrifice in Kamino, would be number one, or close to it. Then, Phantom here, who had simply done his vigilante work for five years now, would be second, as much as I hate to admit it. Then I'd be third, and fourth would be Edgeshot. And Endeavor would be lower than fifth, etc. In my opinion, the approval rating is the most important statistic right now."

"Is now really the time to let ourselves be dragged down by things gone by? Are you sure the things we must do haven't changed? Our symbol is now gone. They're calling this day a 'turning point'! So, why is it that you people, who have produced fewer results than me, are giving all these tedious, safe answers? Please, say something a little more hero-like, would you?"

"Phew...show off as always, Hawks." A childish voice resounded from the same height as Hawks as Shido appeared and took the mic away from him.

"What Hawks said is correct, you know? I'm famous for my music, my infamous puppet, and my efficiency in saving all of you. I had officially become a hero just barely a month ago, but I've produced results that some other heroes might have never achieve in their lives.

I've broken records for being in the top three at the mere age of twelve years old, faster than Hawks, who took a year or two to produce the same results as me. I work in UA high school as an assistant teacher, yet I had made more results than others? How queer..."

Shido announced proudly. The contents of his speech were more arrogant than that of Hawks, but Hawks was smiling.

"How queer indeed...so do heroes still think that they 'don't have to change' or 'other heroes will solve it for us if we can't solve it ourselves'? How many heroes out there have just stood at the back? Just waiting for the top ten heroes to come to the rescue just because the villain is too strong? How many heroes have, because they didn't dare to move in, watched civilians die? How many heroes have started becoming a hero because of their ideals, which later turned into money and fame?"

Shido blasted his questions at the audience, but there was a pin-drop silence, and nobody replied.

"I'm not saying that it's wrong to wish for fame or money. But what do you think heroes are there for? To give people hope, isn't it? To give people reassurance, to say that people would be safe as long as they were there. You don't risk your life for another, and that's fair enough since many of you have families, friends, and loved ones. But did you ever think about the civilians? How you gave them false hope because you can't actually do anything?"


If you want to support me or/and want 14+ chapters in advance, link: https://www.patréon.com/spirits_everywhere. We are currently 11.25 months ahead (aka 45 chapters at chapter 152 going by 1 chapter per week release schedule)

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